WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett - WWE Championship

I think Wade will win, since if John Cena more people would likely stop watching WWE. The board of directors will obviously think this too. Wade Barret will be champion till the next PPV, he isn't that good to be champion for so long.
Here we are, the one everybody is talking about. Will Cena hand Barrett the championship? Will he get fired and turn heel by going insane from being (kayfabe) fired? Will he call the match cleanly and Barrett just happens to win? Will there be more guys from NXT season 2 show up to help Barrett win without Cena's help? I would not rule out any of the above as possibilities. I think Barrett will win. There's really no one else left for Orton to feud with but The Miz. Barrett could then enter a feud with Cena and Nexus could be in complete control of Raw with Cena free again as the top face. I'm going that direction with my prediction. Orton will begin some high profile filler feud until the Rumble while Barrett continues the angle with Cena after he wins the title. No Cena heel turn and no firing because that should be saved for a later time when the federation could need a heel Cena more. Barrett will win what should be a great match, and likely closes the show. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm going with here.

Wade Barrett will win the Championship.
part of me wants to believe Cena turning does no good. Big deal he still part of NExus but this time more with then against. but now that Barrett gave him a tee shirt of Nexus i got strange inkling that that Nexus shirt maybe underneath the ref shirt this sunday and he'll turn
I think Orton will win, cena will get fired and get re-hired the GM, pretty much like what Stephanie McMahon doen with Jericho back a while. Then Cena will turn on Orton, thus turning Cena into a Heel, for once, give Cena the 'Mega-Heel' role, i would to see cena back to his freestyle rapper gimmick. :)
part of me wants to believe Cena turning does no good. Big deal he still part of NExus but this time more with then against. but now that Barrett gave him a tee shirt of Nexus i got strange inkling that that Nexus shirt maybe underneath the ref shirt this sunday and he'll turn

THis is the same T-Shirt he threw at Barrett to end Raw? Yeah, not a chance.

I think Orton will win, cena will get fired and get re-hired the GM, pretty much like what Stephanie McMahon doen with Jericho back a while.

It's not his Raw contract that goes byebye. It's his entire WWE contract. If he's fired, the GM won't have th epower to rehire him.

Then Cena will turn on Orton, thus turning Cena into a Heel,

Which could be accomplished by screwing Orton, with no need for a doubleswerve

give Cena the 'Mega-Heel' role,

Currently occupied by Wade Barrett. Which reminds me that your idea would put the brakes on the WWE's biggest storyline at the moment.

i would to see cena back to his freestyle rapper gimmick. :)

THe gimmick that got him to turn face? Your ideas are a mishmash of terrible, bad and shit plans which make little to no sence at all.

As for what I think should/will happen is Wade should win the match without Cena's help. Whether he gets Nexus' help or not doesn't matter, as long as he wins (fairly) clean. It's an environment that favors Barrett. He's supposedly a master of no holds barred brawls, which is exactly what this is.
As for what I think should/will happen is Wade should win the match without Cena's help. Whether he gets Nexus' help or not doesn't matter, as long as he wins (fairly) clean. It's an environment that favors Barrett. He's supposedly a master of no holds barred brawls, which is exactly what this is.

I completely agree with this. Wade Barrett has been built up as a main event guy since NXT and the WWE has centered the entire Nexus storyline around Barrett. He has been groomed to be the WWE champion and there will be no better time than now. The Nexus storyline is still hot but it can't go on forever. Giving the belt to Barrett will solidify the "Nexus runs RAW" angle. While I am interested to see what the WWE does with John Cena, the most important thing that needs to come out of this match is belting Barrett.

Make it happen, Vince
I will continue the trend and agree with AJ.

The fact that the match is No DQ should make for a much better match than Bragging Rights. And I think Wade is ready to make the next progression in the ring and get more "hardcore." Especially with TLC coming up next month, and as it stands, I don't think Wade will be skipping that PPV.
Okay this is my first post on these forums.

There will not be a better time to turn John Cena heel then now. Whether as a lackey to new WWE champion Barrett, or as the mastermind behind the whole thing. Which would obviously lead to the possibility of him Vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

This to me looks more and more likely, with Orton being a much more popular face then Cena (it's true) The WWE don't have anything to lose by turning Cena heel as he'll get a massive pop no matter what he does, he's John Cena!

However this is what I think will happen.

The match will be pretty good with Cena calling down the middle. Cena gets injured 'accidentally' by either Barrett or Orton... A new referee comes out and suddenly the Miz cashes in his MITB while the match is ongoing, Pulls Orton off of a recently RKO'd Barrett and steals the pin.

