X-Pac Back?

people will do anything to bash WWE my god, Rated RKO are not gonna kill off DX, theyre too popular, just face it
This is From Wikipedia:

"Waltman has confirmed in an interview that he would like to return to the WWE and there have been rumors about him returning on the 01-15-07 edition of RAW to aid Shawn Michaels in his handicap match against World Tag Team Champions Rated-RKO as he was once a DX member and this "could" be a reunion."

maybe the WWE was angry that it leaked and scraped the idea of him returning till next week.

Wikipedia doesnt prove anything. I could edit the wwe article and say i m the owner of wwe. does that make it the truth? Wikipedia gets fictitious info put into their articles all the time.

Until i actually see xpac back on wwe t.v. i won't believe anything about him coming back.Dx is gonna die. So what they let it live for another week? It sells merchandise.
did anyone see the video of HHH's surgery. He said at the end that he will be comming back and looking forr that wwe title. So something tells me that DX will be dead when HHH comes back
so what if they didnt bring in a new member..that wuld b so predictable if it did happen....it isnt bull that shawn pulled through...he's done it many times in his career defying the odds...last night showed that shawn still has it...and that dx can still survive as long as a member is still around...i loved it last nite..a bit of the old hbk was shown...it doesnt matter if xpac comes or not...wuld it be good if he came..yes...but if he doesnt so what...dnt expect jus to b disappointed

wow lots of period sin there huh.. it sounds like to me you dont know wrestling is fake .. lol make it seme like shawn had to literally beat down on 2 ppl one of which is a physical monster and the other is a demonic creation from hell any ways...

i would like to apologize for saying xpac was an original member of d-x i know he wasnt i might have been a little drunk last night and you dont need to know the rest.

i meant to say he was on of the originals of the d-x experience... the second creation of d-x... the first and second are considered to mee both original stables..

ya kno playnum besides guru i plain ass dont like u either

have u talked wto mr sean waltman and aske dhim urself? no have i? no
none of us have proof... but the way the rumors and the random statements are going it looks positive.. hes not under any contract with any wrestling society x or anything and looks like he would like to come back to wwe

dont gotta shut me down like that.
i think cm punk hsould wear cut jean shorts.. the wrestling bikini doesnt work for him.. im not gya jsut thinkin of the best possibility for the character..
wow lots of period sin there huh.. it sounds like to me you dont know wrestling is fake .. lol make it seme like shawn had to literally beat down on 2 ppl one of which is a physical monster and the other is a demonic creation from hell any ways...

lol yea sry about all the ...... thats jus how i write on here...and I DO kno wrestling is fake...what i was trying to say is that they were imposing that hbk still has it..they were trying to show that dx can go still go on...we havent seen him n a position like that in a long time...so from my what i said i dont understand how u could have come to that conclusion...
acutally he is a free agent so he is free to go to wweand make a return
ok guys i really dont know how much ive been researching this.. oh and sorry i sounded a lil angered at ur periods.. its fine doenst matter... but yea we havent seen shawn up against this kinda thing b4.. if we have then its been a while.. yes real latino he is a free agent like ive been trying to say over and over but these hard heads dont get it..

if rated rko can take out triple h like that shawn is doomed if he has to face up againsts them and especially now... hes battered ... bruised... and jsut friggen tired... we defiatly need someone with the dx experience to take over for a while while they recuperate.. something in my guts tells me that x-pac will come in the pic sooner or later.. i see x-pac coming in and in a tag team match they injure rko badly so they gotta stay out for a while.. that gives shawn time... then when shawn comes back d-x can move on and wait for HHH.. oh and for u unfaithfuls this is taken straight from wwe main site

In front of a fantastic crowd of WWE fans in Shreveport, La., Shawn Michaels proved that some legends just can’t be killed. In an incredible show of strength and determination, HBK got the best of Rated-RKO in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match in the name of his injured partner and best friend, Triple H.

