WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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I am gonna say Rhodes or Ziggler. The Royal Rumble has been used in the past as a tool to both hype a returning star, which I hope they don't do again, and to push an up and comer. Think about it, they have a decent amount of time to elevate the winner of the royal rumble before mania.

Also, if it is an up and comer, have them enter at a lower number just to establish credibility and the right to say they defeated 20 or people for this chance.
Dolph Ziggler needs to win it. He's the only heel on the Raw roster who could look even remotely legit against Punk after Punk beats Miz & Del Rio in the same night on Sunday. The only other option I see happening is a heel on Smackdown (Rhodes or Barrett) that the WWE sees as ready for a run on Raw. I could see one of those two guys winning it and going after Punk instead of Mark Henry because...well, doesn't that only make sense?
I think the winner will be a heel on Raw. Just because i feel like they are pushing a lot of raw heels towards the top more than any faces.

My pick from Raw would be

Dolph Ziggler - First of all he is making the US title look amazing right now but i'll say he drops the belt to Ryder at TLC making ryder even bigger then has his rematch at the Rumble because heels usually push the rematch to the next PPV then he wins the rumble and decides to go for the WWE title

For a Smackdown pick, I'd say...

Cody Rhodes - This guy is making the IC title important again and im loving it. I dont see him droppng the belt to Booker T at TLC but i do see him dropping it to someone at the Rumble, who? i have not the slightest clue, but someone.

Out of these two, whoever wins the Rumble, i'll say the other guy will get his way into the title picture of his respective brand around EC time or in the Chamber match.

I think this years Rumble, Kane should beat his own record with 12 eliminations. Or more to make him look even more the monster than ever before.
Well, I haven't read through everything, because at this point there is thirteen pages and I'm too lazy. XD

Obviously the Royal Rumble winner is not main-eventing this year, what with The Rock and Cena, Punk and Jericho(Non-confirmed), and Taker. I'm a huge Sheamus fan and I really hope he wins the Rumble. But if he does, he's not main eventing. Not by a long shot. I have to admit though, with Cena and The Rock, Taker, Jericho and Punk, and the title matches, this is certainly going to be the best Mania in recent years IMO.
Wow I can't believe we are almost one month away from the Royal Rumble.

There is no point on John Cena or The Rock to join (or win) the Royal Rumble because they are already in the main event and that would be an overkill.

I also doubt that CM Punk would join/win the rumble because he, in one way or another would be included in the title picture.

Undertaker doesn't need to join too. He has his own segment in WM and it doesn't need to be for the WHC. And I don't think he would be a champion and this point.

So my list is down to:
1. Randy Orton
2. Sheamus
3. Dolph Ziggler
4. Cody Rhodes
5. Chris Jericho
6. Kane
7. The Miz

My instincts tells me that Cody Rhodes will actually win next year's Royal Rumble and will headline Wrestlemania.
As a lot of us have read, it was said that a Smackdown superstar will most likely win the RR this, well next year. I know Vince changes his mind more than a girl changes her clothes on a first date, so who do you think has the best shot to win the Royal Rumble??. On either Raw or Smackdown.

The way things are playing out at the moment I don't think anyone really stands out as a clear cut frontrunner. I would love to see Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett come out on top. Those are my personal favorites, what are yours wrestling fans, and why do you think they should come out victorious???
You can't bet on wrestling, so there is no "odds on favourite" But I guarantee you it is Randy Orton. In his hometown and it will set up a wrestlemania bout with Bryan.
In the WWE, there's been one Superstar who has been continuously pushed with a real payoff to yet have happened. Sheamus has put in work on Smackdown and has become one of the single most over babyfaces the WWE has to offer. Sheamus seems unstoppable right now. All if his momentum has to pay off somehow. Whether it's winning the Royal Rumble or winning the World Heavyweight Championship, I see a great year for Sheamus. To me, no one can really match Sheamus' momentum in the WWE and is my odds on favorite to win this year's Royal Rumble.
Two names come to mind: Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes.

