WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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I felt bad for reading the spoilers that mentioned his name, I think I would of been better off being surprised.

I think ADR's character getting a break is great for him overall, and will only help him.

He was pushed a little too quickly, I loved him, but his title reigns were pretty ugly.
I feel massively let down by the Rumble this year. In fact I felt devastated at the end.

* WHC - Wasn't a bad match and gave what we expected without being disappointing. Expected a Bryan win which is fine with me.

* Divas - Again, as you'd expect. Barely worth having a divas division anymore

* Kane/Cena - Liked this match personally. I'm really liking new masked Kane and fully expect Cena to "embrace the hate" in the near future so that we'll see this angry Cena at Mania. The Zack beatdown would have been good if they'd not said he'd broken his back because that made it unrealistic. He certainly wouldn't have been able to roll into a ring with a broken back. Ryder could possibly have sold it more.

* Brodus/Drew - Absolutely cringworthy again. Brodus Clay is sooooo poor in the ring that this whole thing is a sham. His gimmick just looks shockingly uncomfortable and I dread it coming on. Why have him squashing decent potential stars like Tyson Kidd, A-Ry and now Drew? Don't get it at all. If they're getting rid of Drew, just do it already.

* Punk/Ziggler - Loved it. Am a big fan of both guys and thought it played out quite well. They played out the Laurinitis angle well and leaves it open tonight on Raw for Punk to come out and slate JL for not having the balls to screw him over.

Now to the Rumble match. I quite enjoyed a couple of the surprise entries. Especially Road Dogg (I completely marked out) and also Kharma and Ricardo. Other than that, the announcers, Khali, Hacksaw and Foley shouldn't have been there. Those spaces could quite easily have been taken by the likes of Mason Ryan, Ted Dibiase, Regal etc. It basically turned half the Rumble into a gimmick.

The final four was fine, a strong line-up but a Y2J just made sense. It may have been what many predicted but so what, it was a better ending than giving it to Sheamus. I like Sheamus but I don't really see the point of giving the big ending of the second biggest PPV of the year to a Smackdown superstar when it's so second rate compared to Raw. Yes, Sheamus can now go on to fight for the WHC but I hope it's against someone different to DB because I don't fancy having that match as the third biggest on the mania card. Sheamus/Barrett would be a far better match. We could do with Sheamus coming out ASAP and stating that's the title he's going for so we can start with Jericho challenging Punk for the more important title.

A wasted PPV. Hope they can rectify this VERY quickly!
I loved when Ricardo came out instead of ADR, I thought it was hilarious. Sure his music got a pop but if they knew he was coming I seriously doubt he would have received more than a decent pop. They were surprised and acted accordingly. I think what they did with Ricardo was perfect, got everyone riled up and then made them laugh their asses off. I think it really showed that Ricardo is a guy the people enjoy and I could see him being a great jobber, and I say that as a compliment. I really hope to see him come out to ADR's music more in the future.
I thought they booked the Rumble itself entertainingly and with Sheamus winning it puts another option on the table with the build up to Mania. I'm sure Jericho's angle is mapped out and some need to be ready for the possibility that just because the sheets went on and on about it being Punk/Y2J at Mania, doesn't mean it will be. Last night the sheets also said Ryback would be in the Rumble and that Mason Ryan would be booked strong in it, neither thing happened.

Edit* I'll post on the title match here.

Punk/Ziggler was a good match but I think they'll have better down the line. Ace played his role well enough, trying to screw Punk without a deliberate action. Vickie was already supposed to be barred from ringside to begin with though so him throwing her out felt like they'd forgotten that angle. The hesitation before the count was a nice touch as if the ref was expecting Ace to stop him, and overall it played out strongly except I don't think they needed to have Dolph beaten so many times within the match.
I found the rumble ppv dissapointing, hear me out..

  • WHC match..honestly the most predictable ending to date, two big men who cant climb out lose to daniel bryan..

  • KANE VS CENA..again another predictable ending, but why end it this way at the PPV, i mean they have been ending it like this in house shows for the last two weeks..nice to see ryders broken back has healed well..

