WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

So Royal Rumble is the 1st even of the year and the one event that surely makes a star rise to the top examples John cena, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Stone cold Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, Chris Benoit and rey Mysterio. All these guys were anyways destined to be top star but The rumble is also the start of the Road To Wrestlemania which mean we might see a new star rise to the top which wwe is lacking stars that should be in the main event scene that arent. So I'm going to give my Royal Rumble Prediction.

Match 1/Possible main event - John Morrsion vs The Miz - WWE Championship match- This match will definetly not be the 1st match of the night but it might also be the main event. These guys were tag partners so they have alot of history together and guys that have lots of history together put on good mathces together such as HHH and HBk, Rey Mysterio and Eddie, The Rock and Austin. This is the kind of fued i like and i know it wont dissapoint only if Morrison can get better on mic as a face it will be good other than that i am certain there match will be AWESOME! ok not awesome but decntly good.

Match 2 - Melina vs Natalya Diva Title - So I guess Melina is going back to her early day routes as a B*tch which is great cause i always loved heel melina when she used to scream and make my ears go def and when she was just all over the place reminiscing her 2005 days seducing Batista. Melina is good as a face but better as a heel and can produce good stories. This fued/fight wont dissapoint either as long as they work together and make the spark shine.

Match 3 - Edge vs either Kane, Alberto Del Rio or Rey Mysterio World Title - Right now I'm not feeling Smackdown as it is lacking. They promised us change when it was going to SYFy and so far they hve lost 2 great stars MVP and matt hardy which is such a disgrace. Either way if its any of these guys facing Edge edge will win buecause they wont make him lose the title in one month because he's a big star for smackdown. But what i say they do is make someone else come in to the world title picture scene maybe Dolph Ziggler or drew Mcintyre. If Edge were to face Ziggler it would be a good fued why you ask, Ziggler has Vickie Guerrero and she knows too much about edge and they can get in his head where they could make fans actually think that dolph will become the next WHC. With Drew it could just be an all out brawl, if those 2 fued i wouldnt be dissapointed plus drew isnt doing anything now in WWE besides tagging with ppl.

Possible 4th match - Either we will see an IC or US title match - Dolph could either face Kofi Kingston, jack Swagge or Ezekiel Jackson and Bryan could eith face Ted Dibiase or CM Punk since it seems as he'll be coming back to the ring and they were supposed to fued but this match will most likely happen at Match. Either way this match if happens will just be a fill in mathc for the rumble.

Match 5 - 2011 Royal Rumble Match - This one is a tough one because I really dont know who will win. But Here is my top 10 people that will win -
1.Kofi Kingston 2.Alberto Del Rio 3.Big Show 4.Drew Mcintyre 5.christian(returns to face edge) 6.Sheamus 7.HHH(screws over Sheamus) 8.Randy Orton 9.John Cena 10. Wade Barrett

Those are the 10 guys i have to win the rumble more realisticly it could be Kofi, Alberto, christian, Sheamus and Triple H as one of the guys.

So what do you guys think give me ur feedback because i really want to know.
i have to disagree with some names being thrown out to win the royal rumble. christian, alberto, kofi those guys wont be winning the royal rumble. if @ mania the world tittles are gonna be unified they need a big name to win the rumble. here are my top 3 picks
1- cena obvious choice since he has been the biggest face in wwe for the past 5yrs and hasent been in the tittle pic in a while
2- orton another obvious choice since he is currently wwe biggest baby face
3- wade barrett he has been hot and a top heel for the past 6 months and to take him out of the main event now will be a waste and a shame. he needs to win the rumble and go on to mania to face edge or miz
everything looks good execpt for your predictions on outcome of the royal rumble match.
i really dont think cena is going to win because hes now going to be fueding until mania. i really dont see big show winning at all. that would be a horrible decision by the wwe. they should push a younger guy. i dont think it will be alberto del rio. hes most likely going to be feuding with edge now which will lead to them facing off at the rumble. kofi kingston is also out of the question because hes the #1 contender for the intercontinental title and that match comes at the rumble i believe. i dont think it will be triple h either. in my opnion i dont even think hes going to be in the match. i think hes just going to show up and cause sheamus the rumble. sheamus is not going to win it because i believe hhh is going to screw him over. i also dont think orton is going to win but he is a possibility.

my choices are as follows
1. wade barrett.
2. drew mcintyre
3. heel christian
and maybe
4 randy orton
Can I just say how ludicrous it is that people expect Christian to win the Royal Rumble?

I'm a fan of Christian, always have been. However, Christian has never been a main eventer, really. "But, but the Royal Rumble is designed to propel someone into the main event!" Yeah, in some cases. But it can't get a guy over who's not entirely over with the audience, especially the casual audience. Would the IWC turn into a giant ********** if Christian won? Yes. Would the majority of the audience be satisfied? No. Most of the audience, i.e. most of the money, expects people they already know and love to win the Rumble. People expect big things, like the return of the already-established John Cena, or the already-established underdog Rey Mysterio pulling an upset. Christian is just not established enough to give the crowd that big payoff.

