WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

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Uggh, this ppv had the potential to be great but the wwe dropped the ball in every way, cena looks weak going into wrestlemania, cm punk v ziggs was a good matched ruined by stupid referee getting knocked out for 5 minutes on a bump, rumble ahs no big suprises, hacksaw really? what the crap how stupid. might as well put trips in the match, jericho also lost momentum by losing clean after a month of good build, stupid ppv in my opinion
WWE Royal Rumble - January 29, 2012

1. Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Championship - Good opening match that ultimately did what it needed to do: it told a good story, featured some good action, put more heat on Daniel Bryan as a heel champion and Bryan retained. I think this match was kept short due to Henry’s limitations, as he’s obviously working hurt. If the reports are true, then he’s now working with a hyper-extended knee and I’m not sure if he’s completely recovered from his groin injury yet. Both Henry & Show beat the snot out of Bryan at various points during the match, with Bryan & Show expectedly carrying most of the action due to Henry being hurt. Bryan took a good deal of punishment but eventually came out with a nice looking DDT on Show before slapping on the LaBell Lock. Show was unable to power out this time and Henry made the save. Show eventually landed the WMD on Henry for a good near fall before Bryan broke up the count. The ending comes with Bryan climbing out over the top of the cage with Big Show hot on his heels. Bryan dangling over the edge of the cage with Show hanging onto him drew a great response from a hot crowd, but Bryan was eventually able to break free & dropped to the floor. Daniel Bryan escapes the cage a little past the 9 minute mark to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. It was an entertaining match while it lasted and Henry did the best he could given the circumstances, so I give him props for even being in the match. This match wasn’t as good as it could have been, for obvious reasons, but it was still a good one. **1/2

John Cena Video Package - While it was a little cheesy in some ways, such as the piano music, the video did a nice job of sort of reminding people about the conflict that’s been developing within John Cena’s character. The video featured clips showing pro Cena & anti Cena fans, which is a fun way of acknowledging that the mixed reaction Cena gets is getting to him. Thumbs Up

2. Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, Eve Torres & Tamina vs. Beth Phoenix, Natalya & The Bella Twins - The match was ok while it lasted. At about 5.5 minutes, it’s probably 3 to 3.5 minutes longer than the average Diva match on Raw or SD! is. There was some decent action but nothing nobody really cared about. After all, how could fans be expected to care about the Divas? The heels ultimately collect the win with Phoenix hitting the Glam Slam on Kelly. *1/4

3. John Cena vs. Kane - I enjoyed this match and it was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. The two went after each other in a good, physical match that did a good job of selling the overall story and how personal this has become with Cena. There was some good back and forth stuff going on with both giving as good as they got. The match itself ended in a double countout, which is something I expected to happen. The real story is the aftermath with Kane & Cena brawling back to where Zack Ryder has been set up with a room to watch the event. After Kane smashes Cena a bit with a chair, he sees Ryder’s name on the door and goes inside. Ryder, wheelchair bound, is eventually pushed out onto the stage by Kane and dumped out of the chair. Eve begs Kane to stop after he throws Ryder in the ring and puts him into position for the Tombstone. Kane smiles before delivering the Tombstone to a good amount of cheers. Cena comes out and attacks Kane again before, eventually, Kane puts Cena down with the chokeslam. Eve actually manages to bring up some real tears as she tends to Ryder while the EMTs wheel him out. The match was a good, solid match as I was expecting and the aftermath added a little something extra to this. Kane ultimately, once again, gets the better of Cena overall by leaving him laying and beating the piss out of an already “badly injured” Zack Ryder. Overall, just an enjoyable progression of things all around in my view. ***

4. Brodus Clay vs. Drew McIntyre - Pretty much your standard Clay squash match like we’ve come to expect and we’ve seen. Clay continues to get a nice response while McIntyre keeps on with the losing streak angle. Clay ultimately winds up getting the win a little past the 1 minute mark. N/A

5. CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Championship - Fantastic match in my opinion from all angles. Great action, great storytelling and an overall ending that I don’t think most people expected. Big Johnny came out dressed in a sleeveless ref shirt and informed people that, in fairness, he’d remain outside the ring and would act if necessary but a standard ref would handle the match otherwise. It gave a nice feeling of suspense in making you wonder exactly when and how JL was going to strike. Punk & Ziggler delivered some great back & forth action along with several very believable near falls at various points throughout the match. During one of Punk’s attempts at putting Ziggler in the GTS, Ziggler escapes and pushes Punk into the referee. Shortly after, Punk has Ziggler tapping to the Anaconda Vice but Big Johnny’s back is turned from the ring, so he doesn’t know what’s going on. Punk protested to JL but JL didn’t really look like a bad guy as his attention was elsewhere and wasn’t aware that the ref had been knocked down. A bit later, Punk also appears to have Ziggler pinned but, again, JL’s back is turned as he eventually rolls the original ref back into the ring. While the ref is still down, Punk picks Ziggler up for the GTS again, with Ziggler’s legs accidentally hitting JL in the back of the head. Punk hit the move but no one was there to count & Big Johnny was pissed. Ziggler comes back and counters another GTS attempt with an awesome Fameasser for a great near fall. Punk finally manages to hit the GTS again with both JL and the standard ref making the count. Punk wins at the 15 minute mark. I like the direction WWE went with this. It wasn’t what most of us were expecting in that it didn’t look as though JL was intentionally trying to screw Punk. The intention can be inferred with JL’s lack of attention to what was happening in the match when Punk seemingly had the win but it wasn’t overt. JL grinning broadly while clapping for Punk was a nice bit as well. Even though JL didn’t look as though he was intentionally trying to screw Punk over, the audience could see through Big Johnny’s act and, if anything, all this ultimately did was probably put more heat on him. ***3/4

