X-Pac Back?

well as stated on a post on the website x-pac is still under contract with another wrestling promotion...so until his contract is up its not a possibility we'll c him on wwe..this leaves me with the question what are they planning to do with this d-x situation...
Just read the front page about xpac/wwe.

I think it would be the best thing now to end dx especially if xpac is unavailible to try to salvage something out of this horseshit they pass off as dx.Shawn had his moment last week and now rated rko is gonna get their revenge and 'injure' him and he ll get his time off.Or Ric Flair and Hacksaw Jim Duggan are gonna be the new dx members... i could see vince doing that with his thinking lately.
Ric Flair and Jim Duggan in DX that would make me sick to my stomach. And I guess one of the main reasons I'm so opposed to X-Pac is that I think it would be stupid to have two small guys in DX like that. I was really pumped last week because I thought there was a chance it could be Scott Hall (as long as he has slimmed down, of course).

Or better yet why do we even need a new member to DX why can't HBK keep DX alive by himself and just form an alliance with Austin for the time being? We all know Triple H is just going to attack HBK when he returns anyway so there is no sense throwing in another member right now, where would he go with Triple H returns?
Hbk didnt want to do the dx thing in the first place.Besides dx has sucked this time around.Too toned down compared to the original and ripping off too much from the 2nd incarnation.

I don't see hhh turning on hbk . i ve read they both want to stay faces until they retire.
hhh isnt going to turn on shawn when he returns..they both plan on staying face for the rest of their careers and its going to be kept that way because of who they are and the positions they are in.....i dont kno what they are planning to do with the dx angle its better not to anticipate and just see how they roll the ball
It's confirmed that Xpac is still under contract and there won't be plans for him returning to the WWE and DX.
Ric Flair and Jim Duggan in DX that would make me sick to my stomach. And I guess one of the main reasons I'm so opposed to X-Pac is that I think it would be stupid to have two small guys in DX like that. I was really pumped last week because I thought there was a chance it could be Scott Hall (as long as he has slimmed down, of course).

Or better yet why do we even need a new member to DX why can't HBK keep DX alive by himself and just form an alliance with Austin for the time being? We all know Triple H is just going to attack HBK when he returns anyway so there is no sense throwing in another member right now, where would he go with Triple H returns?

I'm thinking Austin will be apart of this Rated RKO/DX feud. Austin doesn't have much hatred for HBK as he does for The Game, thus probably helping HBK. It was rumored somewhere(i forgot what site), it was planned that Triple H was to be a main event at WM23 for the title, but his injuries changed these plans. WWE stated that former superstars will be brought in to build excitement while Triple H is out and a build up til WM. Stone Cold is one of them and he is making his return shortly. They said that they are putting him in sometype of regular storyline, and what better than the DX feud now. Two out of many best superstars feuding with Rated RKO. It will be a very interesting and a sight definately worth seeing.
It's confirmed that Xpac is still under contract and there won't be plans for him returning to the WWE and DX.

good job stating the obvious we can all read ya know... lol just messing around dotn tke it as an insult..

but yea unfortunatly now ive come to see that he is still undercontract with that other wretling garbage but u kno wat
if vince keeps dx around when that conttract expires im sure x will rejoin d-x... ur friggen nuts to say h wil atk shawn
whose ass did u pull this out of? maybe working for what ever he is working wit will help the stupid x-heat... one things for sure... hes one of the tops in my book
It's horribly depressing that he's still in that MTV Promotion. WWE could still buy out the contract, but it sounds doubtful now. Sounds like DX is dying.
im thinking wwe payed wretlezone to say that so people dont see it coming hes probly coming back in the hbk vs edge street fight
im thinking wwe payed wretlezone to say that so people dont see it coming hes probly coming back in the hbk vs edge street fight

omg is this kid serious? what are you smoking and why havent i got a hit yet?

why would wwe do something like that? Wrestlezone isn't the first to hear about news ,rumors etc.. most of their postings are taken from someplace else.

