WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion **KEEP IT IN HERE**


Dark Match Jobber
We have all seen the recent report that Arn Anderson, Ron Simmons & Lex Luger are the leading candidates for the Hall Of Fame this year. If WWE does keep with the WCW themed HoF who would you say is deserving of this years class ?

Brian Pillman: Brian was one of the first high flyers of WCW and he more then made up for the lack of size in his performance and his mic skills.

Rick Rude: Rude would reach his greatest heights with WCW and The Dangerous Alliance.

Vader: A pure monster in the ring that was sought by companies all over the world not only for his brutal and stiff style but also his ability to do things that big men didn't really do i.e. his Vadersault

Dean Malenko: The Man of 1000 holds was a staple in the cruiser weight division. Unlike the high flyers, he would just tie his opponent in great mat wrestling.

Steiner Brothers: A team that would be known all over the world and to this day is still mentioned when fans discuss great teams. Title holder in WWE, WCW and in Japan. Remember seeing a man Scott's size pulling off the Frankesteiner ? Rick with the whole Dog Face Gremlin bit was great and memorable.

Great Muta: Another great performer that more then made up for his lack of size in his style.

Road Warriors: What needs to be said in regards to this Iconic team ? Scaffold Matches, Street Fights, Chain Matches, Dog Collar Matches they did it all and that was just WCW. Several time title holders in WWE and WCW that would have there ups and down but were still a dominating force no matter where they went.
Road Warriors should have been inducted years ago, and I say every year they need to go in, so this year is no different.

I honestly didn't think about Vader until recently because his term in WWF was so astonishingly bad that I had forgotten how dominating he was in WCW. I watched some of his old WCW matches with Sting last week and I would love to see Vader get inducted.

Sting is the biggest name that has the WCW tie, so I hope and pray that he does not resign a contract with TNA and finally makes an appearance with the WWE.
Macho Man should get in but he has heat with Vince and that wouldn't go over well. SOmeone everyone is forgetting is Lex Luger. He did a lot in WCW and was going to become the face of the WWE if he hadn't left for WCW. There are also a few other who deserve to go in, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. They remade WCW with the NWO. Remember they were the first two members. Nash is a former WWE and WCW World Champion.
The posters above me got a lot of the memorable names already in WCW I would have inducted. When I think Tag Team wrestling, I think The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom over ANYONE ELSE. These guys should have been in at least 5 years ago. Steiner Brothers are another team that should be in. Of course Ron Simmons will be let in, Rick Rude should definitely be in, Dean Malenko (I wonder if they would induct an entire division because the Cruiserweights were a spectacle and their own separate entity) should be in by now. Vader is a candidate I'm kind of iffy on, but I agree he revolutionized what people thought of as an athletic big man. He was doing things 200lbs guys were doing when he was 350-400 lbs. He made it alright for larger guys to fly and be monsters. I guess I would induct Vader. Arn Anderson is a man I'm surprised hasn't been inducted yet. The man was a great wrestler and is a true legend. If they are doing a WCW related hall of fame, they CANNOT leave out Sting. I stress this heavily... CANNOT. The man IS WCW. Plain and simple. He was the face of the company for so many years and it would be a joke of a themed HOF ceremony without him.

I'm really on the fence about Luger. I'm not saying he wasn't important, but I'm not sure he's that great of a candidate for the HOF. I know they have inducted for less, but I've never been a huge Luger fan. I always felt he was one of the biggest busts in Professional Wrestling.

Edit: Macho Man is another man that would get my vote.
I commented on another thread about my HOF choices. But to elaborate again...

1) If Double A goes in, I would like it to be w/Tully Blanchard
2) Teddy Long would be a great choice. He was a great manager and Ref for WCW/NWA (particularly if Ron Simmons going in, as they were both part of Doom).
3) Steiners
4) Rude
5) Freebirds
6) Midnight Express (or just Beautiful Bobby)
7) Larry Zabysko

Those are just the WCW choices....I don't consider some people like Macho Man really a WCW Themed choice because I really think of him more as a WWE Guy. As opposed to Rude, who although worked a long time in WCW had his most successful run in WCW (w/Sting and Ricky Steamboat)
I'd love to see sting be inducted but, its a long shot. like so many above me have said the freebirds deserve to be inducted as well as the road warriors. I'd love to see lex luger and macho man inducted but, I doubt we'll ever see randy Savage inducted as long as Vince&Him have heat between them. Another name i'd like to see inducted is DDP, yeah i know his wwe run might of diminshed what credibility he had but, you can't deny he was a wcw original and had great charisma so i'd like to see him inducted this year simply because hes earned it even when WWE tried to ruin him he made the stalker angle look good and thats something that I admire about him.
We have all seen the recent report that Arn Anderson, Ron Simmons & Lex Luger are the leading candidates for the Hall Of Fame this year. If WWE does keep with the WCW themed HoF who would you say is deserving of this years class ?

