WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

I think that Christian might return at the Rumble. He is not a main eventer and so his surprise return will not imply that he has to win the Rumble. I expect him to come in as an early entrant, put up a strong showing before getting eliminated by ADR thus setting up a match at WrestleMania. I would love to see Edge vs Christian at WrestleMania but I do not think that that will happen.

Most people are expecting Triple H to show up but I'm not too sure about it unless WWE is planning to pull another Cena 2008 on us. If he participates then I think that he will surely win the Royal Rumble.

Same deal with Undertaker. I expected that if he were to return his return would be a bit more advertised. I do not see Undertaker winning even if he returns. The streak is too big an institution in itself to require a title match to promote it. I expect him to be thrown out by "The Corre" if he returns.

Another name that I have heard about is Booker T. I have heard that he has cancelled all his appearances on the day of the Royal Rumble. It could turn out to be nothing though. I expect him to have a one night return like RVD had in 2009.

The last surprise that I want to talk about is Awesome Kong. It would surely be a unique way to debut a diva but its not out of the realms of possibility considering the fact that Beth Phoenix entered the Rumble last year. It could be fun to see her toss out a few jobbers towards the beginning of the match.
There are many people that are likely to return and be a surprise but we have to focus on the people WWE wouldn't suspect us guessing. Triple H is the obvious one who everyone suggests is going to return on Sunday's WWE Royal Rumble PPV.

Think outside the box?
I like the idea of Booker T returning or Goldberg just for the sake of the possible WCW Theme for this years Mania. He's been gone for a while and I see a year or so left in him at least in the WWE if he returned. He could really help a young superstar out or two and it would no doubt be a shocker IMO. That and I miss his theme!
I had a dream last night that Booker T, Simon Dean and Rico made returns at the Rumble.

Given that there's a proposed WCW themed HOF, and it's rumoured that he's going to be hosting some sort of WCW DVD, I'd love to see DDP make an appearance. So long as he doesn't return with his Positive gimmick, I'd be happy.

This one's a little outiside the box, because I don't think his name's been mentioned yet....but what about Macho Man Randy Savage (assuming we keep the WCW theme going)? He's been promoting the new All-Stars game, so it's not THAT far-fetched.
i might be looking too much into this but on smackdown last night, when they showed the pictures of the matches, the background was made up of a bunch of superstars' faces, presumeably the guys that are in the rumble match itself. and one of those faces was that of christian. take that for what its worth.
and are pulling a bunch of others out. Who are they going to put in in their places? Is it is a mistake? Why not develop the new talent? I know some folks in talent travel and was told this happened. It is story related; but they barely have 40 people as it is---and everyone else is cookie cutter....sooooooo, I would love to hear some thoughts....
why does everyone think or should is ay believe cena will win i mean even if he doesnt win the rumble he still finds his way intot he title picture whether it be winning elimination chamber(which many pple hve seem to forget about is in between royal rumble and wm) or jst challenge the person to a match and if punk wins then we all know cena will ened up versing him at 2m27 some how so why not hope for someone else besides cena or the returning hhh and root for for jo mo or kofi even ted dibiase who i see is a good wrestler but has had his rep ruined but even then if he won.....WAT A SHOCK! long story short jst stop believeing tht an already established name will win cuz they will get to wm27 in a championship match either way plus this is the wwe and especially the royal rumble....ANYTHING can and will happen.
I could see Jericho returning much like Van Dam did before joining TNA just for a surprise pop from the crowd.

I could also see a few Legends like Hacksaw or Doink making a surprise entrance.

Nash is supposedly rumored to be Rumble bound. I wouldn't mind seeing other unexpected names show up even if it is just for the Rumble.Names like Goldberg who we haven't heard much of.Recently Macho Man was added to the new All Stars game and they are making figure's for him so it would be nice to see him make a surprise return.Of course i don't see any surprise entrant winning it.That would really be awesome to have it happen but i doubt it would ever happen.

Could you imagine a new comer to WWE or someone who hasn't been seen in forever coming in and winning? It would probably piss a lot of people off in the back who've been working months to get a spot at Mania losing it to someone new.If that someone was someone like Sting it would be awesome but i doubt hell ever be apart of WWE outside the possibility of a Hall of Fame induction.