Against all odds, HBK proved that DX is alive and well. Despite being bloodied by Rated-RKO,

thats just to provve d-x isnt dead and wwe doesnt plan on dumping d-x but the problem here is shawn needs some time if d-x is gunna continue...

seeing as road dogg and the gay dude are in tna xpac is the only possibility cause of the free agent aspect and actually saying that he wants to return to wwe ring> seeing that he wants to return and he was a former d-x-ian it looks good to me... and who ever said that he was gunna debut monday but held off the because of the rumors... i really beleive this... not everyhting can be leaked. i gotta stop writing this is killing me.. ill check back here later and see what u ppl have to say.

im gunna recap on why i think he's back or coming back

1) he's been free agent since his contract expired from that mtv garbage in november 06..
2) he said he wanted to wrestle in wwe again
3) he was backstage not to long ago (x-mas time i beleive)
4) wwe's plans for d-x is ***not*** going to be scrapped
5) i forget ware i read this but it seems he's down to his original weight compared to his tna run.
6) hhh is gunna be out for a while which goes back to my reason number 4
7) the rumors of him signing a contract already and debuting last monday or next monday. if no one likes him why all the rumors and hype?
8) d-x cant function wit a tired shawn for 6 months..
9) if hes beenn outta it for a while he can start out fresh giving d-x a nice edge
10) with d-x dispute with r-rko how can shawn survive the brutality?
Now, whilst I don't think that DX can continue with just Michaels for 6 months, it appears that they also will not add any more members, as it is obvious that the fans would not care about it as much if they added X-Pac because frankly, he could never match the skills or popularity of HHH. It is hard to see them continuing with DX for a while with just Shawn Michaels so you would think that it would end rather quickly. I think Vince just saw his main draw in the WWE today go down the drain when HHH was hobbling around. To fill the void, you would need to have more than just one wrestler and take it back to the original days because DX without HHH is nothing and he was twice as dedicated to the one today as Michaels is. X-Pac is not a big, impact wrestler so I don't think he is suited to DX with just Shawn Michaels. I expect DX to die down for a while as keeping it together like this takes away from the lustre that it had beforehand. Vince McMahon would be foolish to keep it going as it doesn't work with one person, and it sure as hell wouldn't work if they added X-Pac. And I agree with the guy above that Shawn Michaels is horrendously exhausted and you have got to feel for the guy. Any chance of him getting a break is next to nil now that HHH is out. With his injuries now, you can't really expect full dedication to the gimmick, so now it looks like he's just going to take it easy for a while, then when HHH comes back they may hype the reunion for a few weeks, and then it all crashes down on the reformed DX a week or two into the return when one of them turns on the other. I then see HHH injuring Shawn badly (in kayfabe of course) and putting Shawn on the shelf for a while. You can see it in the eyes of Michaels that this DX thing is wearing thin with him, so I hope they can give him a break from it for a while.

In short, I don't expect much from DX anymore but I hope to high heaven that if Rated RKO face Michaels again that they come out the victors. I read a review of this weeks Raw and the writer said that even if Michaels had have lost, he would have maintained his popularity because the fans knew the odds were against him. This would make Orton and Edge super heels and would really help them out if they hold claim to ending DX. It would be an insult to the tradition of DX to keep it going like this, but to add another member who clearly cannot hold a candle to HHH would be just as pointless. They've had their fun, so please WWE, don't keep it going, and don't ruin it by putting someone in who the fans couldn't care about.
read my post dude.. i have 10 reasons why x-pac is ocming back that u cant disagree with they are all fact... and opinions are always true =P
see i do agree that d-x cant go on with just shawn micheals.. i disagree that they should lay low... as simple as i can put it.. they need permanent fresh meat and a temp replacemnt permanent.....fresh meat >>>x-pac. temp replacemnen no idea... a close d-x man.. such as ric flair only for a bit while shawn recoups but u see heres how im seeing this... if it was 2 ppl who originally didnt have anything to do with d-x theyn d-x will die because its somehting totally new... x-pac will be the new/old addition if u kno wat i mean. and ric flair just some support for x-pac while shawns taking a break. ric flair is just an example i really dont know and dont care... but x-pac should come back and i really do see it happening. if all goes well .. think about it... hhh shawn micheals and x-pac its a real d-x... 2 ppl just isnt d-x... the smallest was 3 ppl... and c'mon its x-pac... its just... right... anyways... you should really look a tmy last post as i have 10 supporting reasons to x-pacs return

my personal choice..- monty brown and xpac while shawn rests.. monty brown comes to the aid just for the purpose of help because hes new and could adapt.. nothing permanent tho i know its no possibility dont even repond to this part its just what i would do

why is he marcus cor van? why not monty brown? thats basically his real name... or close to
ya kno playnum besides guru i plain ass dont like u either
oh no! another n00b don't like me w/e will i do?

