WWE WrestleMania XXVIII LD - The Time Is Now

Why this wrestlemania is so good. Only 2 filler tag matches to squeeze everybody onto the card. Sometimes less is more.
The first hour aside, which shall be condemned to the bowels of history as generally awful, this show was pretty fucking awesome.
Kane and Cena feud has to be revived now. It's the best possible course of action.

Make Cena embrace the hate for real now.
That was fucking awesome. I don't know what other people are talking about, Rock-Cena was solid from beginning to end. The fans were hugely into it, more than they were for any match, and they had a lot of great nearfalls. Match of the nigh...t, though Trips-Taker and Punk-Jericho were also amazing. Definitely each one of those matches lived up to expectations of being ****+. The first hour was trash though. The divas match shouldn't have taken place, Cody should have faced Orton instead while Show and Kane should have been thrown into the tag match. That would have freed up time to give us a proper World Heavyweight Championship match. I partly have to blame Orton's ego for demanding a match no one was excited for that should not have gotten more time than a world title match. Rhodes-Show was pretty decent, about as much as what I expected from Show, and I kind of liked the moment with Show when he kissed his wife after winning the title. Made me feel a bit sentimental. Then the tag match was what I expected: a short and sweet, spotty tag match. It took too long to get to the spots, though the triple rolling senton and that fucking 450 bump out of the Monkey Flip were incredible. In all, this WrestleMania had the best main event matches of any WrestleMania in years, but there was nothing for the mid-card to hang its hat on. Definitely worth the cash moneys though.
Oh, I know, I probably will. WWE had a golden apple waiting to be plucked with Punk over the summer, they'll probably fuck this up too.

But don't tell me that right now. Right now, anything can happen, and a man can dream.

Punk was fairly straightforward, and Punk got over anyway.

A Cena heel turn is so fraught with minefields I'd rather have creative err on the side of safety and have Cena win at Miami.

If -- IF -- they've decided on turning Cena heel, I hope to God they do it well, with getting Cena over as a heel in mind. They're forsaking a lot and more here.
I can't complain much, I wish the WHC and the IC title matches had gone longer, especially considering Kane/Orton went ten minutes, hell the divas match ran longer than the IC title match, but like I said its hard to complain because it picked up big starting with the HIAC match
U mad? LOL!!! Your hero lost to the most electrifying athlete in all of entertainment!!!!

When the cena fans look in the mirror, they see that guy in green from the front row tonite.

You're seriously the only person this concerned with who won the match. I am a massive Cena mark. I am also better than you in every IMAGINABLE way, but I am not the least bit disappointed in the outcome. It was a great match with a clean ending, that's all I wanted.

No kindly get off of your mom's computer for the night. You have school tomorrow and the big kids are trying to have a discussion.
Rock winning means this storyline isn't over yet. If Cena won, there would be nothing to move forward with because Rock's gonna be away after tomorrow night. But since Rock won, we have a lot more to ride on. Cena didn't rise above and win. Cena couldn't overcome. How will Cena cope?
U mad? LOL!!! Your hero lost to the most electrifying athlete in all of entertainment!!!!

When the cena fans look in the mirror, they see that guy in green from the front row tonite.

Read my other posts, idiot. I called the event third best behind Mania 17 and 19, gave Rock-Cena 4.25 stars, and praised the finish because it showed Cena losing due to overconfidence and playing to the crowd, forcing him to second-guess himself.

I ain't mad at the match. It was great. I just think that every post you have ever stuck on this forum has been nothing but digital feces.
WWE took my money well today, yes I PAID for the PPV no streams tonight.. and I don't feel ripped off..

Cena/Rock was great
Y2J/Punk was great
HHH/Undertaker was incredible

Brodus Clay was funny

Bigshow/Rhoades was decent too..

the rest of the card I didn't care for.. but Maria has a nice ass!! who knew!

THis Wrestlemania was one of the more solid wrestlemania's in the last decade.

I can't complain! I loved it.
As much as I wanted Cena to win......FUCK YES.

Awesome show. Awesome main event. Urgh...its 4am in the UK and I doubt I'm getting any sleep. I'm fucking buzzing!

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