WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

Obviously missed the point.
Start the show with the 2 title matches, get if off to a high, then give everyone a break b4 the Rumble. does it matter where the Diva's match was. it still would've sucked.

and it gave the combatants of the title matches a long breather b4 entering the Rumble. DER!!!!

Hornswoggle was comedy relief, i'm sorry you're so angry that you can't accept some entertainment in a sports "entertainment" show.

There was some stupid commentry as usual though. Seems they just say the first thing that comes to there heads whether it remotely makes sense or not.

1) in regards to Natalia doing a double sharpshooter.
King - I've never seen that b4 in my life. Um she did it at the last PPV :)

2) King again, Striker mentions the Michinoku Driver. King - noone knows what that is, um he always use to pay out Michinoku calling it the Michi-no-clue driver during the attitude era

3) Undertaker is the tallest person to ever compete in the Rumble. Um Andre the Giant competed to and he was taller, as did the Giant Gonzales and he was almost a foot taller then Taker :p

3) CM Punks apparent time in the rumble (35 mins 20seconds). he comes in at 1 and every 30seconds-1minute there's a new combatant. yet he survived 35mins by entrant number 23? at most he lasted 25mins Maybe i missed something there. unless they were adding the 5-10 mins wasted at the start with the nexus vs Corre war b4 the match officially started

By that logic, Orton was in the Rumble too and they went on right before it. Ziggler is younger than Orton so wouldn't he need less recoup time, putting Miz/Orton 1st?

DER!!!! (Tell everyone in jr. high I said hey!)

When someone else is paying for it, you can waste 10-15 minutes with YOUR definition of "entertainment".

Agreed, commentary SUCKS. At one point I actually muted the tv so I wouldn't have to hear Cole j**king off during the WWE championship match.

1) agreed

2-3) Could you find anything more trivial to bitch about??

3) agreed, there is no longer any logic within WWE booking.
Listen, guys. John Morrison is everything you and everyone else thinks he is. We live in a instant gratification society, we want it now. But this is wrestling. Vince played the instant gratification card for 10 years. Now he realizes that true stars need to be molded and crafted, not thrust into the spotlight unless they are truly capable. Sheamus, Miz and Del Rio come instantly to mind in this gen for those that have "it" and can live up to the pressure. Morrison has "it". But I liken Morrison to HBK. When he was a Rocker, you didn't hear the announcers talk about him. But you knew he was special. Morrison just has to show up to be admired. Just like all the greats. They are going to show that this man his the goods every week until it kills everyone to watch him fall short yet again. And then, BOOM, he will explode and become the new face of the WWE. When Cena did it, no one saw it coming. I know I didn't. So sit back and enjoy the show. It just started.

That is a good outlook to have. But, this wait has gone on for over 1-2 years. Its not omg I got to tune in next week to see if Morrison can do it, its just a really? I have to keep waiting?.. I mean, obviously they werent worried about selling Mania because Del Rio wont draw peanuts. At least the fans care about Morrison and people would be interested in seeing him in a big match.
Edit: Double Post...

Also, does anyone else get the feeling that Mysterio may end up winning at EC to add to Del Rio's Mania match?

These 2 have already fueded, i do not want to see it again, but maybe Vince feels this match will draw more than Edge vs DR.
Matt Stryker: (When Khali entered the ring) "Just to give you some perspective on the Great Khali. Yokozuna is the biggest entrant to WIN the Royal Rumble; the Undertaker the tallest." ... you misheard him, dude. End of story on that complaint.

A few more things from me ...

1) Nash/Booker T can stick around if they want, but they should under NO circumstance be booked into a match with title implications. They should under NO circumstance go over any young guy. They can be used as nostalgia and that is it. Anything else will be too much, in my opinion.

2) John Morrison wasn't buried. Geez. He lost the friggin Rumble. He wasn't the first guy eliminated. He didn't last under 10 seconds. He was just one of 39 guys that didn't win. Could he have entered after Nexus was finished dominating? Sure. I think it would have helped the crowd reaction if he finished top-4. As it was, the crowd had NO rooting interest in the final four. They didnt' want to see Orton or Cena in the ME again ... and they didn't want to cheer for Barrett or Del Rio. The crowd officially stopped caring WELL before this match ended, and it came off terribly on television.

3) The WWE crowd is the real loser with CM Punk not challenging John Cena at WrestleMania. That feud has legendary written all over it. It reminded me of the old Austin/Hart feud, and I thought it could lead to a moment similar to the one at WrestleMania 13. But hey? The Nexus/Cena feud lasted nearly 6 months ... and then ended ... because John Cena tossed them out of the Rumble. No blowoff match or anything. AWESOME!

