WWE RAW LD 24th March 2014 - Scooby, Arnold, Brock, Taker, Bray, Cena, Hunter, Bryan

Ziggler is indeed over. Have you heard the ovations he's been getting the past month? They've been pretty good no matter where he is. He lost a little steam 2-3 months ago but he's getting it back.
I don't get the love for Bray as the BEST promo guy by some. Sure he's very good but most of his promos are monologues. I reserve judgement till I see him having to improv like Cena, Austin, Rock etc.
Ziggler is indeed over. Have you heard the ovations he's been getting the past month? They've been pretty good no matter where he is. He lost a little steam 2-3 months ago but he's getting it back.

He does indeed have his fans. I do agree on that. However, I don't really think he belongs in the Main Event scene based on watching him more closely in recent times. The IC title and maybe a spot in the EC match or a multiple man match like that is as high he should be featured,lMO.
@larisano - I'm a fairly big Ziggler fan but do I think he will be main eventing anytime soon, no. Do I want him to main event, yes. Do I think he has a chance to be wwe world heavyweight champion a few years down the road, maybe but only as a 1-2 month transitional champion. If they decide not to have the world titles unified, he will definitely be world heavyweight champion a few times again.

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