have u talked wto mr sean waltman and aske dhim urself? no have i? no
none of us have proof... but the way the rumors and the random statements are going it looks positive.. hes not under any contract with any wrestling society x or anything and looks like he would like to come back to wwe
You said it yourself.Random statements.Most times random statements come from someone talking out of their ass like they got hot 'insider' info to make theirselves look cool.
Even if sean waltman's contract with wsx expired and he didnt resign,the series hasn't even begun to be aired yet.There might be a 'no compete' clause until after the first season of wsx is aired that is still an enforceable part of his former contract.

dont gotta shut me down like that.

how did i shut you down? You stated your opinion on things i stated mine.It's called a discussion.
read my post dude.. i have 10 reasons why x-pac is ocming back that u cant disagree with they are all fact... and opinions are always true =P

Yes he has given up his contract but he just wouldn't make a good addition to DX as he was never popular and NEVER liked by the fans in the first place. The IWC has made up so many rumours it's not funny. Yes X-Pac is a free-agent and yes he turned up at a house show but how is any of that evidence that he will come back to DX. I imagine he'll come back to the WWE but not in DX. Just one thing as well. Opinions are someones view of something and is a completely different thing to fact. You say that the WWE is not going to end DX but let it continue with just Michaels or add in some guy desperate for a job who was never popular in the first place and thus would just be another tired old thing that the WWE are digging up to get ratings.

see i do agree that d-x cant go on with just shawn micheals.. i disagree that they should lay low... as simple as i can put it.. they need permanent fresh meat and a temp replacemnt permanent.....fresh meat >>>x-pac.

You cannot tell me that DX would maintain it's awesome popularity with some stinker of a drawer in X-Pac? You cannot replace HHH with any wrestler and to tell me that X-Pac would be a decent replacement is utter crap. Yes he is fresh, but he would turn stale very quickly when they realise he has lost most of his in-ring ability and sure as hell has not improved on whatever little mic skills he had in DX. If the DX thing grew old a few months into it, what chance does it have if they add a boring replacement while the fans wait for the true DX member to return? It may have worked when Hunter and Shawn were still together but would be pointless to put him in now.

But x-pac should come back and i really do see it happening. if all goes well .. think about it... hhh shawn micheals and x-pac its a real d-x... 2 ppl just isnt d-x... the smallest was 3 ppl... and c'mon its x-pac... its just... right... anyways... you should really look a tmy last post as i have 10 supporting reasons to x-pacs return

Actually mister my-opinions-are-true-facts, your 10 reasons are nothing more than just rumours and opinions on the subject which you have no idea are true. The smallest is what it is now, which is two people who were the foundation of DX. Adding X-Pac into it would mean it was two people and if you hate it with these two guys, how much are you going to like it with just X-Pac and Michaels for 6 months? Again, X-Pac was never good so no one has anticipation to see him. Sure you have 10 supporting reasons but anyone can present opinions as facts to win an argument. Rumours are not facts and most of what you wrote are rumours. Any DX fan will tell you that they would hate to see him in their, and the WWE would be stupid to put him in.

my personal choice..- monty brown and xpac while shawn rests.. monty brown comes to the aid just for the purpose of help because hes new and could adapt.. nothing permanent tho i know its no possibility dont even repond to this part its just what i would do

Actually I would prefer if I could respond thanks. I don't know how you could see Monty Brown in the DX picture seeing as he is in ECW and also would be a worse addition to DX than X-Pac. This would be an insult to DX if they had anything like this. Would you rather remember DX for being a brilliant stable, or remember the time when the WWE jumped the shark with this one? Trust me, DX should just die. It has only been around for about 6 months so what chance do they have of keeping it around that long without HHH and with X-Pac, who gained his credibility by being apart of DX when it had several other members in it? There should be no temp replacements, and I would hate to see it's reputation tarnished by adding X-Pac in with a tired Shawn Michaels. The WWE has gone a different way to the comedic DX so with X-Pac, that would mean he has to improve on his in ring skills and do you see him committing to that?

why is he marcus cor van? why not monty brown? thats basically his real name... or close to

