WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

Nexus, Punk, Cena, and Wade in the ring. Wade orders Cena out, Nexus turns on Wade. Number 30-TRIPLE H! Triple H throws Nexus out of the ring one by one. It is now Punk, Cena, and Triple H. Cena and Triple H throw Punk out. Triple H throws Cena out and is the 2011 Royal Rumble winner.
Well KKKKwe don't you think Punk and Cena will be in a match at Royal Rumble and not in the royal rumble match. I think it will be a guy that will be tossed towards the smackdown belt with that being said I see Wade Barrett returning for Rumble and winning.
Zack Ryder FTW !
Nah im playing it would be great to see him win but I know wwe wont do it.
I think it's going to be Triple H. Triple H is planning to return soon so I can imagine him in the rumble match winning at number 30 and also since he works at the office in wwe's office he could announce him self as raw gm then wwe can handle the rest.
HHH is an excellent prediction to win the RR, but I think it more likely that WWE creative will do the same thing they have done since 2008, and that is bring back a man we have kind of forgotten about who has NOT won a Rumble match yet: Y2J. 2008-Cena 2010-Edge, it only makes sense. Hunter has already won. The only other alternative is Sheamus.
It would be way too obvious if HHH wins the Royal Rumble. What are they going to do, enter him in the 30th slot? What a waste of money if that's the case. It certainly looks like the WWE is leaning towards a Raw superstar to win it; however, this could be the chance an up-coming Smackdown wrestler takes it all.
I think it will be a guy to elevate smackdown's main event. Triple HHH may be at the Royal Rumble but in a storyline rather then a match. Y2J is interesting and since its Wrestlemania time don't be too surprised if Batista comes back for 3 months or something. Its very hard for guys to stay away and miss the Biggest show with the Biggest payday of them all.
God I hope Triple H doesn't win. That would be way to predictable.
I think Sheamus or Orton will win (depending on whether the champion coming out of the Rumble is a face or heel).

EDIT: It would be cool to see Alberto Del Rio win. I've jumped on the bandwagon and am starting to like the guy.
I know this is just me, and the fact that I hate the guy probably means he is doing his job very well, but I just want Del Rio and that thing that follows him around to go away. And speaking of that, I gotta say Wade Barrett does a fantastic job of acting like total slime. That guy makes my skin crawl.
Atleast one thing is for sure,that I dont want to see an established veteran win it just to add to his resume.ATM all the focus is on the RAW superstars to win it.I would love to see Morrison win it.Other than that I can see Wade Barret returning at Rumble and winning it.Triple H can enter the match and eliminate Sheamus with him.Drew McIntyre is a good option as well.But most of all I would like to see a ROYAL RUMBLE match like it should be,not the crap we saw last year.
b4 tonites raw i thought cena or orton was gonna win but now my prediction is cm punk. triple h is gonna return but only to take out sheamus so he wont win. final 4 is wade, big show, cena and punk. punk and wade will work together to elimante show the cena takes out wade and the punk takes out cena. cena will win wwe championship at elimination chamber. wm main event champion john cena vs cm punk
agree 100% with "The Saviour" The Royal Rumble is for breakout stars, do some of you people really want to see ANOTHER HHH title run? He doesn't need it. His return in itself puts him over.

My pick is Drew Mcintyre. He has been going nowhere lately and I think a Rumble win would make him credible again as "The Chosen One" since the Royal Rumble is about being "The One"
I think Alberto Del Rio will win and go on to take the title from Edge at WM. Its about time the Rumble started doing what it was designed to do...start elevating midcarders to the title scene. They havent done this in awhile as its been already established main eventers or returning main eventers winning in recent years. Edge and Del Rio could have a very interesting program with one another and a solid series of matches IMO.
i have a couple of opinions
p.s. all of my opinions hav not won it yet
1.basically because he hasnt won a rumble yet that is sheamus
2.wade barrett could come in and eliminate punk
3cm punk i hope he does win because last year he was dominant if the wwe does that then they will get punk up to possibly the mosted hated person in wwe as he is battering super cena
now all my opinions on people who have won
1.unfortuanetly and probably super cena because all the stupid 9 yr old kids will go mental and viewings will be huge for the kids whilst teens +over will stop watching
probably not but if did would be interesting and a hugeeeee shocker
1.jerry lawler
if he won no one woul see it coming then he could have a fued with miz on the road to wrestlemania as he and miz have quite an interesting rivalry going on and it will be cool to see jerry lawler vs the miz as a main event
also as jomo chose his match to be on raw he is more than likely to just be a one hit then back to mid card unless he wins which i doubt however if jomo wins then miz could win rumble or if miz wins jomo could win it