Interesting thread, and very thought provoking one, I'll be more than glad to comment on the choices you've made and expand upon them. Since Arn Anderson, Ron Simmons and Luger are all considerations, I won't mention them any further than just this opening paragraph, but they are choices that I agree with.

Brian Pillman: Brian was one of the first high flyers of WCW and he more then made up for the lack of size in his performance and his mic skills.

To anyone who was watching WCW in the late 80s and early 90s, Brian Pillman was an exceptional talent in the ring, when people think about Rey Mysterio in the ring going up against men bigger than him, it reminds me of the times Brian Pillman wrestled against guys like Barry Windham, Lex Luger, Sid Vicious and Mean Mark Callous (The Undertaker). Pillman always played the underdog part well and he had such a great repertoire of moves. Despite high flyers not being my absolute favorite style of wrestlers, I still admire and respect anyone with athletic ability of that kind. As the 90s proceeded, his disposition changed into the "Loose Cannon" persona that was undoubtedly cultivated during his time with Steve Austin in the Hollywood Blondes, that was such a great pairing and it was one of my favorite teams of the 1990s. Thinking of that tandem makes me long for that same dynamic which I think is missing in today's landscape save for the few good teams that I see from time to time in TNA.

Continuing on with Brian Pillman, when fate sadly intervened and Pillman had his near fatal car accident, his style greatly changed for understandable reasons. However, his Roddy Piper-esque role of hosting his own interview segment in the mid-90s that started with ECW and then segued into the WWF was a great way for him to continue to have a role in wrestling that gave him exposure that a part time wrestling role would not have. It's unfortunate his career got cut so short with his untimely passing. But I feel to any hardcore wrestling fan, the WWE would be paying them the ultimate respect by including Brian Pillman this year considering the fact that WM is going to be in WCW's old stomping grounds. Pillman's contributions to the promotions light heavyweight/cruiserweight division should make him an automatic candidate. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Rick Rude: Rude would reach his greatest heights with WCW and The Dangerous Alliance.

Another awesome pick, in addition to what you just said he also defeated Sting and Ric Flair on separate occasions to become WCW International World Champion (Which to those who may not remember the WCW International World Title was a result of NWA and WCW severing ties but WCW still owning the Big Gold Belt) I know to some folks the WCW International World Title might seem like a fading memory but the Big Gold Belt that you see today in WWE as the World Heavyweight Championship, represented this title and it was arguably an unofficial precursor to the two World Title system that WWE institutes today with the RAW and SmackDown divisions.

Rude's role as a bodyguard for DX and nWo which led to his being on RAW and Nitro the same night might not have given Vince the warm and fuzzies, but it was a classic moment to be sure! Rude's other career highlights like beating the Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania V, his infamous bit where he'd select a lady from the audience to well "ravish", pardon the pun was also memorable and led to one of his other memorable feuds with Jake Roberts, his time in the Jim Crockett Promotions winning tag gold with Manny Fernandez in addition to what you already said about the Dangerous Alliance are all prime reasons to put him in, which again like I said was long overdue! Another fine pick!

Vader: A pure monster in the ring that was sought by companies all over the world not only for his brutal and stiff style but also his ability to do things that big men didn't really do i.e. his Vadersault

Absolutely! Vader was an excellent heel and an outright behemoth, I enjoyed watching him in WCW and going through some of his matches in Japan, his insane stiff shot exchange with Stan Hansen was just sheer awesomeness. Getting back to his time in WCW, there was just so much devastation that he left in his wake. Going through guys like Tom Zenk, ripping off Mick Foley's ear, taking out Nikita Koloff and his World Title feud with Sting was classic.

I personally wish his feud with Hulk Hogan was booked a lot better, but at that time in WCW's history, Hogan was the guy that had his say on a lot of things. In the long run WCW's business benefited from Hogan since they were on the verge of turning him heel, but in the short term I hated seeing Vader not benefit from feuding with Hogan, like he should have. But despite that, Vader did have a promising start and while it wasn't what I hoped it would be, he still had some entertaining matches against guys like The Undertaker, Sid and Shawn Michaels. WWF had the chance to repair any perceived damage that the Hogan feud had left him with but they unfortunately did not.

