Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

And to think I almost didn't select him. Firstly - Big P, how did you even know I selected him? I didn't think you could look over Free Agents until you got your system back?

Secondly; I truly feel like I hit the FA jackpot with Cribbs. While he is only a 61 ovr, hes a B potential!!! The only negative on that note is, hes a 5 yr pro (27 yrs old) and only marked at a 61 ovr.. which means I can't imagine he'll "grow" too much further.

I picked him up, because Shagg Makino was taken from me. :glare: I felt I needed a return guy, and ALMOST went for the alternative RB that has stats similar to Shagg, but a couple digits less in almost every category. (Devin Moore, I think his name was)

Since I was undecided on wanting to sign another RB that I felt would only be used for Kick & Punt returns, I figured I still needed help at WR and Cribbs has as good of carrying as Steve Smith does. (his catching is the lowest of my WRs though, at 74) So I signed him.
I have a really bad corner with 99 returning if you want him. I'll take your worst corner for him. I like havin' 4 corners.

I have a couple guys I want to look at as Kick Returners, but even if they don't work, I don't like using having a guy who is COMPLETELY useless at his natural position. Both Shagg Makino (70-something overall) and a rookie CB I drafted (60 overall) can at least hold their own at their position. Let me play a game or so, and see what these guys can do, and if they suck major balls, then maybe I could trade for one of your guys who don't suck (like DeAngelo Hall or Antwaan Randle El) on offense or defense.


And to think I almost didn't select him. Firstly - Big P, how did you even know I selected him? I didn't think you could look over Free Agents until you got your system back?

This is the online franchise site, and one of the things it has is the "League News," where all the transactions are listed. That's how I knew you got him. I can't actually look at who is available (or sign them), but I can see when someone is signed. Before I lost my system (before the draft) I looked at the FA list, and distinctly remember seeing Cribbs, wanting to get him).

Secondly; I truly feel like I hit the FA jackpot with Cribbs. While he is only a 61 ovr, hes a B potential!!! The only negative on that note is, hes a 5 yr pro (27 yrs old) and only marked at a 61 ovr.. which means I can't imagine he'll "grow" too much further.
You definitely hit the jackpot, but he probably won't become anything more then a 70ish Wideout. He is a 99 overall return-man though, and if you could settle with having a slower return-man (87 speed), then you're good. He is extremely good at making people miss (I know because I have him in my other 2 franchises).

I picked him up, because Shagg Makino was taken from me. :glare: I felt I needed a return guy, and ALMOST went for the alternative RB that has stats similar to Shagg, but a couple digits less in almost every category. (Devin Moore, I think his name was)
You should have gotten the RB, because I wanted Cribbs. :)

Since I was undecided on wanting to sign another RB that I felt would only be used for Kick & Punt returns, I figured I still needed help at WR and Cribbs has as good of carrying as Steve Smith does. (his catching is the lowest of my WRs though, at 74) So I signed him.
The catching and Route-Running is the main problem with Cribbs, which is why he is such a low-rated player. But he can be a very good offensive player. The best way to use Cribbs offensively is the Wildcat, as he is a very good runner, and a GREAT Wildcat thrower (73 power, 63 accuracy, 69 Throw-on-run). You may want to start throwing out of the Wildcat occasionally (especially since your QB is Jake Delhomme).
I won't be giving up one of my best corners, because their the corner stone of my defense. However, I hate Randel El and will galdy trade him for someone.
I won't be giving up one of my best corners, because their the corner stone of my defense. However, I hate Randel El and will galdy trade him for someone.

So your CORNERS are the CORNER stone of your defense?

Seriously, though, I'll let you know when I can play my game again. As I said, I may not need another Kick Returner if the guys I have don't suck at it. I may have to let my first opponents score, so I can get more returns. Would you be willing to give up Hall if you got another corner in return?

System update:
I got an email 2 hours ago saying that they just got my system (the website said they got it a week ago), so I'm starting to doubt that I will get my system by the time I go away for Christmas (Christmas day 2AM - Tuesday or Wednesday). This pisses me off to no end, so hopefully I am mistaken and I get it back before next Friday, but my luck it comes the day after I leave, and the UPS guy leaves it outside my door and it gets stolen.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, 24 hours have passed and since El Ratjar said he didn't feel he'd want anymore FA's that means..

'Now on the clock' are Marquis's New Orleans Saints.

You have until Tuesday, 7:30p.m. (central time) to make your selection.

El Ratjar still has ONE available FA selection that he can use, if he so desires to.
The best way to share the joy of the following Xbox System update it is by using Beethoven's 9th Symphony (Movement IV). people not interested in Classical music, you might know it better as this.....


It's a miracle! My X-Box is finally being shipped back to me!!!!!!!!!!!

the "Scheduled Delivery Date" is 12/17 and the status is ON TIME, so it looks like I will have my system back on Thursday!

So if all goes well, I will play my game on THURSDAY!!!
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, 24 hours (and then some) down and here we go again. The routine should be known by now.

LuvSongWrita's Jacksonville Jaguars are now 'On the Clock'. You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Wednesday late night/Thursday early morning) to make your selection.


With Big P likely getting his system back by the end of the week, (fingers crossed) that just leaves LuvSongWrita with being the only man not currently with access to his game. LSW's issue is less serious though, that being he just needs a Gold subscription renewal.

