WWE Bragging Rights 2010 - Randy Orton (c) vs Wade Barrett - WWE Championship

This might be one of vince's chances to cena heel... but i wouldnt be surprised if he dosent but think about.. What will they do with cena in this match? he wont just sit there until barrett tells him to do something that will kill cena inside, But this is my own opinion, but i think he will interfer in this somehow that has to be a heel move... but i really think cena will turn partly heel at Bragging rights, Cena will sell it the next night and turn completly heel... as far as im concerned, Barrett will win this match
i see orton winning and cena costing barrett then they feud for a bit cant see barrett winning yet. tho i do want him to win as orton is awful on the mic and in the ring
I want Barrett to win and I want Cena to cost Orton the match. To me this makes the most sense. It gets sympathy for Orton, making him an even more popular face, cements Barrett as the top heel, and further develops the Cena/Nexus storyline.

However, I think Barrett is going to lose. I see Cena helping him by attacking Orton, but this results in Barrett being DQ'd. In other words, Cena will follow orders a little too well and it will cost Barrett the match. Basicallly, Barretts plan backfires. There will be a postmatch beatdown of Orton at the hands of Nexus and a reluctant Cena.

And that's when I see Miz cashing in. The Miz's character is all about bragging, so this might be the perfect ppv for him to cash in. Plus, he was on the original poster for Bragging Rights.
Man, enough with miz cashing in already. Every pay per view people are foaming at the mouth hoping this will be the time.

Personally though I just have a feeling that when it does happen, Miz will NOT be cashing in on orton. I just don't see it with the way orton has been booked lately. Also if it happens, that would set up an orton/miz feud and I just don't really see that now is the time and place for it.

Furthermore, if miz really was going to cash in on orton there's no reason why he wouldn't have done it on the last raw after that major beatdown orton received from nexus. That makes me think that WWE creative has other plans and I don't think it will be an orton cash-in
Option #1 - John Cena plays the "Reluctant Follower" again...

Probably the most likely option. Ever since Hell In A Cell 3 weeks ago, John Cena's been forced to play the reluctant follower role, being forced to take orders from Wade Barrett, or else be fired. (Yeah, I don't believe that Anonymous GM for a second either...) Anywho, this is the simple thing to do for the WWE to add length to this storyline, especially if they are planning to put the Championship on Wade Barrett.

Now me personally thinks that putting the Championship on would be a bad idea right now, but I could very well see it happening. The feud with Barrett and Cena doesn't really need it, but it would be an automatic way of making it seem more important. However, if Orton was to retain, this option is harder to work, as despite Cena following orders, Barrett would fail in getting the Championship...Maybe it would lead to Barrett taking his anger out on Cena, further leading up to what looks like a Cena "snap". This option makes that moment more of a slow build for Survivor Series, which I think is the most likely thing to do. (If you don't believe me, check out the Survivor Series 2010 Poster...)

Option #2 - John Cena "Snaps" and attacks Wade Barrett

Again, a very likely option for the Cena snap to happen on Pay-Per-View, even if I don't think it's the best idea. Why have the snap on Pay-Per-View in front of 250,000 or so thousand who's paying the $55 to see the show, when you do it on RAW in front of 5,000,000 or so? It would make more sense, and I believe it would guarantee Survivor Series (November 21st) would get more buys. Trust me.

For this to happen, I think Orton definitely has to retain here. Barrett getting the Championship, only for Cena to attack him would instantly diminish his reign, even if it would lead to a Barrett/Cena Feud for the Championship. It could very well happen, and I'd have no major complaints if it did, it would make sense. Will it happen? Strong possibility.

And the other option is definitely a long shot, but it could very well happen...

Option #3 - The Infamous John Cena "Heel" Turn

Well, this is definitely the long shot for me. Especially after the story of Cena resisting the urge to beat seven shades of blue hell out of Barrett. It would also be the hardest to try and set up and make sense of it. Why would Cena go from swallowing his pride and resisting the urge to destroy Barrett to being alinged with him to win the Championship? That's why I don't see it happening, but this is the WWE, it was surprising enough when Cena lost at Hell In A Cell.

Don't count on it, but I've seen stranger things happen.
In a perfect world, the ending of this match would happen like this.

