WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett - WWE Championship

If they were going to turn Cena they would have done it tonight, surely. They didn't , they made him call the match fairly. He's going to be face forever.

Not entirely sure where this is going from here though, Either he's GM, or he's randomly reinstated for some unapparent forced reason. Maybe Barrett will overturn the decision to fire Cena because he wants to get revenge for what happened tonight? ..
I personally though that was a waste....The last few ppvs thewy have built up so many options and all have went begging for the most down the line expected behaviour of Cena... I think when he could have so shaken up Nexus involvment in the title scene with Orton, instead Cena seems to be sucking the interest out of it with his bland hustle loyalty respect outlook. They should be angling on the imperfections of Cena if they want to give him a more well-rounded character as they have done with Orton... instead Cena remains 2d and so does this nexus angle which had so much potential early on.
Okay, I didn't watch the PPV, but I'm chatting with a bunch of friends who do and Cena jumped off the fucking titantron? We're debating whether it was scripted or not, I bet it was, but they act like it looked too damn real 'cause Cena was all shaking and crying and ... someone fill me in.

A) What the fuck are you talking about?

b) That was one of, if not THE stupidest ending to a Pay Per View that I have ever seen. They had a GOLDEN opportunity to make the product not suck and have something exciting happen and they dropped it. Should have had Orton win or Miz come out at the end and cash it in. Just anything. And then they had a lame ass "farewell" bit. They keep trying to build up Barrett but he isn't getting the huge clean win off of anyone or ANYTHING. He keeps getting backed into loses. The E had the ball and dropped it on that one.
ya cena is not going to turn heel. As of right now he is fired. Cena did not beat the hell outta Barrett, Nexus came out as you could guess. Cena being made the raw gm would be a cool angle to override Barrett.

I still think soemthing has to happen to get Cena to a gm status. I mean he can't just come out to start the show and say, "hey, I'm the gm now!'
Orton wins, Cena is fired: Obviously the one outcome that absolutely, positively won't happen for real. But how do they "fire" Cena without it looking like a total cop-out when he pops up again?

I dont like how this ended - bc anyone with a brain knows that Cena is not fired. If he wants to take time off - then take time off and be written out of the storylines with an injury or something. Dont insult the fans' intelligence with this fired angle.

He'll come back in a few months when someone will magically re-hire him and this whole storyline will be for nothing. There are a lot more interesting ways they could have taken this angle. the WWE drops the ball, yet again
what a crap outcome. the WWE seriously dropped the ball on this. one of the worst let downs if there was ever one. Orton won and Miz didnt even cash in MITB. what a waste of time buying the PPV.
First off I have to say this. I KNEW IT, everyone said he would be free even after what he said Monday Night. I am not a hardcore Cena fan but I like the guy. Met him at Judgement Day last year when it was here in Chicago. Cena is not done by far in the WWE.

Here is how I know Cena will be back. Let me take you back Months ago before Nexus started. The return of Bret Hart. Remember Vince was so against this. Between Cena, Micheals and even the Undertaker behind the scenes Vince didn't wanna bring him back. The Rock was ment to host 1/4/10's RAW and this was of course to counter Hulk Hogan's debut in TNA, of course with Bret Hart TNA didn't do anywhere NEAR as good as WWE. Vince told Cena to his face 'I don't like you, I don't like anything about you' He ripped on what Cena wore, the colors and then he said to Cena 'But your good for Business.' This is the key word here "Business". Do you HONESTLY think Vince is gonna just let John Cena walk away? Do you think Cena really wants to walk away?

What I see happening is all these weird things happening to Barrett over the next 8 weeks including Nexus turning on him. Remember Barrett said everyone had to step up. With all these distractions and his inability to deal with it David Otanga will take control of Nexus and turn on Barrett. At the Royal Rumble Barrett will find himself in a match with either Nexus and Cena will come out of no where. clear the Nexus then beat down Barrett OR the Raw GM will set up a match with an 'unknown' for Barrett to fight and Cena will take out Barrett on his return.

You see WWE doesn't always do the best things but if they wanna play this over well they will force something like this to happen. Raw tommorow will be intresting for sure.
I dont like how this ended - bc anyone with a brain knows that Cena is not fired. If he wants to take time off - then take time off and be written out of the storylines with an injury or something. Dont insult the fans' intelligence with this fired angle.

Yeah the HBK-ish and Flair-like send off left a sour taste on my mouth after Survivor Series. If they are going with a fired angle than fine but don't insult the intelligence of the fans since we all know its part of an angle.

Is it possible to Cena turn heel here? Probably but if it does not happen in either TLC or The Rumble than it will never happen.
That goes to show you that sometimes we give the WWE too much credit. I for one should have known that they would drop the ball. From now on I shall not EVER expect anything big from them and just go with whatever crap they put out.

