WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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Here we go again you tool.

Not denying anything. This is a Royal Rumble PPV thread. Point blank. In no way does a WWE Title match next week mean a Royal Rumble victory is in Dolph's immediate future. If anything, like last year's Rumble pay-per-view, Dolph will face the champion in a losing effort and continue on his way.

You can't see the big picture for Ziggler, how sad.

Like the fools who doubted me last year when I predicted The Rocks return to the WWE......months before it happened.

How did this show have any type of heavy build? A main event wasn't even advertised. Nothing was advertised last week for this week's Raw other than CM Punk and Chicago. Not exactly a huge Raw in any way.

I'm talking about 1/2/11........OBVIOUSLY. It's been built up for weeks. Dolph is going to be main eventing the biggest Raw since The Rock was live in Boston.

Look good - testing the waters. One in the same. That's all they’re doing. Like when Ziggler faced Edge last year, he was on a incredible roll. In fact, this is the exact same position he was in last year.

No, actually he's well beyond that stage.

No it isn't. WWE is doubting Punk's mass appeal. What the fuck makes you think Ziggler will draw anymore ratings than the very over CM Punk.

What makes you think he won't? Oh yeah you're the guy who doesn't know what the hell the term "over" means.

You know why the ratings have been low? It's called Monday Night Football. That and Punk never seems to finish a feud with anyone. Triple H, Kevin Nash, Alberto Del Rio, John Cena, the list goes on......his feuds jump around too much, it's irritating.

Solid push like John Morrison earlier this year.

Morrison was never in back-to-back-to back main events.

Solid push like Sheamus winning the KOTR?

Do you think Sheamus will carry a 2x4 before his career is over? Hooooooo!!!

I was talking about Orton moron.

You were talking about both of them......"As for Sheamus" is what you said. Maybe they are saving his 3rd bout with Jinder Mahal for Smack down. Think it will be a huge ratings boost? lmfao

Cody needs to get himself over more if he expects to win a world title and represent the company at Wrestlemania. It isn’t his time.

Well only one of them can win the Rumble, Ziggler or Rhodes. And Sheamus does need someone to face at Wrestlemania. Rhodes vs. Sheamus - IC Title Match @ Wrestlemania. Leading off the show.
I don't think Ziggler will win the Rumble. I don't think that Rhodes will win the Rumble. Neither will Orton OR Sheamus.

None of them are in the right positions at the moment for it to work. I still imagine Rhodes defending the IC Title at WM, Ziggler will be somewhere stuck in the midcard with the United States Title more than likely. Sheamus I don't see doing anything title-related and Orton will more than likely be in some kind of grudge match, or the World Title match against Daniel Bryan, which I don't see him winning the Rumble for.

My few choices are as such;

Wade Barrett - Seems like the "Barrett Barrage" could possibly move into full swing with a win at the Royal Rumble, giving him a definite World Heavyweight/WWE Title Show. That would misplace Orton, who could be part of a grudge match, or tag match just like this years WM, where he faced CM Punk. Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan at WM is a great way to give two newbies a big test on the grandest stage of them all. Or Barrett could (and highly unlikely) go down the path of the WWE Title and face Punk/Del Rio/Miz.

The Undertaker/Chris Jericho - Both men who would be returning sometime soon, Jericho or The Undertaker could possibly win the Rumble. Taker is a very unlikely option as he would not want to risk injury, but winning the Rumble means he could face the champion. I could see Bryan vs Taker being a strange match, but the fact HHH/Taker part 3 is in the works makes this even more unlikely. Jericho on the other hand, winning the Rumble could send him into a match against CM Punk, fueling the "Best In The World" argument.

The Miz - Strangely, right now...this is my likely option. Hear me out. We've all been hearing recently that The Miz had been split up from R-Truth not only for the drugs, but also because they wanted to give The Miz a singles run with the WWE Championship again. It's not been put into action, so why not have the Royal Rumble as the time to start it off? Miz wins the Royal Rumble, earning his match against whoever may be the WWE Champion at that point. Could be Punk, Ziggler(God forbid?) or maybe even Alberto Del Rio. More than likely it's gonna be Punk though. Miz can then be action knowing that he has a Title match and he'll be using it. OR...he could go in the other direction and face Daniel Bryan, giving Punk the match against Jericho as well. That would be a scenario for me that I'd like to see.
Why does everyone love Sheamus so much?!?!? It really baffles me. I cannot stand the guy and Ive hated him since day one. In my opinion he is the biggest piece of shit in the WWE. I am not a John Cena fan but I would gladly take John Cena over Sheamus anyday. If Sheamus won the Royal Rumble I would be so dissapointed that it would ruin my favourite ppv and match of the year in WWE. I feel that Sheamus in terrible on the mic and I cannot stand his promos. I also hate his gimmick and I cannot even begin to explain how tired I am of hearing the announcers and Sheamus say not to make him angry and that he has a bad temper and that he likes to have fun. It is unbelievably unbearable and annoying. If Sheamus is what we are in for in terms of upcoming main eventers and the new face in WWE then it is going to turn me right off of the product.