Royal Rumble Match - The Miz comes out as the first entrant. He cuts a promo vowing to prove to all the doubters wrong just as he’s done since coming to WWE. Alex Riley was out at #2. The Miz quickly gains the upper hand and manages to eliminate Riley about the 1.5 minute mark. Miz then waits as R-Truth comes out next. He & Miz went at it for a while until the #4 entrant, Cody Rhodes, hit the ring followed by Justin Gabriel & Primo next. Some fun action took place during this time, such as Justin Gabriel’s offense, and Miz eliminates R-Truth before Truth pulls him outside the ring to hit his finisher on the floor. Out next is Mick Foley to a great pop at #7 and manages to eliminate Primo & Justin Gabriel. Ricardo Rodriguez & Santino Marella came out at #8 and #9 with Santino beating Rodriguez up for a bit before eliminating him. Foley & Santino squared off in a fun Mr. Socko vs. The Cobra spot but it’s interrupted by Epico as he comes in at #10. He takes The Cobra, then Mr. Socko to be eliminated shortly thereafter. As Foley & Santino turn their attention back to each other, they’re both eliminated by Cody Rhodes & The Miz. Kofi Kingston & Jerry Lawler come out at # 11 & #12, but Lawler is soon eliminated by Cody Rhodes. Big Zeke comes in at #13 and worked over the heels & Kofi while delivering some nice looking power moves. Jinder Mahal comes out at #14. Mahal took his time getting to the ring & taking off his head gear, eventually attacking Zeke from behind. The Great Khali comes out at #15 and tears through the guys in the ring. He eliminates Mahal & Big Zeke shortly thereafter. Hunico comes out at #16 and Booker T follows, getting a great response as he stood up at the commentator’s table with Cole going ape shit. There was a very cool spot with Miz trying to eliminate Kofi before Dolph Ziggler comes out at #18. Hacksaw Jim Duggan comes out at #19 to a great response but is soon eliminated by Cody Rhodes. Rhodes also goes onto eliminate Khali & Booker T while they’re both tied up & occupied with each other. Michel Cole comes in at #20 with Kharma returning for #21. Very disappointed with this as neither one of them belongs in this match. Cole is soon eliminated as is Kharma by Dolph Ziggler. Sheamus comes in at #22 and Road Dogg came out to a great response at #23, followed by Jimmy Uso at #24. Swagger came out at #25 and Wade Barrett at #26 with Barrett eliminating Road Dogg. David Otunga comes out at #27 before Randy Orton hits at #28. Orton comes in and decimates guys, including Jimmy Uso before dropping Barrett with an RKO before eliminating him. Chris Jericho comes out at #29 and eliminated David Otunga. The #30 entrant was Big Show. Sheamus had Swagger over the top rope and Show pulled Swagger on over, thusly eliminating him. He then delivered a double clothesline to Miz & Cody Rhodes, eliminating them before getting rid of Ziggler moments later. As a result, the final four are Randy Orton, Big Show, Sheamus and Chris Jericho. Orton manages to hit an RKO on Big Show before eliminating him, only for Jericho to eliminate Orton. It’s then down to Sheamus and Jericho. They have a good go at each other for a while, including some nice near eliminations. Sheamus gets the win however by catching Jericho with the Brogue Kick, winning the 2012 Royal Rumble. A little surprising to see Sheamus get the win but I’ve got no complaints. As for the Rumble match itself, I’m disappointed with certain aspects of it. It wasn’t nearly as good as least year’s Rumble match. There were too many special entrants like Duggan, Road Dogg, Michael Cole & Kharma and they didn’t balance out the appearance of the bigger stars nearly enough, so most of the match was carried by these special entrants or mid-card guys. It had some good action and some of the usual suspense one comes to expect from the Rumble, but no huge surprises and it didn’t feel particularly special. **1/2

Final Thoughts - Overall, I thought the 2012 Royal Rumble was a solid show. It wasn’t as good as I was hoping it’d be, but I enjoyed myself for the vast majority of it. The WHC match was a solid match with good action that told a good story. It wasn’t as good as it could have been due to Henry’s injury, but all three men worked hard and the match had the right outcome. Cena vs. Kane was the good physical match I’d hoped it would be and the aftermath was fun and brought the overall match up a little for me. Some will bash it as they don’t like the fact that Kane isn’t a one dimensional, voiceless monster as they think he should be, but whatever. Punk vs. Ziggler was a great effort from both men and I liked that they went in something of a different direction as far as Big Johnny’s involvement went. The Royal Rumble match in and of itself overall was pretty good but there were some significant disappointments for me. I thought there were far too many special entrants into the match with much of the match being carried mostly by guys in the undercard or these special entrants. Michael Cole & Kharma being involved in the match was just stupid in my view and just made the Rumble seem like less of a deal. Sheamus winning was a slight surprise and I’ve got no issue with it. The guy’s a helluva talent and it’ll be fun seeing him in the main event at WM. The Diva & Brodus Clay matches also seemed unnecessary and just a waste of time that could’ve been devoted to the other matches. All in all, a pretty good show but the Rumble match itself was sort of a letdown in some ways. I'm sure the entire ppv will be run down by some due to them being pissed that maybe everything on the card didn't happen exactly the way they thought it should or the ways that the dirtsheets said they would.

