WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

John Cena is my pick to win the 2010 Royal Rumble. He has not been in a singles title match on a PPV for a long time and I do not see this Wrestlemania not having Cena in the main event. A title match on a PPV is long overdue for Cena.

I can draw a lot of parallels between Cena's run in 2010 and Austin's run in 2000 when he returned from injury. Like Cena, Austin did not have a singles title match on a PPV till Wrestlemania. He was not even feuding with his opponent at Wrestlemania ie The Rock until after No Way Out. I feel that Cena will finish his feud with Barrett at Elimination Chamber just like Austin finished his feud with Triple H at No Way Out. And then it will be Cena vs Orton for the title at Wrestlemania 27.

So John Cena is my pick.
i would say that Orton and Cena have really good shots of winning the Rumble. but then again, they don't need the Rumble win to boost their careers. their both at their peaks right now and have already won in the past. they could get in the ME of WM without the Rumble, so i doubt they'll win.

Triple H returning and winning the Rumble...? been done before. i doubt it'll be done again. it'd be just a little too obvious this time around.

Edge? i'm thinking he'll be champion by then and so not even entered in the Rumble.

Christian? he might still be out with injury. this would be one of my top 3 wishes of all time to see this guy win the Rumble, ME WM and win the WHC. however, i just don't see it happening this time. maybe he'll make a MITB appearance at WM, but i just can't see him healed enough from his first major surgery in time for RR.

CM Punk would be another one of my top 3 wishes. i'd love to see him back in the ME and i think he could have some excellent matches and feuds with a number of people for the WHC of either brand. Punk and Orton, Cena, Edge, Miz... there are lots of good matches in the making with Punk involved. but i, sadly, think that the WWE will keep him in the upper mid card for awhile and save his main event time for middle to late next year. this would allow Punk to feud with guys like Bryan, Kofi, Swagger, Ziggler, etc for those mid-card titles and i think those could be great matches as well.

and my number 1 pick (or at least hope) to win the Rumble this year: a returning Chris Jericho. i'd especially like it if he returned as Y2J and won the Rumble as a face and fought Edge as a heel for the title at Mania. finish the feud that just stopped last year with no real resolution and switch the roles. that's my prediction and sincere hope.
people are talking about returning superstars but nobody said chris jericho. maybe barrett wins the title in the elimination chamber and you have the teacher vs the student.
It seems alot of you want JoMo or Christian coming in to win to set up the inevitable former tag partner match to headline Wrestlemania. I'm myself am a huge Christian mark, i believe he is one of the best on the mic it the past 10 years. However i believe that if Christian Vs. Edge as well as JoMo vs. The Miz do make the card at Wrestlemania it will not be because of a Rumble Victory. it also seems more likely that the Morrison/Miz match would be more of a reality right now than Christian/Edge.

With that said pick for the Rumble winneris none other than the best wrester of the decade: Chris Jericho. Winning the Rumble is the one thing he still needs to accomplish in his career and i believe this is the best year for it to happen. To me this seems like the most likely scenario. The John Cena hometown win is to predicatable and the WWE is trying to get away from that aspect. Royal Rumble 2011 should go to Jericho.

At Elimination Chamber it will most likely be The Miz(c) vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett vs. John Morrison vs. Sheamus. In the end Randy Orton wins the title and Jericho comes out to say that retribution is upon him and at Wrestlemania he will make Orton pay for the punt he gave him to the head. Also it gives you two big names that will sell Wrestlemania well. Also in the chamber match i can see Morrison being the on to pin The Miz to set up this match that everyone wants to see but just isn't headline worthy at this time. Hence why IMO it doesn't make sense for Morrison to win the Rumble, it isn't needed to set up the match between him and The Miz.

Back to Christian, as much as it sucks he isn't going to be involved in a world title picture in the WWE although a program with Edge is probably his best chance. However for Wrestlemania at this point it seems more likely that it should be Alberto Del Rio stepping up to take on Edge as the guy has talent and really stepped right up to the plate since his debut. I do see Edge being the Champ going into Mania. The Undertaker is going to come in with 3 options....Cena/Barrett/ or the rumor of Sting making his one and only WWE appearence, whatever the case may be an Undertaker match at Mania does not need a title belt on the line to sell...also if Sting comes in(though i am one that doesn't think this scenario will happen) then it will be Cena/ Barrett at wrestlemania as well.

Nonetheless those are my predictions coming out of The Royal Rumble and leading up to Wrestlemania.....Thoughts????