4) Booker T is going into the Hall of Fame this year ... Nash is a possibility as well, though I think they'll induct him with Hall some day. Two of WCW's top names. Booker T just makes sense.
Things i learnt/had reiterated/Noticed:

1. The likes of the giant Khali and many others couldn't deal with 4 Nexus members, but Cena can eliminate all of them on his own. (No surprise really, but god it was predictable when his music hit)

2. Booker T is and always will be awesome. Wish he could have been in longer.

3. Punk won't win shit if Cena keeps making Nexus look so weak.

4. Dolph Ziggler is fucking amazing.

5. Eve winning was a bit of a wtf, as soon as they said fatal 4 way, i thought it would be Beth Pheonix, but nope. Would have rather seen McCool win...

6. Why did Kelly kelly attack Vickie?

7. Ted DiBiase vs Bryan for the US title sometime soon.

8. Cena is gunna beat Miz for the title at Mania.

9. There was no need for Ziggler and Orton to come back out after they had already had matches.... Ziggler did nothing but get thrown back out.

10. No Hunter?? Looks like we could see a promising tag team come out of the HHH no show though.

11. What happened with Riley? They didn't even acknowledge he had been eliminated, almost as if he wasn't supposed to go out...

All in all, i did like this PPV. I like that Miz retained, i liked that Dolph Ziggler put on a fucking show vs Edge, i liked that ADR won the rumble, but god damn why did Cena have to fuck up Nexus single handedly...

Also, 'Lucky Cannon' being #13 was :lmao:

Things i would have changed:

  • Have the Corre and Nexus show down during the rumble

    Not have Cena destroy Nexus on his own

    Have Punk last right til the end (He doesn't need to win)

    Have Miz finally win clean, god forbid he beats the 'Viper' clean

    Have Riley last a little longer, play up the Teacher vs Student thing as actually becoming a reality

    Have Booker T entering actually mean something (granted i still marked out like a schoolgirl)

    30 men not 40... You had Hornswoggle and guys who had already had a match in the Rumble, this wasn't needed

    McCool win the Title not Eve

That's all i can think of for now.
Things i learnt/had reiterated/Noticed:

1. The likes of the giant Khali and many others couldn't deal with 4 Nexus members, but Cena can eliminate all of them on his own. (No surprise really, but god it was predictable when his music hit)

2. Booker T is and always will be awesome. Wish he could have been in longer.

3. Punk won't win shit if Cena keeps making Nexus look so weak.

4. Dolph Ziggler is fucking amazing.

5. Eve winning was a bit of a wtf, as soon as they said fatal 4 way, i thought it would be Beth Pheonix, but nope. Would have rather seen McCool win...

6. Why did Kelly kelly attack Vickie?

7. Ted DiBiase vs Bryan for the US title sometime soon.

8. Cena is gunna beat Miz for the title at Mania.

9. There was no need for Ziggler and Orton to come back out after they had already had matches.... Ziggler did nothing but get thrown back out.

10. No Hunter?? Looks like we could see a promising tag team come out of the HHH no show though.

11. What happened with Riley? They didn't even acknowledge he had been eliminated, almost as if he wasn't supposed to go out...

All in all, i did like this PPV. I like that Miz retained, i liked that Dolph Ziggler put on a fucking show vs Edge, i liked that ADR won the rumble, but god damn why did Cena have to fuck up Nexus single handedly...

Also, 'Lucky Cannon' being #13 was :lmao:

Things i would have changed:

  • Have the Corre and Nexus show down during the rumble

    Not have Cena destroy Nexus on his own

    Have Punk last right til the end (He doesn't need to win)

    Have Miz finally win clean, god forbid he beats the 'Viper' clean

    Have Riley last a little longer, play up the Teacher vs Student thing as actually becoming a reality

    Have Booker T entering actually mean something (granted i still marked out like a schoolgirl)

    30 men not 40... You had Hornswoggle and guys who had already had a match in the Rumble, this wasn't needed

    McCool win the Title not Eve

That's all i can think of for now.
I watched the PPV last night and as many others i saw in as not one of the better Rumbles reason being it looked like a showcase for the "New" Nexus vs "The Corre!",instead of showcasing this on a PPV this battle of who's the premire group should be played out over the month on Raw and Smackdown with a year long battle ending at Wrestlemaina 28,both groups have a lot of work ahead of them as they have to prove why they are in the spot light over the other more well deserving talents.
Also was good to see Booker T and Kevin Nash (even though he shouldnt have dyed his hair black, stay grey big man show the world that being north of 50 you can still be a force...!)
If they are gonna get rid of the "Big Show, "Kane" "Mark Henry" and other top vet's why put them in ,in the first place they should be "fillers" to the show you have to many other workers who could do that.
Anyway i thought it was a avg. PPV didnt care for the 40 man deal 30 works better but understand the reason behind it though and we'll see by the buyrates how it really went.
I've learnt that everyone has seemingly forgotten the diva's table match where Natalya hit a double sharp shooter . Because she did it again yesterday and they all acted like it was some kind of new never before seen thing.

I've learnt that the Miz cannot be allowed to win clean. Ever. he will never in his career as a heel win clean , not even once. I mean for heaven's sake give him a jobber to win cleanly over every now and then. But the Miz has had interference/DQ wins for the last two years. Enough already. I've learnt that A-ri is excellent in his role, just excellent.