Grade: B-
Ok so now that i have had time to take in this shitty rumble, i resized something major that WWE must have made a mistake on or rewrote at the VERY last minute! There are so many things that dont make sense that were supposed to happen....! Now, I know dirts sheets can be wrong but i dont think some of these reports are wrong!
1. Where the hell was Animal?
2. What was the damn difference from last year, because this year, "was the year of the anyone could enter" WHO THE HELL ENTERED THAT WAS SIGNIFICANT?!
3. Chris Jericho's Return was a complete waste of everybody's time because he lost.
4. Where the freaking hell was Brodus Clay?!
5. Where was Mason Ryan, who was supposed to be on the receiving end of a major push again.
6. There were no major main eventers
7. Where was the Big Red Machine, Kane?!
8. Where was any returns besides Kharma who dosent freaking count:banghead:
9. Noone returning from injury!
In all reality i have completly lost faith in the WWE and will watch Raw tommarow night which will probaly be my last night watching WWE, because this show was shit!

1. Not in the match (obviously) I don't know if he was scheduled to be in it so it doesn't bother me.
2. Significant entries....Ziggler (just lost a title match) Big Show (exactly the same as Ziggler) Orton, Barrett, Sheamus, Y2J, Miz, Rhodes (who has had a big push recently)
3. Its one match! Christ don't you think that the writers must have something else planned for him? Just because he returned at the start of the month doesn't mean he HAS to win the Rumble match! If that was the case then shouldn't Khali have won too? or Duggan? or Road Dogg?
4. Had a match earlier in the evening against Drew McIntyre, maybe Vince didn't want to use him in this year Rumble match but wanted to give him a place on the card, so a quick squash match is the way to do it.
5. I can't argue with your statement here, I also questioned Ryan's whereabouts.
6. Orton, Big Show, Miz aren't main eventers now i take it?
7. If Kane had been entered he would have had to win, purely because of the hype around his return and the momentum he currently has, clearly Vince has other plans for him.
8. Great Khali? Road Dogg? Jim Duggan? yeah the last two are for nostalgia but even so, they are returns! and how can Kharma not count? She's still part of the roster and has been out for a long time! Did Chyna and Beth Phoenix's participations not count? does that mean that there should have been an extra entrant?
9. Maybe nobody was ready in time to compete in this match?
10. Who says that the major twist had to be noted tonight? maybe the twist will be something to do with the winner and be announced on raw?

All very compelling arguments to your questions, it just seems that you are pissed about one thing and have picked at anything you could think of! yeah the number of "main eventers" as you put it was low, but take this into consideration...what main eventers were left out? Cena (who can't really win the rumble because its obvious what his mania plans are)? Kane (reason for not being in is above see number 7) Mark Henry (who apparently injured himself on Smackdown) CM Punk (WWE Champion so cant really enter the Rumble anyway)
3 "main eventers" left out who could have legitimately entered the match, so the comment about "no main eventers" is pointless!
Just finished watching and I'm feeling the same sentiments as Mr. "tnablows"
I am really am optimstic wrestling fan but this pay per view came off very flat to me. The Rumble had some good spots... Santino's Cobra vs Foley's Socko, Kharma returned, Kofi's handstand was excellent. The Roaddogg's entrance, actually got me out of my seat, but for some reason it didn't feel enough.

This is THE ROYAL RUMBLE, THE ROYAL RUMBLE, this pay perview should have been great but it wasn't to me. I start to think have I been watching wrestling too long? Have I seen everything? Is the WWE build for people who came in after the Attitude Era now or even later than that. Have I just seen better days and everything eles will always seem flat. It is just because WWE in the main show in town and there wasn't really anyone out there this year that could made an suprise entrance that really blew anyone away. Who's left in the wrestling world to do that? Goldberg? Lesnar? Perhaps it all goes on the creative team or is a mix of all these things. I don't even know.

The world title matches were quite good. Good spot at the end of the Smackdown main event with Bryan hanging there and Punk Ziggler was a solid match. Ziggler looked like the next great superstar, did an amazing Fame-asser out of the Go to Sleep. But I needed more from the other matches. I feel like giving this pay per view a 2 out of 5.

The immediate reaction it just came out flat to me which kind of worries me when one of the so called most exciting pay per views comes out and for the first time ever I asking myself if I should have even gotten the Rumble.

Maybe it will all make sense tomorrow.
God, people complain too much. It's like nothing makes you happy. :disappointed:

Anyway, I was busy working, so I could only catch the Punk/Ziggler Match and The Royal Rumble Match itself. I'll give my opinions on those.

But first, having a Divas Match and a Brodus Clay squash match.....:shrug:

I guess they really did need something to pass the time by.

Punk and Ziggler's match was definitely a great match. Really a 5 star match in my eye. I went nuts when Ziggler reversed the GTS into the Zig Zag. I thought we had a New Champion! The ending was a bit weird. I felt like they didn't know what they were doing at one point. Johnny Ace was standing outside the ring for a while complaining about a bump on his head and counted along with the referee. Wasn't Ace supposed THE Referee of the match? Nonetheless, great match and we'll see if Johnny Ace stays around after tomorrow night.

