WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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My two picks are either Sheamus or Orton.

There are a couple of posts here that sound like they either really don't want Orton to win or don't expect it because he's won before. I think he has a good chance in 2012. There are already 3 other wrestlers who have won two or more Rumbles, so it wouldn't be unheard of for Orton to win his second. The last Rumble victory by someone who had already won it was by Austin in 2001, so they might decide it's time for another repeat winner.

I really hope Jericho doesn't win. There have been 2 "surprise entrant" victories in the last 3 years, and although he's expected to return on the 2nd of January (presumably), it's still close enough to the Rumble for me to count it as a newly returning superstar, which would be too predictable for my liking.
I unfortunately feel that WWE will revert back to its same old crap and not have an up and comer win. Ziggler, Rhodes, Barret, Sheamus, and Miz are all great choices but I feel the winner will already be a Main Event talent. I hate to say it but I think Orton, Jericho, Kane, or whoever the 1/2/2012 guy is (assuming its not Y2J). WWE has never been great at pushing young talent at the Royal Rumble.
Two names come to mind...Chris Jericho and Kane

If Kane were to win it, I'd say he would rather have another shot at the Streak than competing in a World Championship match
So at Wrestlemania, it will Kane vs The Undertaker for the Third Time !

If Chris Jericho were to win it, I'd say that he has the choice to either face the World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton or the WWE Champion CM Punk
So at Wrestlemania, it will either be Chris Jericho vs CM Punk for the WWE Championship or Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship

Do you agree ? :shrug:
Daniel Bryan. Best thing they can do for his character and the story lines that stem from a man in the championship match with a money in the bank contract could bring a whole new unseen look at the money in the bank contract angle.
I think that the Royal Rumble Title on the line will be for the WWE title with CMpunk.... I am not sure if Punk will be the Champ all the way to mania but I do think that he will have regained it by mania if he does loose it between that time.
This makes me think that the winners could only be between Ziggler,Rhodes,Miz or Wade Barrett. One thing I am pretty confident about is that the winner will be HEEL.
Mark Henry is still going to be HW Champ by Mania and I think he will be facing off with Daniel Bryan, Sheamus or maybe Kane if he isnt Takers oponent this year.
Mark Henry does not need to have a Face win the Royal Rumble in order to give someone a Legit reason to face him other than purely wanting the Title.
I think CMpunk has enemies and Heels all around him that want his title...but also has to face an oponent that he has not had many run-ins with or is from the Smackdown Roster and needs a switch to get to him.

Thinking things through like that I think my #1 Pick is Wade Barrett.... Not only does he want to win the WWE Title, but CMPunk took over Nexus so he has genuine unfinished business with him. Vince is apparently high on Wade and you can tell by the current Feud with Randy Orton that they are clearly Testing the waters with him vs an established crowd favourite to see if he can hang with the big boys.
WWE Booking 101: Cena has to win the Rumble thus causing a problem with the Cena/Rock main event at WM 28.

I personally hope it's one of Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett or possibly Dolph Ziggler but I don't see it happening that way. They will probably have someone like Orton win this year which I really hope doesn't happen.
Jericho would be at the top of my list to win the RR!!! But isnt Kane supposed to be back around that time also? Rhodes could win it but i think its too soon sheamus i really dont see it!! Jericho wins the 2012 RR solidifies his HOF and goes on to battle punk at WM!! Hey i can dream right
I have 2 choices in Kane or Randy Orton. The reason for Kane is he is coming back soon and what better way than to eliminate a bunch of guys and winning his first rumble. My reasoning for Orton is that he will have been out of the title picture for a while come rumble and I just have this gut feeling they will use him winning the ruble to get him back in.
I honestly hope it's someone new and not Randy Orton or John Cena this past rumble was great having Del Rio win it was shocking because of all the time they would have the older wrestlers win the Royal Rumble to me this past rumble was refreshing, I would love to see Dolph Ziggler, Bryan Danielson or Cody Rhodes to win it .
Everyone seems to forget that tlc ppv is coming up and a world title could change at any point in time. Wwe could have punk drop the title at tlc with a screwjob from john laurenitus for punks behavior towards him. Since brotus clay is about to debut, john laurenitus could use this guy to help del rio win his 3rd wwe title. Laurenitus could put punk through hell by making him #1 entrant in the rumble and winning it. Not only would this add a big win to punks resume but this senerio could be useful to get laurenitus over with the fans as a heel. At the conclusion of punk/laurenitus aka austin/mcmahon fued their could be a match where punks title is at state and laurenitus duty is also at state in which will bring back jr if punk is successful against laurenitus guy in a wrestlemania rematch.
There have been 2 "surprise entrant" victories in the last 3 years...

2011: Del Rio
2010: Edge
2009: Randy Orton

How did you come to your conclusion? Cena won in 2008 as a "surprise entrant" if that's what your getting at.