I've learnt that the Corre, Nexus brawl although good is a bit like 'too many storylines/rivalries spoils things'. we'd seen Nexus in the title match, then before the rumble then during the rumble. All doing different things to different people. I get it but i'm a little tired of seeing them. There was no reason why you couldn't implement the 'brawl' during the rumble. Perhaps then you wouldn't have finished 15 minutes early.

I've learnt that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan WILL be in a fued at some point. I loved Cole's line "The internet is loving this right now" Yes .Yes we all were. We all literally were. What a fantastic way to 'officially' start the rumble. and what a way to make Bryan look strong he eliminated two people right at the start and was in there for ages.

I've learnt that if the WWE book Chavo Guerrero better he can and WILL be a legitimate threat to the mid card. I mean seriously the three amigo's segment was just fantastic. The crowd marked out. It was great to see. Why not give Chavo some wins. Or a serious tag team partner and actually make him a legit wrestler. Because he is..

William Regal, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan in the ring at the same time was great. This is classic WWE pandering to the IWC and again just great. Ted Dibiase came in after and he even looked strong, the WWE made him last a fair amount of time. AND his counterpart Cody Road's dashing gimmick is over!

I've learnt that Jon Morrison SHOULD have won. We've all seen the 'spot' many people have mentioned it. It was amazing. He must have practised that time after time after time because that's something one can easily get wrong. Did you see the almost relief on his face. That's not even his only spot, he hit the spanish fly on CM Punk! If he's not in the elimination chamber I will personally send my CV to the WWE as a script writer (it's non-existant at the moment but i'm sure I could do a decent job). and then kill them all.

I've learnt Nexus are as a group really tough, but Tyler Reks (who has been used awfully in EVERY PPV he's been in, someone please somewhere stop the mis-use of Tyler Reks) Kozlov, Khali, R-Truth and Booker T combined are nothing compared to SUPER CENA (Really.. Just really WWE ? )

on a related note. Booker is awesome. So is Deisel .Lets give them 5 seconds each in the ring, that'll be cool people won't mind if we do that. Especially if we use the other spots we've got well. HORNSWAGGLE, ORTON AND ZIGGLER.. screw that. Really? .. I get that the leprecaun was funny, and even I marked out with some of his mimicry (sweet shin music, just priceless) But really? .. did Orton and Ziggler need to be in there when Trent Barretta and Curt Hawkins, Darren Ryder,Michael Tarver etc etc could have been ?

I've also learnt that apparently there was a second half of the rumble. Oh and Jackson eliminated Big Show single handedly..
The matches, except for the Royal Rumble match itself were pretty decent but the booking at this event confuses me.

Last night we saw the seeds for an Orton/ Punk and a Cena/ Miz feud get sown. The question is, why does WWE want to go that way? There is a perfectly good feud between Cena and Punk going on which has not reached a conclusion as of yet. So what is the need to leave a good feud from reaching its conslusion in order to have two rushed and meaningless feuds?

As for Alberto Del Rio's victory, it does not excite me the least. Yes he has a lot of talent but he is not a main eventer and prior to the Rumble he was feuding with the likes of R-Truth. Alberto winning the Rumble was certainly unpredictable but at the same time it was nonsensical. Tell me why should I be pumped up for Edge vs ADR other than the reason that it would be a good match. There is no storyline, no personal animosity between the two.

As for the Rumble match itself, I enjoyed it in parts. I liked it when the New Nexus were dominating and I feel that the finish with Santino and ADR was interesting, to say the least. But I also hated Cena tossing out the entire New Nexus like a bunch of jobbers and also the Hornswoggle related parts.

Overall it was a pretty underwhelming Rumble.
THE GOOD: The New Nexus dominating just like Diesel in 94! Speaking of which, Diesel and Booker T return! Woo hoo! And how awesome was John Morrison's walking the guardrail and jumping back in the ring? Tre cool spot.

THE BAD: Cena's stale superman act versus Nexus. Instead of having SuperCena clean house all by himself, why not have Nexus beat Cena down until number 23 arrives and have it be Randy Orton. He and Cena team up and clear Nexus leaving Orton and Cena alone for a staredown. That would have made more sense than having Cena do it all by himself, thus burying the new Nexus just as he did the old one. Not to mention the agonizing 10 minute comedy routine between him and Hornswoggle. Pfft. Poor Tyson Kidd, having to job to hornswoggle. He'll be in TNA in no time now. What a waste.