....On a side note another mention by many is C.M. Punk winning, however I think the we will see him taking on Daniel Bryan which may turn out to be the show stealer at Mania as it should be a great technical match...
One angle I see happening is the split of Nexus mid-rumble. Barrett will order the rest of Nexus to make him win. Otunga and the others will reluctantly agree. Mid-match Otunga, Slater, and Gabriel will attack Barrett and eliminate him. Setting up the Anti-Nexus angle many people have talked about. Culminating with Barrett, Harris, and Hennig vs Otunga, Gabriel and Slater as a mid-card match at Mania. Otunga is obviously frustrated with Barrett, everyone sees it week after week. Maybe start to show Gabriel and Slater start questioning him. And Hennig and Husky are firmly Barrett's bitches so they'll stick with him.

I think Cena or Orton will end up winning the Rumble.

Something makes me think the Cena "firing" angle is just leading to a Rumble win, maybe Cena will "Call" WWE management, and the GM says the only way Cena can get his job back is if he wins the Rumble and wins the title at Mania. .

This is most likely what will happen if Cena wins. Seems logical and seems like something WWE would do.

If Orton wins, it'll just be a normal Rumble win, nothing too special.

Miz will keep the belt until EC, lose it to Orton, Cena, or a possibly returning Jericho. Setting up Orton vs Cena, Cena vs Jericho or Orton vs Jericho at Mania.

Triple H probably won't win because he has to feud with Sheamus if he returns.

Christian could possibly win to set up and Edge vs Christian match, but I don't see that Main Eventing Mania.

Del Rio might win at EC but don't think he's ready to headline just yet and still isn't the big name mainstream fans will pay to see main event.

JoMo won't win, no mic skills and no charisma can't outweigh his "wrestling ability" everyone thinks he has.

I don't know if Punk will be healthy in time for the Rumble even if he is, I can't see him winning it, he'll make it far but won't win.

Some sleeper picks are Swagger, Mysterio and Big Show on SD! They have all been in the title picture this year. Show and Mysterio are still hugely popular and are still big names, so don't count them out.
I am going to have to go with a few of my favorite canadians, in Christian or Chris Jericho. I REFUSE to think John Cena will win the Rumble!!!! Not only that Jericho and Christian deserve it, Jericho is the best wrestler in the company today and Christian has it long overdue, and is uber talented.
As I'm sure we've all read the WWE is pushing for shock value... that being said there is absolutely no way that Cena or Orton or both wont be in the WWE title match at WM but that doesn't mean it will be the ME.

The Undertaker already has a match at WM we just don't know who it will be against (and unless its HBK it will be a snore and yes I know he isn't coming back)

Edge will, in probablity, be WHC defending at WM

HHH will return at the Rumble eliminate Sheamus thus continuing their fued. (A repeat of the King Booker vs the returning King of Kings)

My prediction is Jericho... if he comes back.

As much as I am a Christian mark he will not win the rumble I strongly believe he will get a Title push much like Edge's and CM Punk's i.e. MiTB and he will win it from Edge... in the Punk face fashion challenging a unsuspecting but fairly fresh Edge.

JoMo although the popular choice is not ready (will likely get his push through MiTB as well)... but to say he has no mic skills is alittle upsurd while yes he is no Cena or Jericho how quickly we forget the dirt sheet... oh and Mr. Roboto Orton makes a hell of a champion while saying very little

All in all if the WWE really is trying to be Unpredictable then you might actually see a suprise winner and I hope we do. I for one love the Rumble it is the only PPV i am still willing to pay for mainly because of the endless possiblities but if "Super" Cena returns then this will be the last PPV I buy
This is a difficult choice for me because I have two main choices that could realistically come away with the title shot at WrestleMania and it comes down to two men who have been feuding for the better part of 6 months now... John Cena and Wade Barrett.

To my mind, there is no better choice than either of these men. John Cena has been on fire recently taking out the Nexus and I have a feeling that if we has able to somehow get himself back onto the roster, then we would be the absolute stand-out favourite for this match whilst Wade Barrett would likely find a way into the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania some other way.

The same goes for Wade Barrett. There comes a time in every superstar's push when the company needs to decide how committed they are to the cause and this is especially true of Wade Barrett. He has come into the WWE with nothing and now rides a wave of expectation every time he gets into a WWE ring. At the Royal Rumble, I have a feeling that the WWE will need to show how committed they are to the Wade Barrett push. If they give him the win, then I have a feeling that you will see him in the main event scene for a long time. If not, I fully expect Cena to be the winner of the match and then hand his chance at the title over to Barrett to get him out of Nexus or something similar.