Orton is down, ref bump, while the ref/orton is down Barrett and Cena start arguing, while Barrett is just belittling Cena. Cena finally has heard enough and goes and gets a steel chair, as Cena is climbing in the ring Barrett has his back turned, taunting Orton who is finally starting to get up. As Cena stands in the ring he looks like he is going to hit Barrett in the back, until Barrett is quick like a cat, turns arounds and gets out of the way of the shot. Which in turn means that Orton has just been "accidentally" lambasted with a chair shot to the back. Barrett picks him up hits the Wasteland, while Cena is standing there awestruck at what just happened. Cena leaves the ring slowly and walks up the ramp. The ref regains consciousness. 1, 2, 3! Wade is your new WWE Champion. This would also lead into Cena's slow heel turn. In where he "accidentally" hits Orton and costs him the title.

In reality though, this will happen...

Which means in true WWE fashion, Cena will somehow cost Barrett the match, RKO comes out of nowere with an amazing "unexpected" win, and the kiddies go home happy.

Anyway you look at this match though, it's not going to be a 5 star classic, but it will keep you on the edge of your seat with the Cena/Barrett angle.
I don't think Cena will snap. I do like the idea of Cena costing Wade the match. Mainly because if you have notice, Cena just doesn't "hop to it" when Wade orders him to do something. Maybe Wade tells Cena to hit the AA, but waits until the ref sees him or something. I am not expecting much from this match. Orton is terrible and his match set up is terrible. The guy he is facing can hit Orton with everything including the kitchen sink, then BAM! RKO, match over and you could have never guessed that Orton was just in a "grueling" match.
This will probably close the show. I think it will be a great match and I'm happy no matter who wins, as I like both Orton and Barrett. The added variable of Cena having to do what Barrett says will be interesting when it comes into play. Will Cena attack Barrett? Cost him the match by helping Orton? Follow orders? We will just have to wait until the PPV to find out. Could Miz be cashing in? Possibly, but for the purposes of my predictions I'll assume he won't. Orton will probably retain. There are more people he could face. If Cena doesn't help Barrett win then that will lead straight into another feud between the two, which does not have to be about the WWE title. Then again, Barrett as WWE Champion would be something refreshing and adds more dominance to Nexus. It doesn't seem like the right time yet though.... Orton should remain champ a little longer because the roster is still full of other guys he could face, whereas Barrett and Nexus could feud with anyone and the Cena storyline is interesting enough to keep going without Barrett being champion just yet.

Randy Orton will retain the WWE Championship.
I got John Cena costing Randy Orton this match "accidentally". It will look like a accident so that if/when Cena turns heel they'll say it was all part of their plan.
I do not want to see Cena beating up the other members of Nexus as they try to interfere in the match, but that is most likely what will happen. They are just making the rest of the group look weak getting beat on and punked out all the time.
Again, I am hoping that Barrett gets the win and becomes the new champ, that way we can get the whole Nexus master plan reveled. It can't just be Barrett getting the belt, that will be a huge disappointment.
I honestly have no clue what will actually go down here, which is a great thing because I feel like WWE has done a very good job at making this one unpredictable. That being said, I hope Orton retains for a few reasons:

1. The Cena in Nexus angle still has legs and doesn't need the championship to be interesting. When you consider SS coming up, the feud itself really doesn't need the championship. I like how they handling it right now, even if creative should be paying a little more attention to the WWE champion and not making the title feel like the secondary thing on RAW.

2. I feel as though the entire IWC is turning on Orton simply because he is a face. On numerous boards, people who were high on Orton a few months ago have changed their attitudes. You can't just be a fan of heels. Orton is doing everything right in terms of being a "face" that is not John Cena. So, out of personal joy in seeing people who are so fickle be pissed, I would like to see Orton retain.

3. I think Orton needs to keep the title for a long reign to not only establish his run at the top but also to establish that the belt on one person for a period of time is still doable in today's wrestling climate. You can still have lengthly title reigns with various opponents over a span of time. Too much hot potato with that title.

4. I like Wade, truly. But I stand by my opinion that he is on the cusp on being ready but not there yet.... to be WWE Champion. I feel he will very soon though and I think this Cena angle is helping enormously to get him there.