another shocker which i doubt but would be interesting#
2.a-ri he could eliminte miz and face him at wrestlemania the only problem is i cant see him working well as a face and it is too early for him to go solo and heasline wrestlemania so it would be cool if he maybe went to smackdown but i honestly cant see a ri winning
- John Morrison [ could be a winner, since he is going to challenge Miz for his title, next week and probably will lose that match and JoMo vows for revenge and tries to get to get another shot at the title by well, winning the Royal Rumble]

- John Cena [ this is what they are all saying, John Cena would win but seriously how are they going to relate the storyline, that is except CM Punk could win the title at Royal Rumble ]

- Christian [ I hope he does win, it's been far too long.. He deserves a WHC title shot and actually win, I still have hopes that he makes a grand return and a grand win culminating a Edge/Christian feud for months which would be great to see]

I don't see how others like Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio or even HHH could win... Maybe Jericho could but I doubt it, he may engage in a feud with Randy Orton..
In my opinion it is going to be Alberto Del Rio. He will win the rumble this year. He is liked by alot of people who normally dont like heels, and I think a good heel needs to win.

As I would love to see christian win the RR, I think he will win the MITB, and cash in on the same night. Possibly after Edge beats Del Rio, or something to that effect.
I see Jericho returning to raw the week before the rumble and turns face like Edge did and winning the rumble but will do what Cena did and challenge the Miz for the title at EC and not winning and the annomus GM will give Jercho a rematch at Mania and will win the title and feud with Wade Barrett.
I'd like people like Christian to win but will he... nah. I wouldn't mind if Del Rio and it resulted in what DMac84 said, i.e. Christian wins MITB and cashes in on Edge (vs Del Rio) at WM starting a fued between the two *this would be a bit odd/different, instead of ending a fued at the "Grandest Stage of Them All", it starts a huge fued between E... & C! =O*

Theres a chance Jericho may want to return at RR and win it but would creative let him, meh I don't think so. People have dropped off the Jericho bandwagon for a long time now, he needs a fresh gimmick maybe as a face then he could possibly win it.
HHH would be the predictably horrible choice and personally I'd like anyone but him.
The other options at the moment are

Punk - Given last night he's probably now the best choice and would be a good bet now Vince has seemingly realised what a talent he is.

Jericho - Never won the Rumble, I'm fairly sure he'll be back soon enough

Cena - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sheamus - I'm not quite convinced he's Wrestlemania main event level yet but he's certainly getting near that point.

Undertaker - Wouldn't be the first time we've been lied to about the length of an injury layoff.

Now I don't know what's happening regarding the belt unification but seeing as Nexus-Cena doesn't exist anymore, the only way we're getting Undertaker Vs Cena is if 1 of them wins the Rumble and the other wins the belt at the Chamber and the belts are unified. Cena-Punk now looks far more likely.
That leaves the question of what is The Undertaker doing? At the moment, the only answer I see is HHH (if he's retiring) or Sheamus. HOWEVER the reason I say "At the moment" is because everyone is forgetting the X factor and that is Atlanta, home of WCW.
Considering last night events I think we founded our front runner for RR winner : CM Punk.

Honestly , I really don't think there's anyone in SD roster who'd win the match.Edge is already champ which leaves us with Kane,Rey or ADR where the first two are far away from that place and I think it's still too soon for ADR to win such a thing.(And for those who saw Slammys and still think Christian will return and win , I'm sorry but you may get your head examined.)

