WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

I like it when the old timers come out. How about this year the original Hart Foundation come out?? Would not be the worst idea with Bret making apperances this year and the Anvils daughter in the company.
I dunno if Trips will be in the actual match, but i wouldn't be surprised if he jumps outta the crowd to eliminate Sheamus.

Depending on his schedule (i haven't looked/read anything about it, so have no idea) but i think Y2J could return and cost Orton his match against The Miz also.
I like it when the old timers come out. How about this year the original Hart Foundation come out?? Would not be the worst idea with Bret making apperances this year and the Anvils daughter in the company.

Not quite sure about Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart making an appearance of any kind. Wasn't he just busted for having a lot of non-prescription medication in his vehicle a while back? I don't think WWE would bring that into their company until that issue being resolved first. This isn't TNA where their performers can plead guilty to a multitude of drug problems and still go out there and perform without repercussions.

As for surprise entrants? I wouldn't be surprised to see Val Venis making a one time appearance. Sean "Val Venis" Morely works for WWE backstage now. Another entrant I'd love to see would be Booker T as his King Booker gimmick coming in to face Sheamus right before HHH comes back. They could set it up weeks ahead of time with 'royal' messages from a former King that would claim they will throw him over the top rope just to throw off a HHH return. Maybe bring in a few former Kings of the Ring. For instance William Regal, Mabel, Billy Gunn and (I would mark out for this one) Ken Shamrock. Certainly not all of them, but a couple in a row would be cool right before HHH comes out. If bringing in multiple former stars are used to further a storyline, I'm all for it. If not, just bring back Booker T and leave it at that. It would be a nice little surprise and have him contend and look good against Sheamus and others and then after Booker is eliminated, have HHH come in.
Taker, is not even ready for Mania at this time. I wouldn't be suprized either to see Jericho back. But I believe he is still on tour.

I wouldn't bet on Taker being as injured as we have been led to believe. Cena was supposedly still recovering when he made his return at the rumble, and Edge was in danger of missing Mania when he made his miraculous return. WWE has a history of overplaying injuries to make surprise returns that much more epic, so with everyone assuming HHH will be back, what better time to bring back Taker. Jericho would be great too, but if the plan is Orton/Punk at Mania, it would be a waste to bring him back now.

However, the only return that will make me mark out in any way is Lesnar. That would be something truly shocking. It would also lead the way to Heyman being the anonymous GM, which I know is probably never gonna happen, but wrestling just ain't the same without him, so I can hope.

The only other choice I think might be Christian. Haven't heard an update on his status lately, but we all know how many people wanna see edge/christian for the belt, so who knows.
Taker is a no-show, cuz he is still a question for Mania.
Y2J on the other hand, was said to come back after the holiday season, so it would be a very good timing.
Trips? More belivable theory from Brisbane Brocko, than him being the enterant. I really wouldn't like to see the surprise enterant win the rumble, but my 2 guesses are:

Amazing Kong enters at 17-25 and eliminates a big threat, like 2-3 superstars, but then gets elliminated

Christian enters at 20-27 and runs into the ring with only Del Rio inside. Del Rio has been on an magnifficent role and elliminated many superstars, but gets elliminated by Christian, who gets elliminated very late in the match, or maybe wins it.
It doesn't seem like Christian will return, he's still recovering from his injury, but I believe he was set to appear in FCW next week or so, doubt he's actually wrestling in FCW though.

I would LOVE to see Kong in the Rumble, would be great to see, problem is nobody would know her outside of some true Wrestling fans I guess. Some WWE fans don't bother with TNA, and some fans just won't have any idea (the younger ones).

Would be great to see Chris Jericho come back, but he's pretty booked with appearances to promote his book.

Taker won't be able to come back, either way they should sit him out until the Rumble.

I would also like to see Triple H come back, and put a great showing and be in the match for 20+ minutes, and be eliminated last.
My personal pick would be Chris Jericho because that is one thing he hasn't done. He hasn't won the Royal Rumble yet. I hate that many winner lately have been suprise entrants but as a huge Jericho mark I would love to have him show up and win the rumble and go on to have atleast 1 more title run.

Like he says "I am the best in the world at what I do".