It's obvious that Cena will most likely return maybe even on the next RAW if they really want to be stupid. I'm sure he'll be there anyway to bid a farewell speech then possibly get reinstated somehow. Maybe Vince hires him back because of what the Nexus did to him.

A less likely possibility is that he goes to SmackDown to give them some star power since it seems that Vince wants to make that show bigger but I don't see that happening.

P.S. Bret Hart is the AGM. That whole angle is just to stall until he is able to come back. I could be wrong but I am almost sure that I'm right.
If you didn't like the ending of SS, you have been owned in an epic fashion. quit whining about it.

what is really good about the whole cena thing, is that nobody knew what was going to happen out of the 5 or so options. and then the fact that NOBODY could have predicted that particular ending makes it even better. you just can't argue against that.

to me however, it was too over the top done with cena's send off for him to not be either a) taking an extended (meaning at least a year) or b) hes retiring to do other things. if he was going to be back "soon", why did he leave his gear in the ring? or why did he go into the crowd when they could have just cut to black and ended the ppv there when he was at the top of the ramp? although he has spoken against ever leaving wrestling for hollywood, but its honestly feasible.

its getting kind of annoying to see the IWC taken john cena for granted. raw is unarguably worse as a whole without him. what if he is gone forever? i personally think the miz is the most over rated wrestler in the history of wrestling, but even i can admit raw isn't as good without him.

im pretty curious to see how the situation plays out, but i hope it ends with him returning in some fashion sooner than later.
Pretty mediocre match in itself. Had Wade looking good as always, while keeping the belt on Randy Orton, which I found to be somewhat shocking, yet a little expected.

John Cena getting fired was a great touch to the whole feud from the get go. And the very fact that he allowed himself to get fired to stick it to Nexus was perhaps one of the most amazing things of the night. I liked how Cena and Orton hugged afterwards, kinda Shawn / Undertaker style, yet obviously not with the same amount of emotion involved.

Very good match, very interested to see where this continues towards. I'm guessing it will continue at TLC in something like a Tables match or something like that. Either way I'm very intrigued to both see the future of John Cena, as well as Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton.
I was surpised to see Randy Orton retaining and John Cena getting fired.Honestly I expected the match to end the way of the Kane/Edge match.

It was cool though how Orton and Cena hugged after the match when just a little over a year ago they were tying eacho ther up with handcuffs.But the hug showed the amount of respect they had for each other.Normally I hate John Cena but im intrested to see where his career goes.
I actually enjoyed the ending of the match with Barrett shoving Cena and then Cena shoving Barrett into the RKO (it looked un-intentional) with Cena counting 1..2...........3. Orton and Cena hugging was a nice touch. Cena will not be fired though, if he really was leaving there would've been some tears in my opinion. Maybe the GM will think of something?.

But it capped off a half decent PPV to be honest.
well i hope none of you guys stood up for wwe, just to show the business if they havent noticed that older fans are quite annoyed with the creative writing at the moment, i stopped buying ppvs found another way to watch them because its not worth the money tp pay for ppvs besides mania and rumble because its the same thing over and over again or failed or 'dropped the ball storylines' i just feel really disapointd with the end of this ppv
After rewatching it, I really liked the main event as a whole. I know a lot of people were expecting something big, but I really think they are overlooking the fact that John Cena got FIRED in this storyline. Everyone has been complaining about the 'higher purpose' of Nexus, well Wade just got rid of the top guy on the show. I loved that Cena stayed John Cena. He did what was right and went out with his head held high. I loved loved loved it.

As far as the match goes, Wade and Orton have as much chemistry as an ass and sandpaper. Someone told me the reason for this is because Orton's match style works best for a stooge and Wade is anything but a stooge. Orton is still deadpan as a babyface and Wade's offense needs someone interesting to take it. Don't get me wrong, the match was solid, but it wasn't worth watching a third time. lol
Here we are, the one everybody is talking about. Will Cena hand Barrett the championship? Will he get fired and turn heel by going insane from being (kayfabe) fired? Will he call the match cleanly and Barrett just happens to win? Will there be more guys from NXT season 2 show up to help Barrett win without Cena's help? I would not rule out any of the above as possibilities. I think Barrett will win. There's really no one else left for Orton to feud with but The Miz. Barrett could then enter a feud with Cena and Nexus could be in complete control of Raw with Cena free again as the top face. I'm going that direction with my prediction. Orton will begin some high profile filler feud until the Rumble while Barrett continues the angle with Cena after he wins the title. No Cena heel turn and no firing because that should be saved for a later time when the federation could need a heel Cena more. Barrett will win what should be a great match, and likely closes the show. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm going with here.