But if there was ever a more fitting time to honor the man called Vader, WrestleMania XXVII weekend would be the time to do it.

Dean Malenko: The Man of 1000 holds was a staple in the cruiser weight division. Unlike the high flyers, he would just tie his opponent in great mat wrestling.

It would be a nice gesture to add Malenko into the Hall of Fame, while he's not my absolute favorite on my list of choices. I would see nothing wrong with inducting him. He's served the company long after retiring and he was easily one of the greatest Cruiserweights WCW ever had, plain and simple. Feuding with and aligning alongside peers like Benoit and Guerrero enabled Malenko to showcase his talents as a performer.

His feud with Rey Mysterio who was fresh off his run in ECW was a great backdrop to other storylines going on in WCW like the beginning of the nWo. That was a special time in wrestling and while you had the glitz and glamour of the nWo running roughshod you had some really basic and hard hitting ring action with guys like Dean Malenko taking part in the Cruiserweight division of WCW. His subsequent feud with Chris Jericho was another great chapter in both men's careers and I think arguably helped solidify the reasons why both had future stints in the World Wrestling Federation.

Steiner Brothers: A team that would be known all over the world and to this day is still mentioned when fans discuss great teams. Title holder in WWE, WCW and in Japan. Remember seeing a man Scott's size pulling off the Frankesteiner ? Rick with the whole Dog Face Gremlin bit was great and memorable.​

If I had my way most definitely, I have fond memories of The Steiners taking on Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) for the tag straps and their just sheer brutal nature as a tandem. No one could stop these two, it seemed. In his Pre-Big Poppa Pump days, Scotty Steiner amazed me with his ability to just catch a guy with the Frankensteiner and crash him down to the mat. And Rick's top rope bulldog in cohesion with Scott was an awesome finishing maneuver. You knew when watching a tag team match you were never disappointed.

I remember fondly, when Rick and Scott were US Tag Team Champions and they beat the Freebirds for the World Tag Team Titles on WCW's Saturday Morning program, the Power Hour.

As singles competitors both were greatly successful too. With Scott of cours winning WCW's version of the grand slam by holding the World, US, TV and Tag Titles with brother Rick winning the same championships except for the World Title.

Their WWF stint also deserves to be regarded with merit as they held the tag titles there and had some very good matches against Money, Inc., The Headshrinkers and The Hart Brothers (Check out the Hart and Soul DVD for this, it was an awesome bout!) Their accomplishments in Japan were also another great showing.

All in all, it'd be an injustice to not include the Steiners in the 2011 Hall Of Fame, especially with Atlanta being the locale.

Great Muta: Another great performer that more then made up for his lack of size in his style.

Like Nick Bockwinkel and Verne Gagne, it'd be great to see another non-WWF/E stalwart be inducted. With Muta's track record as an icon in AJPW and NJPW along with his memorable WCW encounters against guys like Sting, Ricky Steamboat, and Flair he's another strong candidate to induct into the Hall of Fame, especially when we are speaking of this being a WCW themed induction.

Also, despite not being a Kevin Nash or Undertaker sized competitor. He was definitely not pint sized, being that he was 6'2" and 230 lbs but I can see you point when you mention his style because boy the Muta could move in that ring, no doubt about it. His SuperBrawl III match for the NWA Title against Barry Windham is one of my personal favorites to watch.

Road Warriors: What needs to be said in regards to this Iconic team ? Scaffold Matches, Street Fights, Chain Matches, Dog Collar Matches they did it all and that was just WCW. Several time title holders in WWE and WCW that would have there ups and down but were still a dominating force no matter where they went.

While, I think in some ways the Steiners were a better team as far as athleticism and in ring ability went, The Legion of Doom/Road Warriors were my favorite just in their sheer presence and in ring intensity. Hawk and Animal are long overdue for this honor and it's an induction like Rick Rude, I would have wanted to see happen already.

2011 is a good year for it and I'm crossing my fingers for it. These guys have been everywhere in the business and have done it all. Who can forget how huge an impact they made when they finally went into the WWF and had memorable encounters with teams like the Hart Foundation, Money, Inc. and the Nasty Boys. I had longed for a better program with Demolition but considering Ax's rumored health problems and the placement of Crush in the team the concept just wasn't going to work the same way. Had the LOD shown up a year earlier, it's possible we could have seen more out of this feud. Especially when you see how Vince truly did try to make a Road Warriors like team with Demolition. That just goes to show how greatly influential Hawk and Animal were.

