WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

The Rock is not going to return at the Rumble and he's definitely not wrestling Cena at Wrestlemania. There's no chance. Don't get your hopes up. Why on Earth would he do such a thing?

Anyway I still feel that Alberto is going to win. A match with Edge seems very likely to me. I think Cena and Punk are other big favourites as well. Cena doesn't need to win the rumble though for a title match. It would make more sense for him to win a #1 contenders match if Cena is going to Main Event Mania. Punk and ADR are my picks and I wouldn't mind seeing either of them winning it. Morrison's a possibility too.
The Rock is not going to return at the Rumble and he's definitely not wrestling Cena at Wrestlemania. There's no chance. Don't get your hopes up. Why on Earth would he do such a thing?

He probably won't return, I was just dreaming out loud. But to say there is no chance is....nonsense.

Why wouldn't he do such a thing? That's a much better question. There is no film role or tv series that would prevent him from being available from now until April. It could be his swan song, that he never properly received. Much Hogan did for him, The Rock could do for Cena. Not that I would want him to pass the torch to Cena.....but that's the way the business goes. Then next year they could do a Hall of Fame induction for him. The End.

It's been 7 years since he's had a match, too long.

The Rock claimed in an interview to Boston Mix's 104 that he had plans of returning but not for a wrestling match. When asked if he plans on wrestling a match, The Rock said: "How I would come back is a different capacity than what Hulk Hogan did or I believe Ric Flair is doing. Those guys are coming back to actually wrestle. I don't want to wrestle; I have no intention of wrestling a match." However, The Rock later stated that wrestling a match was something that he wouldn't put out of his mind yet.

And yet he hasn't done anything yet. He just wrapped filming his new movie in December. And his schedule is free from now until at least the summer.

Bret Hart returned, Eric Bischoff came to RAW, Jim Ross kissed Vince's ass, etc etc.

Even when Vince says "There is NO CHANCE IN HELL" - it's not impossible.

I'm not saying The Rock WILL RETURN, I'm just creating the possibility and scenario if he did return.
I try to envision every scenario and likewise, I just thought of it a few days ago. Too many possibilities this year, not an open & shut case by any means.

I can totally see a Rock return at the Rumble and certainly a Rock-Cena match at Mania. No match or matches that are being discussed have me excited. Miz-Morrison, Jericho-Orton-Punk, Rock-Cena......that would be one hell of a card. That would satisfy everyone, I'm sure. The rest of the card could be divas matches and I'd still be buying.

The interesting thing about a possible Rocky return? If you look at his schedule, he has none. He has 2 films in post-production and isn't signed to any movies in the foreseeable future. His name has been mentioned for The Expendables 2, but no deal is in place and it's probably 2 years away from filming anyway. Of course this doesn't prove anything, but it's worth noting. His schedule is clear and the timing is right.

But I would have The Rock eliminate Cena, not the other way around. Then directly after have a heel dump him over the top. They can bicker on the outside and then brawl with each other.

I envision Punk, Del Rio, Jericho and Otunga destroying Cena & Morrison. "If you smell what the Rock.....is cooking!" Rock quickly eliminates Otunga with a spitting punch. Punk gets hit with a hard clothesline, likewise to Del Rio. Jericho runs at The Rock and gets hit with a Spinebuster and People's Elbow. Jericho gets up and staggers, Rock eliminates him. Cena starts to stir and The Rock and Cena stare off while Del Rio, Morrison and Punk are down. They are just about to go at it when Punk runs at Rock into a Rock Bottom, he goes to eliminate him. But instead Rocky throws him at Cena, who AA's Punk over the top rope. We are down to 4 men: Del Rio, Morrison, Cena & The Rock. Rock and Cena now trade blows, Rocky gets the upper hand and whips him into the buckle. He goes for The Rock Bottom, Cena fights out. He goes for an AA, Rock fights out. Cena runs at The Rock, back body drop over the top. But Cena lands on the apron, Rock doesn't know it.....Cena does the "You Can't See Me" behind the Rocks back. Rock spits on his hand and punches Cena off the apron, he then trash talks him as he lies on the floor.

