WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - Aftermath and General Discussion

i think the rumble match started off good but once cm punk was eliminated, it started to go down hill. Kevin Nash and Booker T were nice additions, but cena and hornswoggle were just garbage.

It dragged a bit, but it I'll admit it did crack me up when he was imitating CM Punk with his fists. I didn't really have a problem with it, it didn't hurt the match.

But Sheamus throwing him down and Brogue kicking him to hell was sick. Did you see how hard he threw him down to the mat? lol too funny.

Most of the best spots came early so the last half wasn't as good.

The only part of the night I thought was lame was when The Nexus & Corre came out and started brawling......just pointless. When each Nexus guy came out we were so sick of seeing them that it was irritating to see them again. Once in the title match, once before the Rumble and then during it.
I learned to NEVER get excited for a Divas match EVER again. I was certain Awesome Kong was gonna show up and whip ass, naturally that didnt happen. Deisel and Booker T made up alot for the disapointment of that (even though we all knew). The PPV was ok, it only seems to be when I buy a PPV they completely go opposite of what I think they would go =P
Why did creative decide to pull this? He’s currently on this big rise and was the supposed “dark horse” to win this match. He was eliminated so early. Many thought he would at least be in the final 4-10. It just seems really disappointing especially since he gave the crowd that nice spot when he landed on the barricade and jumped back to the ring. Is his push all but gone? I don’t even think he eliminated anybody.
I haven't ordered a WWE pay per view since WrestleMania, and I opted to fork over the $45 tonight for the Rumble.

What an incredible disappointment. Whoever booked this Royal Rumble should be fired immediately. I don't think they did ANYTHING to get ANYONE over. 40 Superstars, "the biggest Rumble of all time" - and it was absolute crap. There was NO ONE who came out of this match looking strong. There was no one who had an "impressive showing", unless of course you count Hornswoggle.

One of the major issues with this Royal Rumble was the pathetic announce team. Did these guys put over ANYONE? Did they hype anyone up at all ? Were they interested in this match at all? Or were they as bored as I was? Where the hell is Jim Ross when you need him? Ugh...

And CM Punk and Nexus dominating for 10 minutes, was the most boring sh*t I have ever seen. It didn't make them look strong. It didn't get them any heat. All it did was piss people off, bore them, and suck all the energy out of the entire match.

Seriously, WWE? THIS is the best you have to offer?

Alberto Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble is like Mabel winning the King of the Ring. FML.
WWE Royal Rumble - January 30, 2011

Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler - Excellent match to start the show off with. They used the first 5 minutes or so to slowly build things up and then kicked things into gear. Dolph Ziggler continues to impress me and he gave another stellar performance tonight against a legit main eventer and multi-time World Champion. There were several great, believable near falls during the match and I liked how the incorporated Edge kinda sorta cheating to ultimately get the victory. As the ref is distracted with Vickie, Edge hits the spear on Ziggler and eventually follows it with the unprettier for the win at the 22 minute mark. It was a great match and I'm so glad that they didn't use the no spear stipulation to give Ziggler an unremarkable beginning to what would most likely be a shitty first World Championship reign. Thumbs Up

The Miz vs. Randy Orton - I thought this was a great match as well, but I didn't like it quite as much as I did the WHC match. The Miz & Orton put out a highly competitive match that hit some nice spots and helped paint The Miz in something of a different light than what we're used to seeing from him. The interference of CM Punk was something of a surprise as he was able to hit the GTS on Orton to help Miz retain the title at the 20 minute mark. I would've preferred to see Miz retain the title cleanly, but I wasn't all that optimistic about that happening. As I said, a really good match. Not as good as the opener but The Miz retains here and that's the right outcome in my view. Thumbs Up

Natalya vs. Eve Torres vs. LayCool - The Raw GM makes this a fatal fourway match and you could just tell that the crowd wasn't really into this. However, I thought that the four women did a good job with the time that they were given. This match was basically filler but there was some good action going on. Natalya putting LayCool in a double Sharpshooter looked sweet. Eve eventually hits a moonsault and winds up winning the title about the 5.5 minute mark. No Awesome Kong appearance here or anything but there were some good sequences during the match. As I said, the Divas did a good job with the time they were given and I've got no real complaints about the effort here. Thumbs Up