I also think it's time Triple H makes one last run and why not the rumble but not the Rumble because he's won it before why not have him jump Miz or Edge or something like that.
In the 2002 Royal Rumble the WWE announced 4 guys returning at the rumble. They were The Godfather, Goldust, Val Venis, and "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning. It would be cool if they did that again but with different people. I don't know with who. I guess some current guys we haven't seen. Maybe announce that four guys are returning to the WWE. Chris Jericho, Batista, Goldberg, and Booker T.

As far as surprise returns are concerned I think The Undertaker, Triple H, and Skip Sheffeild showing up would be great.

Skip Sheffeild and The Undertaker can make a return at the same time. The buzzer goes off and Sheffeild goes to the ring and stares down Wade Barrett. The Undertakers gong goes off like at the Rumble 2004 and Barrett is distracted. Sheffield takes advantage and throws Barrett out of the rumble.

As far as Triple H goes here's how I would have him return. Have Sheamus look really good and dominant in the Rumble. About halfway through the Rumble have Sheamus elimated everybody left in the ring at that moment and have him standing alone waiting for the next opponent coming out of the back. Then Triple H's music hits and before H can get in the ring Sheamus runs up the entrance and they begin to brawl around the arena.(Have to be careful though because Triple H supposedly has a lawsuit against him for doing that). Anyway they get back to the ring and Triple H finally eliminates Sheamus. I don't know. Just an Idea.
I wouldnt mine seeing some more of the old nxt season 1 return like tarver in my opinion he had this psycotic randy orton type character goin on before he got hurt he seems like the type that could come in and beat the hell out of anybody and could care less i think he could be a major future star.

Also Darren young would be a good return maybe to confront barrett i dont know why but young kinda reminds me of orlando jordan in a way, skill wise and looks back when jordan was with jbl and could be a future star maybe just a intercontinental champ for while at the most but it will be interesting to see who returns
In the 2002 Royal Rumble the WWE announced 4 guys returning at the rumble. They were The Godfather, Goldust, Val Venis, and "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning. It would be cool if they did that again but with different people. I don't know with who. I guess some current guys we haven't seen. Maybe announce that four guys are returning to the WWE. Chris Jericho, Batista, Goldberg, and Booker T.

Godfather, Goldust, and Venis aren't quite the names Jericho, Batista, and Goldberg are. I like when there is a random surprise that is just out of the blue. Haku in 2001 is a good example. He wasn't a big name and hadn't been in WWE in years. With no announcment ahead of time he just showed up as one of the rumble entrants. I don't need a big name. Just a random WTF moment that has no real impact is fine by me.
Well, mine is a long shot but we could see the return of The Rock.
LOL. On to serious post, I think Chris Jericho and HHH are kind of safe bets. Both of them costing Shaemus and Orton their respective matches or eliminating them in the case of Shaemus.I doubt that the Undertaker is ready to return yet. He may not be injured, but we still have about 2 or 3 months before Mania and he could get injured in one of those shows. Christian sounds like a possibility and it could very well happen. I think if it does is to start a feud with Del Rio leading to Mania.
i too love the royal rumble by way and far the best ppv of the year. I suppose alot depends on whether the Undertaker and John Cena to a lesser extent are going to be fit for wrestlemania. One thing i do hope is they dont bring someone back whoose been injured put him in at 30 and he wins - yawn yawn seen it before.
So who could we possibly see in and win the rumble TripleHhh - ive no problem with a second time winner same for undertaker and cena perhaps HBK - one last time - to get that elusive 3rd win , y2j - surely deserves a rumble win , Brock lesnar (undertaler dependent) Goldberg may be(wcw hall of fame) or perhaps even big show or Kane - but ive got a sneaky sneaky suspicion if you want someone from outside the box - then why not Sting
I admit I would pop to hear either
"Pimpin aint easy"
"I'm the Boogeyman and I'm coming to get you"
Or "DAMN" one more time

Amazing Kong? WTF?! You want her to enter the Royal Rumble and you don't even know her name?!?!


