WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

So what if HHH didn't show up? He wasn't rumored to show up. Not every big superstar has to return at the Royal Rumble. I've heard you and others complain about Del Rio isn't big enough or doesn't have the expertise to win it. What requires somebody to win the Rumble because I really like to know. Batista didn't have the expertise either but he won.

Just another guy complaining that HHH didn't return.

Was I bragging on HHH all though that post? No I wasn't. Did I even mention the offical hype for WWE was to have HHH return? No. As for your example on Batista he had enough experience by 2-3 years in WWE to qualify for the Rumble. He had worn championships before been a promising member of evolution etc. Del Rio only been in WWE for less than a year. If Del Rio was to qualify for such a achivement all he has to do is get more experience under his belt. For example. get Championship gold such as the intercontinental or us title. Not that I have to explain all of this but still. I just disagree with Del Rio winning the Rumble...Just my opinion.
The Ziggler/Edge match was excellent, really good back and forth contest and the finish worked. Only issue was wtf was Kelly doing with that run in?

Orton/Miz was just dull, Miz is not really quite good enough and him and Orton don't gel, the finish made zero sense except for trying to force a Punk vs Orton match at Mania.

Divas title match was fine but Eve winning? :shrug:

The Rumble match was great for about 30 minutes, JoMo pulled off the most amazing spot I've ever seen, Bryan got to look good and Punk was a star, then Cena hit the ring and did his shit, fair enough but eliminating Punk killed the match, just watch it, the crowd went flat until Kevin Nash came out near the end.

From here the Rumble stunk with the Cena/Swaggle crap that got no response, to the 2 failed world title challengers coming in which basically screams "we were out of wrestlers with our stupid 40 man idea" and then they proceed to have Superman eliminated by a guy not even in the match before a ridiculously over pushed wrestler wins to the flattest reaction I have ever heard.

And side note to Vince, Orton vs Cena is not Hogan vs Savage or Rock vs Austin, there little stare down with the Mania banner drew little more than a murmur from the crowd, the Cena/Punk stare down from earlier received a much more heated response.
so john morrison looked to be going on the run of his career. he had an awesome match with the miz, he beat sheamus on multiple occassions and was almost king of the ring. he enters the royal rumble last night where people thought he would be final 4 maybe even win!!! but instead he gets pushed behind del rio who has been in the wwe for less than a year and jomo has been here since 2006!atleast hve him eliminate some pple but no even ted dibiase husky harris kofi kingston and michael mcgillicutty get eliminations.! ted dibiase! seriously!?!? the guy who hasnt won a match in lke 3 months except when his gf gets the pin!??!?! all im saying is i loved the rumble it was great but i had my hopes high on jomo so i just hope vince and his team arent deciding to push him bac down and take his world champiosnhip dreams away i mean i can see him as a champ by end of this year and ya ik he had tht one cool move at the rumble but still......
I just learned that all you people don't have a clue what the Fuck your talking about. I hear all of you bitch and moan about Wrestlemania. Since your so smart book it yourself. How would you book Wrestlemania. THE WWE IS WORKING THE BEST WITH THE PIECES THEY HAVE. Would you rather see a Randy Orton vs. John Cena feud v.20 or a Randy Orton vs. Edge again or Miz vs. Morrison v.12 or John Cena vs. All of the Nexus just continue for another whole damn year. Instead of the WWE giving us all of that again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and aga-- they are giving us feuds we haven't seen before. We have never seen a true Cena vs. Miz feud, just a little kid miz counting forfeits 2 years ago, which was still great. We still have never seen backlash to Orton vs. Punk we now will. Personally I love Edge's work. I love Del Rio's work with shitfa-- I mean Rey Mysterio. That will be a fresh feud. Hopefully we see a Diesel vs. Taker, Booker T vs. Kofi Kingston, and Nexus vs. Corre.

