WWE RAW LD 2/21/2011 - He's Here!


Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be... Jack Swagger :disappointed:
Big Show's dvd is on Netflix already. At least the disk with the short story of his career is. It's pretty good.
I'll never give up on my dream of being tag champs with Show and riding on his shoulders to the ring for our entrance.
Issue, as in magazine? Those things still exist?

Online newsletter actually. Have you seriously never heard of the Wrestling Observer or Figure Four newsletters?

Oh and FUCK YOU MARK HENRY. Not a single reason as to why Sheamus needed to job clean to that fat fuck in less than five minutes. Not one.
Why are you against Taker vs. Trips?

Because in the end who does it help? HHH isn't winning, especially if the rumours of his retirement are to be believed (not that he stood a chance of winning if there wasn't any rumour of the sort), 'Taker needs a rub Egypt needs sand. Meanwhile the opponents that they'd have an actual reason to be pissed off about (Sheamus, Kane and Barrett) are dumped into the middle of oblivion, when two of those guys are going to be taking their spots when HHH retires for a desk and Taker gets surgically attatched to a wheelchair. It's short sighted stupid booking.

Sure it'll increase the buyrates but in the end it does fuck all for anybody in the near proximity of the match. Since it'll underwhealm and uses up one of both men's last matches on what is, in the grand scheme of things is a nothing match. This kind of short sighted bullshit is why shit fell apart for years after the Attitude Era ended. Nobody was built up to replace the guys who were carrying the company, and look what's happening with the last two veterains of it. Seriously, fuck this angle.
Did the Big Show really need a fuckin' 3 disc set?

from wiki:

* World Championship Wrestling
o WCW World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)[128]
o WCW World Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Lex Luger (1), Sting (1) and Scott Hall (1)[129]
o WCW World War 3 (1996)
o King of Cable Tournament (1996)[130]

* World Wrestling Federation/World Wrestling Entertainment
o ECW World Championship (1 time)[68]
o World Tag Team Championship (5 times) – with The Undertaker (2), Kane (1), Chris Jericho (1) and The Miz (1)[131]
o WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Chris Jericho (1) and The Miz (1)[132]
o WWE United States Championship (1 time)[133]
o WWF/E Championship (2 times)[134]
o WWF Hardcore Championship (3 times)[135]
o Slammy Award for Tag Team of the Year (2009) – with Chris Jericho[136]

from 1995-2011, his career spans. He's fueded with literally everyone, from Kevin Nash to Hollywood Hogan to The Rock to the Undertaler to CM Punk.

His tag title wins with Jericho and Miz, his fued with Hogan and his fued with Nash and Hall, esp where he took the WCW ring down, to his WWF debut where he threw Austin from the ring.. these are all DVD-quality matches, and those are just the ones I can think of right now as I type this. Dude has a 16-year career, he needs 3 discs.

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