Meanwhile Morrison gets knees to the mid section while going for star ship pain. Del Rio is pointing to his head and gloating as the Rock waits behind him patiently. He tilts his head to the side in disbelief. Del Rio turns around into a spinebuster.......Ricardo Rodriguez pulls the rope down and Rocky goes sailing over the top. Rodriguez hides under the ring and The Rock assumes it was Cena. They start trading words and then brawl on the outside. Del Rio tries to lock in the arm breaker on Morrison, he fights out. Morrison ducks a clothesline and hits the flying chuck and sends Del Rio over the top and to the apron, Del Rio ducks a clothesline and hits a right hand. He goes to spring board back in the ring and gets hit with another flying chuck sending him to the floor.

Royal Rumble Winner: John Morrison

I can dream can't I????????

This is a good call too and I'd be equally ok with Rock eliminating Cena. I was saying this would be more of an awesome hypothetical situation, however I didn't know the Rock had nothing going on till at least May, AND he said in an interview he plans on returning hmmmmm... All Im saying is I was called an idiot, and ****** when I said Cena's final partner at Summerslam was going to be Daniel Bryan and look how that turned out (I know the Rock returning is a way lower chance). As I said there's no way to say no chance or no it wont happen cause were not Dwayne Johnson and not Vince McMahon. Also remember its wrestling anything can happen. We will see, but for the winner I hope its Morrison or Punk they deserve it and a Morrison Miz match at WM I'm all for that!
The Rock wants to be known as an actor not a wrestler. If he did wrestle he could be associated with wrestling again which in his mind could be bad for his acting career. I'm not saying he won't ever return as I think he will someday for his HOF induction but I don't see him wrestling again. Why risk getting injured and then affecting his movies. I don't blame him either. He makes more money with acting and if I were him I wouldn't risk it for one match.
The Rock wants to be known as an actor not a wrestler. If he did wrestle he could be associated with wrestling again which in his mind could be bad for his acting career. I'm not saying he won't ever return as I think he will someday for his HOF induction but I don't see him wrestling again. Why risk getting injured and then affecting his movies. I don't blame him either. He makes more money with acting and if I were him I wouldn't risk it for one match.

I agree 100% with that, if The Rock came back it would look like he just quit acting alltogether and he wouldn't want that to happen, since he is in basically 4 or 5 movies a year
The Rock wants to be known as an actor not a wrestler. If he did wrestle he could be associated with wrestling again which in his mind could be bad for his acting career. I'm not saying he won't ever return as I think he will someday for his HOF induction but I don't see him wrestling again. Why risk getting injured and then affecting his movies. I don't blame him either. He makes more money with acting and if I were him I wouldn't risk it for one match.

I see your logic, but disagree. He's made a big enough name for himself outside of wrestling, that it shouldn't affect his acting career.

Schwarzenegger did a cameo in the Expendables and he's The Governor. Plus The Rock is more of an action star, if he were doing theater or dramatic roles, then maybe I could agree.

I seriously doubt he is worried about injury, how many guest hosts on RAW or guest stars at Mania have taken bumps and left unscathed. He's in amazing shape and he does some his own stunts in Hollywood. The risk factor is minimal. He'd only have to compete in one match, the rest would be promos.

He has future offers on the table, The Expendables 2 (ex.). Wrestling would not jeopardize that in any way, shape or form. In fact it would only help.
alright enough of the non sensical predictions, lets keep it real

and here is the redhotrockets prediction.....

the winner of the 2011 royal rumble will be...........

Dolph Ziggler.
Yes, Ziggler will lose against edge however will be the 41st entrant into the royal rumble because of vickie setting up Edge V Ziggler at wrestlemania.

either that or mark henry wins.
alright enough of the non sensical predictions, lets keep it real

and here is the redhotrockets prediction.....

the winner of the 2011 royal rumble will be...........

Dolph Ziggler.
Yes, Ziggler will lose against edge however will be the 41st entrant into the royal rumble because of vickie setting up Edge V Ziggler at wrestlemania.

either that or mark henry wins.

