WWE Over the Limit 2012: General Discussion & Aftermath


Occasional Pre-Show
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship ( i hope this closes the show this time) , wouldn't surprise me if Jericho is added for a Triple Threat match. Isnt Jericho supposed to leave soon?? might as well milk another match with him before he takes off for FOzzy tour

John Cena vs John Laurinaitis (uhhhhhh, ok)

after that, its anyones guess. But man, another PPV in 3 weeks??? ugh

so we have HHH vs Lesnar, but IMO, they better hold off on this. This can be easily done with the whole Lesnar being "fired", and HHH can come back the monday after Over the Limit and demand he face Lesnar at No Way Out. I don't think we should or need to see Lesnar in every single PPV

so what are we left with, heres my predictions

Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship (IMO, this is gonna be zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz). Who else here would rather see Sheamus/Ziggler fued............???

Cody Rhodes is the IC champ, but now has no feud, IMO not enough time to build one in 3 weeks, so i think we wont see him till No Way Out

Tag Team CHampionship will be defended i think at Over The Limit, with Truth and Kofi vs Primo/Epico or another team

Thats 4 matches, with filler? Diva match with Layla vs Beth Phoenix maybe???

thats 5, need one more match. Miz vs Santino for US title to open the show is my best guess
if they do in fact have Lesnar vs Triple H... i will stop watching this crap completely.

First he ruins Punk's summer by stealing the spotlight and now he sets himself to steal Lesnar's by again stealing the spotlight...

Id ask to keep him away but theres no way they will since hes part of the family
if they do in fact have Lesnar vs Triple H... i will stop watching this crap completely.

First he ruins Punk's summer by stealing the spotlight and now he sets himself to steal Lesnar's by again stealing the spotlight...

Id ask to keep him away but theres no way they will since hes part of the family

i dont usual complain about angles, but HHH is absolutely stealing the spotlight again and ruining the momentum of a good angle. They couldnt have made it any more obvious that they just gave him Cena's stoyline tonight. HHH IS NOT THE SEAT FILLER THAT THEY THINK HE IS.
Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship (IMO, this is gonna be zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz). Who else here would rather see Sheamus/Ziggler fued............???

it'll be a whole bunch of z's? weird.

Sheamus verses Ziggler? How about FUCK NO. I really don't understand the appeal of Ziggler, if I'm to be honest. He's good in the ring...well at selling in the ring, but the man is as dull as dirty dishwater, and nowhere near realy to be put in the me spotlight. Thought the same thing when they had him "feud" with Punk, and gave him a match at the rumble, and I'll say it again now. Keep Ziggler out of the main event until he's ready to make me give a shit. There's a reason he's been demoted back to the midcard

if they do in fact have Lesnar vs Triple H... i will stop watching this crap completely.

Feel free. he ruined Punk's summer? You mean when he had that ONE match that one time, which he only lost after the interference of three others guys? (kayfabe, I know. blahblahblah) how about that HIAC he lost...oh, nothing to do with Triple H? The tag match at Vengence? ... oh, he teamed with triple H? and triple h

Punk has held the title since October. he's fine.

Lesnar's spotlight? Really, are we doing this? And what, pray tell, has Brock done to deserve the spotlight? Go ahead, I'll wait...Think of anything? No, well neither did I.

how about waiting to see what happens before lighting the torches and grabbing the pitchforks. Because right now, undeserved or not, (not) Brock is still in the spotlight, and looking strong after "breaking" (again, kayfabe. yes I know it's not real) Triple H's arm with the kimura
it'll be a whole bunch of z's? weird.

Sheamus verses Ziggler? How about FUCK NO. I really don't understand the appeal of Ziggler, if I'm to be honest. He's good in the ring...well at selling in the ring, but the man is as dull as dirty dishwater, and nowhere near realy to be put in the me spotlight. Thought the same thing when they had him "feud" with Punk, and gave him a match at the rumble, and I'll say it again now. Keep Ziggler out of the main event until he's ready to make me give a shit. There's a reason he's been demoted back to the midcard

Feel free. he ruined Punk's summer? You mean when he had that ONE match that one time, which he only lost after the interference of three others guys? (kayfabe, I know. blahblahblah) how about that HIAC he lost...oh, nothing to do with Triple H? The tag match at Vengence? ... oh, he teamed with triple H? and triple h

Punk has held the title since October. he's fine.

Lesnar's spotlight? Really, are we doing this? And what, pray tell, has Brock done to deserve the spotlight? Go ahead, I'll wait...Think of anything? No, well neither did I.

how about waiting to see what happens before lighting the torches and grabbing the pitchforks. Because right now, undeserved or not, (not) Brock is still in the spotlight, and looking strong after "breaking" (again, kayfabe. yes I know it's not real) Triple H's arm with the kimura

First of all.. Punk's entire storyline turned into the triple h/kevin nash show last summer, if you dont remember, Punk was completely out of the equation at that point, and killed his momentum.