Now onto the topic, I see someone like Cody/ Sheamus/ Barrett winning it to elevate them to a higher profile match at WM.

My choice would be the returning Jericho. Now, should Jericho win the rumble look for him to face Orton for the WHC at 'Mania. Here's why...

1)Punk has lost for the past two years at the show of show and one of the biggest stars in the WWE and wrestling today, no way they're gonna have him put a returning Jericho over, especially if he has the strap. Look for Punk to win this year, regardless of the match he is in.

2) Logic and storyline would dictate Jericho facing Orton at 'Mania. Orton has won the past two years at 'Mania and it wouldn't hurt him in the least bit to put Jericho over. Plus, there is unfinished business between the two of them since Orton was the one to put Jericho on the shelf with the punt

Knowing WWE creative they'll do something that makes you scratch your head and say "really?" as the Miz so aptly puts it. Personal opinion aside though, I'll go out on a limb here and say, however cool it would be, do not look for Jericho V. Punk at WM28.

Sorry for straying off topic a bit, but I back up my reasoning.
Three come to mind with me-

Kane: He's always been a dominating force in Rumbles and with his upcoming return it might finally be his year

Sheamus: Been on a role lately and I can see it as a possibility

Dolph Ziggler: All signs point to him dropping the U.S. title soon and stepping up to the main event status he's being groomed for
I see Randy Orton taking this actually.

Randy Orton will somehow be involved in this 'Mania's WHC match whether it be with Bryan and Mark Henry. I would've loved to have seen Henry decimate everyone including the Big Show and guys from Smackdown and then kill Ryder on Raw and be absolutely unstoppable till he runs into Orton at WrestleMania who finally beats him.

Or you know, go with Punk. That'd be good.
Logically, the WWE needs to give a first-timer the win at the Royal Rumble and the chance at "main-eventing" WrestleMania. With Rock/Cena already on the card, the show is guaranteed to sell-out and buy-rates are guaranteed to be higher than they have been in years. Those facts scream a few things:

1) It takes the pressure off the wrestlers in the World Title matches to "sell" tickets because most people are already going to purchase the show just to see Rock/Cena. Bottom line: The WWE doesn't need to worry about putting together a "money match" for the World Title. They can concentrate on just putting together a great match and go from there...

2) With the increased audience, the WWE would be smart to heavily promote their young stars. Fans of the 3.0 ratings era know guys like Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes. We know those guys put on highly entertaining matches. Fans of the 5.0 ratings era (Fans that stopped watching when Rock/Austin left and are coming back just to see The Rock) don't know Ziggler or Rhodes at all. The WWE would be smart to introduce those two young stars to that audience with the hope that their appeal will keep that audience watching after The Rock departs again.

If I was a betting man - which I am - I would put money on Ziggler or Rhodes - which I will. My favorite, however, would be Dolph Ziggler. I think Ziggler/Punk would be a great WWE Title match at WrestleMania ... I also think the WWE is preparing us for Mark Henry vs Daniel Bryan for the World Heavyweight Title.

...Again, neither of those matches are money makers... but that's the beauty of this year's 'Mania. The money will be made on Rock/Cena. The WWE needs to use the rest of the card to promote their young talent like Ziggler.
If Randy Orton doesn't have the title by then, he'd be my pick. If CM Punk doesn't have the title, he's got a good shot. If they both don't have the titles, I'd say CM Punk probably gets it at this point (though internally I think they'd prefer Orton).

My other picks would be Miz or Jericho (if her returns), with both feuding with CM Punk at Wrestlemania.
I think that Wade Barrett is going to take it. His storyline with Cena last year was nothing but gold. The story line with Orton has been great too. I definitly see a major change in Wades over all ability since last year. His mic skills need a little more improvement...maybe 5 percent more. His ring work is great. Wade is my pick for the RR. As for who the WWE Champ or WH Champ will be? Well I dont see Mark Henry holding it much longer. Im actually suprised he has held it this long. I think he will get past Big Show at TLC, but drop it to Sheamus at RR. Barrett vs Shamus at Mania could be a good match. As for WWE Champ....I think Punk will retain at TLC, but drop it to Ziggler between RR and Mania setting up the rematch. As for DB, I haven't forgotten him. Put him in a story of being hurt before Mania. Barrett just won the WHC, then comes DB with MITB and takes the clean win.
the thread did say realistic guys, right???? So, whomever wins the Rumble is upposedly going to get a Heavyweight or WWE Title shot at the biggest showe of the year. CM Punk will be heading to mania as one champion, so either The Miz or the returning on Jan 2 Chris Jericho makes sense. Mark Henry will lose the belt going to Mania, soDaniel Bryan or Big Show I would suspect may have the World Title(pending Elimination Chamber). I dont see somebody who has won it before winning the Royal Rumble, and it really is shaping up as a heel winning so the only three guys who would be MAIN EVENT calibre at present are Chris Jericho, The Miz or Wade Barrett. Ziggler and Rhodes are brilliant in carrying the mid card, but neither are anywhere near reday to headline Wrestlemania
I think it's going to be Sheamus or Miz. I don't think Miz being part of a triple threat at TLC hurts his chances. I can see him losing the triple threat but winning the Rumble. And Sheamus makes a lot of sense for the WHC match at Mania imo.
realistically I think that Sheamus will be the Rumble winner this year. He's been on a role lately that's just going to keep going upward. I see Mark Henry keeping the belt until Mania only to drop it to Sheamus. Kane will probably come back at the end of TLC, thus setting up Kane Vs Henry at the Rumble