Does anyone else agree with me on this? It seems like everyone loves Sheamus and I really don't get it.

OWEN-ing it all I agree with you 100% Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes are amazing and deserve to be in the main event and deserve to be world champions. I agree and think that Ziggler may actually win the belt on Raw next week too and Punk will get his rematch at the Rumble. However, my pick to win the Rumble is The Miz. I think it will come down to a final 4 of Miz, Jericho, Orton, and Sheamus. Miz eliminates Sheamus, Jericho eliminates Orton (getting his revenge), then Miz eliminates Jericho. Making it a triple threat main event at Mania with Punk/Miz/Jericho. As for Ziggler and Rhodes I think it will be Ziggler/Foley at Mania in a hardcore match and Rhodes/Goldust in an IC Title retirement match. As for Sheamus he is an absolute piece of shit and I hope he is left off of Mania. Hamily Guy is an absolute idiot thinking Sheamus is more talented than Rhodes and Ziggler. Give me a break. Absolutely pathetic.
Here we go again you tool.
You can't see the big picture for Ziggler, how sad.
He's been here before. It's nothing different now. He is in the exact same position that he was in last year. No more over either.
Like the fools who doubted me last year when I predicted The Rocks return to the WWE......months before it happened.
Sure, the dirt sheets hinting at The Rock's return had nothing to do with that.
I'm talking about 1/2/11........OBVIOUSLY. It's been built up for weeks. Dolph is going to be main eventing the biggest Raw since The Rock was live in Boston.
And will be hugely overshadowed by whoever shows up to start feuding with CM Punk. Do you honestly believe 1/2/11 will turn up midshow and have nothing to do with Punk?
No, actually he's well beyond that stage.
Not really. He was in the same spot he was in around this time last year.
What makes you think he won't? Oh yeah you're the guy who doesn't know what the hell the term "over" means.
Wikipedia said:
Over - The extent to which a performer has been accepted by fans. A face wrestler is considered over when he is being cheered and supported by fans, whereas a heel is considered over when he is booed and hated.
You know why the ratings have been low? It's called Monday Night Football. That and Punk never seems to finish a feud with anyone. Triple H, Kevin Nash, Alberto Del Rio, John Cena, the list goes on......his feuds jump around too much, it's irritating.
I never said Punk was the reason. I said WWE has been thinking of taking the title off Punk due to ratings. What makes you think the WWE will trust Dolph with the belt when they don't even trust Punk who is ten times more over than Dolph has ever been?
Morrison was never in back-to-back-to back main events.
Ziggler has only headlined shitty shows that feature forgettable bouts.
Solid push like Sheamus winning the KOTR?
Sheamus was pushed too fast too soon. Everyone knows that. He wasn't over. He is now. Big time.
Do you think Sheamus will carry a 2x4 before his career is over? Hooooooo!!!
You were talking about both of them......"As for Sheamus" is what you said.
As for Sheamus - if you notice, Randy Orton wasn't on Raw either. Rather strange but it certainly doesn't mean shit.
Randy Orton wasn't on Raw.
Maybe they are saving his 3rd bout with Jinder Mahal for Smack down. Think it will be a huge ratings boost? lmfao
What part of Christian is injured don't you understand. Who do you suggest Sheamus feud with while Christian is away?
Well only one of them can win the Rumble, Ziggler or Rhodes. And Sheamus does need someone to face at Wrestlemania. Rhodes vs. Sheamus - IC Title Match @ Wrestlemania. Leading off the show.
Ziggler needs to be on the undercard more than Sheamus. He isn't ready. Good matches do not mean shit. If people buy into what you are selling you will get cheered or booed. Ziggler has not won the fans over besides a couple blind marks like yourself who cannot take their head out of their ass to see how much work Ziggler needs. He needs time. I'm all for a Ziggler main event run, but he needs time.
Why does everyone love Sheamus so much?!?!? It really baffles me. I cannot stand the guy and Ive hated him since day one.
Oh yeah, because YOU hate Sheamus doesn't mean shit.
In my opinion
A shitty one.
he is the biggest piece of shit in the WWE. I am not a John Cena fan but I would gladly take John Cena over Sheamus anyday.
What proof do you have he's a piece of shit? Is he over? Yes. Do fans care about him, yes?
If Sheamus won the Royal Rumble I would be so disappointed that it would ruin my favourite ppv and match of the year in WWE. I feel that Sheamus in terrible on the mic and I cannot stand his promos. I also hate his gimmick and I cannot even begin to explain how tired I am of hearing the announcers and Sheamus say not to make him angry and that he has a bad temper and that he likes to have fun.
Again, WWE doesn't care about you. Do you hear the pops he gets? That's what they care about.
It is unbelievably unbearable and annoying.
Like your awful opinion.
If Sheamus is what we are in for in terms of upcoming main eventers and the new face in WWE then it is going to turn me right off of the product.
Does anyone else agree with me on this?
The poll at the top of the page suggests no one does.
It seems like everyone loves Sheamus and I really don't get it.
Your skull is quite thick I understand that.
OWEN-ing it all I agree with you 100% Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes are amazing and deserve to be in the main event and deserve to be world champions.
If they were more consistent with any kind of crowd reaction, sure.
I agree and think that Ziggler may actually win the belt on Raw next week too and Punk will get his rematch at the Rumble.
Ha. :lmao:
As for Sheamus he is an absolute piece of shit and I hope he is left off of Mania.
Why? Because you say so right? Perfect reasoning here.
Hamily Guy is an absolute idiot thinking Sheamus is more talented than Rhodes and Ziggler. Give me a break. Absolutely pathetic.
Explain to me why the WWE fans give him more of a reaction than either Rhodes or Ziggler. Because I would love to know.
I'll give it to either Sheamus, Rhodes, or Barret. Since they want a smackdown star to win it it should be one of them. But honestly i'm sick of heels winning the rumble.
He's been here before. It's nothing different now. He is in the exact same position that he was in last year. No more over either.

