WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

@ Skyline ..

I'd rather the WWE coherently carried on with the rivalries they had going with Punk Cena and Miz Orton. Why swap rivals. Why just end both fueds in one night in inconclusive open ended ways and switch them round? Why have Cena in the title picture ? I'd rather Cena Vs Orton in some sort of non title match and then Jomo Vs Miz for the title.

How many rivalries does Punk want going at the same time. ??
im delightfully suprised cuz i was thinking the whole time how this was one of the more predictable rumbles of all time if cena ends up winning.

i like alberto del rio, but i am not a fan of him headlining wrestlemania this year. next year, maybe, i just think now is too soon.

diesel and booker coming back were great, but they went out way too quickly and didnt even eliminate anyone. i know thats how they drew it up but i was still disappointed. i was looking forward to see what they could do. i gotta say nash looks better now than he ever did in TNA.

no christian and more importantly no triple h is a god damn travesty. i had forgotten about kane so i thought hhh was going to be number 40. seriously bummed he wasnt in it.

one of the things about rumble matches are the mid carders getting a little time in to show what they can do. i get that. back in the day seeing guys like repo man, and other gimmick guys was one of my favorite parts. but that has lost a lot of muster to me nowadays. we all know before it even starts that 95% of the guys in it have absolutely no shot of winning. so why in god's name would you even let guys like yoshi tatsu, chavo guerrero, and especially fucking HORNSWOGGLE take up spots that could have gone to other surprise entrants that people actually want to see? boggles my mind.
Umm when was the last time a ppv went for the whole 3 hours?

But the ending was exceedingly anti-climactic. The main reason why I didn't like the ending was the fact that the last two participants were Del Rio and SANTINO FUCKING MARELLA.

The Rumble started out so well. Damn. No Kong, no Triple H, no jacknife powerbomb (???), no climax, no nothing.
I was happy to see Booker T, I'm a fan of Alberto, glad someone NEW gets a fair shake at Wrestlemania. Was nice to see cena let miz dump him over. (OK VERY EXCITED) Was a pretty loud crowd as well...
I'm with Gonzalez in that the ending was very very dull.

Santino .. Great. But no-one thought he would do it. It was obvious ADR would still win, so why even bother with that bit.. Why NOT have Cena and Del Rio as the last two and have the Miz cost him the rumble then.

Surely that would have made much more of an impact and much more sense. ?
I don't think I have ever been so disappointed in a pay per view. At the beginning of the Royal Rumble the general manager came on and demanded that the core and nexus leave the ring except for CM Punk, the only legal man in the ring. And yet with only 4 men left in the ring at the end of the rumble, he allows The Miz, an illegal man in the ring, to come in and throw John Cena, a legal man, out of the ring and says or does nothing!! Even though I am a Cena fan, if one of the legal men had thrown Cena out I would have been fine with that. But the way the royal rumble ended was very disappointing! Made me wish I hadn't wasted my money!!
Tonight's Royal Rumble - though not great in my opinion - was the start of a really necessary transition for the WWE. Whenever you push a ton of new guys, as the WWE has been doing recently, there will be ppv's like the Royal Rumble where you start to really see what's working and what's not.

Here's what I learned from the Royal Rumble --- please don't just post reactions to my thoughts in the comments below, but instead let us know what you learned from the Rumble tonight...

1) Dolph Ziggler is legit. I don't watch Smackdown too often, so I'm not incredibly familiar with Ziggler's rise through the ranks. I was skeptical that his match with Edge would be a dud. Holy crap was I wrong. This guy will be in and out of the title picture for a while.

2) CM Punk vs Randy Orton is set in stone for WrestleMania. I have no idea why Punk cost Orton the title, but that will be reason enough for the two to square off at WrestleMania. Not sure how I feel about that because I was really hoping to see Cena/Punk.

3) Cena vs Miz or the WWE Title is set for Mania. Miz can still lose his title between now and Mania, but it would be surprising since Miz cost Cena a shot at winning the rumble.

4) No one wants to see Orton/Cena again for a long, long time. The arena seemed completely disinterested each time these two guys went nose-to-nose during the match. Can you imagine the arena being so deathly silent if Rock/Austin or Hogan/Warrior went nose-to-nose like that? It was startling that the arena went so deafly silent.

