WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

Sorry forgot one more thing.

Eve winning the title is a good thing. Before you call me a moron hear me out. Kong needs someone to squash when she comes, who better than Eve. I don't want her mowing down Natalia or Laycool right away.
I have no clue why everyone is so mad about the PPV. Everyone has been screaming for years that the Rumble is boring a predictable. So what does WWE do, they changed it. I for one had one idea who would win and I like it that way.

Dolph: Fantastic as always. But the finish was weird as hell with Kelly Kelly coming out. WTF?!

Miz: He is slowly becoming a champ that is worth my time to watch. Wasnt the greatest of matches but decent.

Divas: No Awesome Kong so I could care less.

Rumble: I love the fact that Alberto won. I wanted John Morrison to be a surprise victory but that didnt happen. Btw I do hide it really lame the way he was eliminated. I appreciate that a big name or a come back entry didnt win. Like I put earlier, BORING! The Nexus and Corre thing should have been booked better. And to ppl mad about Nexus eliminating people. Really? Really? They said for the longest time what would happen and it did happen. What did you think would happen when all of Nexus was in the ring? All in all, this was one of the most enjoyable rumbles I have watched in a LONG time.
holy santa clause shit! my favorite superstar, alberto del rio won the freaking royal rumble?! regardless of how you feel about the PPV itself, RR has done exactly what it needed to:
Think about it, now you have (providing all champions retain til WM):
The Miz v John Cena
Del Rio v Edge
Randy Orton v CM Punk
New Nexus v The Corre

what else could you ask for out of the rumble?
Great job WWE.
wow. i never belive in Alberto Del Rio. I mean he has one of best gimmick of wwe right now. The Rich Bastard ! There are lot of people that should have won the rumble. John Morrison. He deserves it. and even Kane, Big show and Mark Henry deserves the win before Alberto Del Rio after considering what they have done for wwe for almost decades. I love the youth movement. But this HELL NO:disappointed:
What we learned is simple....
Wrestlemania is set:
Miz vs Cena
CM Punk vs Orton
Del Rio vs Edge

People would be stupid to buy elimination chamber ppv. there is nothing that will change...

Also, how can WWE have something so good with 2 "SUPRISE" entrants and bury them so quickly. Booker should have eliminated someone from the nexus.
The roof came off when both came out! WWE needs to build on these returns! I doubt they will but a small smackdown veterans faction to go with big show against corre could be good.

First off, I gotta agree with RKOx7: John Morrison DAMN SURE is a true ninja, lol!

1.) Now that the HIGHLIGHT of the night is covered, WTF????? You OPEN UP with Edge/Ziggler??? You're telling me that F'n LAYCOOL, aka: the walking bathroom break and the Divas title match is closer to to the main event that EDGE Vs. ZIGGLER, WTFF?????????????????? That made ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE what so ever!!!!!!

2.) What would you have Orton come out in the Rumble after he's screwed by Punk?? IMO, it really lessens the impact of a main event screw-over when Orton just says "Oh, well! I won't bother to find Punk and F his S up tonight! Guess I'll just get in the Rumble and try, try again!"

3.)Del Rio wins the Rumble?? Gee, thanks for that!! Not a soul in the whole damn arena cared when Del Rio won!! That's the least heat I've ever heard for a heel Rumble winner EVER! The WWE better find a way to get some heat on this douche bag over the next couple of months or they're gonna have one hell of a lopsided WM main event on they're hands!!

4.) Hornswoggle??? Thanks for wiping your @$$ with my $45.00 then smearing it in my face!!!!

5.) We WILL see Cena Vs. the Jiz.....sorry, Miz. We WILL see Edge Vs. Del Rio. We WILL see some kind of Nexus/Corre match and we WILL see Orton Vs. Punk. It's up in the air from here.

Well, if you'll excuse me, the WWE has just removed it's big, corporate rod from my @$$ and I have to waddle away to get stitched up b/c as usual, they bent me over HARD AGAIN! DEFINITELY NEVER ordering the Rumble again and very seriously considering breaking a nearly 20 year tradition and not ordering Mania, not that the WWE cares. There's always another sucker!
1. Cena vs Miz and Orton vs CM Punk is set in stone for Wrestlemania. I personally also thought that Cena vs Punk should have ended with a straight up match. Hopefully it is not over yet.

2. Booket T got the biggest pop of the night I believe. Dieseel probably got the second biggest IMO. I think they should use them for a little for at least a match at Mania.

