Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

The Secondary League will be made and I'll post the information on it (in this thread) as soon as its done.

Fantasy Draft is OUT of the question for two reasons.

1. We couldn't work out a way to get everyone online for the regular draft that would've taken 7 rounds. Fantasy drafts take like 53-55 rounds. No way it'd be possible for 8 of us to get on and do that at the same time.

2. I personally can't stand Fantasy drafts.. makes everything seem so unrealistic. Some teams are overhauled on Offense/Defense, yet crap on Defense/Offense. While others have 3 A+ players at one position they don't even need, just to try and screw others out of players in trade bait.

I'm mainly saying no to it, because it isn't realistic by way of all the teams being "original".

On that note, Brian - getting Aaron Rodgers in exchange for Jason Campbell and whoever else it was you traded - will be a no go. (Way too many people STILL won't get over that, so I'm not going to go through that whole shit process again. He stays in our original league we'll return to once INDYjon returns - but everyone will be made to make more realistic, not so one-sided, trades in the 2nd league) Same for Matt Forte to the Cardinals, Baller.

IF anyone wants to pick a new team for the 2nd league - be my guest. HOWEVER, everyone has first rights to their original team. (ie. If you want a new team, DO NOT pick someone else's team unless they don't want them over again, either.)
I'm going Panthers.. because I simply can't go anyway else. And, because I will PROVE to Marquis that 60+ ovr WRs can be deadly. :lmao:

Matt Moore looks to be a possible starter over Delhomme though. lol That could be interesting.

EDIT: I retract this statement. IF everyone wants to pick completely new teams, I'd consider finding an alternative team than Carolina. I don't want to, but if everyone else is going against the grain of their favorite team - then I'll take that as a "I should too" sort of thing.
I do it for a few reasons; 1: Titans are my second favorite team. 2. I always use the Skins, I just want to have new options. Also, Titans have a better overall offense then the Skins. Their D just needs a little bit of work.
I'm going Panthers.. because I simply can't go anyway else. And, because I will PROVE to Marquis that 60+ ovr WRs can be deadly. :lmao:

Matt Moore looks to be a possible starter over Delhomme though. lol That could be interesting.

EDIT: I retract this statement. IF everyone wants to pick completely new teams, I'd consider finding an alternative team than Carolina. I don't want to, but if everyone else is going against the grain of their favorite team - then I'll take that as a "I should too" sort of thing.

I think we all should change it up a little. I like the idea of everyone picking a different team. Also, I would suggest we try and keep the conferences even in terms of human teams. I think the NFC has more people then the AFC (at least it did last time I checked).

As for my team, I am going to be like Will, and stick with my Jets, unless we do the everyone needs to pick a new team thing. At least that's what I am gonna do right now, maybe I'll change my mind later.
OKay, I want to re-state something to make it a little bit more clear and less "All about me" sounding. For anyone who misunderstood me.

"I" said NO to the Fantasy Draft idea, for the reasons I posted above. My main reason against it is because I like the challenge of taking a team "as-is", good or bad, and running with them.

Fantasy teams to me are highly unrealistic because you pick up more or less "the best player available" or "the best player available, for the direction of your team".

If anyone else in this League likes the Fantasy Draft idea, I'm all for them starting a League up and I'll be more than happy to join it as well. However, that wasn't the idea I brought forward - because its not something "I" want to invest my time in running. But once again, anyone else in this League - who likes the idea, can start one and I'll join it.

(We can all join up to 5 leagues at once. If we have 2 WZ leagues, 1 Fantasy league, that leaves 2 additional leagues we could fill up else where.)

So, just so its clear.. I'm not against everyone going with the Fantasy option. I'm just against it in the League "I" brought up running myself.
MAJOR UPDATE: Okay, so it turns out we WILL NOT be starting an alternative Franchise.

I just tried setting up a Secondary Franchise, and noticed the Rosters DO NOT UPDATE! Which basically means, we'd be doing nothing more than starting all over again. There is no purpose or point to begin a new, alternative Franchise, unless we completely switch up which teams we use.

As a result, I'm going to re-ask the Question on if everyone just wants to continue with the League we have? INDYjon said he is fine with dropping out until his system gets fixed, as long as no one takes any Colts players. I also said I was fine with waiting on INDYjon - because we did for Big P, and its not INDY's fault what happened.

However, again, the rosters did NOT update to the newer stats/overall's when I made a new Franchise. So there doesn't seem to be any purpose on beginning a new Franchise - short of picking entirely different teams.

EDIT: I would be up for waiting on INDYjon, still, and simply starting an Alternative regular Franchise w/ completely different teams. (ie. Everyone select a new team)

How many others would be up for this? The roster Update will not be in effect, so the stats will continue to remain the same.
Technically, non-playoff teams can still be very powerful and deadly. Such as the New Orleans Saints, or the New England Patriots. I don't care who picks what team, per-say, so much as just changing your team in general.

