WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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I'd much rather see Cowboy Bob doing a special guest entrance.

Orton is fine but he just needs some time off so the fans can miss him, he has grown so stale (overused term, I know) in 2011, it's about time he went away for a bit and returned with something new to bring to the table. He has been doing the same stuff for what seems like ages now and it's just made him appear dull.

Drop the whole 'voices in the head' spiel - he's not mentally ill.

Give him a new entrance music.

Maybe some new moves as well.

Why not try turning him back heel? (Legend Killer worked so well!)
I'd much rather see Cowboy Bob doing a special guest entrance.

Orton is fine but he just needs some time off so the fans can miss him, he has grown so stale (overused term, I know) in 2011, it's about time he went away for a bit and returned with something new to bring to the table. He has been doing the same stuff for what seems like ages now and it's just made him appear dull.

Drop the whole 'voices in the head' spiel - he's not mentally ill.

Give him a new entrance music.

Maybe some new moves as well.

Why not try turning him back heel? (Legend Killer worked so well!)

couldn't agree with you at all, the reason he gets pops is because of his looks, and the majority of those pops are females. Orton needs time to stay out of the picture, 6 months would do him and his character some good.
I love how everyone keeps saying Orton has got stale. Yet I believe that he put on the best matches last year. Christian, Punk, Rhodes, Barrett and Ziggler should all be able to attest to that. I am not a big Orton fan, (I hate face Orton) but I have to give credit where credit is due
A wrestler can still be good in the ring, but stale in character. But like I said, stale is an overused term.

Of course he can still put on good matches, and the wrestlers that the right honourable Squirrelbaby listed have benefited greatly from the rubs Orton gave them in 2011.

The feud with Barrett was the highlight of recent Smackdowns, but I found myself rooting for Wade more, not because I'm a face-hating smark, but just because Orton is getting so repetitive.

So should he return at the Rumble? Only for the sake of eliminating Barrett and continuing the feud. Orton doesn't need to be in the main event of Wrestlemania this year.
I am all for Jericho and Punk at Mania, but I really don't want to see Jericho win the Rumble. I would rather it be someone like Wade Barrett. I think he and Daniel Bryan could have a great match for the belt and if they take the strap off Bryan he is capable of challenging Big Show or Mark Henry, but I doubt that match would be as good.
Orton seems like the really obvious choice and I think that's intentional so what I'm expecting is a fakeout. Orton enters late, everyone think's he's going to win right up until the rug is pulled out from under them with the true surprise entrant and winner, who I'm predicting will be

The Rock
Seven days away......still an open field. A few scenarios could unfold.

And the WWE Championship match is the match to watch, a better idea of the rr winner will become clear after the wwe title match.

If Punk wins it's either gonna be Jericho or Ziggler.
If Ziggler wins, but doesn't win the title.....it's gonna be Jericho or Ziggler.
If Ziggler wins the title......most likely Orton or Barrett or Kane or The Undertaker.

Bryan WILL retain....100% sure.

If Big Show is facing Shaq and Henry is nursing an injury and only saving face....then logic dictates the outcome. Bryan weasles out of the cage....lol

You can have a Fatal 4 way or triple threat at Wrestlemania.

Or Kane/Undertaker vs. Bryan

But most likely: Bryan vs. Orton vs. Barrett

Everyone keeps assuming Y2J vs. Punk will be for the title......I think it doesn't need the title and shouldn't.....this feud is above championships.

But a triple threat of Jericho vs. Punk vs. Ziggler would be an amazing match

"The best in the world at what I do" - Jericho
"The best in the world" - CM Punk
"I'm here to show the WORLD" - Dolph Ziggler

That's what his theme song says right?
My choice is one of 3 Kane,Jericho or Orton.Why?
Kane - will loose his match against Cena (obviously but will throw Cena out of the Royal rumble ) cena wont win - hes got a match at Wrestlemania. would kane headline wrestlemania - well he could.
Randy orton - its his home town, hes just returned and its been a while since we had a past winner win the RR
Jericho - hasnt done much since his return but could see him winning to wrestle cm punk at mania - will they let him win as hes only been back for a few weeks?? - who knows.
Dark horses - Big show& TripleH
Pretty pumped for the Royal Rumble this Sunday and looking forward to watching it on PPV. I think CM Punk remains WWE Champion against Ziggler either by a OTE 1998 omage (Austin/Dude Love) or Foley helps him in someway. Cena/Kane is hard to call but should be interesting to see what happens there. The Cage Match will be fun and im sure Daniel Bryan will be doing all kinds of running to keep the World Heavyweight Title.