They both strike me as the next logical candidates for winning the Rumble per se. I do not, however, know who each would face for the title at Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan being apparently scheduled for 'Mania is confusing the hell out of me (for several reasons). Could that mean that if Rhodes wins, the SD main event at mania will be a triple threat?
Ziggler winning would mean he would face CM Punk (if Punk is still champion by then). While that sounds ok, rumor has it Punk will face Chris Jericho at Mania.

Incidentally, during the Fatal 4-Way at the Slammys-Raw the thought struck me that Rhodes vs Ziggler will probably headline Wrestlemania one day (not 2012 though).

And yea, one has to mention Wade Barrett, too. He seems to be getting that push now. But I don't think a Rumble victory will be on his resume anytime soon.

The other big questionmark would be Sheamus. He is getting a huge push, but no direction at all. Not sure where he is headed? Can't rule him out.

Sigh. If I had booking power in WWE I would have the Miz go into Wrestlemania as champ facing the Rumble winner Cm Punk (or the other way around). But I don't see that happening at all.
I think they need to get the title on Sheamus or Orton soon.
Cause if Ziggler or Rhodes win the Rumble (which i would love), they cant go up against Mark Henry or Show, it would be hard to see them realistically winning against them.
Barrett on the other hand might be able to pull it off.

But really, i'd love Miz to win. It'd be awesome (excuse the pun).

I think WWE have to be a little careful, guys like Orton who have already won it or are fully established as a key main eventer don't need it. Just hope they give it to someone new, to escalate them.
Chris Jericho - If Punk remains champion until Wrestlemania.

Dolph Ziggler - If Orton or Daniel Bryan becomes World Heavyweight Champion. He would face them at Wrestlemania.

The Undertaker - I wouldn't rule out Taker returning to win and facing Mark Henry. (I doubt this will happen however). Say taker won the belt, would they let Bryan cash in and defeat Taker? 20-0 and then 20-1 or 21-0......it would certainly be an exciting match to see if taker could survive two matches to remain undefeated. Much better than the HHH-Taker 3.

Wade Barrett - I would be disappointed if he won, but he could face Bryan or Orton for the WHC.

Ones I don't think have a chance to win:

The Miz.........no marquee face for him to up against in the title picture. Him vs. Foley would be entertaining as a mid card match.

Alberto Del Rio......Not gonna win back-2-back. And they have really ruined a guy with great potential. Not sure where he will fit into WM. Maybe a Zack Ryder feud for the US Title? Get him some good heat.

Randy Orton - He has really been put on the back burner and been used to elevate other stars. He doesn't need to win the Rumble, I wouldn't be surprised if he was WHC again heading into WM I can see him winning it @ Elimination chamber and facing Ziggler @ WM.

My Early Wrestlemania Card Predictions

John Cena vs. The Rock

Y2J vs CM Punk - WWE Championship

Triple H vs. The Undertaker - Casket Match

Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton - World Heavyweight Championship

**Winner faces Daniel Bryan**

David vs. The Goliaths Match
Mark Henry vs. The Big Show vs. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan

The Miz vs. Mick Foley

Alberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder - US Title Match

Kharma vs. Beth Phoenix - Divas Title Match

Brodus Clay vs. Sheamus ( At the rate WWE is going this will be his debut)

Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust - IC Title Match
I say Sheamus or Wade Barrett. They're both getting big pushes at the moment. I lean more toward Sheamus because the Rumble winner hasn't won at Mania for three years, which leads me to believe that the Rumble winner will win at Mania next year. If Sheamus wins the Rumble, he'll win at Mania.

If Orton wins, I'll be pissed.

If Miz wins, I'll be pissed.

