Royal Rumble - Randy Orton vs Sheamus - WWE Championship

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This match is exactly what sheamus needs right now.
He already won against the top face in RAW (even in the whole WWE). He didn't win clean, he got DQ during the rematch, that was wonderfully done. Cena has still the superman thing, and Sheamus is every week on Raw with the title.
Now Sheamus has to prove himself by confronting the top Heel. A win or a loss would not affect his momentum. He just has to be there.

Cena vow not to loose a match before he get his title back. If orton wins, we could have a nice 1st contender feud (sheamus/Cena and possibly Kofi), a GREAT Elimination Chamber with Dibiase in it. Dibiase eliminating Orton, this leading to a Dibiase/Orton feud, with someone else as the WWE champion (Sheamus or Cena).
If sheamus win, it'd be due to an interference (either Cena or Dibiase turning on Orton).

That is definitely the best way to do. Cena-Sheamus would already have been stale, Sheamus need a main eventer to make himself and carry him (sure he has some experience, but he still needs to be carried, even more in a PPV). Orton vs Sheamus does not sound great, and won't be a great match (but won't be bad either IMO) but it's the best match to pre-plan something for Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania.
People have short term memories. Whenever WWE does do a heel vs heel match they always end up great.

(RAW 2007- Orton vs Edge)
(ECW 2008- Carlito vs Shelton)

Going into the Sheamus v Orton match, I am looking forward to an actual match between the two because they will actually wrestle until the finish. I do not see Orton winning the WWE title because Sheamus needs a big win, and Legacy will cost Orton the title during a botched run in.

I was thinking that JoMo would win the Rumble and go on to wrestle Batista, but who knows who will win the Rumble. I do not think HHH will end up winning the Rumble though.
People have short term memories. Whenever WWE does do a heel vs heel match they always end up great.

(RAW 2007- Orton vs Edge)
(ECW 2008- Carlito vs Shelton)

Going into the Sheamus v Orton match, I am looking forward to an actual match between the two because they will actually wrestle until the finish. I do not see Orton winning the WWE title because Sheamus needs a big win, and Legacy will cost Orton the title during a botched run in.

I was thinking that JoMo would win the Rumble and go on to wrestle Batista, but who knows who will win the Rumble. I do not think HHH will end up winning the Rumble though.

I think the difference is that this is a PPV, so the match will undoubtedly be longer than what you see on an episode of Raw or ECW.

I do have to agree with the criticisms though of people bitching about a Heel vs Heel match. People have been crying for a long time now for the need for new, fresh matches. Then, WWE gives one to you, and people are upset by it.

I do think Orton should serve in a Tweener role in the very least, but I am not going to complain about the match because I have been one of those people who complained about stale WWE Main Events and I want to see something different.

I didn't complain about Cena vs Sheamus, and I am not going to complain about this, either.

I think what this comes down to is that we have to make up our minds on what we want, and what the greater priority is. And then, we go with it. For me, it is having fresh Main Events.
heh, Sidious, Orton won't need to serve in a tweener role. The fans will make sure of that. Doesn't everybody love a chance to chant RKO, even me sitting in front of my TV in London, UK? I remember that awesome Orton/Edge match and that Orton chants were wild, even though he eventually wound up losing clean. The sheer bad-assery of Orton's character means that he's the ultimate guy that everyone loves to hate (unlike Edge, who plays the chickenshit so brilliantly).

Hopefully it will all serve to get Sheamus over a bit more, though personally I think the guy is truly terrible. We'll just have to see.
Before I start, I would very much like to congratulate the WWE on the decision to have Orton go over. Myself and Blade sat for a while deducing who was the most likely to win the match and we could not see past Cena. I did have a sneaky feeling that Orton would win but it was my heart ruling my head, to be honest. That being said, I can actually move on to how I felt about it on the whole.