Now, I don't care what everybody says, I LOVED The Rumble Match. I think it was one of the better Rumble Matches. Way better than last year in my opinion. I do have 2 major gripes about the Rumble tho.

1) I wanted Brodus Clay to be in it. He got so over in the span of a month. He should've taken Jey Uso's spot, or maybe even Mahal's spot. I mean the dude got legit crickets when he came out :icon_neutral:

2) Why was Big Show #30? It seemed like a letdown to me. They probably had somebody else in mind and had to go with Show at the last minute. If not, Orton should've been #29 and Jericho given the #30 spot.

Anyway, I like that Cole, Booker, and Lawler all entered The Rumble. It was surprising and pretty funny. Especially when Kharma came in and took out Michael Cole and LAUNCHED Hunico over the top :lmao:

I even LOL'ed when Ziggler threw her over the top. Kofi Kingston beat out John Morrison's spot from last year's Rumble. That handstand was just amazing. Road Dogg coming and back and doing his usual moves were amazing and such a great shot of Nostalgia. The fans were really into it which made The Rumble itself even better.

Foley and Santino's interaction was funny as well. Miz was great and Cody Rhodes was really great. I lost count of how many people he eliminated.

Back to the Rumble Match. Now, the Final Four was Orton, Jericho, Sheamus, and Big Show. Show going out was a good move and Orton right after him was a SHOCK! I thought for sure he'd be in the last two. I'm also a bit disappointed Barrett didn't last as long as he probably should've.

Sheamus and Jericho gave us a great showing here. I was on the edge of my seat for sure. When Jericho slapped Sheamus and he went crazy, I knew he was going to power Jericho and win it. Great win for Sheamus. Ever since his face turn this Summer, the fans love him and he's really enjoying his role and now he's going to WrestleMania. The fans love it and I love it. He deserves it. Congrats to Sheamus.

I hear the Cena/Kane match was brutal with a double countout ending and Kane going all crazy which is good. Can't have both men lose any momentum. And The World Title Match was Triple Threat Cage Match....I'm sure it was very enjoyable. I hope to see those matches during the week.

Now, for the people all bent out of shape over Jericho, did you guys really think it would be THAT predictable. If Jericho would've won, people would be complaining about how predictable it was. Come on now. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy how the Jericho/Punk feud will unravel over the next few months leading into Mania. This adds more mystery and intrigue to Jericho's character. I'm actually excited to see RAW Tomorrow and how Jericho will act now that he lost. Besides, Punk is still feuding with Johnny Ace. I think it's a bit too early to talk Punk vs Jericho anyway. Just watch RAW tomorrow, then you can complain.

Mr. HD
Okay The 2012 Royal Rumble is over I understand the surprise entrances at the Royal Rumble with past wrestlers but when Micheal Cole was an entrance I was dumbfounded on why WWE put him in the rumble it was more dumb when they put Drew Carey in the rumble.

Your thoughts.
Okay The 2012 Royal Rumble is over I understand the surprise entrances at the Royal Rumble with past wrestlers but when Micheal Cole was an entrance I was dumbfounded on why WWE put him in the rumble it was more dumb when they put Drew Carey in the rumble.

Your thoughts.

As soon as The King entered i had a bad feeling, and then Booker entered I was just waiting for Cole to enter, it was obviously going to happen, it was a complete joke adding him into the match, at least Ricardo Rodriguez hit somebody unlike cole who pranced around and then more or less eliminated himself! That spot could have been taken by Ryback or Mason Ryan!
Why strap the "ANYBODY can enter" gimmick onto the Rumble match if they're not going to use it for anything exciting? What was the point of teasing something like CM Punk entertaining, if absolutely nothing came from it!?

Epico, Primo, Hunico, Jack Swagger, Jey Uso, David Otunga - all seemed like a kick to the stomach after they spent several minutes trying to build up momentum. And of course I get using the under-card, or talent that the fans don't really care about, in the Rumble match... but using so many, especially when Jim Ross, Michael Cole, AND Booker T all entered into the Rumble at separate time!? Add to that Ricardo, Mick Foley, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Road Dogg... it just felt entirely too gimmicky, and not in a good way.

And having Big SHow be the big #30 entrant was quite possibly the biggest kick in the gut they could have gone with. And then using him to eliminate three big stars in Miz, ZIggler, and Rhodes back to back was a travesty. That aside, my issue was just that they COULD have included so many other names that would have kept up momentum. They could have had a decent show-down, and not wasted the rising potential of Wade Barrett by having him so quickly eliminated! And that's more frustrating than just about anything: the fact that they HAD great talent in the ring, and didn't really book them properly when it came to the end of the Rumble...

Where was CM Punk? Daniel Bryan? Mark Henry, Kane, or John Cena? If Christian was in St. Louis, where the hell was he? With a stipulation in place that allowed for them, why not play these valuable cards even IF they aren't going to win!? Tell me the crowd wouldn't have popped if CM Punk had come out instead of Big Show...or Otunga...?