Your opinion.....your idiotic opinion.

Sure, the dirt sheets hinting at The Rock's return had nothing to do with that.

What are you talking about? lol

You sound like the Todd Pettengill of Wrestlezone. Or the Lord Alfred Hayes. Don't you have to go make a new tape for Coliseum Home Video?

And will be hugely overshadowed by whoever shows up to start feuding with CM Punk. Do you honestly believe 1/2/11 will turn up midshow and have nothing to do with Punk?

Of course it has something to do with Punk. You don't think it's possible that Y2J costs Punk the title?

It is not impossible. Ziggler is being pushed to the next level. Whether he wins on Monday or not.....between now and Wrestlemania he will be a World Champion again. That's a fact.

Not really. He was in the same spot he was in around this time last year.

The main event? lol


Did you really just quote Wikipedia? Really? Really???


I never said Punk was the reason. I said WWE has been thinking of taking the title off Punk due to ratings. What makes you think the WWE will trust Dolph with the belt when they don't even trust Punk who is ten times more over than Dolph has ever been?

What makes you think the Y2J-Punk feud has to have the WWE title on the line? Couldn't the feud be successful without it?

Dolph's wrestling ability speaks for itself. Like Daniel Bryan, like HBK, like Bret Hart, like Chris Benoit, like Rey Mysterio........these guys were not always the best mic men. But from bell 2 bell they were unbelievable.

Bret Hart didn't draw either. He's still one of the greatest of All-Time.

Ziggler has only headlined shitty shows that feature forgettable bouts.

LMFAO.....Ziggler has more great matches in the past 2 months than Sheamus does in his entire career. You should change your name to Maynard because you're a TOOL.

Sheamus was pushed too fast too soon. Everyone knows that. He wasn't over. He is now. Big time.

Why do you think that automatically means he will be world champion again?


Nope.....a reality. Sheamus is not world championship material. He proved that.....with lousy matches.

What part of Christian is injured don't you understand. Who do you suggest Sheamus feud with while Christian is away?

His feud with Christian was over. 3 PPVs in a row. It ended, it led to nothing.

How about a name? Instead of the endless array of jobbers he has been fighting. Him and Hornswoggle.....eerily reminiscent of Finlay and Hornswoggle. His shaleylee is kind of like a 2x4 don't ya think and he always gotta a huge reception......yet no World Title? I wonder why?

Duggan, Duggan, Duggan.......HOOOOOOO!!!!

They should start selling foam celtic crosses if they haven't already.

