WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/30/2011 - Getting All Riled Up

Missed out on a special Macho Man episode of The Vintage Collection. Oh God, a slow piano version of Pomp and Circumstance. God damn.
Heck yes for Andy staying, but he's gonna have to step it up. Luke is too, but more than anything, he's just gonna have to shut his mouth.
Damn. Jeremiah lost. Fuck. These other two dudes are *****es. That mean we'll see either Miz 2.0 or Mr. softy winning.
I think Stone Cold has more respect for Jeremiah than anyone else in the competition, the way he just acted. He should get a developmental deal, and have a chance to polish his skills.
Jeremiah might just have been the best of them all. He didn't benefit from the way he looked, as green as he was coming in, he had innovation in the ring and there's nothing to say at the rate he progressed he couldn't have carried it on through FCW and to the big leagues.

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