WM29: Aftermath and General Discussion

What match do you THINK we'll see for the WWE title?

  • The Rock vs John Cena II

  • The Rock vs CM Punk II

  • The Rock vs CM Punk vs John Cena

Results are only viewable after voting.
I think it's sad. The US Championship hasn't been defended at WrestleMania in Six Years. Cesaro has been such a great athlete, it's almost a travesty leaving him off the card.

I could care less about Wade Barrett. This guy is being booked so horribly lately. He's great on the mic, but we barely hear him talk. He has no feud going on and the IC Title has been so irrelevant in his possession. Looks like he'll be involved in the pre-show battle royal.

As far as the Divas go, Kaitlyn will probably face AJ one-on-one, or they'll add Kaitlyn with Team Hell No to make it a 6 person intergender match for the Tag Titles and Divas Titles. If there's gonna be a 9th match, it'll involve the Divas.

Poor Sandow, Rhodes, and Miz will be delegated to the pre-show battle royal. There's no other option.

The only way Barrett, or Cesaro make it onto the card is if the pre-show Battle Royal guarantees the winner a shot at either the US or IC Title later on in the night. Other than that, they'll go with 8 matches and the Divas match as #9.
I wouldn't go so far as saying it'll be the best of the DECADE. I mean, even though 29 hasn't happened yet, WrestleManias 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, and 28 are extremely hard events to top.

Last night was the only RAW on this Road to WrestleMania where I can honestly say I'm excited to see WrestleMania.

CM Punk FINALLY dropped the whole Paul Bearer thing and focused on the streak, Jericho and Fandango had a great interaction, I like the feud developing with The Shield vs Orton/Show/Sheamus and Rock and Cena did a great promo. As far as build, they knocked the aforementioned 4 matches out of the park.

I'm actually upset that I'm not going and I live right by MetLife. The build hasn't been spectacular, but I think the event is going to be great. The three main events are all gonna hit home runs, no question about that. Jericho/Fandango has potential to be a great match, I hope Orton turns heel and The Shield wins, I think Ryback/Henry will be a good showcase of power, The Tag Titles haven't been defended at Mania since 26, so I'm pretty excited, and The World Title match will probably open the show, and it should be a solid match.

I personally think WrestleMania 29 could be better than Mania last year. That's quite a feat to accomplish because you had Rock-Cena facing off for the FIRST time and you had a Hell in the Cell match. But I think it's got the tools to knock 28 off. I don't know about best of the decade, but it'll be really, REALLY good.
I wouldn't say Wrestlemania 29 would be the best of the decade, if you look at the main event status wwe is relying on past starts to boost the rating because wwe feels the current stars can pick up the load as wwe as done in years past. The only matches that looks of good valued are the 3 main events they have, rock vs cena 2, hhh vs brock lensar and cm punk vs undertaker, even than we all know the results of the outcomes are going to happen, cena is going to win because he needs the big win in order to stay strong for Vince and the martketing team, Undertaker always win, soo the only entertaining aspect HHH vs Brock Lensar could bring good highlights without forshadowing.

A good wrestlemanina card would include all decesent wrestling storylines from top to finish, good wrestling matches and good use of the promos. Problem with Vince is he is getting old, he doesnt have the paticients nor the desire to keep coming up with ideas to bring in new revenues, he wants his people to do it therefore that's why he is putting hhh in charge of the company now adays, I dont blame him either Vince has given us many establish stars at different eras, Hogan, Piper, Hart, Michaels, Undertaker, Luger, Warrior, Savage, Austin, Rock, Foley, so forth.

This year wrestlemania would be descent but not the greatest of the decade due to the lack of powerful stars thats there for the wwe.
Its all about turning potential greatness into realization of greatness. People are so concerned and caught up in the build and predictability of this years WM that they over look the fact that we have a very solid card here.

1.) New York
Maybe not a valid reason for some, but WWE always treats its New York shows as something special. And this one is the biggest show possible. It could be the last WrestleMania in the New York area for a very long time, and Vince's time as head of WWE is already coming to an end. I'm sure in the back of Vinnie Mac's mind he wants to leave his lasting impression on the birth place of WWE with one last epic night.

The NY/NJ area has always had a reputation for being a hot area. They have always managed to be one of the better WWE crowds. I expect that with these people along side fans from across the world joining them,it should make for a hot crowd all throughout.

2.) Next Generation
With a show littered by part time and semi-retired superstars, there is also a ridiculous amount of fresh young talent. Ryback, Big E Langston, Fandango, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins are all making their WrestleMania debuts. The World Title match consists of two guys who haven't really left their mark on WrestleMania and will now have that chance. Wade Barretts been around since 2010 and has wrestled less than 3 minutes on the grand stage. And even guys like Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler will finally have the spot light they've always deserved. Bryan's WM 27 match was moved to pre-show, and of course there was last year's 18 second showdown. Dolph has competed in 3 WrestleMania's, and has been joined by a total of 25 other superstars in those matches. Though this is a tag team match, I'm confident both guys will truly shine. We could someday look back on this Mania and remember it as the transition Mania that helped take WWE to into the next generation. Just as WrestleMania XIV was the launch pad into the Attitude Era.

In my Opinion. A wrestling card is great when you have that perfect balance a new and older stars. You have the established guys such as Rock,Cena,Punk,Taker,Lesnar,HHH and Jericho on the card. Having such high profile names on the card will help bring in the viewers and buys. While having new guys on the card will help display and illustrate the future of WWE. You are really getting the best of both worlds here.