So am I wrong? Did the Rumble include the stars it should have, or were there indeed too many gimmicky entrants, jobbers, and not enough substance? Who would you have used, or NOT used if the booking was up to you?
While Sheamus hasn't been one of the top guys for a while, he used to be so it's nice to see him getting another push again. As for the rumble itself....Lets see, we had Hacksaw Jim Dugan, Mick Foley, Booker T, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Road Dogg, Kharma, Ricardo Rodriguez...that's 8 people right there that should NOT have been in the Royal Rumble. Where were guys likeTed Dibiasi & Christian, and youngsters like Mason Ryan, Skip Shefield, Michael McGillicutty, Heath Slater, Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta, Johnny Curtis. I haven't watched smackdown for a while so maybe Christian & Dibiasi are hurt and I just didn't know, but some of the other kids deserve to be there. Granted most of them had zero chance of winning, but I'd be more excited to see Mason Ryan than Hacksaw, or Shefield than Booker T. I know WWE likes to throw in a few legends every year, but almost 1/3 of the participants in this years rumble were throw aways.
I thought Jericho was going to win so having Sheamus win was a nice surprise. Kofi had some interesting spots in the rumble as well and I hope he continues to gets pushed like Morrison did now that he's back to singles wrestling (see ya Evan Bourn).
As for the rest of the rumble, the divas match was..eehhha, it was what it was.
Punk, Ziggler was very good back and forth match and made the ppv, Show/Henry/Bryan ended the only way it really could but overall a decent match, Cena/Kane could have been better, but I am bothered by the continuous beatings given to Ryder. Ryder had a decent push going and now he's the walking wounded. I hope there is a future plan for this but part of me thinks it was done so they could squash the push he was getting...so sad. Clay squashing McIntyre was a surprise and given it was such a short match I expected to see one of them if not both in the rumble.
Overall I'd give the ppv a B-, which would have been a b+ if they didn't have so many wasted people in the Rumble. That's my 2 cents...keep the change.
Why so much crying and complaining about that?
Is Wrestling for god shake....Give it a break....
I don't think that after a movie you say why Will Smith played the lead role and no Al Pacino....

If you can't have fun with it stop watching it.That would be a huge favor for your mind.
I won't try and act like I know very much about all of this as I have only been watching since Summer. So, this was my first Rumble ever and I have to say I am dissatisfied. The overall lack of story progression is what got me. I felt as though we got no movement for the Daniel Bryan/Big Show/AJ dilemma, the Cena Kane fued, or most importantly the Jericho return.

Sheamus winning is fine and he's a worthy Rumble champ, but to end the show there was so weird. We didn't hear Jericho even utter another sentence so what was the point?

All in all it had great moments (Foley v Santino, even Ricardo, Kharma, Kofi's amazing feat) but it was mostly fun moments, not feud building stuff.

As others have mentioned, the roster was so misused tonight. Don't say anyone can enter and then have people like an Uso, Hunico, Otunga, Gabriel, or Cole get in on the action when we could've seen Henry, Bryan, Kane, Punk, Brodus, a Christian return, or even a debut of Ryback.

I guess I would honestly say the past 2 weeks of Raw were more entertaining from start to finish. I enjoyed it but did not get near as much from the PPV as I was expecting. WWE title match was great and Rumble was entertaining but not near as shocking or game changing as I was hoping for as we start down that Road to Wrestlemania.
Welp, Sheamus won the Royal Rumble. I predicted Jericho like most every other wrestling fan on the planet. A few months back, I had a long drawn out debate about whether Sheamus would be suitable to win the 2012 Royal Rumble match. I, of course favored Sheamus. OWEN-ing It All didn't like the idea that Sheamus would go anywhere near Wrestlemania's World Championship match.

Sheamus = Jim Duggan...................Hoooooooooooo, you got that fella?
Bryan vs. Sheamus??? That's a snoozefest......that's why they didn't make it onto the main card last year at Mania, their feud was a flop.
Still think Sheamus is gonna win the Rumble? LMAO.
Sheamus has a better shot at getting a run at the IC Title than the World Title. Let him win Money In The Bank, not the Rumble.
Keep watching after last night you are definitely eating some crow. Get ready for a mouth full when Sheamus does not win the Rumble.
Sheamus will open......on the free for all or whatever they call the pre-show now.
He'll probably have a good showing in the Rumble and lose.
He'll pull a Piper. That's who Sheamus is.....Piper/Duggan/Junkyard Dog/Big Bossman/Bob Holly.
I doubt Bryan will turn heel. They need him as a face. He works better as a face.

Yeah, I cannot pass up a "I told you so" on someone like you. I'm curious with what you have to say here. Like I said, Sheamus has been on a solid row since being turned into a face. He's got hugely over with the crowds and it certainly was not out of the question that Sheamus can win the Royal Rumble...he did. He's going to Wrestlemania to compete against the World Heavyweight Champion; whoever that may be.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3685538 said:
Where was CM Punk? Daniel Bryan? Mark Henry, Kane, or John Cena? If Christian was in St. Louis, where the hell was he? With a stipulation in place that allowed for them, why not play these valuable cards even IF they aren't going to win!? Tell me the crowd wouldn't have popped if CM Punk had come out instead of Big Show...or Otunga...?

