WWE Royal Rumble 2012 - Aftermath & General Discussion

Who do you think will win the rumble?

  • Sheamus

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Randy orton

  • Other, be specific if you post a reply

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I'm gonna stick up for the guy about the Cena part. I think by what he means is that we know Cena isn't going to win. Yes Cena won it once and he made it seem like he wins yearly, but with Cena pretty much out of the question we have the waft of unpredictability in the air. Cena is always a clear cut favorite to win every year and with him likely not in it we have a rash of superstars who could win, but none that are a clear cut favorite. Orton seems to be the likely in terms of favorite to win. The Rumble is in his hometown, he is one of the most over guys in the company, and someone reliable. I hate Randy Orton, but you can't hide those facts. The only other two guys I could see winning (and are my early picks right now) are Sheamus and CM Punk. Sheamus has been absolutely amazing since turning face and winning the Rumble would add to his amazing and growing resume. Punk to me fits a title chaser better and what better way to get back into the title scene than by winning the Rumble. It would add to Punk's growing list of achievements in just the last 6 months or so. It would be quite the run and continue to get him over as a top face. I'm sure we will see a return or two, but other than Jericho I can't really think of anyone worthwhile.

With that said I too look forward to the Royal Rumble this year. It should be a great event and the fact that you can really pinpoint someone as the winner just yet makes it that much better. The Rumble is always my favorite event of the year and while I'd rather see it go back to the 30, it should still be a great show.
uhm come on guys lets be real here. jericho isnt thrilled with what the wwe is doing right now. him returning is a long shot. batista is unlikely to return because he dislikes the direction the wwe is going in. cena wont win thanks to the rock! maybe randy orton will win it (thats more likely). maybe the miz or R-truth will win it (would be good for either, hell, maybe both of them). maybe william regal wins it? maybe del rio wins it in an attempt to get another title shot? no offence to anyone but these seem like realistic ideas, way more realistic then either jericho or batista returning. a returning legend winning it? i doubt that one to. but a legend will definitely make an appearance.
This may be a long shot but, what if John Cena is actually in next year's rumble match and he's in the midst of eliminating one of the other possible favorites (Punk, Sheamus, etc.) and the final entrant is The Rock. Depending on what happens at SS, Cena and Rock could have an altercation with Cena giving Rock an AA. To get back at Cena, The Rock secretly enters the rumble and eliminates Cena (eliminating himself as well) and starts the build up to WM 28, thus giving another guy a chance at winning the rumble. Like I said, a long shot but it's possible.
My tips for the Rumble:

Randy Orton - It is in his hometown and it has been touted that he will cash in his title shot at Elimination Chamber. That would mean he is fighting Daniel Bryan at WM28.

Sheamus - Up and coming. Getting a good push so not beyind the realms of possiblity.

CM Punk - If Punk isn't Champion byt RR time then he makes the most sense. Although I think he will be Champion or even in a Title match at the event.

Undertaker - Ok, meant to be pushing young talent, but what a return it would be if he came back and won it? Cena and Edge have won the RR in doing so and not needed that push.

The Miz - Looks to be getting that push again. With Cena out of the Title picture there wouldnt be a repeat of the WM27 main event.

Chris Jericho - Would like to see him return, win the RR and challenge CM Punk at WM28.

John Cena - No reason why he can't enter it and win it. He could cash his title shot in early, maybe at EC, win the belt and have the main event for the WWE Title.

For me, nobody else can win it.
I did not mean they have a possibility of winning, I meant that they get a chance to perform at a major PPV. And also my comment about Cena is that every PPV ends with him coming out triumphant, this will be different as we won't see him doing his usual parade with the WWE Title or celebrating a major victory (For those wondering what my different comment was about).

He sure did look triumphant at Vengeance, Hell in a Cell, Summerslam, and Money In The Bank.

I hope this year's Rumble will be better than last year's because I didn't like the 2011 Royal Rumble. Other than Nash and Booker returning, nothing really caught my eye or kept me intrigued. I'm not a fan of them going to 40 but I'm not going to constantly rally against it. For one of the few times in the past five years or so, I have no idea who is going to win because Cena is occupied with The Rock. In that aspect alone, I am looking forward to this rumble.
I'm tired of hearing about the Rumble being some sort of vehicle to push younger talent. That's not always the case, nor should it be. Popular guys win, young or not.