I dont really think the wwe cares if anything gets leaked. i believe the iwc is just a small percentage of their overall audience.

Seems all of you wanting xpac back are getting very delusional.
X-Pac is not coming back simple as that. He has a contract with WSX and he is looking forward to working with this promotion. Last night HBK mentioned he wanted another shot at the WWE title in his career and he will probably get it if he wins the Rumble. DX is dying week by week since HHH got injured. In a month we will be hearing HBK's "Sexy Boy" theme music instead of the DX theme music IMO.
He seems like he wants to go back to the WWE, but the question is: Is he even worth it? The DX thing looks dead and buried with Michaels not really mentioning DX in his promo at all. I don't see how X-Pac could cut it as a singles competitor, although he would be a good light-heavyweight wrestler. From what I have heard, he is not in the best physical state of his career, and his contract will hold tight with MTV so I don't think we will see him too soon. It is a good thing from my perspective because I don't think there is much of a demand to see him.

At least if he comes back eventually, he will not be in DX as it most likely would have completely died before he can compete in the WWE. Seriously people, come on. You cannot tell me that X-Pac would be just as good or even just a little bit worse than HHH was during his run with DX for the past 6 months or so? HHH had better enthusiasm than Michaels, and looked more committed to the gimmick, so I really can't see how adding X-Pac wouldn't make it worse.
im thinking wwe payed wretlezone to say that so people dont see it coming hes probly coming back in the hbk vs edge street fight

You stupid naive moron idiot deep penetration x dies not lives wrestlezone payed people to shut up Xfag?! XFAG IS IN WRESTLE SOCIETY Xwith MTV he is not going anywhere and only you would care to suck his pecker!
DX is Dead so all the idiots including Curtis HA HA HA HA HA how do you like that when youtalking shit about Edge and Orton Rated KO beat HBGAY
Its OVER !!!
X-Pac is not coming back simple as that. He has a contract with WSX and he is looking forward to working with this promotion. Last night HBK mentioned he wanted another shot at the WWE title in his career and he will probably get it if he wins the Rumble. DX is dying week by week since HHH got injured. In a month we will be hearing HBK's "Sexy Boy" theme music instead of the DX theme music IMO.

Hallellujah someone that agrees with Justinightmare and try explaining that to DX lives and Curtis these 2 morons who love Deep Penetration X (DX)
DPX is dead! XPac is not coming to WWE he may head to TNA later on when Scott Hall returns and thats it !
Orton will win the rumble or Khali!!
DX IS ALREADY DEAD but all the gay fans here want deep penetration x back lol I am glad they are dead!! iTs over Rated KO wiin again!!
You stupid naive moron idiot deep penetration x dies not lives wrestlezone payed people to shut up Xfag?! XFAG IS IN WRESTLE SOCIETY Xwith MTV he is not going anywhere and only you would care to suck his pecker!
DX is Dead so all the idiots including Curtis HA HA HA HA HA how do you like that when youtalking shit about Edge and Orton Rated KO beat HBGAY
Its OVER !!!

