WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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Worst Royal Rumble PPV in along time. Should just renamed it the Jobber Rumble.
the whole event was barely watchable and felt like a TNA PPV lol

OK not quite that bad but really close.

Just take the Rumble stipulations for one. Everyone is eligible until the actual match then it was only people who hadn't already competed and those that did had to lose ie Champs weren't eligible.

Kane and Cena have an abomination of a match and what's worse for Kane, he ended his streak of 13 Rumble appearances in a row (15 if you count Fake Diesel and Issac Yankem) to have that abomination of a match.

and in the Rumble match, the only people i really felt carried it were Ziggler, Rhodes and The Miz, everyone else was just there and got eliminated quickly.

Once again worst Rumble in memory, weakest roster, weakest title matches weakest overall PPV. Shame Shame Shame. WrestleMania is gonna be a dudd, i can just feel it :(
How far the WWE has fallen.....
Some of you guys are dumb.

1) Ziggler losing "4 times" to Punk doesn't kill shit. He's a heel, heel's lose. Punk got revenge. Ever stop to think "hmm, Ziggler cheated to beat Punk 3 times, Punk got screwed out of beating ziggler 3 times, then finally beat him, O SHIT IT'S SORTA POETIC IN A PRO WRESTLING KINDA WAY". Fans don't sit down and go "well he beat him so he sucks". Ziggles gets a reaction, don't worry.

2) the Royal Rumble match was incredibly entertaining. You can call it the "jobber" rumble or whatever other bullshit you want, fact is, it's HARD to sustain drama for that long. the comedy bits were AWESOME. ricardo stole the show with his antics, then the epic sock puppet fight, then the funny continuing announcers entering, it made it more memorable other than "o yea, that was that one royal rumble where so and so won". There wasn't at all as much dead time with guys holding each other on the apron as usual. You had legends returning in hacksaw and Dogg, a surprise return with Kharma, comedy, then the drama at the end. That's really how a rumble should be. It shouldn't be "well here is superstar X, he'll last a while and we know it" "well here is jobber Y, he's going to be out soon". The rumble told several mini stories and frankly, entertained me throughout. If I want to watch a bunch of big names hold each other on the apron, I'll just watch Raw or smackdown for a while until they have a battle royal. Wrestling is supposed to be fun and entertaining. The Royal was both and had the drama at the end. O yea, it also had a great stunt spot with Kofi. In other words, the Rumble had surprise returns, surprise vets, REALLY good comedy, a stunt spot, a continuing story throughout with the commentators, and drama at the end. Exactly what in the fuck are you guys bitching about? That it was like Miz number 1, stone cold number 2, etc etc? It's BORING when a bunch of superstars come out and you know they're basically gonna just lay on the ropes for 30 minutes.

3) "wah wah I thought jericho was going to win, him not winning negates his return" I don't even know how to respond to this other than you seriously have to be dumb to believe that. His charcter comes back, smiles, thinks he's the shit, then LOSES and comes close. hmmm, sounds like motivation to me. Not only that, but if jericho wins, I GUARANTEE you same hipster fucks are saying "wah wah it was too predictable". Him losing doesn't kill shit, again, fans don't go "well he lost, he sucks" if anything, his character is MORE interesting now.

4) no storylines were continued for Mania. This is also stupid because A) yea it's pretty obvious that Miz/truth and Barrett/Orton are continuing, and B) you don't know what the writers have planned so fuck you.

Overall I really enjoyed the Rumble.
The cage match was booked perfectly with a pretty cool ending.

The divas match is sort of arbitrary but wasn't horrible.

Cena and Kane furthered the angle and was a good first match for what's likely a hate feud.

Ziggler and Punk was a GREAT match and Punk got his revenge by essentially beating Ziggler 4 times to overcome Ziggler's 3 defeats on him. Usually I don't say wins/losses matter, but because it was clearly something they built up in the story, it matters because it's part of the story. If Ziggler is less over because he....as a heel.....lost clean....then he doesn't deserve a pay check. However, the logic that a heel will lose steam for losing clean to a babyface he's been cheating to beat is ridiculous in itself so if you believe that, maybe go back and watch ANY wrestling program from EVER.

Pretty much summed up the Rumble match itself above. Comedy, stunts, returns, continuing story, drama at the end, unpredictability, pretty much hit EVERYTHING.

