WWE RAW LD 24th March 2014 - Scooby, Arnold, Brock, Taker, Bray, Cena, Hunter, Bryan

What a terrible spear by Batista. He needs to stop using that.

Stephanie plays the bitch so well though.
I wish it was the good old days where wrestlers could actually put their hands on the women. We will never see Orton RKO Stephanie again unfortunately or lay a hand on her for that matter due to the pg era.
The total lack of any real charisma in this match is mind blowing.

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Sheamus' hair and Christian's skin are the same hue of orange.

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When was the last time we seen a fatal four way number one contenders match for the intercontinental title because I sure as hell can't remember. Hell when was the last time we had a number one contenders match for the intercontinental title? These are the little things that can help make this title feel more important
I'd say that Ziggler fans should be encouraged that he has gotten a place in this match considering the other participants,tbh.

Also, it is good these guys are challenging for the IC title chance. Would really help if they remain in contention for the IC belt and give it a chance to be elevated,lMO.
Ziggler sure is shit. Crowd wanted to count for him at the turnbuckle but he choose to go for punches of fury so fast nobody could follow.

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