  • DIVA's match...
(Dont worry, i dont need opinions on this one)

  • FUNK VS MAC.. good idea putting these two away from rumble match as there are pushes for both coming soon :)

  • WWE championship match..Best match of the night IMO, probably one for the IWC but good technical match, shame it was broken up by a pretty wierd storyline though..dont know where this one is going..

Good moments = Kharma, randy loss!, KHALI RETURN (jokes) and unexpected ending..
Bad moments = 7 guest entrances, sheamus winning, lack of funk ;) , B show last entrant, jericho story postponed, cole/king/booker thing...

I just read that Christian was cleared to wrestle. That pissed me off that they didn't use him. Ricardo/Foley/Santino were really funny. But after that they should of stopped with the comedy. Cole should of not been in the rumble.

Alex Riley should not have been number 2. I mean the guy has been buried for months. If they put Kane and Christian in the beginning or middle part of rumble I think it would of really helped. All the legit contenders really started coming out in the late 20's.

They could of used Brodus Clay too early. Clay having a nice showing in the rumble would of been a better way to push him instead of just squashing Drew.
This was my second PPV buy since 2001 (Night of Champions 2011 was the other.) I have to say that if the WWE puts out more garbage like this, it will be another 10 years until I buy their next PPV (if they are still in business that is.)

WHC Match - Did Big Show botch this? Was he supposed to pull DB back in but he just lost his grip?

Brodus Clay - I was actually expecting Brodus to develop his first real feud at this event; perhaps in the Royal Rumble match itself. Booking a squash match on a PPV was ridiculously stupid.

Divas match - Holy hell, this sucked. Love how Kelly Kelly jumped off the turnbuckle to the outside taking out everyone including her teammates.... The only wrestler worth the money in this contest was Beth Phoenix. Good ending to have her destroy the barbie doll, but we really didn't need this time filler.

Cena/Kane - I actually enjoyed this match. Good booking, good spots, back and forth action. Eve is becoming a little more believable with her emotions, but still needs work.

Punk/Ziggler - Good action from the wrestlers in the ring, but WHAT THE HELL WAS THE POINT OF JOHNNY ACE GOING NEUTRAL? A screwjob was expected because it would have made sense. The crap officiating JL pulled was lame and boring, just like he is in real life and just like his actual wrestling career.

Royal Rumble - One of the worst rumbles in the history of the entire event; if not the worst. WWE's lack of depth was terribly exposed last night. Hated seeing the announcers in the Rumble, with the exception of Booker T who actually has something left in the tank. I did enjoy Kofi's spot with the handstand as well as Kharma's return. This sets up nicely for a Kharma/BP title match down the line.

Lastly, where is the Undertaker at? It's getting dangerously close to Wrestlemania and he hasn't been seen since last year. How is WWE supposed to build up a match for the Phenom with 2 months to go?

Final grade....D+
Kane/Cena - Liked this match personally. I'm really liking new masked Kane and fully expect Cena to "embrace the hate" in the near future so that we'll see this angry Cena at Mania. The Zack beatdown would have been good if they'd not said he'd broken his back because that made it unrealistic. He certainly wouldn't have been able to roll into a ring with a broken back. Ryder could possibly have sold it more.

I personally hated the segment, but all that aside, just remember, WWE changed it to a HERNIATED back.. which makes this all the more believable..

I actually thought for a sec that ZR would fight back.. I guess now he'll be out for a full month.. was the Tombstone really necessary though?
The Royal Rumble and WrestleMania are the only pay-per-views that I will regularly order these days. The 2012 Royal Rumble gave me no reason to consider opening my wallet further. I was nine-years-old for the first Royal Rumble, so I've seen them all and over the past month watched every single Royal Rumble battle royal again in anticipation of what I thought would be a great PPV. We had both a solid undercard and the Rumble match itself--sadly, I was left feeling extremely underwhelmed.