Fuck you, your saying Edge and Orton beat HBK, well what did he do last week and this week, you stupid peice of shit. BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dx isnt dead...its just on a setback...dx made to much cash for the wwe..so as soon as hhh comes back they r still gonna represent d-x because if it sells merchandise it will stay....of course they would put it on hold right now because it is only logical...but it isnt dead
With DX's current situation of having HHH taken out, it'll be shelved, I believe. If not, then it should be. Right now, Raw is trying to undo months of character damage done to Michaels' starpower being the obvious second fiddle to Hunter in the group and are basically trying to save his potential title encounter for Wrestlemania by having him get his "competitive fire" back. He's likely to win the Rumble and it'll be interesting to see what happens with regards to Wrestlemania now that they're out of options, basically. I feel they need to have someone from Smackdown win the thing if Michaels doesn't. The deal is that they don't have any major league faces in line for a title push as three babyfaces hold the World Belts. Either they drop one of the belts on Sunday and that brand's champion will be a heel come Wrestlemania, or they'll try to orchestrate a character switch before WM where the two involved will change roles. Usually, though, WM is headlined by a face beating a heel for a world title, so it'll be interesting to see them get out of these corners they've painted themself into. X-Pac is doubtful, though, so I don't look for him to show up anytime soon on Raw.
k u **** that saying dx is dead wtf is ur problem go get a bj from ur mom cause thats all ur ever gonna get
That was the most unnecessary post I've seen. I don't think DX is dead, not yet. I DO think that they should break it up though. DX is just holding HBK and HHH back from the title. HBK could feud for the WWE Title, as could HHH when he returns, if DX is gone. Rated RKO should break up too, so they'll have more title contenders.
^ I would like to see Rated RKO as singles, because right now, the tag titles are being wasted on them when they could be building up the young teams that are waiting for their oppurtunity. They could really capitalise on the recent revitalisation in the Raw Tag Division by making the titles credible for the division again, not just stuck on two people who are yet to seriously defend them against legitimate contenders. The World Title contenders have been shortened with DX and now Rated RKO. These four guys should really be more involved in the World Title picture, not Umaga and Cena.

DX cannot be carried with just Shawn Michaels for 6 months, and now that X-Pac is definitely not going to appear back, what chance do you think it has of continuing. Shawn deserves time off as much as he deserves a title run, and I think the WWE may focus on that during HHH's rehabilitation. To add more people to DX to keep it alive would be worse than adding someone who was never as good as the person he would replace. It was never as good as the original when it was brought back, and it would be a shame if they ruined it like this. This definitely held HHH and Shawn Michaels from reaching the top of the company instead of a guy who would pass for a beginner indy wrestler. I expect the WWE to just slowly let it die, and sooner or later it will be completely gone. DX will never be taken seriously with just 1 man, so the logic in thinking otherwise is beyond me.

All DX has done is tarnish a reputation, and ruining the credibility of other wrestlers while just furthering their already huge popularity. They need more contenders for the WWE title, and they had two guys who would be suited to feuding with Cena or eachother for the title. Rated RKO is ruining the tag division as well, and I would like to see the belts on someone like Cryme Tyme or another young team so that the division is competitive. These two are also heels that could have been well used against Cena.
k u **** that saying dx is dead wtf is ur problem go get a bj from ur mom cause thats all ur ever gonna get
Look, I'm sure that this kind of insult carries a lot of weight in the elementary school you attend, but you're really going to have to up your "A" game if you want to hurt anyone's feelings around here. As for DX being dead? Yes. It has been dead since the first part of this decade and this rejuvenated attempt was a complete goat-blow that sabotaged the tag team ranks, as well as the WWE championship card which was in dire need of help from two credible singles wrestlers like HHH and HBK. Instead we had a year of Cena in a boatload of vomit-inducing encounters that weren't even fit for WCW Thunder and a tag team division that was useless because RKO was holding the belts instead of doing what they should've been doing (along with DX) and wrestling in singles' angles.
Look, I'm sure that this kind of insult carries a lot of weight in the elementary school you attend, but you're really going to have to up your "A" game if you want to hurt anyone's feelings around here. As for DX being dead? Yes. It has been dead since the first part of this decade and this rejuvenated attempt was a complete goat-blow that sabotaged the tag team ranks, as well as the WWE championship card which was in dire need of help from two credible singles wrestlers like HHH and HBK. Instead we had a year of Cena in a boatload of vomit-inducing encounters that weren't even fit for WCW Thunder and a tag team division that was useless because RKO was holding the belts instead of doing what they should've been doing (along with DX) and wrestling in singles' angles.

looser.. ur just replying with more insults... if u were a man wit balls ud ignore it.. as for the speaking proper crap i see right through it... "Yes, it has been...

another rumor

Sean is rumored to be heading back to WWE sometime this year...rumored

idiots... deep penetration x wtf... tna doenst pay enough... there can still be a d-x if they go after the titles... theres still the hardys.. and jeff intercontinental...

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