As for the finish, I like Del Rio's win. Thank goodness it wasnt Triple H, Cena, or Orton. The only problem with the finish was that Santino was in full comedy mode. He should have played it for real. Drop the comedy schtick for 5 seconds and show a real human emotion for once. This is the chance of a lifetime for a jobber for life and he's wasting time doing a trumpet dance. Show Santino nervous, serious, something, anything! Just take it seriously. Alberto should still win in the end, but they could have at least played it for real instead of ending on a comedy segment.
I admit that I was pissed when Morrison was eliminated b/c he was pick to win the Rumble not that I'm not pleased with Del Rio winning. Yet, Morrison did shine in the Rumble while he was in there. His Spider-Man routine will go down as a top 10 Rumble moment of all time plus look at how much effort it took the Nexus to get him out. They worked harder trying to eliminate Morrison than Reks, Henry, Bryan, Khali, and Booker combined. Also, I'm in full belief that Morrison will somehow work his way into the title match b/w Cena and Miz at Mania. It will be Triple Threat.
Clarification for an elimination to occur is over the top rope, no matter if you jumped out yourself(see; Kane) or you're, in the traditional way, thrown out of the ring. This bugs me, because as much as I loved Cena bein eliminated by The Miz to setup a WM match between the two, I don't like that the announce team nor the officials caught that he jumped onto the apron from the outside, having not been eliminated yet. Sad thing is with all this is I, and the others who actually took to this unjustified act of naivety with disgust, have to linger on and on in our thoughts on how Alberto del Rio has a shadow lurking behind him, as del Rio Officially outlasted 38, and yet it will go unnoticed. I am praying it will be addressed tonight. Not holding my breath.
Tell me why should I be pumped up for Edge vs ADR other than the reason that it would be a good match. There is
no storyline, no personal animosity between the two.

There doesn't need to be a story line already in place for the two...there's a reason why they call the Rumble, "the start ofthe road to Wrestlemania". Gives them 2 months to work out this fued.

Take a look at Benoit...He wasn't even on the Raw brand when he won.

And actually, one could argue that Del Rio took out Christian, Edge's "brother"
Kinda new posting but figured I'd get started properly by posting what I felt about the Rumble.

Dolph Ziggler vs Edge
Really enjoyed this match actually. Dolph at least in terms of his ability in the ring is easily able to keep up in the main event all I'd worry about, as has been said by many before, is whether he can keep his heat when him and Vickie eventually part ways. Kelly attacking Vickie was a bit random but meh. Liked the finish Edge played it perfectly and a cool little hopeful hint to a possible program with Christian with the Killswitch? I hope so anyway.

Miz vs Orton
I kinda got bored in this match. I was pretty sure Miz was going to retain for one thing and neither of these two excite me in the ring at the moment. Glad there setting up a Punk Orton feud though. Hopefully Punk can get the best out of him because I seriously can't remember the last match he had I seriously enjoyed.

First off gotta give Vince credit as the second the GM chimed in you could almost hear every member of the IWCs brains going Kong. Instead we get Eve and I can just imagine Vince chuckling away in the back to himself. I'm sure we'll see Kong eventually feud with Laycool because all the basics are in place there. Match was meh. Eve getting the belt a bit random. Bit of a shame considering Divas scene was looking good after that table match back at TLC.

Few things to say about this but I'll try and keep it short. Loved seeing Chavo get his little moment. Striker summed that up when he said he deserved it. Guys been humiliated enough in the last few years. Morrison's Spidey spot was awesome. A lot of potential for that to go wrong and pulled it off perfectly. Booker looks great. Nash not so much but big pop for them both. Hornswoggle was annoying. Glad they didn't bring HHH back. I'm sure he'll be at Mania but too predictable in this sense. Del Rio winning makes sense. Can see Rey getting the belt at EC but I really hope not. Enjoyed the match. Liked the Nexus bit but didn't like Cena steam rolling them. They seen to want Nexus too look strong but just not as strong as Cena. Think that's all I've got to say there.

Anyway overall a good show. Gets a thumbs up from me.
I have to say i found this the worst Royal Rumble match i have ever watched and this was my 13th.

The whole Nexus thing annoyed me as decent superstars who could and should have had longer lasted literally seconds.

John Cena eliminating the entire Nexus just disgusted me, how much more of this useless **** are we going to have to endure.

Tyson Kidds embarassment at the hands of Hornswoggle and Cena make me think he will be future endeavoured soon

Im glad Alberto Del Rio won becasue he is one of the best and brightest talents in WWE right now.

and finally, it seems clear that Miz will face Cena for the WWE title at Mania, all i can say is that if John Cena beats Miz for the tite at Mania i will never watch WWE again. it will ruin Miz's credability (as no doubt it will be a squash match) as a main eventer and WWE champion and secondly John cena would not benfit from beating Miz at Mani whereas a win for the awesome one would sky rocket his career
The Royal Rumble last night was pathetic!:wtf: HHH didn't show up neither did christan nor Jericho. So much for Star Power.:disappointed:
Punk's nexus wasted 10-20 of my life for the PPV. As for the Legend returns Booker T as great & pretty hyped I was for his return only lasted MF'N 2 MINUTES no thanks to Punk New Nexus! Kevin Nash a.k.a diesel was quietly elimated by Barrett. Worst of all Alberto Del Rio won the damn rumble.....but we already knew that! One thing that was good was when the Miz elimated Cena. Plus why did they have Orton & Ziggler recycled. They haven't done something like this for 10 Years. Instead could've been more star power as mentioned above or even a couple more legends. Another thing that bothers me is Cena elimating Nexus. Why couldn't giants such as the *returning*-> Great Khali, Mark Henry nor Booker T elimate them. With Cena doing it make NO sense while wrestlers possibly more dangerous than Cena could've got the job done. Back to Del Rio. He didn't do enough to earn winning a rumble. Even I expected Wade Barrett to win the Rumble. At least he made an impact in his career.