If Cena wins, I will throw a brick into my television, and shit in the hole.
If it will be a Smackdown superstar that wins the royal rumble as this site reported earlier in the year, my picks are (in no particular order) :

-Cody Rhodes
-Wade Barrett
-Randy Orton

I hope to god it's not Orton as he's already won it previously and (albeit recently he's taken a step back from the title picture lately) I'm more sick of him than Cena and the fact that the WWE totally buried Christian immediately after he won the heavyweight championship to promote him instead.
Jericho. Hes the most likely guy to come him these 1/2/12 videos, so he should be at Rumble. This also sets up the Wrestlemania dream match of Jericho v Punk. Jericho is one of the most accomplished wrestlers in history, yet he never won the Rumb
But if WWE wants to continue pushing the younger talent via the Rumble, then any of the previously mentioned Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett or Sheamus could take it.
As a personal dark horse for the Rumble, I like Brotus Clay to redebut here and have an impressive showing. I dont think that he will win though, way to early to give him that kind of a push.
I really like the chances for Barrett or Sheamus. There is always the chance of creative changing the pick at the last minute but thats how the WWE goes. Here are my 2 picks and 2 wildcard 'go to' choices that the WWE would most likely use.

Wade Barrett: The 'Barrett Barrage' is picking up some steam fast. He has shown improvement on the mic and is getting people behind him each week. Since he finally removed himself from anything related to a stable (corre\nexus), Barrett has shown he is a legit heel all on his own. If he is going to win, he will be a great ME guy for WM. A situation where the title is vacated could lead to a 3 way for the WHC. Barrett is in b\c of the RR win, Danielson is in due to the MITB case & you could have a 3rd man win a qualifying match (someone established like Orton).

Sheamus: This guy cannot be stopped. His work as a heel is very impressive, yet his recent turn to face has been gaining momentum with the fans. Without changing his in-ring he has stayed on tv each week doing what he does best. With a RR win, Sheamus could add to his already impressive list in his short WWE career. A chance to ME at the biggest show of the year will solidify him as one of the top guys in WWE's future. He could easily go up against any major player on RAW or SD for the title at WM and it wouldnt seem forced or one-sided.

Orton or Y2J could easily fill the spots as well. Orton would have no problem being the winner in his hometown & has proven to be a threat to the title. He was chosen to be the 'it' guy on SD for a reason & has proven he deserves his spot. Jericho is most likely returning and a Rumble win would be a great way to start the year off. If the WWE is smart, they will keep the title on CM Punk and have the 2 fight at WM. That match would be fantastic & something alot of fans would want to shell out the cash to see.
Only 3 people could win the Rumble. Chris Jericho, Kane, or Sheamus. Period End of story

No wade or Zach or dolph. Get Real

You're wrong there.

They are giving the same push to Ziggler and Barrett that they gave to Del Rio and The Miz last year.

Sheamus has NO CHANCE IN HELL of winning the Royal Rumble. He was pushed harder last year, he won the King Of The Ring and won the US championship........he didn't even get a televised match @ Wrestlemania.

Big push? Segments with Beaker, Hornswoggle, Jinder Mahal? What push?

Y2J, Cody Rhodes, Ziggler, and Barrett are the heavy favorites. I think Daniel Bryan or The Undertaker has a better chance of winning the Rumble than Sheamus.

But ultimately a heel will win.
You're wrong there.

They are giving the same push to Ziggler and Barrett that they gave to Del Rio and The Miz last year.

Sheamus has NO CHANCE IN HELL of winning the Royal Rumble. He was pushed harder last year, he won the King Of The Ring and won the US championship........he didn't even get a televised match @ Wrestlemania.

Big push? Segments with Beaker, Hornswoggle, Jinder Mahal? What push?

Y2J, Cody Rhodes, Ziggler, and Barrett are the heavy favorites. I think Daniel Bryan or The Undertaker has a better chance of winning the Rumble than Sheamus.

But ultimately a heel will win.