I highly doubt that they would put Ziggler in that position, to win the Royal Rumble I mean. If he were destined to win the Rumble, then why not have Del Rio face Edge for the title and Ziggler enter the Rumble?

Which is why I still think Morrison is going to win, they put him in the Rumble for a reason. They had him prove himself on RAW, instead of testing him in a title match at the Rumble. It just seems that they have been building him up for so long (since Summerslam), it's now or never.

I'm still hoping Morrison and Del Rio draw #1 & #2.......and are the final 2. Shades of 95......this time the face wins over the heel.

One more thing, all the comparisons and similarities between Morrison and HBK......look who's being inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. A homage to Michaels would be fitting, would it not?
Is it just me, or has there been pretty much no hype around this year's Rumble? Sure, it has been mentioned on Raw, but in "the old days," pretty much the entire lineup would have been mentioned "officially" by now - and with 40 this year, you would expect there to be more names being tossed around.

That being said, I have a feeling (and I know I say this every other year or so) that this is the year they bring back the Pop Contest, like they had at the Rumble in, IIRC, 1992; the last two will be Cena and HHH (yes, I think this is where he returns), and when one of them tries to clothesline the other out, they both go over the top rope and land pretty much simultaneously, then this happens:
* The referees argue about it
* The announcer says, "The winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble is..."
* Play Cena's music
* The referees argue some more
* The announcer says, "The winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble is..."
* Play HHH's music (this allows the WWE to gauge which of the two gets the bigger pop, which is why I call it a "pop contest")
* The referees argue yet again
At this point, the RAW GM decides to make him/herself known and announces that both of them get a title shot at WrestleMania, even if it means making the WWE title match a triple threat, and never mind that, if you want to get technical, the RAW GM should have no say in a "combined" RAW/SD event like the Rumble - never let logic get in the way of a good storyline.

-- Don
The major candidates are Punk, Del Rio, Morrison and Barrett. Vince has been on a tremendous youth kick this year and the obvious candidates like Cena, a returning HHH or a returning Jericho just don't need to win to lock up their slot at mania.

Of these, I'd say Barrett is slightly more likely than Punk, just because Punk can easily get a Mania match some other way, whereas a Rumble win would actually give the Corre something relevant to do on SD besides generically beating dudes up again. Plus, it sets up the rumoured Taker/Barrett match very nicely. Morrison could win if they decide it's his time...and then maybe they keep the belt on the Miz until Mania? They don't exactly need the title matches to be the draws, do they?

Del Rio is another very strong candidate, and he's clearly someone they want to extract maximum value out of while they can. He's 33 (so not the youngest), and already more or less the finished article in the ring, excellent on the mic, and very over. You might as well just not waste time and hot-shot him to the main event level. He'd probably go up against the RAW guy...Orton, maybe? I really feel as though Punk/Cena is worth stretching out to Mania.

My pick's still Barrett, but we'll see.
Is it just me, or has there been pretty much no hype around this year's Rumble? Sure, it has been mentioned on Raw, but in "the old days," pretty much the entire lineup would have been mentioned "officially" by now - and with 40 this year, you would expect there to be more names being tossed around.

That being said, I have a feeling (and I know I say this every other year or so) that this is the year they bring back the Pop Contest, like they had at the Rumble in, IIRC, 1992; the last two will be Cena and HHH (yes, I think this is where he returns), and when one of them tries to clothesline the other out, they both go over the top rope and land pretty much simultaneously, then this happens:
* The referees argue about it
* The announcer says, "The winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble is..."
* Play Cena's music
* The referees argue some more
* The announcer says, "The winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble is..."
* Play HHH's music (this allows the WWE to gauge which of the two gets the bigger pop, which is why I call it a "pop contest")
* The referees argue yet again
At this point, the RAW GM decides to make him/herself known and announces that both of them get a title shot at WrestleMania, even if it means making the WWE title match a triple threat, and never mind that, if you want to get technical, the RAW GM should have no say in a "combined" RAW/SD event like the Rumble - never let logic get in the way of a good storyline.

-- Don

I think you are referring to 1994 with Bret Hart and Lex Luger.