3. The crowd wants to see DB vs CM punk. The chants of Daniel Bryan and CM punk were loud as hell.

4. Hornswoggle made me enjoy him for the first time ever. Him doing the stunner was freaking funny and when he got kicked by Shaemus it looked brutal .
#1 It was definately the worst rumble ive seen in a long while
#2 They lost taker, hhh, jericho, batista, and hbk in such a short time that they had to push a nobody (del rio) to the main event of wrestlemania
#3 The matches will probably be edge vs del rio, cena vs miz, orton vs punk and taker vs barrett. This means it will pretty much be the worst mania ever.
#4 The wwe ran out of their good ideas around summerslam, now they are just throwing shit together
#5 I remember now why i quite watching for so long
#6 as others have said, booker t and diesel are more over than the roster
#7 Ziggler still only gets heat from vicky
#8 The miz still sucks in the ring
#9 Not looking forward to the wwe for a long time
#10 Vince needs to retire

way to let everyone down wwe. i hope tna in 8-10 years takes you guys over.
My thoughts:

What does JoMo have to do to get an honest shot? The crowd would love to see him in Wrestlemania. He is over right now so he better have a match at Wrestlemania. If they have the MITB match he better win it then is all I can say. He is ready. I figured if JoMo didn't win he would at least be one of the final four remaining.

Alberto Del Rio? Really? Really?....Really?

They should have kept it at 30 and I agree no point in having Orton in the match since he already had one that night.

I do think Nash and Booker T should have had a bigger impact.

I don't get why they switched Orton and Cena with Punk and Miz, but I am guessing they felt Orton and Miz have been done and needed a different match for WM.

Is there still a Divas Division? If there is they crapped on it. Eve? Not that she isn't pretty, but she isn't over and she has had no build up at all. If they wanted to put it on Kelly Kelly it would have made more sense because she gets a great reaction and is so hot.

I really hope Drew and Sheamus team up because that would be epic.
1. Dolph Ziggler can wrestle in the main event scene. However, if he could stop relying on choke holds I think he'll be OK.
2. WWE needs to top off this 'feud' between Cole & King quick. I wanna see Cole shut up
3. They dropped the ball with the divas match, no Awesome Kong Made me a sad panda.
4. Orton VS Punk is assured for Mania
5. Hornswoggle in the rumble showed that this 40 Man Rumble failed. Not to mention the little showing of Booker T & Diesel... who were more over than the rest of it.
6. The fans didn't care about their 2 top stars. Seeing Cena & Orton stare down & beat each other up get no reaction... made me very sad...

An ok PPV, barely Ok. Had it's moments but disappointed in general not as bad as Survivor Series.
I thought the use of JoMo really hurt the Royal Rumble tonight. Not only did a ton of people want to see him win, but a ton of people expected to see him win. I think the WWE should have used this to their advantage and actually used the JoMo elimination as a highlight ... instead of the blip that it was.

While many have said that his "save" was the spot of the Rumble, it actually ruined the match for me. I was one of those that thought JoMo was going to win. When he hit that spot, I knew he had no shot. There was just no way the WWE would book such a risky spot for the winner. Had he slipped or missed the spot, the road to WrestleMania would have needed to be re-written.

I think JoMo should have gone down to the end with Del Rio. As it was, the final four (not including Santino) featured two guys in Orton and Cena that no one wanted to see win and two guys in Del Rio and Barrett that no one wanted to cheer for. The mix of those four guys really hurt the crowd, and I think that's why the crowd was so dead for the final 5 minutes of the match. I think the addition of JoMo would have had the crowd on the edge of their seat. Again, people either expected him to win or wanted him to win, and they would have been anticipating it... I just think it would have led to a bigger reaction for Del Rio if he had won by eliminating JoMo last.
I thought it was a great PPV

(1) Edge beating Ziggler in what was an awesome match had everything, from Edge being The Ultimate Opportunist and spearing Dolph with everyone down, and Dolph, man that boy can go he will win a world title at WM one day

(2) Miz beating Randy in a match where I thought Randy carryed Miz alot but Miz has come a long way and hopefully at WM him and Cena will put on a great match, and the punk ending was like ok, y? then you flashback to Punk not being able to defend his title in a scramble match few yrs back (whatever happened to those matches...anyway) punk can say Randy punted him or something costing him his title.

