WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

Just wanted to ask if this years rumble has a first time winner, who will it most likely be?

if it is going to be a first time winner i would predict shamous...then again cant see him headlining mania unless its aginst taker somehow.
Maybe a Y2J return ( please god) to take on edge in a rematch? also unlikey i think.(has jericho won the rumble? not to my knowledge)

SO who do we think are the possible first time winners?
OR do we think that theres no way it will be a first time winner.

(sorry if this should be somewhere else or has been done before)
the only person IMO i want to see win the rumble is captain charisma himself, CHRISTIAN! and yes he would be a first time winner, i would love for jericho to come back at entry #29 and every1 being omg y2j then 90 seconds later christian come out and win and face edge for the WHC at mania, thts wat the WWE shud do.
the only person IMO i want to see win the rumble is captain charisma himself, CHRISTIAN! and yes he would be a first time winner, i would love for jericho to come back at entry #29 and every1 being omg y2j then 90 seconds later christian come out and win and face edge for the WHC at mania, thts wat the WWE shud do.

Agree 100%. You have to think they teased him on TV for a reason and what better reason than to come back at the Rumble and do something about it. Forget Del Rio, give him a heel turn and let's see E v. C!
lol i really dont see christian as a main eventer especislly at WM. However it would be one of those feel good moments so who knows?

Del rio i think would be a good choice or most def y2j would be my dream
2 of the guys mentioned are truly the only ones I could think of that I would WANT to see.

For whatever reason it is definitely against Edge too. Christian and Jericho both have history with Edge and neither have ever won it. The last few years, for the most part, the Rumble seems to have been reserved for someone returning to the WWE, surprisingly. So, Christian and Jericho are both out, seems like a perfect scenario for either of them at this point. It Christian finally won, I would MARK OUT!
I have a feeling that Morrison will lose the raw match this week only to win the rumble and challenge the miz at wrestlemania. I think that it would be a great match to be at wrestlemania and morrison deserves to win the rumble.
morrison vs miz does not get enough buys for a WM. Cena needs to be in the title picture. Or vs taker. HHH , shamous,edge should be in for the title also at WM i dont tihnk its time for miz and jomo to carry the load yet, especialy jomo hes overated imo
Has taker ever won the rumble? not that i can recall. anyways i know hes injured and this is highly unlikely but maybe he comes back to help cena destroy nexus since nexus buried taker then maybe a cena heel turn vs taker at mania or even face vs face would work. anyways Has taker won a rumble before?
Has taker ever won the rumble? not that i can recall. anyways i know hes injured and this is highly unlikely but maybe he comes back to help cena destroy nexus since nexus buried taker then maybe a cena heel turn vs taker at mania or even face vs face would work. anyways Has taker won a rumble before?

Yes, he has. The 2007 RR.

As for whom I'd like to win, it's Christian. This guy's one of the fewer better technical wrestlers in WWE right now and can put on great matches. for e.g. most recently the match with Edge on the May 17 edition of Raw which if my memory serves right lasted more than 18 minutes.

We know the guy has good mic skills (for those of you dumbasses who think otherwise, just watch his heel promos from 2005 or during his initial feud with Edge in 2001 or even the one in which he mocks Alberto for something recent ), and I actually loved his reign as ECW Champion. Put him in a Ladder or TLC match and just see how he shines, even though his performance in traditional one-on-one matches are as good.

Unfortunately, the chances of that are too low.

While as for whom I think would win the RR, it could any fresh upper-midcarder like Morrison and Alberto or even a veteran like Jericho.
I'd love to see Morrison win it or even Ziggler, but my guess is Cena, who will defend his #1 contender spot against Punk at EC before facing Miz at Mania.
I think tonight's match between The Miz and JoMo is just setting up for a match at the Royal Rumble. I got A-Rye constantly interfering in the match, to the point where The King gets involved. This will set up a tag match with the four at the Rumble.

As for the big thirty man battle royal, I have three superstars that I think will get the win.

HHH He could make his return at the Rumble and pick up the W, but I don't think this will happen. I wont count it out tho.

Cena With the rumors that he will be facing The Miz at mania, and the fact he is the face of the company, he is most likely the guy that will get the win.

Punk I would love for Punk to get the win here. This is probably the least likely of the three, but I think it wold be the best move. Cena could win the belt from Miz at EC, then go on to face Punk at Mania.
Spinnernet is right: Just please I hope that person is not a former world champion whoever wins it. The only two exceptions I would make for are Jericho and Punk.

If Cena/Orton/Edge/HHH/Taker/Rey wins I will not be happy.
They really need to stay away from the HHH return and win thing. They've done that. They need to stay away from all return and win... since they've done it three times in the last decade.