I can't predict a winner, seeing I have no idea who will and will not be champion at that time. It could be Punk, Orton, Jericho, Sheamus, or Miz. Cena's locked up with Rock, Mark Henry is already champ (and won't get another run), Christian isn't a huge deal anymore, Cody probably isn't ready (outside chance he's a contender), DB already has the MITB briefcase, Del Rio won last year. Maybe I'm missing someone, but I doubt it ends up being someone outside of my five possibles. Again, no way to predict it, we don't know enough yet.
Exactly... And D Bryan has said that he is cashing in at Wrestlemania, therefore shouldn't the Rumble winner seemingly be going to face Bryan and possibly the champion as well??

I'm really confident that the rumble winner will cash in at Elimination Chamber and face Bryan at Wrestlemania, and I think that the person in the main event of Wrestlemania has traditionally been Smackdown's # 1.

I read on WZ that the winner of the Rumble is already decided on and its someone from SD!

The was a tentative plan to have the winner of the Royal Rumble win the World Title prior to WrestleMania, and then go on to defend it against Daniel Bryan.

Link > http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/243536-report-early-wwe-ppv-plans-heading-into-wrestlemania-28
The Royal Rumble is one of those events besides Christmas and Wrestlemania that I always look forward to. It's the event that begins to lay the groundwork for Wrestlemania season and there's sure to be a surprise entrant or two. As for the 40 man thing, I'm really indifferent. I don't see it as a problem and I think it's kinda cool to see other superstars (even those in the undercard) get some exposure, even though most of them will be bound to spend no more than a few seconds in the actual match. As for a winner? I predict either CM Punk or Sheamus since the both of them have really (in my eyes) been on major rolls and have both been becoming more connected with the fans while performing consistently good matches. I'm expecting at least one of them to headline Wrestlemania in a world title match (it's still possible for someone besides Daniel Bryan to headline the Smackdown main event even though he has the MITB briefcase, possibly in a triple threat match?).
I think Punk, Jericho or Sheamus will win it, don't really think anyone else has a shot but you never know. If Punk wins the WWE title soon, he won't even be in the Rumble and then it falls on Sheamus. I predict Henry vs. Sheamus vs. Bryan at Wrestlemania. If Jericho comes back and wins it, it will be Punk vs. Jericho. We could get both of these matches at Mania anyway, no matter which person wins it.
When Royal Rumble arrives, I usually think to myself who will be the last 5 superstars remaining in the match? Because to be honest apart from of course the stupidity of booking Santino to be the last man eliminated from last year's Rumble, the last 5 usually headline Mania in some form of capacity. Once narrowed down it means everything of course but who will be the last remaining 5 of this year's Royal Rumble. Let the predictions begin....

(In order of eliminated)

5. Randy Orton Every bloody year we get Orton thrown in to the mix to make things interesting.... or un-interesting if you dislike him such as I do. Orton who actually challenged Miz for the WWE Title at last year's event actually ended up in the Rumble which of course is due to the use of 40 men instead of 30. This year I have a feeling he won't be winning anything at the event but just surviving to the last 5 of the Rumble.

Predicted entrant number: 7

4. Dolph Ziggler Ziggler has been on fire this year, the current US Champion is amazingly talented and ringing in the praise even from the likes of Stone Cold. His mic skills have improved an overwhelming amount and its just time for him to lose Vickie, Swagger and the US Title to Ryder and go it alone against the main eventers of WWE. Being in the last 5 cements his place as an upcoming major heel and brings intrigue into what he'll do at Mania.

Predicted entrant number: 24

3. John Cena This is frustrating because he really doesn't deserve it but I see WWE having Cena say he's going after the WWE Title to put it on the line against Rock at WrestleMania. But what would make this entertaining is if we have Cena eliminated by a shocking Rock inteferrance which leads to the two brawling all around the arena.

Predicted entrant number: 31

2. Sheamus He'll be so close yet so far from claiming the Rumble victory. The Celtic Warrior now a face has made vast improvements since his face turn and is a true main eventer alongside the likes of Orton. Sheamus can use this as momentum to go after a perhaps match with Wade Barrett with British pride on the line.

Predicted entrant number: 13

1. Cody Rhodes I was thinking whether or not WWE has more guts than we thought and I decided they don't. I can't see them granting Goldust a match against his half-brother, but what I can see is them granting Rhodes a match against the World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania. Or I see them having Wade Barrett win the Rumble, Rhodes claim the Elimination Chamber win from Bryan and Sheamus win a no.1 contenders match setting up a Fatal 4 Way for Mania.

