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WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion **KEEP IT IN HERE**

I sincerely doubt it but not for any of the reasons you mentioned. To me I think Vince has 3 criteria in order to get in
A) You used to work for him. This is the usual route and how everyone from piper to Duggan to Sunny got in
B) You have a specfic connection to the area
This is how Abdullah got in (Living in Atlanta) and how this could have been a WCW themed HOF
C) They are able to make money off you with a DVD, Book or something

I say the only way he gets in is if they have a Mania in the Southwest (Arizaona, Texas etc) or the long rumored Mexico
I sincerely doubt it but not for any of the reasons you mentioned. To me I think Vince has 3 criteria in order to get in
A) You used to work for him. This is the usual route and how everyone from piper to Duggan to Sunny got in

Mil Mascaras did work for McMahon, he was one of the most over wrestlers back in the day. He was a legend and one of the main Hispanic attractions here in the states at the time.

Hell I even remember him at one of the royal rumbles in 1997,

he is the hulk hogan of all mask wrestlers south of the boarder. He spent a lot of years in the United States.

He has Hall of Fame written all over him.. he made a lot of money and was very popular. He is old now, but just like the Von Erichs (David, Kerry, and kevin) he was a superstar that fans of today don't remember or even know.

He did a lot more than KoKo B Ware ..so I do think he is deserving and was a huge draw in his draw along side SuperStar Billy Graham, Dusty Rhoades, Bruno Sammartino.

he should be in the hall of fame.. but WWE hall of fame IS Not official .. its a scam.. so it probably wouldn't mean much...but oh wait.. he already IS in the 2010 OFFICIAL Wrestling Hall of Fame..
MIL MASCARAS DOES DESERVE THE HALL OF FAME ! I am suprised he was not inducted BEFORE Tito Santana..

For those who don't know. Mil was the first Latino Main Eventer before Pedro Morales and Tito. Mil cam to the WWWF as a headliner from the start because he was A MAJOR draw in Japan and the US. For those who didn't know Mil worked for Jim Crockett and was a great draw in the territories during the 80's.

Everytime he was on the card, it was a big deal. Mil was the first major cross over star before Hulk Hogan. Mil was a movie star and a wrestler and a main eventer and entertainer. Add to that, he being Mexican tells you how much of a career he had.

Mil main evented at the Tokyo Dome many times during his career. A feat Cena hasn't done. So WWE needs to honor MIL Asap.
Mil Mascaras was not Mexico's Hulk Hogan, El Santo was that. Mil Mascaras was a main eventer but not the biggest superstar. Mascaras deserve HOF but he's not in the same class as a Hogan or Austin.
The following was posted in July last year.

Unless Michael Hayes has a falling out with WWE between now and mania I'd bet my house that the Freebirds are going into the hall next year. I don't know if they're going to do the whole WCW theme, but the Freebirds are going in either way. Remember Badstreet is in Atlanta GA. Considering that, and the fact that Hayes has worked for WWE for 15 years makes the Freebirds the most obvious choice for 2011.

I guess I'm glad no one took me up on that bet, but seriously how is this not happening? The Freebirds are deserving as is, but to have Michael Hayes under your employ for the past 15 years and have mania in the home of Badstreet it just blows my mind that they haven't been announced. There's still time I suppose, but it's not looking good. The Hall of Fame has recevied less hype this year than ever before. Surprising since HBK is headlining.
I'm glad to see Shawn make it into the Hall Of Fame. He did have great career, and he truly deserves this honor. Shawn will obliviously be "the guy" at this year's ceremony. He will be the focus of this year's ceremony, but I wonder who will induct him? I'm sure HBK would love to have his boyhood idol, Ric Flair do the honor, but Flair is a member of the TNA roster, and I just don't think Vince is going to allow Flair to appear on a WWE program. I think HHH has to be the one to induct Michaels. These two are best friends, and they do have a long history together, so HHH would be the right man for this job.
Im kinda glad they put Bullet Bob Armstrong in the HOF. I use to watch him as a kid growing up and he was one of the best during his time. Entertaining and great on the Mic. It will be awesome to see all of the Brothers together, especially Road Dogg Jesse James.