Here are my thoughts:

DANIEL BRYAN/BIG SHOW/MARK HENRY: I thought the workrate was solid in this match, but these guys and anyone else competing in a cage match are so shackled under the current WWE that it makes no sense even having cage matches anymore. Cage matches are supposed to be brutal. When the most brutal part is Daniel Bryan flying from one side of the cage to the other like a monkey, it's simply not delivering the impact it should. I give credit to Mark for working with his injuries, and Big Show showed quite a bit of athleticism, but steel cage matches in this current era are silly. I wasn't completely sure if the ending was botched or if Bryan was supposed to fall off Show's arm for the win; I'll assume it was booked that way, but still seemed a bit anti-climatic.

DIVAS: It was better than the diva matches you see on RAW, so that was something I suppose. Still, it's a very weak division and it showed in this match. I'm glad Beth Phoenix got an attitude during the match and if they can push the divas with actual talent--Beth, Natalya, Tamina and a returning (?) Kharma--maybe we can take women's wrestling at least a little serious. The Kelly Kelly spot was extremely stupid, I don't care how you want to spin it.

BRODUS CLAY/DREW MCINTYRE: I was actually glad to see a Brodus Clay singles match on the card, but unfortunately it fell a little flat. Still, I find the Funkasaurous gimmick entertaining--particularly when he gets vocal in the ring ("SHOULD I HIT HIM??" "MY BAD!"). I think better booking for Brodus would have been had he drawn #1 in the Rumble (which they took away when they had the dumb stipulation for the Miz/Truth match on RAW). That way he could have done his dancing before #2 came out. Either that or have him enter during the Rumble, the other guys get eliminated, then to kill time he can dance a little).

JOHN CENA/KANE: The match sucked. John Cena was left enraged at the end of RAW, but none of that came through during this match. It was the same type of match we've seen for years from Cena. Little emotion from either guy, which was disappointing. They eventually battle to the back, and Kane leaves the fight with Cena to get to Zach Ryder again? Ryder has been used as a pawn for Kane to get to Cena. Kane now has Cena--why wouldn't Kane just keep beating down Cena? The tombstone on Ryder was cool, but that wasn't enough to save this "match." Kane is one of my favorites and he's done a great job in this return, but this match was booked terribly start to finish. Just crap.

CM PUNK/DOLPH ZIGGLER: These two are obviously great wrestlers, but again the booking was questionable. The main thing actually that bothered me was one single spot. Punk had Ziggler up for, I think, the 2nd would-be GTS...but Dolph's head is facing left on-screen instead of right. Since Punk has debuted, the opponent's head has ALWAYS been on the right on-screen. Obviously, something else was going to happen and in-fact Dolph reversed Punk's move with his own finisher. This was extremely lazy booking and I'm surprised Punk went along with it. Surely there could have been other more believable ways for Ziggler to "surprise" Punk with his finisher. Still, I liked most of the action in the match but overall it wasn't their best work.

--Eve's interaction with Johnny Ace was some of the worst acting I've seen yet from her, and the writing was garbage. "The demented monster Kane..." WTF on both the way she delivered it and the fact it was even written like that. To see where the backstage angles have gone from the 1990's to now is truly mind-boggling. Just completely unrealistic dialogue for things that are supposed to be said in the heat of the moment.

--The Cena/Rock segments. I'm fine with one segment for each, but two segments that each were too long got me a little mad. We paid a lot of money for this PPV, and we're watching canned segments that will undoubtedly be played over again on WWE programming heading into WrestleMania. They literally could have fit another match into the time it took to run these segments. The fact that the Rock's piece included movie promotion was simply sickening. I paid this money to watch a WRESTLING pay-per-view, not to watch a behind-the-scenes feature on a new Rock movie. Holy crap.