I loved the rumble. I loved the unpredictability. Last year I KNEW Edge would win and everyone on here did too. This year I thought maybe Cena, I hoped Del Rio(yeah, I marked the fuck out when he did), maybe somehow Christian, or Morrison, CM Punk, Barrett, or even Sheamus could win. There were a few down sides, one was Horny. I would have rather have seen Trent Baretta work his ass off like every time he gets on TV. I would rather see ADR win it then tuning in to see a Orton or HHH or Cena win it. Overall I:banghead: can't wait until next years!
I can't believe I was right about Booker T returning, how many of you got out of your seat or whatever you were sitting/laying in while watching the rumble and spazzed out, because I sure did. Those finishers looked actually decent and he has lost his acrobatic touch, I just wish he was returning for good and is going to be on RAW tonight, but none the less it was quite an awesome homecoming for the man, CAN YOU DIG IT?!? SUCKAAAAA
so hhh didnt return at the rumble although we were all so certain including me i wont lie but is this because he is going to return tonight on raw? or what? thoughts?
No, he isn't being pushed down as of yet, as you won't be able to tell for awhile whether creative has any big plans for Jomo. Just because he had one blip, does not decide his future, considering, he had one of the big spots in the rumble with whatever he did to avoid touching the ground. So no, it wont be known whether JoMo's recent push will be stopped, for the time being.

And on your point on Del Rio, Del Rio beats JoMo on the all-round scale by a fair margin, ADR has top notch Mic skill's, JoMo, albeit improving, don't match ADR. Time means nothing in WWE in some cases. If your good, you go sraight to the top, ala Sheamus, if your not that great, you waddle around for awhile, with occasionally glory, which Morrison has already recieved numerous times..So ADR is much more deserving than JoMo to be winner of the Rumble.
Triple H isn't going to return on Raw. I was one of the people that fell for the Royal Rumble return rumor. He won't return tonight either. I do, however, hope he returns in time for Elimination Chamber and is posibbly added to the Chamber match for the WWE Title. But you never know in WWE, he very well could return tonight. If Hornswoggle can come off as entertaining in one of WWE's biggest stages, anything can happen. But to answer your question, Triple H most likely will not return to WWE TV tonight.
No, he isn't being pushed down as of yet, as you won't be able to tell for awhile whether creative has any big plans for Jomo. Just because he had one blip, does not decide his future, considering, he had one of the big spots in the rumble with whatever he did to avoid touching the ground. So no, it wont be known whether JoMo's recent push will be stopped, for the time being.

And on your point on Del Rio, Del Rio beats JoMo on the all-round scale by a fair margin, ADR has top notch Mic skill's, JoMo, albeit improving, don't match ADR. Time means nothing in WWE in some cases. If your good, you go sraight to the top, ala Sheamus, if your not that great, you waddle around for awhile, with occasionally glory, which Morrison has already recieved numerous times..So ADR is much more deserving than JoMo to be winner of the Rumble.

wel i dnt think he will lose his push but i thot it was akward tht he was eliminated so early and i think jomo does hve great skils maybe not in the mic skill category but deff. in the ring
No, he isn't being pushed down as of yet, as you won't be able to tell for awhile whether creative has any big plans for Jomo. Just because he had one blip, does not decide his future, considering, he had one of the big spots in the rumble with whatever he did to avoid touching the ground. So no, it wont be known whether JoMo's recent push will be stopped, for the time being.

And on your point on Del Rio, Del Rio beats JoMo on the all-round scale by a fair margin, ADR has top notch Mic skill's, JoMo, albeit improving, don't match ADR. Time means nothing in WWE in some cases. If your good, you go sraight to the top, ala Sheamus, if your not that great, you waddle around for awhile, with occasionally glory, which Morrison has already recieved numerous times..So ADR is much more deserving than JoMo to be winner of the Rumble.

I kind of agree with this in saying that Morrison in fact wasn't pushed down. Consider this: A group who took out Cena, ALL OF THEM, had to push Morrison out. It was smart booking because if Morrison came in after he'd be fodder for Nexus/Cena/'Swoogle/Orton "I RKO everyone because that's the only spot I know." So, no Morrison's not pushed down. I think it's better anyway, if he does win Money in the Bank he'll most likely be garunteed a championship shot and a heel turn might also be in the works where he could cash in on Cena or something. Or something ironic like cashing it on the Miz.