Also, I'd like to let everyone know Sheamus was my pick. Think I could be quoted somewhere on here predicting him to get hot and win the rumble and be the next big babyface they push back in like october after I went to a house show and saw how ridiculously over he was getting and how good of a babyface he is.
I agree completely. You want to throw one comedy wrestler into the Rumble, fine, I get it. But it seemed like the first 20 minutes was just pure, utter nonsense. Keep in mind, people paid $55 for this thing. I mean, each time the buzzer went off I just shook my head. That has to be the worst group of participants ever to compete in a Rumble.
Part of the problem is there are some injuries, and there's nothing WWE can do about it. Mysterio, Christian, ADR, etc. I don't care what they're doing with the Cena-Kane feud, one or both of those guys should have been in the Rumble. All 3 announcers in the Rumble? Give me a fucking break!
Watching this Rumble match really made me question WWE's roster as a whole.
There were some positives though. Miz and Cody Rhodes were great and Sheamus winning was excellent as I've always been a fan of his. The thing is, his Rumble win doesn't look like that big of a deal considering the participants in the Rumble. WWE needs to figure out something for next year's Rumble to legitimize it. This was the 25th anniversary and I had to watch Michael Cole and Ricardo Rodriguez? Not to mention geriatric Foley, Road Dogg and Hacksaw Jim Duggan?

I'm curious to see where they go with Sheamus and also Jericho. The Rumble as a whole though was a major disappointment
I've seen every single Royal Rumble ever. 90% of them are boring as fuck. It's "here comes so and so" then so and so holds the middle or top rope for 5-20 minutes before getting eliminated.

I am having a hard time understanding you guys. Every normal person I've talked to said it was VERY entertaining. The guys in the business I know said it was VERY entertaining. My girfriend who has only been watching for a year thought it was VERY entertaining. I myself thought it was VERY entertaining. Yet a handfull of fat virgins think that because there weren't enough big names and instead WWE said "what the fuck? Try to pawnt his off as an hour of drama? Nah, let's throw everything in it" that it's a bad rumble. What exactly do you guys want? Let me guess, you want it to be like every single other rumble. Number 1 is a bigish name, he last a while, every once in a while guys who are feuding are back to back, they fight. Every once in a while a tag team is in there, they might fight each other. Then a big guy comes in and cleans house, then like 8 guys eliminate him. Then at 27 the winner comes out, then at 30 a surprise return happens. Then at the end, the guy everyone predicted to win ends up winning. BTW, ALL of this "action" is filled in with guys playing grabass in the corner. WOW I'm REALLY dissapointed WWE didn't go that route again..... I mean, I could have seen Miz do basically what he did, seen Triple H come out to a pop but then hold the rope forever, seen Kane make his return (why would he? His goal is to beat Cena. He doesn't give a shit about the rumble) and eliminate 16 guys. Seen Cena and Punk and Dragon come in (again, why? Cena is hurt from the match, Punk and Dragon have the belts) and hold the ropes. Had maybe Jericho at number 30, which would have ruined the surprise of "who is number 30?" because everyone would have known he's the next guy. Better yet, had Jericho come in at 27 and then win like everyone predicted.

Basically the idea most of you have for the rumble sucks. It's a bunch of "5..4..3..2..1..ZOMG IT'S SO AND SO" and then 90 seconds of so and so punching, posing, then getting hit from behind and tossed the apron where he holds on to the ropes until...get this "5..4..3..2..1..ZOMG IT'S SO AND SO" and then it's repeated again. I swear, you guys ENJOY wrestling to be the exact same. For as often as most of you bitch about it being predictable, when the WWE does something different and something you didn't expect, you bitch about it. I guess you basically bitch regardles. Just bitch bitch bitch. Fuckin hipster wrestling fans. I bet in like 5 years, this will be one of people's favorite rumbles because they're REMEMBER Rodriguez, they'll remember the sock battle, they'll remember the commentators entering (they're more over than some of the roster and every bit as believable as say the Bezerker back in the day), they'll remember Kofi's handstand, and they'll remember Kharma scaring Cole and staring down vickie, and they'll remember Sheamus winning. I CHALLENGE you to name 1 Rumble that had that many legitimately unique moments. As someone who has seen them all I can tell you there aren't any. 1998 "o yea that Rumble Austin won and people pretty much knew it and basically everyone held on to the ropes forever". 2003 "o yea that Rumble Brock Lesnar won and pretty much everyone knew he would and basicaly everyone held on to the ropes forever".
Where to start with the Rumble. Have to say I was hugely dissapointed, but being a fan who uses the internet, I cant help but feel I ruin it for myself. I was expecting more and it was anti climatic. Where to start on re-booking the clusterfuck...