Overall: This year's Royal Rumble was a Disgrace to it's history. 2 (for the very least) out of 5.
Rather than post on each thread individually I'll post my thoughts here.

Let me say this. The first match (the WHC) was great!

I really, really liked this match.

Dolph Ziggler did a great job in this match with Edge and he really showed me that in the ring, he can hang with the big boys.

For some reason the crowd wasn't into it. I put the balme on that to Ziggler though. I knew full well that he was not leaving as the champion. He's a great wrestler, but he's not that larger than life guy like Edge is, or Cena is. Not yet at least. I'd like to see him upper mid card, move away from Vickie and then see what he can really do.

The WWE title match was good, not as good as the first match. But a good match. Again, I knew Miz was going to retain here and I liked the finish a lot. Orton got screwed again and it just gives him more fire to go after The Miz. Miz comes out as the cowardly champion he is. Good job on this one.

The Divas match being the last title match was surprising, and it sucked as usual. I mean Eve just comes out and then wins? Ugh, hopefully it makes sense down the road. I was hoping for Kong to show up, but she didn't. Hopefully Natalya stays in the title picture, I really like her.

And then the Royal Rumble match itself. Started off good, I liked Nexus and Corre interfering in the beginning.

I also liked Nexus working together and beating down everyone. And I also liked the fact they kept most of Corre and Nexus separate. Save that for Wrestlemania.

But here's something that really bothered me. All the guys come out, Nexus is in the ring. They beat them down and throw them out. So why does everybody keep running into the ring and thinking they can beat Nexus? Makes no sense.

There are no rules so just wait until someone comes out and then gang up on them.

Very happy Del Rio one. WWE did good business tonight. Instead of doing a HHH return they're building a new star. Well done.

All in all, a pass from me. Worth the money.
Last night was awesome. If you didnt enjoy just about every minute of that PPV, you are probably just a pissy little bitch who loves to whine and complain about everything the WWE does.

The opener was a borderline great match. Edge and Ziggler have some good chemistry together and it showed as they pretty much stole the show. Awesome match from start to finish. The only complaint that I could possibly come up with is the spear spot. It was a bit unnecessary, but I was able to keep from complaining about that because I was too busy marking out at Edge hitting the Killswitch to finish it.

The Raw title match wasnt as good as the Smackdown one, but still was a very entertaining match. Miz and Orton seem to have a little something and it worked in this match. Of course, the ending caught me a bit off guard, but it was pretty awesome. It definitely got me thinking and speculating about what is going to happen on Raw. It did its job and got me very interested in watching Monday night.

The Diva's title match was...well...a divas match. I was very surprised by Eve being put in the match and even more surprised with her winning the championship. But then came the Rumble match. The entire IWC was marking out when Punk and Bryan were announced as the first two in. Add a little William Regal and you have the enjoyable opening 10 minutes. As the match went on, they kept us interested. Morrison had the awesome spot on the barricade that will become part of future Royal Rumble video packages in the coming years. New Nexus and Punk looked great as they dominated the middle of the pack. Even Cena working with Hornswaggle was pretty funny. I marked out once again when Booker T came in (he looked great by the way). Me and my brother were laughing and screaming for him to do a Spinaroonie. Diesel was awesome as well. Del Rio winning was a bit of a surprise, but it only added to the fun of the event. Say what you will about the whole Santino thing at the end, but it had me on the edge of my seat and you cant deny that it was a very intense moment.

The only complaint I have about the Rumble match was Kane coming out as #40. With all the rumored returns, I was really hoping for something good at #40. When Kane came out, I was a little disappointed. But thats more my fault than the WWE's. Other than that, it was a fantastic event. There were surprises, exciting moments, great matches, and even the commentary was fun. I wont give it a 10/10, but its about as close as you can get without actually being a 10/10.
Dolph Ziggler/Edge
This will be the match that solidified Dolph as a main eventer in my eyes. I was unsure after his matches with John Cena. But, now after seeing a very good quality match with Edge, I don't doubt we will see him in the main event off and on from now on. I can even see him winning a world title by the end of 2011.

Miz/Randy Orton
I don't like the Miz. But, I have to give him credit for having a pretty good match with Randy Orton. There were some sloppy spots, but the I loved the flow of the match. The unexpected interference by the new Nexus intrigues me. I assume with the events of the night that this feud between Miz and Orton is done for now.

