WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

I was hoping for a Christian a year ago... just because Edge won, I thought Christian could do the same having E and C winning back to back rumbles. Though with a unlikely return you gotta vote for the up and comers. CM Punk with a rise to the top, John Morrison with a rise to the main event scenes and Alberto Del Rio since the guy is awesome and getting a super push. But I'd like to think a RAW guy will win and challenge the Smackdown world heavyweight champion, with both superstars using each others brand to get exposure.

John Morrison

CM Punk

Alberto Del Rio

these are my finally predictions :)
with the extra people in the rumble there are alot more possibilities that can happen.
so basically how do you want the rumble to be?
who comes in first?
who has the most eliminations?
should someone who drew in the 30s win?
who wins it?

i would like if the first two people were Barret and Punk and as the rumble goes on they gain more of their allies to get the upperhand and maybe some sort of team forms between the other superstars to stand a chance against them.
then it comes down to punk barret cena or something and they have beat up cena
this is doubtful but i'd like for punk and barret to fight over eliminating cena causing cena to be able to eliminate barret and then punk tosses cena over

its just what i'd like to see (or ya know, kane wins :lmao:)

you can comment on my idea or put your own
I really don't think there will be surprise returns... everyone who is mentioning the Undertaker and Christian, let's look at the reported facts. Undertaker would be lucky to be able to compete by Wrestlemania and that is a couple months away and even that is in question. For Christian it's much of the same. His Wrestlemania status was listed as questionable.

As for HHH... I don't know. He's been healthy and ready to go for a while but I just don't see him coming back here. He seems to be enjoying his time out of the ring. Although, I wouldn't mind one bit. You know the place would erupt and HHH would clean house and it would be epic for a little while... I wouldn't want to see him win, but I'd love to see him return. Although, if he returned and went to Smackdown! and went after Edge at least that would be something that hasn't been done to death and would give Edge a decent WM caliber opponent.
Also, I would think... and I could be wrong, that there will be some type of angle with Kane at the Rumble. He went from World Champion to losing his rematch to disappearing. He probably won't show up again till the Rumble... at which point I wouldn't be surprised to see him return with Paul Bearer given that he seems to have time left on his contract. And I'm sure his time away will be used to "refocus" the "monster." Should have a good Rumble run. Wouldn't mind seeing him win and just focus on the Raw champion. There's a few possibilities there. Kane and Orton or Kane and Cena is a much better option than anyone facing the Miz. Kane can simply go into dominant mode and it'll make Cena or Orton look up against a wall come Mania. I think Mania should have new things. And as much as I'm entertained by Miz's mic work... I just can't see him in any main event at a Mania.
I would love it if the rumble began with a bang, a returning Christian! Ideal world that would happen!

I think Kane has to have the most eliminations because he is the royal rumble and deserves to have that record of eliminating the most people.

I think that the number 27 winning the most means nothing anymore! I think that someone who does draw in the teens will probably win unless they save all the big names until the end, but think about it, the teens now is a very long way to the end! so it is a good boost for the winner to say he last through 40 guys from number 16 or whatever!

I think Punk wins this rumble. If not punk it will be Barrett. I think Barrett has kind of taken a step back and now is a dark horse almost because they never hype him! But i think it is to give you the surprise factor if he wins.
I like the idea of both punk and barret starting it, or at least fueding with eachother throughout the rumble.. I'll be happy as long as HHH or Cena or Orton win it.. Imma big fan of all of those guys but it would just be too predictable if they won it.. I would love if either Morrison or dibease jr win it.. I feel it needs to be an up and comer that should win it.. The WWE is pushing young stars right now and needs to continue pushing young stars
My choices are either barret, morrison, dibease, Mcintyre, or someone like that.. Please excuse the spelling, drinking a lil this evening..
so basically how do you want the rumble to be?
who comes in first?
who has the most eliminations?
should someone who drew in the 30s win?
who wins it?

I'd like it to start off with Alberto Del Rio in the 1/2 slot and end up getting eliminated last. I'd like to see Punk win it en route to a Miz/Punk/Cena WM main event triple threat match. I think we saw the beginning seeds of that with Cena coming out on Raw this week and cutting a promo with Miz.

I think Kane should get the most eliminations, setting a new record that's never broken. I think the winner will come from the teens as well.

I think there's a lot less of "returns" in the sense that everyone talks about, but more of the old school guys that we all know are not winning.
Regardless of how it happens, I see Punk winning the Rumble and Challenging Randy Orton(Who wins the title at EC).

