WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

Does anyone remember the 1993 Royal Rumble when Yokozuna won? During that Rumble The Undertaker dominated early only to be tossed out by Giant Gonzalez, and Bob Backlund drew #2 and lasted until the final 3.

Daniel Bryan reminds me of Bob Backlund, and I can see him drawing one or two and lasting to the very end. He would even survive the more dominating displays that we are going to witness from Mason Ryan and Zeke Jackson. Its highly likely Bryan will survive an hour and get eliminated as number 40 enters.

Look for Morrison and Del Rio to have a strong showing, yet not quite win. Morrison wont get his shot until he wins MITB later this year, and Del Rio will likely be the final guy from Smackdown eliminated.

Final two will be Cena and Punk.
SMASH from Demolition. How awesome would that be!?! (Not sure about Ax nowadays)

The 10 second countdown and then the buzzer.....the music hits. The only problem is that I don't think many fans would even cheer due to not knowing who he is. I would be out of my seat!
HHH - Would be quite strange, but great to see him back, as WWE need more main event faces.
Christian -Unlikely with the injury, but he would be good winning then fighting at WMania!
Batista - After his film, Batista will need something to do. And WWE might wanna bring him back as champion.
Jericho - Off for the moment, but WWE might get him in very last minute. Plus, he could be a tweener.

My pick would be Christian, cos I'd love WWE to FINALLY give him the WWE title.
Well for a surprise entrants let's see: Not dealing with current wrestlers. Cause we know HHH gonna come back and win the Royal Rumble if the WWE choose not to continue his feud with shaemus. Or it's going to be Orton, Cena, or a member of the Corre. A Royal Rumble Spoiler for you. LOL!!!

But seriously,

Val Venis- Wouldn't be surprised to see him back. And a few months ago didn't WWE signed him to a deal, but the last I heard the details weren't finalized under how he was gonna be used such as Trainer, Agent, or Wrestler?

Scotty 2 Hotty- Name has been kept quiet for a while. It would be nice. Everybody loved Scotty 2 Hotty. He had a longer run with the company than most people thought he would.

Kung Fu Naki-Left on good terms with WWE after a long run with WWE. Whether if they did job him to death. But why not Have the Smackdown #1 Announcer in the Rumble.

But the Person who I want to see more than anyone in the Rumble is Faarooq.

Have him draw like Number 15-25 and have him last a while in the Rumble, and when he gets eliminated, let him get a mic and Yell DAMN!!!!
Im feel real Confident that Christians may be the big surprise this year (even thought the reports say he may not be ready for wrestlemania) if not him maybe Jericho. I would put HHH in there, but its not a surprise if EVERYONE thinks it too
Wow im shocked at some of the names out there but here is my list of possible shocker entry's

Awesome Kong-Everyone knows she has signed with the wwe and this is probably the best time to introduce her, making her eliminate a few guy making a instant name for herself would be good

Christian-I think the WWE is blagging about his injury just like John Cena 2009 and Edge 2010

Triple H-comes in and rekindles fued with Sheamus

Kane- He's been away from smackdown for a while now so ???

Shawn Micheals- Unlikely, scrap that Very unlikely, scrap that, it's not going to happen, but wouldnt it be great if he enters, super kicks Del rio again and comes back out

The Rock- as ive posted before the rock says he wants to do something special, he could reveal himself as the mystery Raw GM and enter the rumble.

So i think shock entries will be KONG,CHRISTIAN,TRIPLE H,KANE, and possibly, THE ROCK
I expect mainly the following guys to be at the Rumble this year:

1) Triple H- So he can return in time to feud wth Sheamus by Wrestlemania 27

2) Chris Jericho- For the sake of Star Power I guess.

3) Christian- To win & challenge Edge for the WHC @ Wrestlemania.
Will Appear:

Triple H - Everyone knows he's going to be there, just a question of how long they make us wait. That and how he and Sheamus get eliminated.

The Great Kahli - He'll probably come down and throw out a bunch of Nexus & Corre members before being eliminated by Mason Ryan or Big Zeke.

Could Appear:

Christian - If he's healthy, then he'll be in there. Probably somewhere in the middle of the match, if he's involved.

Chris Jericho - I still think there is a good chance he'll be in the Rumble. I think he's making his hiatus out to be more than it really is, just toying with us.

Skip Sheffield - I'm really hoping he returns on Sunday. I've been sold on him as a future main eventer for some time. So many ways to use him right now, it would make for some interesting scenarios. Corre or Nexus or Solo, heel or face, etc.