You know, it'll never happen but I can imagine the insanity if the lights went out and Seek and Destroy started blasting over the PA system and when they came back on Sting was in the center of the ring with the black bat. I would mark out like nothing I've ever seen before.

I think the Nash and Booker T thing isn't going to happen at this point because Vince likes his surprises or wants it to be his guys. I hope that "Diesel" doesn't come back because there is no way I want to see that cartoon character come back without HBK. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see Nash induct HBK so bringing him in for a little bit might not be too shocking. The more that I think about it the more I also think VKM will come back in some capacity and I think that he might end up being the Anonymous General Manager. Did Nexus beat his ass, yes. But I can see him writing that off. All in all I think that John Cena wins the Royal Rumble and ends up facing the Miz at WM. I don't think that any titles change hand tomorrow and that Cena comes out on top!
I would love to Bob Backlund make an appearance as he's been mentioned by Striker and Cole that would be awesome.
Here are my complete Royal Rumble 2011 predictions....

Randy Orton beats The Miz by DQ- Miz is nothing more than a transistional champion. If they wouldn't let Sheamus get a pinfall win over Orton during his title reign, I can't see them giving Miz one. Miz will retain until Elimination Chamber, where he'll lose the belt. What I'd personally love to see is Jericho interfere in this match and cause the DQ, setting up Orton vs Jericho at Wrestlemaina.

Edge beats Dolph Ziggler- I say Edge wins with that Texas cloverleaf-like submission he used to do, can't remember what it was called. But in any event Edge retains the title until at least WM. While I don't like the abuse of power storyline that they're running with Vickie, it does make me intrigued on what type of move Edge will use to beat Dolph.

Natalya beats LayCool- Following the match, Nattie gets jumped by Awesome Kong to start a feud between the two of them. She'll end up losing to Kong at EC and then it'll be Kong vs Nattie vs Beth in a triple threat match at WM, But Nattie retains in this match.

CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble- Nexus will help Punk win. The only other guys I could see winning are Cena and Del Rio. Cena winning would be lazy booking on Uncreative's part IMO, and it's probably too soon for Del Rio to win although I wouldn't mind if he did. Punk winning makes sense though, because then it'd set up Punk vs Cena (who wins the RAW Elimination Chamber match) for the WWE title at WM.

I'm really looking forward to this PPV. The 40 man rumble will offer some great surprises, and Edge/Ziggler could very well be a classic if booked properly.
Whose going to win.. whose going to win? The rumble will hopefully be an awesome event with it being expanded to 40 people.

My pick to win the rumble this year is going to be John Cena. I'm not a real member of Cena Nation or anything of that nature, I mean he's the current version of what Hulk Hogan was back in the day of the late 80's/early 90's. He sells the shirts, takes on all the top heels or stables, and even the matches are somewhat similar in nature.

Some honorable mentions though that I hope if they don't win, have at least great showings are John Morrison, Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk. I mean as always see what happens, the Rumble though is easily my favorite event and I can't wait for tomorrow night :)
Ahhhh fuck yeah! The Royal Rumbe is less than 20 hours away and I can't wait to watch it. This year's Royal Rumble has the potential to be one, if not, the best Royal Rumble of all time. With the recent news of some former WWE veterans in the Rumble, I'm especially pumped. 40 guys, 39 Eliminations, and 1 winner to advance to Wrestlemania's Main Event. Damn I'm ready.

This year's Royal Rumble is one of the toughest Rumbles to pick a single winner, especially with 40 superstars. The WWE will want to start out the Rumble with two giuys who can really go. Two guys who have great chemistry together. My four picks for one and two would have to be Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio or Sheamus and John Morrison. I feel if Morrison, Sheamus or Alberto start the Rumble at one or two, they should definitely make it to the end not necessarily winning.

