WWE Raw LD Is Gonna Have To Choke A Bitch on 5/3

You know what, I know he is supposed to have his own music, but I like him not having his own music here. By giving him the NXT Music, you know that he is Jericho's rookie. If he had his own music, uninformed fans would just think he is a new superstar.
Did you really think they'd give him music anytime soon? This is an excuse to plug the NXT name to build recognition, or something like that.

Anyway, great match so far.

EDIT: I love Jericho anytime he speaks. Ever.
Without going into details, old guys were the last segment on TNA. The oldest guy on here so far has been Batista but other than him, Cena is the oldest wrestler so far at 33 which he turned 2 weeks ago. WWE has the youth taking over, which is GREAT.
I would buy Wade in the main event tomorrow if they did it. Partner him up with Sheamus again, let them take some names together.
This is also great exposure for the NXT show, which has struggled somewhat in Ratings. Maybe putting the 2 stars on RAW would help drive viewership.

And when Jericho retires from the ring, he would be the greatest manager of all the times.
While Cena is likely to win, Barrett has dominated the WWE Champion for over 4 minutes. What more can you ask for?
Well that came out of nowhere...I wish Cena had put in more offense before making Barrett tap..
Also do we know if Over the Limit has any special stipulation for the PPV or if its just a new name for a normal PPV?

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