What makes you think Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler will win the Royal Rumble? I'm as much of a fan of these two as the next guy but it's too soon to push them that fast. Don't you think the WWE learned their lesson with Alberto Del Rio? Once Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler get over enough where they don't need canned heat, I'll start to bite. But right now, Sheamus has all the momentum going for him. Just because Sheamus had a very successful year last year doesn't mean they aren't pushing him. Do you hear the amount of noise going on when Sheamus comes out? His feud with Mark Henry had no real payoff, it would seem logical you'd put him in your list of superstars to win 2012's Royal Rumble.
What makes you think Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler will win the Royal Rumble? I'm as much of a fan of these two as the next guy but it's too soon to push them that fast. Don't you think the WWE learned their lesson with Alberto Del Rio? Once Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler get over enough where they don't need canned heat, I'll start to bite. But right now, Sheamus has all the momentum going for him. Just because Sheamus had a very successful year last year doesn't mean they aren't pushing him. Do you hear the amount of noise going on when Sheamus comes out? His feud with Mark Henry had no real payoff, it would seem logical you'd put him in your list of superstars to win 2012's Royal Rumble.

Sheamus is getting a huge crowd reaction, yeah and he's great. But Ryder has a bigger reaction and he's not gonna win the Rumble. Sheamus has been facing mid-carders. His biggest match over the past few weeks was with Ziggler. He's had run ins with Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, David Otunga, Hornswoggle etc.. That's some push.

I don't even think Sheamus is going to be in the match to be honest, he might be facing Henry at the Royal Rumble. After Show loses, who else would Mark Henry face? Orton again?

Rhodes probably won't win because I honestly think he'll hold his IC Title until Wrestlemania. I think Sheamus has a better shot at being IC champ then world champ anytime soon.

Daniel Bryan has pinned Rhodes and Mark Henry....both champions in non-title matches.

As soon as Ziggler loses the US Title.......what will be next? He'll get his re-match and lose. Then the next logical step is to elevate him to the next level. Obviously you haven't heard those Ziggler chants each and every night. Or seen that he steals the show each and every week. Wrestles 2 matches at back to back pay per views. He has a 6 month reign as the US champion. He's walking the same path that many future stars take. He's been tag team champion, IC champion, US Champion, World heavyweight champion, what else is there for him to do? He's been gearing up with show stealing matches against CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and even been hinting at his seeking of a world title again. He stole the show at the Rumble last year with a match against Edge. And he will again this year win or lose in the rumble.

Remember the Miz was a 6 month long reigning US Champion, when he won Money in the bank. Held the belt for about 2 months longer, losing to Daniel Bryan. Cashed in his contract about 2 months later against Orton. Sound like Zigglers current scenario?

Ziggler or Jericho are the front runners. Barrett, Taker and Bryan are wildcards.