I'd like to see Skip Sheffield come back when there are a whole ton of people left in the ring and just floor them. I think it would be a shock and he's big enough to do it. I like him as a character. And he SHOULD be back soon. :)
I'm guessing a big contributory factor will likely be the direction of this years HoF. If it should be a WCW type theme then we might see a minor WCW takeover of the Rumble. As far as I'm aware Sting is still contractually bound to TNA so is DOA on an appearance. However, we (potentially) might see Goldberg, Booker T, DDP, the Outsiders (only Nash putting in ring time), Lance Storm, Vader, even Ron Simmons or Arn Anderson. As far as WWe returns - Skip is probably a long shot, don't think he'd get that big a reaction. Trips is a cert but equally certain to not win as he'll be facing Sheamus at WM. Undertaker is a likely appearance IMO but will likely eliminate Kane then himself to chase him. If Christian is near fit, he'll likely as not appear to forward his feud with Del Rio. Y2J - depends if he has any outside interests that night... I'd say he's more a probability than a possibility (it is only one night, and the biggest payday of the year) - I'd mark for a Storm/ Jericho stand off.

It might be wishful thinking but I could see this as the biggest surprise filled Rumble, possibly ever.
While there are alot of great ideas posted here, how can anyone not agree it would be incredible to see Goldberg come back and win the rumble, or at least compete, WELL. I know its probably a fantasy pick at this point, but damn that would be fun. He may not be a great wrestler, but he is a HUGE draw. Lesnar would be just as exciting. Beyond that, I think if Y2J or Batista came back and won it, that would make for a great RR. WWE needs a huge night at the RR and that would be huge.

Amazing Kong? WTF?! You want her to enter the Royal Rumble and you don't even know her name?!?!)

Amazing Kong is the name she used in Japan, and the Indies before she went to TNA, Wikipedia is your friend buddy.

Anyways Val Venis is a good probable, since he was resigned to a backstage role I had been expecting him to do a random appearance. Not to mention hearing "Helllloooooo Ladies" would get a good sized pop.

Other than that I wouldn't be surprised to see Christian return and take out Del Rio. As for Jericho, I don't see it happening, If Jericho returns I would think it would be in a bigger fashion.
Their are 5 superstars I can see winning this Rumble and I must say this is by far the most up in the air Rumble in a long time. Normally 2 guys could possibly win, but this year is really anyone's guess.

Chris Jericho - A return is likely, his book hits stands, he'll pump that up and is always a relevant star. But I think a Jericho vs. Orton feud is more likely, or a possible Sting vs. Jericho match. If Sting is signed, he would have to face a former WCW star. It would either have to be Jericho or Big Show, and personally I like Show as a face.

Alberto Del Rio - He's on a roll, and he sure has all the tools. It won't be long until he's a world champion. I can see him winning, but I don't think he will. I think he's going to be in the MITB Ladder match and either him or Christian will win. Him and Christian could feud until he cashes in.

John Cena - He's still the WWE's go to guy as much as pains me to say it. The Rumble is in Boston, so Cena has a home field advantage scenario. I realize that rumors are saying Miz vs. Cena as the Main Event. But I really think that match would be awful and would not draw well. I certainly wouldn't pay to see that. I think WWE would be sending the wrong message by having Cena win, he doesn't need to win. Let him be ganged up on by NEXUS and eliminated.

CM Punk - He has been hotter than hell. The guy is everything you want in a wrestler. He knows the business and it shows each and every week. I wouldn't be surprised or dissapointed if he won. I think he would challenge Edge though, unless Cena wins at the Elimination Chamber. I still don't see Orton vs. Punk happening, not without a title in the picture.

John Morrison - I still stand firm by my prediction that Morrison is going to win the Royal Rumble and challenge The Miz at WM 27. Nothing in the past few weeks has changed that, they tested the waters with Morrison-Miz on RAW and it was one hell of a match. If WWE doesn't send this guy to the top now and let him show what he can do, they really have lost grips with their fan base. Anyone who thinks Morrison will not win, I say this: Who is Morrison facing at WM? Make a card, create match ups, he has no opponent - unless they are sending him back to mid-card status. Which would make absolutely no sense. He's been pushed since Summerslam, beaten former world champions, took the current champ to the limit and had face-to-face confrontations with numerous stars. I say he draws between a #1 and #5 pick in the Rumble and is the winner. It'd be cool to see him and Joey Mercury draw 1 & 2.
My Top 5 to win the Royal Rumble and go to Wrestlemania this year-

1.John Cena-Its in his Hometown of Boston MA and I think a Miz/Cena Match for the WWE Title at WM 27 would be pretty damn good IMO.

2.CM Punk-Perhaps the biggest Heel on RAW right now along with The Miz,he could challenge whomever the World Heavyweight Champion is on Smackdown.