I believe guys like John Morrison, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, Del Rio, Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger, with other mid carders, will put on a hell of a showing, earning everyone's respect. Maybe we'll even see a return or two at the Royal Rumble. I'd love to see guys like Goldberg or Steve Austin make a one time apperance like RVD did a few years back. Hell, I've been reading the WWE has been booking Percy Watson in some dark matches, i'd love to see him in there.

Guys who should win the Royal Rumble 2011 would include guys like CM Punk, Sheamus, John Morrison, Del Rio, Christian or Triple H. I didn't list John Cena simply because, to me, I would feel cheated out of 50 bucks. I'm not a Cena hater, in fact I love him. But having him win when there's already a high chance he'll be in 'Mania's main event is something I wouldn't want. I guess Christain would be my pick but that's probably unlikely. Triple H is probably going to continue his feud with Sheamus. Damn, its just too hard to pick.

Winner- Christian

Fuck you. Its highly unlikely but I'm a fan first.
Booker T my pick to win the rumble... I think he's going to return and win the thing.. Now can you dig it ! Suckaaa!

If this actually happens, I will never watch WWE ever again.

I feel he is one one of the most OVERRATED "superstars" in wrestling history. This guy is average at best. Tag Champion, Mid-Carder......never should've been a main eventer.
I fully expec CM Punk to win the Rumble. He's in he midst of the push of a lifetime on the "A" show, while feuding with its top star. Despite winning three prior WHC's, none of them held the importance this push has. "But LSN, his second and third title wins got over his straight edge heel persona!" There's no doubt about that, u those feuds were more to get over a departing superstar in Jeff Hardy, who they were trying to get to stay at first. After that, he was buried by the Undertaker in his third, forgettable title reign.

This time will be different. While the SES was a nice idea, it never fully reached its potential due to lack of numbers. The "New Nexus" is different. He's got backup to protect him from any situation. He's FULLY developed his cult leader persona to a "T". For him to NOT win the Rumble would take away from the tremendous momenum he's gained over the past month, which would be a mistake. He's the top heel in WWE right now, which I believes goes without being said.

To me, this makes the most sense. I expect Punk to contine to get the best of John Cena each week on Raw. But Cena will win the EC, and an overconfident Punk will gleefully challenge Cena with his title shot. But certainly, my pick to win the Rumble this year is cerlainly CM Punk
With an overall lack of such huge names in the Rumble match this year, I think it's harder to pick a winner. I think I'll try to eliminate a few names off the bat:

Sheamus - Sheamus was recently crowned King of the Ring, he's already been a 2 time WWE Champion and I just don't see him adding Royal Rumble 2011 winner to his resume. IF, and I do mean if, Triple H shows up tonight then I fully expect them to eliminate each other and set up towards a match at WM.

Daniel Bryan - I think that this one is fairly obvious. Bryan isn't at that level yet and is still firmly entrenched as United States Champion at this point. He might give a good performance, but I don't think he's really in the running.

Rey Mysterio - Mysterio won the Rumble back in 06 and, in some way, I look for Cody Rhodes to eliminate him from the Rumble. Even if Rhodes isn't in the Rumble match itself, he can still do a run in.

Big Show - I have a feeling that Show is going to be in the midst of feuding with The Corre, especially with Ezekiel Jackson. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Big Zeke eliminate Show single handedly. It'd be a great way to build some hype for a feud between the two. After all, how often do we see Show take on someone that's able to physically hold his own with him in terms of sheer power?

Personally, I'd love to see someone win the Rumble this year that actually needs it. With all this talk of John Cena possibly going after The Miz at WrestleMania, it's natural to see him as possibly winning the Rumble. However, there are any number of ways that the WWE can go about making that match happen. After all, it's John Cena. It won't take much at all to come up with something and have fans ready with built in interest.
My list about the Royal Rumble:
Possible Winners:

- Alberto Del Rio - He is smart, somehow Rey Misteryo will put him out of the Rumble, however not the top rope, and he maybe like Jericho, and hide to get the win.

- Big Show - He is one of my favourites to win the Rumble, everyone knows that WrestleMania will not be Big SHow vs The Corre, so i think he has the chance of going to Mania and beat Edge, I mean he deserves it.