But to the person above, I think you're wrong. ADR is no doubt talented but I'm not as half interested in ADR's promos. No doubt he's a good worker and I'm sure he's championship material, objectively speaking, but I personally think he needs some lessons from Vickie or the Miz to garner heat as opposed to cheap heat.
JoMo was clearly injured as he came to the ring, looked like his knee, so it made sense for him to have a shorter but memorable stint. His parkour escape was easily the best thing in the match and one of the most memorable Rumble moments for a long long time... JoMo's time will be at Mania, MITB winner is the most likely outcome, perhaps even challenging Miz on the night itself...
Well one thing I've learned from reading all the posts so far is a lot of folk like to use the expression "set in stone". Are there no other expressions you guys can think of?

What I learned from last night:

Ziggler can hold his own in the ring without doubt, but he is still a very bland character who is far too dependent on Vickie's heat.

The New Nexus have trouble doing good "solidarity" poses; Punk, Otunga, Harris go down on one knee, McGillicutty just crouches.

This isn't something I learned, but as the refs didn't raise ADR's hand when he eliminated Barret, why did his music go on for so long!? The double ending probably played it's part for a muted adulation for ADR's win. Plus, he is a heel after all.

Kane coming out last... being hyped by Striker... eliminated by Mysterio... his push is definitely over now. Poor fella
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If this actually happens, I will never watch WWE ever again.

I feel he is one one of the most OVERRATED "superstars" in wrestling history. This guy is average at best. Tag Champion, Mid-Carder......never should've been a main eventer.

Oh and like the Miz is so much better??? Please!! Miz should be jobbing on Superstars to Trent Barretta.

Booker T is AWESOME!!! I loved how he hit all of his moves on Nexus last night. I'm glad he came back for the Rumble. I knew he wasn't gonna win but he made a great showing considering it was 4 on 1. He's also a 6 time World Heavyweight Champion so he's deserved all of the accolades he's ever achieved. I just hope that last night wasn't just a one time deal for him and that he'll be around for a while.

Booker T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your favorite wrestler

As for Del Rio winning, I LOVED IT!!! Punk was my original pick to win, but when he got eliminated I went with Del Rio. He totally deserved to win. He's got an MMA background and he wrestled for years in Mexico so he had the credentials to win the Rumble. Not to mention he's one of the most over heels they have. Out of all the projected matches for WM thus far, the one I'm looking forward to most is Edge/Del Rio. I also predict that Alberto will walk out of Wrestlemaina with the World Heavyweight Title........................but you already knew that!
I'm sort of glad he didn't appear at the Royal Rumble. For one, we all knew it was coming... The whole thing was "set in stone" and we were all just waiting for it to happen. Diesel and Booker T provided huge return pops instead, and Triple H just would have made things complicated. If he had returned to take out Sheamus would they really have been able to keep the feud interesting until Wrestlemania? I doubt it. My hope is that Triple H will return to mess up Sheamus' chances in some sort of Number 1 Contender match to face Miz at Wrestlemania. Perhaps it will be tonight, but maybe it will be at Elimination Chamber. Maybe it will be 2 weeks before Wrestlemania...who knows?
This doesn't hurt John Morrison at all. Like many said, he had one of the most memorable spots in the rumble, and I never thought he would win it to begin with. But, with Del Rio winning, that takes him out of MITB (if WM27 has one) and gives Morrison a better chance to get that push.
everyone should just quit speculating on when and if HHH is gonna return and just let it happen, cause right now everyone that was saying he's coming back at the RR is looking like morons, now everyone is saying its at raw or the elimination chamber just quit and let it happen so everyone can be supprised and not have it ruined by a dirt sheet.
Truthfully I liked the rumble, and I see a lot of people hating it but I enjoyed the PPV. The Edge-Ziggler match was good, the Divas match was a bit of a let down, I thought Kong would come out and win the title, but I hope to see Kong defeat Eve. I would love to see Kong vs. Natayla at Wrestlemania and throw in McCool and Beth in there and that would be a solid fatal 4 way.

Orton-Miz wasn't the best match, but good to see Miz retain and this now sets up a Punk-Orton feud, and I'm really looking forward to that.

Onto the Rumble, the crowd made this match.