Either way, Wade Barrett will likely get that spot somehow and giving him the win in the Royal Rumble can only help his cause really.
A few scenarios come to mind. Cena will get his job back if he wins. This cent wins. Most likely
Morrison will be in for a long time but not win. Definatly
Jericho will come back, possibly, will win...probably not but would be great!
Others with minor chance, Sheamus, Christian, Barrett, cm punk "if healthy"

My personal favorite is Kane. Title or not he has been in the RR so many times and been so close. He has thrown more people out, if my memory is not mistaken, and deserves it with or without title.

How cool would it be if the champ won the rumble? He could pick his opponent at WM, i.e. Taker
HHH winning will not happen. When he returns, he will be thrown right into a feud with sheamus. My preditction is that one of the members of nexus(possibly Otunga) wins, leaves nexus, and wade wins the title at Elimination Chamber. That would be a kick in the face to all the people who say that nexus is the next nwo.
Well I see its the popular votes and I am going to have to agree with either Christian or CM Punk winning the rumble.
If Christian won he could challenge Edge and they can pick up with the feud they had going on Friday after the draft. Plus he is the most underrated superstar in the WWE and this would be a good way to give him his dues.
CM Punk would be a good fit, because he is going to need something big to get the transition from the announce table back to the ring. Plus with Jericho being gone and Orton a face he is the Main Heel on RAW and we all know that Orton is going to beat the Miz for the title, so a Punk/Orton storyline would step up for a killer mania match
I feel that Punk should win it. I am not against giving it to guys that are young and have not been champions before, but it is the Royal Rumble. You don't just give this victory to anyone who is not ready for it. I think Punk could make a great surprise entrant if he is still injured by that time. I think he would get a great pop and turn face again. I enjoyed him as a heel, but I want to see him make fun of his opponents as a face. Plus I think his heel run ran its course for now and should be put on the shelve for a while.
I would not seeing things turn out the way the OP said. and i would love to see JoMo win it, but i think they are taking there time with him and he will win the WRESTLEMANIA MITB MATCH. so the way i see the rumble is easy, WADE BARRETT. think of the numbers game the nexus will have, u have OTUNGA,HUSKY,GABRIEL,MCGILLICUTTY,HORRIBLE HEATH, & The suprise will be when SKIP SHEFFIELD shows up,confusing every1 is he with or against Nexus, and he will still be with, and WADE himself is a powerhouse, it will come down to Wade,Otunga,Gabriel,Sheamus,HHH, JoMO, & Cena, the 2 kings eliminate themselves re-newing there inevitable fued, JoMo & cena will eliminate Gabriel, Wade will eliminate JoMo tURN AROUND AND SEE oTUNGA both tring to throw 1 another over and Wade will throw them both over, and the week before Mania we will meet the GM announcing a fatal 4 way with MIZ(C) VS Orton VS Cena VS Wade for the WRESTLEMANIA MAIN EVENT
I think this is screaming for a HHH return and subsequent Rumble win, just like back in 2002. He was the conquering hero who returned for the Rumble. He was promoted heavily, and while it wasn't a surprise, it was a great moment. He overcame a career threatening injury to return and headline Wrestlemania.

The same could be the case here, and seriously, what's really wrong with that? It doesn't need to be a surprise entrant, or a new star that wins every year. Randy Orton winning in 2009 was as predictable as it comes, especially since it gave him job security after punting Vince in the head on the Raw leading up to it. But it was still a nice moment to see him win the Rumble there.

If HHH does return for the Rumble, I think it should be built up. and he should win it. Often times, people cry that "we need new stars"! Why? The Rumble should be about the best man left. Edge won because he was fresh. Orton won thanks to massive help from Legacy. Cena won due to entering 30 and being fresh. Sometimes, the best superstar is the right choice. It doesn't have to be the young upstart everyone is clammoring for. My pick goes to HHH to win it. It sets up a Seamus Elimination Chamber win, and an HHH/Seamus rematch from last year, this time with the title involved.
Personally have people return and enter the rumble by all means but like someone else said just because they're main event doesn't mean they should waltz in at the end and win to guarantee a mania spot. EVERYONE should have to work to get there.I'd like to see someone in the lower entries between 10 and 20 win. Maybe even someone from the start ala Benoit. There's no reason why someone can't return and lost. HHH should return eliminate Sheamus and then lose, fued sorted. Jericho can return eliminate Orton and then lose.

In terms of who I want to win it someone like JoMo any superstar around his level thats struggling to push through to the main event they had the KOTR to do that and they gave it to someone already there so Rumble should do what KOTR should have done.
John Morrison will NOT win the Rumble and I'm willing to bet a wager on that. The man will in no way Main-event 'Mania given his zero mic-skills. No IWC overlord can make think otherwise.