If Christian had been setting the midcard world on fire for the past few months, his victory could be plausible. Unfortunately, he's been out with an injury, and he's not being missed by most fans as much as they are missing Triple H or the Undertaker.

Anyone who thinks that Christian has a chance is about as ridiculous as the WWE's official predictions that come out every year. Yes, WWE, Mark Henry is a huge threat to win.
i have to disagree with some names being thrown out to win the royal rumble. christian, alberto, kofi those guys wont be winning the royal rumble. if @ mania the world tittles are gonna be unified they need a big name to win the rumble. here are my top 3 picks
1- cena obvious choice since he has been the biggest face in wwe for the past 5yrs and hasent been in the tittle pic in a while
2- orton another obvious choice since he is currently wwe biggest baby face
3- wade barrett he has been hot and a top heel for the past 6 months and to take him out of the main event now will be a waste and a shame. he needs to win the rumble and go on to mania to face edge or miz

Way to be original, bro. You also forgot the Undertaker and Triple H as possibilities, too.

I don't care what anybody says, I'm holding out for Christian to win it, this year. Sure, he's not always deserved the highest accolades, but he does deserve some kind of tribute from the WWE for all that he's done for them, even in the face of his time spent in TNA. And how great would it be to finally get the big blowout between Christian and Edge that a lot of us have always wanted to see. The story is too easy to tell, it's a match that a lot of people would want to see, and it might even give Edge and the Smackdown brand that shot in the arm that they need to become interesting, again. I don't even think that Christian would have to win at Mania for it all to feel worth it, just being put in the match alone is enough to satisfy most of his loyal marks.

I know that WWE won't do it, that they'll never give Christian the match that at least I feel like he's deserved, so consider this more of a wish.

Who do I think is going to win it? Oh, probably Cena. He'll win it and have a match with Miz for the title at Mania. I don't see this thing with Punk lasting until Mania, anyway.
The Miz vs John Morrison WWE Championship- Gonna be a good match if they give em ten to fifteen minutes to wrestle, I think Miz will win because of Riley of course or losing by dq either way he retains the belt...

Divas Championship Natalya Neidhart vs Melina- Gonna be a good Divas match with Natalya retaining the belt and contuing her feud with Laycool & Melina which Beth Phenoix to help her out setting up there match at Mania....

United States Championship Daniel Bryan vs. ???- I predict this title will be on the PPV since Dolph defended the intercontential championship at TLC. I think Bryan will fight either one of the Nexus members or CM Punk so dont know where to go with this one yet..

Tag Team Championship Santino & Kozlov vs. Ted Dibease & ???- If this macth happens i think the mystery partner will be Micheal Mcgillicutty or Husky Harris to start the Fortunate Sons stable and Dibease dropping Maryse finally as there relationship has been sour.... If this match also happens they could become new Tag Team Champs...

World Heavyweight Championship Edge vs. Kane or Alberto Del Rio & Rey Mysterio- If he goes against Kane it will be because of his rematch clause and to setup the Return for Undertaker as they have done in the past( not an apperance but a tease)... If he goes against Del Rio i see Rey Myserio getting into this and makin it a Triple Threat match with Edge retaining either way.....

Royal Rumble Match-Well im going to name the names i think will be in the match before i sya my prediction(John Cena,Randy Orton,Sheamus,Triple H,Kofi Kingston,R-Truth,Ezekail Jackson,Dolph Ziggler,Danial Bryan,CM Punk,Christian,Ted Dibiase,Wade Barrett,David Otunga,Santino,Vladmir Kozlov,Kane(if the match with Del Rio and Mysterio happens)/Big Show,Heath Slater,Justin Gabriel,Mark Henry,Evan Bourne,Micheal Mcgillicutty,Husky Harris,Alex Riley,Kaval,Tyson Kidd,DH Smith,JTG,Cody Rhodes,Drew Mcintyre).... And my prediction comes down with two a Raw and a Smackdown guy: RaW: WAde Barrett- If the whole Nexus is in this match undoubtly he will win like Orton did two years ago with Otunga being the rebel and finally getting jumped by Nexus... Smackdown:Christian- He deserves it and it will set up a hell of a main event between him and Edge at Mania.... Truly tho i have no idea whos gonna win this match my final 4 participants are Barret,Christian,John Cena,Randy Orton....
First things first, the royal rumble it's been 10 sinces the last winner had won pervious rumbles and i think 2011 WWE will go with a former winner (Cena) being my pick and takes on Undertaker rather then a WWE Title match (unless they have Cena do a early cash in like in 2008) so they can do the mega unification match @ wrestlemania, hopefully wwe will pick up nowadays leading to rumble.
Well here are some matches I want on the card besides the rr match.