Royal Rumble Match - I enjoyed the Rumble match overall and have no major complaints about much. The match was a little slow in some parts but that can only be expected in a 60+ minute battle royal, or really any match that lasts that long. Anyone expecting otherwise is a delusional ass. I found myself hoping that CM Punk was going to wind up winning the match but he had a good showing for himself and he & Nexus managed to generate heat for themselves. Daniel Bryan did about as well as I expected and made it to about the 22 minute mark before Punk eliminated him. I was a little disappointed that JoMo didn't last longer as I would've liked to have seen him make it closer to the end. Booker T and Diesel were used EXACTLY the right way tonight in my view. They offered a great nostalgia moment, did their thing in there for a while before each of them is eliminated by a young. I could've done without Hornswoggle being in the match, but at least he didn't eliminate anyone. Seeing Big Zeke eliminate The Big Show was an impressive moment and another big power display. I was as happy as can be to see John Cena get eliminated by The Miz, even though Miz wasn't in the match. Ultimately, Alberto Del Rio wound up winning the Rumble a little past the 70 minute mark and I'm thrilled. Del Rio is a great talent and anyone that can't see that is a fucking idiot in my view. I thought it was a great tease there at the end when it looked as if Santino was going to eliminate him for the win. I bet plenty of IWC smarks were about to shit themselves right then and there. Del Rio wins the match and it's great to see a guy win the Rumble that actually got some real benefit from the win. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - I thought the Rumble was a great show from start to finish. The WHC and WWE Championship matches were both great matches, especially the WHC match in which Ziggler shined once again. The Divas match was pure filler but they did a good job with the amount of time they were given and put forth a good effort. Reading some of the complaints thus far about the show just goes to show how idiotic some wrestling fans are these days. There are actually people complaining that Santino was the last guy in there with Del Rio. If he'd actually fucking won the match, then there'd be something to bitch about. A lot of these criticisms stem from people that had a certain set idea for how they felt that the Rumble should have gone. They didn't get their way, so they're pissing and moaning like a bunch of 1st graders whose mommies wouldn't get them a toy at Wal-Mart. So Awesome Kong didn't debut, so Triple H didn't make his return. Big fuckin' deal. It was never advertised that any of those things would happen. Fans simply took it upon themselves to speculate that it would happen, that speculation turned into belief and they were let down when it didn't happen. Grow the fuck up. As for Del Rio winning the Rumble, great decision in my view. Del Rio's one of the best on the SD! roster and winning the Rumble match actually meant something in his career. I know that the idea of a major televised wrestling company actually creating new stars and pushing young talent is a brand new, maybe even frightening concept for some fans.

Grade: A-
I thought Edge vs Ziggler and Orton vs Miz were both good matches. They made a mistake putting Orton in the rumble. Having Punk cost him the title was the perfect way to end his night.

The rumble started off great with Punk and Bryan. New Nexus looked great until Super Cena showed. Can they get rid of Hornswoggle what a joke that was. He was in the ring way too long poor Tyson Kidd.

You could feel the let down at the end of the rumble from the crowd. I think most people were expecting Triple H to show up. I was hoping Morrison would of won.

LOL @ Eve basically getting no reaction in the divas match. You could sense the disappointment from the crowd when she came out.
Because you can't just have the last guys all be the top guys. It's also hard to know what to do with him given cena miz orton punk undertaker barrett and triple h sheamus and del rio somebody are gonna be the top matches at mania according to most so what feud is left besides mitb. Who's left Bryan ziggler macintyre who. He seems to be stuck in no mans land thats all.
1) The crowd was extremely hot until Cena eliminated Punk and Hornswoggle came in. When it became evident HHH wasn't going to appear the crowd died.

2) No one wants to see Orton/Cena at all.

3) The Corre is going to be booked as an inferior group to the New Nexus. Justin Gabriel was the first elimination after entering at #3, lasted less than 90 seconds, and no one else was eliminated for a long time. Heath Slater had a similar showing.

4) I LOVE the idea of a tag team with Sheamus and Drew McIntyre.

5) The two title matches showed us that Dolph Ziggler is a wrestling machine, while Miz still needs some work.

6) I'm convinced the WWE is going to wait another year or so on John Morrison. He is getting strong face pops as fans clearly want to see him in the main event scene. I think they are waiting until his pops reach epic levels before they pull the trigger. They are creating a huge babyface and it takes time.
Personally, I was actually pretty happy with the ending. I like Del Rio, but his winning is not what made me happy. Santino and Del Rio as the final participants...who would have really seen that happening? It made it seem like HEY, the last 2 guys in the Rumble don't have to be Cena and Orton, and the Rumble SEEMS like it can be anybody's win.

Also, Alberto del Rio came out for weeks saying he is going to win...but when does that EVER mean he would actually win? WWE Superstars do that all the time before the Rumble...and it never works out. I went to this PPV (I was actually there) completely believing this would be a win for CM Punk. I walked away pleasantly surprised. Most years, I go into a Rumble with a good idea of who is going to win, and this year, I had none.
Because you can't just have the last guys all be the top guys. It's also hard to know what to do with him given cena miz orton punk undertaker barrett and triple h sheamus and del rio somebody are gonna be the top matches at mania according to most so what feud is left besides mitb. Who's left Bryan ziggler macintyre who. He seems to be stuck in no mans land thats all.