I do think the story of the rumble will be Nexus vs Corre, what I'm interested in seeing is how former Nexus members react to both groups. I think Skip returns and sides with Corre to even the sides for when the two collide (at Mania?).
First off no, same idiot powers to be wwe superstars winning it again for the ten millionth time, it's been done so much, it's worthless. it's like we haven't seen butt kissing HHH come in to this years royal rumble and winning it (yet again) then going to wrestlemania and (yet again) win the wwe title, if he's to do that, why even take time off and lose the belt in the first place? Save us all the disappointment! I am a Christian fan and it's been long over due for him to finally win the wwe heavyweight championship, but knowing he is injured, he won't make it in time for this years Royal Rumble,

1. Crap Swagger

2. Koslov

skipping a few to go to num 16 which is Kane with mask
(Indeed he should have the most elimination as he is always one of my fav)

comin in at number 31 would be Drew M

and no, number 30 shouldn't win the royal rumble we've seen it too much now

I would like a surprise participate to win this years royal rumble so, let's say the 40th entry is a surprise guest, let him win it! (hoping it would be STING)
every year the royal rumble in my opinion comes to the point where the ending gets more and more predictable lets see something new for a change i would really like to see one of the new bloods win it and i am gonna throw a name out there and dont call me crazy lol i think the miz will win it i see him dropping the belt to orton and then some how taking someone out and taking there spot and winning the rumble and this helpin him make the main even for wm and ensuring that orton and cena face off call me crazy but that would be entertaing to see
well it does ask how we want it to play out, so even though this isnt likely, im going with it.

gets down to barrett, punk, and cena. both barrett and punk team up to take out cena. cena makes barrett accidentally eliminate punk, then he eliminates barrett. cena starts to celebrate when the gm's computer noise goes off. cole reads, "sorry cena, your almost there, but you have one more guy to go through." then jericho's music hits. cena waits for him, starring at the stage, when jericho comes up behind him and eliminates him. it turns out that jericho found out who the gm was, so he blackmailed him into giving him specially treatment and letting him enter as 41.
thats interesting to see jericho coming back but remember cole and miz seem to be in sync i could see the gm giving miz another shot at redeption
I would like Alberto Del Rio to win and solidify him as a main event heel... he is gold!

Kane gets the most eliminations...

Undertaker's gong hits right before Kane is eliminated...

HHH returns and eliminates himself along with Sheamus and continues to feud with him to the back...

The Core & The New Nexus spend their entire time battling and eliminating each other systematically...

Awesome Kong enters the ring after The Glamazon and they both feud as Santino eliminates them both...

And - Shawn Michaels runs in while Del Rio isn't looking as he is celebrating his win and gets SCM for his troubles.

damn christmas creature, thanx 4 ruining the rumble 4 me. lol. i do see a number of the events u have posted happening. id luv to see christian come back and win it, but its been reported he wont be back in time. but u never know. i see this years winner being another returning superstar, chris jericho. del rio will win mitb at mania.
Hm ok heres an idea that would totally blow everyones minds at this years Rumble, so different and new everyone watching would either be "did they really JUST do that" or "What the f***, is that even possible?"

Starting off will be either Punk or Barrett, and at number 2 will be someone they can squash. Around 5 or 6 will enter one of their teammates and Punk or Barrett will enter somewhere in the teens followed by Mason Ryan or Big Zeke, eventually in the ring alone it will be New Nexus and The Corre with a returning Skip Sheffield siding with Corre (So that's ten men) and John Morrison and Kane. Kane at this point has 11 eliminations and ends up elimnating Husky Harris, Michael McGillicutty, and David Otunga bringing his total to 14 eliminations, he sides with Corre because Barrett helped Taker take out the Undertaker, not Punk. Taker's gong hits, scares Kane, and to make Mason Ryan look big (even though he's VERY green and development admits it) Ryan eliminates Kane, Gabriel, Skip, and Slater. It's down to Punk and Ryan vs Barrett and Big Zeke with John Morrison surviving.