They should have Edge or Miz suprise enter at the 30 spot so they can set up the Unified title match.
I really wanna see JoMo take the win here. Although he's lately been pushed into the ME scene, this would launch him right up there. JoMo for the win!
If anyone should come back and win the Royal Rumble it should be Chris Jericho. He has a big enough ego to again try to become the Undisputed Champion. I'm not saying he should win the titles at wrestlemania but he should win the Rumble. Chris Jericho has done just about everything except win the Rumble.
I personally feel that CM Punk is going to win it this year guys. Look at it like this:

There is no clear favorite this year. He will most likely win it and face Cena for the title (Cena will most likely get it back around EC or so).

However, if Punk doesn't win, my vote will have to go to Sheamus. He's been on a role as of late. He had a GREAT 2010. He entered as WWE champion, knocked HHH out of competition (as far as we know, he might just be done in general), won the WWE championship again and became KOTR. It would make sense for him to win his first Rumble.

Honorable mentions:

* Kane- he's retiring soon, a good way to go out after his longest World Championship reign

* Del Rio- he's also been on a role since he came to the E

* Kaval- oh wait, he got fired!

* HHH- the WWE loves a good surprise factor (ie Cena in 2008), and everybody would shit a brick if he returned to win his 2nd Rumble.
WWE do it every year, throw in a few surprise entrants into the Rumble match.

Over the years we have seen people return from injury, such as Cena and Edge. Could this happen again with Bourne or HHH? Could Cena's injury be fake, allowing him a way out of his Nexus fued, and allowing him to win

There have also been completley random entrants such as RVD a few years ago and Mr Perfect reaching the final 3 in (I think) 2005.

Who do you think will be the surprise entrants this year?
Who would you like to see? (be realistic please)
And who has been your favourite surprise entrant in a Rumble match?
Could Cena's injury be fake, allowing him a way out of his Nexus fued, and allowing him to win and have a title match against Miz that apparantly Vince wants to happen?
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I think Triple H might return but I think it is very likely Evan Bourne will return in this match. Now with that being said, I don't think he will win it. I give that to either John Cena or Morrison. Cena could also be a suprise entrant. So I think he will win and face Miz at Wrestlemania. If not Morrison might win and face Miz at Wrestlemania.

I guess the suprise entrant I would like to see would have to be Christian but I don't think he's coming back untill next month. I think if he won the Rumble then he could have an epic feud leading up to Wrestlemania then a good match with him coming out on top at Wrestlemania. Who knows maybe he didn't get his big break because he wasn't loyal to the "E" although I can't remember if he left WWE for TNA or got released.

Another suprise entrant I would like to see his Triple H. The fans would eat it up and everyone would be on there feet. I don't want him to win it though but I would like to see a run in with Sheamus. He could throw Sheamus out, then SHeamus could jump back in and catch him off guard, and throw him out.

Who is my favorite suprise entrant? The same as everyone elses, with that being John Cena in 08. Love him or hate him, you know you marked out. At least I did.... Noone expected him to return that night as it was reported he still had another month on the shelf. WHo knows? Isn't that what there saying about Christian?
Obvious choices this year are HHH and Christian since both have been out for extended periods of time with injury. I seriously doubt that Cena's injury is fake and I think he might actually miss the Rumble this year. I think having Punk/Nexus causing him to miss Rumble or eliminating him would make their storyline much more interesting.

I think the biggest shocker would be for Undertaker to make his return at the Royal Rumble but that seems to be the most unlikely to happen, but it would blow the roof off the joint if he did!

Also I have heard rumors that Awesome Kong may make her WWE debut as a surprise entrant this year, and having a showing similar to Beth Phoenix from last year.
Lol at people still thinking Christian is going to win the Rumble. WWE wants guys who DRAW to win this and set up high caliber matches at Wrestlemania. Christian doesn't draw. He has no momentum as well. His appearance on Raw was met with subsequent bathroom breaks and people just not really caring. They were more focused on the fact Edge was back on Raw after leaving for Smackdown. He's not going to show up and have the commentators be like, "Oh my god! It's Christian! Business just picked up." It'll be more a, "Oh hey, it's Christian. He's back after a lengthy injury" and likely Alberto Del Rio will be in the ring and Christian will eliminate himself and Del Rio and set up a brawl.