- Rumours say that is someone that never won rumble, so Cena, Rey Mysterio, Orton, HHH probably not, and that lead me to mid-cards as
- Drew McIntyre (its a hell of a push i know)
- Jack Swagger (same)
- John Morrison (i doubt)
- Mark Henry (could it be?)
- Sheamus (hell no, not him)
- Evan Bourne ( i doubt, but its possible)

That as to be the most unpredictable Rumble EVER!!

Anybody from CORRE and NEXUS will win, and its easy to know the reason.

WM - NEXUS VS THE CORRE elimination tag team match.:worship::worship:
Triple H- Its obvious.

Christian- Hoping he comes in and has a good showing., maybe eliminating 4-7 people.

Undertaker- Maybe comes in and Eliminates Barret, setting up a match at WM

Jericho- Now, I think this idea is awesome, but I'm a cocky bastard. Have Orton enter in 40th after losing to Miz and win...but the clock starts ticking again....and BOOM...BREAK THE WALLS DOWN.....he comes in...and eliminates Orton. Then, at EC Miz retains the WWE Title and then its Miz- Jericho at WM..but Orton finds a way to get into the match and make it a triple threat... Miz-Jericho-Orton WM27 with Miz getting a clean win and looking like no one can stop him. i think its good,eh?
My picks:
CM Punk- probably the biggest heel in WWE now. Plus it'd be nice to have someone win who wouldn't show up for the first time in months.

Christain- Edge vs. Christain is something I always wanted to see
Every year i want the same thing, but every year i'm disapointed with the Royal Rumble, Okay... so John Cena to win this year... Yay! But for once i'd like it to be a suprise, you know maybe throw a mid-card winner in the rumble, someone who will carry a story line onto wrestlemania, someone who needs a wrestlemania main event to make their career. Here are my possible choices.

- Jack Swagger, Yes he's been WHC before, but he still has the ring ablity of a champion, and he can carry fueds.
- Kofi Kingston, Don't ask me why, i'm just tired of seeing him with the IC belt, he;s had it way to long... and either he's trying to get it back, or defending, time to change,
- Alberto Del Rio, He's had so much TV time the past couple of months, it would only make sence for him to headline wrestlemania with Edge.
- John Morrison, PLEASE... John Morrison needs a title push, he's been at it since Jeff Hardy left the company and he's still gotten nowhere. A wrestlemania headline event with the Monday Night Delight should be on everyones cards.
- Wade Barret, He may already be headlining everywhere else, but wrestlemania would be amazing, and even if he doesn't he's my choice to end the streak this year.
Well Royal Rumble is less than 6hrs away and rumorville is in full swing im trying to avoid looking at any in the faint hope i might actually be suprised this year i do feel the 40 man Rumble gives the WWE a real chance to give the fans some one night only treats so fingers crossed, anyway here are my predictions for tonight:

Randy Orton v The Miz (c) - WWE Championship
Winner: Randy Orton
Reason: Will become clear later in the night

Natalya (c) v Lay-Cool - Diva's Championship
Winner: No Contest
Reason: im banking on Awsome Kongs debut to give this match any real intrest to me, hopefully she comes to ring & qbsolutly destroys every diva on the roster

Dolph Ziggler v Edge (c) - World Heavyweight Championship
Winner: Edge
Reason: It all depends where they want to go with Edge at WM27 if ues going to be invovled in the title picture then he will retain the belt if they have a different plan such as a E&C reunion then Ziggler will win but only hold the title until Elimination Chamber cos there is no way Ziggler will be allowed to main event WM at this stage of his career 70/30 in favour of Edge

The Royal Rumble Match
Winner: The Miz
Reason: If The Miz drops the title to Orton then this is totally logical in fact it makes Miz have even more momentum than he already has just think in 1 year Money In The Bank, WWE Title, Royal Rumble, WM27 Main Event has a sort of perfect year ring about it that he can play on for the rest of his career.