The first thing that I have to say is that I am liking how WWE are now visibly trying to break the mould when it comes to Championship matches. Over the last couple of PPV's we have seen a lot of newer talent being thrown into the mix. We have seen how the WWE are constantly trying to push Kofi and obvioulsy the success of Sheamus speaks for itself. So with last night always going to be the start of things to come, I really did like the "main event". Randy Orton and Cena were always going to be in the match and whilst I would have been happy to leave it at that, with Kofi being in the match also, it allowed more space for his character to learn, progress and grown in the ring. It also mean that a lot of angles could continue. It became abundantly clear during the match that Kofi looked a little out of his depth alongside Orton and Cena who have the natural ability. That being said, it was a pretty good match and having Orton go over Kofi and indirectly Cena is a big thing for him. It was a decent match and the introduction of Legacy into that match gave me mixed emotions. I was glad that they had looked strong but it took away from Orton in general. Nevertheless, I was glad when he won and I think that he deserves to be in the main event again after a good feud with Kofi that looks far from over.

Alas, I completely marked out when Orton won, although the last parts of the match seemed to indicate that upon closer inspection. However, I was actually shocked when Orton went over and I think that a beautiful angle could unfold if WWE manage to play their cards right. From a Kayfabe stand point, I think that Orton has the menace and all the strengths it takes to beat Sheamus, who as said before, is beginning to impress me. I feel that these two could definitely have an epic feud coming their way and hopefully a great match at the end of it. As for Sheamus himself, I am intrigued by his progression. He seems to be transitioning into a tweener out of nowhere and I am unsure why this is happening. That being said, I am beginning to buy into his reign now and by all accounts he should be able to beat Orton and most likely will. My guess right now is that Sheamus goes over due to interference.
Weird match here, and itll be fun to see what kind of heat it gets. My guess is they are gonna book Randy about as vanilla, boring, and watered down as humanly possible, becuase if they dont, he will shit ALL over Sheamus, and be turned face in the process. Which, obviously would be awesome, but the WWE doesnt care for such things. Ha. Most likely a win by Sheamus, probably by way of Legacy botching an intereference. This could have intrigue, if I wasnt 110% sure the WWE was going to totally fucking ruin it.
Woooooo, Orton vs. Sheamus.

I have to side with Norcal. Orton is going to be made out to be completely and utterly boring. The coolest move he's going to pull off is the RKO he nails at the end of the match. Any other recipe for a match and Orton will quite literally shit all over Sheamus with the crowd reaction. Imagine the same problem Kofi has, only happening to the WWE Champion. Not exactly what you want to see on one of your Big Four PPVs.

Orton to most hopefully win. Then he can go up against HBK, or Cena. Cena/Orton would be tired, but fuck. It's not like it's going to be horrible. HBK/Orton would be wonderful.

If they want to give any kind of life to this match, they will have to turn Orton face. They simply have to. Or else they'll have a heel being cheered for over another heel. They could pull it off as a tweener turn, but I'd be much happier with a full Face turn.
i am really interested to see where this is going,i really cant see sheamus going over clean this has to be to further the storyline between orton and dibiase.also i hope this doesnt lead to hhh v sheamus at mania
The build up is gonna go one of two ways, in my opinion.

1) Orton and Sheamus just get at each other's throats with promos, try to attack each other but both fail, Orton slightly more of a tweener role then they finally go to the Rumble and Orton carries Sheamus to a decent match. But that would again just be a feud and not and angle, and I'm craving some angles at the moment, hence my thread. But I'm hoping for this second option.

2) It's all set up to turn Ted Dibiase face. Think about this. For weeks, Sheamus calls out Orton. Orton doesn't want to go out there and get his ass kicked, so he feeds Dibiase to Sheamus in a glorified squash match. Then during one Raw, Legacy attack Sheamus from behind, beating him up a bit. Later in the night, Legacy have a 6 man tag against, let's say Cena, Kofi and Henry or something... Whatever, just have a situation where all of Legacy are in the ring. Sheamus comes out, wanting revenge for earlier in the night. Orton and Cody bolt, leaving Dibiase to once again get his ass kicked by Sheamus. Week before Royal Rumble, Legacy have a backstage segment where Ted subtley implies that he's no longer on Orton's side, but Orton and Cody don't notice. Have Sheamus beat up some face opponents, maybe destroying Cena at the end of one Raw to keep up his heel heat.