Wade Barrett will win the Championship.

Totally did not see that coming. Got the prediction wrong, but I think WWE made the right choice here. Now people will be so interested in Raw, to see what exactly is going on. The match was good and I thought Barrett would get the win until he hit Cena, then I was expecting either a disqualification or an Attitude Adjustment and Barrett deserved a DQ at that point because he hit the ref. They did a good job here and Raw should be very interesting due to what happened with this match. What a closer!
They went with the least attractive of the options here. The ending was pretty anti-climatic, as Cena just BARELY hesitated when bringing his arm down for 3. The match here, as expected, wasn't about the wrestling, it was about John Cena's decision.

Honestly, I would have booked it the other way around. BOTH Orton and Barrett are hotheads. I would have had both screaming and yelling at Cena, but Orton to be the one to put his hands on Cena, and have Cena shove him back. This would have allowed Barrett to get the relatively clean win, and Cena's image really wouldn't have been tarnished, as essentially, Orton would have brought it upon himself.

The ending scene was well done, as the announcers sat in silence and let Cena have his "final moment". I imagine we'll see Cena's "firing" play out in the main event spot on Raw, but this was a nice teaser that Cena really is done. Even Orton did a nice job of looking choked up that Cena made such a "sacrifice" to do the right thing. This should be, if nothing more, a ratings grab for tonights show. In that aspect, it was well done.
I haven't watched SS yet, but have to say I did not see this happening. I am glad Orton retained the title and Cena's 'firing' will make for big ratings and interesting viewing on RAW.

Perhaps Cena wants to take a break for a while to pursue other ventures, more acting maybe :rolleyes:

Whatever the out come of this; be it Cena leaving, a loophole allowing him a 'contract' match or a swerve - he will not be gone for long. Like him or not Cena is the biggest draw for the PG13 WWE and Vince isn't going to let him go just yet.
They went with the least attractive of the options here. The ending was pretty anti-climatic, as Cena just BARELY hesitated when bringing his arm down for 3. The match here, as expected, wasn't about the wrestling, it was about John Cena's decision.

I don't think the ending was pretty anti-climatic. I think it came out of no where, but it made sense that Wade would snap before Cena. Since Cena joined Nexus, he has been slowly getting under Wade's skin. Wade's antagonizing ways are much obvious, but Cena managed to get back at Wade the best he could. And the ultimate way of getting back at Wade? Not allowing him to get the title.. (for now anyways lol)

I wish the fucking commentators would focus on things like that instead of when the last time a title changed hands in Miami.
bulllshit another wwe flop of a ppv.. thanks for ruining another ppv for me, i am offically done with ordering wwe ppv from now on ima watch them on stolen satelites or internet websites for free.. how are you gonna have john cena hug randy at the end of the ppv wasnt it a year ago when these 2 were actually trying to kill each other ina 1hr ironman match??? didnt randy boot cena's dad in the head but nexus is the REAL evil hahaha come on wwe stop contradicting your storylines, watch undertaker and kane be tag team champions in 6months from now WWE has offically turned into a joke and the Mainevent SUCKED!!!!!!!
The "firing" won't last past tonight I would imagine. They will probably have a "mock" goodbye ceremony, Barrett will come out and do his thing. Then the GM will get on the horn and say something to the affect of if Cena wants to be re-hired, he has to beat someone in the main event at the end of the show. He wins. End of story.

I doubt they drag the firing storyline until the next PPV.
So, i just finished watching SS. Didn't really like the ending to be honest, however unexpected it was.

I mean, Orton won, but they gave so much time to Cena... Orton just retained his belt, and even after he and Cena cleared the ring of Nexus, Orton barely had any time to celebrate his victory... Even as he made his way back up the ramp, i was just expecting Miz to smash him in the back with the briefcase, but nothing... We had 6 minutes of Cena saying goodbye, when EVERYONE knows that he will be back, if not on the next RAW, sometime in the near future. They could have done so much with the ending, and the moment Orton won, i just expected Miz to come out.

I can't really complain, as it was definitely something i wasn't expecting, now just have to wait for RAW and see how it further unfolds.
A lot of people are forgetting who the target market for WWE is now, it's kids, and i bet most of them think wrestling is real, they don't care who makes Vince the most money or what the best business decision is. In that respect i thought it was a great way to end SS, and even though it was completely out of the blue and unexpected the IWC still complains. I hate to say it but if it was the attitude era one of our predictions would have come true because people our age were the target audience.

The match itself was fairly good as well, it helped Barrett cement his place in the main event picture in my opinion, and will give Raw good ratings for the next few weeks.

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