All in all, I definitely agree with the picks you made. Some of the other possibilities I'd like to see are Teddy Long, The Fabulous Freebirds, Sting (Even if he goes back into a role with TNA, I'd like to see Vince make an exception, after all they let RVD be in Smackdown Vs RAW 2011 despite having been with TNA for all this time), Barry Windham, Jushin Thunder Liger, and The Rock N Roll Express.

Unfortunately not all of them will be in this year, but those are definitely names I'd want to see get their place in the Hall of Fame. Overall awesome post man and thanks for motivating me to reminisce on this board!
I was thinking the Fabulous Freebirds, but, I wonder if the WWE would allow them from a PR perspctive. You have a great team that made headway in the 1980's tag team wresting by creating of the first three man team on one end..not to mention their memorable/legendary feuds with numerouis other tag teams. But, you also have a group of "Southern boys" who used to parade around as heels with Confederate Flags painted on their faces (which is very outdated in terms of todays social standards) led by Michael "PS" Hayes who (a few years ago) had an issue with Mark Henry making a raciast comment(s). I am sure the WWE could focus on thir long list of accomplishemnts, but you know, there will always be someone out there who try to compare yesterday to today and make a big deal out them as racisits. Or couse, there really is no such thing as bad publicity, but would the WWE want to go there by inducting thm to their Hall of Fame? Just a thought....
First of all I know that Wrestlemania is going to be in Atlanta this year and that happens to be the birth place if you will for WCW. However, who said that WWE was going to do this for sure? I mean its a decent idea but I really don't see Vince or really anybody else going with this. That being said, here are my candidates for Hall of Fame this year.

8. The Great Muta- Fantastic ability
7. The Road Warriors- Great tag team for a number of years, really deserving of this award.
6. Arn Anderson- This guy has really made a mark on this business and great for the young guys today, truly a class act.
5. King Kong Bundy- Why the hell not
4. The Honky Tonk Man- One of the greatest IC Champs of all time.
3. Mr. Bob Backland- A legend that never gets enough credit for his contributions
2. The Crocketts (Jimmy and David)- Quite possibly the best brother combination in the history of wrestling
1. HBK Shawn Michaels- Obvious.....
I'd like to see The Road Warriors inducted. They were easily the most dominant tag team of their day and were basically every promoter's dream during the 80s.

I'd also love to see the Rock n' Roll Express inducted as well as they were just a hugely over tag team and were involved in some great feuds and matches back in their day.

If Sting doesn't resign with TNA, then it'd be a crime not to at least invite him to be inducted into the HOF since the WWE seems to be going with a WCW themed aspect to the HOF this year.

It'd be just great to see the Macho Man up there but I'm not gonna hold my breath. To be fair, Vince asked Savage last year if I'm not mistaken and was turned down.

I think that Vader should go in as well. The guy was raw brute power and intimidating as hell. Vader has the credentials also and, in all honesty, is the last great super heavyweight in pro wrestling history.

I'm sure that there are others but, at the moment, those are names that leap out at me and I think that Vince has a good shot at getting some, if not most, of them to agree to be inducted this year.
the 1st poster is almost on the money!!! except for Brian Pillman. i dont want to sound like an a-hole but Pillman (one of my fav WCW guys ever) didnt have a hall of fame career in my mind and you shouldnt just throw in any wrestler in because they died (if they were going for a ligit hall of fame). one of the last posters stole my add-in, Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson!!! id love to see Sting, but the Express, The Road Warriors, Ron Simmons, Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Steiners (thanks to Scotty that will never happen), and why not Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard!!!
the 1st poster is almost on the money!!! except for Brian Pillman. i dont want to sound like an a-hole but Pillman (one of my fav WCW guys ever) didnt have a hall of fame career in my mind and you shouldnt just throw in any wrestler in because they died (if they were going for a ligit hall of fame).

Do you have a name of anyone in the HOF currently that was put there because they died?

As for Pillman, I thought he was amazing in the WCW as "Flyin'" Brian Pillman and really got his footing with "Stunning" Steve Austin in the Hollywood Blondes and proved his dynamics to be a great heel after being one of the best underdog babyfaces in the WCW. I think for the career he had, he deserves to be in the HOF. Afterall, if the WWE is going to put Bob Uecker and Pete Rose in the HOF, why not put someone that deserves it like Pillman.