3.) Strong Card
I was concerned with the undercard for this show for the longest time. There was clear focus and preparation for the main events, but WWE seemed unsure about the matches that would make up the rest of the show. I really only expect one, MAYBE two more matches to be added to the show, but the card we have already had LOADS of potential. I dont agree with Del Rio vs Swagger being the World Championship bout on the show, but there was a lot of effort put into re-establishing these characters and if WWE handles this right, hopefully they can springboard at least one of these superstars to full time main event status. Ryback vs Mark Henry will be a physical battle of titans that I've literally been begging for. I disliked the trio of Orton/Sheamus/Big Show at first, but their struggle to trust each other and be united has been a great twist to the story, and all 3 are established veterans that can help ensure The Shield's grand debut on WrestleMania is all it can be. The Tag Team Title match will be great, and don't be surprised if Jericho vs Fandango steals the show. Y2J is Y2J. And Fandango is a unique mix of calm arrogance with surprising athleticism and a mean streak to boot. All of these matches have solid build and purpose. There's invested interest in each match, making each one important which brings incredible value to the overall show.

Predictability aside,its true,this year has a very strong card. There are at least 3 potential show stealing matches here. Sometimes you're lucky if you get one,but this year we have 3. Punk/Taker, HHH/Lesnar and Rock/Cena all have tremendous opportunities to be the show stealing bout of the night and I have a feeling that more than one of these matches will do more than deliver.

Then you have the undercard. Ryback and Henry are sure to go at it in a test of power. It won't be technically sound by any means but it will be entertaining to see two powerhouses beat each other down. The shield have been impressing in all of their matches thus far. Now competing on the grandest stage of all against three top established guys will surely push them to bring out the best that they can. While I honestly don't care about Jericho and Fandango,I will admit that it has the chance to be one of the better matches of the night. I doubt it will get much time but we will see what happens.

Regardless,there is so much on the card here to be excited about. Performance wise,this should be a WM for the ages. Or it will be a gargantuan flop. Who knows. We'll find out on April 7th.

4.) Main Events
On April 7th we have not one, not two, but THREE headlining matches that could all main event WrestleMania respectfully. Each match has been given fair time on RAW to build (due in part to The Rock's absence) and I've really enjoyed it. One week was all about CM Punk and The Undertaker, the next was centered around Triple H and Brock Lesnar, and Cena/Rock have stayed at the forefront and this past Monday's RAW really sold the PPV in my opinion. The legends panel was the best segment Cena and Rocky have had in three years of feuding. And that leads me to the final reason.

Covered above. But I agree on the Panel that Rock and Cena had last night. Probably one of their better promos and it brought out just how passionate the guys are. They are clearly excited and are anticipating their bout at WM. With the mindset that both guys feeling they are the best,its a formula that's assured to bring out the best in both men and I think it will even top last years once in a lifetime match. I wasn't really excited for Rock and Cena. But after watching the legends panel last night,I more excited than ever now.

5.) Long Term Payoffs
The Rock and John Cena have been at each others throats since February of 2011. At times it's been highly entertaining, others it's been boring as all hell, and sometimes it's been down right frustrating. But regardless how you've enjoyed (or not enjoyed) the Rock/Cena saga.. it all finally comes to an end in MetLife Stadium. 3 WrestleMania's worth of build culminates in an all or nothing clash that I suspect will blow last years match out of the water. Triple H and Brock Lesnar have essentially been feuding for the past 12 months. Lesnar broke The Game's arm right after he lost to Cena last April, and the two have been fighting ever since. I expect resolution for Triple H in what will likely be his final big time feud. CM Punk vs The Undertaker at WrestleMania is a personal dream match for me, as these guys are my two all time favorites. Though Punk is no longer champion, you still get the feeling it's his title reign vs the steak. As if defeating the Deadman is the validation Punk needs after falling to The Rock. I don't expect Punk to beat the steak.. but I expect them to have the match everyone is talking about by the end of the night.

People bitch and complain now but fast forward 20 years,it will be one of those moments and memories WWE will proudly be able to show off over and over again. Fans will reminisce of the days when they got to see two legends,two Hall of Famers collide,not once but twice at the showcase of immortals. It will be one of those memories that will will hold on par as Hogan and Andre,Hogan and Rock,Rock and Austin. Feuds and matches that will transcend generation of wrestling fans,old and new. The Rock and Cena legacy will carry on for as long as the WWE is still around. At the end of the day,aren't those memories worth anything? Rock and Cena have attained the mantel of one of those great Wrestling feuds and dream matches you only get to see once in a decade and we are witnessing it all happen right before our eyes. Lap it up while you can now,after April 7th,it will likely all come to a close.

Could WrestleMania 29 be the best WrestleMania of the decade?

It has potential,but it will have to work hard to out do all the rest. I'm confident that it will be great but as great as say WM 19 or 23? Only time will tell.
1.) New York
OK, New York has something speciall...

2.) Next Generation
Dont see it in. Maybe Ryback and if Ziggler cashes in. Other than that, dont see it...

3.) Strong Card
You could say that. Upper card is looking good but they didnt gave almost nothing to undercard. Cesaro would probably be dark match(we dont eve know whos he facing or even if he is facing soimeone) and tag teams and intercontonental championship had almost no build. It is strong but had no properly strong buildup in some points(such as lack of Rock which is champion but even that match looks great after last night and just 1 confrontacion).