Ziggler needs to be on the undercard more than Sheamus. He isn't ready. Good matches do not mean shit. If people buy into what you are selling you will get cheered or booed. Ziggler has not won the fans over besides a couple blind marks like yourself who cannot take their head out of their ass to see how much work Ziggler needs. He needs time. I'm all for a Ziggler main event run, but he needs time.

If you honestly think that Sheamus is better suited to be a champion than Dolph Ziggler? You are a fucking moron with absolutely no credibility. You're looking at this situation as a fan......with your heart set on Sheamus. Put your money on Ziggler.

He's "here to show the world" right? Well, "the best in the world at what I do" and "the best in the world" are going to be right there. Here's his chance......

If Dolph wins on Raw.....I hope you don't keep mouthing off excuses.

Oh yeah, because YOU hate Sheamus doesn't mean shit.

Would you please get off of Sheamus Great White Cock you seem to love so much. He's a midcarder, who was a failed main eventer. Face facts.

What proof do you have he's a piece of shit? Is he over? Yes. Do fans care about him, yes?

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, "Ravishing" Rick Rude, Owen Hart, "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith, Junkyard Dog, Lex Luger, Booker T, Ken Shamrock, The Big Bossman, Matt Hardy, Shane McMahon, etc etc etc

Were they Over? YES. Did the fans care about them? YES.

Did they get the WWE Title? NO.

Again, WWE doesn't care about you. Do you hear the pops he gets? That's what they care about.

Wrong again.

The poll at the top of the page suggests no one does.

Maybe they all just hit puberty like you too.

Your posted age is 19, which means if you had started watching at 3 years old (old enough to remember)......you would only have seen 1996 - current.

Dudes with attitudes era.....lmao. And you're trying to tell me what makes a champion?

Explain to me why the WWE fans give him more of a reaction than either Rhodes or Ziggler. Because I would love to know.

Explain to me why Hacksaw Jim Duggan was given a bigger reaction than Bret Hart?

Explain to me why The Undertaker received a bigger reaction than Bret Hart?

Explain to me why Razor Ramon received a bigger reaction than Diesel?

Explain to me why Jerry Lawler drew more heat than anyone in the WWF and never received a World Title?

There is a lot more to being a world champion than crowd reaction. If you knew anything about wrestling you would know this simple fact.
Sheamus is doing reasonably well and is a possibility, I could also see Ziggler doing it from #1. However just because the sheets have said this and that I wouldn't rule out Triple H to set up a match with Punk or even Jericho if it is him that returns next week, as I'm not sure how else they can draw Punk/Jericho out until Mania.

