WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 4/25/2011 - With Hip Hop Refugees, Skidmarks and the Draft

Match of the year! Match of the year! Match of the year! Match of the year!

5 star match of the year slammy goes to: JR getting stripped down and raped by Jack Swagger and Michael Cole post match vs Michael Cole.
getting his belt taken off does not mean he was stripped down.
Proving that Michael Cole is in fact a damn good heel.

No. Hes NOT a good heel. Thats my entire damn point. A good heel makes you dislike them for their actions. A good heel is not someone who has no talent, no charisma, no skill.. a heel is someone that fans want to see get their comeuppance. Michael Cole is NOT a good heel. Nobody gives a fuck about him. Noone cares about his matches. Noone wants to see him in yet ANOTHER match. Noone wants to see Michael Cole.

He has no charisma, no talent, nothing except a big mouth.. and even that big mouth is terrible. He doesnt have the charisma to carry a promo, so he screams the same thing a hundred times: "Take his belt! Take his belt! Take his belt! Take his belt! Take his belt! How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR? How do you like that, JR?"

Thats not a heel. That's a ******ed parrot.
This isn't proving him to be a good heel. Any idiot can go stand around and do nothing for 5-10 minutes and piss a crowd off.

Heel heat, X-Pac heat, you're a fucking tool bugger off heat. They all sound the same on TV and if you're getting someone to hate you so much they'd celebrate an injury you're a damn good heel. Whether you're hated for being a good heel or for being a complete twat makes no difference.
This has been one terrible episode of RAW. Some of the worst wrestling this show has had in months.

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