X-Pac Back?

but what about HBKs surgery? If anything is good about this injury, its the fact that HBK can get surgery sooner than he would have done if HHH wasnt injured. And quite frankly, its visible that he needs it, hes looking...creaky.


HBK is looking damn fine atm I know he needs his knee fixed but it's totally not visible at all. Orton is looking rather creaky these days he's not putting effort into his matches.

DX will disband for a while. or Ric Flair or John Cena will be the new member.

Lets face it they have been toying with flair for a while.

If the Cena thing happens expect to see him lose to Umaga Which will give HBK a partner leading into the next ppv to finish off Rated RKO Then. HBK or Cena will get the WM titleshot somehow and win the title. Look for Cena to turn heel and for HHH to have a run in the summer then.
flair nor cena will ever become members of dx...they havent been toying with it they have jus shown that he is an ally of them...cena will b holding the title until wrestlemania...thats really the only time i can c him lose it...he's been holding it to long and for him to hold it past wrestlemania is nuts...he's gonna b facing umaga at the rumble and expect him to come out with another win cuz the title goin back and forth wuld jus be dumb as hell...orton vs cena is what i c for wrestlemania...we'll c that feud go back n forth for a bit prob add someone else till hhh gets back which is wen he will take the belt off whoever has it...cena turning heel i dnt c happening because there is already a lack of faces on raw
you may be right but u can never no for sure until u ask him urself i just hope that vince manages to pick him up cause right now dx is dieing dx-hhh is just shawn micheals he can hold his own but he cant keep dx alive till hhh gets back and he needs time off so wwe either needs x-pac,end dx which would suck or add a new dx member which would also suck

like i said b4 i give up arguing about this so im just gunna give u some info of wat i find out and try to say my opinions

new rumors

Sean has also been seen backstage recently at RAW, and has been rumored to replace HHH, and be reunited with DX. Although this is just a rumor, It seems very very possible, since he is no longer tied down to contract with any fed.

Other rumors state Sean Waltman,Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash are to reform the NWO and have a fued with DX, this has been and ongoing rumor since HBK and HHH reformed DX in 2006

the first one.. i didnt see yesterday so thats a brand new rumor.. coming from my same source... it also very clearly states >>>> It seems very very possible, since he is no longer tied down to contract with any fed.

do you know what it feels like when you try to tell some one something and explain it in a way but they jsut dont get it... like... ok teaching a 6 year old how to plya a complicated trading card game or an adult a very simple video game.. they try but just wont get it then it pisses u off.. see wats goin on here is platynum is saying that hes still under contract iwt that mtv thing... but m clearly seeing that hes not...

maybe i can argue a little more some one said u cant replace hhh .. no shit.. u cant .. hes the center of d-x>>( in my opinion so u dont have to fight about that too) but... we all know hes hurt and we cant do anything about that.. but shawn cant do it alone... heres ware my fustration comes into play again.. ppl say that x-pac sux... wat ever... im saying that he might jsut have a clean slate... i kno if he returns hes going up on my favs list.. micheals needs a vac.. so give x a lil time to drag d-x on the down low 1 on 1 with d-x theme and everything, doing the suck it ... till shawns better wen hes back good now d-x is a tag... i dotn see whats wrong with this fix of d-x since HHH isnt possible... both were very recognized members of d-x.. they fit nicely with the title... h is not there but it can work.. x-isnt pwer but look at rey m. he was heavy weight champ... x to me seems like a rounded guy who cna pull of a few pwers.. shawn i wont even explain... the hardys arent at all pwers and they get the job done. i agree that d-x may be out of its time.. but u kno wat... keep it aound.. as i hear it wwe is loosing ratings and loosing a popular tick seller isnt going to help.. x-pac would only add to the ratings as i see it... dont , especially u platynum, say im trying to replace h wit x im not but d-x needs a boost and x is the only way to go plus .. now wit all the rumors and crap im getting its almoast certain in my head he's coming back.. i think once d-x is fuly united... they should semi break it down... of course still claiming to be d-x.. not always wrestle together.. have their own paths..h for heavy weight and wat ever... but of course the d-x bac up will be their.. and will be their characterization and such.. thats what i think h might have ment by going for the heavy weight championship

the second rumor isnt going to happen cuz scott hall is 300 pounds and thats not right for him to wrestle... he doesnt have sumo training like rikishi or umaga or samoa joe.. and he really isnt a big power guy so there... kevin nash is in tna saw him last week wen i was watching it.. not going into contracts about them now.. * i dotn mean actual sumo training*


murdock shut the hell up... your scum.. hes a human being... thats bullshit the crap coming out of ur mouth (or keyboard in this case) is sickening.. ever herd of a clean slate or a second chance?? pplus if he is booed they can jsut work around his character to try and please the crowd... why they boo him no idea... dont see how theres x-pac heat and not randy orton heat... or for now on "t murdock 4 pres heat". washed up? u couldnt win in a fight against x thats for sure.. "good-for-nothing piece of crap has-been that would ruin the legacy" as for that... if he is those why did TNA sign him? why was he working in an mtv wrestling thing?? clearly if he was a peice of crap he'd be makin more porn. and if you've heard of X-Pac heat, you'd know that the crowd doesn't care about him. as for x-pac heat.. i think that was jsut at the time.. if he coems to the aid of hawn micheals how cna they boo x-pac? u gotta understand there are sooooo many new fans who dotn even know about x-pac heat and the boo sessions and my guess is many ppl know baout the previous d-x's and would surely be glad to see x-pac.. another thing on that... if i went to a wwe show, i would get 3 ppl with me to keep saying the same thing and get the whole crown started saying the same thing.. i bet some washed up looser maybe "t murdock 4 pres" booed him and got the crowd to do it

why are u ppl wwe fans? all u do is rag on wrestlers.. (not everyone )
If X-Pac returns. It should all be fine. It was that X-Factor group he had which gave him the heat. He done such a great job at being a heel that he couldn't get the crowd off his back haha.