1.The Miz vs John Morrison for the WWE championship. I honestly wouldn't mind Morrison as WWE champion...but I LOVE The Miz. So I would have them have about a 20 min match. In the end, The Miz will some how win. I have a feeling that he might cheat to win.

2 Edge vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. I think those 2 could have a pretty good match. They would have about a 15-20 min match. I would have Edge retain.

3. Melina vs Natalya for the Divas championship. I dont give two shits abut his match. But I would have Natalya retain.

4. Some other match



Ok their are so many possibilities for this one. Here are some likely candidates to win Christian (return from injury), Alberto Del Rio, Triple H (return from injury), John Cena (I hope not), Wade Barret, Chris Jericho (returns), CM Punk, etc

But this is what I think will happen. CM Punk and John Cena will be the last 2 men. Cm Punk will win.
WWE Championship-(c)Miz vs. Jomo- This could be great if given enough time as we've seen Miz can have good/Great matches with a Good/Great Worker asJomo is.

Divas Championship-(c)Natayla vs. Melina- again could be a good match as both are good worker(if Melina doesnt botch as much) and they need atleast 8 min. and it could a Good/Great match.

IC or US title not sure which one but- I.C. (c)Dolph vs. Kofi vs. Swagger or U.S. DBD vs. William Regal

World Heavyweigh Championship-(c)Edge vs. Kane- I think Kane will use his rematch clause at the Rumble

Mysterio vs. Del Rio in a No DQ match-I think this match will be first so both men can compete in The Rumble as well

Royal Rumble-I said it when he 1st got injured and when Edge got traded to SD! YOUR 2011 ROYAL RUMBLE WINNER WILL BE CAPTAIN CHARISMA CHRISTIAN. Edge will retain at RR and slither out a win at EC and Christian will face Edge and WM. I could Christian getting his revenge on Del Rio at RR by elimanting him and a Match on SD or EC. If Vinnie Mac is Smart he will do this fued SD! could have Great ratings from this this is a Fued Im sure everyone wants to see even if they dont want admit it they do deep down Lol

P.S. Hopefully Christian will be Heel I miss the CLB and the Cocky Captain Charisma Christian

P.P.S Cena WILL NOT win the Rumble I see Punk vs. Cena fueding and ending it a WM
Opening Match: Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler v. Kofi Kingston v. Jack Swagger
Let's face it, both guys have a legitimate claim to the Championship. Before this year's TLC PPV, it was never stated that the winner has to be the one to HOLD the championship. The emphasis was always placed on being the one to unhook the title, and both Kingston and Swagger did just that. I think a good Triple Threat Match will resolve this problem, with Swagger coming out on top.

2nd Match: WWE Divas Championship
Natalya v. Melina
It's obvious this match is going to happen, so why not sooner rather than later. I see this as a feud that could possibly lead up to WrestleMania, but will most likely end the Raw before, with Natalya dropping the Belt to Melina.

3rd Match: WWE Tag Team Championship
Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov v. ???
I dunno why, but WWE seems to be throwing random Tag title matches into the PPV. There's no telling who the opponents will be, hopefully it's the Usos, though. This would make for an interesting Tamina storyline...

4th Match: WWE Championship
The Miz v. John Morrison
Morrison is the #1 Contender. The date of the title match has not been announced officially, but with the Royal Rumble match itself always being the draw of the PPV, WWE has used this PPV in the past to test the waters with possible new Main Eventers. This one could go either way, as the WWE Universe would love to see Morrison win the Championship, while several people also feel that The Miz shouldn't drop the belt to Morrison just yet. Either way, this should make for an interesting match.

5th Match: World Championship
Edge v. Kane
Kane has an automatic return match clause, due to being the former World Champion, and this feud needs a blow-off match. Royal Rumble match sells the PPV, so this event is perfect. Just keep the Championship on Edge, and problem solved.

Main Event: The Royal Rumble Match
I could see this going a couple of ways.
1-I can see Triple H returning at #30, winning, and feuding with Sheamus over the WWE Championship at WrestleMania, after Sheamus wins at Elimination Chamber.
2-Jericho returns at #30, wins, and feuds with Edge over the World Championship at WrestleMania, giving us a stellar match, and giving SmackDown another huge Main Event Superstar.
3-Christian returns, wins, and we get a great Edge & Christian feud for Mania. Vince may not want Christian to be a World Champion just yet, but he's not stupid. He knows Christian has the talent and credentials to Main Event WrestleMania and have a good program with Edge, who ultimately will come out on top.
4-I can see Morrison losing the WWE Championship match, but resurfacing in the Rumble, only to win it. This would be a god way to incorporate the Morrison/Miz storyline into WrestleMania, as Miz plans on being Champ for a while, and Vince in really high on Miz.
I have no idea who is going to come out on top going into the rumble this year, and that's the way I like it.