RUMBLE MATCH: As stated above, I have seen every single Royal Rumble match. I will confidently say the 2012 Rumble match is amongst the bottom five ever.
--The Rumble match just had too many wrestlers in it with ZERO chance of winning. When you promote a Rumble match saying ANYONE can enter, you have to deliver with more big names than this year's did. Overall, this was one of the weakest field of wrestlers I've ever seen in this match. I suppose that's why they didn't have the list of wrestlers available on their website beforehand like they usually do.
--That said, there are a few that I'm glad they didn't include. Punk, Cena and Bryan should not have been in the match and WWE did good by keeping them out. However, there were plenty of other names to choose from that weren't in the match. The biggest, to me, is Kane. Not only has Kane been in more Rumbles than anyone else (I think), but it would have been a perfect explanation as to why he didn't continue to beat on Cena and Ryder--he wanted to save himself for the Rumble. The way his match with Cena ended continued to make no sense to me after it became obvious Kane wasn't in the Rumble. There's a skeptical part of me that thinks Kane wasn't in the match because WWE wants to keep Shawn Michaels atop the list of most Rumble eliminations. If it's political reasons Kane was kept out, that's beyond disgusting. That's just speculation on my part and might not hold any water--just thinking out loud here. Either way, Kane being in the Rumble would have made it significantly better.
--Chris Jericho. I openly admit I'm a huge Jericho fan and wanted him to win. It's one of the few things he doesn't have yet on his tremendous resume--Royal Rumble winner. However, that's not the main thing that bothers me coming out of the Rumble with him. It's the fact he promised something big happening at the Rumble, and then nothing happened. He ALMOST won, but that was the biggest thing concerning him. I have been extremely patient and excited watching his return unfold to see what it all means, but to me his proclamation on RAW last week was nothing more than false advertising on WWE's part. They basically promised more of the puzzle (if there IS a puzzle) to be solved at the Rumble--prompting people to want to see the Rumble--and then not doing anything at all about it. I didn't buy the Rumble for this reason--I buy it every year because it's my favorite match in the WWE--but it's extremely weak on WWE's part to make Chris Jericho's first words upon his return to mean absolutely nothing.
--The back-and-forth between Jericho and Sheamus at the end was exciting. Sheamus wouldn't have been my pick, but I've long wanted WWE to be less predictable amongst its Rumble winners so I'm okay with the fact that Sheamus won. Unless they had Jericho penciled in and then changed it just because most thought he would win--then it's spineless booking and simply really stupid to waffle like that because some fans are expecting Jericho to win.
--I was glad to see Jim Duggan in there as well as the Road Dogg. Well-deserved for each. Duggan made most sense since it was the 25th Rumble and he won the first. Both performed well in the match. I was skeptical about Ricardo Rodriguez, but once he got in there I thought it was well done. The comedy between he, Santino Marella and Mick Foley was one of the highlights of the match. Ultimately I want to see good wrestling, but I appreciate and love comedy in wrestling if it's used at the right time--this was one of those right times.
--Michael Cole was not one of those right times. I thought WWE was trying to get away from Cole being in the ring and being so over-the-top? I guess that's another thing that lasted a week or so. His being in the Rumble match was a mistake. I was okay with Lawler and Booker being in, but not Cole. I know he had a spot with Kharma, but they could have had Kharma eliminate someone else to build her up in the match. Cole was a waste of a spot for another decent name--Mason Ryan, Christian if he's ready, Goldust/Dustin Rhodes, the other Uso, another surprise entrant--most names would have been better here.
--Speaking of Kharma, obviously a surprise she was there. She did land awkwardly when she left the ring--I hope her ankle and knee are alright. If she has officially returned for the long haul, WWE better change the way they book the divas real fast; and what a terrible disservice they have done to the actual decent divas such as Beth and Natalya in jobbing them to lesser talent (other than Tamina). If Kharma struggles with either of them, it makes Kharma look worse now too. It was good to see her back--awesome spot with Dolph.

I'll continue to order the Rumble in the future, but I've been a die-impossible wrestling fan since 1986. Lesser wrestling fans won't continue to be interested if this year's Rumble becomes the new standard. Disappointingly underwhelming Royal Rumble this year. I'll be at Elimination Chamber this year and looking forward to it, but again, the cage matches won't make much sense unless we see more brutality in them. I won't hold my breath.

Absolutely loved his cameo in the rumble. Probably my favourite moment of the night. I'm glad he's finally getting his chance as a singles wrestler and I'm liking the idea of him being a massive comedy face working for Del Rio, maybe even as a tag team.