Now then, Doplh Ziggler will have put on an amazing match with Edge but (sadly) will end up coming short by missing a zig-zag and getting speared or something like that. Vickie will come out to her chorus of boos and says as acting Smackdown GM she will be replacing another superstar who isn't worthy and instead will have her bf wrestle for that man. He will enter at number 38. So now you have Ziggler and JoMo with 2 Nexus and 2 Corre members, being smart Ziggler sides with JoMo. Right when Ziggler (who chose wrong) is about to be eliminated by Ryan Cena's music blasts as he enters number 39 and the crowd goes wild. Back and forth between everyone and then we hear some good old Celtic music as King Sheamus comes out at number 40 swearing he will be the very first man to win the 40 man rumble and having entered at number 40. You now have 7 men, 6 of which who could legitimately win this rumble. To make Ryan look like a legitimate threat he ends up eliminating Big Zeke and Ziggler at the same time. Zeke being pissed and all goes back in and eliminates Ryan himself, they fight to the back and every New Nexus and Corre member returns to fued outside the ring. Whichever team appears more dominate will have their leader tell the rest of the gang to come into the ring, for added measure I will say The Corre dominates New Nexus since they have Ryan and Sheffield. They attack everyone, specifically Punk and Cena and then a few RAW and Smackdown faces hit the ring and make the save. After all that it'll be down to Cena, Morrison, Punk, Barrett, and Sheamus, they all gang up on Cena and Morrison since theyre all heel, so Barrett and Punk will agree on a mini alliance, I'd rather it be every member of New Nexus and every member of The Corre but at this point in the rumble (nearing maybe an hour and a half) I can't see every member staying till the end its not realistic. Anyways since JoMo keeps getting the upper hand on Sheamus I say Sheamus eliminates JoMo (sadly).

Now then at one point when all hope seems lost the Anonomous GM will chime in and "Vintage Douchebag" Michael Cole will say his usual schtick and get booed much like Vickie. The GM says "And I quote: since Vickie bestowed it upon herself to replace our original number 40 I have decided to add that man back onto the list, as well as adding one more person bringing the total number of superstars to 42." Crowd may or not may be thrilled at this IDK, but they will be thrilled when they hear "Time to play the Game" and out at 41 is HHH. Now I firmly believe Trips will NOT be appearing in this year's rumble, however it is not out of the question. Anyways Trips comes in and eliminates Sheamus much like everyone has been saying and they fight to the back. Down to three. Punk ends up betraying Barrett at this points and eliminates Barrett. Barrett will reenter and do Wasteland on Punk after he hits the GTS onto Cena. So now we have Cena and Punk knocked out. Who is the 42nd man you say? Well who says its a man? at number 42 we have a debuting Awesome Kong enter the rumble as the 3rd woman in history. Everyone in the arena looks at her dead silence due to confusion. She hits the ring and completely destroys Cena. Punk stands there and laughs and pulls out a Nexus armband and kneels to her. She looks at him and takes the armband and they do the Nexus arm taunt as the rest of New Nexus walks out onto the stage and does the same. Odds for SuperCena are looking mighty thin. Punk and Kong decimate Cena as Punk sets up for an elimination Kong comes up from behind and eliminates both Cena and Punk! Rips off her Nexus armband and stands victorious as the first ever woman to win the rumble. EVERYONE will be shocked and stunned. Half will cheer, half will wonder "Is this allowed?" The answer to that would be answered the next night on Raw.

You want the WWE to throw us a screwball? Theres one for the ages. No one would see this coming at all! And Kong is big enough to legitimately defeat Cena and Punk single handedly. The IWC would be in an uproar of course "HOW COULD WWE KILL THE RUMBLE BY HAVING A WOMAN WIN IT!?!?!?" Well you want change, I couldn't think of anything better, or more different. In my mind, that'd be a great rumble, but of course that's just one out-of-the-box scenario. Personally I want John Morrison to win, but knowing WWE they wouldn't let him win, not yet anyways. :( Thoughts and opinions are welcome. (Awaiting the choruses of "Are you ******ed?!?)"
I'm going to do my best to try and determine all 40 entrants in the Royal Rumble. The first 25 are confirmed of course. My surprise entrants are in bold.