Evan Bourne - See Christian, same deal. If he's healthy, he'll be in there.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - With all the wrestling matches he's been having as of late. I could see this happening, he's done it in the past.

A Shock If They Appear:

The Rock - A 1 in a million chance, but it would brilliant if the great one entered at #40 and eliminated Cena. Set up a match between them at WM. I don't think it's as far fetched as some may claim, but still a long shot.

Brock Lesnar - Would be amazing to here his music hit, the building would erupt. Of course it would lose some of it's appeal if Taker isn't around.

The Undertaker - I doubt even if he was healthy, that he would appear in the Rumble. It seems better suited for the Elimination Chamber. Having Barrett in a situation where he will be helpless and the rest of The Corre can do nothing but watch him be annihilated.

Batista - I really don't see this happening at all. It's possible, but wouldn't make much sense to me. Where he would fit in to all the current story lines, would be a mystery.
batista - EXTREMELY unlikely but weirder things have happened
undertaker - i doubt it but it would be awesome if he returned and won it
masked kane - yes still kane but if he came to the RR with his mask and broke his all time record for most eliminations, that would be pretty sick
chris jericho - i dont want it to happen i dont want him back in the wwe ever, but it could happn
mason ryan - comes in and wins, then goes on to win the title and breaks away from the new nexus, then we would have a new batista (essentially)
the great khali - i would be ok if he came back and won
christian - unlikely that he would win but if he returned that would be awesome
triple hhh - if he came back and eliminated sheamus to re-ignite their feud
sting - if he came and dominated some guys then went to WM 27 against the deadman that would be cool
macho man randy savage - rumour has it he may return to wrestling or come back for match, if he came to the rumble and won would be impressed
X-Pac - if he returned that would be sooooo insanely awesome, very unlikely but it would be cool
evan bourne - i would like to see him return
skip sheffield - NO MORE NEXUS!! if he returned and won the RR and becomes a face he could have some amazing potencial!
jerry lawl - he has been getting a lil bit more of a push, its unlikely, but possible, im hoping he is at WM27, plus thats what rumours have mentioned.
kevin nash - i would like to see nash return to wwe, and if he was at the RR that would be soooo awesome
batista- rumoured to be coming back on some wrestling sites due to his and i quote 'expensive lifestyle' and he will not get paid nearly as much in WWE as other places of employment

steve blackman- has had his name mentioned a lot on nxt lately

triple h- expected to return soon from injury soon to conclude his fued with sheamus
Here's an idea for #40: after the first 39 are in, the countdown reaches zero for #40, but he's a no-show. Eventually, choose one of the following:

(a) 38 wrestlers go over the top rope, but in the middle of the winner's celebration, somebody runs in (or, if they're waiting to wait that long there, comes out from under the ring) and throws him over the top rope; cue the RAW GM's sound effect, "And I Quote...according to the rules, each wrestler has until when the following wrestler enters the ring in order to enter. Since there is no 'following wrestler' for #40, the Rumble was not over until he entered and 39 wrestlers had been eliminated."

(b) Same as (a), except that, instead of a run-in, the RAW GM announces that he is #40, and whoever it is gets into the ring.

(c) Same as (b), except that the announcement is made after the "winner" jumps over the top rope and lands on the floor; the GM notes this and declares #40 the winner.

(d) Same as (c), except that instead of the last one jumping over the top rope, the last two (of the 39) eliminate each other. (Throw in a "pop contest" here before the RAW GM announces that #40 is the winner.)

-- Don
Here are my predictions for the Royal Rumble and THANX to Acting GM Vickie I will not purchase

Somehow Edge will retain his title WITHOUT THE SPHERE!!!!!

The Miz will retain his title by DQ

As for the Divas Natalia will retain somehow (I THINK)

As for th Royal Rumble
Look for Triple H to return (about time) taking out Sheamus who will have a dumbfounded look on his face
The Corre and Nexus will fight one and another
Lets see Oh Cena will win setting up Cena vs The Miz at Wrestlemania
The Undertaker will be back to take on Wade Barrett at Wrestlemania
Randy Orton will be taking on CM at Wrestmania

Anyone agree
Does anyone remember the 1993 Royal Rumble when Yokozuna won? During that Rumble The Undertaker dominated early only to be tossed out by Giant Gonzalez, and Bob Backlund drew #2 and lasted until the final 3.

Daniel Bryan reminds me of Bob Backlund, and I can see him drawing one or two and lasting to the very end. He would even survive the more dominating displays that we are going to witness from Mason Ryan and Zeke Jackson. Its highly likely Bryan will survive an hour and get eliminated as number 40 enters.