Depending on when ADR comes back from injury, I'd like to see them in the tag team title match at Wrestlemania, seeing as there's no room for ADR on the bill elsewhere. They could have a number 1 contenders match for the WWE championship the week before Del Rio comes back, then when he does come back he can say to the GM "i deserve to be in the title match" and instead the GM gives him a number 1 contenders match for the tag team titles with a partner of his choice. No-one will want to pair with him though so he's forced to pick Rodriguez, but they somehow pick up a fluke win with Rodriguez getting the pin, then they can turn into an epic tag team for a few months with a few Ricardo comedy moments thrown in, without taking away any seriousness from ADR.
I really hate this, being that guy, you know the guy? The one who whines about something, but i just have to get it off my chest.

The Royal Rumble match itself was the most dissapointing one since 1995, and this time it is so easy to point out the problem, it lacked star power. When i saw David Otunga waddle his way as number 28 was it? 29? i simply realised this was just not going to happen. Not having Cena, Punk, Hunter, Taker in there because they wanted to "protect" them is total ****. It would mean more for the winner, the only big star in there was Orton, Mick Foley and Jericho.

Is that the future of RR? That main eventers wont be there unless they are winning because they have to be protected? Having the few big stars they got not even talk about it or be a part of it just burries the thing and the winner.

The positive is that they didnt use the idea that Meltzer and Alvarez confirmed, Cena winning the Rumble and then being conflicted whether to go for the WWE Championship or fighting the Rock at WM which is the worst idea ever.

At least a fresh new star won it, Orton didnt need it, neither did Jericho
Posted this in the other thread but saw that it said if we discussed the whole PPV then post it here so here I go.

Personally I don't care for Sheamus winning it. Not only because I am not a fan of his work in the ring or on the microphone but because I think Wade Barrett would have been a better choice to set up a great main event at WrestleMania. The way I would have done it(which obviously means jack squat) would have Barrett win the Rumble and have Orton win the title at the Elimination Chamber to setup Barrett/Orton at WM and then if they wanted to add Sheamus into the mix they could have had him get screwed over by Orton at the EC or something. Whatever they do they've got to get the belt off of Daniel Bryan. He is getting nearly no crowd reaction and is becoming very stale, a lot like the way Zack Ryder is. The whole underdog working his way to the top thing was great for a little while but after a while your skills have to take over and they are lacking in that department, more so with the mic and charisma part for Bryan.

Also people saying Sheamus should win because it was "unpredictable." So would Hacksaw winning or Michael Cole winning. It doesn't mean it's the best choice. Sometimes what everyone is planning on seeing is the best choice.

All the other matches on the card may as well not even been there. To have your 2nd biggest title open the show with an awful cage match was poor planning but what are you going to do when you've got 2 gorillas with more miles on them than Ricardo's car. The Kane/Cena match was another beatdown that got no reaction, for good reason, but Vince seems to love them. Having Kane destroying people just doesn't work anymore. The divas match was, well, a divas match. Other than having 8 beautiful women on the show it brought nothing to the table, as usual. Brodus Clay and McIntyre was pointless. I've never really understood the whole jobbing out concept. It does more to make the opponent look like crap than it does for the victor to look good. i would be more impressed to see him go in and have a solid 10-15 minute match with someone. The WWE title match was really good but could have been better. They could have easily had a great 30-40 minute match with none of the stupid Laurinitis shenanigans. They're trying to recreate the "rebel not obeying his boss" style of Stone Cold/Vince but it just doesn't deliver. Mostly due to Laurinitis' mic skills and the PG rating which just doesn't allow for the edginess that type of program needs. The Rock and Cena promos were great but terribly misplaced. Those should have been used much closer to Wrestlemania, probably during Wrestlemania.

One other thing that got me, and this was entirely a fault of my own, was the lack of big surprises. I was hoping to see someone come back like Taker or even Brock Lesnar but when no big surprises like that happened I was kind of disappointed. It really could have brought the show to a whole other level but like I said that was be just hoping for something that I should have known probably wouldn't happen.

Another thing that kills the show, PPV or otherwise, is the commentary. Play-by-play is pretty much dead and it's more now just a couple of guys talking over you trying to watch the show. It's like watching at a bar and two guys just run their mouth the whole time. Stop with all of the outside stuff, the social media and whatnot, and just focus on calling the match. No one needs a back story on Indian head wear or Irish folklore. If WWE wants to immediate results in their product bring back JR and let him do what he does. No scripts. No feeding lines. Just him and King calling the match like they did for so many years.

