WWE RAW LD 19/3/2012 - My Name's CM Punk and I Might Possibly be an Alcoholic

Look, WWE, you've been doing a fantastic job getting me excited for Wrestlemania. In fact, it's the best you've done since 2006. But do you have to do it at the expense of good wrestling matches? We've had two matches with a combined four minutes.

Good thing the segments that came from the matches afterward were more entertaining than a 5-10 minute match could be.
I remember when I hate cena was whining on this forum about Cena relying on hometown shootouts to get a cheap pop. Hope he's not complaining anymore.

Still, this is pretty entertaining.
you know just because you're black doesn't mean you can dance... I don't know if their is an age limit to that stereotype or what but Teddy Long just completely destroyed that with that toddler bounce or whatever it was just a minute ago

Not true, it was proven in a lab by scientists that all black people can dance, and they were Asian scientists.
Good thing the segments that came from the matches afterward were more entertaining than a 5-10 minute match could be.

Don't get me wrong. They are entertaining. But surely we can get a better finish than "Otunga does an unconvincing spine buster on the United States Champion to get the cover."

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