Why the hell would CM Punk or Daniel Bryan enter the Royal Rumble? They have absolutely nothing to gain from it. Mark Henry is injured and was basically on one leg so obviously he wasn't going to enter. Kane and Cena made absolutely no sense from a storyline standpoint. The Rumble and the entrants were fine. The WWE doesn't exactly have a current roster stacked with elite superstars. It also doesn't help that guys like Del Rio, Christian, and Mysterio are injured. This Rumble seems to be getting a lot of hate and I don't get it. I've seen every single Rumble and this was one of the more fun ones.
The PPV sucked to me and felt like a RAW.

The opening match was OK, not horrible but not that good either. Glad Bryan won. Almost thought it was a botch when he did.

A brodus clay squash match at the rumble? Comeon now.

Divas match was blah as always.

Punk vs Zigg was pretty good .

Cena vs Kane was good. I dont know where they go with it though with the rock coming back soon..

Ive watched every rumble there is and the rumble itself was boring as hell. They wasted SO MANY SPOTS on a bunch of people who shouldnt have been in the rumble at all. I felt there was only about 6 to 8 good people in that rumble match and the rest of the people were just " there ". They left out guys who should have went in. I hated the fact that the big show got rid of Zigg and Rhodes. Both of them had a legit shot at winning and EVERYONE knew big show wasnt going to. He shouldnt have be the one to do that. I give the ppv a 5 out of 10.
I could barely get through reading the results...that sounds like one of the worst PPVs in WWE history. Man am I glad I didn't spend any money to watch that.

First of all, having anyone from Smackdown with the Rumble is useless because nobody cares what happens on Smackdown anyway - as evidenced by the horrible ratings. Nobody cares, why waste a great PPV match giving it to a Smackdown star. Stupid.

Sounds like the title matches were worthless. Bryan is garbage, sorry, he's just so nothing to me. Dolph and Punk probably put on an entertaining match but so what, they did that 2 or 3 times recently on Raw. NOTHING happened in this PPV? What was with Jericho's big mystery message on Raw last week? Unless I glazed over it, he did nothing either.

Weak doesn't even begin to describe it.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3685538 said:
Why strap the "ANYBODY can enter" gimmick onto the Rumble match if they're not going to use it for anything exciting? What was the point of teasing something like CM Punk entertaining, if absolutely nothing came from it!?

Epico, Primo, Hunico, Jack Swagger, Jey Uso, David Otunga - all seemed like a kick to the stomach after they spent several minutes trying to build up momentum. And of course I get using the under-card, or talent that the fans don't really care about, in the Rumble match... but using so many, especially when Jim Ross, Michael Cole, AND Booker T all entered into the Rumble at separate time!? Add to that Ricardo, Mick Foley, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Road Dogg... it just felt entirely too gimmicky, and not in a good way.

And having Big SHow be the big #30 entrant was quite possibly the biggest kick in the gut they could have gone with. And then using him to eliminate three big stars in Miz, ZIggler, and Rhodes back to back was a travesty. That aside, my issue was just that they COULD have included so many other names that would have kept up momentum. They could have had a decent show-down, and not wasted the rising potential of Wade Barrett by having him so quickly eliminated! And that's more frustrating than just about anything: the fact that they HAD great talent in the ring, and didn't really book them properly when it came to the end of the Rumble...

Where was CM Punk? Daniel Bryan? Mark Henry, Kane, or John Cena? If Christian was in St. Louis, where the hell was he? With a stipulation in place that allowed for them, why not play these valuable cards even IF they aren't going to win!? Tell me the crowd wouldn't have popped if CM Punk had come out instead of Big Show...or Otunga...?

So am I wrong? Did the Rumble include the stars it should have, or were there indeed too many gimmicky entrants, jobbers, and not enough substance? Who would you have used, or NOT used if the booking was up to you?

+1. WWE is doing few things very bad in my point of view. Nobody care about Michael Cole/Jerry Lawler at the rumble match. I don't care about Road Dogg. They SHOULD put Kane in the match, whether he was eliminated soon enough by next entrance Cena or not. And major title holders could enter here. So what Punk/Bryan was doing? I hate Bryan but it would be great to see Punk in the match somehow.

I eagerly want Bryan not to play in the main event of Wrestlemania 28. A Sheamus vs Bryan match completely sucks. :banghead: Lets see what Elimination chamber holds for us.
Darkshot77's Review of the Royal Rumble

Potential. Despite how ever bad the previous year may have been, the Royal Rumble always has the potential to be good. This PPV is a favorite of many because of its unpredictable nature. The under card matches are usually pretty poor, but the Rumble its what makes this PPV shine. But tonight things were bad from top to bottom and the rumble did not help anything out.

Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry-Steel Cage match for the WHC: What a way to kick of the high impact quick action of the royal rumble, with two 500 pounders and D-Bry in a cage. SNORE! And Bryan wins, nothing much else to say really. WWE, this is why you have cruiser weights, to put on high velocity spot fests to get peoples adrenaline going. USE THEM!

A video package with cena runs for, I swear, longer than the title match. And I think to myself, its gonna be a long night.

Then the WWE hits us with Divas filler and the Funkasaurus. So Kelly, nice job taking out your team mates with a dive and then losing before they can help you. Way to be a team player. And as far as Brodus Clay goes I cant help but think he could have been used in a better way than a squash match...lemmie think...oh right THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!! Have him toss a few jobbers and get eliminated, he looks no worse for the wear.