1. The Bryan-Punk start, I loved that matchup. The crowd was into it, and Cole gave a mention to the internet. It was a mark out moment. Daniel Bryan looked great, and same with Punk. Kudos to the WWE for making these two look solid out there.

2. Good to see Ryder and Regal get pops haha, I agree with Striker that Regal is the best superstar on the WWE roster who hasn't been world champ. No question imo. Btw, they need to use Ryder, his gimmick is GREAT especially when you look at today's pop culture.

3. I wish Morrison came out later in the Rumble, because he was one of the favourites to win this thing, but when he came out early I knew he wouldn't win the thing, or even come close. He always has great performances in the Rumble, and the spot he had, with the whole "parkour" thing was amazing. One of the greatest moments I've witnessed in the Rumble. I lvoe the Skin in the Cat, but this was the best thing I saw where a guy comes back in the ring after almost being eliminated.

4. The New Nexus looked strong out there, and the Corre looked like a second rate group compared to the Nexus. I wanted to see the Corre and NExus go at it, so it annoyed me to see Nexus just dominate. They did look great out there, and if they have "faith" in Punk than it's good to see them do well.

5. Mark out moment with Chavo Guerrero, the whole tribute with Eddie. The constant three amigo suplexes, I loved it. I love Guerrero, he is not bad on the mic, and can hold his own in a segment. Also is a solid wrestler, and it was actually my fav. moment, reason was because before he came into the ring I was hoping for a "eddie moment".

6. I heard Chris Masters is going to get a push after the Rumble. Turn him heel, and have him go back to the Masterpeice gimmick. Good entrance, and good gimmick for him.

7. Talking about gimmicks and characters, I love Tyler Reks. He has the look, but I wanted to see him take out the New Nexus. It would make him look really strong, and than the nexus could've later regroup and took him out. Reks was mis used.

8. For some reason, and I don't know why, after seeing Khali back I realized I missed the guy. I have no idea why. Plus, I like him as a face, the kids love him and he's unique because of his size of course. Good to see him at least eliminate one person.

9. When Booker T came out, I loved it. The pop, Striker's reaction was just like everyone in the arena and fan of his, we all loved it. Cole telling "striker to chill" annoyed me, it was a mark out moment and it really down played his return. Booker T looked great, and during his time in the WWE he was arguably the most underrated wrestler there. Great to see the Spinneroonie, great to see the Scissors kick, great to see the book end, great to see Booker T.

10. And of course, Super Cena eliminates the whole New Nexus. Oh well, good to see Miz throw him out, btw, I was praying Cena would just eliminate Hornswoggle would've made me laugh if he just picked him up and dropped him outside.

11. Hornswoggle, f off. Why was he here? No Triple H? HEll, why not just Finlay, why not some DIVA? Awesome Kong? ANYONE but Hornswoggle, fuck sakes. The fact that he was there for a good amount of time annoyed me more.

12. Tyson Kidd, I love my fellow Canadians, but it's so sad to see any wrestler sell to Hornswoggle. The Mini Attituide Adjustment was good to see, I won't lie, but to see Kidd sell it was hard to watch.

13. Slater gets eliminated just like that? Come on, make the guy look meaningful. Kingston looked nice out there, and I wish they would give Swagger a bigger push, I'm a fan of the guy and think he can really improve on his promos and become a main stay in the main event.

14. Talking about being mis used, I forget that Sheamus is KOTR. He is getting buried out there as a Main Eventer. losing to Morrison wasn't bad, looking weak out there looks stupid. Loved how he pushed Hornswoggle though, I lmao. Sweet Shin Music? Not a bad move in all honesty haha.

15. I know Rey Mysterio is wrestling through injuries, but they need to sit the guy out. He's been working for injuries since about October, and WWE wants him at Wrestlemania but they are using him too much for someone who is hurt. I pray to god he isn't in the Elimination Chamber. I like Rey Rey, but I want to see him at Wrestlemania more than the Elimination Chamber. Plus, Smackdown has a thin roster but it can be good exposure. Have a guy like Cody Rhodes "take him out" until Mania, and have Mysterio in the MITB.