The Royal Rumble comes around. Sheamus dominates Orton for a bit, ref gets knocked out. Legacy runs down, Sheamus beats up Cody for a bit with Ted just standing back not getting involved. Orton recovers enough to hit a lowblow or RKO on Sheamus. Orton tells Cody to hit crossroads on Sheamus, he does so. Orton tells Dibiase to hit Dreamstreet, but Dibiase just stands there. Orton gets in his face and starts shouting at him. This goes on for a while, Orton slaps Dibiase, maybe pushes him. Then Dibiase unleashes a flurry of punches. Orton tries to hit back, misses and gets hit with Dreamstreet as Cody looks on in shock. Dibiase rolls out of the ring and back up the ramp. Cody tends to Orton, gets kicked by Sheamus and thrown out of the ring. Sheamus hits his finisher on Orton and pins him.

This part is optional, but later in the night have Dibiase eliminate Rhodes. Rhodes goes to the back, gets Orton and they get in the ring and eliminate Dibiase, maybe he gets punted. Dibiase returns the next night or the week after and we have ourselves a feud.

That's how Orton vs Sheamus should be used.
Why would Randy Orton turn face aren't they supposed to build up Ted Dibiase as a babyface to face Randy at WM 26? As for the Rumble match with Sheamus it's hard to say what will happen. If Orton wins I can see a build-up or a title match vs Dibiase as WM 26 although that's be too quick for Ted to get a title shot. If Sheamus wins then I can see yet another HHH main even match-up at WM 26 with Sheamus. I do think that somehow Legacy will accidentally screw over Orton to begin the Dibiase face turn.
well I think it will stay heel vs heel which I like it havent seen one in awhile the build up will probally be trsh talking mostly maybe a tag match between them idk all I kno is I see shamus winning st the Rumble which sucks and hhh winning the Rumble whos wants to see that at Mania? I would rlly like to see ted win the Rumble and orton win the title sure it is hhh/batista type but it puts a great feel for Mania and I can see it being a rlly good match and epic if ted gose over but I think orton is just someone for shamus to beat so they can show that he is a dominate champ cause not to many ppl believe he deserves it not that we got anything to do with it that senario sucks to me I love the so far planed Mania card except that one srry I got off subject a little (OFF Subject too but I even heard they were going to do rey vs punk hair vs mask at Mania) but I see shamus going over as for cena and kofi they will be in the Rumble

Oh my, please learn how to use punctuation. One ? in the whole post cant even read it.

This is a joke for the main event. Sheamous is too green to go up against Randy Orton . Randy will carry the whole match and Sheamous will win do to Cena interfering. Simple prediction .

Everyone said he was too green to get the title much less keep it this long, I think Sheamus needs top talent to help push him further.

I think the difference is that this is a PPV, so the match will undoubtedly be longer than what you see on an episode of Raw or ECW.

Longer and honestly I feel it will be better.

I do have to agree with the criticisms though of people bitching about a Heel vs Heel match. People have been crying for a long time now for the need for new, fresh matches. Then, WWE gives one to you, and people are upset by it.

NO matter what the E does to make us happy someone is gonna bitch. There are those out there that will never be happy. Me I am actually enjoying it right now. Bout time they changed it up.

I do think Orton should serve in a Tweener role in the very least, but I am not going to complain about the match because I have been one of those people who complained about stale WWE Main Events and I want to see something different.

I actually agree with you here Sid. I believe Orton is one of the few current Superstars who can actually make it work for his character, and hope that creative goes through with it without fucking it up.

I didn't complain about Cena vs Sheamus, and I am not going to complain about this, either.

Me either, and no one else really should either. Your getting new main event matches for the first time in awhile, quit bitching people.

I think what this comes down to is that we have to make up our minds on what we want, and what the greater priority is. And then, we go with it. For me, it is having fresh Main Events.

I know what I want and right now i am pleased, however not excited yet, hopefully this will change soon.
This is a really strange match. I think we were all fully expecting Cena to avenge his loss to Sheamus at TLC, but WWE throws yet another swerve at us with a heel vs heel match. I don't really know where the hell WWE is going with this.....and I kind of like it. If Orton wins, then there's a chance we could see a The Legacy go back to the top as far as stables go. Also, who would challenge Orton for the title, if he were to hold on to it after the Elimination Chamber ppv?

If, Sheamus wins, then I think it's a lock he loses it at Elimination Chamber. I don't think Vince is going to have a new guy go into Mania as WWE champion, I just don't see it happening. Anyway, this should be in interesting match either way.
In a match made tonight due to Orton winning the Triple Threat Match on Raw between John Cena, himself, and Kofi Kingston, Orton has earned the right to take on the WWE Champion Sheamus at the Royal Rumble.