5) The WWE has A LOT of work left to do with Alberto Del Rio these next few months. Del Rio has the talent and his character is great ... but I've rarely seen an arena so hushed when a guy won the Rumble. The combination of his heel character and lack of tenure in the company surely hurt his reaction, but the WWE can't be happy that the crowd showed a genuine lack of interest in a guy tabbed to headline WrestleMania.
Rumble sucked plain and simple. Hornswoggle, Ziggler and Orton should NOT have been in it, however I did enjoy Hornswoggle do the Stunner to Slater, but he was a waste of a person, Im assuming he took over for Cody Rhodes? Anyways Ziggler and Orton shouldn't have been in the match if they had title matches -___- Was happy to see Daniel Bryan get some spotlight, and even Chavo getting the spotlight was nice. John Morrison had spot on the night when he jumped onto the barricade. Always wondered what would happen if that ever happened. Nexus cleaning house was expected, Booker T entering so soon was unexpected, good to see the Spinarooni, pissed me off he got eliminated and then of all people had Super Cena clear house -___- couldnt just do that first and then have Booker enter and stay in long? Diesel returning to a GREAT reaction made me think of the old days, I think he had pop of the night, which is funny since they were in Cenas hometown :p No jacknife powerbomb though so wtf -___- Cena and Orton being 2 of 5 in the end also pissed me off, horrible way to end the rumble. Last but not least Kane jobbing to Mysterio yet again...........i give up, 40 man Rumble sucked, but at least a new guy ended up winning, even though I was pulling for JoMo
@ Skyline ..

I'd rather the WWE coherently carried on with the rivalries they had going with Punk Cena and Miz Orton. Why swap rivals. Why just end both fueds in one night in inconclusive open ended ways and switch them round? Why have Cena in the title picture ? I'd rather Cena Vs Orton in some sort of non title match and then Jomo Vs Miz for the title.

How many rivalries does Punk want going at the same time. ??

Well, coming up to Elimination Chamber in 21 Days, Cena, Punk, The Miz and Orton will be part of the Main Event along with Sheamus and Morrison (Unless they put someone like Mason Ryan in there). So we can really expect to have multiple rivalries at the same time, can't we?
It started off good and you could hear that the crowd was up for it...but it was really disapointing,Booker T and Diesal gave the rumble a nice buzz but near the end i kept waiting for something to happen... I hope raw makes up for it tomorrow!
Awesome show.

Time will tell, but I think it was the greatest Royal Rumble ever.

All the matches were above average. The Rumble was unpredictable in how it went down.

Crowd was red hot.

The ending with Santino and Del Rio cracked me up. Loved the Miz eliminating Cena.

Morrison's near elimination will be legendary, it was one of a kind.

Wish he would've won after seeing that, but I'm extremely happy Del Rio won.

I was hoping either Morrison or Del Rio won, elevate a fresh face into the title picture.

Loved Edge foreshadowing Christian's return. Hopefully he heals up in time for Wrestlemania.

Surprised that Triple H or Jericho didn't make an appearance. But seeing Diesel was pretty awesome. Crowd nearly blew the roof off.

Surprised how big a pop Booker T got, but I've never understood his following - so it is what it is.

All in all it was a phenomenal show and a great way to build towards Wrestlemania.
I see your point CJ .. and the Elimination Chamber is a good chance to create multiple rivalries in one match. I just feel that the Cena/Nexus rivalry was so big it deserved a proper ending, instead that hack-sawed Punk into leadership (which I liked) and then the fued with Cena continued, but never really went anywhere.

Now we're expected to believe that Punk and Cena are just done and that instead Punk wants to target Orton for something that happened in 2008 ..

And then Barrett Punk is ongoing . Sort of (I get that they're probably slow building this rivarly which is cool).

I love Punk don't get me wrong. I'm just disappointed with the ending to the storyline with Cena.
I enjoyed the Royal Rumble overall tonight,very solid PPV.

Edge/Dolph Ziggler-Great Match to kick it off,Ziggler showed I think he is ready for the Main Event. Kelly coming out and getting Vickie was awesome then Edge spearing Ziggler and lying down was good. Edge then using the Unprettier in honor of Christian was a great way to win the Match and Retain the
World Heavyweight Title.

Miz/Randy Orton-Solid Match here and the end with Orton hitting the RKO on Miz after Nexus came out which led to CM Punk interefering was interesting. Could it be Orton vs Punk at Wrestlemania possibly?

Divas 4-Way-I liked that this was made a 4-Way instead of the Handicap. I have no problem with Eve winning the Title and all 4 ladies did some good stuff.Double Sharpshooter was great.

