X-Pac Back?

where u gettin these rumors from? they already posted it on wrestlezone.com that he cant go to the wwe because he is still with WSX. X-pac did say that if he didnt have a contract with them then he would definitely consider goin to the wwe, but as of right now he cant
looser.. ur just replying with more insults... if u were a man wit balls ud ignore it.. as for the speaking proper crap i see right through it... "Yes, it has been...

another rumor

Sean is rumored to be heading back to WWE sometime this year...rumored

idiots... deep penetration x wtf... tna doenst pay enough... there can still be a d-x if they go after the titles... theres still the hardys.. and jeff intercontinental...
Did you see me slinging homophogic obscenities at him? No, I didn't, so take a walk. DX-Lite stunk. Sorry if that irritates some of you faithfuls, but it only crippled a stumbling program on Monday nights. What is the rest of your rambling supposed to mean? 6-Pac is signed to WSX. Deal with it. DX is over. Has been since the early part of this decade. The "DX" you thought you saw this last summer was nothing more than a slapstick routine that was designed to sell more T-shirts and drum up a feeling of nostalgia because the rest of the program didn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground. It's simply a case of WWE feeding fans $hit for so long, that when they finally get to eat dirt, it seems like a wonderful cheeseburger.
It seems after reading an interview with Kip James that he is not so keen to stay in TNA. It is very unlikely that the WWE will ever hire him, unless they do it to spite TNA, but if he ever does leave TNA for the WWE, I think that they could do a reformation of DX that would work a little better than just X-Pac would. I would imagine that BG James would leave if Kip did, so reforming them with Kip, BG and X-Pac is always a possibility. It would never be as good as it was if they had something like this, but it would be better than what we have been getting lately.

I think this has little to no possibility of happening after what they said about the WWE and DX, but you never know. I know that it would do better than it would with just X-Pac though.
Dedicated or not, all of the WSX show have already been taped. And they are not tapeing anymore shows. these shows were all taped in the fall of last year.
Dedicated or not he's still signed to a contract with WSX. Not sure when his contract expires, but it's probably not till after Wrestlemania. As for Billy Gunn, Vince & HHH were going to hire him for the 'new' DX last year, but found out what he said about them and scrapped the plans. Don't expect Billy to ever return to WWE, specially if HHH has a pull.
I dont see him coming back anytime too soon. He is under a short term contrack with WSX so maybe after that is over. and he would probably have to quit smoking weed to come back to WWE. Plus no telling what other drugs he does. But id like to see X Pac Back.
I know they were taped, so perhaps maybe he could just come back to the WWE. However, the question begs would it be as a part of DX? Or perhaps just as a singles competitior. Not sure how is weight is going, but does cruiserweight division sound near realistic?
With the supposed 'official' cancellation of WSX, I think that talk of him returning to the WWE will heat up now. As for the Cruiserweight talk, I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE told him to lose some weight and shape up, and then stick him in the CW division.

Shawn Michaels is foolishly carrying on using the DX elements, and I don't think that X-Pac would be put in with him because the spotlight is now well and truly on Shawn Michaels and the WWE title, not D-Generation X. I hope this DX can be well and truly buried, and that the WWE doesn't throw X-Pac in, in some half-assed attempt to revive it.

Him heading to the WWE is possible, or even probable now if WSX is done, but it will be interesting to see how much, if at all, the WWE wants him.
i read on 5 sites that " X-Pac Headed Back To WWE (WSX Contract Cancelled) - D-X REFORMATION w/ HBK & Triple H **HIGHLY LIKELY** According To Sources''
DX is dead. If Waltman were to return, it should be to feud with Michaels or to have him help out the CW division (which sucks galactic ass at present). They need X-Pac for his wrestling, not for his DX affiliation.
Yes, but with WSX downfall, this may open the doors for WWE to take the contrack. Its pretty much over for WSX. MTV plans on haveing the season finaly soon with the "exploding cage match". Sounds crappy. But anyway, X looked good and reminded me of the old x-pac. As well as Vampiro, all though he gained a bit of wait but still a sound wrestler.
I personally think WSX should sell all contracts to TNA. WWE is boring and every thing about it is old. When have you ever watched a WWE show and not known what was going to happen next?
I personally think WSX should sell all contracts to TNA. WWE is boring and every thing about it is old. When have you ever watched a WWE show and not known what was going to happen next?