Notable possible entrants:

Chris Jericho - Got a feeling the ItBegins promo is for him despite him constantly denying so.

Goldust - If perhaps WWE does have the guts to have Rhodes take on Goldust than what better way for Goldust to eliminate his half brother from Rumble.
For something that is almost impossible to predict, you sure spent alot of time on it. I had to chuckle at you even predicting where they will enter! More chance of getting the Lottery numbers correct...

Anyway, Rumble is in Randy Ortons hometown, he is out of the title picture and has been putting over talent. No doubt Orton will win the Rumble and start another title run shortly after.

As for Cena, what is the point in him entering the Rumble? I think he will be in a grudge match, possibly with Rock as Referee. Ziggler and Rhodes will no doubt be in the last few of the Rumble. Punk vs Miz probably for the WWE Title and Mark Henry vs Kane for the other.
Love the thread! Its a cool idea!

Here is my list and why (in order of elimination)

5. Cena:
Don't care for him at all in this and he has no reason to even win the rumble....He already has his main event, so there is no point except for some young star to get a bump from eliminating him

4. Orton
I see him entering early and last for a long time to give you the impression that he might win but then he will get eliminated by a guy that i have on this list later...

3. Sheamus
This guy is going to eliminate a LOT of people! I think he might even get the win, if not it will be in this position that he will leave the rumble! Sheamus in 2013 for sure

2. Ziggler
This guy has got the charisma and the action to back this up. He is going to get a lot of weasily elimination where some guy like bourne jumps on top of turnbuckle and Ziggler pushes him off...I think he may even pull off some HBK type moves in this one! I suspect an early entrant

1. Barrett (Winner)
this guy has so much going for him right now...now i know what you are thinking why not Rhodes right? well here is why, he is actually not quite ready to win this, im sorry but it is true. And of course you say how is Barrett ready, well he just went over Orton at SS instead of Rhodes, and i predict a possible Title match at TLC if not at least a win over Orton at TLC. Now we could easily have a Orton vs. Barrett vs. Bryan mania match this year which would be a wrestling clinic!
I think Cena will go against Punk for the WWE title at the 2012 Royal Rumble. Possibly The Rock will be special guest Referee. I also think Mark Henry will defend the WHC. against Kane at the event.

As for the Final 5 in the Rumble match, it depends if Jericho is going to be in it or not. If he is I predict he will win to face Punk at Mania 28 for the WWEC.

However, if Chris Jericho is not going to be involved I see the final 5 being: ( Randy Orton, Sheamus, The Miz, Inc. Cody Rhodes, and Dolph Ziggler.) I see Orton and Sheamus working together to eliminate Ziggler and Rhodes. Then I see them turning on each other and The Miz eliminating both by himself to win the Rumble. I see C.M. Punk taking on Miz at Mania 28 for the WWEC. I also see Mark Henry defending his title against
Sheamus, Orton, and Daniel Bryan in a Fatal Four Way Elimination match at Mania 28. I see Punk winning and Daniel Bryan winning the WHC. at Mania 28.
5. Randy Orton: Always does well in these matches. It's his hometown

4. Wade Barrett: Been given a big push lately. May well appear in the in the WHC match at Mania. A definite favourite.

3. John Cena: Will last this long because...well...because he's Cena. The Rock will make a surprise appearance, distracting Cena, leading to his elimination

2. Sheamus: Gained massive momentum since his face turn. Will definitely be in the WHC match at Mania. Big things to come from him in the next few months.

1. Chris Jericho: I believe he is behind the "it begins" promo. He will return on Jan 2nd and will claim that he is back to claim what is his, which is the title of "Best In The World" and will do so by beating Punk for the WWE championship at Mania. He'll win the match, thus beginning their epic feud (I REEEEEEEALY hope this happens). It begins.....

Look for Ziggler at number 6, Cody at 7, Del Rio at 8 and Christian at 9.
I just can't see mark henry in a title picture at wrestlemania so i think barrett will be champion going into wrestlemania facing the rumble winner orton

As for the last 5

5. Rhodes improved alot and had captivated the audience

4. Ziggler he's on his way to the top just needs the last big thing to propell him which brings me to

3. Cena.. Always has to be centre of attention but will be eliminated by ziggler after a rock distraction

2. Drew mcintyre i know everyone is going to say wtf as if.. But i think he has paid his dues and will be the underdog surprise noone expects to win only for it to come down to him and

1. Orton the winner after a hard fought battle against drew..
5. A returning Colt Cabana: He makes his return around #35 with no build up while wearing a CM Punk t-shirt so people will know who he is (with Cabana tights).