4.) Main Events
Would desagree and would say exactly the same as at proper theme here: Event only has one mainevent. It could have strong matches on card that draw people but just one mainevent and in this case its Rock vs Cena. :)

5.) Long Term Payoffs
Its Wrestlemania. It always payoffs even on longterm. :)
So the final card of WrestleMania will probably look something like this:

WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett vs. The Miz
WWE Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango
Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show vs. The Shield

If that turns out to be the final line up for the show, then it looks pretty damn strong on paper. Barring the Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan match last year, all the top matches of the show delivered big time and the show had a solid undercard. The top matches should also deliver strong this year and, in my eyes, this year's undercard looks to be overall much stronger than last year. It's also, overall, gotten an altogether better build than last year's undercard.

Alternative Matches
Brodus Clay, Sweet T & The Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins - I have a feeling WWE will add this match to the card, possibly during the WM pre-show or as part of the main card.

WWE Divas Championship: Kaitlyn vs. AJ Lee - This is another match that could take place, based on what we saw last night. WWE could leave this match off altogether and simply have Kaitlyn appear in Team Hell No's corner to counter AJ being with Ziggler & Big E. WWE can always use that to springboard the two into a post WM feud.
The US Championship hasn't been defended at WrestleMania in Six Years. Cesaro has been such a great athlete, it's almost a travesty leaving him off the card.

Sure, but the problem is adding another match to a card that has a lot of nondescript contests already. Cesaro is good, but who is he going to fight that anyone will care about? At a house show or one of the weekly programs.....fine. But this is Wrestlemania and the card already has enough stuff that may present as good matches but are difficult to get excited about.

Cena-Rock and Undertaker-Punk are top-notch matches, but aren't we already pretty sure about who's coming out on top in both?

A (formerly) big star like Chris Jericho is fighting for nothing. No stakes, no titles, no real feud to settle, since his interaction with Fandango started only a week ago.

Jack Swagger fighting for a major title? Ugh.

Orton/Sheamus/Big Show against The Shield? It might be an exciting event, but it's essentially for nothing except to point a new direction for Big Show and/or Orton.

Ryback vs Mark Henry? Again, it could be an event, but nothing is at stake. No titles, no special stipulations, no nothing. Maybe this is the start of a feud, but that's my point: WM matches should constitute the end of a feud.

To me, adding Antonio Cesaro to this card would serve no purpose. Possibly, they'll think of something to get him on the show. Or, maybe they'll give him a match at the last minute.

Either way......I can take or leave WM29. Sorry.
The NY/NJ area has always had a reputation for being a hot area. They have always managed to be one of the better WWE crowds. I expect that with these people along side fans from across the world joining them,it should make for a hot crowd all throughout.

A lot of people dont realize, the Stadium is 85 miles from Philadelphia as well. So the racous Philly contigency will ALSO be in there. The biggest hot / smarky crowd gathering of all time, along with legit cold weather in an outdoor stadium (right now we have a forecast of a high of 50, a low of 38) and you are set to see something TRULY unique. Im ordering it on PPV immeadiately after I wake up the next day (since ill be there live) to see what it was like on TV before the WWE can get its grubby little mits on it and edit the fuck out of it.

WAY too many matches so far. Not going to be any time for good workers to be truly showcased, and a bunch of whack scabs to get on the show....Hate it.

The Showcase of the Immortals....Uh, and Brodus Clay and Fandago.
Sure, but the problem is adding another match to a card that has a lot of nondescript contests already. Cesaro is good, but who is he going to fight that anyone will care about? At a house show or one of the weekly programs.....fine. But this is Wrestlemania and the card already has enough stuff that may present as good matches but are difficult to get excited about.

Cena-Rock and Undertaker-Punk are top-notch matches, but aren't we already pretty sure about who's coming out on top in both?

A (formerly) big star like Chris Jericho is fighting for nothing. No stakes, no titles, no real feud to settle, since his interaction with Fandango started only a week ago.

Jack Swagger fighting for a major title? Ugh.

Orton/Sheamus/Big Show against The Shield? It might be an exciting event, but it's essentially for nothing except to point a new direction for Big Show and/or Orton.

Ryback vs Mark Henry? Again, it could be an event, but nothing is at stake. No titles, no special stipulations, no nothing. Maybe this is the start of a feud, but that's my point: WM matches should constitute the end of a feud.

To me, adding Antonio Cesaro to this card would serve no purpose. Possibly, they'll think of something to get him on the show. Or, maybe they'll give him a match at the last minute.

Either way......I can take or leave WM29. Sorry.

I really did think that they were gonna drag out his feud with The Miz to Mania where he FINALLY leaves with the title. It just felt like they suddenly dropped that program and stuck Miz with Wade Barrett.

Maybe it's just me having a man crush on Cesaro, but I would've enjoyed Cesaro vs Miz one more time than Barrett vs Miz.
I don't see Antonio Cesaro making it onto the main card without an actual feud, which is a real shame, but hopefully he can make it onto the Pre-Show at least, defending the US Title against Kofi Kingston, who also has nothing going on for him right now. That would be a fun little match to kick-off things for Wrestlemania.
WWE really dropped the ball with the under-card for WrestleMania 29 and IMO, this is how the WWE should've booked the card for WrestleMania with only 1 change.