I had no issue with Mick Foley, he is fairly relevant, Road Dogg isnt. Yes it is nice for nostalgia to have a few old skool surprises but there was 1 or 2 too many. Hacksaw Jim Duggan should have come in at number 2 and got the crowd pumped from the off. Him and Miz could have done their thing for 90 seconds then he is gone and out of the way. I understand why they put Duggan in though.

King and Cole were just ridiclous additions. The Booker T thing didnt take me by surprise, I knew he would enter and I liked the fact he did. He is also relevant.

Wade Barrett
He should have entered earlier and been much more dominant. Give him a good run and Orton comes down and eliminates him pumping up the crowd.

Ziggler and Big Show
They already wrestled earlier in the evening. We had seen them and I didnt want to see either again. You can argue a case for Big Show because of his size. I like him in the Rumble but his number 30 appointment was stupid.

Kharma and Great Khali
Kharmas return as welcome, but in the Rumble? Seriously, just fuck off. Have her come down and stare down Beth Pheonix after the Divas match for fucks sake. Khali is a big man, the Rumble is his type of match so I had no issue with that. He got the 'woooooooooh' pop given Mark 'always a Rumble threat' Henry wasn't in there.

Lack of Star Power
John Cena and Kane were missed in the Rumble. Love him or hate him, Cena garners a reaction. It made no sense for Cena to be in there given his WM match being sorted, but why no Kane when you give Ziggler a chance? A Rumble without Kane is like bread without butter. The Big Red Machine always makes an impact. I get that he had wrestled but you could argue a case for him coming down and destroying a few in the ring. Maybe have Cena come down as a non participant and eliminate him and seek retribrution for what happened earlier.

Missing superstars
Christian was there and is ready to return (apparently). That would be a welcome addition. Skip Sheffield and Mason Ryan were never going to win the damn thing but they look like threats and could have gained something from a short dominant spell in the Rumble. Much better than Road Dogg or Kharma.

The end
WWE like to think they pulled the wool over everyones eyes with Jericho not winning, but it made them look stupid. The internet ruins pro wrestling at times and I suppose WWE were damned if they did, and damned if they didnt. However, they should have stuck to their guns and given Jericho the win. He needed it to get his return over because now it looks fucking stupid. He is not 'a force'. This is not a dig at Sheamus. The last two should also have being Orton and Jericho. It was obvious when Orton went out that Sheamus was to win it.

And finally - Undertaker and Triple H
Put Triple H in the Rumble, it adds star power. Number 30 out comes the Undertaker. The big surprise everyone wanted. A heap of broken bodies (Sheamus, Orton, Jericho, Miz, Rhodes) lay on the canvas. Triple H and Undertaker stare each other down for a short while. Undertaker eliminates himself by climbing over the top rope. Triple H follows suit. A strong message by both. They dont care about the belts at Wrestlemania, they want EACH OTHER and will sacrifice everything to get it on again.
Where to start with the Rumble. Have to say I was hugely dissapointed, but being a fan who uses the internet, I cant help but feel I ruin it for myself. I was expecting more and it was anti climatic. Where to start on re-booking the clusterfuck...

I had no issue with Mick Foley, he is fairly relevant, Road Dogg isnt. Yes it is nice for nostalgia to have a few old skool surprises but there was 1 or 2 too many. Hacksaw Jim Duggan should have come in at number 2 and got the crowd pumped from the off. Him and Miz could have done their thing for 90 seconds then he is gone and out of the way. I understand why they put Duggan in though.

King and Cole were just ridiclous additions. The Booker T thing didnt take me by surprise, I knew he would enter and I liked the fact he did. He is also relevant.

Wade Barrett
He should have entered earlier and been much more dominant. Give him a good run and Orton comes down and eliminates him pumping up the crowd.

Ziggler and Big Show
They already wrestled earlier in the evening. We had seen them and I didnt want to see either again. You can argue a case for Big Show because of his size. I like him in the Rumble but his number 30 appointment was stupid.

Kharma and Great Khali
Kharmas return as welcome, but in the Rumble? Seriously, just fuck off. Have her come down and stare down Beth Pheonix after the Divas match for fucks sake. Khali is a big man, the Rumble is his type of match so I had no issue with that. He got the 'woooooooooh' pop given Mark 'always a Rumble threat' Henry wasn't in there.