Look for Morrison and Del Rio to have a strong showing, yet not quite win. Morrison wont get his shot until he wins MITB later this year, and Del Rio will likely be the final guy from Smackdown eliminated.

Final two will be Cena and Punk.

Yeah I do,I could see Daniel Bryan have a strong showing like Backland did in 1993. I do think Morrison,Del Rio,and Barrett will have strong showings as well this year. Id like to see someone topple Kane's 11 eliminations from 2001 since that has stood for a Decade now.

I think this will be a fun Royal Rumble with 40 guys in it this year with tons of possiblities happening.
I cant wait for this event. Unfortunately I live in the UK so will have to watch on Monday evening. It will be very hard at work Monday not being able to look at the results!!!

I think its a given that Triple H will be back. Trips has denied (he would) but Goldust thinks he will be back and so does Jim Ross.
I have to admit, I buy 2, maybe 3 pay per views a year, and royal rumble is always one of them. But as much as it sucks to say this, I'm just not excited about this year's RR.

1. Don't care one whit about the divas championship.
2. Not a fan of orton's boring performances, and chances are this match will end with a DQ anyway so Miz can retain, then go on to elimination chamber to get the title off him without making him look weak.
3. Ziggler vs. Edge has the potential to be the match of the night. It's too bad wrestlemania is right around the corner, because I just don't see Ziggler main eventing the big one yet.

4. The rumble itself. I feel like there has been very little build up here...the most we've seen is alberto del rio on both shows, talking about his destiny. And as exciting as the rumble match can be, the end is always pretty similar--someone wins who is already main event material, and that usually just leaves 2 or 3 possibilities, with maybe a fourth as a long shot.

Having it be 40 guys doesn't do much either...it just is WWE admitting that they have a huge list of green rookies that need something to do. None of the midcarders are going to win. No one who shows up on superstars is going to make it. No one who is involved more in tag teams right now is going to win. They occasionally throw in WWE blasts from the past and some posters have talked about possible WCW entrants, which is fine but obviously they have no chance of winning. No one of the grunts from core (I refuse to use that double r) or nexus is going to win. this 40 thing might just pan out to be more low level lackeys getting tossed out, and if so, what's the point of the increase?Having 40 guys is going to accomplish two things only: make the rumble last longer, and let someone break kane's record for number of eliminations in one rumble. and maybe that's all the WWE really is looking to do here.

So I don't know, I'm sure the rumble match itself will still have its good spots, but I'm finding it difficult to justify this one being a purchase, which is unfortunate since it is usually one of my favorite PPVs.
^ You're right and you should probably save your money for Elimination Chambers PPV instead. Ever since the EC PPV, nothing is decided at Royal Rumble anymore. Titles change hand, RR winner can pick a champ to fight. So it really means little to watch this PPV. I can't count how many times there was a new champ at EC. I remember the good ol' days where the rumble winner and the champ will have like 2-3 months to build up their feud for WM. But now, even some WM feuds are only build up in 2-3 weeks.
I am not really excited about the Rumble either this year, however I like how it is more unpredictable than recent years. I think whoever wins the Rumble should decide who they are going to face at Wrestlemania the next night on Raw. Then they can feud untill Mania. Then they could only have one Elimination Chamber match for the number one contender for whatever title the Rumble winner didn't pick. I think the last time the Elimination Chamber pay per view didn't effect Wrestlemania was in 07. It was still No Way Out and the main event was John Cena and Shawn Michaels, who were facing off at Mania for the WWE championship, vs Batista and Undertaker, who were facing off at Mania for the WOrld title. I thought that was a pretty good Mania build up. I think the Elimination Chamber ppv would be alright if they went with my idea and only had one. For example, if Cena won the Rumble and Orton won the WWE Championship, then he could choose Orton the next night on Raw and feud with Orton untill Mania. Then at ELimination Chamber they could have an EC match for the World Title contendership. Also, Orton and Cena could do some kind of pick your poison thing at EC. I am not saying Cena and Orton will win this Sunday. I was just using that as an example. However, I am a huge Miz mark and I don't think he should main event Mania with Cena, if the rumors are true. If anyone Miz should face Morrison at Mania. If Cena wins, I would like Orton to win the WWE Championship and they face off at Mania, so they can have an Austin/Rock feud going as the two biggest guys in the company and I would like them to have a face vs face feud for the WWE Championship. Then maybe Miz could face Morrison at Mania in a match without a title because these two have great chemistry and had an outstanding match on Raw. I think if they were given the time at Wrestlemania, they could blow the roof off. Plus the Cena/Orton match would give Mania more of the Wrestlemania feel than Miz/Cena.