I thought he would at least go toe to toe with Sheamus given there feud over the past couple months. They shouldnt have built him up to look like he was going to do something when they go on to burry him against Nexus.
I cant beleave how short lived it was for kevin, and booker T. They were the only fun in the whole pay per view. wwe has gotten boring. I love tna way better. i hope kevin returns to tna.
Anyone who thinks that this is the end of Morrison's push is looking into this way too much. Had Morrison stayed in, he, along with everyone in at the time, would've been fed to Nexus. That would've made him look much weaker than his actual method of elimination. Morrison's time will come. It's best that he doesn't get the world title push until he's as over as can be with the fans.

Not to mention, Morrison made the highlight reels for years to come. Aside from winning the Rumble, that's the best thing to aim for in the match. Did you happen to miss that incredible spot where he latched onto the barricade and somehow made it back into the ring? That was unbelievable! It may be the greatest elimination counter ever, much better than anyone skinning the cat, which has become somewhat cliched. Morrison didn't win, but his push isn't over, and his performance was not in vain. His showing tonight will be on Rumble highlight reels for years.
I thought the rumble match was at about a B+... the whole Nexus throwing everyone out lasted way too long... I knew once John Morrison landed that incredible spot that he wasn't winning the rumble (they would've never risked the winner missing a spot like that)... the Hornswoggle/Cena thing was actually OK in my mind because if i was the WWE's target audience, i would've enjoyed that spot greatly... Cena not getting thrown out cleanly was kinda shitty, but its setting up for a title match... Don't see miz headling since only a few first time WWE champions have headlined in WM history... Glad to see Booker and Diesel as suprise entries... Booker could've lasted a little longer since he wasn't as slow as Diesel was...
yea im gonna agree what are they doing john morrison was who i want to win rumble at least make sheamus vs morrison fight and they both eliminated and fight more afterwards
well i learned no event is sacred anymore. wwe creative crapped all over my fav ppv. 90 seconds again? crap. nexus throwing out 2 many people. crap. hornswaggle? MEGACRAP. santino in the final 2? cmon, really? CRAP. del rio winning? super crap. cmon wwe, nash and booker were nice. jomo's highspot was AWESOME. but all ur title matches had suspect finishes and the rumble, MY FAVORITE MATCH FOR OVER 2 DECADES was HORRIBLY booked!!!! who ever okd this CRAP needs to b fired and i want my money back and it erased from my memory. worst rumble match EVER imo. sorry iwc, i get more angry as i think about it and relive it. this was CRAP. and as previous posters have said, i fear for WM. cuz if they can lay a stanking turd at the rumble, nothing is sacred, not even the grandest stage of them all.
Uhm, because they decided too? Seriously, Morrison put on probably the best showing out of everyone in the Rumble, and the "John Morrison is a fucking ninja" spot pretty much had me going 'holy fucking shit'. After tonight, he's probably going to get one hell of a pop on RAW.

PS Holy crap Diesel got a loud pop
John Morrison is still an improving talent. Headlining WM is a bit early for Jomo, he might deserve it but he isn't ready yet which is a given. Morrison has all the potential in the world he certainly has the wrestling and athletic ability, lacks a bit in the promo department but with time and crowd reaction JoMo will be a star in the WWE for years to come.
1) Dolph has got some chops. If Vickie is slowly gotten rid of, he might have a shot at regular MEing.
2) The Divas division has the power to stir great emotion in me. That emotion being rage as they gave the no value butterfly belt to a fucking backup dancer. Again! Awesome Kong, I'm whitey and I apologize.
3) CM Punk will never get ahead in WWE. That priviledge is reserved for ass kissers and talentless hacks.
4) Apparently, during a double date you can switch partners for no reason. Orton is now going fuck Punk and Cena is going to fuck Miz. at least everyone gets laid, right?
5) The Rumble is now a joke. I can live with Del Rio winning (at least Cena didn't) but to have Santino be the other finalist was digusting. For half a second, the terror of him winning entered my mind (he hit the fucking Cobra for god sake!) and Rio wins because of a quick turn around! That makes him and the 38 others look like morons. 38, not 39 because Santino can now say he almost won the Royal Rumble. Like I said A JOKE!
6) We may very well be close to a G rating because Cena and Hornswoggle teamed up. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!
Sorry but I had to do that. I'm at the end of my rope. I'll watch raw tommorow and I think I'm done for a while or just for good. Fuck WWE.

Oh and I almost forgot: Jomo can learn to walk on water and they won't push him. Again FUCK WWE.
Uhm, because they decided too? Seriously, Morrison put on probably the best showing out of everyone in the Rumble, and the "John Morrison is a fucking ninja" spot pretty much had me going 'holy fucking shit'. After tonight, he's probably going to get one hell of a pop on RAW.