Overall it was a decent show but not good for one of the "majors." I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this from a Vengeance or some other PPV but not the Rumble. Being a fan I'm not going to just give up on the product like some people seem to do(every PPV) but I'll be interested to see how these things play out. Will Jericho go after Punk? When will Taker merge onto the Road to Wrestlemania(LAME!!!)? Will there be any more curves in the Road to Wres....... OK enough with the puns. Even with it being a lackluster event I'm ready to see things take off in the next couple of months and after WM we'll see if it was the best way to book things after all.
I can't say that i've seen all of the PPV yet but the one thing I can't get my head around is people shitting on Sheamus' victory for the reason that he's not been involved with anything significant for two months. Unfortunately for him, his sparring partner, Christian, suffered from a injury in the middle of their program...i'm sure that would have continued past Survivor Series! And i'm sure his relevance would have remained at the level it was at the end of the summer...i don't know why people were even talking Jericho/Orton?? This year had Sheamus/Barrett written all over it and i'm glad a relative newcomer won again.
I don't think WWE didn't that by accident. I'm actually kind of half expecting to see a Del Rio vs Ricardo feud in the future. From what I've seen out of Ricardo he seems capable in the ring; not so much as Del Rio, but enough to but on a decent program.

I don't expect any potential matches between the two of them to be main event caliber, but I expect the program to be an average yet solid way to establish Ricardo as an individual competitor.
I am absolutely shocked that I haven't seen a single thread created about Zigglers Rumble match with punk and am even more shocked that I haven't even seen a post on any forums related to the Rumble that even touch on it... Not the match itself, but the injustice that has been served to Ziggler Allow me to explain.
I for one, along with many others, enjoy Dolph Ziggler. I think he's great and has a very promising future. I love the push he's been getting and can't wait to see him have a WWE/World Title run. What I don't understand is this.
CM Punk technically had him beat 3 separate times in the WWE championship match at Royal Rumble!!! 4 with the actual pinfall victory!!! WHAT!!?? To me, that pretty much killed any possible momentum Ziggler may have had.
Now before all you fellow Ziggler fans rip me a new one allow me to elaborate. After CM punk pretty much beats him 4 times in one match. How could he ever go over in the future? Even more, how could he ever stand a chance against Punk? There's a fine line between kayfabe and completely unbelievable and wwe crossed it. They have put Ziggler in a position where I will never believe Ziggler could go over on Punk, or could even put up a good fight for that matter. A lot of people had a problem with the Rumble. Mine was with this more than anything. I enjoyed the PPV with the exception of this match and ONLY because they made Ziggler look so weak.
BUT anyways. Your thoughts?
P.S I wanted/thought CM Punk should have won. Just not as easily and nonchalant as he did.
I find this interesting. Aside from the number of surprise/comedy/nostalgia acts in the Rumble, it seems the biggest gripes here were how predictable it wasn't! Allow me to paraphrase some of my favorite complaints;

Big Show was number 30.
Where was a superstar returning from an injury?
David Otunga as number 27.
Jericho's didn't win, so his return is useless.
Sheamus won.

What I've gathered is most of you are complaining that the Rumble didn't follow the usual formula. There's a few well thought posts on how the Rumble disappointing, but I'm seeing way too many complaints on how it wasn't cookie-cut enough!

Does number 30 always have to be a big surprise? If yes, why? Why can't it be just another guy on the roster?

Yes, Otunga was the coveted #27. So what? No matter how many times WWE says that 27 has been the magic number, it doesn't make it, well, a magic number.

I see complaints that Jericho's storyline is now "delayed". Well, to anyone on these forums who are complaining about that, if you could introduce me to the creative team yourselves, I'd love to pick their brain! No doubt at one point Jericho was penciled in to win, but I'll bet that Orton, Barret, Rhodes, Ziggler, Christian, Miz, and Mick Foley all were as well. Besides, who's to say a Rumble loss isn't going to build on Jericho's storyline? Maybe this was the plan all along. Maybe this was Jericho's plan all along.