John Cena vs. Kane- SNORE! Please...not that I expected much from these two. After the match Ryder takes a tombstone, Cena is choke slammed. And Kane leaves. So cena is supposed to face the rock in 2 PPV's and we have a drawn out feud with Kane. You know WWE now that you are on the road to WM you can build towards that PPV. Oh wait you spent too much time last year building to that match with the Rock...WWE needs to check their timetable. Note: Decent acting from Eve, better than most divas. Just needed some tears.

CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler- WWE Title match: Actually a great match. One issue, the ending. So we get a ref bump and Laurnitus is checking on him on the outside. During this time Punk beats Ziggler not once but THREE times. Only to be continually distracted by Johnny. And with all this distractions what happens to Punk!? Nothing. He still hits the GTS and retains. So why all this BS in the first place, to further the feud between JL and Punk. The WWE has a knack for doing this, taking the focus of the match away from a competitor and putting it on someone else. Note to WWE, Ziggler was in that match not Laurnitus. So keep the focus on him.

To rip off the WWE we have
The 2012 Royal Rumble, by the numbers:

There were 3 established Main eventers in the match: Orton, Jericho, and Show.

There were 8 established Mid carders in the match: Miz, Rhodes, Kofi, Ziggler, Barrett, Sheamus, Swagger and Truth

There were 3 Legends in the match: Foley, Road Dogg, and Duggan

There were 3 announcers in the match and 1 diva.

If we continue to examine there were only 8 wrestlers with a Legit shot to win, Miz, Jericho, Orton, Show, Sheamus, Ziggler, Rhodes, and Barrett

The other 22, Fodder.

This is an issue. The entry numbers of the final four, 22, 28, 29, and 30. Literally when Big Show hit the ring he dumped all the mid carders except Sheamus, in less than 10 seconds it seemed. Shows you something about the WWE hierarchy.

Why have a match between Miz and Truth for the #1 spot when the other comes in 3rd, and why have the Miz cut a promo, were you desperate to fill time that badly.

Alex Riley was put over huge by the Miz at capitol punishment, now he has been reduced to a joke. all because he sandbagged on Swagger once, what a shame.

Ricardo Rodrigues was priceless. He had Del Rio's Schtick down pat. Santino and Foley with the socks was also funny. One one hand it made the Rumble look like a joke, on the other it was the only part that was remotely interesting.

When Jinder Mahal entered the crowd began chanting "USA." The only people that were in the ring that were American: The Miz and Cody Rhodes.

Speaking of USA chants, how does Jim Duggan still get that much pop? It blew my mind how over he was.

Seeing Road Dogg was cool, but something was missing....oh right, THE OTHER HALF OF THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS. Seriously you could not get Billy Gunn on a one night deal? Pathetic.

About road dogg and duggan while it was cool to see them, the wwe clearly had other legends to pick from, Ricky Steamboat, Roddy Piper and a recently retired superstar, what was his name...SHAWN MICHAELS. Seriously where was he?

And where was Kane, of all the people to do double duty, Kane stays hidden from the rumble. He could have made a huge impact and kept things interesting. Cena could have hit the ring later and taken him out of the rumble. Also missing that could have been there: HHH and the Undertaker. Both Big names, both absent.

In the end Sheamus wins, setting up for Sheamus/Bryan at WM. Oh joy. Sheamus did not need this win to get into a match with Bryan at WM. Maybe this time they will actually show it on the PPV.

Losing the rumble now proves how poorly the WWE has handled the Jericho return. As opposed to a diabolical heel who proclaims the world is ending as we know, now he is just some arrogant prick who cant cash the checks his mouth is writing. Way to go.

Final Thoughts: The Rumble was bad, flat out bad. I never really got into the PPV, it bored me from start to finish.

Final Rating: 4/10
I didn't mind the ppv, I was really anticipating it for the last month since TLC, was looking to be WOWED by the WWE, I'm not really that upset, but I do believe things could have went better.

I believe that the WHC Steel Cage match would have been further down the card and a better match in general had Mark Henry been 100%, he was pretty much carried in the match, and it was only a 10 minute ppv World Championship match, kind of disappointing. However to redeem itself, Bryan and Big Show had a few good spots and even Henry had the chance to slingshot Bryan into the cage, which was alright.

The WWE title match was pretty well done, having seen many Ziggler/Punk square-offs in the past, it didn't have the shock value that it could have, but in general these two have had decent match-ups throughout the past month or so. Ziggler losing clean (despite having teased a dirty win) was the right call, but it makes me wonder where things go from here for him.

As for the Royal Rumble match itself, I was pretty much satisfied, having come to expect many comedy moments in the match, and after Lawler entered I assumed the other two would follow suit, which made me facepalm when it actually happened. Aside from all the comedy jobbers and the 3 former legends entering, it was a fairly decent match that really showed how much their active talent shines (Miz, Ziggler, Rhodes, Sheamus, even Kingston had a pretty good run in there).

The biggest disappoint occured to me at #30, I was totally prepared for Christian's music to hit, I already had the start playing in my head. The beginning of Christian's entrance just has a really epic feel to it, and it was quite the let down to hear the Big Show's less upbeat music start playing. I definitely had hoped I had the chance to mark out for Christian's late arrival and see him in "one more match" but I suppose that will have to wait until a later date unfortunately :S

As for Sheamus winning, he deserved it. He's on a winning streak with no real feud, anyone could see it coming from a mile away. Sure Jericho returned and said some things, but his whole gimmick is based on keeping us guessing, I wouldn't put it passed him to lie. It was nice to see Jericho and Sheamus in a really thorough 1 on 1 bout at the end of the match, they showed some really suspenseful and thrilling in-ring action.
Congratulations to Sheamus.