WWE Championship:
The Rock vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship:
Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

No Holds Barred Match:
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

CM Punk vs. Undertaker

Six-Man Tag Team Match:
The Shield vs. Randy Orton, Sheamus & Big Show

Ryback vs. Mark Henry

Eight-Man Ladder Match for the Intercontinental or United States Championship:
Wade Barrett vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston vs. R-Truth
(during the pre-show, Fans vote for which title should be defended in this match)

WWE Tag Team Championship:
Kane & Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston

Lumberjills Match for the Divas Championship:
Kaitlyn vs. AJ Lee

all I did was remove Fandango, Brodus Clay and Tensai from the main line-up and put them on the pre-show and add Jericho, Rhodes, Sandow, Kofi, R-Truth and Cesaro to the Barrett/Miz match, making it a Ladder Match and put Cameron, Naomi and The Bella Twins as Lumberjills for the Divas title match between AJ and Kaitlyn.

that would've been a MUCH better line-up IMO!
Seems like a top-heavy card, doesn't it? I care about Cena-Rock and Undertaker-Punk, but more for the intrigue of what may change in the storyline than who's going to win the matches.

Face it, since Rock is a part-timer and we've already gotten to see how unsatisfactory things are when the world champion only shows himself on TV occasionally, I figure there's not much question as to who's going to win. The intrigue arises when we consider what the reappearance of John Laurinaitis might mean: it could be the factor that drives the heel turn of John Cena. After all, with Cena cast as the bad guy in this match (when standing next to the Rock, any-freakin'-body is going to come off as the heel) there are going to be tons of people who detest the idea of Cena winning the title again. If he turns bad, his career takes on a whole new life. I'd watch WM just to see if it happens.

'Taker-Punk shouldn't cause much doubt as to who takes the duke, should it? Unless Phil Brooks' unique WWE contract somehow calls for him to win......or if Mark Calaway decides this is the guy he wants to give up the streak to....all we have left is what might be a top-notch match. Either way, it's interesting, at least.

We can complete the "top-heavy" reckoning with the possible inclusion of Triple H-Brock Lesnar, if you care about their match. Personally, I'd like to see them go at it, but it doesn't really matter who wins, nor would I expect Trips' career to truly end if he loses.

Beyond that, the card doesn't really provide much to care about, imo. I like Alberto Del Rio, but his match against Jack Swagger leaves me cold. I also don't care if Fandango can beat the departing Chris Jericho in the dancing boy's first match in his new persona. I mean, c'mon; a Wrestlemania showcase for your debut contest? Creative could've done better here.

The 6-man effort matters, I suppose, but only in speculation of whether Big Show turns good or Randy Orton goes bad. Otherwise, does it make a difference who wins?

Top-heavy, that's WM29.
Well, I guess I could see how someone might think Triple H losing is a sure thing at Mania. After all, this is the same guy, who's a thirteen time world champion. He's main evented Wrestlemanias, been apart of two highly successful stables, and he's had three wars with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. On top of that, he has a handful of great, memorable matches, he beat the shit out of and tried to kill his best friend on numerous occasions. Fought against and with Shawn, reforming DX to eventually win the tag team championships. So what else can Triple H do? What else does he have to prove?

There's no shame in losing to Brock Lesnar (for obvious reasons), and I sincerely believe IF Triple H loses, he'll be gone for good. Trips is a company man and an old school guy, so if he puts it all on the line in a career threatening match, he won't come back. It'll make no sense for Triple H to come back if he loses, and a Triple H return to the ring would shit all over Lesnar's victory at Wrestlemania 29.

I've gone back and forth on this in my head for a few days, but I'm still convinced Triple H is beating Lesnar at Mania. Remember that "Taker has to beat Edge or his career is over" match from a few years ago? I think it happened at Extreme Rules (forget the year), and I mainly remember the match, because that's the one where Taker took the sick bump through the stack of tables (Shawn Michaels-esque from Armageddon 2002).

Anyway, it was all bullshit, and we all knew Taker would return at some point. BUT at least WWE tried to convince everyone Taker MIGHT retire, and be done for good back then. I vividly remember them running Taker's career highlights from his debut to the first Wrestlemania win, and WWE (especially the video packages) really went out of their way to sell the possibility of Taker retiring. I don't see or feel the same sense of urgency with Lesnar VS Triple H II. Triple H cuts a promo, and of course he alluded to the possibility of retiring, but he quickly jumped back into "I'm The Game, and I'm going to kick Brock Lesnar's ass!" mode.

I really don't sense the urgency for the possibility of a retirement for Triple H. I just get the sense of a guy, who's willing to do anything for payback, and beat the living shit out of Lesnar. This is Triple H's redemption match, he's fighting for his pride and the honor of the McMahon name, and he should walk away with the win at Wrestlemania.
I am starting to get annoyed with people complaining about this card and the fact that there are 10 matches. WrestleMania X-Seven had 11 matches, with 6 of those matches being UNDER 10 minutes (3 of those were under 5 minutes) 2 matches were under 15 minutes (Benoit/Angle and Shane/Vince) the TLC Match was just over 15 min and Taker/HHH was 19 minutes and Austin/Rock was under 30 minutes and yet people call that the "greatest" WrestleMania of all time?