So I think we will have our winner from Raw.Candidates will be:Cena,Orton,Sheamus,a returning HHH or Jericho,... and Punk.

The first two can always be a choice but I don't think they want to give them a second win this soon,Sheamus is the king and that's enough for him , HHH's win will be such a disappointment because it's gonna ruin every rumble after the coming one with people expecting a winner out of no where , let alone Jericho.

So, I think the logical choice would be CM Punk.To me,It seems that Cena vs. Punk is a sure thing for mania,and I think It must be the main event of mania because it will be the only match that people will care about , and what a better way to solidify the feud and Punk than giving him the win.
I say its Wade Barrett, with some top faces who could potentially be at the Rumble (Cena, Edge, Mysterio, and Orton) a win for Barrett against these faces could solidify him as a top heel. If Taker does return by February, its possible the Dead Man will win the World Title setting up Undertaker vs. Barrett for at WM27.

I'm going to agree with Shooter here. Especially given the fact that Nexus seemingly looks like they've done away with Barrett. I think this will be the next stage to send Wade to what he was MEANT to do in the first place, be a singles superstar. I think as good as Nexus was, he needed to build himself up as a super-villain. Sure, we all know HHH will more than likely do something at RR, it almost seems a gimme at this point, since '08 we've had at least 2 surprise returns that garnered major WM matches. I wouldn't doubt that we still would get a major return at this point to get one. I don't think saying Punk or Barrett counts as a BIG return since Barrett's already been fighting, and Punk has already returned to the ring at a house show.

So more than likely, my money would be in favor of seeing Barrett pull a win out for showing that he doesn't need Nexus anymore, I almost think Punk will eventually have issues with Nexus sooner rather than later since its proven that Otunga will still be power hungry in the end. They will still implode under their own egos. Then you have HHH who will still be gunning for Sheamus for taking him out eons ago after not letting him finish his goodbye speech to HBK, especially with the worst lines in the world, about "King this..King that." Then we have Christian, if you follow his twitter, he's even said that he's nowhere near ready to comeback, and the updates have shown that he's still not ready until closer to spring, possibly WM. My money could also reserve a small percentage around Undertaker, but yet, that wouldn't accomplish anything until maybe if Barrett wins, then that would be more for Elimination Chamber. But I'll wait and see what happens. :p I gots my fingers crossed in anticipation for the big event.
Personally, I think Y2J will come back, as face, and win it. He's been off TV for months now, and WWE need to bring in another main event face, seeing as they only have Randy Orton and John Cena being the only two at the moment.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
Just imagine it, The Miz vs Chris Jericho.
Even if Y2J doesn't win, this will give the Miz more credit, and more prestige to his name.
Personally, I think Y2J will come back, as face, and win it. He's been off TV for months now, and WWE need to bring in another main event face, seeing as they only have Randy Orton and John Cena being the only two at the moment.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
Just imagine it, The Miz vs Chris Jericho.
Even if Y2J doesn't win, this will give the Miz more credit, and more prestige to his name.

I did not think about it until now, but what if Jericho comes back on Raw this monday, and costs Miz the Title. Allowing for some kind of angle there.

I just dont see the E bringing back a superstar at the RR, just to win it on the same night like they did with Edge last year. While it was great that it happened, it would get old if that happened year after year.
I would count my lucky stars if we saw somebody from left field win this thing. I'd really like to see somebody like Daniel Bryan or something.

I would LIKE it to be a neXus member who isn't punk. Like it comes down to Punk or Harris. Rather then take a dive Harris takes out punk. That would be AMAZING. Feel free to switch Harris with Gabriel though.
Iam definitly thinking CM Punk will win it. it seems vince is really high on him right now and he has a strong fanbase.Not to mention he has the nexus to protect him in the rumble alot like randy orton with the legacy when they helped him win.
I think I'm going to go with CM Punk to win the 2011 Royal Rumble. It seems that he might feud with Cena through Wrestlemania. We all know John Cena is going to be in the main event title match, and it would only make sense for him to win the EC and Punk to challenge him. Plus, like the guy above me said, Punk has Nexus.

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