If Vince does decide to go with the WCW motif HOF I would agree to add Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Sting (if the WWE can actually get him... and he would be the headline name), and possibly Luger.
I would quite like to see the Road Warriors inducted, as I think they probably should have gone in an age ago.

All the picks that I have read sound amazing, but with everything going on with his Twitter ranting, does anyone reckon that Kevin Nash is trying to get into Vince's good graces for a potential HoF slot? I know its a real long shot with the likes of Muta and Arn Anderson being mentioned, but is it such a reach for 'Big Sexy' to be in contention?
Nash has had nothing but good things to say about Vince in every interview I've seen with him in the last few years. Even when he was still with TNA and promoting their gusys he commented on Vince being the smartest guy in the business and whatnot.

Honestly, I think he deserves to get in. He's one of the most recognizable faces and names in pro wrestling history, was one of the biggest parts of one of the biggest angles in wrestling history, was pretty hugely over in WCW in '98 (with popularity that rivaled Goldberg) and well, I just think he deserves to get in.

This isn't even factoring in his skill on the mic. He was one of the best talkers in wrestling history.
Heck, this alone is HOF-worthy.

This has got to be the awesomest news of the night tonight! Anyway, this is going to be a great induction and I for one as a fan of Shawn Michaels going back to the early 90s when he broke away from The Rockers, I'm very excited to see him get honored on WrestleMania weekend for the Hall of Fame. I gotta admit though I was shocked when I saw him be the first announced for this honor, but reading the WWE website just now, and checking the news link here on WrestleZone they decided to already inject the WWE Hall of Fame 2011 inductions with a shot in the arm.

So anyway, for fans of Shawn Michaels from all eras in his career, whether it was the WCCW where he got his major headway as a star to his time in the AWA where he and Marty Jannetty were tag champs extraordinaire to the time he set foot in the WWF with Jannetty to inject new life into the WWF tag team division and then later go on to his iconic singles career. This is a time for all fans to rejoice.

I could go on and on with all the obvious choices for why Shawn Michaels is going to the Hall Of Fame so at the risk of redundancy there is no better way than to reminisce on this thread and talk about such classics as Survivor Series 92 against Bret Hart, (Before the SCREWJOB, lol), the first Intercontinental Title win when Shawn beat Bulldog at the last Saturday Night's Main Event before the programs hiatus for nearly 15 years. Then of course there are a lot of other hidden gems like rare and hardly seen matches like the first WWF ladder match against Bret Hart for the IC title. A must see for those HBK fans looking for the rare stuff. Then of course the Boyhood Dream, the Ladder Match with Razor, the WMXIV match with Austin (the end of the first part of his career) and the triumphant return at SummerSlam 2002 against Triple H (Which I actually saw live when I was in my late teens! I admit I marked out, got no shame in admitting that!)

So guys and gals, now that it's official let the thread begin, Shawn Michaels almost one year removed from his Hall Of Fame career ending at WrestleMania XXVI was it too soon or just right? I for one thing think now is just as good a time as any! Now let's hear from you all!
The downside of this whole thing is that Shawn now overshadows any hope of a WCW alumni inductee. My biggest hope was for Sting. Granted, WWE could use him as the number 2 name, but it still won't have as much of an impact as it would had Sting been headliner. Goldberg's chance now too is limited in value. This is similar to when Hogan was inducted- everyone else just blends in.

I'm definitely not saying that HBK shouldn't be inducted. I just feel they rushed it, and they should have made an attempt at an all WCW HOF class.
I was speculating all night, after Lawler kept reminding us that it could be arguably the greatest superstar.

It was a great choice. I can't wait to see Shawn Michaels be inducted into the Hall Of Fame and I believe it didn't come early. Shawn Michaels has deserved this for a long while.
The downside of this whole thing is that Shawn now overshadows any hope of a WCW alumni inductee. My biggest hope was for Sting. Granted, WWE could use him as the number 2 name, but it still won't have as much of an impact as it would had Sting been headliner. Goldberg's chance now too is limited in value. This is similar to when Hogan was inducted- everyone else just blends in.

I'm definitely not saying that HBK shouldn't be inducted. I just feel they rushed it, and they should have made an attempt at an all WCW HOF class.