15. Glad that Ziggler and Orton were in the Rumble, I thought it gave the Rumble a nice tough. I've became a huge fan after realizing how good Ziggler is in the ring, so more Ziggler is good. Orton, wow, I thought the guy would get a bigger pop than that haha. When him and Cena were having a staredown the crowd was so out of it, come on, the place should've erupted. Two of the biggest stars and face of the company and there was no reaction.

16. Kevin Nash, isn't he over 50? Guy looks great. Loved the pop, loved the return, and I'm glad he came as Diesel and not as Kevin Nash. Loved Strikers reaction AGAIN for the return, "Holy shh" haha. This time King ruined the whole return, "Look at the faces", "Look at your face"...seriously, King? lol. No Jackknife btw? :(. Liked the Nash-Show staredown at the end, they do have history together.

17. The fact that Triple H didn't come out killed the crowd. The crowd was anti climatic in the Rumble win, was anti climatic when anybody came out, was anti climatic through the whole match, and the Cena-Orton staredown again, SUCKED. haha

18. Sorry, the ending was hilarious. I don't mind Del Rio winning, and it was even funnier when Marella was there and hit the Cobra. For a split second I actually thought Marella would win the Rumble, I know sounds crazy.

19. Kane couldn't get more in ring time than that? He's a former champion, he looked so WEAK. Kane has really, really fell off and I have no idea if he's back to mid card status. He got no reaction AT ALL, makes me wonder if he's even a top heel anymore.

20. So the final four was: Santino Marella, Albert Del Rio, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett. Nice, and we can now expect Cena-Miz for the world title. Orton-Punk in a feud without the title. And Del Rio-Edge is what I expect to see, they won't do heel vs. heel. Than I can see Barrett face Undertaker, and have the remaining members of Nexus and the Corre face each other.
This bashing of Booker is rediculous! The man paid his dues, earned every single damn thing he worked for!

And call me nutso, but I was happy to see Big Lazy last night, I was watching in a theater, and people actually jumped out of there seats! Myself included.

I also loved how the "epic" (HA!) Cena/Orton showdown failed to even equal a 10th of the epicness that Hogan/Warrior and Rock/Austin had in there Rumble spots in 1990 and 2001 respectively.

A word on the Rumble match if I may...things were going along famously until Cena came out! Look, I'm not a typical Cena bashing douche. I wouldn't say I'm part of teh Cenation, but I would never really boo him either (unless he was facing Edge in Toronto in which case I did), I've normally been pretty neutral when it comes to him. But since around mid 2009 or so, I've found him to be almost unbarable, his smiley happy go lucky attitude is fine for certain situations, but I remember this was once the guy who took the title and the feuds he was in very seriously. I know an arguement can be made for The Rock being a wisecracking jerk...but he did it to get in the head of his opponents, but his promos also had intensity, and you can sense his disdain for his opponents.

All of NEXUS, ONCE AGAIN, sacrificed to Cena! Everytime they get buried, and then get revitalized again, Cena always destroys them. And I'm going to say this as well...I have no problem with Cena/Miz and Orton/Punk having 'Mania matches...they'll be good enough for what they are! But all of the sudden were just supposed to "forget" the Punk-NEXUS/Cena issue? it's over just like that? It's like they randomly just jumped to Orton! It's like Cena being Cena-Do-Right once again, elimenating all of the end of the feud, just like that! I had high hopes for Cena/Punk at 'Mania...but I should've known after the PPV quality match they had on free TV it wasn't going to happen! And this whole thing with Miz/Orton? After everything Orton has gone through chasing the Miz down since losing the belt, it's over just like that? No big 'Mania blowoff? This is a sad case of "WWE's 'Mania plans are set in stone and can't be broken" sort of thing, where they can't look at the bigger picture, and they now have to abruptly end the feuds that still have momentum.

Back to the Rumble...as soon as I heard that Irish jig...I quickly prayed to the gods of wrestling saying "PLEASE BE FINLAY, PLEASE BE FINLAY", but I knew it wasn't.....and yes, poor Tyson Kidd & Heath Slater are selling for this waste of space. That can pop the kids once in awhile, but I could hear A LOT of cheers in the crowd when Sheamus booted him. I didn't get into it, until Big-Kev came out, and the ending sequence with Santino was definitely unexpected and I was right into it!