Kane and Sheamus will probably be in title matches.
Sheamus is getting a huge crowd reaction, yeah and he's great. But Ryder has a bigger reaction and he's not gonna win the Rumble.
First off, Ryder gets a better reaction than half of the WWE roster. Whether his reaction are louder than Sheamus', are completely debatable. Second, Ryder isn't credible yet. No one would believe that a guy who's just now becoming relevant, could win the Rumble so soon. Sheamus has done everything in the short times he's been in the WWE.
Sheamus has been facing mid-carders. His biggest match over the past few weeks was with Ziggler. He's had run ins with Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, David Otunga, Hornswoggle etc.. That's some push.
Or go back to his feud with Mark Henry, which never really finished up. Or his feud with a former two-time World Champion Christian. Sheamus doesn't have to get viable wins over main eventers to be pushed. Are Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes featured on both Raw and Smackdown like Sheamus has, no. The only other superstar who's been featured on both shows week in and week out is Randy Orton - and he's one of the top three biggest faces in the WWE.
I don't even think Sheamus is going to be in the match to be honest, he might be facing Henry at the Royal Rumble. After Show loses, who else would Mark Henry face? Orton again?
You just said Sheamus isn't getting any kind of push. Why would he be in a World Title match come Royal Rumble? Oh that's right because he's the second most over babyface on Smackdown.
Rhodes probably won't win because I honestly think he'll hold his IC Title until Wrestlemania. I think Sheamus has a better shot at being IC champ then world champ anytime soon.
First off, Sheamus > Cody Rhodes. Sheamus gets a way louder crowd reaction than the silent one Cody Rhodes. Therefore, he can be trusted with leading a brand as World Champion.
Daniel Bryan has pinned Rhodes and Mark Henry....both champions in non-title matches.
Also Money in the Bank winner, what good would a Royal Rumble victory do him?
As soon as Ziggler loses the US Title.......what will be next? He'll get his re-match and lose. Then the next logical step is to elevate him to the next level.
And winning the Royal Rumble is the obvious answer here? No. Dolph should be feuding with Cena or Punk to get him some heat, not winning Royal Rumbles.
Obviously you haven't heard those Ziggler chants each and every night.
Youtube please...
Or seen that he steals the show each and every week. Wrestles 2 matches at back to back pay per views.
It means the WWE is trying with him. That in no way indicates a Royal Rumble victory is ahead.
He has a 6 month reign as the US champion. He's walking the same path that many future stars take. He's been tag team champion, IC champion, US Champion, World heavyweight champion, what else is there for him to do? He's been gearing up with show stealing matches against CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and even been hinting at his seeking of a world title again. He stole the show at the Rumble last year with a match against Edge. And he will again this year win or lose in the rumble.
Sadly, he still isn't over. If you are not over, you don't need to be winning Royal Rumbles. That's really the point I'm making.
Remember the Miz was a 6 month long reigning US Champion, when he won Money in the bank. Held the belt for about 2 months longer, losing to Daniel Bryan. Cashed in his contract about 2 months later against Orton. Sound like Zigglers current scenario?
Ziggler or Jericho are the front runners. Barrett, Taker and Bryan are wildcards.

Kane and Sheamus will probably be in title matches.
Barrett needs to be built more, Ziggler will probably be in another title match (like they tested the waters with him last year) against Punk, and Bryan is Money in the Bank winner. 'Taker is possible, just like Jericho, and Sheamus. Front runner on the actual active roster - Sheamus.
Out of those 3 (And this is not my personal opinion but just out of the 3) I would have to say Orton, it's too early in Rhodes push to win the Rumble, because he will most likely still be holding onto the I-C Championship, and i think that Sheamus will not be getting anymore major pushes.
Sheamus would be an excellent pick to win the Rumble. I think he is definitely one of the favorites to win the match. Rhodes is also a terrific pick. He's been rising as of late and reminds me of Del Rio's momentum heading into the Rumble last year.

However, you really cannot deny the roll Wade Barrett has been on as of late. The man is easily one of the hottest, freshest performers on Smackdown. As it looks like right now, Daniel Bryan will either be champion at Wrestlemania or challenging for the title at the big show. The only question I have is how does the Royal Rumble winner fit into all of this? Will the WHC match be a three way? Will the winner come from the Raw brand?

Either way, I think the early choices are Wade Barrett and pending his return *drum roll please*... Chris Jericho. I can easily see Jericho winning the Rumble. He has never won it before and it would set up perfectly for CM Punk vs Chris Jericho if this is in fact where the WWE is going. If Jericho doesn't return, I think Barrett is a lock for the win this year to go on and either face Bryan for the title or whoever the champ is and Daniel Bryan.
First off, Ryder gets a better reaction than half of the WWE roster. Whether his reaction are louder than Sheamus', are completely debatable. Second, Ryder isn't credible yet. No one would believe that a guy who's just now becoming relevant, could win the Rumble so soon. Sheamus has done everything in the short times he's been in the WWE.

