WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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Last 5 are going to be

4.ORTON:He will come in early and will loke like winning it but would be eliminated by returning Undertaker..

3.UNDERTAKER:After he eliminates Orton,Orton goes nuts and come back in the ring to eliminate the Phenom and start the build up to their match at WRESTLEMANIA..!!

I like that idea. I actually think Orton will face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania one more time before Taker retires. This would be a good way to start the build.


WINNER: RANDY ORTON. I believe the Rumble is in St.Louis Missouri this year. That's Orton's hometown. Ortons been taking a back seat the last couple of months to help put over guys like Mark Henry. I feel WWE is going to "Cena" him up sooner or later. The Rumble would be as good an oppurtunity as any.

IF the Rumble isn't in St.Louis, then my second choice would be a returning Jericho winning the Rumble and going on to face Punk at Wrestlemania. I personally would prefer this finish, but I'm pretty sure the event's taking place in St.Louis which leads me to believe Ortons the best bet to win.

--Alberto Del Rio will draw #1 and last for a good portion of the match before finally being eliminated by Orton.

--Evan Bourne will enter at #2. Like Orton, he's a St.Louis native and will get a nice hometown pop when they introduce him.

--RVD will be this years Booker T/Nash. Another TNA guy who returns home to WWE at the Rumble for one night.

--Masked Kane will set a new record for most eliminations in a rumble, thus breaking his own record.

--John Cena won't be in the Rumble. I feel he'll be facing CM Punk for the WWE Championship. The Rock will show up and attack Cena. Punk will also be the recipient of a post match Rock Bottom as he's been bad mouthing the Rock for quite some time.
1. Cody Rhodes (Winner) - Lets face it WWE are big on this guy so why not. If he wins I'll be happy.

2. John Cena - Well its John Cena...I joke but seriously he's the face of wwe and going into the arguably biggest match in WM history at WM 28.

3. Sheamus - He's one of SD biggest stars and will probably going to win the WHC at EC and face Bryan at WM 28.

4. Randy Orton - THE FACE OF SD. He has to be up there because if he's not then it might be hard to take him serious.

5. Zack Ryder - Yes I won't lie I'm a HUGE Ryder fan. But its more to do with the push he is slowly getting my guess is that at WM28 he'll win the US title.

People who I missed

ADR - He's going to face punk for the WWE title so I don't think he'll even be in the rumble

Punk - As I said before but he'll win so he won't be in.

The Miz - IMO he could be challenging for the WHC also Awesome truth splitting up R-truth could eliminate him and continue the feud.

Christian - IMO he'll definitely be in the WHC match against Kane and Maybe Henry.

Kane - Read Christian's reason except My guess Kane could win.

Henry - Read Christian.


I wanted to add the legends because there is always a surprise and it could change everything

1. Brodus Clay - There is absolutley no chance he wins the rumble but if WWE wants to make him a monster coming in late in the rumble and lasting until the last 5 would help. I doubt he would make it much farther than that but look who was the runner up last year...

2. John Cena- I can see the Rock coming in and throwing him out. Unless he faces Punk for the tile at the event than you know he will be in the last 5.

3. Kane- He seems like he will have a big return to WWE soon and what a better way than having him destroy most of the Rumble and come close to winning it. I can see him being the last one eliminated by the winner who I will state who I think it will be later.

4. Randy Orton- Like Cena he will most likely not win but will last longer than Cena becuase his WM future is in question. Once again I can see him being the last one eliminated like last year (or so we thought).