After this Sunday, here is what I want the results to be.

Laycool win over Natalya with help of Kong. That way, Kong could be with Laycool and face Beth at Wrestlemania.

Edge over Ziggler because I don't want Ziggler to main event Wrestlemania and I deffinately don't want Ziggler to win and quickly drop it at EC and look weak.

Orton over Miz. I love Miz and would love to see him main event Wrestlemania but I don't think this year is the year he should main event Mania.

Cena win the Rumble. I am by no means a Cena fan but I think Cena/Orton would make Wrestlemania feel like Wrestlemania. Cena would just have to choose Orton.

Now, that is what I want to happen. I think everything I said will happen except for Orton winning the WWE Championship. I see Miz retaining and Cena winning the Rumble to set up Cena/Miz at Mania.
I am actually really excited for this years Royal Rumble match and the reason is because I don't know who will win the big match. I love it. If I had to pick one superstar to win the Royal Rumble it would be Christain because I would love to see Edge vs a heel Christain at Wrestlemania. The Disturbed said that it would be great to see John Cena vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania but thats something we have seen for the past three years. Now I know they are both faces and it would be a little different but I really doubt that either would want to lose that match.

My Royal Rumble predictions are:

1. Lay-cool defeating Natalya with the help of Awesome Kong.
2. Edge defeating Dolph Ziggler due to the fact that I dont think Ziggler is ready to headline Wrestlemania
3. Miz defeating Randy Orton- I dont want to see Miz lose the title until Elimination Chamber.
4. Christain wins the rumble
wade barette just said on his twitter page that PAPA SHANGO will be in the royal rumble.

I loved papa shango as a kid especialy when he made the untimate warrior bleed gravy from his crusty wig.

it would be nice to see him back as Papa Shango not the godfather
I saw that and well found it strange.
First how do they even know each other I suppose it has to be a wrok as he calls him by a really old name and not the Godfather or even Charles but Shango. I loved that character too to bad it woudl be a one time match I am sure. Although bring him and Boogey man back as a tag team lol
wade barette just said on his twitter page that PAPA SHANGO will be in the royal rumble.

I loved papa shango as a kid especialy when he made the untimate warrior bleed gravy from his crusty wig.

it would be nice to see him back as Papa Shango not the godfather
i keep seeing the same names over and over. im looking for the nostalgia factor. i want to see some old school guys in the rumble. i dont even care for how long, but i read on this site that papa shango might be there. that would be GREAT. i want guys like doink, the brooklyn brawler, skinner, tatanka...guys like that. thats what makes royal rumbles to me.
Okay, I really think that Triple H is a "given" return to the Rumble, to fight Sheamus. I would love to see Doink come into the Rumble, as well as Papa Shango/Godfather/Kama, because I [just like The Poster] love the surprise entry in the Rumble matches
They have just announced another 7 names, and taken Cody Rhodes out so that leaves 6 spaces now.

I'm guessing:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Jerry Lawler
Booker T
Kevin Nash
The Great Khali
Triple H

Also, what are the chances of DDP entering the Rumble? He just got the gig of hosting the best of nitro DVD so is on good terms!
At #40 the biggest shockers would be:

1) Lights go out then the gong, then pyrotechnics to look like lightning or something and Undertaker appears in the ring

2) Buzzer goes off for #40 to enter then we hear "IF YA SMMMMMEEEEEEEELLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!" (Not going to happen but we can dream).

3) Glass Breaks
I think it's definitely made for sure that the Undertaker isn't returning at the Rumble, with the recent reports saying he might barely make it to WM its unlikely we will see him on Sunday.

There are currently 6 slots left in the Royal Rumble, a couple of them could just be superstars on the current roster that they want to keep a surprise.

Evan Bourne, Triple H, Skip Sheffield and Khali are all very likely for the RR even though none of them will be that big of a deal except Triple H but I do want Evan back on WWE TV.

I just went through the RAW roster looking to see who could be a final participant and the only ones that aren't on there that might are the Uso's, Evan Bourne, Triple H, Michael Tarver or Skip Sheffield. That's 6 people right there but odds are they will bring in unexpected entrants.

The only ones on the Smackdown roster that are able to and aren't in the Rumble are: Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Trent Barretta and Tyler Reks.

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