I dont like Brock, Im actually one of those people who feels the guys a dick who should job to everyone, i dont thnk he should cause it isnt smart, id just like to see it. And does steal some of his spotlight (the little he has after getting beat by cena) by having him wrestle a semi retired guy, because u know the all mighty trips will hurt lesnar if they do wrestlem probaly with that stupid hammer. But lets say he doesnt steal the spotlight... why does he have to be involved?!! just freaking go away... everytime theres a hot angle he has to find a way to get involved.. its ridiculous
I dont like Brock, Im actually one of those people who feels the guys a dick who should job to everyone, i dont thnk he should cause it isnt smart, id just like to see it. And does steal some of his spotlight (the little he has after getting beat by cena) by having him wrestle a semi retired guy, because u know the all mighty trips will hurt lesnar if they do wrestlem probaly with that stupid hammer. But lets say he doesnt steal the spotlight... why does he have to be involved?!! just freaking go away... everytime theres a hot angle he has to find a way to get involved.. its ridiculous

Quick, off the top of your head besides Cena and Punk, who's a big name face on Raw they could give to Lesnar?


I'm drawing a blank. Like it or not, Triple H is a name that still draws interest from people. Be honest, who's going to pay money to see Brock Lesnar vs Alex Riley, or Lesnar vs Khali, or Lesnar vs Santino? Triple H still has appeal to people, who will spend their money to see what happens. As long as he has that, from a business point of view there's a reason to get him involved.

because u know the all mighty trips will hurt lesnar if they do wrestlem probaly with that stupid hammer.

I..what? Read this to yourself, does it make as little sense to you as it does me? Either way, I don't know that, as I left my little crystal ball in my other pants. never should have let my sisters decorate it with the my little pony stickers. accidents happen. "That hammer" can injure just as much as that keylock." but you'd probably let it slide if that happened
Alright guys.....

I doubt Lensar is gonna be on the card and HHH "broke" his arm. <-- this match happens at summerslam.


2. JOHN CENA vs JOHNNY= I doubt this will actually happen. I think Cena will either get beat up at OTL or...... he's already hurt after Tensai and Johnny destroyed his arm.

ok ok ok ok ok......
3. TAG TEAM Championship Rematch.

4. Miz vs. Santino (US)

5. Sheamus vs. Jericho or Randy...

6. Layla vs Diva

7. Brodus vs. Swagger

8. <--Because I feel Cena vs Johnny won't happen... so this match will be Kane vs. Zack Ryder.
Punk vs Bryan will hopefully get a lot of time and should headline the show.

Cena vs Ace will be heavily booked and I imagine there'll be plenty of interference in it. These matches can be fun if booked smartly, or they can be a total schmozz, there's very little middle ground.

Sheamus vs Del Rio seems the most obvious WHC match.

IC title will probably be defended with a match set up this week on SD, Cody vs Khali is a disturbing possibility, hopefully it will be someone else though, maybe against Ryder even though he's a Raw guy.

Jericho vs Big Show after tonight is a potential match and somewhere Randy Orton will be on the PPV.

Layla will defend the Divas title against.......AJ! just a guess. :shrug:
There are already two matches confirmed and I will lay out the rest of the card for you in no particular order.

1. CM Punk Vs Daniel Bryan For The WWE Championship- CM Punk has to lose, I am not being bias or using favoritism. Bryan and Punk have both been over with the fans, but at this point I feel like it's Bryan's time to shine, even after dropping his strap to Sheamus. CM Punk has held the belt for a while and I believe it's time to start him fresh on the other end for a while.

2. Cena Vs Laurinitis- For this little Big Johhny vs Cena feud to be successful, Cena must go down, whether it be interference from Tensai or Lesnar, Cena must lose. I believe this would be the right approach, as Cena had risen to the top of the mountain only to lose to the Rock and then barely escape Lesnar with an "injury". I like the direction they are going if they are going there, putting Cena in a hole and making him seem a low for a little while before rising back up.

3. Cody Rhodes Vs Big Show- This feud has to simply end on this night. It's been played out like an old guitar. Cody Rhodes needs to just win and keep his intercontinental title around his waist as The Big Show prepares for hopefully, a bigger, better feud with Tensai or Ryback or somebody.

4. Santino Vs Miz Vs Swagger vs Ziggler- What a way to set it off with the US Title up for grabs. A four way dance. Santino is off the charts and will be for a long time, the fans are eating him up. Santino is so over, it's awesome. He must retain for the US Title to still have a meaning. I just don't feel like The Miz is in a position right now to be a successful US Champ and Ziggler and Swagger have pretty much become mid carder's.