Its about time the Road Warriors are be inducted.

This should of happened years ago

I say they are the on the same level as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, SCSA.

And as such.. I have an issue with there induction

I believe the Road warriors should have show cased the induction. But they are getting ripped off and put in as a secord rate card.

Iam very happy there are getting in FINALLY...

But alittle pissed that they are not show caseing the event...

Your thoughts?

Its about time the Road Warriors are be inducted.

This should of happened years ago

I say they are the on the same level as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, SCSA.

And as such.. I have an issue with there induction

I believe the Road warriors should have show cased the induction. But they are getting ripped off and put in as a secord rate card.

Iam very happy there are getting in FINALLY...

But alittle pissed that they are not show caseing the event...

Your thoughts?
Should HAVE happened years ago.

An issue with THEIR induction.

And onto the main point, I really am surprised it's taken this long, but at least it's happening now, so all is good. But as for your point about them showcasing the event. You really think that of an event where Shawn bloody Michaels is being inducted?! Some would argue he's the greatest wrestler of all time, so no, LOD shouldn't be showcasing over him.
The Road Warriors are not on the level of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels or Stone Cold.

That being said, they do certainly deserve an entry into the HOF, and I am pleased that it is this year, they are more than worthy. I don't know if they should be headliners another year, but if they are the 2nd entry behind HBK, then I am happy with that.

The Road Warriors were a great tag team, its a shame they didnt do more in WWE, but they dominated everywhere else and are definitely one of the best teams of all time. I have been checking out alot of their You Tube matches and they were so dominant, absolute powerhouses. I am now tempted to pick up their DVD.
I'm glad they're being inducted, I've always enjoyed their matches & completely ridiculous promos. I'm not surprised that their not the main feature, not when they're inducting HBK.

I don't agree that they're anywhere near the level of HBK or Hogan. L.O.D. never made any promoter the amount of $ that HBK or Hogan made Vince.

However, their presence is a constant reminder of the sad shape that the WWE tag team division is in....and a reminder that the rock n roll express still needs to be inducted!!
Without a doubt, LOD was the greatest tag team duo of all time, and further without a doubt, HBK is the greatest singles wrestler of all time. Looking at what was just stated it's easy to see why they got second billing behind HBK, a great singles competitor > tag team competitors, but still, I'm heaps glad they get their recognition.
Well..... I think it is fitting they are inducted this year, after all you have their manager being inducted with them but also you have another manager from their last good run being inducted too (Sunny). Also it gave us time to forget about that awful time when Heidenreich was a member.

Furthermore given that the group Legion of Doom was started in Georgia Championship Wrestling, it seems only fitting they are inducted in the same state. Although it would have been ideal if they had more of the original members inducted as well, the likes of Jake Roberts etc
I definitely agree that they should have been inducted a long time ago. But as for them being the showcase for the induction, not a chance.

The Road Warriors are probably the greatest tag team in wrestling history. They were a huge draw and dominated each and every promotion they wrestled for during a time in which tag team wrestling was a healthy, vibrant and relevant factor in professional wrestling on a worldwide basis. But the same level as Hulk Hogan or Shawn Michaels or Flair or Austin? I love the guys but no, they're not on that level.

At the end of the day, the Road Warriors were tag team wrestlers. When it's all said and done, it's the singles stars that have ALWAYS been the true stand outs in wrestling no matter what era you're talking about. It's great to be considered a phenomenal tag team or tag team wrestler, but you're not gonna be on "that level" without success in the singles ranks.
I agree it shouldn't have taken this long but again, we can say that about a majroity of people who are NOT in the HOF vs. who actually are. You mean to tell me that even though the event is to be held in ATLANTA this year AND Michael Hayes is an employee of WWE that HE (and the Freebirds) are NOT inducted and yet Drew fucking Carey is? Gimme a break. That's almost as bad as a certain person named David (you fill in the last name) winning the WCW World Heavyweight title. It really is. I know this is about The Road Warriors, but so many awesome teams from Jim Crockett Promotions and various other companies (singles too) deserve a spot over at least 10 others in the HOF.

