WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

Who do you think will be or should be the surprise entries into the Royal Rumble

I dont know but I am going with the guy who is all the rage and has more buzz than Aaron Rodgers. The Man with more charisma than Kevin Nash, John Cena and Barack Obama combined. The man who is criminal he never won the Royal Rumble. My pick for this year's Slammy for comeback of the year


Fear the Headcheese

So who do you want to see be the mystery entrants
hes prob my 2nd fave wrestler of all time but its unfortunate that the current audience would barely remember who he is.. ken shamrock being my first
This is a spam trap waiting to happen. There are a few names that I would like to see.

Steve Blackman You already said him but gave no real reason. With all the hints that Daniel Bryan keeps giving of him making some kind of one time return I think the perfect place to do it would be the Royal Rumble. He could even eliminate Bryan

Bret Hart Of course he wouldn't win but I'm almost positive if he entered then it would be come kind of record of gap of rumbles entered because the last one he entered was over 10 years ago. Now it's quite obvious that it may be very difficult for him to take a bump of being thrown over the ropes but this is something that I would really like to see.

Evan Bourne The Royal Rumble always creates a massive pop for anyone that returns from an injury or hiatus so this would be the perfect place for him to come back. As far as I know he is ready to go they are just waiting for the perfect moment.

Now everyone knows that a returning Triple H has almost a 100% chance of happening so i'm not really going to touch on him.
Not likely lol... but stranger things have happened...

Christian or Taker are the most likely who are "injured" but could show up... Taker, not so keen on but if Christian turned up and won it to face Edge i'd be pretty happy.

I can see a couple of ex-stars or legends take spots, we keep hearing that Booker T may be returning so the Rumble is a good ways to do it. Jericho... not so sure I want to see him turn up in the Rumble, I think his return should be kept to do with Orton..

The only guy who would make me mark out would be Sting... If they can pull that one off then I think rumors of WWE's demise would be premature...
I think you need to distinguish between surprise and mystery entrants. Chances are low that there will need to be many 'mystery' entrants like old employees like Blackman etc. The main reason the RR match was boosted to 40 was because of the expansion of young, green guys - more eliminations are exciting, makes the main contenders look stronger and avoids showing up how green some of the newbies (Otunga/Ryan) are.

As for surprises, there's a list of obvious guys inline for possible 'shock' returns at the RR. (although if you can draw up a list of surprises, it probably defeats the object.)

The main ones are of course:
Triple H - long overdue to come in to finish the king v king fued with Seamus.
Great Khali - His injury and personal issues probably mean he won't appear.
Christian - expected by most the IWC to return and get a push - injury status is still uncertain though.

Longer shots:
Awesome Kong - The most dominate female wrestler ever would get massive push from debuting and showing she can truely hang with the boys.
Jerry Lawlor - considering how active he's been jumping into the ring (only to be eliminated with help from Cole) wouldn't be beyond plausable.
Undertaker - Unlikely as the focus for WM is now on his streak as much as any of the title matches and he's unlikely to fit.
Dolph Ziggler/Randy Orton - with both highly unlikely to walk out the champ, putting them in at 39 and 40 would allow them at least some time to recover.
Ricardo Rodriguez - has been in training and will likely be at ringside for Del Rio. Could be a candidate to equal Santino's 1sec record.
Vince McMahon - Yes, he said he's retired, but stranger and stupider things have happened.
The Raw GM - fed up of being faceless, unvailed at RR as likely either Trips or....
Chris Jericho - as much as I doubt ever seeing a CJ return some IWC still hold out hope.

Real long shot: Batista or Brock Lesnar.
Triple H - Obvious he's coming back, likely in the Rumble match itself, to eliminate Sheamus.

Jericho - I think he's coming back to WWE but likely not this soon. IMO, it would be a big surprise if Jericho returned at the Rumble.

Batista - He's a filming a movie and may return to WWE after that. Returning at the Rumble would be a big surprise, maybe bigger than Jericho.

Vincent Kennedy McMahon - This could be the perfect opportunity for the "Mr. McMahon" character to return.

