Why does everyone hate on Pac??

I'm not really quite sure why there's so much hate directed at Waltman. I mean, just because he's about a decade past his prime. And he was tremendously over-rated even when at his prime.

He's about 150 lbs soaking wet, with a very limited move set in the ring. I hate that bronco buster thing he does/did. He has zero mic skills, in fact I find him one of the most annoying guys on the mic in the history of professional wrestling. Screaming all of the time, while saying nothing.

Has been given chance after chance after chance, and continually screws it up. He would have been nothing in the WWF/WWE if he weren't part of the clique. He wouldn't have been anything in WCW only for Hogan, and he wouldn't even be in TNA now if it weren't for Hogan. Long history of drug and alcohol problems, plus his history with Chyna.

Personally I think he's an asshole and I always have. Hated him in his prime, and he has no business being anywhere near a position of relevance at this stage of his career. While his air time continues to take away from the young and exciting new talent that Bischoff and Hogan keep talking about, but I'm still waiting to see.

At least Scott Hall was once good, relevant, and interesting. Pac never was.

Not too hard to understand why people feel the way they do about Waltman. Some guys are just easy to hate.

Pac/Hall are interesting and good for TNA look at all the replies people have done just to find out why people hate him..lol Oh yeah I agree I am still waiting for those young interesting talents also because its not Morgan,Hernandez,Amazing Red,generation Me,Daniels, so who is it in TNA..lol The Nasty Boys are more intersting than most of the young guys.

All of them just put me to sleep on the mic. Thank god Aj got Flair.
Maybe cause he looks stoned all the time? Or it could be the dickish beard. Not a fan of that. Or possibly the bandana.

Actually, I don't mind Pac at all. He's quite charismatic, at least as charismatic as you can be when Hogan is beating the shit out of you. He didn't look horrible in the ring during his match at Genesis, and I reckon he could still be of use to the company in some capacity.

Sadly though, he'll likely be gone after the current storyline runs out, which is really a shame.
I think its his past and his shit work ethic. It could also be as what GD pointed out, how shitty he looks. He does looks pretty bad a lot of the time. Not physically but just rough.

Personally I don't find him that bad. He doesn't really annoy me and we don't see much of him. He looked pretty good in the tag match at Genesis and could be pretty useful as some sort of jobber. I probably would hate him though if he got pushed to any sort of degree.

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