I am going to start off by saying to those people who think Christian is going to come back and win it that you are high off your ass on markotics (see what I did there?). Christian was a midcarder at best prior to his leaving and really seemed to be talent enhancement during the past. He hasn't held anything besides the ECW title during his time back in the WWE, what makes you think he's fit for carrying the World Heavyweight Championship?

As for potential Rumble Winners...

1) John Cena- Everyone is clamoring over Cena-Punk, but give this one time my friends, let this feud develop and spill over into next year. We don't even know if Punk is getting back in the ring on television yet. In the mean time, consider the possibility of a John Cena vs. The Miz title bout at Mania? John Cena, the industry's top star for the past 6 or 7 years vs. The Miz, who walks around like he has the same credentials as Cena, and has also managed to capture the public's attention. It would be the climax from long ago when Miz tried to use Cena's name to make him famous by claiming he beat Cena by forfeit week after week, and this time, with a pair of accomplices not far from ringside in Riley and Cole, he might be able to.

2) King Sheamus- Losing the war with John Morrison is really just a small bump in the road for Sheamus. We all know he has the ability to dominate a match through power or by other, more nefarious means. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sheamus draw a fairly early number, go on a rampage, and then fall into the background for the rest of the match until the very end, when we've all but forgotten him, and he'll go for the surprise elimination for the win. The only negative thing about a Sheamus victory is that it means Miz has to drop the belt sometime before Wrestlemania, as there is no way in hell WWE would gives us a Heel-Heel championship match at Wrestlemania. Note: I believe this is Sheamus' first Royal Rumble match. It would be pretty cool if he won, a feat that (I believe) only Stone Cold Steve Austin has accomplished.

3) Alberto Del Rio- It's no secret that the WWE seems to be really high on this guy, and winning the Rumble would be the perfect stepping stone to legitimacy as a main eventer. He's gone about as far as he can go with Rey Mysterio, and I think he and Edge could put on a good show at Mania. The only question is, would the WWE be willing to take a risk on a relative no-name for their biggest show of the year?
So what do you guys think give me ur feedback because i really want to know.

Match 1/Possible main event - John Morrsion vs The Miz - WWE Championship match- This match will definetly not be the 1st match of the night but it might also be the main event. These guys were tag partners so they have alot of history together and guys that have lots of history together put on good mathces together such as HHH and HBk, Rey Mysterio and Eddie, The Rock and Austin. This is the kind of fued i like and i know it wont dissapoint only if Morrison can get better on mic as a face it will be good other than that i am certain there match will be AWESOME! ok not awesome but decntly good..

Ask, and you shall receive.

This will be a heavily hyped match, and possibly the match of the night, but it won't headline the show. This will be the WWE Championship match at the Rumble, and it may even be the match leading into the Rumble. But Miz leaves the Rumble still the champion. I expect alot from this match as both men have chemistry together both on the mic and in the ring, but no chance they take the belt off of Miz and put it on JoMo after Miz just defeated a larger superstar in Randy Orton. Except 2006, The Rumble has been the main event of the PPV every year since 1998. This year will be no different.

Match 2 - Melina vs Natalya Diva Title - So I guess Melina is going back to her early day routes as a B*tch which is great cause i always loved heel melina when she used to scream and make my ears go def and when she was just all over the place reminiscing her 2005 days seducing Batista. Melina is good as a face but better as a heel and can produce good stories. This fued/fight wont dissapoint either as long as they work together and make the spark shine.

Melina is far better as a heel. The only thing she does differently as a face is smile. Id like to think that slap last night was a "We're not friends until after our title match", but Im afraid thats WWE's idea of a heel turn for a Diva these days. Anyway, this should be another good match, but Melina is a stepping stone for Natalya on the way too her inevitable feud with Beth Phoenix, hopefully at Wrestlemania. Another match in which the champion retains.

Match 3 - Edge vs either Kane, Alberto Del Rio or Rey Mysterio World Title - Right now I'm not feeling Smackdown as it is lacking. They promised us change when it was going to SYFy and so far they hve lost 2 great stars MVP and matt hardy which is such a disgrace. Either way if its any of these guys facing Edge edge will win buecause they wont make him lose the title in one month because he's a big star for smackdown. But what i say they do is make someone else come in to the world title picture scene maybe Dolph Ziggler or drew Mcintyre. If Edge were to face Ziggler it would be a good fued why you ask, Ziggler has Vickie Guerrero and she knows too much about edge and they can get in his head where they could make fans actually think that dolph will become the next WHC. With Drew it could just be an all out brawl, if those 2 fued i wouldnt be dissapointed plus drew isnt doing anything now in WWE besides tagging with ppl.

Matt Hardy had become lazy, disinterested, and overweight by the end of his WWE tenure, lets just get that out of the way. He wasn't even a contender for a mid-card belt, let alone a World Championship.