(3) Divas......AARRRR i thought FORSURE Kong was coming but Eve WTF!!!!!!! like really? let down

(4) Rumble i liked alot start was awesome Bryan v Punk defo WM worthy for the future, as everyone knows what more can JOMO do? really? he is awesome, kids love him, men love to see him and his just insane in what he does and the women love him, that boy could shit billion dollar notes for vince and prob wont get a push PLEASE VINCE PUSH JOMO TO A WORLD TITLE WIN, seeing Booker and Diesel back is awesome (great interiew with Justin finding Nash in the boston airport, find it on Wrestlezone), Cena coming out and taking Nexus out was awesome, Mason ryan elimating Great Kahli was awfully pridictable,towards ending with Cena and Orton face to face looking at the WM sign and Cole saying here is the HISTORIC 40 man who better than HHH, (but kane yuck), haveing Del Rio win was a sure thing when Cena went out!!!! but yeah the ending with Santino was like holy shit really he is going to win that wow he didnt lol

Overall I loved it thought it was a great PPV
What did I learn from the Royal Rumble?

One thing really = YOU CAN'T PLEASE THE IWC

Jesus Christ, the same people bashing Del Rio for winning the Rumble are probably the same people who bashed the Miz for winning the title.

The WWE knows what it's doing. Miz turned out ok and he's generating a lot of heat. Del Rio will get that big push before Wrestlemania, and honestly, the guy deserves it. He's been a good worker and great on the mic since his debut (I can't say the same about JoMo. He's been great in matches, but no mic time to flesh out the personality)

And like most people have said, MORE Booker T and Diesel!
Because not everyone can be "the guy." Because they need to play up the luck of the draw concept. Because even though we thought he might be a contender doesn't mean they thought he was. Because early eliminations don't mean irrelevance or a lack of push. Because the internet (you) read way too much into minute details that don't actually mean anything.
I'm kind of on the fence about this Rumble...

1) WWE needs to hire Kevin "Diesel" "Vinny Vegas" Nash: The man got an UNBELIEVABLE pop. I marked out (even though I knew it was coming) really hard. Big Show vs Kevin Nash would be a great match to see at a PPV. That stare down HAD to have teased something coming. Whether it be a Show/Diesel team or a Show vs Diesel match, I want to see these guy fight again.

2) Booker T was a great choice for the Rumble: I don't think Booker will stay with the company after tonight, but bringing him in was definitely a great moment tonight. He needs to make small appearances more often.

3) HHH not coming back was a bad move: Everyone was anticipating it. Everyone was on their toes. Everyone was pumped for the return of HHH. It never came. The filler of Hornwoggle and the two championship contenders was a terrible move on WWE's part. I would have rather seen Primo in the Rumble then Hornswoggle. I believe some people may have ordered this PPV JUST to see HHH return and kick Sheamus' ass. They must be pretty disappointed.

4) Sheamus and McIntrye should be a future tag team: They worked very together and Sheamus needs something different. I'm at a loss for what is going to be next for him. Raw has so much going on right now and Sheamus does not fit in with anything going on. Move Sheamus during the draft to Smackdown or move Drew to Raw.

5) Alberto Del Rio is here to stay... but you already know that: Royal Rumble winners are pretty much guaranteed to have great careers and to be remembered forever and receive bit pushes. ADR WILL be champion after Wrestlemania.

6) Miz vs Cena is a lock for Wrestlemania: All the big Wrestlemania storylines are set up at/the shows shortly after the Rumble. This match was set up at the event. So is the Orton/Punk grudge match.

7) Quantity does NOT equal quality: Although this Royal was not terrible in my eyes, it did not live up to the height of the hype. If you're going to have 40 men in the Rumble, don't just throw people in... let them EARN their way in. More surprise returns, on off entrants were needed. I love when Legends come back and superstars return to action at the Rumble (the only solid return to action that is possibly taking place is Khali... *yawn*)
1) It seemed as if the WWE is in an experimental mode right now. I think whether Booker and Diesel stuck around depended on audience reaction, and they probably got the biggest ones of the night. There was a "lets go Diesel" chant and Rey got booed for giving him the 619, so they may stick around.
2) There was some teamwork between Drew and Sheamus. Seeing how one is Scottish and the other is Irish it could lead to a tag team. WWE needs credible tag teams.
3) The Miz always needs a third party to make him relevant. Whether it is Alex Riley, Michael Cole, or the Nexus. It just doesn't seem that he alone can fill seats. It will be interesting to see of he makes Wrestlemania champion.
TNA aka WCW 2011 will NEVER take over WWE, if you think so your nuts...