Miz new champion then going on to feud with Orton.
Cena keeps his job in the WWE as it was 'technically' not his fault that Barrett didn't win.
Cena and Barrett feud

Pretty abstract I know but it's something I think would work.. Maybe.
Oh. My. God. On Smackdown, they played this video package for Cena's decision.


Wow. I just.. Please watch the video. It is so damn awesome, you will get goosebumps. I do not see how ANYONE can think Cena turning heel would be a good choice after watching that video.
The Miz is not cashing in at Survivor Series. The event is too sacred, and the whole purpose of the PPV is about Cena... and a minor part is about Edge and Kane... but still, the point is that The Miz will not cash in the MITB briefcase at Survivor Series. The time just isn't right for the Miz to be the WWE champion. And if he does cash in, then WWE will have screwed up...
First post. Here are the various possible outcomes, and the problem I see with each:

Barrett wins the title, Cena remains facee: Who does Barrett feud with, Cena or Orton? Assuming it's Cena, what on earth does Orton do?

Barrett wins the title, Cena turns heel: Won't this completely kill Barrett's heat? He's getting a LOT of reaction right now, reaction that WWE has been building very carefully. All that could be undone if Barrett suddenly finds himself second fiddle to Cena.

Orton wins, Cena is fired: Obviously the one outcome that absolutely, positively won't happen for real. But how do they "fire" Cena without it looking like a total cop-out when he pops up again?

Orton wins, Cena still wins freedom (and likely Miz cashes in): This is, far and away, the outcome that makes the most sense, because it sets up both Cena/Barrett and Orton/Miz. The only problem is, again, the cop-out factor. How do you back out of this corner in a believable fashion?

Some cop-out possibilities:

1) Barrett simply changes his mind on RAW and decides to keep Cena in the Nexus a bit longer. Meh.

2) Cena is fired, a mysterious stranger starts popping up on RAW taking out Nexus members. Pretty corny.

3) Nexus beats up Orton earlier in the PPV, Miz cashes in, main event becomes Barrett v. Miz, Orton interferes and costs Miz the title. It does set up Cena/Barrett and Orton/Miz, but the title is with the wrong pairing (Orton/Miz needs the title to make sense, Cena/Barrett doesn't.)
4. As Nexus goes toward Cena, they turn around and circle Barrett in Nexus fashion. They then stomp a mudhole in Barrett. Cena acknowledges he is the leader of Nexus in heel fashion.

I LOVE this image, but the only problem is: where does it leave Wade Barrett? As a powerless nobody? As a face? WWE has spent nearly all of 2010 building up Wade Barrett, they can't just throw all that away.

Besides, beating up Barrett isn't exactly a heel move. Heck, it would get the loudest cheer of the night.
well for the 1st time since the attitude ere of wwe i am happy with this so what do i think gunna happen well for the 1st time in a long time i really dont know what they gunna do which makes it more intresting but here are a few of my guesses.
1 cena helps barret win aa baret after match miz cashes in wins belt, now alot of people say this but i would not like to see this miz loss us belt to daniel bryan and become a joke recently he needs some good wins 1st miz 1st wrestlmania cash in
2 cena helps barret win or ortan win or call down middle
3 my favourt so far randy rkos barret cena only count 2and stops ortan looks at cena say wat u doing cena looks at crowd then barret hits his finisher cena count to 2 stop then barret ask wat u doing cena looks at croud again then orton stand up cena in middle of the 2 then bang cena hits aa to baret but orton rkos cena cos he dont want to win like that then nexus cums out otunga in carge attacks orton and rolls him on to barret and otonga grabs cena hand to count to 3 then after the match cena joins otunga to do anti nxt or rolls barret on to ortan and cena free from nexus
but water happens it gunna or better be good cos i found wwe drab for ages this is a brill story that got me wanting to watch wwe more

omg just thinking 1 more thing cena get fired but on raw barret comes out complains then cena music comes on baret say ur fired what you doing cena say he not fired cos he the raw gm dam wat a twist
Could we see John Cena leave the WWE after this match?

That is the question I have been asking myself since this morning. As the time for the PPB draws near, I am worried that the match will already be decided by just how secure John Cena is within the company. I mean, no one expects him to leave the WWE and perhaps that might be the spoiler for this match that no one wants to hear.

The problem with this match is that John Cena is the wildcard aspect and when that judgement is taken away from him by his solidarity in the company, the match becomes very predictable. I mean, Cena can either let Barrett win the WWE Championship and then keep his place in the WWE, or he can turn his back on the Nexus leader and he will be “gone from the WWE”. But how many of us actually believe that he will leave the WWE? Not many, I would suspect.