The Rumble had a mix of good/bad/rediculous/surprising all rolled into one, so all in all, it delivered...that said...worst Rumble since '99. The Cena spot, then the Hornswoggle thing really dragged it down. But the Rumble match is like Pizza....even when it's mediocore or cold...it's still good.
everyone should just quit speculating on when and if HHH is gonna return and just let it happen, cause right now everyone that was saying he's coming back at the RR is looking like morons, now everyone is saying its at raw or the elimination chamber just quit and let it happen so everyone can be supprised and not have it ruined by a dirt sheet.

Last that I checked, this is a forum. A Wrestling forum. The epicenter of where in the IWC that rumors go to grow. If you don't want to have suprises ruined by dirt sheets, don't read them. If you don't want to speculate on if and when someone will come back or something will happen, don't. Otherwise, understand that this is a public forum and if people want to speculate, it's their right to do so. It's also you right to disagree, which in my mind would be a much better use of your time in the forums.

IMO, HHH will either be back before the Elimination Chamber PPV, or will not return until Wrestlemania. You want a return on a big stage? Wrestlemania is the biggest stage of them all.
It wont hurt john morrison.. John morrison has terrific in ring skills..

They only problems with morrison is that he has bad mic skills and in my opinion, he needs a gimmick change.. He needs some time off to adjust that. Jeff Hardy had bad mic skills but he had a gimmick that no one thought was stupid.

Alberto Del Rio is a much better candidate for the rumble as he is great in the ring and on the mic.. and his gimmick can fire ppl up. Very much looking forward to mania!
Well we know he WILL be back sometime soon, as confirmed by the recent WWE Magazine cover. He actually appeared on SportsCenter today (via taped interview), but nothing significant.

I think tonight would be a great place to have him return, keep in mind the pop he got at Raw in 2002 when he came back. Don't know though, could go either way. I'd expect no later than the Chamber.
I am going to say something that is not going to be popular. John Morrison's career is taking a near identical path to Shelton Benjamin's. Build your fame as a dominant tag team. Split up, have some good to great matches in the mid card. Get a push towards main event level. Then be used primarily for the big spots in matches from then on.

From all the reports out there, Morrison isn't even being considered for any major match at WM. All of his potential feuds look busy...Sheamus with HHH, Miz with Cena. If they have a MITB match, he's in it for sure. If not, a US title match with Danielson?

This spring and summer will go a long way in determining his future with the company. If this isn't his breakout year (finally), then I don't think he will ever have one.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Edge

Very fantastic match. Ziggler proved me even more wrong tonight by showing that he can hang with Cena as well as Edge. Very impressed by some of the spots in this match, i thought that the Killswitch by Edge was a funny way to end the match. They're hyping something with Christian and Edge. Honest To God I thought they would have taken the route they did with The Hardy Boyz in 2009. I expected for Christian to run through the crowd, and act as if they were going to give Ziggler a concerto, but smack Edge in the face. But nope didn't happen. Oh well, that was just 1 thing i didn't like about the match, no big deal :)
Three 3/4 Stars
*** 3/4

Randy Orton vs. The Miz
Wow. More than i expected, i'll give the match that. I expected for this match to be similar to the one they had on the live smackdown a few months ago, boring, slow and something nobody wanted to see. Glad to see that they are taking the "Punk vs. Orton" route, we could use a good match for mania that we haven't seen in a while. I'm not like most people, i didn't expect for Chris Jericho to come out of the crowd and screw Orton over and set up Orton vs. Jericho for Mania, and i'm glad that some people that predicted that were proven wrong.
Two Stars

Natalya vs. Michelle McCool vs. Layla El vs. Eve
"Let's make this a fatal 4 way" - My Reaction : :D

So Eve won the match. Surprisingly i'm okay with this. What were we all saying A LONG with Labar and Isenberg? We wanted to see Kong compete against men. So i'm not sad she didn't come out and plow through two girly girls and a shemale. So i expected Kong to enter the rumble, when she didn't i figured "Oh no worries. Alberto won, the only reason Kong wasn't in the rumble was too draw more attention to Del Rio, Booker, And Nash to get the media buzzing and get people interested in Raw tomorrow night."
One Star