Lack of Star Power
John Cena and Kane were missed in the Rumble. Love him or hate him, Cena garners a reaction. It made no sense for Cena to be in there given his WM match being sorted, but why no Kane when you give Ziggler a chance? A Rumble without Kane is like bread without butter. The Big Red Machine always makes an impact. I get that he had wrestled but you could argue a case for him coming down and destroying a few in the ring. Maybe have Cena come down as a non participant and eliminate him and seek retribrution for what happened earlier.

Missing superstars
Christian was there and is ready to return (apparently). That would be a welcome addition. Skip Sheffield and Mason Ryan were never going to win the damn thing but they look like threats and could have gained something from a short dominant spell in the Rumble. Much better than Road Dogg or Kharma.

The end
WWE like to think they pulled the wool over everyones eyes with Jericho not winning, but it made them look stupid. The internet ruins pro wrestling at times and I suppose WWE were damned if they did, and damned if they didnt. However, they should have stuck to their guns and given Jericho the win. He needed it to get his return over because now it looks fucking stupid. He is not 'a force'. This is not a dig at Sheamus. The last two should also have being Orton and Jericho. It was obvious when Orton went out that Sheamus was to win it.

And finally - Undertaker and Triple H
Put Triple H in the Rumble, it adds star power. Number 30 out comes the Undertaker. The big surprise everyone wanted. A heap of broken bodies (Sheamus, Orton, Jericho, Miz, Rhodes) lay on the canvas. Triple H and Undertaker stare each other down for a short while. Undertaker eliminates himself by climbing over the top rope. Triple H follows suit. A strong message by both. They dont care about the belts at Wrestlemania, they want EACH OTHER and will sacrifice everything to get it on again.
Point 1, legends, they all got a pretty good reaction, so yea, doesn't matter.

Point 2, announcers, how is Cole and King any different than say Warlord other than Cole and King are both a LOT more over than Warlord ever was? WWE's philosophy seemed to be that instead of pretending like a bunch of midcarders or upper midcarders actually have a shot (like Kane every fuckin year), why not actually, you know, make something fun?

Point 3, having a heel have a long run in the rumble really doesn't do much, especially if another one (Miz) is already doing it. It negates the whole thing. It didn't hurt Barrett at all and that's really nit picky.

Point 4, Kharma's return at the Rumble match is a LOT bigger than if she had stared down Beth, people don't watch Divas matches, if you have a return, you want the most eyes to see it, marketing 101. Second, maybe that's not how they're going to build Beth vs Kharma, or maybe they aren't going to do it at all? Khali was in instead of Mark Henry and that's a fault? So....exchanging an apple for an apple and you're upset because it wasn't the particular apple you wanted, awesome dude.

Point 5, lack of star power. Star power isn't always a good thing in the rumble. Even if you have a bunch of stars, every year there are only about 3 guys who you think will win. You want KANE in another rumble? I mean, besides the fact that EVERYONE knows he won't win, the fact that it doesn't make any sense as far as his character's motivation goes, and the fact that doing so will sort of turn it into every other boring ass Rumble....damn dude, that's an awful idea. I'd rather watch Ricardo steal the show. Second CENA???? Really? I mean, he was supposed to have been destroyed after the Ryder match and also torn up over his buddy getting hurt. So again, doesn't make any sense. Neither of those guys make sense in the rumble.

Point 6 Apparently Christian is not ready to return. Donno how else to put it. No, Mason Ryan and Sheffield DON'T look like legit threats. NOBODY in their right mind thinks they'd win. Everyone knows it's a work and when half your audience will go "is this that one guy?" "no he's that other guy remember" "o yea" and they AREN'T as over, and they AREN'T as entertaining, why the fuck waste time with them? So they can come out and eliminate a bunch of people (which, with Kane and both of these guys, how can they all have "dominant runs"), also, how does a dominant run really get these guys over? Fans don't have a scorecard, it's if you make them care about you or not. Ryan and Sheff aren't that over and would just clog up the apron. I'd much rather see comedy shenanigans than their 'GRRR I R A BIG DUDE AND A THREATZ!!!!" bullshit that nobody buys. Finally (on this point), no, they couldn't have gained ANYTHING. Nobody would remember or give a shit that Sheffield or Ryan eliminated 5 guys. That's not how you get over, you get over by having a memorable character. People will remember Ricardo because it was character-driven. Not vanilla ass "WOW HE'S BIG AND HE FLEXES AND HE THROWS PEOPLE OVER LIKE IT'S 1985".