Diva's Fatal Four Way
Although, I like Eve, her inclusion in this match was a major letdown. This is probably because I was hyped for Amazing Kong to enter and demolish all three opponents. I see this going to a match with Eve vs. McCool and maybe even Lay vs. Cool at WM.

Royal Rumble Match
I was excited to see CM Punk and Daniel Bryan start the match. The match this year felt choppier than normal and provided fewer zings than in years past. I did not expect Diesel and Booker T to be there as I was sold on all members of TNA's Main Event Mafia returning there. This was a nice surprise. I absolutely love the fact that Del Rio won the match and will be looking forward to his match. I am going to guess Edge, but then that is a safe guess anyway.

Match of the Night: Dolph Ziggler/Edge
Mark Out Moment(s): Booker T and Diesel appear in the Rumble match
The Royal Rumble from last night was pathetic:wtf: HHH didn't show up, Christan nor Jericho neither. Booker T as hyped I was to see him again was only in the ring for 2 Damn Minutes only to be eliminated by Punk's Nexus. Kevin Nash was quietly Eliminated by Barrett then Del Rio wins the Rumble:wtf:. That guy didn't even have the expertise to win the Rumble. I even Expected Barett to win the event match, at least he made an impact in the past year. Cena eliminates the Nexus when stars such as the returning Great Khali, Booker T & Mark Henry could have got the job done. They were more of a threat than Cena was. Hornswoggle & Cena do a Cheerio Tag Team act. Then instead of HHH as the #40 participant we get the Big Red Machine....boring.

Overall I give the event a 2 (for the very least) out of 5. A big disapointment really.
The Royal Rumble from last night was pathetic:wtf: HHH didn't show up, Christan nor Jericho neither. Booker T as hyped I was to see him again was only in the ring for 2 Damn Minutes only to be eliminated by Punk's Nexus. Kevin Nash was quietly Eliminated by Barrett then Del Rio wins the Rumble:wtf:. That guy didn't even have the expertise to win the Rumble. I even Expected Barett to win the event match, at least he made an impact in the past year. Cena eliminates the Nexus when stars such as the returning Great Khali, Booker T & Mark Henry could have got the job done. They were more of a threat than Cena was. Hornswoggle & Cena do a Cheerio Tag Team act. Then instead of HHH as the #40 participant we get the Big Red Machine....boring.

Overall I give the event a 2 (for the very least) out of 5. A big disapointment really.

So what if HHH didn't show up? He wasn't rumored to show up. Not every big superstar has to return at the Royal Rumble. I've heard you and others complain about Del Rio isn't big enough or doesn't have the expertise to win it. What requires somebody to win the Rumble because I really like to know. Batista didn't have the expertise either but he won.

Just another guy complaining that HHH didn't return.
I knew once John Morrison landed that incredible spot that he wasn't winning the rumble (they would've never risked the winner missing a spot like that)...

That's funny, I thought the opposite. Because I assumed they had a back-up plan in case he messed up. That's why I thought they did it early on in the match. I was thinking they had a fall back plan.
Wow, a historic Rumble with an historic result. I'm not going to delve too deep into all of it but just the key points really:

- I can't honestly say i like the idea of having BOTH World title matchs, followed by the Diva's title, and then the Rumble as the running order. Maybe if we'd had a IC/US title match for a quick 5 minutes it wouldn't have seemed so weird to me.


- Of all three non-Rumble matches, Ziggler/Edge was my favourite. Half way through i was thinking, 'wow, this seems like it's just going to be a typical SD TV match,' but then it actually kicked up a couple of notches half way through and really kept me focused on the story going on in the ring.

- Why did Kelly Kelly come out to assist Edge and not Kaitlyn since Kaitlyn's the one who's been involved in the Vicke/Dolph pairing as of late?

- I've never seen some one counter the Fame-Asser into a powerbomb before, THAT was awesome.

- The crowd at one point were very behind Dolph, despite the fact that he wan't really doing anything flashy, sticking to the same routines hes been doing for months now. Relentlessly attacking the same body parts, breakin up the action with submission holds, cheating to gain advantages and yet he was still getting cheered.

- It was good to see Edge use that weird submission of his that's like a Sharpshooter/Hass of Pain like hold, it's been a while.

- Overall great match, and hopefully that'll give Ziggler a better chance of winning a MITB match next year.


- All the additional elements added by Riley and Cole through out this match really helped sell the story of the 'joke champion' Miz coasting along thanks to other people's efforts. Riley interfering so often reminded me of Flair interfering in Batista/HHH at WM21.

- I also love that they can easily come up with an angle for Punk and Orton going into WM. THAT was obviously Punk's retaliation for Orton costing him the championship back in '08. A fued more than 2 years in the making.

Divas Title

- This was a better match than the originally advertised one would have been at least. I think everyone would have preferred Beth Phoenix over Eve though, or even Kong. Hell, even i was disappointed it wasn't Kong and i've never even watched an entire broadcast of TNA.

- Double Sharpshooter was great to see. Layla seems to be getting a lot better in the ring as well.