The Rumble is generally a place where one new guy gets a shot at the title, but that spot is already going to Morrison on the Raw side. I expect we'll see the blowoff of the Kane/Edge feud at the Rumble as Kane announced the title match will be on his terms, not on Edge's on Smackdown tonight. Another case where the champion will retain, because a face Edge is not going to drop the belt just a month after winning it. It will likely be some sort of gimmick match such as "Last Man Standing" or "I Quit", as both of those matches would be better suited to "Kane's terms". Either way, Edge retains here.

Possible 4th match - Either we will see an IC or US title match - Dolph could either face Kofi Kingston, jack Swagge or Ezekiel Jackson and Bryan could eith face Ted Dibiase or CM Punk since it seems as he'll be coming back to the ring and they were supposed to fued but this match will most likely happen at Match. Either way this match if happens will just be a fill in mathc for the rumble.

Thye could always go the route of a grudge match and also have the same two men compete in the Rumble as its been done before. Last year The Miz and MVP had a US title match before the Rumble, then both competed in the Rumble themselves. The 2006 version featured MNM vs The Hardy's, and Morrison along with both Hardy's were in the Rumble. Don't be surprised if they pull the trigger early on a Punk/Cena match after the events of the past two nights.

If they do decide to go with a mid-card title match, one would have to think it would come from the Raw side. Smackdown got the title match at the Rumble PPV, and while there are more challengers on the Smackdown side, a Daniel Bryan match would be a great way to kick off the PPV. If they dont go with Punk/Cena, Ill say that they go with Bryan/Tyson Kidd to open the show, with Bryan retaining.

Match 5 - 2011 Royal Rumble Match - This one is a tough one because I really dont know who will win. But Here is my top 10 people that will win -
1.Kofi Kingston 2.Alberto Del Rio 3.Big Show 4.Drew Mcintyre 5.christian(returns to face edge) 6.Sheamus 7.HHH(screws over Sheamus) 8.Randy Orton 9.John Cena 10. Wade Barrett

McIntyre, Big Show, and Christian arent winning the Rumble. McIntyre isn't ready. Show is a special attraction now more then a full time competitor and certainly not a Wrestlemania main event. Christian may still be injured and even if he does return for the Rumble, he's not been built up to the point where he's considered to be World Championship Material.

The last heel to win the RUmble was Randy Orton in 2009, but it's been a long time before that a heel had won the Rumble. Sheamus will be feuding with HHH, so we can eliminate them. Kofi's place is likely reserved in the Money In The Bank Match at Wrestlemania, and hes not a credible challenger right now unless its in an EC match. ADR is an attractive option and likely the "sexy" pick of many, which could make for a bankable feud with Edge at Wrestlemania.

I think much of this comes down to what the WWE decides to do with both Randy Orton and John Cena. Cena seems to have a definite direction right now in a feud with CM Punk. Randy Orton is obviously in limbo as he lost his rematch for the WWE Title and really doesn't have a program right now. This leads me to believe that either Randy Orton will become a 2 time Royal Rumble winner, or Alberto Del Rio will emerge victorious. If I had to pick, Id go with Orton, as a Cena/Orton 1 on 1 match at Wrestlemania may seem "too enticing" for WWE to pass up.
Opening the show, I think will be some sort of Divas Title match, with Melina winning #1 contender, I see Melina vs. Natalya for the title, maybe Beth Phoenix will somehow work herself into the match, but nevertheless, Melina vs. Natalya could be a very interesting match considering both divas are great in the ring. I don't see them taking the title off Natalya so early but Melina is definitely a threat. I see a Natalya retain but a post-match attack from Melina wouldn't shock me.

A probably grudge match between Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio could happen. Alberto, though, could use a win in the Rumble match. I see this match happening and I predict a heel victory. Rio to win with an armbar.

With 5 matches, normally used in the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View, the WWE Championship match will be here. WWE Champion, The Miz vs. John Morrison. I don't see WWE making Miz drop the title so early, he'll probably drop it to someone like Cena, HHH, Orton at Elimination Chamber. I predict Miz to win because Morrison won't headline WrestleMania and if they make Morrison win, he'll end up losing it at the Chamber which would be too short of a title reign. Miz will win with help from Alex Riley.

World Heavyweight Championship match...World Champ, Edge vs. Kane. Well, with my prediction that The Miz will defeat Morrison, we need a major face win too, so I predict that Edge will retain against Kane. Kane had alot going for him and should've retained at TLC so it'd make him dominant. Sure he beat Undertaker 3 times, but thats the only guy he beat, Undertaker. He beat Rey Mysterio but it was predictable. Kane had a long run so I understand why WWE took the belt from him, Edge will win with a spear...meh.

Royal Rumble match, well, I seriously don't know. I doubt Triple H will return. Sheamus...no, he's waiting for Triple H to return. Wade Barrett...maybe but he doesn't need the win just yet. John Cena will probably be dominating the match until CM Punk runs out and eliminates him...even though CM ain't in the match. I think Chris Jericho will return and last eliminate Randy Orton for the win. Orton to win the world title at Elimination Chamber setting up Orton vs. Jericho at Mania.