Actually it's not debatable. Ryder has a bigger reaction. Sheamus is better of course. And I did say Ryder will NOT win the Rumble. My point was he has been given the biggest push of anyone in the WWE and he doesn't have a shot to win the Rumble. So why does Sheamus?

Or go back to his feud with Mark Henry, which never really finished up. Or his feud with a former two-time World Champion Christian. Sheamus doesn't have to get viable wins over main eventers to be pushed. Are Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes featured on both Raw and Smackdown like Sheamus has, no. The only other superstar who's been featured on both shows week in and week out is Randy Orton - and he's one of the top three biggest faces in the WWE.

Actually they have, I guessed you missed the 3 hour raw on Monday where they stole the show, as usual. Or Rhodes match with Daniel Bryan @ Tribute to the troops. They have the longest matches week in and week out and the best matches.

You just said Sheamus isn't getting any kind of push. Why would he be in a World Title match come Royal Rumble? Oh that's right because he's the second most over babyface on Smackdown.

3rd most ovee: Randy Orton, The Big Show (who has been getting pushed), Sheamus. If Show loses tonight.....Henry needs a new opponent, and unless The Undertaker comes back tonight, it's gonna be Sheamus.

Did Bob Holly get a push when he challenged Brock Lesnar at the 2004 Royal Rumble? No. It was out of lack of talent on the roster at the moment. Which is what we have right now.

First off, Sheamus > Cody Rhodes. Sheamus gets a way louder crowd reaction than the silent one Cody Rhodes. Therefore, he can be trusted with leading a brand as World Champion.

Sheamus is a face, he should get a louder reaction. But Rhodes unveiling the throwback IC title got a bigger reaction than Sheamus EVER has.......nice try, lol


When did Sheamus ever get a reaction like that?

Also Money in the Bank winner, what good would a Royal Rumble victory do him?

What good did a King Of The Ring victory do Sheamus? He had already been World Champion twice. Even if they hadn't scrapped the plans for HHH-Sheamus II @ wm......where did it get him? A US title reign? lol

For Bryan it would do a lot actually, give him more credibility. Plus he could lose at Wrestlemania, and still have his Money In The Bank. It's not gonna happen, but it would make more sense than Sheamus.

Who would Sheamus face at WM? Barrett? It wouldn't be Henry, no way he keeps it that long. And where does Bryan play into this all? A heel has to win the Rumble.

And winning the Royal Rumble is the obvious answer here? No. Dolph should be feuding with Cena or Punk to get him some heat, not winning Royal Rumbles.

Youtube please...


Raw 11/7/11 - Ziggler vs. Morrison.........Once the bell rings the chants start and continue throughout the match. When he kips up....he gets respect. At one point the crowd is split in chanting. And lawler even comments on the chants lol

That's how Rhodes and Ziggler get over. Week in and week out they put on the best matches and they are just like HBK, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man, Rick Rude, Bret Hart, Ric Flair.......amazing in the ring, they come down the aisle and you know a great match is coming.


He was the World Champion at the time, why would he win the Rumble? lol

Barrett needs to be built more, Ziggler will probably be in another title match (like they tested the waters with him last year) against Punk, and Bryan is Money in the Bank winner. 'Taker is possible, just like Jericho, and Sheamus. Front runner on the actual active roster - Sheamus.

I agree Barrett needs to be built more, they dropped the ball when he didn't win it from Cena as a part of The Nexus.

No punk will be facing The Miz at the Rumble. Truth will return and they can feud together. Miz and Del Rio are out of the WWE title picture. Enter Y2J.
Punk facing Y2J at mania.