5,/ predicted winner Sheamus- Like Del Rio last year there is not really anyone else I can see winning it that has not already. He will win and face DB and Mark Henry in a triple threat match at WM. Even if he does not win I can almost guarantee that we will see him in the last 5 of he 2012 Royal Rumble match.
What if D.Bryan. my boy, my fav 5
Wins the Rumble like Benoit did, following he cashes in on the world title and wins or if it's b4 the Rumble he wins then. Following Rumble he gets traded to Raw then goes into Mania with 2 title shots 1 via Rumble 1 via MITB, both which can only be used on the championship of the show you are on "apparently"

Wins the title in the 2nd attempt and becomes a dual champ lol
I hope and pray that Kane will be one of the five. The best way to reintroduce Kane, BY FAR, is him coming in at Number 40 and tearing the competition apart. Wearing the mask maybe...? But hey, you got to hope. I say he gets to the final 2 then gets a shock elimination, maybe runs in for a clothesline on Orton, Orton ducks and backdrops him over the ropes, wins the Rumble, then Kane slides back in, chokeslams the holy hell out of RKO and sets up a match to keep Orton busy at Elimination Chamber until Mania. As explained by this post, I also think Randy Orton will be in the final set and indeed win the match, he's done well lately and I feel will rise back to the top of SmackDown next year before the rosters get shuffled in the draft. As for the remaining three...

Dolph Ziggler 2012 will be, quite simply, The Year Of The Ziggler. Dolph has got such stunning skill in the ring, his mic work gets better every time you see him. My personal prediction for him in 2012 is that he gets drafted over to SmackDown and takes the World Championship from Orton. He certainly deserves it.

Wade Barrett The Barrage is bigger than it's ever been lately. This guy needs a certifiable push into the main event, and him lasting to the end and eliminating some big stars on the way is a great way to do it. Maybe have him roll down to the ring at 39, nail the Wasteland on a couple of guys, generally dominate for a couple of minutes then have the Big Red Monster take control. As for my last man, slightly different choice...

Jack Swagger Why put a guy like Swagger so late in the Rumble? To start a great storyline obviously: Have Ziggler turn on him and eliminate him, creating a potential Swagger face turn in the process (Don't turn Ziggles, he's so much better as a heel) thus bringing up a pretty good Mania match of Swagger vs Ziggler, maybe with the winner keeping Vickie Guerrero's services as a manager or something stupid. Or, have Vickie side with Ziggles as they're a "couple", then betray him and go to Swagger...? I dunno, I'm confusing myself. Point is, Swagger and Ziggler being in the last 5 sets up a great storyline.
--RVD will be this years Booker T/Nash. Another TNA guy who returns home to WWE at the Rumble for one night.

Great idea. Why don't they just have the TNA locker room turn up and invade the Rumble. Contracts mean nothing and they are always cross promoting right?

Why do people persist in putting Cena in the Rumble? Yes, there is a chance but what sense does it make. His match at Wrestlemania is already finalised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has Vince Russo got a clone of cyberbots infecting this board or what?
Randy Orton: Obvious choice, hes the top draw on smackdown, and he'll end up hitting the rko on like 6 people
Cody Rhodes: I think that he should lose the IC championship soon, and go to the world championship picture
The Miz: He's going to be in the title picture soon enough, but not at the rumble. I think he'll be in the number 1 contender match leading up to the rumble, and barely lose
Wade Barrett: This guy is getting pushed like hell, and he deserves it. But he'll come up short to....
Chris Jericho: I think the promo video is about him. He'll win the rumble, and go on to face cm punk in the first world championship match at wmania without john cena in a while, and it's gonna be great
(5.) Kane
I think Kane will get a monster push upon his return, and I think the WWE is setting up a Kane/Sheamus match for Wrestlemania. In order to gain some legitimacy back, Kane will need to be booked dominant in this match (as he usually is, see RR01). I forsee him getting eliminated by Sheamus, and seeking his revenge...

(4.) Sheamus
Sheamus has been getting a massive, and I mean massive push ever since turning face. He seems to be a very popular pick to win the Rumble, and it's easy to see why. However, with Daniel Bryan cashing in his MITB @ Wrestlemania, and with how he's been involved in the Henry/Show feud as of late; I think it HAS to be Bryan/Henry straight up 1 on 1 @ Wrestlemania. Kane will exact the aforementioned revenge and eliminate Sheamus as they brawl their way out of the picture leaving us with the final 3.