As for REAL contenders, Cena is always a good bet to win this thing. It's in his hometown and he'll almost likely be in the final 3 or 4 people. John Morrison's stock has risen quite a bit in the recent months and I wouldn't be necessarily shocked to see him win but I think he'll definitely be a very long shot to win this. Sheamus has been on a roll as of late with his KotR victory and should never be counted out. I'm pretty certain WWE is going in a different route than the 'return=win' equation they have been over using the past decade, so I don't see HHH winning but not counting him out. My pick this year is definitely CM Punk. Punk has Nexus behind him and it wouldn't surprise me to see 3-5 members of the Nexus be in the Rumble. CM Punk is being pushed to the moon right now and he has so much momentum right now and is being groomed as the top dog on Raw. I would argue he's more over than the Miz right now as a heel. If WWE realizes this, I would have no trouble saying Miz will lose the title at Elimination to John Cena setting up Punk vs Cena for the WWE Title at 'Mania.
If i were booking it, i'd have CM Punk win the Rumble. The guy has been golden on the headset, he's taken control of the only stable on the roster which is significantly larger than his previous one, he's just started a fued with Cena, while although out on injury, could still lead to a championship match at Mania after a Cena win at EC.

I'd love Christian to win it, but i seriously doubt it's ever going to happen now.

I'd be surprised if Taker were even in it, let alone win it again.

Jericho is an outside chance, but i'd assume he'd fued with Orton upon his return and i doubt they'd have another heel win it so soon.

Sheamus i can only see being eliminated by HHH, i can't see him winning everything his first time round.

And guys like Kofi, JoMo, Del Rio, Show, Kane, Mysterio, these are your MiTB and mid-Mania-card fillers.

I don't see anybody who's never worn the title before to win this years Rumble, but i do see someone who has never won it before walking out head held high come January 30th, so therefore, my money's on CM Punk.

Orton v Miz? Again? Yawn. Should have been Miz/JoMo. Since the Rumble has a history of weird and wacky title matches it wouldn't have seemed out of the ordinary to have someone who's never had a PPV WWE Title match take their next step at the Rumble and let them determine then, whether they'll ever give him the title or not.

Remember Kennedy v Batista in '07? Guy was still hot back then and well over, and this was his first ever World Title match on PPV. Crowd loved it, and Creative obviously felt they could invest in him as a ME'er possibly, so he won MiTB 3 months later.

So why did JoMo's title shot that he had a PPV match to earn, end up being on free TV? Why not take that title shot and give JoMo 20-25 minutes on PPV, without making it Falls Count Anywhere or some shit, and see if he can win Vince over and give him a shot with the strap?

I really feel WWE dropped the ball by having Miz/Orton again, when all around, the young guys are getting pushed. I don't care for JoMo, but it does seem like he just got forgotten all of a sudden. Why was his WWE Title shot deemed worthless when last year Jack Swagger becomes champ for 3 months despite not doing anything beforehand? It just seems bizarre. I mean, without revealing anything, just wait until you see what the World Title match is gonna be, and then maybe you'll know where i'm coming from.
I'm going for Wade Barrett. He could develop an impressive feud with Edge at WM XVII and remeber he was too involved in the feud between Y2J and Edge last year? Barrett has all the qualities needed to main-event WM and he might face Taker if he doesn't win the Rumble. Either way with him out of the Nexus I can see Barrett facing someone of a huge status at the Grandest Stage of them All
Yes, he has. The 2007 RR.

As for whom I'd like to win, it's Christian. This guy's one of the fewer better technical wrestlers in WWE right now and can put on great matches. for e.g. most recently the match with Edge on the May 17 edition of Raw which if my memory serves right lasted more than 18 minutes.

We know the guy has good mic skills (for those of you dumbasses who think otherwise, just watch his heel promos from 2005 or during his initial feud with Edge in 2001 or even the one in which he mocks Alberto for something recent ), and I actually loved his reign as ECW Champion. Put him in a Ladder or TLC match and just see how he shines, even though his performance in traditional one-on-one matches are as good.

Unfortunately, the chances of that are too low.

While as for whom I think would win the RR, it could any fresh upper-midcarder like Morrison and Alberto or even a veteran like Jericho.
Soooo true. Christian as ECW Champion was enough for me to get into the show. He should have been the last champ seeing that he was champ for 7 months but of course Vince McMahon wanted to push Big Zeke instead of Christian or even Regal
I honestly believe that Royal Rumble this year should be like the WCW World War 3. A 60 man, battle royal. Doesn't get much better than that in my opinion. Could fit in well with a possible WCW themed Hall of Fame. I have my fingers crossed nonetheless.
So the Rumble is almost here. This is one of my all time favorite PPV, mainly because in the Rumble you will always get at least one surprise return. So who will it be this year, and will there be more than one?

I think HHH is a sure thing to show up at the Rumble, but I'm also saying that Skip Sheffield will make his return as well. As posted by Jack-Hammer the other day, WWE put him on a list of "Future Stars" even though he's been out for 6 months. This tells me he will be back soon, and I can total see him coming back at the Rumble and eliminating Barrett to start a rivalry between them for Wade "kicking" him out of Nexus.

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