1) Alberto Del Rio
2) CM Punk
3) "Dashing" Cody Rhodes
4) Daniel Bryan
5) Darren Young
6) David Hart Smith
7) David Otunga
8) Husky Harris
9) John Cena
10) John Morrison
11) Mark Henry
12) Michael McGuillicutty
13) Primo
14) R-Truth
15) Rey Mysterio
16) Sheamus
17) Ted DiBiase, Jr.
18) Tyson Kidd
19) William Regal
20) Yoshi Tatsu
21) Zack Ryder
22) Wade Barrett
23) Ezekiel Jackson
24) Heath Slater
25) Justin Gabriel
26) Kane
27) The Big Show
28) Kofi Kingston
29) Jack Swagger
30) Santino Marella
31) Vladimir Kozlov
32) Jimmy Uso
33) Jey Uso
34) Drew McIntyre
35) Alex Riley
36) The Great Kahli
37) Triple H
38) Chris Jericho
39) Christian
40) The Rock

Yeah, I said it.....The Rock. Of all the names that have been thrown around, his has not. And yet it makes more sense than most, so why not. lol

It would be awesome, win or lose. But if he won? Now that would sell Mania like nothing else could. He said he was going to do something special and nothing has happened yet......until it doesn't happen, it's possible. Plus, the open ended scenarios this Rumble has presented to us, leaves me wondering if something unusual will occur.

However if Christian is unable to compete. Throw Mason & Skip in there instead of Christian and Rocky.

The Remaining Roster who could make an appearance:

Awesome Kong
Beth Phoenix
Jerry Lawler
Matt Stryker
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
Jackson Andrews
Mason Ryan

Injured and unlikely to appear:

The Undertaker
Evan Bourne
Skip Sheffield
Here's what i want to happen in the rumble...

Wade Barett and Cm punk enter the match fairly early and gardually members of the core and New Nexus enter as they fight each other.

Amazing kong to enter the rumble and eliminate a few guys and then gets eliminated by Del rio who has come in the ring at around the no. 10-15 spot and lasts for a large while getting eliminated near the end

cena needs to come in the teens around 18 or 19 last for a while not wining the match. he should get eliminated with others by kane.

Kane should come in either 30 or 31 when the ring is piled up and semi clear it and eliminating Cena in the process. then straight after
DONG... undertakers music hits and the dead returns rapid hands and then eliminating kane. then minutes later getting eliminated by a furious kane

Triple H returns taking Sheamus and himself out the match carrying on their fued on.

John Morrison lasts a while but geys eliminated by Sheamus a soon as sheamus enters late on

No. 40 should be Christian

Last four stand off- Christian---Alberto Del Rio---Wade Barrett-----CM Punk

Winner ------------Christian Eliminating all of the above and del Rio last

If christian is unable to win i want the undertaker to win
I'm actually really excited for this years Rumble, I've never had such a tough time figuring out the winner because it could go to a lot of different people this year. Usually by this time most things are set in stone so its really easy to figure it out but this year they could go so many ways which makes the match more unpredictable, which is my favorite part about watching a match.

If I had to give 1 pick though it would definitely be Morrison, since he was supposed to face Miz for the title at Rumble and the match got moved to RAW it seems like Vince (or someone in the back) really wants Morrison to be in that rumble match and since there are 40 guys this year I think they put him in that match for some reason and I don't think its because they didn't want to give Morrison a title match at Rumble, besides the big match is the Rumble itself not the title matches (you could have the worst title matches booked and it wouldn't matter because the Rumble is the main attraction). All in all I feel they put Morrison in the Rumble match for a reason, not only that him and Del Rio seem like the 2 guys who have the best shot at winning at this point as most other guys cancel themselves out (HHH and Sheamus will most likely feud so they're out, Cena will feud with Punk so that leaves those they're out, Barretts feuding with show so he's out so that really leaves just Morrison or Del Rio).
I Sure hope that a mid-carder wins this year...If the "Immortal" John Cena wins, i am going to flip out, as for the rest of the pay per view, Dolph Ziggler has no chance of being a top dog in Smackdown. I do understand he is getting a major push, but i just don't see him being WHC, it would just look weird!! For the WWE Champ match I think that Miz has to win since he has been given a huge push and what would happen if he lost?? Where would he go?? I still can't believe that they changed the Royal Rumble from 30 to 40 people!!! My surprise entrant #35 Stone Cold Steve Austin 2 or 3 years a go he was on raw like 5 weeks in a row showing Santino whos boss and at Summerslam 2007 or 2008 He was in a beer drinking contest against MVP, when he was at WM after he got inducted into the HoF he paraded around on a 3:16 Quad. Now this year i think it is his turn to be a surprise entrant, no one has talked about him just like The Rock as OWEN-ing It All has said previously, it would be a 3:16 rumble if Stone Cold decided to show up!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very excited for this year's Rumble. At first I wasn't too thrilled about ten extra men being added to the Rumble match, but I think the forty man Rumble has the potential to be more exciting. Of course the match will be longer, but more wrestlers means more possibilities, so it'll be interesting to see how this year's match will unfold.