(3.) Alberto Del Rio
I don't think he'll be in the WWE Title picture come Royal Rumble. He's been prominently featured all Fall, and I think his match @ TLC will be the last (on PPV) between him and Punk in this feud (discounting Elimination Chamber). But, I do think he'll be considered one of the "favorites" by the commentary team going into the PPV considering he won the "ONLY!!!" 40 Man Royal Rumble. Perhaps the seeds to a feud heading into Mania between Del Rio and Orton will be planted in this match.

(2.) Randy Orton
I definitely think Orton will HAVE to look strong in this match, especially considering it's his hometown. But, he's already won the Royal Rumble, and I think it'd be much more beneficial to his character to have his fans see him come up just short instead of coming out on top again.

...And Your 2012 ROYAL RUMBLE WINNER: Chris Jericho
I'm with a ton of people who believe he's coming back, and will in fact transition into a feud with CM Punk heading into WMXXVIII. And what a better way to garner a ton of heel heat than to eliminate the hometown boy (Orton). Jericho also has never won a Rumble in his career, so this win would add another notch in his belt.
This is practically impossible to predict because there is ALWAYS going to be a swerve (Santino last year), BUT if I had to do a little guess work as far as the Final 5 is concerned, then here it is and this is in no particular order.

1. Kane... I just don't see him returning to face Mark Henry. The Big Show got in on the whole "revenge" storyline and if Big Show doesn't eventually walk away with the title, then why would Kane? The angle of "I'm returning to get Mark Henry" would get old fast. Based on the video promo, I'd expect Kane to get a good push upon his return and I think he absolutely has to tear the Royal Rumble apart. A win for Kane in the Royal Rumble would be fantastic, giving him a victory in basically his signature match and a main event in Wrestlemania... Kane vs. Sheamus or Kane vs. Orton can both be pretty fresh World Championship matches for 'Mania.

2. Sheamus... simply put, he's starting to become John Cena when it comes to, when the hell do you ever see Sheamus lose anymore? I can't even recall the last time he lost, it's a given that he'll be in a big match at Wrestlemania and again, maybe against Kane. Although, for that to happen, one of the two would have to take the title from Mark Henry before hand.

3. Randy Orton... a no brainer, Randy will be likely feuding with Barrett for a while and Randy will always have a big match at Wrestlemania, I'd be disappointed to see him back in the title picture so quickly. But it's a simple questions for WWE. Sliding him back into the title picture is the easy fix. Developing a feud with Randy that can work through Wrestlemania will be the challenge.

4. John Cena... another no brainer... his place in the Royal Rumble is ultimately pointless, even if he vows to use his Rumble victory to win the Championship at Elimination Chamber... well, hello WWE... that's not really the stipulation or point of the Rumble, but obviously Cena will be in there at the end.

5. Sadly I will give the nod here to Del Rio... I know WWE is going to be pulling the plug on his title push, but no doubt Del Rio is going to make a big deal about it being his destiny to repeat as Rumble winner and also no doubt he has no chance of winning, but in light of losing the title and a lot of momentum, maybe Del Rio saves face a bit for lasting a while in the Rumble.
It's kinda hard to predict this as I'm still not sure if Bryan will truly cash in at Mania, which will surely affect Rumble plans, but I'll give it a shot. Note: I'm not including anyone not currently active, like Taker or Jericho.

5. Wade Barrett - He's clearly getting a main event push, and will probably have a match somewhere high on the card at Mania, so I expect him to last long and look good here.

4.The Miz - I think he'll be back in the main event fighting for the title very soon, so he should stick around until near the match's end.

3. John Cena - Cuz he's Cena. Anyone who tosses him out (see my #1) will get quite a momentum boost going into Mania, and Cena has basically no reason to be given the win here, what with fighting the Rock and all.

2. Randy Orton - While he's been taking a back seat lately, Orton is over enough to hop back into the main event at anytime. He'll be the last face present in the match, giving the fans some hope that a good guy might win it.