I wouldn't, however, say they should be top billing. It's still a WWE event and Vince will parade his guys around first and last before anyone else and have everyone else as the undercards, just the way it goes. Has any star who was a BIGGER star WITHOUT the WWF/E's exposure ever been the top draw at the HOF (other than Ric Flair)? Nope. Hell, Dusty Rhodes wasn't even the top attraction. The Road Warriors getting in is fantastic, I have always felt however, others deserved to be there too. But I'm sure we've debated that around for ages.
Definitely the greates tag-team of all-time (from a fandom perspective) and a well-deserved inclusion into the Hall of Fame.

I hope that their participation this year helps to bring attention back to the corely-neglected state of the tag-team division.

Tag-team wrestling is a staple of the industry and has proven to be a huge draw when done correctly. I hope that the WWE remembers this and starts treating that area with the respect it deserves.

People have to understand that each year there will be a HOF class and each year they need to have that Mega Star "main induction" wrestler and then others join the class. Given that thinking some wrestlers who haven't been inducted who were mega stars yet guys like Koko BeWare has doesn't mean Koko was better it just means Vince is saving them to be the main wrestler inducted for whenever they go in. As for the Road Warriors being inducted this year I think they are a great choice to be inducted with kinda of a week class. Besides HBK who else should we care about getting in this year?
I Understand

That all u HBK Marks out there are going 2 say that he deserves top billing and even though i dont like the guy i will agree.. 2 a point...

But what my point is...is that How come they dont have their own HOF were they would be the TOP Draw... No other tag team ever did what these guys have done thats my first point

2. If the freaking Million Dollar Man can be the top draw for the HOF... then the Road Warriors Deserves it just as much if not more....

Like I said I am super happy there time has finally come... but i still think they deserved a Top Draw in.....

I just hope there speach is pushed 2 a time limit to make room for HBK... Because I want 2 hear everything this group will have 2 say and then some!!!!
Should HAVE happened years ago.

An issue with THEIR induction.

And onto the main point, I really am surprised it's taken this long, but at least it's happening now, so all is good. But as for your point about them showcasing the event. You really think that of an event where Shawn bloody Michaels is being inducted?! Some would argue he's the greatest wrestler of all time, so no, LOD shouldn't be showcasing over him.

I don't think that's what he intended...but rather wait until a year where they can headline by themselves. Anybody who says Shawn Michaels shouldn't headline a HOF should have their head examined.

But even with that...I don't agree. Road Warriors are a legendary tag team, perhaps the greatest tag team ever. The truth is, with today's tag team division all but dead, it doesn't make sense for any tag team to headline a Hall of Fame when there's little interest among fans with the division and also with so many popular singles wrestlers deserving a spot, who easily could headline a HOF.

My $.02
The Legion Of Doom were definately the greatest tag team in wrestling history. I do believe you can class them on the same level as HBK, Austin, Hogan etc, because i believe they were. The only reason that a lot of fans dont see it that way is because they were a tag team.

However, HBK definately was the right choice to headline HOF this year, he was too good! LOD would probably have headlined if they were inducted years ago.
I am glad that the Road warriors are finally getting inducted as well. The one thing I do not understand though, and this may very well be contested, but why is Sunny going into the HOF? What exactly did she do for the business? I understand that she was a valet but did she wrestle? What fued was she in that made her so popular?
The one thing I like most about their induction (aside from the fact that it's finally happening) is that it appears they are going to be inducted as the Road Warriors - and NOT the Legion of Doom.
Good? Bad? Would you have liked it to be someone else?

Obviously there were many other choices: McMahon, Nash, Bret, etc.

Triple H is a great speaker and is a person who can be serious when he wants to be, and when the time is right, funny too. I'm sure he'll have plenty of stories.

Not surprised by the selection...however I am surprised that he waited this long to pick someone. Should be a great HOF ceremony,.

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