Glad to see Sheamus win! I didn't expect it, and despite the above, I'd have like to have seen Jericho win, but I'm equally satisfied with this result. As both a "mark" and a "smark", their final exchange was damn fun to watch! Sheamus has been on a winning streak, but story-wise, he's been treading water. I can't wait to see where this goes!

If you want to want to watch the same RR as we've seen for the past five years, invest in some RR DVD's.
I think you're over reacting abit, look every match is different, remember when Miz first went to Raw and had a mini fued with Cena? Cena Sqaushed him but look at last years Wrestlemania, Miz beat John Cena in the Main Event and retained his Wwe Title and although his career has halted abit i'm sure he'll become relevant in 2012 as will Ziggler,

Ziggler for me will win the Money in the bank at Wrestlemania and history shows that the Breifcase holder usually wins the Wwe/World Title. So I wouldn't read too much into Ziggler losing that way at the Rumble
I agree with you to an extent. I disliked how the match was booked, and do think it does make Ziggler look weaker. However, due to the nature of his character I don't think it was as bad as it could have been for another superstar in the same situation. His character is a show off that obviously has a lot of skill, but can get caught up in his own self and be beaten from time to time. Punk is 'the best in the world', so losing to him isn't all that bad... especially since Ziggler had pinned Punk several weeks straight leading up to the RR (I'm aware they were due to distractions/etc. but he still got the pin fall victories).
I don't think it will have the lasting effect you're worrying about, but I do think they overdid it with the amount of times Punk had him beat in that match, it was as if Punk were getting all the recent losses to Ziggler back in one go.

It's also noticeable that not many have mentioned it, had that been done with Cena in the Punk role, the outcry would be more widespread.
I never understood why announcers (and fans apparantly) made such a big deal out of 3 counts when the ref isn't looking. I mean, if I were a wrestler and I just had someone's finisher put on me and I was dazed, and I didn't hear the ref counting, I see No harm in just laying there. When the wrestler lays there for ten seconds and then the ref finally sees it and starts counting, I just see it as the guy was catching his breath and had no reason to kick out.

That's my kayfabe answer. But in all honesty, it's not a big deal. Heels always get pinned when the ref's not looking. They've been doing that since pro wrestling was invented. Next you'll be complaining that it makes heels look weak when they have to cheat to win.

Regardless of the outcome of last night's match, I think Dolph Ziggler has a bright future ahead of him.
This year's Rumble was a suck fest. I paid to see WWE superstars, not the fucking job squad! The only time I got excited during the whole thing was when Road Dogg came out.
I agree with TristanCross, the Royal Rumble sucked big time, normally its lam matches and a good rumble this year was totally the opposite, good solid matches and a shockingly poor Rumble, with the exception of the Sheamus/Jericho mini match at the end. Why oh why do they bring back these jobbers, mid carders couldnt get in the rumble yet Hacksaw could. I was totally disappointed with this event, and would go as far as saying its the worst even in the last year. Every result was predictable, with the exception of the Kane vs Cena DC. ( i thought it woulda been the typical Cena shows his courage blah blah blah and wins)

Sheamus will go on and face the World Heavyweight Champ, I think someone will take it off Bryan at the Chamber.
Things I liked:

Ricardo del Rioooooo!! Golden and moment of the match!

Sheamus winning and his back and forth with Jericho was really good.

Kharma return and staring down Vickie. Hoping for a feud there. :)

Some decent high flying action from the tag champs.

Kofi handstand. Awesome.

Things I dislike:

Orton/Barrett should have had Barrett dominate for a longer duration before having Orton eliminating him.

Miz should have a longer back and forth with his main rivals.

Khali shouldn't be knocked to the matt by chops from Rhodes.

#27 Ortunga. At least show some personality/lawyer mannerism being the least anticipated of the final few instead of being a generic elimination folder. Jey Uso already had the generic folder role covered.

#30 Big Show fell flat. At least have a name that people will cheer about. Why not put Jericho at #30 and Show at #29?


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