I gotta bad feeling it's gonna be glorious and vindictive Road of WM for Randy Orton. He has the most leverage here and his road back to his championship seems the obvious choice. Not one of my favorites, but this and Cena winning and setting up a triple threat between him and Orton and Miz could also be a choice.

Zero mic skills? Are you for real? He's actually decent on the stick. Mysterio was and still is one of the worst mic men in history and he's a former rumble winner and 2-time world champion.

And Yes, Morrison will win the Rumble and face The Miz. Chris Jericho and Morrison as the final 2.

He's the best in-ring competitor in the company and he's more talented than HBK was at this stage in his career. He's followed the old school method, earning his way up the ladder from tag titles, singles titles, and he's been pushed more than anyone in the last few months, without getting any reward.They are building this exactly like HBK, showcasing his abilities, slowly putting him in the main event, giving him more and more mic/air time. The only other person I could see winning is Y2J, but they did the return and win last year. It's been awhile since a non-title contender has won the Rumble. Not since Rey in 06.....

Morrison #1 draw.........last man standing. New survival time record........
Coco The Monkey believes that the hype surrounding John Morrison is well placed. Coco The Monkey knows that a feud with The Miz is the best way to break Morrison into the main event and there's no better place to do so than at WrestleMania 27. Coco The Monkey knows some people are cautious when it comes to placing their trust in John Morrison but need to think back and see that Shawn Michaels was got a trial run in a main event that didn't main event back at WrestleMania 11. If he could, Coco The Monkey wants to know why John Morrison can't. Coco The Monkey believes that with a solid card supporting the Morrison-Miz encounter and protecting Mania from a poor buyrate that the Royal Rumble might be just the tool needed to get Morrison over for good.

Coco The Monkey just said believe John Morrison's hype!
I made a post on this about a month ago. It was great. It had, like, fucking maths and everything. If I cared enough, I'd find it, screenshot it, print it off, come round to your house and papercut you with it. You wouldn't fucking forget then, would you?

I could go through the whole tiring rigmarole of saying who will and won't win it again, but I'm honestly too lazy. I'd rather waste time writing this tiresome prologue to the meat of my post. So, DBD and JoMo. Wrestlers I like so much I use their nicknames. I even created DBD's nickname. Or stole it from somewhere and then passed it off as my own. One or the other.

Anyway, JoMo. I like JoMo. I think we established that. The look, the ring style, the perfectly competent promo skills. I like him so much I make jokes about capitalization, like ProMo. Cool, right? That said, I don't think he'll win the Rumble. I used to have a valid reason, but not any more. Forgotten; firmly locked away in the vault that is my mind. You'd have to send in Leonardo Di Caprio to find my reason. Let's just say I have an inkling. Well, that was worth two paragraphs of preamble, huh?

DBD - or Daniel Bryan Danielson for the uninitiated - is just, like, really good. He's, like, so good. I mean, he's good at matches and promos and everything! Imagine that. His attire's even half decent these days. This whole bullshit with The Bellas and Ted DiBiase is just misdirection. This guy, with those rubbish women wrestlers hanging off him, feuding with Ted DiBoring!? Yeah, that's what they want you to think. Wake up, sheeple!

I'm going to steal Coco the Monkey's logic - well, it was actually my logic but I see he applied it first - that The Miz is the perfect opponent to introduce Bryan into the main event with. I mean, he hit Bryan in the back of the head with a briefcase the night before he won the title. Would the WWE really just leave a thread hanging like that? Erm, probably, yeah! I might have dreamt that actually. Probably not.

But, to clumsily conclude, DBD is my pick to win the Royal Rumble. I don't think he's the most likely - not by a long shot. In fact, he's just the right side of unlikely to make him a desirable pick for me. I was wrong about Christian returning to TNA. I was wrong about Christian winning Money in the Bank. I was wrong about Batista being the seventh man. But never mind those ***** - my boy Daniel Bryan won't let me down!

As an added note, if Triple H, Edge, Randy Orton, Undertaker or John Cena win, I will anticlimax. I mean, I will somehow be filled with so much displeasure that I ejaculate inside myself, drowning in my own semen. Please don't kill me, WWE.
I think Triple H, Undertaker, and Christian, are logical choices. Of the 3 Christian would be My Pick he is the only one of the 3 then doesnt have a Royal Rumble, win

But my fantasy would be RVD returning. he returned in one of them (09 or 10)
which excited me but he didnt care to stay

But there might be a Possibilty of Samoa Joe or Sting Returning aswell. I know WWE wants him back to goto HOF and i think Joe left.
has anyone else noticed the pattern, well im sure someone has but i hate that the rumble can pretty much tell you the main event besides just the winner, in pretty much every rumble in the past few years, the number 2 guy always gets in the main event anway
10 cena was still in the main event
09 hhh was still in the main event
08hhh was still in the main event
07hbk was still in the main event
06orton was still in the main event
05 cena was still in the main event

its annoying being able to piece together wrestlemania so much just by the rumble

but think Y2j will win. he deserves one before the youth completely take over.
I have thee main picks for the Rumble winner this year.