- What i liked most about this match, was the ending. The double pin where Michelle lost purely due to the ref not noticing her pin attempt was unique imo.

- Does anyone know that black refs name yet? I'm sure i haven't heard it yet.

Daniel Bryan segment

- WTF is going on with this exactly? WWE are seemingly trying to get us to show an interest in Divas who aren't in the title matches again. And are they trying to make the Bellas into a rival version of LayCool?

- And another side note, how is Matt Striker getting away with insulting the face Divas? He said that Natalya wasn't anything special to look at, and during the Rumble when Cole said he couldn't work out how Bryan got a girlfriend, Striker said 'well not really a girlfriend Michael, it is Gail Kim after all.'

- Cody Rhodes wrote to the WWE universe to tell them how distraught he is about his face. As gay and truly stupid this gimmick sounds on paper, i'm actually really looking forward to seeing Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio at WM.

The Rumble

- When JoMo was walking along the barricade, i was shouting 'PUSH HIM OFF' at the audience through my TV set. Can you imagine, if he'd been booked to win the match and someone in the audience actually DID fuck that spot up? What would they have done then?

- I so thought Punk was going to win it, resulting in Punk/Orton at Mania. Well, we'll still get that most likely so never mind.

- Despite having read the spoilers, i too marked out for Booker T. Not so much Diesel. As some of you know, i've never really appreciated Nash in any way shape or form, so......

- Cena eliminating Nexus single handedly didn't bother me. I can see loads of people complaining about it, since giants and legends came in and got dumped out in seconds, yet Cena wipes all of Nexus out in seconds.

Thing is, those big guys like Khali, were only in there to be dumped out by the most muscular rookies in the match, to make them look strong. If Ryan Mason hadn't just been signed and he'd been healthy, Skip Sheffield probably would have eliminated Khali last night. Hence why big Zeke threw out Big Show in the EXACT same fashion some 20 minutes later.

Big guys are in there to make a new guy look like a powerhouse and a legitimate threat. Legends are there for nostalgia, hence why Booker hit each of his signature moves in a row before being eliminated. The other guys in between, had no hope in hell of winning the Rumble in the first place.

Cena, an actual former time champion who's won before and has shown countless examples of super strength, comes in fresh against 4 guys who've been wrestling for a fair while and throws them out? Why would i not be able to buy into that?

- I didn't even notice McIntyre get eliminated.

- Did you hear that reaction for Tyson Kidd? Neither did anyone else. Hell even Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu got a reaction at least. Where was DHS anyway?

- Miz eliminating Cena was awesome for me. True cowardly champion screwing potential challengers out of title matches.

- Some idiots have said 'Riley was never eliminated'. Well Hornswoggle wasn't actually eliminated in '08 but no one ever mentioned it, so forget it. Del Rio won.

- Sheamus' elimination felt like it was nothing really. As if some jobber had just been thrown out and not a former 2 time champion. When he hit the ring, everyone was like 'Oooooo business just picked up' and when he got thrown out it was more or less brushed over.

- I never really thought Del Rio actually had a chance of winning to be honest. I've wanted him to get a high profile push since his debut, but winning the Rumble and getting a World Title shot at Manai? Where there's a 70% chance he'll definitely win? The IWC fairies were listening.

- I too was marking out big time for Santino as he re-entered. Logic screamed 'SANTINO ISN'T GOING TO WIN THE RUMBLE FOOL, HE'S A CAREER JOBBER! HE'S NOT GOING TO 'PULL A SWAGGER' AND GO FROM CHUMP TO CHAMP!' While my actual voice was screaming 'GO SANTINO, GO! NO, DON'T WASTE TIME DOING THE TRUMPET DANCE, JUST...... Oh well, Del Rio wins it for real this time. Yay!

- I personally liked the 40 man format. The Rumble always guaranteed us 45 minutes, and those 45 minutes are never boring. WWE now know they can definitely guarantee a 60 minute Battle Royal that the fans will cling to their seat for, thoughout that hour.

This year's Royal Rumble, despite the seemingly rushed card, and the number of high profile names being absent, and he debuts/returns of certain superstars not actually happening, is probably one of my all time favourites.
This year's Royal Rumble Match will go down as one of the best Rumbles ever, and one reason that it was so great is the spectacular moments that came throughout the match, so which one was your favorite?

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan to Open- The two golden boys of the internet got the first two draws in this year's Royal Rumble match, and the IWC could not be more thrilled. For the first time we got to see Daniel Bryan face off against CM Punk, and while their battle was short lived before being interrupted by Justin Gabriel, it was still a glimpse at a feud that we can all pray will happen one day.

Daniel Bryan's First Rumble- He got two eliminations, had great interaction with William Regal, and put on a very good show. Sadly, he got eliminated fairly early when Nexus took over the ring, but we still got our fair share of DBD for the night. Perhaps he'll be the one standing tall after 39 men lay wasted on the ground in a few years.