1. Dolph Ziggler - This is more wishful thinking than anything, and I don't really expect this to happen, but I feel like Dolph has proven himself to be as capable as they come in this business. I'd love to see him have a Flair-like performance here, avoiding getting directly involved and weaseling his way into the victory, and maybe jumping brands to challenge Punk for the WWE Title at Mania.
1. Dolph Ziggler
2. Kane
3. Cody Rhodes
4. Zack Ryder
5. Sheamus

I don't see the anyone on the Smackdown brand winning it, Kane will be around to the bitter end but will fall short, Cody Rhodes will be in the match for the long run as long as Ziggler both coming in quite early in the pack but will fall short. Zack Ryder will come in around 20 and play the underdog... getting a few eliminations and hanging in there before he's eventually eliminated. Sheamus will come in quite late and tear up the ring getting a quick succession of eliminations before being dumped out in a dirty fashion.
First off, these are the Championship matches I see happening at the Rumble, so I'll count the challengers out of either participating in, or at least making it to the end of the battle royal.

World Heavyweight Championship: Mark Henry (c) vs. Sheamus

WWE Championship: CM Punk (c) vs. The Miz

Now, for the final 5...

5. Dolph Ziggler: I want him or Jericho to win, but I don't think Ziggler will be in the title picture until the summertime. I think he'll enter relatively early (10-15) and pick his moment perfectly throughout the Rumble to eliminate guys. But eventually it has to come down to the guys who are on a higher level right now.

4. Triple H: The son-in-law isn't going to be left out of the end of the Rumble. He'll be eliminated by another face though to try and get a mixed reaction. A guy he has a lot of history with, Randy Orton. However, it's in Orton's hometown so the reaction might not be so mixed.

3. Chris Jericho: I definitely think he's the one behind the 1/2/12 promo and I can easily see him winning it since he never has in the past. The only thing is, he doesn't need to. I think whether he wins the Rumble or not, he's facing Punk at Mania for the WWE Title. And I can't wait.

2. Randy Orton: Anyone who doesn't think the hometown hero will go all the way to the end is fooling themselves. Orton will go for the RKO, get pushed into the ropes and maybe Jericho pulls the top rope down so Orton falls out of the ring. Just a wild guess. The winner is...

1. Cody Rhodes: I really believe they're going to give him the World Heavyweight Title at Mania. Who will he be facing? Well I think Sheamus beats Henry earlier in the night, but at Elimination Chamber, Sheamus and Orton are the last 2 standing. Maybe something happens like Henry decides to destroy them both instead of leaving the chamber. In my opinion: a Triple Threat between Sheamus (c), Orton and Rhodes...with Rhodes walking out the winner.

Guys like Barrett, Kane, Nash, Big Show and Cena will go on rampages and eliminate their fair share of wrestlers, but we know none of them will main event WrestleMania so why drag it out?
Yeah as already mentioned this is impossible to predict but interesting to read peoples opinions none the less. So here are mine...

I can't decide on a final 5 because I have no clue who will even be in the Rumble or be returning around that time but I would go for either Wade Barrett or Sheamus to win the Royal Rumble this year and I hope it is Wade Barrett.

I am sure Orton will be in the final five if he is part of the Rumble and if Jericho returns I would put him in the final five also, perhaps being eliminated by the winner. Jericho winning the Rumble would lead to interesting potential matches at Wrestlemania. Jericho Vs CM Punk..Jericho wins the belt and Daniel Bryan cashes in his MITB to take the belt of Jericho (but fails) resulting in a Jericho Vs Bryan feud?! Who knows. It's all very hard to predict but I am looking foward to this years Royal Rumble... hopefully because I will see Road Dogg make a return for one night only.
What I'd like is for CM Punk to lose the WWE Championship and then go on to win the Royal Rumble. Then Triple H wins the Elimination Chamber and the title and goes on to put over CM Punk at WrestleMania.
Doesn't Daniel Bryan have to go after the WHC instead of the WWE Championship since he won the Smackdown MITB ladder match? I mean, I guess they could switch up the rules now with every wrestler being allowed to appear on both shows...but the briefcase for the WWE Championship was already cashed in. Just wouldn't make sense.
Great idea. Why don't they just have the TNA locker room turn up and invade the Rumble. Contracts mean nothing and they are always cross promoting right?