i personally think it is a possibility for xpac to return more now then ever because of what has happened to wsx....if wwe wants they could buy all those contracts...yea its boring which is why it has a huge fanbase and has good ratings and is still making tons of cash for vince..def sounds like it is boring...id perfer that then seeing a title tossed around week after week..
I personally think WSX should sell all contracts to TNA. WWE is boring and every thing about it is old. When have you ever watched a WWE show and not known what was going to happen next?

It's because you read the internet. If you don't like the programming cause it's too predictable, stop reading spoilers on the internet :). Like Austin's appearance on Raw would have been a huge surprise if nobody knew beforehand, and making Eric Bischoff and Mick Foley come out brought a lot of suspense ;).
ok.. i can not beleive this tiopic is still here its been like months... anyways...
wsx really sucks... its going down the drain... i'd rather do homework and thats weird cuz i rather wtch wrestling then anything in the world... i definatly think wsx is gunna stop... plus what is hbk gunna do after the feud wit cena...
ok.. i can not beleive this tiopic is still here its been like months... anyways...
wsx really sucks... its going down the drain... i'd rather do homework and thats weird cuz i rather wtch wrestling then anything in the world... i definatly think wsx is gunna stop... plus what is hbk gunna do after the feud wit cena...

um... maybe he will move on to a feud with someone else? anyways i think bringing x-pac back isn't a great idea. If you even watched him wrestle he wasn't all that great, he's old and hasn't done much since leaving WWE. And another note... who ever posted that TNA is better is a fucking ******! TNA doesn't make anywhere near as much as WWE per show, it doesn't have as many fans, it doesn't have as many superstars, it doesn't have as high of quality matches or storylines! look at the roster anyways, most of their top guys are old WWE wrestlers...
X-Pac was backstage last night at the Impact Tapings, so he is obviously looking for work outside of the WWE. I don't think TNA will pick him up again though, although him with the James Brothers could be an interesting idea and one that might keep them from defecting to the WWE. I don't think he is in prime physical shape but I guess TNA could see something in him. Waltman is obviously ready and looking for a new promotion, so I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't already approached the WWE asking for a job. I am sure we will hear more on this as it develops, but I don't think we will see a huge battle for his signature. I believe that money-wise, he would be definitely going to the WWE, but that is even if the WWE bother to make a reasonable offer for him. TNA probably would outbid the WWE if it came to that because they would probably want him more, but I suppose it's nothing really that Sean was backstage at TNA although it's an interesting development.
It seems like every once every two or three monthes that there is a huge rumor that Pac is coming back and the results are what you would expect out of a rumor... Another thing is that WWE would be somewhat better if people didn't read the spoilers... I mean hell the Stone Cold thing would have been a complete surprise because it would have only been a "rumour"... Im not saying you shouldnt read them cause hell I know I do weekly... But how much can you expect if you read the spoilers???
I think it is just that we crave for spoilers because and we want to know all the inside stuff that's going on to expand our wrestling knowledge. I will admit that before I went onto wrestling sites a few months ago, I barely knew any spoilers and so the programming was a lot better, But it really opened my eyes to other facets of wrestling which I think has made me a smarter fan. Yeah we do ruin it sometimes, but I don't think this X-Pac stuff is really just rumours because I think they are more like developments in his saga. I'm just interested in where he goes and obviously a lot more people are, so developments like him backstage at TNA is interesting enough news. I don't think anything has been ruined yet, and I think that hearing these rumours entices us more into the saga, because we just need to know this stuff. I don't think spoilers really ruin anything that much because if we are prepared for it, we can look forward to it. Yeah a surprise is better, but knowing this stuff keeps you informed, and if X-Pac is coming to a promotion and has signed with anyone, you can be assured that people will want to know everything about it, that's just how it is with smarks.

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