John Morrison's Spider-Man Moment To quote one respected poster, "He's not human... he just can't be." That sums up how epically amazing John Morrison's Spider-Man spot was last night. There were about 20 different ways he could have messed it up, but he nailed it. One of the many moments from last night that left me speechless. There is no word in the English language for how unbelievably good that spot was.

Chavo's Tribute to Eddie- Viva la Raza! Chavo Guerrero suplexed any poor soul that was unfortunate enough to come within his reach, eventually hitting the triple suplex combo that made his uncle famous, the "Three Amigos." After hitting the trio he mimicked Eddie's signature pose, and then went back into Chavo mode and got pounded on and eliminated. It was still a nice nostalgic moment in the early moments of the Royal Rumble.

Nexus Cleans House and Dominates- Once David Otunga hit the ring, there was nothing stopping Nexus from cleaning house, and they did so fairly quickly, even taking out the massive Mark Henry. They then took out the next three men who hit the ring with relative ease before they had to deal with a returning Khali. When Khali seemed to be in good shape, Mason Ryan hit the ring and Fauxtista managed to get rid of the Punjabi Playboy. Nexus had a very dominant Rumble and looked to be the more powerful and cohesive group when compared to The Corre.

Booker T Returns- Can you dig it suckas? Booker T may be in his 40s, but you would have never guessed it after the way he performed last night, hitting his famous Scissor Kick and Bookend on various Nexus members and capping his success off with a Spinarooni. He got eliminated by Nexus, but it was great to see Booker back in action and in great shape.

John Cena Eliminates Nexus- John Cena vowed to eliminate every member of Nexus from the Rumble, and he did (with the exception of Harris who was eliminated by Khali earlier). This was huge as it really helps wrap up the Cena-Nexus feud with Cena looking strong as Nexus moves onto their next target. It was also awesome to see Cena taking care of business like that.

Hornswoggle's Antics- Now if you're like me... or anyone who watches wrestling and is above the age of 9, you find Hornswoggle to be extraordinarily annoying. But last night... he was pretty amusing, going so far as to AA Tyson Kidd (holy shit!) and hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on Slater. He even taunted Sheamus later in the match! My first thought was that I wish they gave Horny's spot to another legend type guy, but after he was eliminated I decided that it was worth throwing him in there for the sake of comedy.

Kingston vs. Cena- These two had a nice little mini-match between the two of them, and both came off looking strong and as good sportsman. I actually believed Kofi's offense on Cena as legitimate, and that's a great sign for Kofi as he continues to push into the main event.

Dolph Ziggler Surprise Entry- After eating all sorts of moves from Edge, including a Spear and an Unprettier, Dolph Ziggler must have been in bad shape, and it was obvious he was as he grabbed his ribs on his way to the ring. Still, it was a surprise to see Dolph in there and he immediately became a threat to everyone in the ring.

Diesel Returns- Once again, he didn't last long, but for just a few moments the Royal Rumble was Diesel Powered! It was great to see Kevin Nash in the gimmick that made him famous. I'm still upset that we didn't get to see any Jackknife Powerbombs, but Kevin Nash looked like he was back in 1994 in terms of physical appearance. Seriously, he looked better last night than during his entire run with TNA, second run with WWE, and even some of his run with WCW!

Randy Orton Surprise Entry- The smarky Boston crowd loved Randy Orton last night and gave his second coming almost as big a reaction as his first one. After Dolph entered the chances of Randy entering went way up, but it was still a surprise to see him come out. Like Dolph he was a huge threat to anyone in the ring, but unlike Dolph, Randy actually had a great chance of winning.

Miz Eliminates Cena- In one of the more memorable, "I jumped out of my chair and screamed at the TV" moments, The Miz hit the ring and quickly eliminated Cena following a distraction from Riley. This was enraging for a variety of reasons, but when it was time to face the facts we all had to deal with Cena being eliminated.

Santino Hits the Cobra- Del Rio thought he had the Rumble in the bag after he eliminated Randy Orton. His music hit, his little stooge started singing his praises... but he had one last mountain to climb before he got the Royal Rumble victory... and that was Santino Marella. To quote IC, "We forgot - for a split second- that he's kind of a jobber." There was no chance that Santino would win the Rumble... but it seemed like there was when he hit an unsuspecting Del Rio with the Cobra.

Alberto Del Rio Wins- Yes, the match was great, but it's all about the final result, and the history books will say that Alberto Del Rio won the 2011 Royal Rumble match. He's a guy that only a few people predicted would win, but he was always a real threat. He did exactly as he said and fulfilled his destiny last night.

Other- There were so many great moments in the Royal Rumble last night that I couldn't possibly name them all. If I didn't get yours, what was it?
Tbh I don't understand why Del Rio even won, yes he has the tools to be great one day but winning the Rumble? I think it was a really bad move to be honest, I mean what has he done so far? Yes he's beaten Rey Mysterio etc, but he doesn't deserve and isn't ready to win something so big like a Royal Rumble match. In my view he just isn't ready to headline Wrestlemaina at this point in his carrea, someone else should of won it in my view.

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