My Top 5 to win the Rumble Match are-Randy Orton,Sheamus,Wade Barrett,Cody Rhodes,or Chris Jericho.
i would love to see something like this again - its just 5 minutes but every participant gets a few seconds to hit a promo. some were awesome, like jim neidhart

I'm a Randy Orton fan so I would want him to win but if Sheamous wins I wouldnt mind but it is kind of true the last couple years the winners of the Rumble didnt even get the main ever at maina so if wwe goes that rout again well whoever wins the rumble this year will be screwed like the last couple winners.
so a grand whopping total of 3 matches tonight to go along with the Royal Rumble match??

no US title match

no Interncontinental title match

no Tag Team title match

thank you WWE for once again saving me money. Of course, they will tease some groundbreaking storyline to come out of tonight, but instead it will be same ole same ole, and odds are will be completely predictable

what a joke WWE is becoming. Why even bother having these "titles" anymore. So much for that whole storyline with Rhodes bringing back the old looking belt, and then he gets thrown in a program with Booker T, and then for the last month he hasn't been on RAW once

and WWE wonders why their ratings keep dropping. Theres zero depth anymore, and thats 100% fact. Entire show is based around Punk/j.ace and Kane/Cena with thrown together matches around it each week. So factions or stables has killed WWE programming. Gone are the days where each feud sorta overlapped one another, and sometimes 5-6 guys were interchangeable.
Well from what I have heard, the Royal Rumble main event will be CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Championship rather than 30-man Royal Rumble match due to its unpredictability. I also heard a rumor that the Rock will make an appearance.
Outstanding ending to the Royal Rumble. Didn't think the person who won would win, but we just saw the beginning of a great year for this man :)
I knew Jericho wouldn't win it, yet everyone thought he would. WWE can be predictable, but they weren't going to be that fucking predictable.

Great showing from Miz, Rhodes and Ziggles.
An overall decent PPV, The announcers taking part was bulls**t though if you ask me, I can understand Booker T because he's still a part time In ring wrestler. but Lawler and Cole was a bit much for me, that was two places that could have been taken by people who we actually believed would have had a chance of winning!
Kharma and Road Dogg were huge surprises for me! I loved the Sock/Cobra segment between Foley and Santino! Personally I thought Barrett was going to win the rumble but he is just as worthy a winner in my eyes.

The Kane vs Cena match result was predictable, neither one could afford to lose momentum on the Road To Wrestlemania so that was the only way to not lose any momentum for either guy.

Personally could not get into the cage match, something just couldn't click with me. You have two colossal superstars and somebody who it seems has just had the strap thrown on him for no reason (theres no real push with Bryan if you ask me) yet the little guy wins!? His reign wont last much longer, Show/Barret will win at Elimination Chamber and will face the rumble winner (who i'm not sure we can name in case it spoils it for others) at Wrestlemania!

The WWE title match was good, but I've seen better matches. got rather bored of Johnny Ace's "I can't see it, it's not happening" routine after the first time when Punk had the Anaconda Vice locked in, didn't need to happen 3 or 4 times, it got repetitive. I'm rather interested in where the Punk/John L. angle will go from here though.

Overall a good PPV to start 2012 - 7.5/10
Ok so now that i have had time to take in this shitty rumble, i resized something major that WWE must have made a mistake on or rewrote at the VERY last minute! There are so many things that dont make sense that were supposed to happen....! Now, I know dirts sheets can be wrong but i dont think some of these reports are wrong!
1. Where the hell was Animal?
2. What was the damn difference from last year, because this year, "was the year of the anyone could enter" WHO THE HELL ENTERED THAT WAS SIGNIFICANT?!
3. Chris Jericho's Return was a complete waste of everybody's time because he lost.
4. Where the freaking hell was Brodus Clay?!
5. Where was Mason Ryan, who was supposed to be on the receiving end of a major push again.
6. There were no major main eventers
7. Where was the Big Red Machine, Kane?!
8. Where was any returns besides Kharma who dosent freaking count:banghead:
9. Noone returning from injury!
In all reality i have completly lost faith in the WWE and will watch Raw tommarow night which will probaly be my last night watching WWE, because this show was shit!
Im with you on this, what a lackluster PPV and rumble match.

It felt like a Mid-Card rumble, for the Intercontinental title
Ok so now that i have had time to take in this shitty rumble, i resized something major that WWE must have made a mistake on or rewrote at the VERY last minute! There are so many things that dont make sense that were supposed to happen....! Now, I know dirts sheets can be wrong but i dont think some of these reports are wrong!
1. Where the hell was Animal?
2. What was the damn difference from last year, because this year, "was the year of the anyone could enter" WHO THE HELL ENTERED THAT WAS SIGNIFICANT?!
3. Chris Jericho's Return was a complete waste of everybody's time because he lost.
4. Where the freaking hell was Brodus Clay?!
5. Where was Mason Ryan, who was supposed to be on the receiving end of a major push again.
6. There were no major main eventers
7. Where was the Big Red Machine, Kane?!
8. Where was any returns besides Kharma who dosent freaking count:banghead:
9. Noone returning from injury!
In all reality i have completly lost faith in the WWE and will watch Raw tommarow night which will probaly be my last night watching WWE, because this show was shit!