5. Kofi And R-Truth Vs Primo And Epico- Finally, tag team wrestling is starting to get that dust blown off. It has returned and WWE will have to build up a few more tag teams to keep tag wrestling interesting again. I for one, love tag team wrestling and I am so glad that it is starting to mean something again. Kofi and R-Truth will get the win because they have that charisma while Primo and Epico need to work on getting the crowd over a bit more. It will be a great match though.

6. Randy Orton Vs Chris Jericho- I am still not sure if this one is going to happen but I do see the Orton/Kane feud pretty much done. Jericho, after four straight ppv losses has to score a win here to keep his interest a flow. Orton is strong enough in the business, even with a loss, he'll be alright. This feud would be great though.

7. Layla vs Beth Phoenix- I could give two shits. Beth Phoenix wins or Layla retains. Whatever happens, happens.
Now I agree with you about bryan going over punk at over the limit. This is what must happen in the punk/bryan program in order to keep fans interested without Cena around. Ill have bryan win their first bout for the title at over the limit because im guess that these two guys will fued over the summertime and might end at money in the bank. Have aj cost punk the match and show bryan that she really loves him. This would give aj lots of heat and possibly the spot as the top heel diva. Aj and bryan would go on to be the next power couple of the wwe. I would also have aj defeat layla for the divas title instead of beth. This would not only take bryan and aj to next level but would make it the first couple to hold wwe title and divas title.
If they want to make an interesting storyline with punk, have bryan debut a new girlfriend at over the limit: PUNKS SISTER.

then have him kill punk and then you have something punk can fight for during the summer cause that's when he's best.
I actually really like the idea of AJ helping Bryan, while simultaneously defeating Layla for the Divas title. I think they'd be gold as a power couple, sort of like a non-comedic Glamarella.
So Lesnar lost so Cena won't lose three consecutive PPVs? Laurinaitis will go over, probably with the help of Albert. Still would've had Lesnar not lose his first match back. Then again, I wouldn't have wasted his first match back against Cena on a B show.

WWE also hold off Del Rio's return until after Mania so it means more and in his first proper feud back he's going to look at the lights for Sheamus. Ok!
WWE also hold off Del Rio's return until after Mania so it means more and in his first proper feud back he's going to look at the lights for Sheamus. Ok!

Well in their defense, fuck Alberto Del Rio.

This is probably the most underwhelming PPV of the year, right up there with Elimination Chamber. There's a couple of good match prospect on there with the 2 World Title matches, but there's certainly no urge on my end to buy the thing. I'm not even entirely sure that I'll stream it, might just wait until the show is over and read results. Guess it depends on what I'm doing tomorrow.
WWE Over The Limit - May 20, 2012

1. People Power Battle Royal - This was the first match on the card, not counting the Kane vs. Zack Ryder match on the free pre-show. Due to a decision made, the winner of the battle royal gets a shot at either the United States or Intercontinental Championship. The match itself was ok, nothing overly special. The concept of starting things off like this, to me, however was kinda fun and it’s nice to see this sort of emphasis put on these titles. The US title hasn’t been much since Santino won it and the IC title has been in a stagnant place since WrestleMania. It was mostly a punch + kick affair except for Kidd’s nice looking springboard dropkick on Miz & Otunga. It eventually came down to Christian, Miz & Otunga with Christian getting double teamed. As expected, there was some nice teased elimination stuff but Christian was able to pull out the win. He points at Santino, indicating a United States Championship shot. However, I have a feeling that Christian has come back and made a spontaneous face turn and will go after Cody Rhodes. **

2. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag Team Championship - Good, strong tag match that went about like I figured it would. The most entertaining parts of the match were when Kofi & Ziggler were in there together. Kofi & Truth got a strong response from the live crowd and the match had a lot of energy from the start. Kofi & Ziggler, again, showed more of their great chemistry in there together with both of them looking crisp. In the end, after Truth goes over the top rope onto Swagger, Kofi winds up hitting Trouble in Paradise on Ziggler for the clean win at the 12.5 minute mark. All in all, a good showing for the tag champs. **3/4

3. Layla vs. Beth Phoenix for the WWE Divas Championship - Color me surprised, but this was actually a pretty damn good match. Not only was there some good action in the match, but it also told a story and was given a decent amount of time. They told a solid story with Beth going after and working over Layla’s knee. About the 5.5 minute mark, Layla countered a press slam from Beth into a nice looking DDT. They traded offense here for a bit, with both getting some falls, before Beth targets the knee again. Layla recovers, however, and manages to hit the Lay-Out, her finisher, on Beth for the clean win a little past the 7 minute mark. Definitely the best Diva match we’ve seen in a long while and good work from both women. **3/4