4. Dolph Ziggler: Will enter within the first 5 with quite a few eliminations.

3. Sheamus: Another early entrant that has the numbers game go against him in the end.

2. Wade Barrett: Late entrant looking to continue the Barrett Barrage. He gets beat out by...

1. Cody Rhodes: Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry (possibly) in a triple threat match for Wrestlemania. I can see this happening for sure.

Honourable mentions:

6. Santino Marella: He'll have a similar role as last year but gets caught, thrown in the ring and elimated 2 seconds later.

7. Zack Ryder: He will win at TLC against Ziggler and get thrown out here thus continuing the feud for another short period of time.

8. Randy Orton: He will be an early entrant but be eliminated.

9. Kevin Nash: Will come in late but will be eliminated from behind after he eliminates...

10. HHH: Will eliminate a few guys then gets caught with a big boot from Nash and jackknifed over the top rope.
5. Randy Orton
(Hometown but i don't think he will win)

4. Cody Rhodes
(He derserves to be in it)

3. John Cena
(Rock screws him makes his spot pointless but adds drama to his match with Rock)

2. Triple H

1. Kane

These last two are probably going to be the last ones. For one my guess is that Undertaker will be world Champion leading into wrestlemania 28 this year to continue his streak and maybe get 20-0. Kane or Triple H but i personally want Kane to win.
in my opinion these should be the final 5

1) The Miz- Push this guy as a single's champion and not as R-Truth's hype man. If they are serious about him being main event again, then push him right in this spot

2) Wade Barrett- He seems to be the main heel on smackdown (even with a heel champion). Eventually WWE is going to have to have some success from the NXT show so make him a main part of the rumble. Allow him to dominate like punk did last year

3) Cody Rhodes- They are pushing him hard so why not allow him in the final 5. He won't win but allow him to get some big time moments in a big time PPV

4) Alberto Del Rio- He won last year so its kind of hard to believe that the winner from a year ago wouldn't be in the ring during "crunch time"

5) Christian- Seems to be the forgotten man but he is an established guy who would add intrigue to the main event. allow him to come in, throw a couple of bodies around and then lose

Now as I said this is who SHOULD be in the final 5...now who will be in the final 5 in my opinion..

3)Del Rio

I left Ziggler out because He will probably be in the main event at this point. and my sleeper pick to be in the top 5: Brodus Clay
I see this year's Rumble having a lot of returns. I predict Goldust, Kane, R-Truth, and maybe even Mysterio making appearances. However, my final 5 looks like this:

5) Sheamus- He's been on a roll and he won't be eliminated until very late in the match
4) Wade Barrett- The Barrett Barrage is stronger than ever.
3) John Cena- Rock will screw Cena out of it via satellite.
2) Chris Jericho- He'll make his return on 1/2/12 so it won't be a surprise entry. Besides, I think he'll go on to face Punk at WM anyway.
1) Randy Orton- It's in his hometown. Come on.

My WM Main Events:
John Cena VS The Rock
WWE Championship: CM Punk(C) VS Chris Jericho
World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan(C) VS Randy Orton
The final five for the Royal Rumble will be:

5. Zack Ryder: This guy is really over with the crowd and i expect him to be in the last 5.

4. Randy Orton: I don't think that he will win but will make it this far.

3. Cody Rhodes: He will eliminate Orton.

2. Kane: The man with the most Rumble appearances will once again be in the final 5. He will have an impressive performance again.

1. Wade Barrett: He is my pick to win the Rumble.
I see this year's Rumble having a lot of returns. I predict Goldust, Kane, R-Truth, and maybe even Mysterio making appearances. However, my final 5 looks like this:

5) Sheamus- He's been on a roll and he won't be eliminated until very late in the match
4) Wade Barrett- The Barrett Barrage is stronger than ever.
3) John Cena- Rock will screw Cena out of it via satellite.
2) Chris Jericho- He'll make his return on 1/2/12 so it won't be a surprise entry. Besides, I think he'll go on to face Punk at WM anyway.
1) Randy Orton- It's in his hometown. Come on.