I really do believe that WrestleMania 29 will end up being above expectations and will be a very good WM so stop your bitching and don't order it then.
I am starting to get annoyed with people complaining about this card and the fact that there are 10 matches. WrestleMania X-Seven had 11 matches, with 6 of those matches being UNDER 10 minutes (3 of those were under 5 minutes) 2 matches were under 15 minutes (Benoit/Angle and Shane/Vince) the TLC Match was just over 15 min and Taker/HHH was 19 minutes and Austin/Rock was under 30 minutes and yet people call that the "greatest" WrestleMania of all time?

It's not how long a match is, it's how good the matches are within that time. I've seen lot's of 30+ minute matches that were boring as hell, and i've seen loads of matches that were under 10 minutes and kicked ass.

I also think this 'Mania will be better than expectations, however I don't think it'll rank up there with 3, 17, 18, 20 and 28 which I consider the best 'Mania's.
It's not how long a match is, it's how good the matches are within that time. I've seen lot's of 30+ minute matches that were boring as hell, and i've seen loads of matches that were under 10 minutes and kicked ass.

I also think this 'Mania will be better than expectations, however I don't think it'll rank up there with 3, 17, 18, 20 and 28 which I consider the best 'Mania's.

I think Mania 29 has a stronger card than 28. Not to say the quality of matches will be better but on paper it looks stronger in my opinion.

The undercard could have done with some work though. A shame we were once again robbed of Cara vs Rey. Goldust vs Cody would have been personal and had a nice story. Miz, Sandow, Cesaro etc could have had a 6 way for the US Title. Barrett vs Jericho for the IC Title.
The undercard could have done with some work though. A shame we were once again robbed of Cara vs Rey. Goldust vs Cody would have been personal and had a nice story. Miz, Sandow, Cesaro etc could have had a 6 way for the US Title. Barrett vs Jericho for the IC Title.

Overall, I think the undercard for this year's show has gotten more build than last year's. Last year's show, pretty much everything was around Cena vs. Rock. The build has been spread more evenly during this year. As a result, the main events might not seem that strong to some on paper.

What I'm disappointed in the most is how WWE has buried the mid-card titles during WrestleMania season. Cesaro has been jobbed out left and right for about 2 months now and Barrett's win over Zack Ryder was the first one on one win he's had in about a month or so, if not longer. It's just a damn shame that Vince considers a mixed tag match to be more important than two titles with well in excess of 30 years of history behind them. The IC & US titles have been held by some of the best there's ever been, but the IC title match has been bumped to the pre-show and the US title isn't even on the card. That's pitiful in my opinion.

Aside from that, the undercard has been built pretty solidly. With so much going on at WrestleMania and the pressure that comes with trying to build the biggest money show you can, some programs are going to be overlooked in comparison to the others. It's unavoidable. The Intercontinental Championship picture, however, should not be one of those programs.
Overall, I think the undercard for this year's show has gotten more build than last year's. Last year's show, pretty much everything was around Cena vs. Rock. The build has been spread more evenly during this year. As a result, the main events might not seem that strong to some on paper.

What I'm disappointed in the most is how WWE has buried the mid-card titles during WrestleMania season. Cesaro has been jobbed out left and right for about 2 months now and Barrett's win over Zack Ryder was the first one on one win he's had in about a month or so, if not longer. It's just a damn shame that Vince considers a mixed tag match to be more important than two titles with well in excess of 30 years of history behind them. The IC & US titles have been held by some of the best there's ever been, but the IC title match has been bumped to the pre-show and the US title isn't even on the card. That's pitiful in my opinion.

Aside from that, the undercard has been built pretty solidly. With so much going on at WrestleMania and the pressure that comes with trying to build the biggest money show you can, some programs are going to be overlooked in comparison to the others. It's unavoidable. The Intercontinental Championship picture, however, should not be one of those programs.

I think the IC Title on the line in the pre show is more appealling and a reason to tune in though...

The mixed tag or Barrett/Miz were not going to sell WM, so the stronger of the two on the pre show makes sense. Its an hour long as well so I expect Cesaro will play some kind of role.
When is Mania again? This Sunday, right? Well here are my final predictions and the guess at the match running order:

Pre-Show - Wade Barrett vs. The Miz (Intercontinental Championship)

The Miz, from WrestleMania headliner to being on the pre-show in two years. That's almost as bad as King Kong Bundy headlining WrestleMania 2 and then facing midgets the year after. Then again, you can't say he really deserves a place on the card. The Miz should've become WWE Champion when he did and in a way his title reign is underrated, but he's done absolutely nothing since that would give management any reason to put him back in that position again.

Barrett should win purely because I'd fully expect him to leave this years Money In The Bank PPV with a briefcase. Losing the title wouldn't harm him (because it's worthless!) but if post-Mania they were to push him seriously it'd be a good accessory for him to have. The Miz winning would be another step back and wouldn't make people embrace him anymore. He held the belt last year and it didn't do a thing. Now I'm waffling, I actually have nothing really to say.

Prediction: The Miz

1) Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger (World Heavyweight Championship)

This has to go on first. It might be for a world title but it is, at best, the 4th biggest match on the card. And that depends on how you feel about The Shield match.

It's a tough one to call. Del Rio really shouldn't lose to a bigot. At the same time Swagger shouldn't fall at this stage. A Ziggler cash in could solve that problem but I don't expect him to cash in at Mania anymore. It'd be interesting but underwheliming considering he's never been more of a mid-card star.