However, that should not put us off of this match because there is limitless possibilities for this match and any one of them is going to have massive repercussions for everyone. Wade Barrett could become the first English-born WWE Champion and Randy Orton could go back to chasing the Championship again. Cena could be ousted from the WWE and The Miz could cash in on a newly-crowned WWE Champion in Wade Barrett. Hell, we could even see the Raw GM revealed as Cena stands on the verge of leaving the company.

Really, I see Barrett winning but perhaps it is not as certain as people would like to think.
I think the WWE has done a hell of a job with this match. One problem with wrestling these days, and maybe that's due in part to the internet, is that most main events don't feel particularly huge. There are no huge consequences that could potentially alter the face of the wrestling map, but they've managed to do it in this match.

Like DFA indicated, there are a number of intriguing possibilities for this match. I don't believe that John Cena will be leaving the WWE of course, though I suppose that it is possible that they could take Cena off tv for a spell. It'd be kind of lame and I don't see them going that route. Barrett becoming champ is an intriguing notion and I have a strong feeling that the WWE might be heading in that direction. If it does happen, will it be because Barrett actually and legitimately beats Orton? Will it be something of a "fluke" win with Cena calling it right down the middle? Could Cena take a ref bump that knocks him out of commission for a bit, leading another ref to count the fall? Will R-Truth play a role in this match somehow? How about The Miz? Will he cash in the briefcase after both guys are half dead? Would he cash it in and make it a triple threat match? Or, and I know this is what a lot of people are hoping for, could John Cena turn heel tonight and screw Randy Orton out of the WWE Championship? And so on and so forth.

I don't think that anyone has a truly rock solid idea on what's going to happen in this match tonight. It has the potential to be an epic happening and a truly memorable match, though it also has the potential to be an anti-climactic dud depending on what the WWE ultimately has happen.
Ok this might be out of left field but it just popped into my mind....R-TRUTH is going to be the one who turns heel!!!! Ok listen, R-Truth has been randomly approaching Orton recently and has even tagged with him and keeps telling him what Cena will and will not do bla bla bla. So now we have Orton vs Barrett...At some point let's say Cena gets knocked out or something and Orton hits the RKO on Barret so everyone is down. Then all of a sudden R-Truth comes down and helps Orton up. Then kicks him and hits the Scissor kick or whatever on him. He then drags Barret over top of him and leaves the ring. Cena comes to and makes the 3-count and Barrett becomes WWE Champion! This way Cena keeps his job without screwing Orton over! So now the fueds will be Cena vs Barrett and Orton vs R-Truth. Just an idea but next to Cena revealing himself to be the "Bigger Picture" of Nexus, it's the most possible...
What good would it do RIGHT NOW to have a leader of Nexus that isn't Wade? Hell, they didn't need a leader outside of Wade 5 months ago, and they still don't need one. Wade has performed and improved with every segment and match he has had. Just because in other federations, there's a fucking swerve every week doesn't mean that ALL wrestling promotions need to swerve. Jebus.

I am not going to predict this match because I am absolutely horrible at predicting stuff. I just hope the Miz doesn't get involved there's too much going on as is:

- Cena is either free or fired
- Wade wants to be champion so damn bad
- Orton isn't going down without a fight
- Cena has promised to turn Wade's face into mush
- Nexus can't get involved
- Its winner by pin or submit

Part of me thinks that Cena might get punted. Wade as saved Cena from getting kicked twice the past month. Maybe third time's a charm for Orton. Not sure where they would go with it though.
One thing which never seems to be discussed as a possibility here is that Barrett wins the match cleanly and becomes the WWE Champion fair and square. The options always being discussed are that Cena doesn't help Barrett win, and that Orton wins with or without Cena's input, whereby Orton retains and Cena is "fired." Or, Cena turns heel and helps Barrett win, thereby keeping his job. "Free," because he helps Barrett win, or "fired," because he doesn't.

There is another more plausible option which is what I see happening. Cena calls the match down the middle as he said he would. Barrett pins Orton 1-2-3 cleanly, becoming the new WWE champion. Barrett wins, so Cena is free of Nexus, not fired, yet Cena doesn't turn heel. Just because Cena raises Barrett's hand in victory does not necessarily mean he will turn heel. If he raises his hand in victory after a legitimate win by Barrett, that's hardly indicative of a heel turn. In fact, that would be more in keeping with the actions of super-face Cena, not being biased in either direction and raising Barrett's hand after he wins cleanly.