But as I thought in a previous post in this thread. I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of 1997 repeat is done this year. It would have to be with a heel of course, so Punk or Del Rio would be the most likely choices. Del Rio makes more sense though. Del Rio gets eliminated, ref doesn't see it because of confusion - maybe from trying to separate Sheamus & Triple H on the outside, for example. Del Rio sneaks back in or Ricardo Rodriguez rolls him back inside. Del Rio ends up eliminating the remaining 5 guys.....say Cena, Punk, Morrison, Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio.

All this would set up an Elimnation Chamber match to determine the true Royal Rumble winner.

It gives creative more time to set up WM. The injuries to major stars and the questions surrounding their availability are glaring problems. An extra month would give them a clearer picture as to who will be healthy enough to compete at WM.

Just another of my million scenarios that I can see happening.
i got two picks for the Royal Rumble, One is John Cena (WWE seems to be teasing Cena vs The Miz) and the Second one is Alberto Del Rio. Other than that, it would be a surprise if anyone else won. I dont see Barrett winning (i think he feuds with Undertaker if he comes back and if not someone else, maybe even Punk), i COULD see Punk win, ONLY to lose his title shot to Cena a month later, but i dont think WWE goes that route, but those are my guesses.
Why does everyone believe Jericho is returning at the Rumble? He has quit the business to take care of his music career! Triple H or Christian returning is more realistic!
I was bored so I did a CPU Royal Rumble on SVR11 to see what happened.

Put most of the names of the 25 already mentioned in, had to leave out a few like Regal, Harris, McGillicutty who have no chance. The rest was made of of obvious competitors who havent been announced like Kane, Big Show, Sheamus, etc and added a few possible suprise returns like Christian, Triple H and Undertaker. Edge, Ziggler, Orton and Miz were left out for obvious reasons.

Results were.........

Superstar who drew number 1: WADE BARRETT
Superstar who drew number 2: JOHN MORRISON
Superstar who drew number 3: DAVID OTUNGA
Superstar who drew number 4: DANIEL BRYAN
Longest Competitor: TYSON KIDD
Most Dominant: UNDERTAKER
Eliminated John Cena: ZEKE JACKSON
Superstar who drew number 30: ALBERTO DEL RIO
Last Elimination: ALBERTO DEL RIO

Lets see this Sunday how realistic the games results were!
I think you are referring to 1994 with Bret Hart and Lex Luger.
My bad - I kept thinking it was 1992 because I know Bret won the title at the WM following the Rumble I mentioned, and he was the champion going into WM in 1993. I forgot that Yokozuna had won the title back from Hogan at King of the Ring 1993 in the "exploding camera" match.

-- Don
Its Gotta Be Triple H Hes Been Gone For Sooo Long And Nobody HAs Talked Of Him.. That BEing Said Lets Look At The Past That I Can Remember John Cena Came Back Won The Rumble And I May Be Wrong But Triple H Has Done It Before Theres Alot More But My Point Is Triple H Was Suppose To Come Back But got Sidelined Before A Comeback Before Summerslam With A Torn Tricep And They Said He Was Supposed To Come Back in January Through March ... Well Look At The Time.

2.) Why It Cant Be Christian Look At Him Wwe Refuses To Give Him A Main Event Push Why Would They Give Him A Royal Rumble Win.??? I Can Only See A Rare ... Wait... Post A Forum About The Possibility Of The Undertaker!!!!!

3.) UNDERTAKER !!! They ARe Currently Having Nexus Vs Corre Number 40 Will Either In My Opinion Be Trips Or Undertaker To Win Heres Undertakers Story. Wade Barrett Stopped The Undertaker From Beating Kane At Buried Alive And In The Rumble The Lights Go Out Undertaker And Wade Barrett Are In The Ring Barret Gets Thrown Out Blah Blah But The Point Is Look It May Be Taker Or Trips To Headline Wrestlemania It May Sound Wrong But Look At It From Both Sides And Think...
Who do you all think will draw number 1?

Who will draw number 2?

Who will draw number 40?

I was thinking Alberto Del Rio and John Morrison for 1 & 2. One heel and one face, both are dark horse candidates and have stamina. Plus Del Rios entrance is long and drawn out....it'd be nice to see him drive out as #1. Morrison's slow-mo entrance is better suited for an opening as well.