Randy Orton & Chris Jericho - Nice, brief backstage promo segment here. Orton is backstage talking with Matt Striker before Jericho interrupts. They sold the tension between each other nicely while putting over their match. Jericho’s facial expressions, when he was embarrassed after Orton walked off but soon adopting the cocky smirk again, worked well. Nothing special here, just a solid little segment between two key players in a big match. Thumbs Up

4. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heayweight Championship - Great match here and a great effort from all the wrestlers, especially Orton. WWE knows how to do these types of matches well by managing to get all the wrestlers into the action but without everything coming off chaotic. The match had a different pace at different times to suit the styles of all the guys, such as when it slowed down maybe 9 minutes in with Del Rio working submissions on Sheamus. There was a great flurry of action in the last few minutes of the match, especially with a great near fall on Sheamus via a roll up from Jericho. Eventually, it comes down to Jericho & Sheamus with Sheamus getting the clean win after hitting White Noise at the 16 minute mark. Sheamus retains the title while Orton glares at him afterward. With two more ppvs before SummerSlam, one has to think that they’re going with Sheamus vs. Orton next. ***1/2

5. Brodus Clay vs. The Miz - Can’t say I cared much for Miz’s promo. Miz came out and did some ridiculous dancing of his own, cutting a promo on how fans didn’t know what good dancing was. Brodus Clay comes out and does his thing. As for the match itself, it’s basically along the same lines of the match they had on Raw a few weeks back. It was ok, a nice change from seeing Clay in 30 second squash matches, and the match did it’s job as a come down match from the WHC match. Clay winds up hitting the big splash at the 4.5 minute mark for the win. *1/2

6. Cody Rhodes vs. Christian for the WWE Intercontinental Championship - This was a pretty solid match but there was so little build to it and there’s no heat for Cody Rhodes just now. Christian comes back, from nowhere, and is suddenly a baby face. The match could have been better if properly built, but they still did a solid job with what they were given. Rhodes & Christian worked well together, a nice chemistry between the two, and Cody hit a nice looking springboard moonsault for a good near fall around the 6 minute mark. Eventually, Christian winds up hitting the Killswitch at the 7.5 minute mark to become the new IC champ. It didn’t have a special feel to it and I think WWE has screwed up since WM with Cody Rhodes, but here’s hoping that they get back on track. **1/4

7. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship - This match was an excellent outing between these two that delivered as we all hoped it would. The live crowd also helped with this match as they seemed to be split as both guys are two of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster right now. Both guys used some great submission holds on one another and Bryan’s diving headbutt looked killer. It was an overall great back and forth effort as both these men know what they’re doing inside the ring. The spot with them trading slaps while Punk locked Bryan in the Figure Four was brilliant. Bryan kicking out of the Macho Man elbow looked great and it seemed to “wake him up” a little. Bryan unloaded with a succession of knees on Punk before applying the Yes! Lock. Punk fights through the hold and eventually manages to roll Bryan on his back. The referee counts three just a mere moment before Punk starts to tap. Punk retains the title at the 24 minute mark in a way that gives Bryan a helluva excuse for a rematch. I want a rematch between ’em Vince, Goddammit!!!!! It was literally a very, very close call and the ending was great. If WWE was looking for a reason to continue this feud, they just got it. Both wrestlers looked like stars and stole the show. If you want to complain about this match, then you might as well just stop watching wrestling altogether. ****1/2

8. Ryback vs. Camacho - The match went about 2 minutes and went about like you figured it would. Ryback dominated the match with his power moves and looked impressive. He hit Camacho with the Torture Rack Slam, or whatever it’s called, for the win. Knocking down Hunico on his way out was a nice touch. More of the same here and a chance to give fans to catch their breath. N/A

9. John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis - Big Johnny comes out wearing a pair of gym pants and a shirt with his logo on it. The match begins & Cena is basically beating the snot out of him. The airplane spin Cena hit on Johnny was a nice touch, haven’t seen one of those in a while. Ringing the bell right up against JL’s ear was kinda funny. Might even make the disorientation he felt after the airplane spin a little worse. Cena spent virtually the entire time beating the crap out of Big Johnny and , as expected, Big Show suddenly showed up and made it look as though he was going to nail Big Johnny. However, Show hits Cena with the WMD and allows JL to get the win at the 17 minute mark. **