Del Rio is FAR from a nobody

Punk VS Orton is a ticket seller

Cena VS Miz is a ticket seller

Del Rio VS Edge probly won't sell a ton of tickets but Del Rio is an awesome wrestler as is Edge

face it TNA just cant compare, they have the X Division which is great but with their booking it's never going to EVER compete with Vince, I've given WWE alot of shit, but I'm looking forward to TV for the next couple of weeks...

Oh and Deisel and Booker weren't over they got the nostalgia pop, Curt Henning and Golddust got huge pops with there rumble appearences and then did nothing when WWE tried to keep using them.

I'd love to see them more though, btw... I remember when the IWC shat on both of these guys and now are creaming for them? God thats worse flipflopping than polotics...

Again just an opinion
I am beginning to wonder if someone dislikes him. The crowds love him and that whole ninja landing he did on the barricade was pretty awesome. At the very least they could put the US belt on him. After he leaves Smackdown they decide to push Ziggler. That could just as easily be Morrison, but he is on Raw where there is Orton, The Miz, Cena, CM Punk and Nexus, so maybe he is in purgatory. The main event is crowded so he has no place. It is a shame because his matched are extremely entertaining.
I have NO idea what ANYONE sees in Alberto Del Rio, yeah he's decent (not anything past good though) on the mic. He's well rounded as far as technical goes, for in-ring work. But he has way too many plain things about him, or generic items to make him... bad.

1. His character is a mixed gimmick. He's a "rich/royal elitist" yet has never used any ties to do anything. He hasn't "bought" anything, other than cars. And his royal ties don't come into play on anything. So when it boils down - he's a Latin JBL, but without the actual presense of money or power.

2. His entrance isn't unique. It's not quite as "rich/powerful" as JBL's, and without the unique-ness of Eddie's. He basically comes to the ring with an annoying guy announcing him, in a new car that doesn't really hold much appeal. When JBL did it, he came to the ring in a Limo each time to give the effect of power and authority. When Eddie did it, he showed flash and presense. So, which does Alberto wanna showcase? Power and Authority, or Flash and Presense? At this point, him coming to the ring in a different (rich looking) car each time does nothing more than advertise that he has more of this money we keep hearing about, but never see him use on anything storyline wise.

3. His finishing move is an f'n armlock. Again.. arm.. lock. Do I need to repeat that, because thus far it seems I'm the only one that feels that doesn't make him anything more than a soon-to-be mid-card jobber. Shit, Chris Masters at least gave the Full Nelson a "cool" name. Alberto Del Rio doesn't even call his armlock anything, to my knowledge - and even if it has one, it's still a f*cking armlock. ARMLOCK!

4. His tights are too generic and plain. That crap only worked for Austin, and for the record I wasn't big on Austin, either. /end rant.

Why the hell did Eve win the Diva's Championship? I mean.. Eve?! When the match was being changed, I assumed Melina.. maybe Maryse.. shit, even Kelly would've made SOME sense.. but.. Eve?! Why??

As for the Rumble, I'm glad Cena didn't win and I was 99.98% positive he would. The 00.01% that had a difference of opinion was afraid it'd be Alberto Del Rio though, and that saddens me almost as much. The other 00.01% was simply my wrestling fan inside me hoping McIntyre would shock everyone. EDIT: I also wanted to point out, I had a slight mark-out when Sheamus & Drew McIntyre paired up and worked together. Cole mentioned their "connection" being as a pair of foreigner's who have respect for each other, but it gave me hope that an ACTUAL reformation of the team they had in the INDY's could be brought back.

I marked out more than ever to see Booker T. He looks in great shape and like he could still contend for a WWE Championship. Kevin Nash, on the other hand, looked like he was simply going through a mid-life crisis with the bad hair dye job, and the retro tights (Diesel).

I wish more would've been done with The Corre and Punk's Nexus. The big opening brawl was enough to make a feud progress, but with no real interaction after that.. and ultimately, beyond Barrett's solo performance, and Punk's group keeping him involved and protecting him through the 10-20 entrants range.. neither group had a real big involvement, other than to waste away roughly 9 entrants.