As for 40, if it's not a surprise entrant. Then I'm going to go with CM Punk.
alberto del rio will be number1 and either rtruth or daniel bryan will be number2 because they usually go with 2guys who can work to start the royal rumble number40 will probably be a shock so maybe the miz entering at 40after earlier losing his title or maybe the chosen1 drew mcintyre
Nice Post.
I'm thinking one will be Daniel Bryan, he can do 60 minute matches as shown in ROH and a few other promotions. While he wont win he can easily last till the last ten, maybe even five.

Number two should be Cody Rhodes. Now maybe I am the only one that sees something in him, but I think he can be something great if given a gd push and storyline, plus with him being so young and in shape im sure he can last a gd 20-30 mins.

for 40, hmmmmmm ima go with a surprise entrant, I'm thinking Christian, while he wont win he will bein the top 2. Losing to my pick to win it ALBERTOOOOOOOOOOOO DEL RIOOOOOOOOOOO.

Yes Alberto Del Rio WILL WIN IT
1: Cody Rhodes will start of the rumble
2: Daniel bryan will come In 2nd
27: to be the number that have produced the most wins I think the 27th entree will be big show walking down to the ring with a smile on his face as the whole rumble stops and tries to attack him getting fought off one by one
40: will be triple h coming in to cost sheamus the rumble we don't want it to happen but face it hunter vs sheamus 2 will be happening
If not triple h then I'd go with orton after losing the match to miz comes in and gets eliminated by cm punk thus starting a feud leading up to punk eliminating orton in the EC and then a match will be set for WM
Winner: I'm hoping it's a new winner like del rio or jomo but I think it will be cena again
I'm a huge cena fan but id rather see another guy in the mainevent title match
You can expect Cena to be an early entrant because of the lack of star power, the increase to 40 and the likely story of 2 factions trying to get rid of him but it won't be before Nexus get in at least 2 members.
As for No1? Swagger, Kingston, Bryan, ADR. What we've never had before is a surprise entrant start off the Rumble, it could totally happen this year. Also, don't be surprised to see some form of WCW presence turn up. There are a lot of entrants who haven't been announced.
Just to be different I think #1 will be Santino Marella while #2 will be Koslov. I think Santino will spend the time either running or begging to be spared. Then a heel (maybe Big Zeke?) will come out and get double teamed.

Number 40 will be Wade Barrett, he will not win as he will be eliminated by Cena.
I think number one will be Daniel Bryan, followed by number two, CM Punk. The Nexus tie in, plus last nights reference to Punk not being there when other Nexus members start showing up in the twenties,......

Number 40 ..... The Miz, as a last second add in after he WINS his title match. I think it would be great to see him enter and win just to try to unify the titles at Mania.

The Miz is my pick to win it. Never has a champ won a Rumble to face another champ as far as I know. Why not this year? It would be different. Triple H isn't gonna win, Cena isn't gonna win, and Punk or Barrett aren't gonna win. Del Rio and Morrison could win, but I don't think they are quite ready to main event Mania.

Just my 2 cents.

PS. The Miz could attack a face as the 40th guy is on his way to the ring, to help push him as a heel, and then enter that way too.
Only thing I see happening is Dolph beating Edge and then Edge claiming the #40 spot he won on RAW or possibly Edge retaining and giving a returning Christian his #40 spot

Otherwise I would like to see Alberto and Bryan start 1 & 2

I see Nexus managing to enter one after another.
I think Kane should be number one as I think he will be eliminated in the 20-25 range. I think R Truth can be number 2 who will probably get eliminated in the 12-18 range.

I think Cody Rhodes is gonna surprise with his performance and I think the shortest time will go to Santino again, maybe even Dibiasie with his current story.

Surprise entrants... Khali will be back probably eliminate 5-7 low carders (Primo,Yoshi, JTG etc.)
We might see a Jerry The King in tights sighting.
I highly doubt but wish Christian comes back.

Now the number 40 slot I think it'll be Del Rio they can have him say it was his destiny if he wins hence the number 40 slot.

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