3.John Morrison-People can say his push is over but I don't think so. While the WWE is pushing the younger guys I don't think he or Miz are ready to headline a PPV just yet much less the Royal Rumble. However I could see Morrison winning and headlining Wrestlemania.

4.Alberto Del Rio-Kinda a long shot but it would be a pretty good surprise to see Del Rio win it.

5.Triple H-I think he will Return at the Rumble and possibly win it. If not he will pick up his Feud with Sheamus.
It just occurred to me, with the way Alberto Del Rio has been winning with countouts via assistance. It would be interesting to see him win the Rumble in that fashion. Have Ricardo pull someone down or something like that. Or get down on his hands and knees to give Del Rio a boost when he's dangling from the ropes.

Maybe a Stone Cold type finish from 97? Del Rio cheats then eliminates everyone remaining?

They could have an Elimination Chamber match to decide the Rumble winner. That would be cool.

Plus it would allow creative more time to see where they stand in terms of who is healthy and who isn't. Also making sure they have secured any outside stars for Mania. They'd have a whole month more to set the card and make sure they make the right choices. See how fans respond to certain stars, etc etc.

If Cena Wins, I am definately gonna riot, the only way i am gonna be happy with this is if a up and comer wins and takes the spotlight away from the immortal john cena or if someone returns unexpectedly, like RVD in 2009 no one knew anything about he just showed up, i would personally like to her Booker T's CAN YOU DIG IT SUKAAA? theme music once more...
There are going to be a bunch of returns in this years Royal Rumble.

The Great Kahli
Triple H
Chris Jericho

Maybe even Skip Sheffield, but I doubt that. Not sure where he is at in his rehab. Same goes for Joey Mercury,it would have been awesome if him and Morrison were 1 & 2. Probably too soon for Evan Bourne as well.

I could see someone else entering that we aren't expecting.....Jerry Lawler perhaps?
In this year's Rumble I'd expect HHH, Y2J, Christan, & Booker T to Return. HHH should be the biggest though since he's been out for months. I don't expect nor recommend Taker returning since he's legitmately in recovery. In the rumble Christan should win & challenge Edge for the WHC Title.
Its been said that christian is not coming back until February in time for Elimination Chamber from another website. Although, I would SO SO want to see HHH back. I was a bit disappointed that Sheamus didn't win the match against Miz for #1 contender, that would have set up a PERFECT chance for HHH to make his return. But then again, RR is a prime target for surprise entrances/comebacks. Even if for one night, it blows the roof off the arena. I recall the year Cena came back from his neck injury,and when RVD made a one night only return, everyone was going insane. It would be amazing to see Chris Jericho. I did find it a bit odd the other night, during RKO's speech about how he wasn't going to be SO Nice anymore, and referred to kicking Jericho in the head, just from out of nowhere all of a sudden?! :confused: Why bring up Jericho all of a sudden? I would have to say HHH and Jericho would be my top 2 picks for surprise returns to the Rumble in my honest opinion.
As much as I would love to see Christian win the thing and go up against Edge for the title at Wrestlemania, I just don't see it happening.

I think either CM Punk will win it or John Cena. I'd love to see Barrett win the title at EC and then he and Punk could go at it in a lumberjack match with the nexus surrounding the ring at WM 27. That could be real cool.

I hope John Cena doesn't win it but a match between him and Miz would be great. I think it's going to happen regardless of Cena winning the rumble again just because it would be a truly stellar match. Miz is gonna have the title going into WM I don't think his first title run is going to get cut short.

I think regardless of what happens at the rumble, Christian and Edge should go at it at WM 27. It's long overdue and it will happen eventually. Christian winning the rumble offers the possibility of a title win but it just doesn't feel like the right time for him.

My money is on CM Punk. Put the belt on Barrett before WM and you have a classic match in the making. I'm hoping the nexus will add more members from old nxt seasons to further add to one of the best angles in recent WWE memory.

Del Rio is too new. Kofi, Sheamus, Morrison, just not their time yet. The only other wild cards in the match are Kane and Big Show. Neither have one, and with both of their careers winding down in the near future, it might be one more thing to add to their resumes. Despite them both being main event guys, their relevance seems to be fading, so it's a complete crapshoot. And what's with this Chris Jericho discussion? It's not gonna happen.

I'm hoping for Christian with the major upset and praying it's not another Cena accolade. Either way, bet on CM Punk winning the match.

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