Should be perfectly fine the guy is talented as hell and sorta took over DX before when HHH joined with the corporation/corporate ministry. Whichever one i can't remember.

Umaga shouldn't lose twice i really can't see it happening which is why i'd label Cena a candidate.

Flair was rumored once or twice. and the beatings hes been getting off Orton and Edge is another indication.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan. LOL.. if wwe are this predictable i seriously hope that never happens. haha

We got two words for ya. Hooooooooooo! Hooooooooooo!
Personally I can only see X-Pac coming back to join DX as a good thing. DX needs a.) more than two people, and b.) to stay alive. X-Pac is the solution to both of these problems. X-Pac has always been a pretty good worker, and the only thing that's brought him down is her personal problems, such as drinking and drugging. He's been in rehab, and if he's kicked these habits he'll make it just fine back in the WWE. And as for the whole X-Pac heat matter, if he came back to DX, that would be long gone.
I would love to see X-Pac back. That would be cool only if X-Pac would be as athletic as he use to be. If not then it is just pointless.
i really have no clue about what x-pac was like before he quit or got fired or whatever i wasnt watching back then i just started a 1-2 years ago can someone explain y so many people dont like him and wat is the x-pac heat
Well, X-Pac started a group in 2001 called X-Factor with Justin Credible and Albert, and they were heels. I really don't know what caused the heat, but the fans absolutely hated these guys. The heat stayed with X-Pac ever since. The people, instead of hating his character, just started hating Sean Waltman. He was the only WWF person that was booed during the Invasion PPV. I really don't know what the deal is, but being from Minneapolis, I've always liked X-Pac.
ok any new rumors on this? thats wat im looking for

again anotehr new rumor from my site

It is also rumored that Sean will return at the Royal Rumble

srry i dbl posted by accident but i fixed the problem
New statement

Several rumours have been surfacing about Waltman returning to WWE, to take the place of Triple H in the D-Generation X Stable along with Shawn Michaels
I would love for X-Pac to come back and join DX. It would be a great way to keep DX going then when Triple HHH comes back DX will be even more fun to watch.
X Pac sucks. Probably the most untalented lightweight that has ever made it big. I mean seriously, wtf is the "bronco buster"???

I'll never forget what Jim Cornette said about X Pac back in '98 after he left WCW for WWE "And then you've got a guy, Syxx, 1-2-3 Kid, his name's Sean Waltman. Whatever you want to call him. As far as I'm concerned, the only reason he's employed is because the other guys think he's funny when he gets drunk and throws up on himself. He has the distinction, in case you haven't noticed, of being the only guy since this wrestling war got started, that was released from a valid contract for one company to go to the other side, which shows you how valuable he is."
While I agree that the Bronco Buster is probably one of the stupidest moves in the history of wrestling, X-Pac was NOT a bad wrestler. He's more talented than a lot of guys wrestling right now (Cena, Batista, etc.). He's the only thing that can save DX in my opinion.
But X-pac's contract already expired.

X-pac would save DX, but I think that it is going to be killed soon, so that HHH can feud with HBK when he comes back.
HHH and HBK will not feud with each other because they have both made it clear that neither one of them wants to be a heel. They both want to be faces so why would they feud? And what would the storyline be for them to feud. HBK went the hospital when he had his surgery so there would be no reason for them to feud. But I for one am hoping that X-Pac does come back and keep the DX name alive
X Pac sucks. Probably the most untalented lightweight that has ever made it big. I mean seriously, wtf is the "bronco buster"???

I'll never forget what Jim Cornette said about X Pac back in '98 after he left WCW for WWE "And then you've got a guy, Syxx, 1-2-3 Kid, his name's Sean Waltman. Whatever you want to call him. As far as I'm concerned, the only reason he's employed is because the other guys think he's funny when he gets drunk and throws up on himself. He has the distinction, in case you haven't noticed, of being the only guy since this wrestling war got started, that was released from a valid contract for one company to go to the other side, which shows you how valuable he is."
X-Pac was an innovator for cruiserweights everywhere and was the only true junior that got over before WCW instated their own division for it, which given his amazing gimmick at the time spoke volumes as to his talent level. The bronco buster IS stupid. I'm not sure you'd find anyone else out there who would disagree with you, however one move doesn't determine a performer's overall worth. If that was the case, then we could easily declare Umaga the worst wrestler of all time for his amazing finisher. Waltman may be a personal wreck, but that doesn't negate what he did with regards to his wrestling ability. Cornette isn't always what I'd consider the most keen mind of all times, but his point is partially correct. Bischoff did fire him while he was at home recuperating from an injury...which is the same thing that happened to Steve Austin only a few years earlier. Does that negate Austin's ability? No. X-Pac was also promptly re-signed to the WWF (and dropped into a revival of their premier faction) after being released from WCW, which is funny, because Cornette was working at WWF at that time, so that negates Cornette's words because Waltman did have worth to someone apparently.

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