Final Thoughts - Overall, I thought OTV was a very solid show. It wasn’t as good as Elimination Chamber, WrestleMania or Extreme Rules, but the ppv was a fun show. The undercard was about how I expected, maybe a little bit better all in all. The battle royal was ok, I wasn’t into it all that much but it was nice to see Christian back. The tag title match was the solid, high energy match I figured it would be with the champs retaining. The Diva match was MUCH better than expected and they actually had a very good match. I may have been overly generous to the Diva match, but I was just so shocked to see them get an actual match that was this good. The four way match for the WHC was great, all four wrestlers did their jobs well and Sheamus scores another big win as they move on towards Sheamus vs. Orton for SummerSlam I’m guessing. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes was a solid effort, but it didn’t have any special feel to it. Christian winning the IC title is a means of, hopefully, getting it back on track and I hope WWE also gets back on track with Cody Rhodes. Clay vs. The Miz wasn’t much to talk about, just filler. The WWE Championship match exceeded my expectations. I expected a great match and Bryan & Punk delivered. I thought the ending was great as it gives Bryan a viable excuse to ask for a rematch and it’s an excuse to keep this feud going. Both guys looked like a million bucks and it was definitely match of the night. Cena vs. Big Johnny went about exactly as I expected and a lot of people predicted it would. It was fun seeing Johnny Ace knocked around for a while but it was entirely too predictable. Punk vs. Bryan should’ve closed the show out. Most of the matches on the show were at least good, soldi outings. The Cena vs. JL match was what it was. It wasn't a horrible match, but it was FAR too predictable.

Grade: B
WWE Over The Limit - May 20, 2012

1. People Power Battle Royal - This was the first match on the card, not counting the Kane vs. Zack Ryder match on the free pre-show. Due to a decision made, the winner of the battle royal gets a shot at either the United States or Intercontinental Championship. The match itself was ok, nothing overly special. The concept of starting things off like this, to me, however was kinda fun and it’s nice to see this sort of emphasis put on these titles. The US title hasn’t been much since Santino won it and the IC title has been in a stagnant place since WrestleMania. It was mostly a punch + kick affair except for Kidd’s nice looking springboard dropkick on Miz & Otunga. It eventually came down to Christian, Miz & Otunga with Christian getting double teamed. As expected, there was some nice teased elimination stuff but Christian was able to pull out the win. He points at Santino, indicating a United States Championship shot. However, I have a feeling that Christian has come back and made a spontaneous face turn and will go after Cody Rhodes. **

2. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag Team Championship - Good, strong tag match that went about like I figured it would. The most entertaining parts of the match were when Kofi & Ziggler were in there together. Kofi & Truth got a strong response from the live crowd and the match had a lot of energy from the start. Kofi & Ziggler, again, showed more of their great chemistry in there together with both of them looking crisp. In the end, after Truth goes over the top rope onto Swagger, Kofi winds up hitting Trouble in Paradise on Ziggler for the clean win at the 12.5 minute mark. All in all, a good showing for the tag champs. **3/4

3. Layla vs. Beth Phoenix for the WWE Divas Championship - Color me surprised, but this was actually a pretty damn good match. Not only was there some good action in the match, but it also told a story and was given a decent amount of time. They told a solid story with Beth going after and working over Layla’s knee. About the 5.5 minute mark, Layla countered a press slam from Beth into a nice looking DDT. They traded offense here for a bit, with both getting some falls, before Beth targets the knee again. Layla recovers, however, and manages to hit the Lay-Out, her finisher, on Beth for the clean win a little past the 7 minute mark. Definitely the best Diva match we’ve seen in a long while and good work from both women. **3/4

Randy Orton & Chris Jericho - Nice, brief backstage promo segment here. Orton is backstage talking with Matt Striker before Jericho interrupts. They sold the tension between each other nicely while putting over their match. Jericho’s facial expressions, when he was embarrassed after Orton walked off but soon adopting the cocky smirk again, worked well. Nothing special here, just a solid little segment between two key players in a big match. Thumbs Up

4. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heayweight Championship - Great match here and a great effort from all the wrestlers, especially Orton. WWE knows how to do these types of matches well by managing to get all the wrestlers into the action but without everything coming off chaotic. The match had a different pace at different times to suit the styles of all the guys, such as when it slowed down maybe 9 minutes in with Del Rio working submissions on Sheamus. There was a great flurry of action in the last few minutes of the match, especially with a great near fall on Sheamus via a roll up from Jericho. Eventually, it comes down to Jericho & Sheamus with Sheamus getting the clean win after hitting White Noise at the 16 minute mark. Sheamus retains the title while Orton glares at him afterward. With two more ppvs before SummerSlam, one has to think that they’re going with Sheamus vs. Orton next. ***1/2

5. Brodus Clay vs. The Miz - Can’t say I cared much for Miz’s promo. Miz came out and did some ridiculous dancing of his own, cutting a promo on how fans didn’t know what good dancing was. Brodus Clay comes out and does his thing. As for the match itself, it’s basically along the same lines of the match they had on Raw a few weeks back. It was ok, a nice change from seeing Clay in 30 second squash matches, and the match did it’s job as a come down match from the WHC match. Clay winds up hitting the big splash at the 4.5 minute mark for the win. *1/2