I will concede that point to you my good man, that's the unfortunate part about it, and in many ways it is very similar to when Hogan got inducted but considering the magnitude of both Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels, that sort of thing is bound to happen with their inductions being emphasized more than other stars whom I feel were just as important to honor. (For instance 2005 you had three of Hogan's biggest rivals in Iron Sheik, Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff all sharing the induction that night with Hogan, which in some ways might have taken away from their achievements that night too. I think their inductions should have been staggered into different years as a result.)

My gut feeling and this is just speculation and no more, but I'm thinking it's possible that Sting just outright has no interest in associating with WWE's HOF at this point and it's a shame with the Atlanta locale if this is the case. However, I'm holding out for hope that we will see some other great WCW talent show up for the HOF. But from where it looks despite how excited I am for it, I think we might indeed be seeing what you've proposed as the outcome of the Hall of Fame's emphasis this year.
This is the best thing the WWE has done in a long time. After a pathetic 2010, hopefully they are trying to start this year on a better note. For some reason, I don't wanna see HHH being the one that inducts him. It would be the most obvious guess that anybody would make. While I want the one who inducts him to be the Undertaker, since Shawn and Taker have just had great chemistry in the ring due to their contrasting characters and ability to put great matches anytime they were in the ring together in the last 14 years, we know it won't happen due to Taker's gimmick/ character because he won't show up at the HoF but he'll be backstage. The one who should induct Shawn Michaels should be - wait for it - Bret Hart.
they did that with eddie guerrero, hulk hogan, and now hbk. I guess the wwe is dying to get huge draw for the HOF given of last year's candidate. I bet the undertaker is gonna get inducted next year
I can honestly say that I legit cried when they announced Shawn as the inductee.

My first thought was Sting, since it was supposed to be a WCW themed HOF. I never even thought about Shawn. Of course I knew he would be inducted eventually but I honestly didn't think they would do it so soon. I'm so happy for Shawn. Then to top it all off, we actually saw HBK hit the SCM on ADR. I never thought I would see Michaels preform that move again anytime soon.

If there is ANYONE in the world who has ever stepped foot in a WWE and deserves to be in the HOF, it's definately Shawn Michaels. I cannot even begin to think of another person that even comes close. He put his blood, sweat, and tears into this business for years. He stayed true to his company, which isn't something many people can say. He has never failed to entertain each and every one of us every time he stepped onto the camera. HBK has created some of the biggest memories for the WWE, had some of the most memorable matches, been apart of the greatest rivalries, and took all of our breathes away. There will never be another Shawn Michaels.

I love Shawn Michaels with all of my heart and I hope he succeeds in everything he does. He's a great guy with a good heart and if he didn't get put in the HOF then I don't know who would. I could literally write for days on all of the amazing things Shawn did, but I will leave it at this. Congrats Shawn! :)
Goldberg's chance now too is limited in value.

Serious? It took an induction of HBK to limit Goldberg's chances?

Well, I guess that 173-0 streak was HOF worthy huh.. beating such legends as Hugh Morris and Mike Enos.. and.. 158 other wins coming by way of jobbers.

Anyways... HBK no doubt deserves it. I just wish they had waited a year or two to really build it up. But I guess WWE figures their non-established guys should be bona fide main eventers by next year, so why not spruce up this year's Mania by bringing back a familiar face.
finally hbk made it i honestly been waitin since 98. So im really pumped 4 this but who to induct him hhh or kevin nash? Who knows it should be interesting.
I'm very pleased to hear about this. HBK has truly had that awesome career that many wrestlers only dream about. He may not have had as many title runs as some, but he truly and honestly didn't need 'em to be great. I'll be looking forward to seeing his bit at the HOF ceremony.

Who should induct him? So many choices to be honest. Obviously, Triple H would be the first choice, but I agree that The Undertaker would be better. Unfortunately, he probably wouldn't do it given his strict code of kayfabe even outside of the ring. Kevin Nash? A good choice, but he'd still have to be "out of action" where TNA is concerned or Vinnie Mac would never allow it. My choice? Marty Jenetty. He'd be a "total surprise that makes sense" guy to induct him.
It's definitely not too soon... in fact, it feels perfect! Shawn Michaels deserves this honor. He's paid his dues time and again and if he takes away from any other inductee, its because he has earned that level of respect and admiration in this industry.

Sure it would be cool to see Sting or Goldberg inducted, but Michael's induction makes this year's HOF. I don't think anyone WWE would select could have the impact Shawn will have... not just because he's one of the best, but because he's still really relevant!

It was totally a markout moment tonight on RAW! And cool to see Shawn lay out Del Rio (definitely a future main eventer)!

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