HHH: This is the pick that I think is most likely to happen. He has been out for ages and a big scale return, which his would be, is best saved for the rumble. Also he is rumoured to be nearing full health again and a January return looks likely. As for who he would go on to face there are really a plethora of options, Sheamus is probably the most likely but I feel the WWE won't want to do that match at WM 2 years in a row, Edge is also a possibility given that they have never feuded extensively before and a match between them has been rumoured for a while (it was supposed to happed at WM 25 if I remember right), I think Wade Barrett is also an option.

Christian: Much like HHH this would be a return from injury. If he does win I think there is really only one option and that is Edge. A feud between these two has been asked for for years by many people and we even saw a little teaser with their little reunion at the Slammys.

Jericho: Once again a surprise return, just not from injury. I think he has a decent change given that he is the only long time main eventer too have never won a Rumble. If he were to win a feud with Orton would be the most likely option given that he was taken out by him, this feud could possibly also involve Punk given that he was likely talking about Orton in his promo on monday.
Zero mic skills? Are you for real? He's actually decent on the stick. Mysterio was and still is one of the worst mic men in history and he's a former rumble winner and 2-time world champion.

And Yes, Morrison will win the Rumble and face The Miz. Chris Jericho and Morrison as the final 2.

He's the best in-ring competitor in the company and he's more talented than HBK was at this stage in his career. He's followed the old school method, earning his way up the ladder from tag titles, singles titles, and he's been pushed more than anyone in the last few months, without getting any reward.They are building this exactly like HBK, showcasing his abilities, slowly putting him in the main event, giving him more and more mic/air time. The only other person I could see winning is Y2J, but they did the return and win last year. It's been awhile since a non-title contender has won the Rumble. Not since Rey in 06.....

Morrison #1 draw.........last man standing. New survival time record........

See here it is, isn't it?

He is getting the Dark Main Event here. A little stab at the Championship which will be used as testing the waters as to how the crowd takes to him in the ME picture while obviously the centre of everybody's attention is the Royal Rumble Match.Sheamus comes off better than JoMo on the stick. He maybe exciting in the ring, but on the mic he garners no emotion.

Neither will DBD win the Rumble. Honestly, come on Sam, the guy is far away from a ME push let alone HEADLINING THE BIGGEST PPV!!

I'm a big DBD mark myself but that sh*it isn't happening...this year atleast.

I reaffirm (much to my chagrin) Orton as my pick.
with reports of CM Punk being ready to comeback, and with reports that Vince likes him, i say it's CM Punk.


Well,first because the whole 'There's someone who wronged me more than Mysterio' storyline, is made to let Punk win some more gold. The person he was talking about was propably Randy Orton, and a feud between these two would be awe-f'n-some. For me Punk is the best person for these sorts of revenge storylines. However, im talking about Heel's vengence. And heel's vengence usually means beating the person who wronged you really bad. Imagine attacks on Orton, and Orton winning at Elimination Chamber, to be congratulated by Punk and... punted in head. Imagine how GOLDED would Punk be on mic. He would draw so much heat, that fans would forget about other heels...

So my prediction's PUNK
Orton regains the title in a Triple Threat match with Miz & JoMo at the RR.

Punk wins the Rumble.

Orton vs Punk at 'Mania.

At least that's what I *want* to see happen. I don't want to see Cena win again, or HHH win again, though I suppose if Orton doesn't get the title back from Miz, and the Miz/JoMo feud is a quick blow off, than Miz/Cena for the title is inevitable. Sorry, but that's just not a WM-caliber match. Miz/JoMo at Mania is much better, but not a main event at this point. If their feud really heats up, then yeah, that could easily change, but creative can't drop the ball on it.
I don't care who wins as long as Triple H doesn't return in the rumble and win the damn thing. The return win has been over used and I don't know if I could take another one.

I would like to see someone win that isn't a regular in the world title picture. CM Punk would be cool, but I'm not sure if he would do it heel. Actually, fuck it, I'm calling CM Punk for this one. He is the pseudo-main eventer that Jericho was, and I could see him putting on an awesome performance at Mania'. If Edge stays face, those two could work well together, really well together for a Main Event storyline.

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