Prediction: Jack Swagger

2) Mark Henry vs. Ryback

Pretty straightforward match. It has to go on early because the further up the card it is the more underwhelmed people will be by it. I don't expect much other than a few power moves by both. If only power slamming Henry was an impressive feat in 2013. I suppose a Shell Shock on the big man will be. But I have my doubts that Ryback can do it. Then again, if you see Hnery go to the top rope that is the signal that Ryback will be going for it. I'm sure he can hold him for three seconds or so if he cradles him from an elevated position.

Prediction: Ryback

3) The Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk

What a lame match. It just doesn't really serve any purpose.

Some in WWE might have seen Paul Bearer's death as a good thing for the hype towards this match. Personally I think cheap heat is cheap heat. I expect the talents of Heyman, Undertaker & Punk to be able to promote a match without resorting to such tactics. I'm not outrage or anything, I just think it's lazy. Anyway, this needs to go on early because, despite how popular the performers are, it is a total nothing match.

Prediction: The Undertaker

4) Team Hell No! vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston (Tag Team Championship)

It's a hard one to call. Team Hell No should probably split up now but Ziggler really should be involved in something more worthwhile post-Mania than a tag team feud.

The best thing for the show is for Team Hell No to split in what should be a memorable moment. Not a WrestleMania Moment™ but something that fans might remember ('Cus they ain't gunna remember the match) and that should push things forward for Bryan & Kane after this show.

I'm also not a fan of guys losing on ther debut and I really hope Langston has an impressive one. This match is certainly a lot bigger for him than it is for anybody else in the match.

Prediction: Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston

5) The Shield vs. Big Show, Sheamus & Randy Orton

I'm not convinced by the Orton heel turn happening here. I actually expect it the next night on Raw after a rematch of this bout. I see Sheamus, Orton & Big Show losing more because of crossed wires more than anything else.

I also think it's time for The Shield to lose a match, however not this one. They should lose at Extreme Rules in a match that involves Ryback. How would that make Ryback look if The Shield lose the first 6-Man match in which he hasn't been opposing them? I think that makes Ryback appear as though he's the weak link on those teams. Ryback needs to face them once more to get his revenge and then he can move on.

Prediction: The Shield

6) Fandango vs. Chris Jericho

In the back of my head I still expect a dance off, followed by a CodeBreaker and a quick pinfall victory for Y2J. That'd be a shame, Fandango seems to be working. The gimmick doesn't have legs but he should be the one who completely buries Jericho. The guy has only come back for the payday. That's fine. Use him and have the new guy destroy him. Jericho can always get his revenge when he returns next time.

Prediction: Fandango

7) Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

I'm really looking forward to this. This is my match of the card. It's got a stipulation, it's a gimmick match and it features two super-workers. Or it features one super-worker and Triple H who is very, very good.

For me the outcome isn't in doubt. Lesnar defeats Triple H. I see the stipulation and I don't see any other outcome. HBK in HHH's corner doesn't change a thing. In fact, I expect Lesnar to take both of them out, neither to be seen for nearly a year.

Honestly, this will be Lesnar's third match since his return and so far he's lost one and won one. Why he's already lost one I do not know. You can't have him come out of Mania 1-2. It just doesn't make any sense. Lesnar wins a competitive match and Triple H vanishes until about Rumble time where they have a rematch and HHH closes the book on this feud.

Prediction: Brock Lesnar

8) Tons Of Funk & The Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins

This pretty much sees Brodus Clay in the same position he was on the card last year. Only this year it's a worthless match instead of a worthless dance segment.

Hopefully at some point this year Tensai & Brodus turn heel and become the mosters they should be. Though that won't happen. I see WWE having slightly (very slightly) bigger plans for Rhodes & Sandow over the coming year. The result of the match should reflect that.

Poor Tensai. This time last year he must've been so full of hope & optimism.

Anyway I'll be watching this match solely because of Naomi's bottom and because of that Bella twin. The prettier one. The one without the implants. The Daniel Bryan one.

Prediction: Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins

9) The Rock vs. John Cena (WWE Championship)

I couldn't care less if WWE promoted last years match as "Once In A Lifetime". You were a fool if you ever thought that was the case.

I actually enjoyed last years match. Dunno why. It wasn't very good. Maybe I was just caught up in the moment or something. This year had better improve on it though. In every way. I can see people just switching off if The Rock gasses and they just end up holding eachother for a quarter of the running time again.

I want Cena to win. I'm a big fan of the precitability that should come with winning The Rumble, having a title shot in the headline spot and then winning the belt at Mania. It keeps up the intergrity of WWE's greatest gimmick match, which WWE have failed to do so for a number of years now. Also if The Rock wins there's no need for a third match which WWE will be itching to promote.

Precition: John Cena

Addition prediction - Puff Daddy or whatever he's called these days sings songs before The Rock & Cena match their entrances. Like last year but with an artist I'm familiar with.
I really think that WWE really drop the ball on all the build-up going into wrestlemania. They started out find with the Royal rumble, the event was probably one of the better Rumble in a long time and it plainted to seeds for the main event of wrestlemania quite nicely. Then they you had elimination chamber which was again a really good event that help generate interest for some of the matches for wrestlemania. Then something weird happenned, it'S like the creative team didn'T know what to do next and everything that seem interesting before elimination chamber suddenly, felt boring.