I think the WHC match for the show will be a triple threat between Bryan, Big Show and Henry. I also think Cena vs Kane is likely.
Your opinion.....your idiotic opinion.
What are you talking about? lol
The fact that you "called" The Rock's return when it was rumored on damn near every wrestling site on the net.
You sound like the Todd Pettengill of Wrestlezone. Or the Lord Alfred Hayes. Don't you have to go make a new tape for Coliseum Home Video?
Of course it has something to do with Punk. You don't think it's possible that Y2J costs Punk the title?
Or get some kind of DQ. Jericho and Punk continue onto Wrestlemania with the WWE Championship on the line and Ziggler does whatever.
It is not impossible. Ziggler is being pushed to the next level. Whether he wins on Monday or not.....between now and Wrestlemania he will be a World Champion again. That's a fact.
It's not a fact. It's an opinion idiot. Where's the proof Ziggler will be champion before Wrestlemania rolls around?
The main event? lol
Did you really just quote Wikipedia? Really? Really???
Yup. Believe it or not, Wikipedia was dead on on what the definition of over is.
What makes you think the Y2J-Punk feud has to have the WWE title on the line? Couldn't the feud be successful without it?
It wouldn't be as interesting with the WWE Title out of the picture. The WWE would down right stupid not to involve the belt in the feud. Why wouldn't you want to capitalize off Jericho's return by making the WWE Championship up for grabs?
Dolph's wrestling ability speaks for itself. Like Daniel Bryan, like HBK, like Bret Hart, like Chris Benoit, like Rey Mysterio........these guys were not always the best mic men.
I never said shit about talking on the mic. All of these guys were over by the time they held gold. They didn't win the title to get over; they won the title because they were over.
But from bell 2 bell they were unbelievable.
Yup. but over...
Bret Hart didn't draw either. He's still one of the greatest of All-Time.
Bull fucking shit. Bret Hard was at the top of the WWE in the '90's. He was one of the greatest draws of that era.
LMFAO.....Ziggler has more great matches in the past 2 months than Sheamus does in his entire career. You should change your name to Maynard because you're a TOOL.
Ziggler's had his fair share of great matches but it's not doing anything for the casual fans. Marks like you *********e to him but the truth is if people wanted to see him so bad, fans would certainly give him something other than silence.
Why do you think that automatically means he will be world champion again?
Why shouldn’t he? Seriously, when you're seriously over and you are credible with the audience, you’re damn sure deserving of a title reign.
Nope.....a reality. Sheamus is not world championship material. He proved that.....with lousy matches.
Hulk Hogan, John Cena - two of the biggest icons in wrestling ever all have people like you who claim they suck and have terrible matches. Yet, they were/are two of the best wrestlers the WWE has ever placed their hands on.
His feud with Christian was over. 3 PPVs in a row. It ended, it led to nothing.
No it wasn't. Can you tell me their big blow off match? Christian was injured at a match with Sheamus at a WWE Event in Belgium. Their feud was far from over.
How about a name? Instead of the endless array of jobbers he has been fighting. Him and Hornswoggle.....eerily reminiscent of Finlay and Hornswoggle. His shaleylee is kind of like a 2x4 don't ya think and he always gotta a huge reception......yet no World Title? I wonder why?
Finlay was older than half of the WWE roster and was there to make others look good. He was a great technician and the WWE used that to their advantage when putting young guys over.
Duggan, Duggan, Duggan.......HOOOOOOO!!!!
How are they even comparable?
They should start selling foam celtic crosses if they haven't already.
Another way for him to get even more over; I’m down.
If you honestly think that Sheamus is better suited to be a champion than Dolph Ziggler? You are a fucking moron with absolutely no credibility. You're looking at this situation as a fan......with your heart set on Sheamus. Put your money on Ziggler.
Let me ask you this. If you owned the WWE, wouldn't you rather put the belt on someone who can get the crowd involved in their matches than someone who gets complete silence from them?
He's "here to show the world" right? Well, "the best in the world at what I do" and "the best in the world" are going to be right there. Here's his chance......

If Dolph wins on Raw.....I hope you don't keep mouthing off excuses.
If Dolph loses on Raw, hopefully you'll finally shut the fuck up.
Would you please get off of Sheamus Great White Cock you seem to love so much. He's a midcarder, who was a failed main eventer. Face facts.
Like Ziggler who cannot get over to save his life. Face those facts.
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, "Ravishing" Rick Rude, Owen Hart, "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith, Junkyard Dog, Lex Luger, Booker T, Ken Shamrock, The Big Bossman, Matt Hardy, Shane McMahon, etc etc etc

Were they Over? YES. Did the fans care about them? YES
Look at the WWE roster. Who can you honestly say is that over right now? This isn't the '80's. The roster isn't stacked with guys who are hugely over wherever they go. When someone is over nowadays, the WWE is going to capitalize off that popularity - see Zack Ryder.
Did they get the WWE Title? NO.
Explained above.
Wrong again.
Then why the fuck isn't Tyson Kidd World Champ by now? Why hasn't Dolph been pushed already? They don't care about internet smarks like you.
Maybe they all just hit puberty like you too.
Cop out don’t you think?
Your posted age is 19, which means if you had started watching at 3 years old (old enough to remember)......you would only have seen 1996 - current.
You do realize that the internet is a real thing right? Find me a match with anyone in it. It's somewhere on the internet. Don't be fooled by age. That's a fucking stupid cop out argument. Was I alive during WWII? No, but I sure as hell know alot about it.
Dudes with attitudes era.....lmao. And you're trying to tell me what makes a champion?
Explain to me why Hacksaw Jim Duggan was given a bigger reaction than Bret Hart?
He didn't. Bret Hart was always more over. Jim Duggan received pops but never loud and consistent cheers like Hart.
Explain to me why The Undertaker received a bigger reaction than Bret Hart?
I don't understand what you’re getting at with this one. The Undertaker's and Bret Hart's legacy are nearly the same.
Explain to me why Razor Ramon received a bigger reaction than Diesel?
What about it? Diesel still received more heat than Dolph ever has. He didn't have to get a bigger reaction than anyone on the card, he just had to be over. I'm not saying Dolph needs to be more over than anyone else in the WWE but he definitely needs work on getting some kind of crowd reaction. How do you not see that?
Explain to me why Jerry Lawler drew more heat than anyone in the WWF and never received a World Title?
Because he wasn't to be taken seriously.
There is a lot more to being a world champion than crowd reaction. If you knew anything about wrestling you would know this simple fact.
Was Hulk Hogan not one of shittiest in ring wrestlers ever? Yet the WWE pushed him because he was so damn over. If you can get the crowd to want you then there's no reason to not push said wrestler. Dolph Ziggler is a fine wrestler but he needs more time to get a crowd reaction. Do you realize how big someone like Dolph Ziggler could be if he got the crowd to hate him? His heat isn't cutting it.
I personally believe Wade Barrett will win the rumble. This will let them keep D Bry face, and since he and Wade have a history already it will be easier for them to renew the feud. If that were to happen, I'm sure D Bry would retain at WM, because it seems that the wwe has been trying to push all of the small guys over the bigger ones. Personally I wish they had weight divisions again. Small guys holding titles while the heavyweights are made to look stupid because they cant win.<<< One of the biggest rating probs right now.
Wow well obviously Hamily Guy is just a complete Sheamus mark. Absolutely ridiculous. You are obsessed with Sheamus. And seem to have a problem with someone like Dolph Ziggler who actually has talent. Dolph Ziggler DOES get heat despite what you claim and you are going to be eating your words when he kicks off the new year by winning the championship this Monday on Raw which I firmly believe will happen. So you clearly don't know the definitions of "over", "heat" or "ready".