The only question is the World Title picture. I think Henry will lose the title to Orton at Elimination Chamber and face Ziggler and Bryan in a Triple Threat or Ziggler/Orton one on one and Ziggler will face Bryan in a 2nd match. Or Bryan could cash in early and then Ziggler/Bryan one on one.
Actually it's not debatable. Ryder has a bigger reaction. Sheamus is better of course. And I did say Ryder will NOT win the Rumble. My point was he has been given the biggest push of anyone in the WWE and he doesn't have a shot to win the Rumble. So why does Sheamus?
He's obviously more established thean Ryder is. He's wayyyyy more over than anyone beside Randy Orton on Smackdown. What else do you need?
Actually they have, I guessed you missed the 3 hour raw on Monday where they stole the show, as usual. Or Rhodes match with Daniel Bryan @ Tribute to the troops. They have the longest matches week in and week out and the best matches.
Because having long matches with no crowd activity means they're well on their way to winning the Royal Rumble.
3rd most ovee: Randy Orton, The Big Show (who has been getting pushed), Sheamus. If Show loses tonight.....Henry needs a new opponent, and unless The Undertaker comes back tonight, it's gonna be Sheamus.
Even if he is the next on the list, Ziggler, Wade and Rhodes certainly won't be winning.
Did Bob Holly get a push when he challenged Brock Lesnar at the 2004 Royal Rumble? No. It was out of lack of talent on the roster at the moment. Which is what we have right now.
No, they had a damn good active roster in 2004. They wanted to build a new star and capitalized off Holly's injury. They were testing the waters. I can't imagine how this has anything to do with Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble.
Sheamus is a face, he should get a louder reaction. But Rhodes unveiling the throwback IC title got a bigger reaction than Sheamus EVER has.......nice try, lol
Sheamus is a face, he should get better cheers than Rhodes. But Rhodes is a heel, he needs boos. Being booed is a type reaction. Are we learning?
When did Sheamus ever get a reaction like that?
If Alberto Del Rio unveiled a new WWE Championship design that was over with the fans, people are going to like it. Doesn't mean he's over. Rhodes has NEVER been over on a consistant basis. Sheamus has.
What good did a King Of The Ring victory do Sheamus? He had already been World Champion twice. Even if they hadn't scrapped the plans for HHH-Sheamus II @ wm......where did it get him? A US title reign? lol
Winning King of the Ring doesn't garentee a World Title match like Money in the Bank. Come on...
For Bryan it would do a lot actually, give him more credibility. Plus he could lose at Wrestlemania, and still have his Money In The Bank. It's not gonna happen, but it would make more sense than Sheamus.
No it wouldn't. Daniel Bryan winning would mean the Money in the Bank match was completely useless. Unless the WWE plans on giving two World Titles to someone who isn't ready yet...
Who would Sheamus face at WM? Barrett? It wouldn't be Henry, no way he keeps it that long. And where does Bryan play into this all? A heel has to win the Rumble.
No. Henry's reign shows no weaknessess right now. Why can't ot last until 'Mania? They've already hinted at Bryan cashing in on Henry.
Raw 11/7/11 - Ziggler vs. Morrison.........Once the bell rings the chants start and continue throughout the match. When he kips up....he gets respect. At one point the crowd is split in chanting. And lawler even comments on the chants lol
Consistency. Learn it.
That's how Rhodes and Ziggler get over. Week in and week out they put on the best matches and they are just like HBK, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man, Rick Rude, Bret Hart, Ric Flair.......amazing in the ring, they come down the aisle and you know a great match is coming.
All great IC Champions no doubt. But the difference is, they were all over. That's why they were able to move on. Now, these matches aren't doing it. They aren't over besides a few pops every now and then. And they are heels, they need boos.
He was the World Champion at the time, why would he win the Rumble? lol
So then how exactly are Ziggler or Rhodes taking The Miz path when they aren't over? Other than the fact that they're midcard champions of course.
I agree Barrett needs to be built more, they dropped the ball when he didn't win it from Cena as a part of The Nexus.
No punk will be facing The Miz at the Rumble. Truth will return and they can feud together. Miz and Del Rio are out of the WWE title picture. Enter Y2J.
Punk facing Y2J at mania.
No room for Ziggler?
The only question is the World Title picture. I think Henry will lose the title to Orton at Elimination Chamber and face Ziggler and Bryan in a Triple Threat or Ziggler/Orton one on one and Ziggler will face Bryan in a 2nd match. Or Bryan could cash in early and then Ziggler/Bryan one on one.
Fantasy booking to the max right there.