Why do people persist in putting Cena in the Rumble? Yes, there is a chance but what sense does it make. His match at Wrestlemania is already finalised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has Vince Russo got a clone of cyberbots infecting this board or what?

I didn't have Cena in my top 5. I don't have him in the Rumble at all. More than likely he'll face Punk for the title that night.

And I'm not sure why RVD making a return is such a ludicrous idea to you. Nash and Booker did it last year and RVD has said he would like to return. Soo...not sure why you're so bent out of shape it.
5. Drew McIntyre - I know it's just a video game, but giving the guy big storyline in Road to WrestleMania should mean that they see something in the guy
4. Cody Rhodes - We all know what is in store for him
3. Randy Orton - Gets screwed by Rhodes. Gives Rhodes HUGE heel pop being in St. Louis and leads to Rhodes beating Orton at Mania, solidifying his place in the ME
2. Wade Barrett - The Barrett Barrage keeps rolling, but falls short
WINNER. Dolph Ziggler - The man is perfection in the ring and he will have lost the US belt to Ryder beforehand but the Rumble win makes it so he loses zero momentum

Sheamus, Miz, Christian, Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston
This is how I'd play out the rumble.

Final 5: Wade Barrett, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Triple H and Sheamus (not in order).

5. Triple H - Kevin Nash runs in to eliminate him (WM28 set up)

4. Sheamus - Wade Barrett eliminates, this could start a fued leading into mania.

3. Wade Barrett - Orton eliminates (payback/ ends that fued).

2. Randy Orton - Dolph Ziggler elimintes, with the recently eliminated Barretts assist (this way Barrett doesn't look weak in the fued end)

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler. Massive heat for eliminating the home town kid, loses US title at TLC or earlier at Rumble and doesn't lose too much momentum.


This final 5 also sets up many matches leading into wrestlemania. I don't think Rhodes will need to be in the final 5. I feel like Goldust or Booker will be involved with his elimination hence it doesn't affect his rise by not being in the final 4/5. Especially given his past successes in the rumble format.

I also don't think ADR will have much to say in the rumble.

The roughies: Undertaker & Kane depending on their status at the time.

I personally don't think Jericho is coming back, so he doesn't get a mention. The video's are for Undertaker IMO.
My final five for the Rumble... damn thats tricky. well I'm gonna take out Henry and Sheamus, as I think that'll be the WHC match, and Punk and Del Rio with the WWE title match.

If Cena enters...

John Cena

If Cena doesn't enter...


My pick for the winner...... I wanna say Ziggler, but I reckon that Miz will be Punks Mania opponent.

Outside chance...Punk loses the title to Miz at TLC and Punk wins the Rumble, seeting the same match up. Either that, or Ziggler wisn the Rumble and its Punk/Ziggler at Mania.
"Too Pretty" Tommy Terrific's Final 5 in Royal Rumble

I must first state that I love the Royal Rumble. From Hacksaw to ADR, I've seen them all. I base my opinion on storylines currently happening in the WWE. Lets get to it shall we?

5) Eliminated first Cody Rhodes- It seems as if the E is pushing towards a Booker T Cody Rhodes feud leading towards a Goldust feud. So I see a sorta Booker T Goldusty eliminatsheeun. (I really like King of Queens)

4) Randy Orton- Hometown, superstar, but probably a match with Wade Barrett in his future at Wrestlemania.