My WM Main Events:
John Cena VS The Rock
WWE Championship: CM Punk(C) VS Chris Jericho
World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan(C) VS Randy Orton

Bryan vs Orton doesnt interest me. Sure, Bryan is cashing in at Wrestlemania, but does that mean he has to be in THE Heaveyweight Title Match? Not at all. He could cash in after. Kane returns at the Rumble and challenges Mark Henry. Kane wins the Title, then defends at Elimination Chamber destroying all comers. Then Orton challenges him at Wrestlemania 28 with Bryan coming out after. I can't remember seeing an Orton vs Kane programme before.

Also guys, John Cena in the Rumble is pointless. It would make no sense at all and would benefit him in no way. Someone suggested he will face Punk with Rock as special Ref, that would make more sense.
Also guys, John Cena in the Rumble is pointless. It would make no sense at all and would benefit him in no way. Someone suggested he will face Punk with Rock as special Ref, that would make more sense.

Exactly! What's funny is so many people including him begrudgingly in the last 5 when it's already well known what he's doing at WrestleMania! Deary me.

Last 5, Rhodes, Ziggler, Kane, Sheamus and Orton. Would like to see Kane win as a last hurrah and it might keep him away from Taker for Mania. Mon Kane!
The last 5 are gonna be
1. Orton- he's the 2nd face of the company.
2. cody rhodes- they are pushing him slowly so this is gonna happen.
3. Chris jericho-he'll be the 30th or 40th man this year.
4. Cena- he need's to be in the top 5 cause without it he will lose great momentum faceing the great one.
5. Sheamus- he's the guy whose gonna win this year's rumble.
Last 5 are going to be

5.CENA:Those of you saying that he shouldn't be in the royal rumble really dont have any clue..I expect him to give a speech on raw saying something like that i am going to win the rumble,challenge the champion at Elimination Chamber and after winning the title gonna make my match with the Rock for the title..

4.ORTON:He will come in early and will loke like winning it but would be eliminated by returning Undertaker..

3.UNDERTAKER:After he eliminates Orton,Orton goes nuts and come back in the ring to eliminate the Phenom and start the build up to their match at WRESTLEMANIA..!!

2.SHEAMUS: Dominate the whole match but is finally eliminated by

1.BARRETT:He is on a roll and i expect him to win the rumble..

Then Sheamus wins the title at Chamber,so at Wrestlemania we have a Fatal4 way match b/w Sheamus,Barrett,Henry(getting his rematch) and Bryan(cashing in)!!
FANTASY booking haha!! :)

I would also have Ziggler,Ryder,Cody and Miz in last 10..!!
  1. John Cena
  2. Triple H
  3. Randy Orton
  4. Sheamus
  5. The Big Show
  6. Kane
  7. Daniel Bryan
  8. Zack Ryder
  9. Kofi Kingston
  10. Evan Bourne
  11. Alberto Del Rio
  12. Kevin Nash
  13. Wade Barrett
  14. Cody Rhodes
  15. The Miz
  16. R-Truth
  17. Brodus Clay
  18. David Otunga
  19. Dolph Ziggler
  20. Jack Swagger
  21. Mason Ryan
  22. Justin Gabriel
  23. Ezekiel Jackson
  24. John Morrison
  25. Santino Marella
  26. Ted DiBiase
  27. Jimmy Uso
  28. Jey Uso
  29. Titus O'Neil
  30. Percy Watson
  31. Drew McIntyre
  32. Tyson Kidd
  33. Jinder Mahal
  34. Hunico
  35. Epico
  36. Primo
  37. Curt Hawkins
  38. Tyler Reks
  39. Johnny Curtis
  40. Derrick Bateman

    If these are the 40 men who are going into the Royal Rumble, then I see the top 5 being the last 5 with John Cena winning the Rumble. It's a definite toss-up between Cena, Triple H and Orton. They're the top stars, and that's not ending any time soon. For now, I'm guessing Cena is the one winning it all.

    If Sheamus and The Miz are facing Mark Henry and CM Punk at the PPV, then I think their spots will be replaced by guys like Booker T and Goldust.

    And if there's any surprise entrance in the Rumble like Chris Jericho, Roddy Piper, Mick Foley and Bret Hart then I don't see the bottom 4 guys making the card. And the guys I definitely don't think will be making an appearance are:
  41. The Great Khali
  42. Alex Riley
  43. Heath Slater
  44. Darren Young
  45. Michael McGillicutty
  46. Hornswoggle
  47. Trent Beretta
  48. William Regal
  49. JTG
  50. Yoshi Tatsu

    It's sad how WWE misuses some of these guys, but hey, that's just the WWE being WWE.

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