6. Cody Rhodes vs. Christian for the WWE Intercontinental Championship - This was a pretty solid match but there was so little build to it and there’s no heat for Cody Rhodes just now. Christian comes back, from nowhere, and is suddenly a baby face. The match could have been better if properly built, but they still did a solid job with what they were given. Rhodes & Christian worked well together, a nice chemistry between the two, and Cody hit a nice looking springboard moonsault for a good near fall around the 6 minute mark. Eventually, Christian winds up hitting the Killswitch at the 7.5 minute mark to become the new IC champ. It didn’t have a special feel to it and I think WWE has screwed up since WM with Cody Rhodes, but here’s hoping that they get back on track. **1/4

7. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship - This match was an excellent outing between these two that delivered as we all hoped it would. The live crowd also helped with this match as they seemed to be split as both guys are two of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster right now. Both guys used some great submission holds on one another and Bryan’s diving headbutt looked killer. It was an overall great back and forth effort as both these men know what they’re doing inside the ring. The spot with them trading slaps while Punk locked Bryan in the Figure Four was brilliant. Bryan kicking out of the Macho Man elbow looked great and it seemed to “wake him up” a little. Bryan unloaded with a succession of knees on Punk before applying the Yes! Lock. Punk fights through the hold and eventually manages to roll Bryan on his back. The referee counts three just a mere moment before Punk starts to tap. Punk retains the title at the 24 minute mark in a way that gives Bryan a helluva excuse for a rematch. I want a rematch between ’em Vince, Goddammit!!!!! It was literally a very, very close call and the ending was great. If WWE was looking for a reason to continue this feud, they just got it. Both wrestlers looked like stars and stole the show. If you want to complain about this match, then you might as well just stop watching wrestling altogether. ****1/2

8. Ryback vs. Camacho - The match went about 2 minutes and went about like you figured it would. Ryback dominated the match with his power moves and looked impressive. He hit Camacho with the Torture Rack Slam, or whatever it’s called, for the win. Knocking down Hunico on his way out was a nice touch. More of the same here and a chance to give fans to catch their breath. N/A

9. John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis - Big Johnny comes out wearing a pair of gym pants and a shirt with his logo on it. The match begins & Cena is basically beating the snot out of him. The airplane spin Cena hit on Johnny was a nice touch, haven’t seen one of those in a while. Ringing the bell right up against JL’s ear was kinda funny. Might even make the disorientation he felt after the airplane spin a little worse. Cena spent virtually the entire time beating the crap out of Big Johnny and , as expected, Big Show suddenly showed up and made it look as though he was going to nail Big Johnny. However, Show hits Cena with the WMD and allows JL to get the win at the 17 minute mark. **

Final Thoughts - Overall, I thought OTV was a very solid show. It wasn’t as good as Elimination Chamber, WrestleMania or Extreme Rules, but the ppv was a fun show. The undercard was about how I expected, maybe a little bit better all in all. The battle royal was ok, I wasn’t into it all that much but it was nice to see Christian back. The tag title match was the solid, high energy match I figured it would be with the champs retaining. The Diva match was MUCH better than expected and they actually had a very good match. I may have been overly generous to the Diva match, but I was just so shocked to see them get an actual match that was this good. The four way match for the WHC was great, all four wrestlers did their jobs well and Sheamus scores another big win as they move on towards Sheamus vs. Orton for SummerSlam I’m guessing. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes was a solid effort, but it didn’t have any special feel to it. Christian winning the IC title is a means of, hopefully, getting it back on track and I hope WWE also gets back on track with Cody Rhodes. Clay vs. The Miz wasn’t much to talk about, just filler. The WWE Championship match exceeded my expectations. I expected a great match and Bryan & Punk delivered. I thought the ending was great as it gives Bryan a viable excuse to ask for a rematch and it’s an excuse to keep this feud going. Both guys looked like a million bucks and it was definitely match of the night. Cena vs. Big Johnny went about exactly as I expected and a lot of people predicted it would. It was fun seeing Johnny Ace knocked around for a while but it was entirely too predictable. Punk vs. Bryan should’ve closed the show out. Most of the matches on the show were at least good, soldi outings. The Cena vs. JL match was what it was. It wasn't a horrible match, but it was FAR too predictable.

Grade: B

LOL, you thought that was a "B" PPV? Other than the Punk/Bryan match it was a joke. That 'main event" was pathetic and as predictable. One match cant save a PPV. BTW, your use of the word "solid" is way overplayed
LOL, you thought that was a "B" PPV? Other than the Punk/Bryan match it was a joke. That 'main event" was pathetic and as predictable. One match cant save a PPV. BTW, your use of the word "solid" is way overplayed
one poor predictable main event shouldnt lower a grade, for me it's a b- because the Punk/Bryan match, the Four way match, even the Diva's title match wasnt that bad and the ic title match wasnt awful and same with the Tag Team title match, but the two world title matches are what gives this a B, the minus comes from the predictable ending and the other matches that were basically squashes.
My stream decided not to work properly so I said fuck it and decided to order it. Overall I thought this PPV was a lot better than I was expecting.