SO.. does anyone know of any possible codes that would give him access to a Gold account for a couple days - long enough, surely, for him to be able to play his game?? I ask this because I know several 360 games can sometimes come with a 48 hour subscription to Gold accounts. If anyone has any that they haven't for whatever used - can someone give LSW the 48 hour code, so he can play his game?? (assuming he hasn't yet gotten a new card yet, that is)

Otherwise, we're still waiting on LSW who said he may not have a card until the 27th of December.

Also IMPORTANT NOTICE: Once EVERYONE is back on fully - we will be switching to a 2-day deadline to get your games played against the cpu. If you have a human/human match-up, it is BOTH of your responsibilities to get a time/date set-up to get the game played. I will allow UP TO 5 days on human/human match-ups, but ONLY if I can get word on a set-up time within 2 days notice.

If ANYONE has a problem with this, I will need to know very soon - otherwise be lead to believe everyone is okay with having a typical 2 day deadline to play their games by. This will help us to not allow the league to become stagnant.
Well we can boot LSW for now and have him just make a new account and you get one free month of gold. He would probably need an activation code for online franchise so if he could find one of those he could do that.

I think as soon as P and LSW play we should advance as Ty and Destiny have had more than enough time to play their games
Well we can boot LSW for now and have him just make a new account and you get one free month of gold. He would probably need an activation code for online franchise so if he could find one of those he could do that.

I think as soon as P and LSW play we should advance as Ty and Destiny have had more than enough time to play their games

Why would we need to boot him? If we were all in such a mad rush to get the game in, then just sim the game. If we boot him and he makes a new account, he needs to buy the Online Franchise mode in order to rejoin the game (99% of people who have the online franchise code will use it themselves). I believe it costs 8 bucks for the online Franchise (or 800 points, not sure), which is the same as a 1 month gold subscription. As Will said, some games come with free Gold trials. Someone has to have one that they can give up.

The only one I found was a free 1 moth, but it was from GTA IV, and the expiration date is June of 09, so it's probably not good anymore (if you want to try the code and hope it works LSW, let me know). The earliest I am getting a new game will be Christmas (Modern Warfare 2 and/or NHL 10), and if it comes with a free trial.

I can't disagree about Ty and Marquis not playing their game, unless they have a valid reason for not playing it like LSW and I have.

All this being said, when the UPS guy comes on Thursday, I'm gonna rip the box from his hands, sign for it, and rip the box apart like a kid opening a present Christmas morning. Shit I missed my Xbox. As good as Nintendo Wii (and Super Mario Galaxy) is, I'm a Madden junkie, and need my fix.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

So, a bit more than 24 hours but it roughly still stands to on par.

Now 'On the Clock' are Big P's New York Jets.

Since Big P is hopeful to get his system back today, I'm going to continue to set the 24-hour clock on Midnight. So, Big P can make his selection anytime from now.

(I've just realized with so many people not even doing the FA, yet being able to make their original selections the 24 hour clock is almost completely useless - except for those who have made selections, so it doesn't allow them/us to cheat and take more FAs than others)

At any rate, if Big P is back and if LuvSongWrita can give us a possible update (or the okay to discontinue the FA lists) we'll go from here on opening up the FA availability to anyone wanting to sign unlimited players. Until then, if you've made all your selections you will still have to wait your turn. If you haven't made any selections, we have been through 2 full rounds of FA picks.

At 11:03, I got my X-Box back!

I'm about to go and play some Madden. I will probably play 1 game before doing the Franchise game, but will be done with my franchise game this afternoon.
I think as soon as P and LSW play we should advance as Ty and Destiny have had more than enough time to play their games

It's a little difficult when I've been swamped at work, get home, take care of my daughter, taking days off to go and shop and get ready for Christmas, come home and have enough time to grab something to eat and go to bed so I can work the next day.

Basically I've been busier than FUCK for Christmas so my SINCEREST apologies for not getting a simple game of Madden in when I'm running around with my head cut off when I'm not working.
It's a little difficult when I've been swamped at work, get home, take care of my daughter, taking days off to go and shop and get ready for Christmas, come home and have enough time to grab something to eat and go to bed so I can work the next day.

Basically I've been busier than FUCK for Christmas so my SINCEREST apologies for not getting a simple game of Madden in when I'm running around with my head cut off when I'm not working.

Ty, I think I speak for everyone when I say..

Madden > Family > Work > Everything else > Christmas.

Ty, I think I speak for everyone when I say..

Madden > Family > Work > Everything else > Christmas.


If I were to go by that it would lead to:

Girlfriend moving out>Daughter going with>Child Support>Can't afford house>kicked out of house>No internet>No Online Madden>Suicide.

Do you want that guilt on your conscious Will?
Way to get real, Ty...:(

Man, I'm pumped for the end of the year. I get to play Ty again and the last time I played him was quite possibly my favorite game of Madden ever. Shit came down to the last second.
Way to get real, Ty...:(

Man, I'm pumped for the end of the year. I get to play Ty again and the last time I played him was quite possibly my favorite game of Madden ever. Shit came down to the last second.

Haha sorry Brian, I've been exhausted all day today so my comical part of my brain is possibly on shut down until further rejuvenation (aka Alcohol) can be consumed and processed.

Anyway I'm looking forward to facing you again, that last game was a barn burner.

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