Of course as promised, after the match, Cena puts the boots to Barrett, and lays him out in the ring. Enter the Miz to capitalize on the vulnerable champion. One of two things happens. Either the Miz wins to become the new WWE champion, and a program between the Miz and Wade Barrett/Nexus (minus Cena) begins, and the Miz ditches Alex Riley the next night on RAW because he doesn't need him anymore. Or the Miz is unsuccessful and loses, somehow because of Alex Riley. MITB is gone, we have our first unsuccessful briefcase user, and a pissed off Miz gets rid of Riley the next night on RAW. Either way, Miz and Riley are together no more, and Riley disappears for a few months as punishment for his stupidity.
I'm kinda curious if they could go with a swerve/Survivor Series screwjob type angle here. Meaning, not having ANYONE win the match.

I seem to remember a storyline in which Steve Austin was told he'd be fired if he didn't ref a match between Kane & the Undertaker, and that match ended with him stunning both - getting fired - then showing up the next night on Raw and holding McMahon hostage until he was ultimately 'rehired'.

While I know they won't go that route, persay, its not to say they won't do something similar.

Cena could easily deliver his finish to Orton & Barrett, have both cover the other with a single arm, and count both of their shoulders to the mat. Neither man would lose, or win, and the Championship could then be held up; heading into a possible Triple Threat (with Cena included) at TLC.

Yes, I get thats a very far out theory; but its one that isn't really being discussed that I'm aware of - and the WWE seems fit on making people believe 100% that someone will win or lose, without any controversy. I just don't see this match going down without any type of screwed up ending that results in Cena being fired, or Barrett becoming Champion.

If Barrett wins the title, who's he going to feud with over the course of the next month or so, leading to the Rumble? Orton in a rematch? Cena in a showdown on a B-list PPV? No. The Championship being held up seems optionable.
I'm not expecting much when it comes to the actual match quality but I'm pretty interested in how the match ends, there are many possible outcomes that can come from this match, Cena can call it down the middle count a 1-2-3 win for Orton and be "Fired" from WWE only to return later. He can call it down the middle and count a 1-2-3 for a Barrett win be freed from Nexus and Not Turn Heel. Barrett can win the match and after he wins Cena AA's Wade and Miz comes down and cashes in MITB. So many ways this can go and I'm expecting some type of Shenanigans in this match.
Prediction: Wade Barret defeats Randy Orton. The Miz cashes in on Wade Barret to win the WWE Championship

Right now is the best time for the Miz to cash in, except at Wrestlemania. Wade Barret is not ready to have the WWE Championship in my opinion. Let him win it, but lose it right away to the Miz. It is obvious that John Cena will have Wade Barret win the WWE Championship and screw Orton to save his job. After the match, John Cena beats the ever loving shit out of Barret and maybe even Randy Orton and leaves the ring. Then the Miz comes down and cashes in on Barret to win the title. That gives a future feud at TLC between Miz, Orton, Barret, and John Cena for the title in a Ladder match or something.
I Think Wade Will Win ,
Cena Attuidie Adjustment On Wade ,
Then Cena's Walking Up The Ramp And Miz Runs Past ,
Cashes In ,
Then HHH Comes Out And Goes " Am Gm Of Raw "
And HHH Says Cena You Are The Leader Of Nexus .

Cena Says " Ethier Your Nexus Or Agastin .... ME "
And He Fires Wade /
Here's an idea to think about:

#1: The Nexus srewed taker at bragging rights, so what if during mid match or when wade is about to win the lights turn dark,and takers music/entrance plays.Wade would be distracted long enough for orton to recover and rko barret to win, but instead attacks cena resulting in a fight between orton and cena until one or both gets knocked out, resulting in a down and out, or no contest which would still result with orton champ,cena in wwe, and a way to continue the nexus storyline.


#2: The nexus betray barret and compleltly dominating and kicking hos ass back to london, there by resulting in DQ where Cena can't get fired by barret because he isn't the leader anymore.

they probably won't happen but they are something to think about.
BYW #1 doesn't require taker to make an actuacal apearance, just for his normal entrance to play, or something like that.
I am still up in the air with what will happen. One thing that is for sure, is anything COULD happen. Who knows if The Miz cashes in.

It seems unlikely Cena will turn. Too many people expect it and I think that could ruin the luster of it all.

Maybe R-Truth turns Heel tonight and causes some sort of crazy ending. We'll soon find out!!!
Well , Cena called it fairly but pushed Barrett into the RKO ..

Cena and Orton embrace?


I was left completely stunned. Especially with the Miz and R-truth both hinting at an interruption and also the Nexus looking like they might actualy interfere but in reality, absolutely nothing happened

The one thing none of us saw coming.

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