WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/30/2011 - Getting All Riled Up

Jeremiah looks like he's going home. He isn't leaps or bounds better than Andy, but I don't find that he has anything going for him. Andy has got his size and intimidating look, and Luke has his looks and general attitude. But, that can always change.
I think Jeremiah would be the most entertaining out of these three. I'd rather see him in the WWE then the other two guys.
Yeah, I've always been a sucker for seeing these big popular guys still recognize people below them and people in much worse situations. But I'm not sure if it really helped any of them in the long run. And oh joy, Jeremiah jumping off the top rope. If he hasn't broken anything yet, he'll be breaking something there.
Trish makes a great point about Andy. He's doing wonderful now, because he's got an incentive to do so. If he doesn't push it to his absolute most, then he's going home, so he's doing that. But what's his incentive when he's just doing any random Raw show? Or a house show?
I agree with Trish, I'm not sure if showing up now is enough for Andy. I still think Jeremiah is the most entertaining of the three. Luke has the most swagger, and Andy is the most intimidating.
They can say what they want about Jeremiah messing it up, but he said himself he knew what he was doing and it was impressive.
Jeremiah is going home. I am having trouble deciding who I think it should be. I'm leaning towards Andy though.
Andy is a guy that if you cna find the right character for him, he could nail it so far out of the park that Luke couldn't keep up with him. That being said, it's finding that character when Luke more or less is a character already.

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