I don't know and I don't care. Monty Brown is just another old guy the WWE have thrown in. Bring in some new talent and Stinger, please do not consider new members for DX like this.
DX needs to die a quick death months ago. Bringing back X-Pac won't help anything with that angle and will just perpetuate a horrible angle that never should've been started in the first place. Michaels/HHH could've spent the last year continuing to elevate the World Title Scene, but were instead playing The Two Stooges and playing pranks on Hunter's daddy. It was and is a waste of four of WWE's top talents (also including Orton and Edge). Unless something drastic happened, Waltman had let his body go and wasn't anywhere near his original level of competitiveness in the ring during his last stint in TNA. He wasn't horrible, but he also wasn't himself. A new breed of factions and teams should be brought in to help develop some of the younger talent. Except the factions need not be dumb $hit like The Spirit Squad. Stuff like that'll bury a wrestler before he even goes solo, and right now WWE is leaving a lot of wrestler's out in the cold because there is no general direction and organization. One of the last intelligent moves WWE did (even though it involved "Mr. Talent" himself, Batista) was Evolution. It pretty much rescued Randy Orton from the rut he'd been in after being a low-card curtain jerker who was pretty much raped in the ring by Lesnar in a maxi-squash.
lo yea i give up... i think hes coming back sick of explaining it... every time i explain it it comes out the wrong way im done... hes coming back not arguing any more not even gunna look at this post... u'll feel stupid when he comes back
^^And you'll feel stupider when you see what a waste of money the WWE have spent on a washed-up, good-for-nothing piece of crap has-been that would ruin the legacy of DX if he decides to show his fat ass in the DX logo again. He cannot possibly make it better and if you've heard of X-Pac heat, you'd know that the crowd doesn't care about him.
^It's not necessarily that he is "fat" per se, but he has definitely lost the solid body that he built for himself, probably attributed to the alcohol use (for proof, watch Chyna's turn on The Surreal Life). It was a bummer for me to see him the last time in TNA, because he let the body go, and before that he was probably in the best shape he'd ever been in.
Has Anyone Noticed this.

The New DX is like the oposite of the old DX.

The Old DX was the younger guys just shovin it up the older and more powerfull peoples asses.

Now we have the two originals, yet they keep getting help from the older people... flair, and almost fucking hacksaw.

This DX doesnt make any sense anymore, needs to end, and then they can have Michaels fight an individual at wrestlmania.

Also, i think it will end soon, because for one, H is gone and two, even though they did this DX lives stuff, Orton got left in the ring by edge only to get a conchairto. So, once RKO splits, i think Michaels will stop the DX stuff and just go back to being HBK
i think that x-pac is coming back soon because im not compleatly sure but ive heard he has no contract holding him back he wants to come back to wwe. wwe is saying that dx is still alive. i think that x-pac was supposed to come back this week but vince heard the rumors and he wanted it to be a suprise him coming back so he will probly make it look like he isnt until hbk is in trouble then he will come out and save him. im betting hes one of the missing people in the royal rumble
i gotta wait till tom. to see alpha male cause in canada we get it fridays after smackdown if hes good ill give him props
Currently, Triple H and Shawn Michaels are still in the WWE. Coincidentally, they are the only members of the reunited D-Generation X. Kevin Nash is currently under handshake deal in TNA, and Sean Waltman was under contract with Wrestling Society X and it ended in 11-16-06, However, plans by MTV to air the promotion forbids Waltman from signing with any other company at this time.

What i said in an earlier post in this topic about wikipedia still stands ,i just thought i d bring this to everyone's attention.I may be right about sean waltman having a 'no compete' clause until after WSX airs.
Not to be off-topic here, but The Alpha Male is hardly "just another old guy". While I don't want to see him join DX either, give the man his props.

alpha male rox.. why he cant use his real name idk..

i agree with dxlives

and u sir platynum theres ways to get out of the contract

What i said in an earlier post in this topic about wikipedia still stands ,i just thought i d bring this to everyone's attention.I may be right about sean waltman having a 'no compete' clause until after WSX airs.

you may be right but u can never no for sure until u ask him urself i just hope that vince manages to pick him up cause right now dx is dieing dx-hhh is just shawn micheals he can hold his own but he cant keep dx alive till hhh gets back and he needs time off so wwe either needs x-pac,end dx which would suck or add a new dx member which would also suck

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