Other Key Rumble Moment Predictions

1: HHH Return
Idea: King Sheamus will be dominating the rumble at some point eliminating a number of mid carders inc Jo-Mo and will be playing on the King Sheamus line the next entrant after hes eliminated everyone will be the king of kings HHH will come out and mega brawl probs resulting in both eliminating each other and setting up a new rivalry between the 2

2: Undertaker Return & Elimination
Idea: I feel Taker will be in the rumble when both Nexus & Corre are in the ring taking no sides at some point Taker will be distracted & i see BOTH Punk & Barret eliminating him possibly setting up a Punk v Barret match to see who faces Taker at WM27 while continuing the Nexus v Corre stroyline

Thats as far as im going to predict as i said i truely hope to be suprised tonight
I'm excited for this Royal Rumble if for no other reason than I'll be attending it live.

The Edge/Ziegler match has the potential to be a good one. Two decent workers in the ring and I have a feeling we'll see a run-in of some sort determine this one.

Miz/Orton doesn't really interest me that much. While I love the character that Miz has become over the last year or so, Orton is just so boring, both in the ring and on the mic. Every one of his championship programs seems the same. Hopefully Miz can save this one with his charisma and heat.

As for the Rumble match itself, I'll echo the sentiments of others that would like to see a difference name win it. Ideally it would be a person that could use the push and carry the momentum into a championship program building up to WM. CM Punk fits this bill and so does Del Rio and even Wade Barrett. There are not many faces, other than the usual suspects, that I can see winning it this year. The lazy booking would be to have one of the regular top stars win it (Cena, HHH, Kane, Rey, etc...). Keep in mind though, that Boston is John Cena's backyard, so if the WWE is looking for a cheap pop, he's the obvious pick.
So far there are so many names that have been thrown around and there are only 6 spots open in the match. Not to be a buzzkill but people not in right now are Cody Rhodes, Alex Riley, Jerry Lawler, and potentially the 2 losers of the title matches. So if all of those people enter that leaves 1 open spot. Now that all that negativity is out of the way here are the people I'd love to see come back tonight somewhat in order.

Stone Cold
Macho Man
Booker T
Evan Bourne
Awesome Kong
The Warlord (just for Santino to immediately eliminate him)
Bret Hart
Vince McMahon
Shane McMahon
Brock Lesnar (while I would mark out cuz i'm a UFC fan, there would be no physicality so it would be underwhelming to say the least)
Scott Hall
Sean Waltman
Jake Roberts
David Arquette
Honkey Tonk Man
Ultimate Warrior

And if the WWE gets somebody not on this list than they have pulled a fast one on me cuz that's almost everybody, at the end there my list just started getting ridiculous.

Are you fucking kidding me? Half the Rumble match was Punk and his goons eliminating people. Good fucking wrestlers. Okay. Then Hornwsoggle butt fucks half the roster with Cena. Booker and Nash, I'm sorry DIESEL get eliminated in a second (welcome to WWE former TNA employees), and in the end ALBERTO DEL RIO WINS IT? Are you shitting me? Alberto Del Fucking Rio? This guy is absolute SHIT! He's a fine mid-carder but ROYAL RUMBLE WINNER? Are you FUCKING kidding me? Look at the past Rumble Winners. Orton, Cena, Stone Cold, Rock, HBK and then fucking ALBERTO DEL RIO?

Thank GOD for TNA, I would be done with pro wrestling tonight. Fuck the WWE, this is bullshit.
Explain to me how no-one wants to see Miz v Cena and Orton v Punk. I think that these are the best possible matches out of the possible combinations.

Booker looked great, my memories of him in TNA were quickly wiped clean.

Nash looks fit and healthy. Huge Pop for this.

Nexus looked legit whilst Corre for the most part were nothing more than fodder.

Whilst cheesy, you couldn't help but smirk at the Hornswoggle/Cena and Kofi combo.

Rumble was good but didn't understand the booking of some guys in terms of recent pushes.

Disappointing that there was no Cody run in or no Kong/HHH

The hot crowd made this event even more awesome.

Two thumbs up
The crowd was hot most of the night but when they realised HHH wasn't coming out you could see the atmosphere fade. Nash and Booker should of gotten longer than a minute or so each and the Hornswaggle stuff is just bullshit. Pretty crap overall.

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