Royal Rumble Match-I loved it from start to finish. With Morrison's Spider-man spot,Nexus dominating,even the brawl before with Nexus & Corre,Hornswoggle throwing in some comedy I had no problem with,Diesel & Booker T's Returns were good,and Miz eliminating Cena (even though I like Cena),and one of my picks Alberto Del Rio winning it.

So all in all a Solid Royal Rumble and looking forward to the Road To Wrestlemania. I will be at WM 27 and I can't wait. 8/10 overall rating.
I had CM Punk as my pick to win with either JoMo or ADR next, so I am very happy that ADR came away with the victory. Though I agree with some concerning the Santino bit at the end I mean come on really? this is the same guy who holds the record for the fucking fastest elimination in Rumble history. I have no problems with Santino he just didnt belong out there.

Nash and Booker T had me marking the fuck out I agree I wish they could have stuck around longer because the crowd was eating them up I actually wouldn't mind for them to stick around the E a bit longer. I am a bit dissapointed not to see HHH and Kong show up but hey who knows what their deal is.
I have never been more disappointed in a pay per view. At the beginning of the royal rumble the general manager came on and demanded that the Nexus and the Core leave the ring and go back to the dressing rooms except for CM Punk the only legal man in the ring. Yet when there were only 4 men left in the ring he allows The Miz, and illegal man in the ring, to throw out and disqualify John Cena, a legal man in the ring, and says or does nothing. Although I am a Cena fan, if a legal man had disqualified him that would have been fine. But was very disappointed in the ending of the royal rumble and felt I had wasted my money!!
The best parts of the rumble were when punk and daniel bryan started off i been on the fence with daniel bryan but he won me over tonight, gota admit he a bad muthafucka. I also liked when the new nexus was dominating but hated how cena made them look like bitches in a matter of seconds by doing that it undermines the power of mark henry and the great khali to me but wtf no use crying.

I didn't really mind the horn swoggle shit it was ok but it kinda dragged on too long, they should have let swagger get rid of him. I think they should have let sheamus and drew dominate for a while and play up they are friends.

I really enjoyed seeing booker t out there they could have let him eliminate otunga its not like he did shit anyways. Nash did good too but he looked real slow i like the fact that big show acknowledged him as they passed by each other. Shout out to chavo he had a nice thing going when he turned into the mexican suplex machine. Morrison's spider-man spot was sick and kofi's hops are crazy how he was jumping over cena's head with ease.

I don't mind del rio being the winner but i felt like he didn't do any work at all tonight, it seemed like he was just there to complete a storyline. I also felt like orton and Ziggler shouldn't have been there they could have let michael tarver and primo enter instead that could have been one elimination apiece for booker t and nash.
Yeah. I learned a lot of shit.

#1. Next year I am breaking away from tradition and not purchasing the Royal Rumble. I am very disappointed.

#2. 40 fucking men my ass. The biggest rumble yet was chopped down by NexASS throwing out everyone one by one... and most of all THEY REMOVED JOHN MORRISON AFTER HIS COOL ASS ELIMINATION SAVE. This rumble was a let down, didn't have enough ring filling moments. I will not pay 45 dollars to watch Hornswoggle make a fool of my money.

#3. Predictable as ever. This year I called Del Rio as he appeared on RAW and SmackDown for weeks babbling about winning, last year I called Edge's come back, the year before it was obvious Randy would win with him punting McMahon the Monday before and the video package airing, and the year before that John Cena invaded my home town of New York City to win the Royal Rumble while he was supposed to be injured -.-


Besides my rant, I also learned the John Morrison is a true ninja.
i think the rumble match started off good but once cm punk was eliminated, it started to go down hill. Kevin Nash and Booker T were nice additions, but cena and hornswoggle were just garbage.
1) So it seems the main eventers in Raw mysteriously switched opponents in time for the grand show..

2) All honesty, I think the Rumble match could've been booked much better. It would've been real nice to see Nexus and Corre fight each other during the actual rumble. (heck why not create a 4 on 4 on 4 scene, just cause absolute chaos all over the ring) Instead, we see Nexus bullying (remember when Legacy did this?)

3) Exactly what was the point of Booker T and DIESEL (DIESEL!) coming to the rumble. They basically did nothing for their time in the match. I would've liked to see some VINTAGE Booker and Nash whippin some serious ass, but I guess that's not gonna happen

4) I think they should've stayed at 30, rather 40. Here's a few reasons:

a)HORNSWOGGLE? Really!? What this a 39 in a half royal rumble contest?

b) Ziggler, Orton: My Rumble memory ain't so great, but to have two guys who just had fights of their own, fight yet again..it seems these 3 guys (INCLUDE Diesel and Booker, so that makes 5) were just fillers IMO. Orton kicked some serious ass, but come-on. I'm sure someone else could use this opportunity, cause he doesn't need it

4) Del Rio looked really weak IMO as rumble winner. Here's a guy who basically pranced his way into the ring, was the clear weakiest of the final 4, was beaten like a rag doll courtesy of the Viper, and eliminated Santino in "the final two"..WEAK..