Just look at the 4 principle matches and their build up since elimination chamber.

The rock Vs cena: really nothing happenned in that build-up except for some lame promos that were repeated over and over again.

Alberto Delrio vs Jack Swagger: You got a guy that hasn't isn'T over as a babyface against a guy that started out great and fizzle out more and more as the week goes by.

CM Punk vs Undertaker: It went from being a match about the streak, which was a really easy build-up to write and went into an angle about Paul Bearer. You really didn't need to involve Bearer in this to make this match interesting and at the end, the angle is hurting that match.

HHH Vs Lesnar: again, pretty much the same stuff they did in august except that now they have this stupid stipulation on the line that if HHH lose, he must retired. Do people really care about seeing HHH retired, he'S been semi-retired for the last 2 years know.

Has for the rest of the card, really it'S mostly matches for the sake of matches. The only pretty good build-up on the undercard is for the ryback/mark Henry match and the Jericho/FAndango matchs outside of that it feels just like another PPV except that this one is worth 60$ for the normal feed and 70$ in HD.
On paper I like the card. The 3 main events are big time bouts that had to happen. What I really like are the additional mid card bouts of Jericho/Fandango and Ryback/Henry. Its a shame the mid card titles arent worth a shit anymore, much like the WHC. Speaking of which...very poor booking there. I hope to hell they unify the world titles at WM 30.

Overall Im exited for the card. However, unlike the majority of the IWC, Ive learned not to get my hopes up and just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show with good beer and food. I strongly urge others to do the same, you'll enjor yourselves much more when you're not trying to play armchair booker.
Woops. I didn't see this section. As I could have put all my match predictions in this forum rather than the separate match ones. So I'll mention miscellaneous predictions here.

H.O.F segments are one of my favorites on the card especially now since they don't air the special on Saturday Nights anymore. I would rather them get a few extra minutes and bump the Diddy performance from the card.

The P.Diddy performance will be I guess your "piss break" with the rest of the Divas dancing on the stage while he's performing. It would be pretty funny though if you have 3MB or the PTP interrupt them. You have to put them somewhere. Then again the preshow is an hour. One can't help to think maybe they have another match to add on to the preshow. Or throw the rest of the roster as lumber jacks for the IC Title match.

We'll probably get some kind of backstage comedy segment with Santino and Ryder.
Looking at the results and match reports I'm glad I saved my money, as soon as I saw Punk had lost I knew I'd made the right call, not because I thought Punk would win but if I'd missed history after 21 consecutive Mania's that I'd ordered I'd have regretted it.

No huge surprise that Triple H stroked his ego instead of the beast finishing him off, and Cena/Rock hugging and saluting sounds awful, I didn't expect anything other than super Cena winning but I didn't expect them to become besties.

I took a break for a few months last year, I've been bored for weeks, if Raw tomorrow doesn't deliver some fresh angle to spark my interest I think I'll take another break, as George Steele's Barber said maybe time has just past a fan of my age by, I sincerely hope those that bought it had a good time.
Wrestlemania 29

The Good

Triple H VS Brock Lesnar

Wow. Both guys really beat the hell out of each other in this match, and Brock was truly an unstoppable beast at times. A brutal and hard hitting match, and I loved every second of this one. And I SERIOUSLY believed Lesnar would tap during the Triple H locks on the Kimura, Brock slams him on the steel steps, and repeat sequence. Brilliant selling by Lesnar, and I know it would've pissed a lot of people off if Brock tapped (the pro wrestling guy defeating a legit MMA fighter defying logic complaint), but it would've been the sweetest form of revenge for Triple H.

With all that said, the career on the line stipulation still felt very unnecessary. I can believe in Brock Lesnar defeating Triple H, but retiring him? Just no. They should've stopped at the No Holds Barred stipulation, because I never believed in the legit possibility of Triple H's career coming to an end. And I'm glad Shawn stuck to an enforcer style role in this match. No more Triple H VS Shawn. Thank God.

CM Punk VS The Undertaker

The crowd helped bring this match to another level. The stunned reactions from the Jersey crowd towards the end were just priceless. Taker and Punk's facial expressions were fantastic, especially Punk's "what do I have to do to beat this guy!" reactions. Punk hitting Old School, the back and forth counters, and the hard Tombstone at the end. The action and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and deep down inside, I knew Taker would go 21-0, but I still had a great time watching this one.

The Rock VS John Cena II

Didn't have the zing and shocking ending from the first match, but I still enjoyed it. Started out slow, but it really picked up towards the end. Problem is, we all knew Cena would win, because....well, he should win. There was literally no reason at all for Rock to retain the title, because this was all about John Cena's redemption.

The So-So/ Thumbs In The Middle Stuff

Alberto Del Rio VS Jack Swagger

Eh, I was really pulling for Swagger to win the title, but it wasn't going to happen. Although, considering his recent legal troubles, I thought Vince and company would have Jack job to Del Rio in a Bryan-esque loss. Kind of a dull match for the most part, and I really couldn't get into it. Oh, Swagger and Zeb came out in an ATV to one of the best theme songs in WWE???? How could they cut that out from the actual televised show? Ugh, I guess they didn't have time, because WWE felt the need to run a bunch of Rock/Cena promos throughout the night.