PS Holy crap Diesel got a loud pop

Yeah, I mentioned that the spot was awesome. But, it wasn’t even close to being relevant to the Rumble. I just think they ruined the significance of the spot by having him thrown out so early. Btw, people went ape shit at the bar I was at when Diesels music hit.
Santino as the last guy to get eliminated may be stupid for the pure wrestling fans perspective but to those who know how over Santino is, it was smart.

I agree that Ziggler and Orton being in the Rumble was stupid and pointless, IMO, HHH could have been in the rumble for fodder if they needed it...

I completley disagree about Del Rio, maybe the crowd tonight may not have given his the best reaction but everywhere else that man goes he is so over as a hell and anyone that can't see that is blind.

The only bad spot of the PPV was the horrid idea of Eve winning the Divas title match, Kong hitting the ring to kill everyone would have been amazing, but alas, eveyone figured this out, so they scrapped it.

BTW if you call yourself an Internet Wrestling Fan and shat on this PPV then you really have lost all hope. Punk and Bryan at the beginning of the Rumble was epic, that coupled with Ziggler and Edge was worth the price of The Rumble alone.

Ive said Ziggler is gonna be huge since his MOTY performance with Daniel Bryan at Bragging Rights, and tonight he proved that even more.

Sheamus and McIntyre as a team would be great, I mean fantastic.

If anyone couldn't tell, Miz was sick, I'd hate to use that as an excuse, but it's the truth.

Morrison needs to be over but I don't think the rumble is what he needs, I think he needs that, keep trying and failing and trying and failing push, then BAM out of nowhere wins.

Of course this is my OPINION and you all have your own, but I give it a B+ (could have had another match or two, and could have done without Orton/Ziggler in Rumble AND that atrocious Divas Match) but otherwise a solid PPV.
Contrary to an apparent popular belief, imma go out on a limb and say that this was actually wun of the better royal rumbles ive seen.

It was entertaining from start to finish. Edge and Ziggler did there thing, Randy carried the Miz well, John Morrison is nowhere near human lolz, The Nexus showed there dominance, Hornswoggle was hilarious (and i am NOT a fan of hornswoggle), booker t and kevin nash looked great and got a tremendous reaction, and the think the right person wun. I mean besides Morrison who else would you rather see? Cena again? How bout Orton?....NO!!! its something new, something fresh and something we havent seen for the last 7 wrestlemanias in a row. and the spot with Santino at the end was CLASSIC!!!! lmaoooo

the only things id say that sucked about the rumble is the fact that they just threw Orton in it, and that Nash and booker didnt last longer

i personally thing that the IWC is never satisfied and is always gonna speak against anything wwe does. Even if Stone Cold were to come back you guys would find a way to complain. you may not agree with what im saying here, but this was def wun of the better rumbles
#2. 40 fucking men my ass. The biggest rumble yet was chopped down by NexASS throwing out everyone one by one... and most of all THEY REMOVED JOHN MORRISON AFTER HIS COOL ASS ELIMINATION SAVE. This rumble was a let down, didn't have enough ring filling moments.----------

Besides my rant, I also learned the John Morrison is a true ninja.

I felt the same way about Morrison. There was no need to take him out so early. One thing I did learn from the Rumble though is that Booker T still has IT. Man was he great tonight. At the bar I was at, everyone was chanting King Booker and long live the king! lol
2011 Royal Rumble will go down in history.

You'll have people that either love it or hate it.

Personally, I loved it. Anything unpredictable is great...especially in the world of sports entertainment
I learned a lot about the current WWE product and the direction they are going.

1. I learned just how serious they are about pushing new stars. Del Rio winning the Rumble wasn't a huge shock but I was still in disbelief that it actually happened. His ring and mic work have been great so far, but is it too soon for a Mania main event.

2. Sheamus has lost a lot of steam. He did nothing memorable in the Rumble besides thankfully eliminate Hornswoggle

3. Three matches for Mania will be Miz v Cena,Orton v Punk, Del Rio v Edge

4. Nash and Booker got a tremendous reaction because of nostalgia. I marked out when I heard their entrance music and seen them hit the ring. So many people keep saying they are over with the crowd, but I think we are confusing this with getting a good reaction because many people haven't seen them in a while. Time may tell if they are really over.

5. Possible match for Mania: Nash v Big Show
I can't really complain about the Hornswoggle thing because me and my friends were cracking up. I think it was just some bit of comedy and honestly I don't care if it didn't make people like Tyson Kidd look good because to me he is shit anyways. The conclusion to me was perfect. I loved that Del Rio won and I don't care if it is too early because he is Mexican and that is all I care about. The Randy Orton match to me was kind of boring and the Ziggler match was very exciting. Another thing that pumped me up was when he used Christian's finisher. That made me think that he would return, but he didn't. Booker T and Kevin Nash were nice. Booker T especially. Overall I think it was awesome.

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