WWE RAW LD 24th March 2014 - Scooby, Arnold, Brock, Taker, Bray, Cena, Hunter, Bryan

@Larisano - I like that list of main eventers and those on the cusp. Hopefully that all plays out. Cesaro is the biggest question mark out of that list for me because I don't trust the wwe to push him
I have to say, one thing that WWE is awesome at is these promos for certain matches. I'm a big fan of this Cena/Wyatt promo they have been running the last few weeks.
@Larisano - I like that list of main eventers and those on the cusp. Hopefully that all plays out. Cesaro is the biggest question mark out of that list for me because I don't trust the wwe to push him

Out of that list,tbh, I don't see half of that list being regular Main Eventers because I don't believe WWE will build all of them correctly. Hopfully, I am proven wrong however.

That "Half" of the list I am referring to:
Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler.

If Cesaro is pushed correctly, he can be handled somewhat like Lesnar,lMO. Keep his mic/promo time down as much as possible.
I thought Summerrae was a go-go dancer when the first time I said hi to her. She said "go, go" lol fucking king.
So Fandango goes from beating Jericho at WM last year to being in the battle royal this year. Would that qualify as the Miz treatment?
I love that Hammer Lock suplex that Fandongo last. I think I will use that. I also want to use a Hammer Lock Russin Leg Sweep.
Arnold should look at some of the WWE roster guys for the next Hollywood Muscle-bound action star,lMO.

*HINT* Roman Reigns *HINT* ;)
@Larisano - I always thought Cody should have won MITB between these last two years especially over Sandow. The crowd was rooting for Cody to finally win it too. They were really behind him. Hopefully when he turns on Goldust, he will get the push he deserves. I wish Goldust vs Cody would have occurred at mania and opened the show but that's not going to happen. Relating to the other guys pushes, who knows anymore with wwe. They sure as hell screwed up Ryback's push as bad as I can remember for anyone

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