OWEN-ing it all: I actually would prefer Jim Duggan over Sheamus. Atleast Jim Duggan was better on the mic than Sheamus. I think Sheamus has the worst promos of anyone on the roster. They are terrible.
CM Punk will retain against Dolph Ziggler somehow, possible doing what Austin did back in I think the year was 1998 when he grabbed Vince's hand and made Vince count the 1-2-3.
Daniel Bryan who I think will now be portrayed as a heel will probably retain the title against maybe The Big Show but as it is scheduled for tonight's Smackdown I could possibly see a Triple Threat Match with D Bryan, Mark Henry and Show.
Taking a guess that there will probably be a Unified Tag Team Championships Match, with the competitors also being involved in the Rumble later on, I would like to see Primo and Epico defeat AirBoom as it always seems that they defeat them on the scheduled Raw, Superstars and Smackdowns, etc, but couldn't do it at the PPV, I don't know how long AirBoom have been holding the belts, all I know is it's too long, there not interesting, put the belts on Primo and Epico please!!
Then you have the Royal Rumble Match.. in past years we've seen the last two when the last two guys are from raw and smackdown they both get title matches at wrestlemania even if they didn't win, e.g. John Cena and Batista 2005, Triple-H and John Cena 2008, The Rock and Big Show 2000, so I can imagine the last two being definetly Chris Jericho if they're going for Jericho vs. Punk at 'Mania and I would say Cody Rhodes but it seems they will have him face Goldust at Wrestlemania for the IC belt so either Sheamus or Wade Barrett most likely to be Sheamus as then the Rumble ends with a heel and a face, and I would also say that the winner of the match will be Sheamus, reason they shoudn't give it to Y2J is because he has done alot in his career and doesn't need this to propel him into being one of the Greats because he is one of the greats already. So yeah I see Sheamus winning this one but with the ending (WrestleMania) being Chris Jericho still getting a title match at WrestleMania against CM Punk, as for Sheamus, well I had a little idea of my own in that Sheamus could face maybe Jinder Mahal at Elimination Chamber and Wade Barrett could be apart of the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match at Elimination Chamber winning it and therefore continuing there expected feud into WrestleMania, this would obviously not be the Main Event and sorry to say but obviously not the reason people would buy the PPV when you've got Cena vs. Rock and Punk vs. Jericho..
My pick is Wade Barrett. I feel that now Orton is out of the equation for a while, Barrett could really use something to bounce him into a place where people could really take him as a legit threat to the World Heavyweight Championship. My boy D-Bry looks like he will be holding on to the World title until WrestleMania, so why not reignite a feud that kind of happened in 2010 and sort of happened in 2011. I would like to see that. Barrett deserves it and I hope he gets it.

If not Barrett, my pick goes to Sheamus for the simple reason that, behind Orton, he is the face of SmackDown. He needs something deperatley to do and this "feud" with Jinder Mahal is stupid and he deserves oh so much more. A former 2x WWE Champion and 1x United States Champion shouldn't be facing off against an irrelevent FCW star. C'mon!