On a side note, when I saw Ryder in the wheel chair, I had a hilarious thought pop into my head of a "wheel chair match" sticking Ryder against Alberto Del Rio, Eve pushing Ryder's Chair and one of the Bella's or Ricardo perhaps pushing Berto's. It made me chuckle for a minute or two, I just thought I'd throw this in there, wondering if anybody would actually want to see that match, considering we've seen both these superstars in wheelchairs in the past month. XD
+1. WWE is doing few things very bad in my point of view. Nobody care about Michael Cole/Jerry Lawler at the rumble match. I don't care about Road Dogg. They SHOULD put Kane in the match, whether he was eliminated soon enough by next entrance Cena or not. And major title holders could enter here. So what Punk/Bryan was doing? I hate Bryan but it would be great to see Punk in the match somehow.

I eagerly want Bryan not to play in the main event of Wrestlemania 28. A Sheamus vs Bryan match completely sucks. :banghead: Lets see what Elimination chamber holds for us.

I really hope Vince and Co. don't have the mentality that "rocks/cena" will sell this PPV no matter what so we can do some other things with these other matches and put Bryan in a title match.

He's really worthless. His mic skills are limited, he's undersized, he just looks ridiculous as champion when guys twice his size like Show/Henry/Sheamus/Barrett, and who ALL have better mic skills that Bryan too, aren't champion.

I think Orton has had enough titles and title shots, but I would LOVE to see Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett for the WHC belt. Bryan can fight Cody Rhodes or someone for the IC Belt...although Cody Rhodes is 10 times better than Bryan is, too.
*reposted from spam thread :D

I think the reason why the rumble is weird this year is the main events prior to Raw and Smackdown was used to build up the title matches and the Cena/Kane match and less time was spent on hyping up the rumble itself. The main storyline being pushed that I can remember is Orton/Barrett and the Jericho trolling but both were not featured prominently in the rumble itself. That is why this rumble feel more like a midcard battle royal than previous rumble to me.
I actually quite enjoyed the Rumble this year. Good theme song to kick off with. Good card outwith the rumble. Couple of good promos. People hit their spots quite well (kelly kelly, Kofi etc) surprise entrants made it exciting. Overall it was good :)

Anybody know what the song playing in the background was during the Rocks promo? I know Cena's was the WM28 theme Machine Gun Kelly - Invincible, can't find out what the other was anywhere?
I had high expectations for the royal rumble so I was dissappointed.

- A lot of the Rumble match felt like comedy filler. When Orton and Jericho entered it got really good. The ending was very well done. Big Show coming out at 30 was weak though, especially right after Orton and Jericho. Wish it was Triple H or someone.

- The cage match was nothing special. With Henry being hurt obviously most of the match was Show and DB. Great spot from Daniel Bryan and Show though.

- Punk vs Ziggler. I was disappointed with this match. It felt a little overbooked. Maybe I had too high expectations going in, but I was expecting an incredible match. It was a good match but not the show stealing type of match I was hoping for.

-Cena vs Kane- This sucked and was very predictable. Why wasn't Kane in the rumble after taking out Cena and Ryder?

LOL @ Eve being all smiley and happy. Just shows you how awful she has been during this storyline.

-And I hate that the WWE has been putting non advertised matches on its ppv's lately. All ppv matches should have storylines or they just feel like filler. This isn't monday night raw.
OK I am going to throw in a couple more things since some people just don't get it.

1.For the people saying CM Punk & Daniel Bryan should have been in the Rumble you are a fool. What did they have to gain? They both kept their Titles so what would have been the point? Now if one had lost and come back then ok that would have been fine.

2.Chris Jericho,Now he was one of my picks to win but looking at it does he need to win the Rumble? Not overall because I think he will still face CM Punk at Wrestlemania.

3.Sheamus,REALLY? Now some of you are saying he doesn't deserve it? He has be pushed HUGE the last year & a half.

4.The Legends/Returns,Come on I loved the fact that Hacksaw,Road Dogg,King,and Booker T were all involved. Hell even Kharma's Return was well done. Did you not hear the Pops they got? Even Cole's bit was rather funny and so was Ricardo's. I don't think Christian or Ted Dibiase were ready to come back nor was Skip Sheffield ready for that Stage either.
I watch 2 WWE matches a year, the Royal Rumble match and the Undertaker's WrestleMania match, and I've got to say the first 1 was pretty dissapointing. The first thing that sprang to my mind while watching the Rumble was...Where are the stars in WWE? The biggest reactions of the night were for Jim Duggan, Mick Foley, Road Dogg and Randy Orton. Three of those guys most likely won't even be featured again and it was in the other one's hometown. Watching the Rumble has given me no reason to start watching WWE again because I didn't see anyone that I'd tune in to see on a regular basis. I marked out for the Road Dogg but couldn't care less about 95% of the other participants. No one stood out or made any sort of impression during that match and the roster seems pretty thin (even thinner than when I last watched). I don't have any issues with who wins the Rumble, but at least put some stars in there for the fan who may only watch the Royal Rumble match. Here's hoping the Undertaker's WrestleMania match is at least worth watching.

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