These are my predictions on the main event matches at WrestleMania:

WWE Champion, Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship
World Heavyweight Champion, Edge vs. Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship
Grudge Match: John Cena vs. CM Punk.
Honestly, this is the first year where I honestly can't predict a Rumble winner. There are so many names out there that could win that makes this year's Rumble smelling like one of the best in recent memory. The only names we know we can eliminate for absolute sure are Miz and Edge. Probably Morrison too since I think we'll see Miz/Morrison for the title at the Rumble. Look at all possible winners...

Cena- he's always out there fixin' to win. He's just that guy you can't count out because he's the WWE's guy. Love him or hate him. He's the biggest star the company has and will always be on top.

HHH- could he return? I think so. It could happen. Rumble has been the home for big returns the last few years with Cena in 08 and Edge last year. Could be HHH's time this year.

Jericho- could he return? don't think so but honestly... it wouldn't shock me. I don't think he's been away enough yet. Just could be another big return I guess.

Punk- another one that just wouldn't shock me. Although he's sitting at the table right now and Vince loves him there, he's a guy you can't keep out of the ring for a long time because he's one of the best young guys the WWE has right now. His character, his ring skills, his charisma... you need this guy in the ring. Give him a big win.

Orton- he won last year, but why not be the first guy since Austin to win 2 in a row?

Sheamus- he's just not ready for a Rumble win. I just can't buy him as a Rumble winner. He can't draw at Mania... yet.

Big Show- of course not. Next.

Wade Barrett- see Sheamus

Zack Ryder- I think he could be the dark horse here. n/m I couldn't even keep a straight face while typing that.

Swagger- he needs built some more. I liked him as champion but they dumped all over him from the start.

Christian- he's the guy that I would LOVE to see win the Rumble, but he's the same guy that is just missing THAT thing. I don't know what THAT thing is, but THAT thing is going to be the thing that has held him back until now and will continue to hold him from the big one in the WWE.

With all those names said, I'm probably forgetting some I'm sure. But those are just a few of the names I could probably come up with winning the Rumble. I don't know. It's a crapshoot this year and that's what I love about the Rumble. This year could bring back that old school Rumble feel of never knowing who is going to win.
For the past few years, WWE main eventers have been winning the Royal Rumbe for E.X: 2006: Rey Mysterio, 2007: The Undertaker, 2008: John Cena, 2009: Randy Orton and 2010: Edge. Now 2/5 of them wins have come from returns whilst the others are just due to storylines. But, this year, WWE seem to be pushing younger talent month after month, like in July, Evan Bourne seemly got a push, as did The Miz and Daniel Bryan. Last year, we weren't used to seeing WWE push younger talent but after what I've seen in 2010, I think some young guy may win the Royal Rumble this year, even if a main event star doesn't win the Rumble, they'll end up winning the title at the Chamber ppv or challenging for it at Mania so a young star should pop up out of the blue and grab the win. Wheather it's Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, Sheamus, it doesn't bother me as long as someone who's a new young fresh talent grabs the victory. I wouldn't mind Christian returning and getting the win, same with Chris Jericho but I just see a young star winning the Rumble, now after reading on wiki, the past few Rumble ppv's, I came across some intresting facts. It seems that whoever wins the WWE Title match at the Royal Rumble the year before, wins the Rumble the year after for E.X:

Royal Rumble 2007:
John Cena defeated Umaga for the WWE Championship.

Royal Rumble 2008:
John Cena wins the Royal Rumble
Randy Orton beats Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship.

Royal Rumble 2009:
Randy Orton wins the Royal Rumble
Edge beats Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship.

Royal Rumble 2010:
Edge wins the Royal Rumble
Sheamus beats Randy Orton by DQ for the WWE Championship.

So this year, as those facts say, could the rising of Sheamus begin once agan? Will Sheamus win the Royal Rumble this year and go on to headline WrestleMania?
Royal Rumble 2007:
John Cena defeated Umaga for the WWE Championship.

Royal Rumble 2008:
John Cena wins the Royal Rumble
Randy Orton beats Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship.

Royal Rumble 2009:
Randy Orton wins the Royal Rumble
Edge beats Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship.

Royal Rumble 2010:
Edge wins the Royal Rumble
Sheamus beats Randy Orton by DQ for the WWE Championship.

So this year, as those facts say, could the rising of Sheamus begin once agan? Will Sheamus win the Royal Rumble this year and go on to headline WrestleMania?

That's pretty intresting.

While I don't think that Sheamus is guaranteed to win, it is certainly a strong possibility. World title matches at the Royal Rumble are strange things. The Rumble itself is the main focus of all the big stars (excluding the champion obviously), so WWE may actually use it intentionally as a way to test the waters with guys they are considering as new main eventers (like Morrison this year). I do think the situation you pointed out is most likely a huge coincedence, but we could still very well see Sheamus winning and headlining 'Mania. Although this also depends on whether or not Triple H will end up feuding with him for 'Mania, but that's a different subject for a different time.
The Royal Rumble statistics of past winners (Cena,Orton,Edge) winning their title matches the year before is really interesting but I think it's just mere coincidence.