I feel real strongly about number4 cause I dont feel this match was booked in Del Rio's favor..at all
Let's see.

(1) Booker T and Kevin Nash are more over that most of the current roster.

(2) WWE had a brain fart when they put Orton in the Rumble match, thus lessening the impact from Punk's actions earlier in the night.

(3) Vince thinks people are more over than they actually are. (Del Rio)

(4) If the Miz keeps this pace up, people will be burnt out on him by 'Mania.
I learned how desperate the W.W.E. is to make new stars. A.D.R. winning is a huge slap in the face to anyone who actually paid for that shit P.P.V. I seriously would have rather seen Hornswoggle win the A.D.R.

Until Tattoo stops announcing for this idiot I will continue to turn the channel every single time I hear his music.
Very well said. Some friends and I tried to order the Rumble but DirecTv screwed it up for some reason and we couldn't get it and I'm glad that we didn't. From what I saw online the Rumble match itself seemed pretty bad except for the end and the Booker and Diesel returns. IMO they just screwed up Morrison's push again which pissed me off. I don't understand what more he has to do to get a legit shot at being a main eventer. The title matchs seemed well done but after seeing/reading about this bad PPV I'm not looking forward to the build for Mania at all. I hope that changes in the coming weeks.

Yeah. I learned a lot of shit.

#1. Next year I am breaking away from tradition and not purchasing the Royal Rumble. I am very disappointed.

#2. 40 fucking men my ass. The biggest rumble yet was chopped down by NexASS throwing out everyone one by one... and most of all THEY REMOVED JOHN MORRISON AFTER HIS COOL ASS ELIMINATION SAVE. This rumble was a let down, didn't have enough ring filling moments. I will not pay 45 dollars to watch Hornswoggle make a fool of my money.

#3. Predictable as ever. This year I called Del Rio as he appeared on RAW and SmackDown for weeks babbling about winning, last year I called Edge's come back, the year before it was obvious Randy would win with him punting McMahon the Monday before and the video package airing, and the year before that John Cena invaded my home town of New York City to win the Royal Rumble while he was supposed to be injured -.-


Besides my rant, I also learned the John Morrison is a true ninja.
I have learnt that they don't want miz to actually win by pinfall. When was his last actual win by pinfall Bragging rights 2 years ago lol.

Triple H''s last match is more likely then not at wreslemania and then he will retire.

Even though ratings are up on Smackdown no one really cares about their rster that much.
I learned a lot, too.

1.) WWE is getting very random. Santino... what was the point of all that? I could have lived my whole life without seeing him bawling his eyes out and attempting to win the Royal Rumble, only to be an epic failure.

2.) The two main fueds in the WWE just completely ended and switched opponets for Mania. The Punk/Cena fued should have had a proper ending. Their fued really could have given us something. Now we have Orton/Punk and Cena/Miz... just like Vince wants it.

3.) Booker T and Kevin Nash were the most over people in the whole Rumble and we better see more of them. This better not have been just an one time appearance because WWE could use them.

4.) 40 men was pointless because most of them were just fillers. Hornswoggle? Orton? Ziggler? That's a comedic wrestler and two people who already had a match earlier.

5.) WWE has disapointed me AGAIN and I'm very worried that this years WM is in serious jeopardy.
absolute garbage, especially since i make sure to always get the rumble every yr since '90. 90 seconds instead of two mins? instant anger. nexus threw out way too many people. rrr. hornswaggle?!?!? puke. and god he was in there waaaay too long. i want my money back just for that. nash and booker were nice. bet tna's pissed. triple h and christian woulda been much better though and was kinda a letdown. morrison's high spot was historic and epic though. NO ONE else coulda done that imo. del rio winning? eh. i dont like it. its too soon for him. hasnt had a serious feud w/ anyone else than rey, and really doesnt deserve to win such a HUGE event. coulda went a number of different ways. barrett or kane to challenge takers streak. punk to challenge cena if he won EC. morrison was my fav to actually challenge miz at WM. oh well. disappointed at wwe's effort on this one. hope EC makes up for it.

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