Battle Royal: I missed most of it since my stream was cutting in and out. I finally got it on TV with Tyson Kidd, Christian (nice surprise), Otunga and the Miz in the ring. Tyson Kidd was impressive with his double drop kick and for what I saw wasn't too bad. (Unable to rate)

Tag Team Championship: Kofi and Truth vs. Swagger and Ziggler was an excellent tag team match and is a reminder to me that they are starting to bring back the tag team division. Most of the match was Ziggler and Swagger taking turns on Truth. After the hot tag to Kofi, the action really picked up. The ending had Truth dive over the ropes onto Swagger while Ziggler runs with a head of steam with a prone Kofi in the corner. Out of nowhere Ziggler gets hit with Trouble in Paradise mid jump (GREAT SPOT!) to retain the titles. *** 1/2

Divas Championship: The match started out a bit slow with a few botches but picked up nicely as the match progressed. We actually see a full match in the Diva's division for once. Layla wins around 7 minutes in with a neckbreaker. I honestly wasn't expecting this. I was almost expecting Beth to pull out a win and Kharma coming out after the match was over, but it still worked out well. **

World Heavyweight Championship: I'm not a fan of Fatal Four ways. For what it's worth this one was ok for what it was and it seems to be setting up Sheamus vs. Orton and Jericho vs. Del Rio for the next PPV. ** 1/2

Brodus Clay vs. The Miz: A short match for PPV standards at about 4 minutes that further buries the Miz further down the card. Brodus wins here. We see the Miz at the top from late 2010 to early-mid 2011 and now he can't seem to do anything. It's a shame. *

IC Title: I generally agree with Jack Hammer's review but this is where I have to disagree for once. This was a very solid match that I feel wasn't hurt at all by not being promoted. Since Christian was a surprise entrant in the Battle Royal it wouldn't have made sense to promote this match prior to having the match. Christian wins the match with the Killswitch in a well done match. It looks like Christian has come back a face and this helps make the IC Title more relevant. We definitely have not seen the last of Rhodes as I feel this loss is setting him up to be a bigger player on Smackdown! *** 1/4

WWE Championship: If Undertaker vs. HHH was the best storytelling match of the year, this has to be bar none the best technical showcase of the year! Bryan looked like he legitimately hurt his leg on a leapfrog but still kept the match really strong. Lots of back and forth from the competitors and the crowd. We seen great chain wrestling, submissions, strikes and enough high flying to show an amazing spectacle. Punk wins while Bryan is trying to torque in the YES! Lock from his back thus pinning himself in the process. Punk taps about 1/2 a second after the 3 count was made which goes to show me this won't be the last of these 2. I'm excited for round 2! ******/5

Ryback vs. Camacho: This was a downer that if took place should have been well earlier in the night especially since we know JL vs. Cena isn't going to be a great match. Lillian Garcia screws up for the 2nd time tonight (first one announcing Sheamus as being 227 lbs.) by announcing Hunico as the one competing. Ryback gets knocked off his feet once but it was still a squash match. * 1/4.

JL vs. Cena: There was a lot of taunting going on with a couple funny spots with Cena pouring water on JL's crotch and ringing the bell in his ear after the airplane spin. As well predicted, Big Show comes out dragging JL with him who tried to escape. After Cena had JL up for the AA, Big Show gives Cena the WMD and JL keeps his job. I heard some "This is awful" chants in the crowd and I couldn't agree more. This anti-climatic garbage shouldn't be closing out a PPV. * 1/4

Overall, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan was worth the price for admission. There were some real good undercard matches but the show ended on a real weak note. I have to give this show a B based on the undercard and the WWE match being well done and the last match wasn't bad enough to drag the whole show down.
LOL, you thought that was a "B" PPV? Other than the Punk/Bryan match it was a joke. That 'main event" was pathetic and as predictable. One match cant save a PPV. BTW, your use of the word "solid" is way overplayed

One match? Really?

Alright, just for the sake of argument, I'll give you the main event being "predictable" (that's rare in professional wrestling...). What about the WH match? It went on for a good 25-30 minutes with all four guys having good spots and lots of near-falls to keep you unsure about who would walk out even if in the back of your head you knew Sheamus would walk out the champ. And then the Battle Royal, which wasn't anything special but definitely wasn't bad or something I didn't enjoy watching. Christian takes the title off of Rhodes in a somewhat short but good match, which in my eyes is good because Rhodes needs to find something new and Christian has proven time and again he can get over with no problems. Plus an IC title reign will eventually bring him back into the title picture once it clears up. Punk and Bryan was one of the best wrestling matches this year, and the crowd was rabid the entire time those two were in the ring. The tag team titles match was good, not great, but good. So far, that's five matches, five successes. I'll give you the Ryback and Brodus squash matches which really should've never found their way onto the PPV, but in the end they didn't take that much time and it gave the fans some cool-down for the main event.