As far as the winner goes, it's VERY hard to predict this year. It could be CM Punk, John Cena, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, or John Morrison. All of these men are currently riding big pushes, so it wouldn't surprise me if any of these men won. I also think Triple H needs to be factored into this. The Game has been on the shelf for months, and Wrestlemania season is upon us, so a surprise return at the Rumble would be a great way to bring Triple H back, and I'm sure he would go after Sheamus.

But if I had to pick one guy to win the Rumble, I would have to go with CM Punk. I just think this is his year to be put into the spotlight again. He's doing a great job as the new leader of Nexus so far, and I do think he's ready to main event Wrestlemania. It's hard to tell who Punk would face as of now, but I'm sure we'll find out in the coming months.
I really don't think there will be surprise returns... everyone who is mentioning the Undertaker and Christian, let's look at the reported facts. Undertaker would be lucky to be able to compete by Wrestlemania and that is a couple months away and even that is in question. For Christian it's much of the same. His Wrestlemania status was listed as questionable.

As for HHH... I don't know. He's been healthy and ready to go for a while but I just don't see him coming back here. He seems to be enjoying his time out of the ring. Although, I wouldn't mind one bit. You know the place would erupt and HHH would clean house and it would be epic for a little while... I wouldn't want to see him win, but I'd love to see him return. Although, if he returned and went to Smackdown! and went after Edge at least that would be something that hasn't been done to death and would give Edge a decent WM caliber opponent.

I agree with you on Taker and Christian as neither of them are cleared to wrestle as of yet. But I do think there will be surprise returns, especially with a 40 man Rumble. The rosters aren't deep enough to support not having any return appearances. They've had them the last several years now in 30 man Rumbles and 2 out of the last 3 years a surprise entrant has WON the Rumble.

The entire Rumble roster is scheduled to be released on the 28th, if 40 participants are not listed (which I think will be the case) then it's a lock that they'll be surprises. If I had to guess, I'd say HHH and Jericho are the most likely.

Edge will have a decent caliber WM opponent even if it's not Christian. I'd love to see Edge/Del Rio for the belt.
I'm going to do my best to try and determine all 40 entrants in the Royal Rumble. The first 25 are confirmed of course. My surprise entrants are in bold.

40) The Rock

Yeah, I said it.....The Rock. Of all the names that have been thrown around, his has not. And yet it makes more sense than most, so why not. lol

It would be awesome, win or lose. But if he won? Now that would sell Mania like nothing else could. He said he was going to do something special and nothing has happened yet......until it doesn't happen, it's possible. Plus, the open ended scenarios this Rumble has presented to us, leaves me wondering if something unusual will occur.

It's funny you say this, as last night I had a conversation with my friend on how it should go down. Have some returns (HHH, Undertaker, Christian and Jericho). Have Sheamus cost HHH, Barrett cost UT, have Orton lose to The Miz come in for the RR and cost Jericho or Jericho cost him. There are 3 matches right there for WM (this doesnt have to happen tho). After the 39th person have Punk, Cena and Morrison left. Number 40 it's The Rock. Have Cena eliminate The Rock (hell have the Rock stand on the top apron do his pose and have Cena push him off) and while he's doing that (eliminating the rock) have Punk eliminate Cena. Have Cena and The Rock brawl outside and have the Rock give the peoples elbow through the announce table to Cena than do the you cant see me gesture. It'd be down to Morrison and CM Punk and either one I'd be happy with winning, but since RR usually goes with a face and I feel he's worked his ass off give the win to Morrison.

If the WWE has the money and the Rock is willing to come back up till WM this is how it should go down. You book Rock vs Cena thats WM main event guaranteed over 1 million buys! I dont wanna hear people say hes not coming back, cause to be honest the only person that knows this is The Rock and Vince, so at least take this as a hypathetical circumstance.
It's funny you say this, as last night I had a conversation with my friend on how it should go down. Have some returns (HHH, Undertaker, Christian and Jericho). Have Sheamus cost HHH, Barrett cost UT, have Orton lose to The Miz come in for the RR and cost Jericho or Jericho cost him. There are 3 matches right there for WM (this doesnt have to happen tho). After the 39th person have Punk, Cena and Morrison left. Number 40 it's The Rock. Have Cena eliminate The Rock (hell have the Rock stand on the top apron do his pose and have Cena push him off) and while he's doing that (eliminating the rock) have Punk eliminate Cena. Have Cena and The Rock brawl outside and have the Rock give the peoples elbow through the announce table to Cena than do the you cant see me gesture. It'd be down to Morrison and CM Punk and either one I'd be happy with winning, but since RR usually goes with a face and I feel he's worked his ass off give the win to Morrison.