Fandango VS Chris Jericho

Not a terrible match, and the right man one. Getting a rub from Jericho at Mania should give Fandango a nice boost, and I'll admit, Fandango's dancing antics during the match brought a few chuckles out of me. Although, the match was horribly repetitive at times with Fandango CONSTANTLY going for the top rope leg drop.

The Miz VS Wade Barrett

Decent pre-show match, and a solid warm-up for the big show. Miz has the strap now, but he's still an awful face. Maybe the IC title will help him, who knows. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The Bad

The Shield VS Big Show, Sheamus, & Randy Orton

Lots of action and cool spots (Orton's RKO on Rollins after jumping from the top rope), but man did the ending piss me off. WHY oh why is anyone really going to care about Big Show as a full-blown heel again? Sheamus could've used the turn, but not Orton. I still believe the fans will cheer him louder and louder, if he becomes the dark, psychotic heel again, forcing an inevitable turn back to face. Yeah, The Shield picked up a big win at Wrestlemania, but Big Show sulking on the apron, and throwing WMDs at Sheamus and Orton felt so anticlimactic.

Mark Henry VS Ryback


That's the only word I can use to describe this match. Henry basically DESTROYED Ryback for the majority of the match, and he wins on a fluke? And to top it off, they save the big Shellshock moment for a post-match melee? Unbelievable. They wasted the one must-see moment in this match on a meaningless post-match beatdown. Ryback was climbing up the ranks again, but his momentum took another hit tonight.

On the other hand, Henry's victory here reminded of his victory over Sheamus at Summerslam 2011. Remember, Henry was starting to gain some real momentum, and crushing Sheamus was a big turning point for him. Since his return, Henry is picking up a lot of momentum, reminiscent of his rise to a WHC run in 2011. He defeated Ryback at Wrestlemania, but it was a fluke, and the win won't have the same impact as Henry driving Sheamus through the security barricades at Summerslam.

Team Hell No VS Big. E Langston & Dolph Ziggler

Stagnant at times, and very uninteresting overall. This just felt like a standard tag match, and Bryan and Kane have done all they can do together as champs, so I don't know where they could go from here. At least the cameramen got some nice shots of AJ.


Well, I really underestimated how bad this could be. Diddy was fucking atrocious. It sounded like he was mumbling through all of his songs, I could barely hear him, and I sure his hell couldn't understand what he was saying most of the time. A jumbled and discombobulated mash-up of songs, and "I'm Coming Home" was a terrible finale.

Didn't see Sweet T, Brodus, and The Girls VS Rhode Scholars & The Bellas. Guess they bumped it from the show, didn't care.

A hit-and-miss show for me. Some good, some so-so stuff, and some bad. But I really enjoyed the main event. Cena mocking his fuck-up from last year brought me to tears in laughter. He just hit the ropes, and held on, mocking Rock with a "Nah. It ain't gonna happen again, buddy." But I hope it's the end for Rock VS Cena. They FINALLY embraced each other in a respectful way to close the show. Cena let Rock have the ring for his moment with the fans, and they raised each other's hands at the end of the show. They showed the ultimate sign of respect towards each other tonight. Rock has his one win, and Cena has his redemption. Let it rest now.

Overall Grade: B-
Am i wrong or am i confusing Wrestlemania with the Royal rumble but shouldn't we have at least some surprises in wrestlemania? Did anyone predict a match and not have it come true? I don't think its a good thing when the results of matches become too predictable and i think because this wrestlemania was just that it is a failure in my opinion.

Lets look at the 3 Main event fights Cena vs The Rock i think everyone pretty much knew the Rock was gonna lose hand over the torch and belt to Cena and disappear again and go back to making movies cya Rock and thanks for nothing! Did anyone not see this coming?

Undertaker vs Cm Punk i for one did not want to surprised here. I wanted Taker to win because tiny Cm Punk defeating him would just not be believable and a heck of a way to ruin a streak to a "small" wrestler. So as predicted Taker won.....thank God!

HHH vs Brock Lesnar this is the one that makes me angry i figured out that Wwe Coo HHH (now in charge since Vince supposedly moved out of the way) would not put himself to lose to Brock because it might damage his legacy to lose 2 years in a row in Wrestlemania after losing last year to Taker.
But yet it is ok to ruin Brock Lesner's Legacy by having him lose last year to Cena and now to HHH. It looks like Vince,HHH and company are still punishing him for leaving the "E" in the first place and now i believe his legacy is pretty much ruined. It would had been better for Lesnar not to come back and kept his legacy in tack, but heck legacy doesn't pay the bills and he wanted or needed that payday.

So there were no surprises in the big 3 matches but hey we sure got a surprise as Faaaaandangooo defeated Jericho. Are you serious this is the surprise we get? comeon!

Then we had Jack Swagger who we all know is probably gonna serve his suspension for his incident a few months back and has his suspension delayed so they could continue the wrestlemania angle. So logic would say he would lose the match against Del Rio then go away and disappear into his suspension later to come back in the future and who knows probably without the "We the people gimmick". Guess what happened? Jack lost wow big surprise there.

I can't really comment on the rest of the matches because i missed most of them and have to catch a replay. I'm not sure but it looks like maybe Mark Henry was a surprise win over Ryback.

So maybe 2 surprises Fandango and Mark Henry and no surprises in the big 3 matches this leaves me completely unsatisfied and with a stale taste in my mouth. Does anything else think that Wrestlemania was just too damn predictable?

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