X-pac Returning?

DxFreak said:
Hey ******, ever heard of fakes?
You know, they are posters people create, and they are fake.
Dude, don't flame the guy.

Anyway, I think X-Pac will return. Him and HHH have made up and he is needed for DX to be successful. DX with just HBK and HHH is getting stale. X-pac can put some spice back in just like he did when he first joined.
Why would anyone want Xpac to come back? I can't stand the greasy little prick! He's not that good of a wrestler. I have heard rumors that Nash is coming to Unforgiven and him and the Big Show are going to turn on the MacMahons, I don't how true it is. Nash can't wrestle anymore. And who knows where Hall is, and, who cares! They need to leave the NWO in the past where they belong! :headbanger:
Wow i did not hear bout Nash coming back, i havent heard that rumor. but how would that work, isnt Nash under contact with TNA
yeah i herd that bout nash too and i no that hall started to get back in shape again and is training a wrestler with a wierd name in puerto rico
I doubt that X-Pac would return, i wouldn't doubt it though. I just don't see it happening for some reason.
I dont see X-Pax comming back. He does better everywhere else he goes. He's not young even though he looks like a kid. Nash and Hall are old too (i kno flair, foley, hogan, and funk have aged too) I just don't think it's a good idea. the politics in the back would be horrible. Nash, Hall, X-Pac, HHH, HBK in the locker room at the same time is a nightmare for anybody else in the back. We don't need them in the WWE. Lets build this young cats, like Harry Smith and start pushing them.
Why does everyone talk about this Harry Smith kid....

But to X-Pac.... I wouldnt mind if he came back.... But if he did... I dont know what he would do after the DX/NWO angle.... Thats why I dont see him coming back... I wish they would stop bringen these old guys in...
agree ^^ stop bringing back all teh old guys, i cant see him coming back anytime soon or ever
X-pac could also bring back the crusierweight divison after the DX angle, we need more Cruiserweight, and why not X-pac who was the last person to hold the light heavyweigh title, and the first person to hold the LightHeavyweight title and crusierweight title

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