if Henry drops the belt before then, then my second choice to win the Rumble would be Wade Barrett. Another guy who's been on a role lately that i see ready to be pushed up to the ME.
WWE Booking 101: Cena has to win the Rumble thus causing a problem with the Cena/Rock main event at WM 28.

I personally hope it's one of Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett or possibly Dolph Ziggler but I don't see it happening that way. They will probably have someone like Orton win this year which I really hope doesn't happen.

Not really, Cena would have his match at Elimination Chamber...

Won't be Cena.

I think it's between Orton and Daniel Bryan. I want Ziggler to win, but I know WWE and Ziggler, whilst being pushed, hasn't been pushed into the he'll win the rumble storyline.

Orton will likely win because he's a top star, smackdown's top face and it's in his home town.

I'd like to pose something.

Daniel Bryan wins the rumble, challenges at Wrestlemania. Whomever he faces, cheats to retain their title.... Bryan cashes in money in the bank and it effectively restarts the match.

BAM, Bryan wins the title.

Unlikely, but a cool storyline none the less.
I would like Miz to win the Rumble. And I would like it to happen like this:

Punk pins Miz at TLC. Del Rio takes on Punk at the Rumble because he never lost (this will be the final battle in their feud, and it doesn't need to be a new match because the Rumble itself pulls the buys and views). For the weeks leading up to RR, Miz get's angrier and angrier about his loss at TLC, he has a near almost break-down and vows to win the Royal Rumble and go on to get revenge on CM Punk at WrestleMania.

Punk retains at the Rumble. Have Miz come in around number 20-25 and last the rest of the way and win the Rumble and prove everyone wrong. Make him eliminate someone big last so his push has greater effect, and now that he has won the RR match everyone, even his haters, will have to respect him.

Punk retains at EC, Miz has the upper hand during most of the feud doing beatdown's etc. and these two have epic promo's all the way to WM28 and then have Punk go over.

This is the best way for both men to gain the most out of this feud. And I really hope they save this feud for WM because the promo's these two will give will deserve nothing less.
Just a thought...

What if Miz beats Punk at TLC. Lauranitis refuses to give him a rematch....

Punk wins the rumble and gets vengeance at mania? It is very much a WWE storyline... Don't believe any one has posed this theory yet. Punk/Lauranitis must be leading to something, and this is very much the Brock/Angle & Chris Benoit type build up.
i think its time for sheamus to get bk on top i mean wwe have been giving him win after win so i cant see why they wouldnt let him win the rumble and go on to mania and take the title

and i regards to the world title and everything i think at TLC i think show should lose to henry then knock him out and bryan comes down and cashes in and takes the title from henry then lose it at the chamber to wade barret


Here's my top 5.

1.Sheamus If it's going to be a face from SD, might has well be him. He's been on a roll and is just as over as anyone else. This would be huge for Sheamo!

2.Randy Orton Same reasons as above. Top face on Smackdown...I could see them going with Orton also because he's won it before and it's his home town.

3Chris Jericho If he indeed comes back...He needs to be the one to challenge Punk for the WWE title.

4.Dolph Ziggler Best heel in the WWE right now. If Jericho doesn't come back, he should face Punk

5.The Rock This is a long shot...but it's possible that The Rock could eliminate Cena in the RR match forcing Cena to win at Elimination Chamber to make their match for the WWE title. Cena did promise that the match would be for the title so, I think you still have to at least have that element of the story lingering. I also think Rock could eliminate Cena and then eliminate himself simply because he doesn't want their match to be for the title.
Whomever makes the first extended promo talking about it.

Sheamus, Ziggler, Rhodes and Barret are my 4 picks that look plausible.

Sheamus needs to sneak into the ME, and I think he's still relevant. He needs a run
Ziggler and Rhodes are going to breakout in 2012, what better than to do it early
Barret - He's on the rise, and we know he could carry a story when he was on the cusp of winning gold in Nexus, They keep pushing him, he's a good contender.

If Rock or Cena show up in any form (In the actual RR Match), I will yell loudly at the TV (or computer monitor.) and then continue watching the show calmly after.

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