I understand why Dolph Ziggler found his way in. A storyline could've been made where Vickie, as acting SD GM placed him in. However, Orton's random entrance, as well as Hornswoggle's.. neither were needed. Infact, I'm almost positive Orton's entire purpose in the Rumble was to help make Cena look less like the main "headliner" to stick out toward the end. Afterall, some of the last men in there were; Alberto Del Rio (winner), Sheamus, Randy Orton, John Cena, Santino, Wade Barrett, Rey Mysterio, Zeke Jackson and Kane.

In the very end, when Santino came back in - I admit, I marked out, then flatout lost it when he actually HIT the Cobra. I thought they were legit going to let him take it, then end up in a match or something at Elimination Chamber where he'd lose his Mania spot. Santino caused me to do something I haven't done in years regarding the Rumble.. he caused me to think something no one would've guessed would happen.

As for anyone "knowing" Santino wouldn't win because he isn't a big name, or him winning would've "ruined" the value of the match.. screw you. Hornswoggle, Chyna, Beth Phoenix all being in this/past Rumbles has devalued what the match once was. And Cena "cashing in" his Rumble victory at the February ppv a couple years ago devalued the meaning of the actual win. So, yes, Santino could've very well won and made what little history was there to be had.

Kelly Kelly interferring in Edge/Ziggler's match gave me false hope that Drew McIntyre may of ended up winning the Rumble, because beyond something Drew/Edge related - I had NO idea why Kelly was out there. I'm assuming this will result in a Ziggler/McIntyre feud of some kind now - that could still be entertaining.

As for Edge, I don't know if even HE can make Alberto Del Rio interesting.

I suppose Miz "pinning" Randy Orton was better than getting himself DQ'd, but having the Nexus help him certainly hasn't allowed Miz to make himself look anymore "deserving" to move one step closer to Wrestlemania. The only thing that'll help him now is to defend his Championship in the Elimination Chamber (which likely won't be what'll happen), and retain in there.

Miz as Champion, going into Mania, is not what I'd consider a must-see Mega Main Event. And right now, Miz/Cena, Punk/Orton, Edge/ADR are the main 3 match-ups. NONE of them have "headlining Mania" material written on them.
My opinion is that someone doing a job in a wrestling match of some kind doesn't necessarily mean they're being punished or demoted. They're doing their job, hence "doing the job". If you aren't booked to win, you get eliminated at some point, it's just how the cookie crumbles.
The only thing I cared about was the RR itself and I loved it. The WWE is entertainment and I was entertained. I loved when Nash and Booker T came out. I loved when Nexus were the only people in the ring and throwing the next person to come down to the ring. Overall I enjoyed it. Of course many people disagree and think ADR winning is a joke, but I don't read much into wrestling. I know some guys deserve pushes more than others and it's not fair to some wrestlers who really deserve a push and never get one, but it is what it is and I don't care. I've been watching since 1991 and I watch to be entertained. Simple as that.
I am beginning to wonder if someone dislikes him. The crowds love him and that whole ninja landing he did on the barricade was pretty awesome. At the very least they could put the US belt on him. After he leaves Smackdown they decide to push Ziggler. That could just as easily be Morrison, but he is on Raw where there is Orton, The Miz, Cena, CM Punk and Nexus, so maybe he is in purgatory. The main event is crowded so he has no place. It is a shame because his matched are extremely entertaining.

US belt would be 5 steps down for Morrison. WWE just needs to keep making him relevant by booking him in meaningful feuds(like the Sheamus feud).
Anyone who thinks JoMo was irrelevant in the Rumble tonight apparently missed his incredible spot, probly the craziest thing I've ever seen in a Rumble match from a purley spot vantage point. I guarantee in 10-20 years they won't show on tv who won in 2011 but you'll see that spot every year.

As for his elimination I didn't think it was a bad thing. He came in very early and I thought that Nexus eliminating Morrison as easily as they did with him having such high expectations coming into the Rumble hyped up the Nexus domination that took place a large portion of the match. Everyone else they eliminated was pure filler that you knew wasn't going to win but the JoMo elimination meant something and I think it was very needed to add some realism to that part of the match.
well on the rumble go home show morrision did a crockscrew over the top rope and you can see that he hurt is left knee and it almost looked like both. if you see him running down to the ring durning the rumble it looked like he was hurt. so that is probely why he didn't last to long
b/c he was. he had the greatest highlight of the night and thats not good enough for some people? we should be asking why CM Punk was eliminated so early.

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