I think the obvious choices are HHH or Cena

CM Punk as a wild card

But as we see with every payperview, anything can happen.
cm punk. now that he has started a fued with john cena they could fued up til wm. cm punk could win the rumble by throwing cena out the ring. a few weeks later cena could pick up a win to be in the elimination chamber and win it from then champion miz. then cm punk would choose cena as his opponent.
I'm going to call it for Wade Barrett.

Think about it - how many other choices are there? Edge and somebody (Kane, del Rio?) will be in a title match. Miz and Morrison will be in a title match. Cena seems to be heading for a program with CM Punk - doesn't need to involve the title, does it really? Sheamus is a possible contender - he could win to set up HHH's return (but HHH returning to win makes no sense, because Sheamus doesn't have a belt right now). Orton could win, I guess - but again? Really? Why not just have him win a chamber at EC, and then face Barrett?

The Nexus is out of steam and needs a significant boost if the group is going to remain relevant. The whole point of it - now that Cena's not turning heel - is to elevate Barrett to the main event. Winning the Rumble, in a manner similar to Orton and Legacy a while back, is a significant step in that direction. It would give Barrett a guaranteed title shot at Mania and actually give the rest something to do until then.

If not Barrett - and I see no reason why not - the the strongest contenders are probably a returning Taker (seems a waste, but I guess), Sheamus, or a returning HHH.
I'm thinking about two Canadian wrestlers as my main picks...

1) Chris Jericho

Doesn't anyone else see it? He could make his return at the Royal Rumble and tease a Wrestlemania re-match against Edge. Edge won when he made his return to the ring in the Royal Rumble, and I can see Jericho doing the same thing but instead challenging Orton since Orton did take him out. Orton will win the title over Miz as I just don't believe Miz is ready to headline Wrestlemania yet, maybe next year, but not right now. He needs a lot more build, despite him doing well as champion. Wrestlemania is about proven stars head ling the Main Event, and Jericho-Orton could very well headline it. Jericho could lose at Wrestlemania as I don't see the use of him having the title, but this feud can really work. When Jericho returned in November of 2007 he came to "Save Us" From Randy Orton when he was champion, and then they entered a feud. With Jericho as a heel and his great promo work, I'm sure he can create interest in this match especially consider how over Orton is with the crowd.

2) Christian - I Can see him winning, facing Edge at Wrestlemania, and winning the world title for the first time. He really deserves the title, and I really wouldn't mind if his title reign was even a couple months or if he loses it at Backlash (or whatever the next PPV after Wrestlemania is now a days). This could be one of those WM moments and it would be great to see Christian win his first title over Edge and at a Wrestlemania. Plus, they can really have a great lengthy feud afterward and it doesn't even have to be for the World Title. I want to see Edge turn heel again and have Christian continue being a face.

I can see other scenarios happen if Christian isn't able to return at the Royal Rumble or Chris Jericho...

Wade Barrett can win the title maybe, or John Morrison. I don't see either of them winning though because they need more time and build. Kane is someone that might win, but I don't see that happening either.

I can see top guys like John Cena winning the Rumble, and feuding with Orton. If Christian or Jericho don't return at the RUmble, Cena is my pick. A Cena-Orton feud while they're both the biggest faces and are both the most over with the crowd would be the ultimate match up despite them having feuded many times before. This could eventually turn into a heel turn for either Orton or Cena (hoping more for Cena). Would be a great headline for the Main Event at Wrestlemania, or Cena could challenge Edge and continue their past feud (this can lead to an Edge heel turn).

I know that Edge NEEDS to turn heel at the Rumble if he's going to keep the title until Wrestlemania. He works far better as a heel and Smackdown desperatley needs ANY kind of Main Eventer.
Im not positive i have seen this posted yet and i apologize if it has but basically what am i asking is: Who do you think is going to win Royal Rumble 2011? I have a handful of superstars i believe might/should win the Rumble, also ill tell you what i think the best fit for them at Mania would be.

Kane- Highly unlikely even though he has had a huge push this past year. The only way Kane even enters the Rumble is if he uses his rematch clause before the PPV, but honestly i cant imagine a rumble without the big red machine. At Mania he would prolly face a returning world champion Undertaker, which unlikely. Or maybe Rey Mysterio?

Triple H- Very good chance of this happening i think, i really hope it doesnt though. I dont like seeing the whole "returning superstar wins rumble" thing again(cena '08, edge '10). But obviously at Mania he would have a rematch with Sheamus winning the Rumble or not.