Depending on how long Orton will be out for will make the decision easier with him, but, regardless of that, I don't see him winning. He doesn't need to and will probably worm himself into the World Heavyweight Championship Match at Mania anyway. Cody Rhodes is on a role as Intercontinental Champion at the moment. A feud with Goldust is almost guaranteed, and I would love to see a Title vs Career Match at Mania between the two, so that cancels out Rhodes.
So, all day I have been reading "the rumble is in Randy Ortons hometown, he's going to win". Randy is injured right now and out for "6 months". Now I don't buy for a second that Orton is going to miss Mania, but I doubt that he will be in the Rumble. If he is in the rumble this is how I would love to see it play out.

I'm tired of guys entering at 1,2,29,30 and winning. Orton enters at somewhere between 18 and 25. Yes I know it kills the surprise of Orton entering the rumble, but IMO it also makes it seem less likely that he will win. Barrett draws 30 and stands outside the ring as Orton, Sheamus and Jericho are battling it out. Sheamus tosses Jericho, then Barrett enters the ring disposes of Sheamus, setting up a match between these 2 at Mania. Barrett then starts laying the beatdown on Orton, when Randy goes in Vipermode and wins the Rumble.

Ok, now another thing I have been reading today is Orton/Bryan and Mania. Hey, I would love to see that match, but I am proposing something different. I say Dolph Ziggler beats CM Punk . The ending comes with an accidental ref bump, while the ref is down Jericho comes down pummels Punk, then Ziggles hits the ZigZag and bam new champ. Personally, I don't think that Punk or Jericho need a title match to be over. The following night on Raw Orton announces that wants to face Ziggler at Mania. I would pay to watch this match at Mania as in my opinion these 2 put on one of the best 2011 matches on Raw. That way it is still a legit mainevent match with Orton in it and it will continue the ascent of Ziggler to the top tier. As for Daniel Bryan I wouldn't mind seeing an elimination chamber style match at mania for the title involving Bryan, Big Show, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, and returning Christian and Del Rio (move him back to smackdown)

Sorry I rambled. What do you guys think of this scenario?
i dont really like the idea at all and if randy orton is coming back at rumble..why say hes out 6 monthes? :shrug: daniel bryan and cm punk should walk out of royal rumble with their titles and id have either jericho win the rumble and face cm punk or wade barrett wins the rumble and faces daniel bryan at mania also the whole idea of christian,sheamus,del rio,henry,mcintyre and daniel bryan in the whw title match at mania....are you serious bro? you really think drew mcintyre is going to go from jobber whos lucky to win a match on superstars to serious contender to the world heavyweight title in a matter of monthes? your insane and christian...sorry but hes stuck either not booked or in money in the bank if its back imo vince wouldnt give him a shot over the summer to be champ and to me that means hes damn sure not putting him in 1 of the big matches for wrestlemania
I think they are hyping Orton just to make sure Orton fans buy The Royal rumble PPV. I can see him there in street clothes and coming down to eliminate Wade Barrett, just so he can make an appearance in his hometown of St. Louis. I highly doubt, if he is injured, that he would be ready to go by the Rumble. I still think that Jericho is going to win the Royal Rumble, the one thing he hasn`t won, and go on to face Punk at Mania for the WWEC.
Wm28 should be like this and it all begins at wmania

I think Barrett will win the rumble, buuuut will also win the title at the elimination chamber ppv.

So .....

CHAMP Barrett w/ Nash vs Triple H w/ Orton
CHAMP Punk vs Y2J w/ Laurenitis & Otunga
CHAMP Rhodes vs Rhodes
CHAMP Phoenix vs Natalja
Rock vs Cena
Undertaker vs Kane
Show vs Shaq
CHAMP Ryder vs The Miz
The Return of MITB or another gimmick match featuring RTruth, Henry, Ziggler, Swagger, Kingston, Jackson, Brodus, Bryan
Sheamus vs Lesnar

Wishful thinking BUUUUT damn well possible too and I would so buy it, though I would buy any Wrestlemania
Randy Orton's character is beyond stale. The whole "viper mode" thing is weird and played out. I want him as far away from the Rumble as possible.

I don't like to see any of these guys get injured, but I hope that he's really out for 6 months. Spend some time with your family and come back with something different. Also, stop taking a half hour to walk to the ring. You're not the Undertaker..
I think I have the best idea for the Royal Rumble, and it is something that has never been done before. Have your 3 or 4 favourites left in the ring when 29 guys have already hit the ring. Have them all eliminate each other so when there is still 30-45 seconds to go for number 30. Thus whomever enters at number 30 wins the Rumble as everybody else has already been eliminated. So with this in miond, you have a heel entering at #30 and my pick would be Chris Jericho. He could have his countdown come up instead of the ususla RR 10 second countdown, he struts out to the ring wioth the same stupid goofy smile and antics like Raw l;ast week. He hits the ring, is announced the wi9nner and then he carries on like a prima donna, but still does not address the crowd. Humoungous amount of heat and boos will be thrown Jerichos way because he wins the Rumblwe without having to do anythnig. Plus he hasnt won it before and it elevates him to WWE Championship match vs Punk at Mania.
dude, that would be a cool finish. That would definitely draw heat, and the crowd would be pissed.