So, I haven't a clue what the 'E' will do come Sunday night but I do hope Orton retains.
This Match is probably the most intriguing of all the Matches at Bragging Rights. With Cena being in the corner of Barrett this can go many different ways, the way I want it to go down is somehow Cena cost's Orton the Championship and Wade Barrett is the new WWE Champion. I just don't see Randy Orton the most over guy on the roster having a short title reign.

Prediction:Orton will retain the WWE Championship
This has the potential to be the best match on the card if the emotion is played right since this has been a long and emotional storyline for Cena. The actual match will be interesting because Orton really hasn't been on fire recently and Barrett is always questionable. I'm really hoping that Orton keeps the title because I don't think I could stand to watch RAW with the Nexus getting even more air time on their storyline that no one cares about anymore.

It could go two ways in my opinion, Cena could cost Barrett the match or Cena could cost Orton the match. Both are probable suggestions since Cena could be really fed up with Barrett because he attacked Orton on Monday and then the RAW after the PPV, everyone would be wondering if Cena will really be fired (which is a very stupid question imo, everyone knows the answer to it).

It would make the most sense for Barrett to win (with Cena's assist) and push the Nexus storyline, so that's my suggestion.
Not only does this have the potential to be the best match on the card, this has the potential to be the best match of the WWE calendar year, Doc.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen the story between Randy Orton, John Cena and Wade Barrett play out brilliantly and that does wonders for the anticipation of this match. Everyone in this match has the capability to change the result and I, for one, am very much looking forward to seeing how it goes.

Wade Barrett has played the arrogant heel character to absolute perfection over the last few weeks and Cena has played the victim wonderfully. The chemistry between these two guys is a great thing to behold and I found myself wanting Cena to tag him during Raw last week. However, he didn't (rightfully so) and the wildcard aspect of this match continues with John Cena in the corner of the Englishman.

Orton though, cannot be counted out. We have seen him beat the odds before and this could be a time for the WWE to get him over as a legitimate champion in the eyes of the fans. Going over Barrett and Cena could be the makings of something big for the WWE and an Orton title reign.

Right now, my head hurts thinking about the possibilities in this match the repercussions of the result for the WWE. Really, I think that either way we will have a great match and a vast array of angles to go down. If Barrett wins, then the angle between he and Cena continues with Orton playing the chaser. If Orton wins, the Nexus/Cena angle gets bigger and better. Really, there is no bad result here.
kane should get burieed alive take time off then return around road to wm, and return with the mask and fued with taker. thts wat the fued needs, the mask and tht will rebboost kanes momentum
I see this one being an average match at best. Like Taker/Kane, this is all about the angle, not the wrestling.

I'll go out on a limb here and take Barrett. WWE is always looking to boost the Nexus angle and keep us interested, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Orton lose here. If Barrett does win, I see it going down in Royal Rumble 09 fashion: Ref bump. Cena sees his opportunity to get himself involved. Cena thinks about it. FU to Barrett. Crowd goes nuts. Then Cena turns to Orton, and hits the FU on Orton. Cena drags Barrett onto Orton and Cena walks out in frustration.
I like Orton and Barrett and I'm really liking the Nexus angle so far so I know this is going to be entertaining. I'd like to see Cena cost Orton the title on Barrett's orders but Orton is hot and I don't know if they'll take the strap off of him yet. I'm going with Orton winning by DQ due to Cena's interference
Good match....Predictable once Barrett told Cena he wanted to "win" the match at the beginning. Makes for an interesting RAW tomorrow night gentleman
I agree with GCoh. As soon as Barret told Cena that he's fired if Barret doesn't "win the match" my first thought was that Cena would at some point attack Barret to get Orton DQ'ed and retain the title, Barret would "win the match", and Cena wouldn't get fired.

It was interesting though to have Cena attack the other members of Nexus, giving the impression that he's had enough, then to tell Barret it was to keep him from getting disqualified. This, along with Cena now as one half of the tag team champions, will make for an interesting Raw tomorrow night.
John Cena did something i for one have waited for ever since he had to join the Nexus. Barrett should have thought about his orders to Cena more carefully. I just hope that as the storyline continues, John will continue to find loopholes and slowly destroy the hold that Barrett has over him and the rest of Nexus will also fall too. Go John, GO!!!!!!!

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