Randy Orton- High chances for him too. Deserves it alot more now than when he won it back in 2009. Now he is at his best and this is where he needs to win, when it would have most prestige. At Mania i see him facing Miz or Cena, or possibly i know its a long shot: Goldberg. He said he wants "one final match" and Orton is the top candidate, but if this were to happen for the world title Orton would need to use his Rumble match win at Elimination Chamber instead and after winning the title back from Miz have Goldberg attack him and say "YOUR NEXT"!

John Cena- Id say slighty higher chances than Orton, he needs the push back into the championship picture and since its in Boston near his hometown what a better time to do that then that night. Plus it would give him a more credible victory in my eyes winning it without coming back from injury. At Mania he will probably face Orton, but if not then Miz. Which has been talked about alot.

CM Punk- Probably wont happen but what a perfect way to put him back into the main event picture, have him last eliminate Cena with a chair shot to the back and then have Cena win the WWE title at EC and have Punk vs Cena at WM27.

Chris Jericho- Very likely candidate. But i dont wanna see him win for the same reasons of Triple H. I hope for a return, raise a little hell then eliminate himself and Orton at some point since he will be looking for revenge for the punt Orton gave him earlier this year. He is the most deserving on this list though in my eyes. He has done absolutely everything to do in the business besides win the Royal Rumble or Money in the Bank matches. But he created the MITB match so ill give that a pass haha. If he does win then have Orton win the WWE title back from Miz at EC and have Orton vs Jericho at Mania. Then hopefully Jericho returns to his Y2J persona following Mania.

Sheamus- Best candidate i think on this list. Has accomplished more than 95% of the superstars in they're first 2 years in WWE history. The only thing left is to win the Rumble. Now a perfect ending is have Sheamus eliminate either Cena/Orton to win the match then out comes the returning Triple H and beats the crap out of him to end the show. Then have Sheamus use his win at EC or have HHH win the WWE title at EC to set-up the Mania rematch.

Big Show- Highly unlikely, i would love to see Show win the Rumble. He has been the runner-up twice and never won it. He deserves it just as much as Jericho and its one of the only things The Giant has not accomplished yet in his career. And unlike putting him in the SmackDown MITB match, this is alot more realistic. At Mania he would probably face Edge or Kane.

Other honorable mentions but most likely nots: Wade Barrett, Christian, Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio.

Also i live in New Hampshire and i WILL be at the Royal Rumble event in Boston to witness this match LIVE!!!:p
I'd really like to see CM Punk win it, and then face Cena at Wrestlemania to cap off their feud.

A theory I saw somebody post here a while back (I can't remember who) was to have Cena alone in the ring waiting for number 30, then have CM Punk run into the ring from commentary and eliminate Cena from behind just after the counter hits 0 and his music hits to win the Rumble. It's not particularly likely, as the Rumble usually goes on for quite a while longer than after number 30 comes out, but it'd certainly be interesting.
I'm really not sure who I would like to see win the Royal Rumble this time. I know one thing keeps running through my head every year that I'd still like to see. Usually almost every Rumble we see it end up down to 4 guys...when we look at those 4 guys, we all know the specific guy that will NOT win while the other 3 have a good chance....I"d really like to see it get down to 2 guys where we KNOW who is going to win...but somehow he screws the other guy out of the Rumble...causing a possible push with the "Unlikely second place rumble guy". I'm not sure if that makes any sense the way I'm typing it...but I'm thinking someone like "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, David Hart Smith, heck...maybe even Zach Ryder (WOO WOO WOO!! You know it!!). lol
I like that, Christian vs Edge. I dont want somebody who has allready won the Rumble to win again, personally i want someone like alberto del rio to win it, or christian, or Drew Mcintre.

I just really hope the Miz looses his title , i cant stand him. he is excellent on the mic, but he has no talent in the ring. I know lots of Wrestlers have no talent but he like Cena has the most basic move set with a crap finisher.

People like Del Rio and Morrison need to main event Wrestlemania... ACTION !!!
So with this weeks raw just ending I gotta say i think I have a clear mind on who will win the Rumble Match and who everybody says will win might not be 100%.

So This Cena - Punk fued just keeps getting better. Its fresh its new and they have never had a long term fued except for one time matches that happened on a few Raw's. Now that Punk is the new Leader of Nexus things on Raw will obviously get better as Punk is good on the Mic and is a great heel something that Wade barrett lacked for me, i mean he was good but he didnt anything that excited me.

Now as for the rumble, I could see Nexus all in the ring together protecting Punk and all of a sudden Barrett comes and asks them to protect him, they look at punk and look at Wade and they begin to follow wade but all of a sudden Wade gets thrown out. Nexus eliminates everyone and it goes down to Nexus/Punk vs Cena. Cena eliminates everyone and all of a sudden gets thrown out by Punk who begins to celebrate.

One person who will not win the Rumble is christian. Before this weeks epsiode of Raw I was feeling Christian but now im on the side of everyone who say christian won't win the rumble. So those are just my thoughts.

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