Christian- Total longshot.
I love the idea of Vince coming back for the Rumble as his last appearance in one was definitely one to remember plus, if i'm being honest, i'm a VKM mark lol! Seriously though, I'm praying for The Great One to return and throw some poor jabronies over the top rope and remind the WWE Universe that he is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment history!!! If ya smell whay the rock is cookin'!
SDS1582 you stole my ideas lol I like where your going imagine there are 4 spots left and in the rumble
37: triple h returns eliminating sheamus
38: Jericho returns a return that would be big but predicted
39: a long shot christian it would be huge hopefully he would be the winner
40: Batista comes out total shock obviously not to win possibly eliminated by say..i.e. John Morrison and
Thus setting up a match at mania an obvious dream idea of mine vince wouldn't do it although imagine a stare off with mason ryan and Batista
It would be like looking in a mirror lol
Another surprise entrant would probably be Evan Bourne
I would love to see Bret Hart be a suprise entry in this years Rumble, Sure he doesn't have to win it but the crowd will go nuts also another long odd for me will have to be Shwan Michaels being inducted into the Hall of fame and winning the rumble and main eventing wrestlemania the night after.
Something other names i would like to be the suprise entry in this years Royal Rumble would be The Rock who has on occasions hinted he wanted to come back to the WWE and also Booker T would be another i would like to see
Actually to me those are the same thing
HHH or Christian would be more of a shocker but they arent so much a suprise as they are expected.
I was sepcfically looking for the guys you never expect to show up like my example of Blackman or like in Previous rumbles guys like
Beth in 2010, RVD in 2009, Snuka and Piper in 08
There are the people who make you go WOOOO
I think you need to distinguish between surprise and mystery entrants. Chances are low that there will need to be many 'mystery' entrants like old employees like Blackman etc.
Actually to me those are the same thing
HHH or Christian would be more of a shocker but they arent so much a suprise as they are expected.
I was sepcfically looking for the guys you never expect to show up like my example of Blackman or like in Previous rumbles guys like
Beth in 2010, RVD in 2009, Snuka and Piper in 08
There are the people who make you go WOOOO
I think you need to distinguish between surprise and mystery entrants. Chances are low that there will need to be many 'mystery' entrants like old employees like Blackman etc.
This is by far my favorite PPV of the year and one of the only few that i actually buy.

As far as who is going to start out the Rumble:

1. Kofi Kingston
2. Daniel Bryan

Champion vs Champion to start the rumble. They can have some great early high spots with both of them lasting a pretty decent time in the rumble.

As far as the #40 entrant, I will give it to one of the following people:

*Alberto Del Rio -- he is great right now and will be in the final three guys in the rumble.

*The Miz or Randy orton -- Whichever loses the title match will be entered in the rumble to add the suprise and star power that the rumble as a whole will be lacking.

Suprise Entrants or Returns that I would like to see:

Jerry The King Lawler
Shelton Benjamin -- Always been a fan of this guy
Chris Jericho
Some former WCW Guys
Monty Brown or Whatever he went by in the WWE
I think we will definitely see at least one of the following:

Triple H - probably to eliminate Sheamus. He will most likely not win, but continue feuding with Sheamus to lead to WM.

Jerry Lawler - they have been having him wrestle a lot lately, so the writing is on the wall with this one.

Evan Bourne - could see this happening depending on how quickly he has recovered.

Christian - I dont think he will win but we could definitely see a return if he is fully recovered.

and now for some more "out there" options:

Chris Jericho - I dont see him returning unless its to win the whole thing.

Booker T - he and WWE have been in talks, but TNA has also been talking to him re: the MEM reunion angle, so we will see.

Batista - really dont see this one happening, I think Dave is intent on doing MMA.
Goldust is very unlikely, considering he just got injured.

Triple H would be a great return. Have him eliminate Shemus, but not have HHH win, because I do not want to see him thrown right into the title scene.

Macho Man Randy Savage would be a fun one to see for a Royal Rumble appearance. Come in, eliminate someone that people don't like...maybe a Nexus or Corre member.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan - I can see him returning to be a slot filler as there have been many clues into superstars reactions recently and I will explain! After Natalya beat Maryse two weeks ago, she got on the top rope and said "Haiooo" So I think he could be returning even as a space filler.

HHH - The whole Sheamus segment two weeks ago on Raw after the diabolical Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison match, he came out and cut a promo about the "King winning the Royal Rumble". In my opinion there is only one "King" in the WWE and that is HHH! I can see HHH returning igniting their feud that they had last year.

Jerry Lawler - Another space filler, probably eliminating Alex Riley if he is entered into the Rumble, Cole has a hissy fit on the mic and Lawler goes after Cole leaving Striker and Matthews to call the rest of the match.