Point 7, the internet only ruins wrestling for stupid people. If you REALLY think WWE went "O NOZ, NO ERBODY KNOWS OUR PLANZ!!!! ZOMG LET'S CHANGE THEM" then you're an idiot. Sheamus was likely the planned royal rumble winner ever since, iunno, they didn't have him job to Henry and have made him look strong since like June. The Jericho thing was just to add some depth to the pool of "who could win". stop making excuses for foolishly believe anything these "reporters" say. Jericho DOESN'T need the win to get his return over. Holy fuck what do you think this is? 1920? No one says "well he lost, he sucks" if anything the loss adds motivation to his character and makes it more interesting (which makes it more over). If the last two were Orton and Jericho, then it'd be OBVIOUS that Jericho was going to win. Why would they put Orton over? That doesn't make any sense. Sheamus, despite the fact that he might not be a "5/5 on the mic, 5/5 in the ring" or whatever other bullshit "evaluation" you do, is very VERY over. This push will put him in the inner circle of babyfaces and he's doing a great job.

Your final point is just dumb, cliche, and basically a really tired and bogus and contrived idea overall. Are you REALLY suggesting the Undertaker goes in? Why? So he can win? Or so he can lose? If he loses, it's pretty irrelevant and the ONLY pop you get out of that and the ONLY entertainment you get out of that is the "5..4..3..2..1..ZOMG UNDERTAKER" that's it. No longevity with that plan, it sucks. Triple and Taker come out to add "star power"? Nobody thinks they'll win. Plus it doesn't fit either one of their characters.

You sound like a mark who is pissed that your favorites weren't in. Bottom line, this rumble had less wasted grab ass on the apron and more character and scope of emotion. Believe it or not, no one would buy it if Taker, HHH, Kane, Cena, or anyone else who obviously isn't going to win comes out. There is the initial entrance pop, they punch a few guys, pose, get hit from behind, then hold the ropes for 20 minutes. That shit is old and boring.
I've never seen a Rumble feature 90% jobbers. It was a joke. I wish it was like back in the day. Remember the 2000 Rumble? It was off the hook. Great matches AND a great Rumble.
I was thinking about this yesterday: After R-Truth got eliminated, he should have re-entered the Rumble a few numbers later as "Lil Jimmy." Now that Truth is face, I'm not sure exactly how he would dress up as Lil Jimmy but it would have been great. THAT type of comedy stuff would have been great not The Cobra and Mr. Socko duking it out.
I understand both sides of the argument on the quality of the Rumble, but based on just pure entertainment, I thought the Rumble lacked. Comedy bits were cool and all, but I just never found myself getting excited about an entrant coming down the ramp, minus a few. And if I'm not excited when they're entering the ring, it's hard to get me excited afterwards. Sheamus win was cool, despite the fact that I thought Jericho made a lot more sense.
I understand both sides of the argument on the quality of the Rumble, but based on just pure entertainment, I thought the Rumble lacked. Comedy bits were cool and all, but I just never found myself getting excited about an entrant coming down the ramp, minus a few. And if I'm not excited when they're entering the ring, it's hard to get me excited afterwards. Sheamus win was cool, despite the fact that I thought Jericho made a lot more sense.
My question, which still hasn't been answered, is why do they do after they enter? Sure it's cool "5..4..3..2..1..ZOMG HHH!!!!" What happens for the 90 seconds after that? Usually a lot of nothing. Grabass on the apron as I like to call. Not only that, but even if HHH enters, you know he's not going to win. So literally, the ONLY positive is the initial excitement, then 90 seconds of downtime. Kane, Cena, etc all basically the same thing.
I've never seen a Rumble feature 90% jobbers. It was a joke. I wish it was like back in the day. Remember the 2000 Rumble? It was off the hook. Great matches AND a great Rumble.
Everyone and their mother knew Rock was going to win. A LOT of downtime in that Rumble too. Same with Austin a few years before. No one legitimately sees a guy like Big Show or Kane and thinks "he could win, he's big". Although the undercard with the insane Cactus Jack vs HHH match was hard to beat.

I think a lot of you guys are looking at past Rumbles with nostalgia. Seriously go back and try to watch old rumbles. 90% of them suck. It's an hour of guys pretending to push each other out on the apron. I'll be able to go back and watch this Rumble and enjoy more of it because there was more character work and story.
I think the strength of this year's rumble was the winner. I never saw that coming. Going into the event I thought Ziggler would have won it - lose to CM Punk but get title fight due to winning rumble. Then during it I thought Orton would win due to it being in his home town. Christ, I didn't even think Sheamus would win when it was down to the final two.

Bit of a slow starter though. Of the first ten entrants, the only ones I care a jot about were Foley, Rhodes and, to a lesser extent, R Truth.

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