Now, before you come in with your "predictable" argument, understand that even in the IWC lauded attitude era, wrestling was predictable. It's been predictable for years and always will be. They can't pull out swerves and twists every PPV, or else the whole shock and intensity of those swerves and twists become washed. Big Show needed a heel turn. Laurinitis gets to stay on TV, which is good because he's definitely over. This helps set up the Laurinitis stable that's been hinted at for months now. The match drew, and at the same time helped advance the story. And by the way, you and the rest of the smarks seem to be the only ones complaining about predictability - as the Hawkins/Rex bit showed, plenty of people in the crowd thought or at least bought into a legitimate chance Big Johnny would be gone.

It was no less predictable then Stone Cold stunning McMahon for the first time, everyone knew it was going to happen, but no one complained then.
I thought that overall this was a very decent PPV. I would give it a B+ to A- grade.

The Good:
-CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan was the type of match that I eat up! A lot of good, technical wrestling. I would expect no less from these two.
- The Fatal Four way delivered with Sheamus retaining the gold. I think that if he dropped it here, it would have been a bit too early in his title run.
- Solid Tag Title match...could the division be back on the rise?
- Holy solid Divas match batman! Layla vs. Beth was WAY better than what was expected. Could THIS division also improve if some of the girls were given more time to wrestle?

The Bad:
-Cena/Big Johnny going on last was just stupid. One of the title matches should have closed the show. Three PPV's in a row that no title closed the show..just ridiculous and degrading to the gold in my opinion.
-The Miz's fall from grace continues....it is just plain sad!
- Do we really need a Ryback squash on PPV?
- Jericho gets pinned on PPV...AGAIN!

Most of the matches were solid. I have no problem with the ending of the Cena/Ace match, just think a title should have closed the show....
Very mediocre ppv. Ending to Punk/Bryan was kind of dumb but was still a good match. Big Show interfering was very predictable and I was really hoping it was someone else. They should have just announced the battle royal weeks ago, or just have it on raw and then build up Christian/Rhodes or something.
I wonder how many people actually bought OTL After Monday Night Raw Last week, I bet the buy rates are going to be very low and somehow, some way It's going to be Miz's fault like how Survivor Series was. In all honesty if Vince pulls that shit and blames it on The Miz and does not blame anyone else like he should then I feel like The Miz should quit and go somewhere else.
I bought it (online) for the WWE title match mainly, and what else am I to do on a Sunday?
Middle of the road PPV, could be worse...You all need to do some pools on these cards and you'll have somthing to cheer for!
Punk/Bryan was match of the night, Tag and Divas followed close behind. I agree with the Ghost....too predictable...would have preferred Batista beating the beJesus Out of Cena...oh well, this set up No Way Out...give me PUnk/Bryan in a cage and I'm there!
WWE really need to do a better job of advertising matches in advance. This went from a 5 match card to suddenly having 9 matches. If the entire show had been advertised ahead of time, then I would have been MUCH more likely to order it. I understand having a surprise match thrown in, or even two.... But come on. This was a bad idea. They really should have informed people about the new matches, otherwise it comes off as lazy booking and procrastination by creative.

Brodus and Ryback were obviously going to win their matches. That doesn't mean the announcers could not have still hyped their respective appearnces on the show. Decent show otherwise. I particularly enjoyed both of the world title matches. Over the Limit is often one of the stronger cards out of the less important shows. My main complaint was that Laurinaitis main evented. Punk and Sheamus both deserve to close show far more than Cena or Johnny did, given the fact that Punk/Sheamus are the World Champions after all. If Cena is going to close every show they should just make HIM the WWE Champion again.
Very mediocre ppv. Ending to Punk/Bryan was kind of dumb but was still a good match. Big Show interfering was very predictable and I was really hoping it was someone else. They should have just announced the battle royal weeks ago, or just have it on raw and then build up Christian/Rhodes or something.
first off, didnt hate the Christian return, maybe he won the title too soon, but that happening shows that anything can happen on a ppv. now as for Punk/Bryan ending being dumb, DISagree. i like it in that it likely sets up Bryan vs. Punk part 2 and if we are lucky, maybe we get part 3 at Money in the Bank, it would be great it they had a cage match, Bryan gets help and wins, then Punk regains at Money in the Bank. it would be 3 matches with 2 great wrestlers, now will that happen, dont know, but i do see a rematch at least. As for Big Show, agree. that was my lowering of the grade. it was just too predictable. i was watching with hopes we would get ANOTHER guy being involved, but then i saw Big Show and was like, here comes a heel turn and i dont mind a heel Show, just not a heel Show vs. a face Cena again.

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