If the WWE has the money and the Rock is willing to come back up till WM this is how it should go down. You book Rock vs Cena thats WM main event guaranteed over 1 million buys! I dont wanna hear people say hes not coming back, cause to be honest the only person that knows this is The Rock and Vince, so at least take this as a hypathetical circumstance.

I try to envision every scenario and likewise, I just thought of it a few days ago. Too many possibilities this year, not an open & shut case by any means.

I can totally see a Rock return at the Rumble and certainly a Rock-Cena match at Mania. No match or matches that are being discussed have me excited. Miz-Morrison, Jericho-Orton-Punk, Rock-Cena......that would be one hell of a card. That would satisfy everyone, I'm sure. The rest of the card could be divas matches and I'd still be buying.

The interesting thing about a possible Rocky return? If you look at his schedule, he has none. He has 2 films in post-production and isn't signed to any movies in the foreseeable future. His name has been mentioned for The Expendables 2, but no deal is in place and it's probably 2 years away from filming anyway. Of course this doesn't prove anything, but it's worth noting. His schedule is clear and the timing is right.

But I would have The Rock eliminate Cena, not the other way around. Then directly after have a heel dump him over the top. They can bicker on the outside and then brawl with each other.

I envision Punk, Del Rio, Jericho and Otunga destroying Cena & Morrison. "If you smell what the Rock.....is cooking!" Rock quickly eliminates Otunga with a spitting punch. Punk gets hit with a hard clothesline, likewise to Del Rio. Jericho runs at The Rock and gets hit with a Spinebuster and People's Elbow. Jericho gets up and staggers, Rock eliminates him. Cena starts to stir and The Rock and Cena stare off while Del Rio, Morrison and Punk are down. They are just about to go at it when Punk runs at Rock into a Rock Bottom, he goes to eliminate him. But instead Rocky throws him at Cena, who AA's Punk over the top rope. We are down to 4 men: Del Rio, Morrison, Cena & The Rock. Rock and Cena now trade blows, Rocky gets the upper hand and whips him into the buckle. He goes for The Rock Bottom, Cena fights out. He goes for an AA, Rock fights out. Cena runs at The Rock, back body drop over the top. But Cena lands on the apron, Rock doesn't know it.....Cena does the "You Can't See Me" behind the Rocks back. Rock spits on his hand and punches Cena off the apron, he then trash talks him as he lies on the floor.

Meanwhile Morrison gets knees to the mid section while going for star ship pain. Del Rio is pointing to his head and gloating as the Rock waits behind him patiently. He tilts his head to the side in disbelief. Del Rio turns around into a spinebuster.......Ricardo Rodriguez pulls the rope down and Rocky goes sailing over the top. Rodriguez hides under the ring and The Rock assumes it was Cena. They start trading words and then brawl on the outside. Del Rio tries to lock in the arm breaker on Morrison, he fights out. Morrison ducks a clothesline and hits the flying chuck and sends Del Rio over the top and to the apron, Del Rio ducks a clothesline and hits a right hand. He goes to spring board back in the ring and gets hit with another flying chuck sending him to the floor.

Royal Rumble Winner: John Morrison

I can dream can't I????????
I really believe after the way things have been going that a younger guy is gonna win it. They would be stupid to bring back HHH to win it. That's been the outcome the last 2 years and would be stupid to do it again.

I'd love to see someone like Morrison or Punk win it. But I also kinda wanna see the winner be someone that's in the match for a long time. Like entrant number 1-10. It's always exciting that way. I just don't wanna see someone obvious like Cena to win. Give it to a young guy. It'll make the build-up so much better.

Winner: Morrison or Punk
i think the ACTUAL reason there are 40 and not 30 isn't the 'amazing amount of talent' or any of that crap, but rather they are going to use the rumble to air some of the WCW guys that they plan to put in the HOF, imagine sting coming out as 40th guy and winning, it's not beyond the realms of possibility and if i'd contracted someone but wanted to keep it a big secret, hell i'd get them to enter into contract negotiations with the other brand too...fingers crossed i think

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