Beth Phoenix - As she is not in the Divas title match this year, I can see Beth entering the Rumble for the second straight year, after she is the ?? entrant I can see the next surprise entrant coming to the ring and they have a staredown.

Awesome Kong - Makes a shocking entry as no-one is supposed to know who she is (element of surprise) Beth and Kong eliminate mid carders such as Tatsu, Primo etc. Leading them both to turn round and have a stand off, immediately getting eliminated by each other.

UnderTaker - I can see Takers dong go off whilst most of the Corre members are in the ring leading to panic by Wade Barrett and sending them all to go under the bottom rope in order to fend him off before he arrives. The lights go back on and Taker is stood behind Barrett and before the Corre members have a chance to get back in the ring, Barrett is eliminated by Taker, leading the onslaught of the Corre to beat on the Undertaker, but Taker fights back and eliminates all of the Corre.

Chris Jericho - Not much of a surprise but Jericho returns, gets eliminated and walks around the ring shouting his mouth off about Edge! I can see Edge retaining the title at the Rumble and Jericho costing Edge the title at EC, leading to a feud at Mania.

Skip Sheffield - The beast himself, returns at the Rumble and whilst all the mid card members of Nexus are down (I assume Punk will not have entered yet) Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield will have a stare down and attack each other until Punk enters the Rumble and tells Mason Ryan to eliminate Sheffield.

The Great Khali - Spot filling again, massive pop, probably gets eliminated by Mark Henry of all people!

If we are going down the old "WCW" in Atlanta Hall of Fame road.

Diamond Dallas Page - Surprise entrant of the WCW veterans who lasts a while, whilst all the kids are asking "Who is that man, Daddy?"

Goldberg - Same as above but the only difference is the roof blows its top with the pop he gets, probably the longest entrance second to only Taker's this would be a huge surprise and I would mark massively if this was to happen!


Brock Lesnar - The whole UFC staredown scenario with The Undertaker could make this surprise entrant possibly break the Undertakers Streak at Mania, Lesnar enters the ring with mid carders laid out on the floor, Lesnar then shakes Barrett's hand as a sign of some deal they have came across, Lesnar then eliminates himself and walks to the back. We do not hear anything of Lesnar until the night of Wrestlemania when Barrett faces Undertaker, leading to Lesnar interfering in the match after the stipulation of the Corre being banned at ringside is in effect.
An F-5 is hit whilst the referee has been knocked down due to miss timed moved, Lesnar is then seen heading to the back never to be seen again until a storyline is brought up involving him when Taker (possibly) calls him out, Barrett hits Wasteland then revives the ref and he counts 1-2... Taker kicks out, leading to a brawl and eventually Taker hits the Tombstone Piledriver!

Hopefully some come to life, if not no biggie :)

Let me know what you think!
I think Skip will make a return and join Corre to even out Nexus with Corre.

I think guys like Booker T and Jericho may be in the rumble, but possibly not make full time returns.

Why do people keep saying Steve Blackman, I like him, but maybe I missed the references to him?

Triple H will return, but I'm not sold that he'll actually be a member of the match. I think Sheamus gets on a role and the game comes from the crowd and takes him out.

Also the possibility of some WCW guys like Goldberg, maybe even Sting.

And my long shot- HBK
In this day and age its hard to suprise anymore but they did a good job with edge last year, it think mvp might make an apperance, also booker t would get real good pops if he comes out to his old can you dig it sucka theme. Bobby Lashley could be a possibility too, its hard to say i'm looking forward to this year's rumble though.

Most likely HHH, HBK, evan bourne, and possibly christian will be in it. There may not be alot of household names around but i don't really think that's a bad thing bc these young guys are doing good work right now. I'm interested to see what daniel bryan will add to the rumble they should lets the young guys work and show what they can do.
I have good info that this year the surprise entrant is none other than the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. You heard it here first!! He will wrestle Alberto Del Rio at WM27 to see who is truly Mr Wrestlemania...He wont win the RR... but will eliminate Del Rio who will be upset that HBK ruined his dream to headline Wrestlemania. I love that match by the way. Del Rio is a great wrestler and his schtick is funny as hell. But HBK will give WM27 a much needed boost...The winner of the Royal Rumble will be CM Punk who will beat Orton before WM27 and then it will be Cena vs Punk for the title
Only thing I see happening is Dolph beating Edge and then Edge claiming the #40 spot he won on RAW or possibly Edge retaining and giving a returning Christian his #40 spot