40 Man Royal Rumble
Not disappointed...nope not in the slightest. I thought this was a fantastic match. So what if 1/4 of the match was Nexus domination? All it did was make the nexus look stronger, which the Nexus NEEDS, seeing as how the only original member of Nexus now is David Otunga. Many people would start to doubt that they would be strong anymore (look up Spinnernet1 on youtube) seeing as how at this point it was just one original member, one experienced wrestler, and a bunch of rookies thrown together and expected to look dominant. Good Job. They made the Corre look Poor, but that's fine, we all already know that members of The Corre are talented and can be dominant as a stable.

Now...Booker T and Diesel. If WWE doesn't take Booker T now, they are going to sorely regret it. Look at him! He was fucking amazing for that time he was in the ring. 45 years old, and he's still doing the spineroonie. As Ron Simmons would say...DAMN!. And Diesel, even if he was in there only for a few minutes, he was taken out by Nexus, which made Nexus look stronger. I read a post a few days ago that stated WWE would be dropping the ball if they had Nash going over younger guys to make himself look strong. That would be TNA, and it would make WWE COMPLETE SHIT! So good Job WWE, make Nash relevant for a few seconds, then have him disappear.

As for Del Rio winning...i half expected this, but when i heard Booker T was coming back, i was doubting it more. HELL after Shawn Michael's appearance on Raw a few weeks ago, i was beginning to think Alberto was going to be wrestling a RETURNING Triple H, and HBK would bum rush the ring and super kick Del Rio over the ring. But that was just another crazy thought.

One more issue before my post is finished. I forget the name of this poster, but he said something along the lines of "NEXUS AND CORRE BRAWLED IN THE RING AND THEN THE GM BUZZED IN AND TOLD THEM TO LEAVE THE RING EXCEPT FOR PUNK WHO WAS LEGAL!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! AND THEN WHEN MIZ ELIMINATES CENA HE SAYS NOTHING!!!!!!!!!". Well too this poster, addressing your complaint. Michael Cole is obviously a Miz fan. And he is also obviously the General Manager. Need i say more? I think maybe this might have been a small hint that Michael Cole is the GM. And Look at what happened RIGHT after Cena went over, he went to the announce desk and said something to Cole about Miz throwing him over. There you go.

Thanks for the time...i'm off to go do things that MargeraRVD's do...
So what if HHH didn't show up? He wasn't rumored to show up. Not every big superstar has to return at the Royal Rumble. I've heard you and others complain about Del Rio isn't big enough or doesn't have the expertise to win it. What requires somebody to win the Rumble because I really like to know. Batista didn't have the expertise either but he won.

Just another guy complaining that HHH didn't return.

What requires someone to win the Rumble is alot more than Del Rio has to offer. How about someone that has earned their time in the WWE for at least a year, had at least one memorable/big match, held at least 1 title belt, carried at least one PPV main event, and most importantly has the ability to draw PPV buys at the biggest show of the year. Someone that has carried a meaningful fued for more than a month. Del Rio has none of those. And before you say, "yes I want to see him and will buy the PPV", the IWC is a very small percentage of the overall wrestling community. Most of the average wrestling fans could care less about Del Rio as he has not been around long enough to matter to the level of carrying a WM Main Event, and will NOT draw to the likes of a Cena, Orton, Edge, HHH, Undertaker. etc. Del Rio winning was horrible and does not peak my interest for WM. There are soooo many better options creative could have gone with than Del Rio. We will see how it all plays out but thumbs down for RR 2011.
I think even if they don't put him up to the next level,then he's gonna go down in history as the best to never do it. That spot last night at the Rumble was amazing. He's a had two stellar ME Title matches(Jeff Hardy and The Miz) but notice they've never been at the end of the card. I think it's always bad timing with Morrison,there's always something going on at the time they want to try and elevate him and it's usually something that will draw more than Morrison. I'll always be a believer though, one day out of nowhere,he's going to get tossed into the fray and explode onto the scene. I think it'll be the same for Kofi too, or anyone with a flashy moveset like these two. It takes timing to make people believe these guys can take on any challenger.

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