3) Wade Barrett- This guy, HE GOT THE WHOLE GAME WORKING!!! lol I see him being pushed slow, so royal rumble win is out of the question, but TOP 5 isnt

2) Kane- Hes coming back in vain. He gonna put on a great performance probably 10 eliminations or so, double digits only to be screwed by the winner.

1) THE MIZ!!!- Why, because hes the Miz, and hes AWESOME!!!!!!! You saw what he did to Morrison.

Wrestlemania Main Event

Rock v Cena
Punk v Miz
Henry v Bryan v Orton v Barrett

That is All. LOL:lmao:
I've recently been putting some thought into who has an honest chance at winning the upcoming Royal Rumble and honestly, no one name really makes sense or seems to have an actual chance.

Many people are saying that whoever is behind the "it begins" promos, most likely Jericho or The Undertaker, will be the one to take it. If it is one of them, it would be pointless to have them win. Neither of them need it at all.

Another name that came to mind was The Miz. A few months back there was an article on WrestleZone about the WWE wanting to bring The Miz up for a solid spot as a main eventer. As it appears though, we're going to start Miz vs. Punk much sooner than expected and to me, it wouldn't make much sense to have him win the Rumble anymore since he and Punk have essentially already started their feud.

A few other guys like Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes are on the list, but I don't see the WWE actually pulling the trigger, nor do I think they necessarilly should.

So, does anyone else have the same feeling? Who actually has a chance at winning? Who do you see coming out on top for the 2012 Royal Rumble?

Let me know your thoughts.
I disagree with you. The rumble has been used for built up stars to win, with the exception of Del Rio last year.
We have had Batista, Cena, Rey. HBK, Taker, Edge, HHH, Orton, and many others win the Rumble. When they won, they were already highly established stars.

Im going to have to go with Chris Jericho. It solidifies his Hall Of Fame career, and adds that one last HUGE win on his resume.

If Jericho doesn't win it, i could see Sheamus coming out on top.
I think your "few other guys" would be my favorites to win.

I would give Rhodes a pretty decent chance, with the push he has been given lately. The only thing that makes me hesitant about him is that they won't have him win the Rumble while he has the IC belt, and I can't see him dropping it that soon.

Ziggler would be a very good pick to win, and he's the one I'm hoping for. He could easily drop the US Title this month and make the step up to the main event after winning the rumble. I'm hoping for a Punk vs Ziggler match for the WWE Title at Mania.

The person that has the best shot, in my opinion, is Sheamus. He has been on a roll lately, and nothing seems to be getting in his way. I can see him winning the rumble and facing Henry at Mania (maybe throw in Bryan in a triple threat).

The only other person I can really see winning is the Miz, but I would give him a very low chance of winning. I'm sure there's a dark horse that I'm missing, but I would bet that it's one of the 3 I mentioned earlier.
Missing Someone WrestleZone Reported that WWE wanted someone on the SD Brand to win the 2012 rumble and So It levels it down to 5 really
Daniel Bryan (Long Shot), Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, Wade Barret, Sheamus I see wade winning the title
but I see the world heavyweight title match at wrestlemania something more than a singles match but
I'm going for Wade Barrett to win the 2012 Royal Rumble
If Jericho is going to be in the Rumble match then I would definetly go with him. Orton has already won the Rumble leading into Mania 25, so I doubt he will be winning it again anytime soon, even if it is in his home town. I would go with Dolph Ziggler. He has been getting pushed big these days and it looks that he will soon drop the USC. to Zack so he can move into the heavyweight division. Dolph had a great match against Punk a few weeks back, so if Jericho doesn't come back to face Punk at Mania, I believe they will go with Dolph in a back-up plan. As for the Miz, if he is feuding with Punk now, then I doubt he would still be feuding with him by time Mania 28 rolls around. Besides Jericho and Ziggler, the only other I can see winning the Royal Rumble would be Daniel Bryan. But, that would only happen if he cashes in his MITB briefcase and loses between now and the Royal Rumble. Winning the Rumble would be his redemption and he would get to face and beat the WHC at Mania after all. I could definetly see this happening.

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