You're not understanding, to earn a World Title match, you need to be over on a consistant basis. Last year, a fine Royal Rumble victory was wasted on someone who was not over and the WWE will no make the same mistake again. Ziggler needs more heat. Rhodes needs more heat. Barrett needs more time to get heat. Your choices for Smackdown - Sheamus, Randy Orton.
He's obviously more established thean Ryder is. He's wayyyyy more over than anyone beside Randy Orton on Smackdown. What else do you need?

Because having long matches with no crowd activity means they're well on their way to winning the Royal Rumble.

Even if he is the next on the list, Ziggler, Wade and Rhodes certainly won't be winning.

No, they had a damn good active roster in 2004. They wanted to build a new star and capitalized off Holly's injury. They were testing the waters. I can't imagine how this has anything to do with Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble.

Sheamus is a face, he should get better cheers than Rhodes. But Rhodes is a heel, he needs boos. Being booed is a type reaction. Are we learning?

If Alberto Del Rio unveiled a new WWE Championship design that was over with the fans, people are going to like it. Doesn't mean he's over. Rhodes has NEVER been over on a consistant basis. Sheamus has.

Winning King of the Ring doesn't garentee a World Title match like Money in the Bank. Come on...

No it wouldn't. Daniel Bryan winning would mean the Money in the Bank match was completely useless. Unless the WWE plans on giving two World Titles to someone who isn't ready yet...

No. Henry's reign shows no weaknessess right now. Why can't ot last until 'Mania? They've already hinted at Bryan cashing in on Henry.

Consistency. Learn it.

All great IC Champions no doubt. But the difference is, they were all over. That's why they were able to move on. Now, these matches aren't doing it. They aren't over besides a few pops every now and then. And they are heels, they need boos.

So then how exactly are Ziggler or Rhodes taking The Miz path when they aren't over? Other than the fact that they're midcard champions of course.


No room for Ziggler?

Fantasy booking to the max right there.

You're not understanding, to earn a World Title match, you need to be over on a consistant basis. Last year, a fine Royal Rumble victory was wasted on someone who was not over and the WWE will no make the same mistake again. Ziggler needs more heat. Rhodes needs more heat. Barrett needs more time to get heat. Your choices for Smackdown - Sheamus, Randy Orton.

Rhodes is way OVER. Other than Christian he is the best mic man on Smackdown. He can get heat whenever he wants. But his character is an old-school wrestling supportive heel. He is showing respect in turn he has a large fan base. He's an anti-hero heel. Ziggler is now what HBK was then. What aren't you getting? They are over.

And no all their was on Smackown at the time was. Lesnar (the champ), Benoit (who won the rumble and switched brands), Big show who was runner up and was feuding with John Cena (who was in infancy), Guerrero who got pushed out of necessity. Kurt Angle was there but he had just come off neck surgery and he had surgery again after Mania.

They had to use Holly against Lesnar. They needed star power in the rumble to make Benoit look good.

You keep forgetting about Daniel Bryan. What's your Wrestlemania main event? Mark Henry vs. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan?

That would be a terrible match. A heel has to win. There is no way Henry holds onto the championship until Wrestlemania. No Chance in hell. And he will lose to a face.

They wouldn't put 3 faces in a triple threat match in the main event at WM when they barely have enough faces on the brand as it is.

And if Bryan cashed in early.....Bryan vs. Sheamus??? That would be awful.

We shall see what transpires. I'm still saying Jericho is the heavy favorite followed by Ziggler.

Was Sheamus OVER when he won his world title???? HELL NO.

He wasn't even over when he won his second world title.

Your whole argument is flawed.

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