This match is quite intriguing and presents a variety of scenarios on what may take place leading up to the Royal Rumble.

WWE has done Heel vs Heel before and it hasn't been very successful. That leads one to speculate on whether possible one of four things may occur:

1) Will Orton actually turn Babyface before the Rumble


2) Will Sheamus LOSE the WWE title before the Rumble and Orton will face the new Champion


3) WWE will be brazen enough to keep the title on Sheamus and simply have Orton wrestle him as a Tweener or maybe even a Heel. Yikes. Recipe for disaster in my view.


4) Will someone else be inserted into the match making it what I like to call a "Vince Special", his personal favorite ... a Triple Threat Match?

I am hoping Orton is turned babyface if they go ahead with this match.

But discuss the buildup as well as the match itself in here. Who do you forsee winning the match and why?

I think out of all those options the most likely is number 3, this is because:
no 1 = Doubt he will turn babyface that quickly, it just wouldn't suit his character.
no 2= Isn't Sheamus supposed to keep til mania to face HHH? (well that is the plan).
No 3= I think this is very likely, as it would set up Orton vs Ted fued real quick, I mean Ted could interfere with the match and Orton fuming and Orton and Ted go off, don't know where that leaves Kofi though :P
No 4= Please no, we've had enough of these, leave the match as it is and do what I stated above as that would be the best idea (well imo). But knowing the E they will have a "Vince Special on the cards).
I think Randy Orton will win because Sheamus isnt the type of wwe champion the wwe needs. He should have started off winning the intercontinental championship.
I think Randy Orton will win because Sheamus isnt the type of wwe champion the wwe needs. He should have started off winning the intercontinental championship.

Just because YOU may think that Sheamus is not the type of champion that WWE needs, what makes you think that what you say is necessarily what WWE is thinking?

All I am saying is that WWE obviously thinks giving the title to Sheamus was a good move to get a fresh face into the Main Event. So apparently, what you may think is irrelevant to them. So considering that, why would you think that Orton is necessarily going to win the title?

I could understand you stating that "I think Orton is going to win the title because I have a feeling that WWE understands that giving Sheamus the title was a mistake. I think the WWE knows they made a mistake in giving the title to someone as young and inexperienced as he is when he hasn't proven himself."

That explanation I could take into consideration. However you saying that "Orton is going to win the title because I think that Sheamus isn't the type of champion WWE needs" is rather laughable. WWE doesn't make decisions based on what YOU, xxlegendkillerxx, thinks.

You need to come up with a better argument or learn how to phrase your words better.
Not much of a build up so far for this one. Maybe in the next couple of weeks these two can build some kind of half assed rivalry, but I'm sure it won't be any good. And I honestly believe the only thing that is going to be worse than the feud leading up to the Rumble, will be the match itself. Sheamus is not very good. I'm sorry, maybe some of you disagree, but I just don't see what's so great about this guy. And furthermore, I don't see his style meshing very well with Orton's sadistic, grind-it out style. I believe that Orton is far superior to Sheamus in terms of technical wrestling and brawling, so I don't see this being a very good matchup. It will be hard for me to accept Sheamus getting a clean victory over Orton, but if I had to guess, that is probably what is going to happen seeing Vince and Hunter seem to be big on this Sheamus guy. I have heard they want Sheamus and HHH at Mania for the belt, so Orton losing (especially in light of his actions with some kid outside of a restaurant and his freaking out on Kofi in the ring on Raw) is the most likely scenario, in my opinion. What I would like to see is Orton somehow get screwed out of a victory. Let Kofi do it, seeing he doesn't have much else to do right now. Then I would like to see Orton somehow, that night, wiggle his way into the Rumble match itself and win it again. I know my ideal turnout isn't likely, but you can always hope.
Stupid match IMO.Both are heels, and Sheamus is too green to get the respect from hardcore fans who would cheer him regardless( e.g Jericho, Orton) They should have gone with Kingston.People get the Rumble for the actual Royal Rumble match, rarely for the rest of the card, so it would have been the perfect opportunity to build Kingston(even if he'd lose) Orton needs to remain super-heel if he's going to put over Ted DiBiase at WM26, so the consequence of this match is that Sheamus may end up looking like a babyface(which HHH& Vince would hate) or will get the wrong kind of heat from the crowd (e.g Cena / Vickie heat) Something tells me it may end up being a triple threat with Kingston.I hear Cena's injured, so he's probably only wrestling a full schedule from the Elimination Chamber PPV onwards.
Boy, is this match going to blow.........
I'm going with Option no. 3. I think we'll see Legacy doing Randy's dirty work on Sheamus leading up to the Rumble, and that will only help Ted's babyface turn later on. Orton will dominate the match, but Sheamus will win via DQ - and I reckon it'll be Ted interfering somehow which will cost Orton. That gives Sheamus another big scalp to brag about knocking off - albeit winning in dodgy circumstances again - and that will then open the floodgates to the Ted V Orton feud leading into WM26.