Albeit, if you really wanted to be difficult with the whole situation.. as in picking a team thats absolutely terrible, then this falls into what Ty, Marquis & I have already done out of boredom once before.

Basically, the following teams were considered "crap/rebuilding" teams.

Browns, Bills, Chiefs, Raiders, Lions, Buccaneers, Redskins, Rams, Seahawks. Now, to be perfectly honest a couple other teams borderline the 'rebuilding/crap' category.. such as.. Bengals, Jaguars, Texans, Titans, Dolphins, and Bears.

But all in all, I wouldn't mind anyone picking any team - once again, as long as it'd be a team that you weren't already using.

I won't make the League until everyone decides on what exactly we want to do. (Pick any team, or pick a 'crappy' team - and define crappy)
I say we all take a shitty team in first group not the bengals group, as it will be more fun, and if we do I am selecting the Seattle Seahawks
I'm in the process of Creating a new League. I don't care who you select. It can be a crappy team, an entirely different team, or the same exact team you were already using. The Rosters won't be any different though - so keep that in mind.

I'll post the details within the next couple of minutes on the new League we'll use until INDY gets his system fixed. Also, I'm picking a new team - incase anyone was curious on my decision. I'm just not 100% on who, just yet.
Why was Mr. Baller kicked out?! He did not deserve this!!! I am suing for his immediate reinstatement!


Bob Loblaw

Mr. Baller's Attorney

Baller is free to return, so long as he can uphold the dedication and schedule of the League. He was booted due to being unable to play his scheduled games. (he missed multiple games, in which they had to be simmed)
Dear sir,

We have incontrovertible proof that Mr. Baller in fact never simulated. We will also be suing for the Panthers franchise and for an admission on your part that you, in fact, did not beat Mr. Marquis.


Bob Loblaw

Mr. Baller's Attorney
Dear sir,

We have incontrovertible proof that Mr. Baller in fact never simulated. We will also be suing for the Panthers franchise and for an admission on your part that you, in fact, did not beat Mr. Marquis.


Bob Loblaw

Mr. Baller's Attorney

Good Sir,

I do indeed have irrefutable proof that Mr. Baller did indeed simulate not one, but two of his cpu games. On top of neglecting to show up for a Human game against one Mr. Marquis.

Let the score of the previous Panthers/Saints game also show for the record, I didn't just beat Mr. Marquis by a small score, it was indeed 31-14.


Mr. Reality Truth
LuvSongWrita has opted to wait on INDYjon, so unless he joins at a later time he isn't joining immediately. Ty has said he'll either join by tomorrow, or hold off and join when he has some free time.

That leaves Simpsons_fanatic to decide if he's still going to join or pass. We have 6 guys signed up already. (Marquis, Big P, Baller, Brian, Moon Knight, and Myself) If it remains with the 6 of us.. 2 of you are in the same division, and 4 of you are in the AFC. :lmao:

I'll likely advance to Week 2, tomorrow, when I get home from work and get my game played. (It'll be around 2p.m. or so)
Will I need an extension on that, as I wasn't sure we were suppose to play until everybody joined. I am taking my driving test at 4 pm my time, and am in school until then. If you can extend it till midnight my time I can get it in.
Dammit Baller, its Week one of the new Franchise and you're already missing another fucking game!

haha See what I did there, you were likely shitting yourself, weren't you.

Alright. New Deadline is tonight by Midnight.
This is gonna sound dumb but can I get a walkthrough of what this is, how it's done, and if it's to late to join if I'm interested.
This is gonna sound dumb but can I get a walkthrough of what this is, how it's done, and if it's to late to join if I'm interested.

It's quite simple. Online Franchise mode in Madden NFL 10 is a simplified version of the offline Franchise mode. A Commissioner creates a team, sets basic parameters (such as quarter length, etc), and users join in the league. The user controls 1 team, plays the game, makes trades and Free Agent Signings, and drafts rookies in the Offseason.

In order to do this Online Franchise, you need Madden NFL 10 (for X-Box 360), and X-Box Live.

The WZ Online Franchise has 9 (or 10) user teams right now. I doubt it is too late, because a new member joined just a few weeks ago.
Is there a list of teams that been chosen? I would like the Jags if they haven't been chosen.

Team's Taken:

1. Carolina Panthers (TheOneBigWill)
2. Minnesota Vikings (Ty Burna)
3. Jacksonville Jaguars (The Love Song Writer)
4. Dallas Cowboys (Simpsons_fanatic742)
5. Washington Redskins (Minor League Brian)
6. New Orleans Saints (Marquis)
7. Arizona Cardinals (Mr. Baller)
8. New England Patriots (Moon Knight)
9. New York Jets (Stormtrooper85)
10. Indianapolis Colts (INDYjon22)

Jags are taken. But we do need another AFC team (it's currently 6-4 in favor of the NFC).

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