All the things that you said someone from the WWE office guaranteed all of them would happened tonight?

Of course NOT.

Apparently you think that the dirty-sheet site are the creative team..
Upset at all the bullshit entrants this year. Would have loved to see Mason Ryan or Ryback run over a few people. Not win obviously, but at least make their presence felt.

Instead, we end up with NINE bullshit entries? That's almost 1/3 of the rumble devoted to that crap. I know there's always surprise filler entrants and at least Roaddog, Foley, and Kharma filled the normal "shock" and "suprise vet returns" bit they do every other year but Ricardo, Hacksaw, the announcers, and Khali? Really? Current actual wrestlers lost their spots for those 6?
Ok so now that i have had time to take in this shitty rumble, i resized something major that WWE must have made a mistake on or rewrote at the VERY last minute! There are so many things that dont make sense that were supposed to happen....! Now, I know dirts sheets can be wrong but i dont think some of these reports are wrong!
1. Where the hell was Animal?
2. What was the damn difference from last year, because this year, "was the year of the anyone could enter" WHO THE HELL ENTERED THAT WAS SIGNIFICANT?!
3. Chris Jericho's Return was a complete waste of everybody's time because he lost.
4. Where the freaking hell was Brodus Clay?!
5. Where was Mason Ryan, who was supposed to be on the receiving end of a major push again.
6. There were no major main eventers
7. Where was the Big Red Machine, Kane?!
8. Where was any returns besides Kharma who dosent freaking count:banghead:
9. Noone returning from injury!
In all reality i have completly lost faith in the WWE and will watch Raw tommarow night which will probaly be my last night watching WWE, because this show was shit!

1. It was unconfirmed and he said on a radio-show this morning that he wouldn't be there.

2. Dolph Ziggler entered, Big Show entered

3. He put Sheamus over big-time and his final 2 performance was amazing.

4. He fought Drew McIntyre earlier in the night.

5. Where did you hear that he was receiving a "Major push"?

6. Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Big Show

7. He was in a match with John Cena earlier.

8. Road Dogg, Jim Duggan, The Great Khali

9. Where in the Royal Rumble rules does it say that someone must return from an injury?

10. Sheamus winning when Jericho was predicted to.

11. Stop spamming with your hate threads about the Rumble.
Poor Rumble match and show, some what saved by the good crowd and the good end exchange between Jericho & Sheamus which was done incredibly well 4/10
Loved tonight,the Rumble Match was so much fun and I had Sheamus as one of my picks to win. Loved Road Dogg,Hacksaw,Booker T,King,and Kharma all being in it. I had to laugh at Cole getting in and not touching anyone only to run from Kharma.

A really good WWE Title Match and I still had it in the back of mind that Ace would screw CM Punk either directly or accidently. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow on RAW.

The Steel Cage Match was decent and I had a feeling that Daniel Bryan would sneak out with the World Heavyweight Title. Now can he survive the EC Match?

Not a bad Match either between John Cena & Kane,a little surprised they went the Double Co route but thats alright I guess.

Nice to see Brodus get on the Rumble PPV and an ok Divas Match. So I loved this year's Royal Rumble. 9/10
Okay so, thoughts on the PPV.

World Title match had a few good moments but was really short. Ending was exactly as I expected with Bryan weaseling his way out.

Filler crap = yawn. Eve smiling and booty popping made the Kane storyline look even more ridiculous.

Cena vs. Kane... ugh. Just ugh. Get this crap off my TV, please. I'd rather not see Cena tomorrow night than sit through another segment of this. And that's coming from a huge Cena mark.

The booking is terrible. Same shit every week. Kane beats up Ryder. Cena tries to save him. Cena fails. Kane beats up Cena. Eve cries (which again, was really bad tonight because she was just booty popping 20 minutes earlier).

Cena deserves better. Ryder deserves better. Hell, even KANE HIMSELF deserves better than to be involved in something so thoroughly uninteresting. He should have come back as a face and feuded with Rhodes or something.

Get. This. Off. My. Screen.


Anyway, WWE Title match was also disappointing considering how great it could have been. It wasn't necessarily a bad match, but the overbooking really took away from it. And of course, Ziggler once again looks weak, and is once again an afterthought to an authority figure. Did we go back in time a year or something?

Rumble had its moments as it always does, but was certainly not one of the best. Last few minutes were phenomenal. Sheamus winning is cool, and we're probably getting Taker vs. Jericho and Punk vs. Triple H now, both of which have potential.

Overall, extremely disappointed with this PPV, especially considering how much I had been looking forward to it. They had better step things up soon if they want me to buy into this being the "biggest WrestleMania ever."

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