Sure it looks like heel vs heel on paper, but the crowds at the last however many Raws have been popping for Orton, and they'll do the same in this match.
I think the fundamental thing about this match is that it was a bit slapdash. I sincerely doubt that this was ever the long term plan, but if it was, this can be nothing but a win for Sheamus. There is no chance that Randy Orton is going to turn face or tweener or whatever. You have a guy that people love to hate, and on past evidence, hate to love and it is a non starter. Sheamus could feasibly turn face, but I think that would be a disaster too, so you end up with heel on heel, which is tantamount to raping the Virgin Mary in the eyes of the wrestling knowitalls. Though not as strong, I am sceptical that it would work.

I think more than anything this is an experiment to see if two heels can work together in this day and age, because I don't think it's been tried on PPV for a long while. Feel free to correct me on that, by the way. The Royal Rumble has often had unusual title opportunities since the brand split, with guys like Mr. Kennedy and Hardcore Holly getting their shots, and I see this as an extension of that.

EDIT: Just remembered a decent heel vs heel title match, for those that care. It was at a Royal Rumble, 2001, and it was Angle vs HHH and very entertaining.
This match could easily go either way if you ask me. Sheamus might hold the belt until Elimination Chamber so that his reign looks better and the Wrestlemania feuds would still get set up without him looking like a weak champion, or he might even hold the belt going into Wrestlemania! Orton as champion is rarely a bad thing. If they plan on having Orton be champ going into Wrestlemania though then this is a better time to give the belt to him instead of Elimination Chamber. I am finding it a bit tough to predict this one since the odds are good for both guys. The match itself will be alright but I'm not expecting anything awesome. Probably about as good as Cena's matches with Sheamus only a little better. I'll give Orton the win because I don't think that WWE will have Sheamus as the champ going into Wrestlemania, I could be wrong but it makes more sense to have Orton win now and begin a Wrestlemania feud.

Randy Orton will win the WWE Championship.
I will continue to express my dis approval for sheamus as long he is champ so i hope randy wins.In no way am i a fan of giving randy another pointless title reign but sheamus has no right being any were the WWE title.He just cant put on a good match in my opinion.He doesn't sell move,he has no mic skills,a boring look,and to top it off wwe makes him look even week by making him face the people no better than Evan Borun on raw.The worst part is the fact that he's omly champ because Triple H likes him.

Randy would be a been their done that reign but he is a very good wrestler!If he was to win he could go on to wrestlemania and have what i thiink would be an amazing match with HBK&HHH.

It is really to bad that Randy well loss to sheamus
This is all a matter of the current Wrestlemania plans. So far, I've read that Sheamus is supposed to face Triple H, which would kinda require Sheamus to be the champion at that point. Unless they let him drop the belt only to win it back in the Elimination Chamber (stupid imo), Sheamus has to win here.

However, plans always change rapidly in the WWE. If they feel that Sheamus isn't ready, doesn't get enough of a reaction, or just Orton is better suited for the role, they could potentially switch things up and start the Orton/Dibiase setup along with the breakup of Legacy. If this is the case, then Orton picks up the win.

I'm a fan of heel/heel matches. Sure, the crowd will likely either back Orton or be a sleeper, but Triple H/Angle of 2001 turned out better than I anticipated. There won't be any Steph/Trish catfight in this one, but the action should be decent enough. This isn't the main event, and likely won't lose any buys for the PPV as the Rumble itself is the big draw. If anything, it gets more experience for Sheamus and makes Orton look legit.
I will continue to express my dis approval for sheamus as long he is champ so i hope randy wins.In no way am i a fan of giving randy another pointless title reign but sheamus has no right being any were the WWE title.He just cant put on a good match in my opinion.He doesn't sell move,he has no mic skills,a boring look,and to top it off wwe makes him look even week by making him face the people no better than Evan Borun on raw.The worst part is the fact that he's omly champ because Triple H likes him.