Nice job. Very creative, and it would play in line with what Jericho did on Raw.
Ok look I'm from St. Louis, I'm going to the rumble.... leaving with Orton winning the rumble will leave me going home very disappointed. I beg, I plead, anybody but Orton anybody. He's not very high on my list like he used to, hell I dont even care to see him when I attend the Royal Rumble. Have Santino win befor you have Orton win... yes I said it and I said it last year when it came down to Alberto Del Rio and Santino. If anybody on Smackdown is to win the rumble it's Sheamus or Wade Barret. If Brian is the champion at Mania (which I hope not) Barret or Sheamus will have a better match with him then Orton would. The choices to logically win the royal rumble this year are not very favorable in my eyes. Chris Jericho would be favorable to me but if you think about it that would be just like edge returning and winning or cena returning and winning even though Jericho didnt return the same day as the Rumble. If Kane won that would be great.... for me anyways I dont know about everyone else :shrug:
Even if Randy was to enter to Rumble he shouldn't win it. This Royal Rumble should be used to establish a new star and lift someone up into superstar status. Randy Orton is already established and doesn't need the Royal Rumble to get back in the title picture. The surprise return has been killed lately so they need to lay off it and not let the surprise return be the winner. Someone like Sheamus could easily be the winner and lifting him up into the superstar status.

As for your Dolph Ziggler part, I can't see that happening. CM Punk is one of the main faces in the WWE and everyone seems to think he is some type of god. So therefore he should be representing WWE at the biggest stage of them all with the biggest title of them all. Ziggler isn't quite there to be a champion, especially when we have plenty of guys that could easily champion at this point in time. You are right though, Jericho and Punk don't need a title to draw. However WWE have left it too late for CM Punk to lose the title while holding a credible fued with Jericho (if that is too happen at Mania). It wouldn't make sense for CM to go after Jericho rather than get his title back.
Though this is an imaginative idea, There are two things wrong with it.

1. If Randy Orton is in the rumble, he is going to win the rumble. It doesnt matter one bit what spot he draws so putting him at 25 or 18 is just stupid.

2. They would not take the belt off of Punk and give it to Ziggler because Ziggler isnt ready to hold the title at WRESTLEMANIA. Thats right. This is Wrestlemania. No time to be experimenting and giving people their first shots. You want your best and most marketable superstars as champs. This is why Punk will be champ because his name attracts more buys at the moment.
Though this is an imaginative idea, There are two things wrong with it.

1. If Randy Orton is in the rumble, he is going to win the rumble. It doesnt matter one bit what spot he draws so putting him at 25 or 18 is just stupid.

2. They would not take the belt off of Punk and give it to Ziggler because Ziggler isnt ready to hold the title at WRESTLEMANIA. Thats right. This is Wrestlemania. No time to be experimenting and giving people their first shots. You want your best and most marketable superstars as champs. This is why Punk will be champ because his name attracts more buys at the moment.

Couldn't have said better myself.

Everyone wants to experiment with all these new champions, but Punk draws and Ziggler doesn't (hes a great talent and the internet loves him but in reality hes not to Main Event Mania).

Also Orton wont return just to lose thats pointless and loses him credibility. Plus as stated earlier Orton can get in the title picture without winning the rumble.
dont want to put faith in first time title holders @ mania? (dolph ziggz)
well what about John Cena?

Maybe Batista..?

OR chris beniot...?

just to name some...im not really a fan of dolph BUT hes got Great Potential to be a great heel champ
Orton SHOULD win. The guy deserves it and it'd be the most efficient way of having him go into Wrestlemania with a title shot, which he deserves after the goodwill tour he has been on this year. Jericho winning is way too obvious, even more so than the hometown comeback win. Orton should be facing Barrett at Wrestlemania for the title NOT Bryan who isn't ready. Face or heel, I can't take him seriously as a main eventer so no one will buy him walking into Wrestlemania as champion. It would be like X-Pac challenging Taker for the streak. Orton/Barrett should be the world title feud realistically. It has the story.

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