Only problem here is: The stipulation from RAW was whoever threw Edge over the top would be given #40. No one did and Edge wasn't in line to gain anything from the victory.
To those of you saying Christian... maybe to the IWC that would be surprising (and it would be) and maybe to the IWC it would be exciting. But the crowd reaction would hardly be significant at all when Christian's music hit... I doubt most of the WWE Universe even knows or remembers that he is injured. So all in all, yes it would be surprising so he works in this thread but I hope you guys don't expect anything like him to be the #40 entrant, come out to the crowd being astonished and going wild, and him eliminating Cena to go to 'Mania's main event. If you do think anything like that will or has a chance of happening then dude... damn... sorry but no.
i can't see former mid carders showing up but i think there will be a surprise in it, as for winners i'm thinking morrison will win cause they're in a youth movement and with tough enough starting up soon a morrison/miz match would be great
Booker T-It's said he wants to come back and what better way to do it then at the RR. As Long as he's Booker T and not King Booker.

Christian-It's said he suppossed to be out probally till after WM but I have a gut feeling it's fake report to hide it they said Cena would be out for another 6wks when won. and Edge was suppossed to be out longer last year. But obvioulsy Im a Christian fan/mark and still hoping for a Edge-Christian showdown.
ok jere is my list of possable returns at the royal rumble

1: hhh this is a sure thing he coming back RR even if he is not in it he taking out shamus
2: sgt Slauder " been doing roh work and keep a low profile " just a filler"
3: Kong " not in the RR match but sides with flawless in the divas match
4: Macho Man ok he not going to be in the RR but i think there going to use him to replace Jerry Lawler who i think is going to pull away from the wwe soon thats why this if he hits cole he is fired thing is going on.
5: skip shetfield he coming back best place to help the core win RR

i think the winner of the royal rumble should face the undertaker at mania instead of championship match this year and give a spot in elimanation chamber also this would make more guys that could win the RR.

best match up for taker is have cena win the RR then you dont have to make him a heel to face taker at mania.
Here are a few of the ones I would LOVE to see.

Ken Shamrock- Ken has been a favorite of mine for some time and I believe him not getting at least one World Title reign was a crime. He had a great gimmick as the World's Most Dangerous Man and could hang in the ring with everyone at the time. Seeing him come out in the later number would make my night.

Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V- He's in Japan right now but it would be pretty great to see him in the Rumble. After he left ECW for Smackdown, I thought he would have been heavily pushed as a monster heel. Instead, he was released. This event is made for returns like this.

Lance Storm- Again, probably not going to happen. I believe he owns his own wrestling school or something now. Great, great wrestler. I'd mark out.

Booker T- I'd love to see this. We saw RVD return a few years ago a kick some ass in the Rumble. Booker T would be a great RVD type surprise entrant this year.

Maven- I'd probably just laugh a little bit. He says he's be open to a return and with Tough Enough coming back, why not remind the fans about it? Matt Cappotelli, TE3 co-winner alongside John Hennigan/Nitro/Morrison would also be a great entrant!

Jake "The Snake" Roberts- He's done the voluntary rehab paid for by WWE and is still out there doing his thing on the indy circuits. This man deserves one last big showing in the WWE. He should have had a great career but he is an example of what the true dark side of wrestling is. Even it's just for 5 minutes, let him come in and eliminate a big name heel and give him the spotlight one more time.
First thing HBK will not be in its simple. He is retired he will not be in the ring in any match form. The best you will get is a super kick to a heel a bit like Stone Cold when he returns. He is one guy that will Remain Retired .

For Long Shots

Chyna- 9th wonder of the world need i say more

Kevin Nash - As far as im aware there is still no contract signed with TNA so it could happen

Sting- What better way to bring him in for a WM Feud and HoF Induction then the RR

Macho Man- We seen he seems to be mending bridges with WWE so a return could be coming

Goldberg- Again a big name Massive pop and he has talked about a in ring return

Doink- I dont know why but its Doink lol

JBL- I used to hate this guy but i do miss his promos skills and i hate that my last memory of him was losing to that Little Chihuahua Rey

More Likely

Booker T- For A one off or maybe a Comeback

Bobby Lashly- Maybe for a tease or A full time comeback after his MMA fight he wants to do in march

Rikishi- Not been Seen in WWE if a fair while but Maybe bring him Fill a RR space then he can manage his sons and lead them to tag Gold

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