Randy would be a been their done that reign but he is a very good wrestler!If he was to win he could go on to wrestlemania and have what i thiink would be an amazing match with HBK&HHH.

It is really to bad that Randy well loss to sheamus

Please, for gods sake see the following thread....
One or two mistakes is one thing but this post is a whole lot of shit....from what i can understand through the rambling, is that Sheamus is a useless champion. I disagree, although green he is playing a decent enough heel in my book to make him a somewhat reputable champion. And in my opinion a match with Orton will only make him more reputable.

I'm going with Option no. 3. I think we'll see Legacy doing Randy's dirty work on Sheamus leading up to the Rumble, and that will only help Ted's babyface turn later on. Orton will dominate the match, but Sheamus will win via DQ - and I reckon it'll be Ted interfering somehow which will cost Orton. That gives Sheamus another big scalp to brag about knocking off - albeit winning in dodgy circumstances again - and that will then open the floodgates to the Ted V Orton feud leading into WM26.

Sure it looks like heel vs heel on paper, but the crowds at the last however many Raws have been popping for Orton, and they'll do the same in this match.

I think something very similar to this will happen, although Ted is going to end up costing Orton the win some way or another. Then the fued will start to fire up once again.

I think Randy Orton will win because Sheamus isnt the type of wwe champion the wwe needs. He should have started off winning the intercontinental championship.

You are dead wrong my friend. The last thing people want to see at Mania is something we have already seen multiple times. They are already booking Taker/HBK 2 we don't want another Orton/HHH at Mania. The whole point of Mania is to start off a new year in style with new beginings, and with HHH/Sheamus I believe that can be accomplished and leaves plenty of room for expansion on the storylines from there.

Orton will have a decent match and I am looking foward to this one more than Taker/Rey. Sheamus will go over Orton and this will lead to something more for the EC then finally Mania. All in all I think this match had the potential for being match of the night for more than one reason, but thats not for this thread.
Dont know quite what to make of this one. I thought it had lots of potential when i first heard of it, but the build has consisted of a lot of homo-erotic staredowns, and not a lot of Sheamus even being on TV or involved.

I would love to see them maximize Orton here, but doubt it will happen. Actually, it appears they are going with "make Orton as watered down and weak as humanly possible, so he doesnt shit all over Sheamus" route.

Sheamus wins.
1) Will Orton actually turn Babyface before the Rumble

At this stage, not likely. I don't see Orton turning babyface anytime in the foreseeable future. Currently, he is arguably WWE's biggest heel and it doesn't really make sense to turn him face yet to me.

2) Will Sheamus LOSE the WWE title before the Rumble and Orton will face the new Champion

If WWE is serious about keeping Sheamus in the main event scene, I don't see him dropping the belt at the Royal Rumble. For Sheamus to be built as a credible maineventer, he must be built as a dominant champion and beating someone as credible as Orton at one of WWE's biggest PPVs will help him tremendously.

3) WWE will be brazen enough to keep the title on Sheamus and simply have Orton wrestle him as a Tweener or maybe even a Heel. Yikes. Recipe for disaster in my view.

That's why I'm going into this match with low expectations. You said it yourself, WWE has done heel vs heel matches before and they haven't been very good so I'm inclined to agree with you, Sid.

4) Will someone else be inserted into the match making it what I like to call a "Vince Special", his personal favorite ... a Triple Threat Match?

Since I'm replying to this thead pretty late, I'll say no one. But if I found this thread earlier, I probably would've said Cena as he probably would've been the logical choice. I also thought a few weeks ago that it would've been a fatal four way with Kofi included.

But discuss the buildup as well as the match itself in here. Who do you forsee winning the match and why?

To answer the question, I predict Sheamus will win simply to build him as a credible maineventer. As for if he will main event Wrestlemania, that's another topic. There's quite a bit of time between the Rumble and Wrestlemania and Sheamus can always drop the belt between now and then.
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